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Sony Crystal: Well it’s official, I am now getting pulsating headaches at night, ever since

these guys installed a smart meter on the wall out the front of our home, a few days ago.

My armchair is right next to the wall where the smartmeter is on the other side. I have not had
one headache or migraine for nineteen years ever since I gave up having sugar in my diet.

Every night now I start to feel like I am catching the flu, and then I feel this weird pulsation
on the right side of the brain which faces the wall, which results in me developing a
headache. If I walk far enough away from the wall where the smart meter is, the headache
starts to subside.

It really feels like there is a giant mobile phone on the other side of our wall. The guys
straight out lied to my face before they very quickly installed the smart meter, telling me how
safe and ok it was as far as my health was concerned.

They told me that the people on Current Affairs had just made up stories about the smart
meter, that the old lady who said she could hear humming and felt really ill after her smart
meter was installed, was just trying to get out of paying her bill.

They told me a whole lot more bunch of lies so in the end I trusted them, against my own
better judgement. I was very against the stupid meters in the beginning, but these guys work
on you so convincingly, that you begin to think that you might be worried about nothing.

I am now going to go to the local council with a letter from my doctor and I am going to get
them to remove the *** stupid meter.

I honestly thought the concern about smart meters was over rated and so I naively took the
DPI website’s so-called safe smart meter readings as fact and got mine installed.

Over a week or so after this I could hear a low humming noise in my left ear when going to
sleep, similar to the sound of a computer starting up but higher pitched. This has
progressively got louder and louder to the point that I wake up in the morning feeling like my
ears been next to a mobile phone all night.

I have spent a lot of money to get 2 walls painted with Y-Shield  paint and had earthing plates
installed on these walls where the extremely high RF Readings were coming from my meter

Yet I can still hear this noise. It almost feels like some constant electro magnetic force has
come alive in my house since the smart meter was installed.

Does anyone have similar issues or know of other actions to take to avoid this problem? I
don’t have tinnitus as I have had this confirmed by an audiologist.

Hope for our New Zealand friends across the Tasman!

Posted on August 24, 2012 by Stop Smart Meters Australia


New analogue meters are an option in NZ

Just had a call from a chap at Contact Energy offering me a new analogue power meter.

The company wrote to me about two weeks ago to say a Smart Meter would be installed.
Subsequent phone calls, while politely and professionally handled, didn’t show much chance
of an alternative.

I pressed on.

Today I got a call saying Contact Energy will install an Actaris SMO ACE1000 power meter
that has no wireless capabilities at all.

As you can see from the photo below, it has a display much like an older car’s odometer.

The news came with a polite heads up that I may not be able to take part in any special offers
the firm may have as I won’t have a smart meter. I assume a special offer could be “turn on
an extra light now – it’s the half price power hour”.

I was also advised that should I change my mind and want a smart meter installed later on,
then I will have to pay for it.

If you want an analogue meter installed, this page is your evidence that it is an option – at
least if you are a Contact Energy customer in New Zealand.

My advice is to not get emotional with power companies when refusing a smart meter as you
will be talking with a call centre person who – with all due respect – often don’t have the
option of making decisions. They take messages.

Put your request in writing – email worked for me. Be polite, remain firm and clear. Don’t
get into a debate (because you can’t have a debate with a corporation), don’t argue. Just keep
it simple and insist on an analogue power meter (I am told Contact Energy has plenty of them
in stock).

Send any supporting documents to help your case. This PDF appears to have helped me.
Remember, there is no law that requires you to have a smart meter – listen here.

Good luck.

Information provided by:

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Posted in Smart Meter | Tagged Smart meter, New Zealand | 1 Comment

I honestly thought the concern about smart meters was

over rated….
Posted on August 23, 2012 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

I honestly thought the concern about smart meters was over rated and so I naively took the
DPI website’s so-called safe smart meter readings as fact and got mine installed.

Over a week or so after this I could hear a low humming noise in my left ear when going to
sleep, similar to the sound of a computer starting up but higher pitched. This has
progressively got louder and louder to the point that I wake up in the morning feeling like my
ears been next to a mobile phone all night.

I have spent a lot of money to get 2 walls painted with Y-Shield  paint and had earthing plates
installed on these walls where the extremely high RF Readings were coming from my meter

Yet I can still hear this noise. It almost feels like some constant electro magnetic force has
come alive in my house since the smart meter was installed.

Does anyone have similar issues or know of other actions to take to avoid this problem? I
don’t have tinnitus as I have had this confirmed by an audiologist.


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Posted in Smart Meter | Tagged smartmeters | 17 Comments

International Doctor’s Appeal 2012 – Physicians demand

precaution now.
Posted on August 22, 2012 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

International Doctors’ Appeal 2012 – 10 Years after

Freiburg Appeal: Wireless radiation poses a health risk.
Physicians demand precaution now.
More than 1000 physicians signed the “Freiburg Appeal” in 2002. It was translated into many
languages. As many as 36,000 people from all over the world support its warning about the
dangers of wireless radiation. Today-ten years later-we as physicians call again on the
international community. We are deeply concerned. Despite all warnings, more and more
new wireless technologies are introduced into our lives: cell phone networks, TETRA, LTE,
cordless phones, Wi-Fi, baby monitors, wireless meters, digital radio and TV, and many
others. All of these wireless technologies overload the biophysical pathways of cell
communication in

Just last month, 40  highly respected EMF and radiation experts (doctors and  scientists) from all
around the world have co-authored an article on the health effects of smart meters. It is a powerful
and urgent warning to all mankind, but it is governments that have a duty to inform themselves and
take the necessary steps to protect their people. Failure to do so will inevitably have dire
consequences.  See:

Just a short note on my experience as regards smart meters…

I was unlucky enough to allow installation of a smart meter to my home in July 2012.  Within
30 minutes of installation I began to feel a severe pressure in my temples as if someone had a
clamp and was slowly tightening the screw. It was a very weird and unique experience and
definitely unpleasant.

During the course of the next 4 days these strange symptoms were followed up by nausea and
by day 4, dizziness, cloudy memory and disorientation (I couldn’t even count change).
Funnily enough, after being away from home for 30 minutes or so the symptoms would
alleviate and I would feel normal. On returning home the symptoms would again re-appear.
Having never experienced a migraine and very rarely (like once in the last 5 years), having a
headache, (lucky I know!), I was perplexed.

In desperation I troweled the internet for information. Surprisingly, entering smart meters and
head pressure into Google, led me to this website. I also noticed that there was a meeting
being held that week locally. By the Friday I had had an absolute gut full of feeling like crap
and at the last minute decided to attend the meeting on the roll-out of these things. I listened
with interest to the speakers but felt quite compelled to air my concerns after the speaker on
the health effects on these things, had spoken of his experience. I told the crowd of 130 plus
people of my experience following the install of the meter.

Being an open forum for all to participate, there were some pro smart meter devotees (a
couple), who tried to expel the virtues of these devices but also divulged that the man was in
fact an installer of the meters in our local area.

On hearing my concerns I was actively pursued by his partner who seemed quite concerned
of my predicament and asked exactly where I lived. The next day I was more than happy to
leave home for the weekend all the time dreading my return home. On returning home
surprisingly my symptoms were non existent.

I rang my local supplier to investigate whether anything had changed and was told that the
meter’s wireless connection was turned off until the roll-out was complete later on in the
year. I can only surmise that although I did contact my supplier the day after installation and
told them that I was sure that something wasn’t right, that I had slightly more pull in exacting
some action by voicing my concerns in an open forum. If indeed that is the case, I wait
anxiously to the full roll-out. The wireless component on these things, I am confident, causes
a very detrimental reaction to my health and would be surprised if many others will not be



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Posted in Smart Meter | Tagged Smart meter, SP AusNet | 37 Comments

MEDIA RELEASE – Final ESV smart meter report
sidesteps the health effects issue altogether!
Posted on August 11, 2012 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

On July 31 Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), released its final report on the safety of smart
meters. Titled Safety of Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Victoria, the report was written
in response to ‘new issues’ raised regarding the safety of smart meters.

Stop Smart Meters Australia is appalled that there has been no attempt to address the issue of
the health impacts of smart meters.

Although the draft report stated that the emphasis was on safety, the issue of possible health
effects received little mention, simply concluding that the subject was “beyond the detailed
scope” of the report and that the emissions were “well below the safe levels set by
ARPANSA.”  This totally overlooks that the ARPANSA standards are only designed for
protection against immediate thermal hazards (tissue heating) at high intensity exposures and
not against cumulative biological-effects from low intensity exposures.

In response to the draft report, many submissions were sent to ESV, a number of them
expressing concern over possible health hazards from RF exposure.   We were expecting a
considered response to the issue of health effects.  Our firm belief is that health safety is an
integral component of any true safety audit, but ESV chose to completely ignore this issue!

Don Maisch, a spokesperson for Stop Smart Meters Australia, said “People at ESV have
obviously decided that that the health issue is in the way-too-hard-basket and better left
ignored.  Perhaps ESV hopes that all those people reporting insomnia, tinnitus, headaches,
etc. after a smart meter installation at their home (especially those installed close to the
bedroom) will simply vanish to a ‘less smart’ state?”

“When questioned about the health impacts of smart meters, Government members
continually refer to the ESV report indicating that smart meters are safe.  They choose to
overlook that this issue has been conveniently ignored!”

In its submission to ESV, Stop Smart Meters Australia presented a series of questions.  ESV
failed to address these in its final report. It also disregarded an EMFacts’ submission
recommending independent research on health impacts of smart meters. These two
submissions can be found at:
submission.pdf and

Further, the Electricity Safety Act 1998 quite clearly places a number of responsibilities on
ESV.  These do not appear to have been met in connection with the AMI roll-out.

“What is ESV trying to hide?  ESV’s final report is cavalier and short on substance.  It
negligently ignores their duty of care.  At best it is a lame whitewash, at worst, a cruel insult
to the many concerned Victorians who bothered to send in submissions” said Don Maisch.
Smart Meter Madness
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
By John Cornish

In Melbourne it is common to find a bed-head up against a bedroom wall with an electrical

meter immediately on the outside. In this case it seems possible that for people sleeping in
close proximity to a smart meter on the outside wall, their RF exposures may be significantly
in excess of a Swiss transmitter study that found increased nervousness, difficulty in falling
asleep, difficulty in maintaining sleep, general weakness and joint pains. Sleep disturbance
was associated with a maximum exposure of 1.85 uW/cm2 and a mean night-time exposure
of less than 0.7 uW/cm2.
A recent Melbourne study revealed frequent RF spikes every few seconds that are of far
greater intensity – (up to 36.4 uW/cm2)
Higher amounts of electromagnetic field radiation is a huge public health issue for Melbourne
(and elsewhere), given the ubiquitous roll-out of the meters. This should call for an
immediate halt to the roll-out and a commencement of independent research to determine the
extent of people’s exposures, especially when a smart meter is in close proximity to a
bedroom. Symptoms reported and their actual home RF exposure levels would be a good
start. The BIG question: Is there a research organisation left in Australia that is not financially
dependent on $$$ handouts from the corporations promoting smart meter technology?
The Victorian Government is trying to convince us that smart meters are good for us. We
should not blindly accept what official sources tell us. In the 1940s governments were saying
there was no proven evidence to suggest that smoking was harmful to health, and smoking
was deemed to be a safe activity. Tobacco companies knew of the dangers but

Tobacco companies knew of the dangers but protected their financial interests by remaining
silent over the health risks of smoking. In the 1960s asbestos was still being manufactured
and sold to an unsuspecting public even though governments and asbestos manufacturers had
known of the dangers of this product for many years. We must not allow the smart meter
madness to saturate our region with heightened levels of EMF radiation and endanger the
lives of our men, women and most vulnerable children.
Many shires in the USA have had enough of the smart meter nonsense and legislated against
further roll-outs in their county. Others have legislated to allow people to opt out of having to
accept the devices without financial penalty.
Why is Australia behind other countries in acknowledging the health dangers of ever
increasing levels of electro magnetic radiation on the population?

three to four per cent of the population were sensitive to radio frequencies, which meant in
Churchill there could be 141 radio sensitive people and in Traralgon the number could be as
high as 660.

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