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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

ii Monthly Current Events Diary


1 Focus 1

2 Focus 2

3 SWOT Analysis

4 Graphs from PIB

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

5 Bills and Acts

6 Concept in News

7 Monthly Updates
Economy, Polity,
International Affairs, Defence
Science and Technology
Railways, Agriculture,
Banking, Environment, Space
Appointments/ Resignation
Ranks and Reports
Awards & Recognition
Days and Events, Obituaries
Sports, Policies and Schemes,
Healthcare, Important MCQ
WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

1 India-China Border Dispute

Why in News? • Here India shares 2152 km long border with China, and
territorial disputes over Aksai Chin region of Jammu
Recently, India and China troops clashed along the Yangsteriver
and Kashmir, with both countries claiming the region
in Tawang sector in Arunachal Pradesh.This was the first
as their own.
such incident involving the Indian soldiers and Chinese PLA
• The recent dispute is around the region of the northern
troops since the Galwan Valley incident in 2020.
bank of PangongTsolake, Demchok and the Galwan
About the Issue • In the middle sector:
According to the India Army, there are certain areas along the • Here India roughly shares about a 625 km long boundary
Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Tawang Sector that are areas with China with a few minor disputes regarding Tibet.
of differing perception. • In the Eastern Sector:
• Here India shares a 1,140 km long boundary with China
Line Of Actual Control (LAC)
and this boundary line is called McMahon Line.
• The LAC is the demarcation that separates Indian-con-
• The major dispute here is around the region of Tawang
trolled territory from Chinese-controlled territory.
Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, Chumbi Valley (Dokalam
• For India the LAC is 3,488 km long, while China consid-
Tri- Junction) which India shares with Bhutan.
ers it to be only around 2,000 km.
• It is divided into three sectors: Steps Taken by India
• the eastern sector which includes Arunachal
Pradesh and Sikkim, • Developing Infrastructure:
• the middle sector in Uttarakhand and Himachal • India has been improving its infrastructure in the
Pradesh, and border areas.
• the western sector in Ladakh. • The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) completed more
• LAC in the eastern sector consisting of Arunachal than 100 projects in border areas, the majority of
Pradesh and Sikkim is called the McMahon Line which which were close to the border with China.
is 1,140 km long. • India is speeding up work on the Nimu-Padam-Darcha
• The McMahon Line was a negotiation between India axis which is going to help troops move to Ladakh from
and Tibet under Simla Convention of 1913-1914, with- other parts of the country.
out the participation of the Chinese government and • Improved Surveillance:
China considers the McMahon Line illegal and unac- • India is also improving its surveillance along the entire
ceptable. 3488-km boundary, and has been building new airstrips
• Difference between LoC with Pakistan and LaC with and landing areas.
China: • Occupied key heights on the Kailash range:
 The Line of Control (LoC) is delineated on a map • Towards the end of 2020, India outmanoeuvred China
signed by DGMOs of both armies and has the inter- to capture the previously unoccupied heights of the
national sanctity of a legal agreement. In contrast, Kailash Range on the south bank of the lake.
The LAC is only a concept, it is not agreed upon by Way Forward
the two countries, neither delineated on a map or
demarcated on the ground. • India needs to be vigilant enough for any new development
in China near its border to protect its interests efficiently.
The incident came days after China expressed objection to
• Further, it needs to build robust Infrastructure in difficult
Operation Yudhabhyas, an India-US joint military exercise at Auli
border areas in its territory to ensure movement of personnel
in the Uttarakhand hills, claiming it was a violation of 1993 and
and other logistical supplies in an efficient manner.
1996 border agreements.
• Border troops should continue their dialogue, quickly
disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions.
Border disputes between India & China • The two sides should abide by all the existing agreements
• In the Western sector: and protocols on China-India boundary affairs and avoid
any action that could escalate matters.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023


Women Representation in
2 Judiciary

•Not Enough Women in Litigation: Since lawyers elevated

Why in News?
from the bar to the bench form a significant proportion of
Recently, the Supreme Court has recently appointed a female judges in the high courts and Supreme Court, it is worth
all-woman bench for the third time in its history. noting that the number of women advocates is still low,
• The first time the Supreme Court had an all-woman bench reducing the pool from which women judges can be selected.
was in 2013, and the second occasion came in 2018. • Judicial Infrastructure: Judicial infrastructure, or the lack of
it, is another barrier to women in the profession.
What is the State of Women in Judiciary? • Small courtrooms which are crowded and cramped,
• During the last 70 years, no significant attempt has been absence of restrooms, and childcare facilities are all
made to provide adequate representation for women in barriers.
the High Courts or Supreme Court.
• There have been only 11 women judges on the Supreme Why is High Women's Representation
Court since its inception, and no women Chief Justices. Important?
• Just 83 of the 680 judges in the high courts are women. • The presence of women as judges and lawyers, will
• Only 30% of subordinate judges are female. substantially improve the justice delivery system.
Factors responsible for the Low Representation • Women bring to the law a different perspective, one that is
built upon their experience.
• Patriarchy in Society: The primary reason for • They also have a more nuanced understanding of the
underrepresentation of women in judiciary is deeply differing impacts that certain laws may have on men and
ingrained patriarchy in society. women.
• Women often have to face hostile atmospheres • Women judges enhance the legitimacy of courts, sending a
within courtrooms. Harassment, lack of respect from powerful signal that they are open and accessible to those
members of the bar and bench, the silencing of their who seek recourse to justice.
opinions, are some of the other traumatic experiences • The judiciary must be better represented by women in
often recounted by many women lawyers. order to take a balanced and empathic approach to cases
• Opaque Collegium System Functioning: More women tend surrounding sexual violence.
to enter the lower judiciary at the entry level because of the
method of recruitment through an entrance examination. Way Forward
• However, the higher judiciary has a collegium system, • There is a need to maintain and promote Gender Diversity
which has tended to be more opaque and, therefore, in Higher Judiciary with a fixed percentage of its members
more likely to reflect bias. as women judges that will lead to the evolution of a gender-
• No Women Reservation: Many states have a reservation neutral judicial system of India.
policy for women in the lower judiciary, which is missing in • There is a need to bring about institutional, social and
the High Courts and Supreme Court. behavioral change among India’s populace by sensitisatising
• States such as Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and giving emphasis on inclusivity.
Odisha and Rajasthan have benefited from such • The legal profession, as a gatekeeper of equality and as an
reservation as they now have 40-50% women judicial institution committed to the preservation of rights, should
officers. be emblematic of gender equality.
• Familial Responsibilities: Factors of age and family • Changing the long-established demographics of a court can
responsibilities also affect the elevation of women judges make the institution more amenable to consider itself in a
from the subordinate judicial services to the higher courts. new light, and potentially lead to further modernization and


Monthly Current Events Diary 3

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023


Synthetic Fertiliser & Pesticide

Usage in India

¾ Excess use is said to be reason behind the rise in the
¾ Helps in controlling and keeping away the pests and
number of people suffering from cancer and similar
minimising the loss due to these organisms.
¾ Played a major role in Country transforming from
¾ Also affects the environment and non-specific nature
‘importer” to ‘exporter” through Green Revolution
of these chemicals leads to loss of non-harmful insects/
organisms and severe blow to biodiversity.

¾ The limited usage of synthetic fertilisers & pesticides ¾ The rampant use is threatening the fertility of the land
will give Government the opportunity to bring down the and it will largely affect the food security of country in
subsidy burden on chemical fertilisers which is estimated future.
to be in the range of more than Rs 2 lakh crore. ¾ Uncontrolled usage not only threatens the livelihood and
health of farmers but the environment as well.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 5

The Supreme Court Collegium system

¾ The Collegium system reflects the judiciary’s ¾ The appointment of judges through collegium system is
independence guaranteeing judicial primacy over opaque and lacks of transparency.
political interference. ¾ It opens the scope for nepotism and appointments to
¾ The system facilitates the smooth functioning of the the top court seem to be the preserve of judges from the
appointment process of the Judges. High Courts and only a handful of appointments from the

¾ The present system opens the opportunity for the ¾ The exclusivity of Judiciary undermining the role of
Government and the judiciary to solve this issue amicably. elected representatives through executive poses a threat
to the democratic system.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

6 Monthly Current Events Diary

Remote Voting Facility in India

¾ Will enable the NRIs/ migrants to exercise their Right to ¾ In a vast country like India to implement the logistical
vote provided in the Indian Constitution. and practical issues related with remote voting will not
¾ Entitles the voters to cast their vote using any system be an easy task
including electronically received postal ballot from
their preferred location, which is outside their originally
assigned voting constituency.
¾ Would be an easier option of facilitating voting by the
electors without any time constraints

¾ Will also increase the voting percentage and will reflect ¾ Any new system or technology used for remote voting is
the true representation as migrant population in our vulnerable and it needs to be thoroughly protected.
country is quite large.
¾ Gives India an opportunity to be part of 114 countries,
including 20 Asian nations that have adopted external
voting for non-resident citizens and it will also value their
contribution in nation-building process

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 7

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Graphs from PIB


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Monthly Current Events Diary 9

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

10 Monthly Current Events Diary

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 11

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary

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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023
Bills and

5 Bills and Acts

Wild Life (Protection) amendment Bill, 2022 anti-Maritime Piracy Bill 2022
The RajyaSabha has recently passed the Wildlife (Protection) RajyaSabha passed the Anti-Maritime Piracy Bill which the
Amendment Bill, 2022 which makes changes in the Wildlife government said would provide an effective legal instrument to
(Protection) Act, 1972 and give effect to India’s obligations combat Maritime Piracy.
to the CITES. The Bill was earlier passed by the LokSabha on
August. Key Highlights:
Key Highlights: • It defines piracy as any illegal act of violence, detention,
or destruction committed against a ship, aircraft,
• Insertion of a new schedule for specimens listed in the
person or property, for private purposes, by the crew
Appendices under the Convention on International
Trade on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora or passengers of a private ship or aircraft.
(CITES), a global agreement that requires countries to • The Bill provides for prevention of maritime piracy and
regulate listed specimens via permits. prosecution of persons for such piracy-related crimes.
• Amendment to Section 6 to set up a Standing • It will apply to all parts of the sea adjacent to and
Committee to exercise powers and duties that may be beyond the limits of the Exclusive Economic Zone of
delegated to it by the State Board for Wildlife. India, i.e., beyond 200 nautical miles from the coastline.
• Amendment to Section 43 to allow elephants • The Bill brings into law the United Nations Convention
(protected under Schedule I) to be used for “religious on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
or other purposes” • The central government, in consultation with the Chief
• The Bill introduces Section 49E to empower the central Justice of the concerned High Court, may notify Sessions
government to set up a Management Authority to
Courts as the Designated Courts under this Bill.
grant permits for importing or exporting specimens.
This management authority can use an identification • An attempt to commit, aid, support, or counsel an
mark to recognize the traded specimen. Any changes act of piracy will be punishable with up to 14 years of
or removal of this identification is banned. imprisonment, and a fine.
• The newly introduced Section 49F empowers the
Central Government to designate a Scientific Authority New Delhi International arbitration Centre
to advice on issues pertaining to the impact of trade on (Amendment) Bill, 2022
the species’ survival. Both Houses of Parliament passed the New Delhi International
Energy Conservation (amendment) Bill, 2022 Arbitration Centre (Amendment) Bill, 2022.
The Indian Parliament has recently passed the Energy Key Highlights:
Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022, which amends the • The bill renames the New Delhi International Arbitration
Energy Conservation Act, 2001 and promote energy efficiency Centre as the India International Arbitration Centre.
and conservation in India. • The Act requires the Arbitration Centre to strive to
Key Highlights: facilitate the conduct of international and domestic
• Strengthening institutions set up originally under the arbitration and conciliation and the new legislation
Act, such as the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. expands this to include the conduct of other forms of
• Facilitating the promotion of Green Hydrogen as an alternative dispute resolution.
alternative to the fossil fuels used by industries. • The bill will help India emerge as an attractive
• Including larger residential buildings under energy destination for arbitration at the global level.
conservation standards to promote sustainable • The manner of conduct of arbitration and other forms
habitats. of alternative dispute resolution will be specified by
• Defining the minimum share of renewable energy to the Central government through regulations.
be consumed by industrial units or any establishment. • The Bill also allows the government to provide for
• Incentivising efforts to use clean energy by issuing removing any difficulties in implementing the Act up to
carbon saving certificates.Considering additional five years from the date of commencement of the Act.
incentives like carbon credits for the use of clean
energy to lure the private sector to climate action.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023


Concept in


Art and Culture stone in many Shaivite temples, particularly in South
Tentative List of World Heritage Sites • It is an important piece of Chola sculpture.
• The upper right hand holds the damru (drum), which
Why in news? signifies the sound of creation. All creations spring
from the great sound of the damru.
Three sites- Gujarat’s Vadnagar town and the • The upper left-hand holds the eternal fire, which
iconic Sun Temple at Modhera, and the Rock-cut represents the destruction. Destruction is the
Sculptures of Unakoti in Tripura have been added precursor and inevitable counterpart of creation.
to the tentative list of United Nations Educational, • The lower right hand is raised in the gesture of Abhay
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) mudra signifying benediction and reassuring the
devotee to not be afraid.
World Heritage Sites. • The lower left-hand points towards the upraised foot
and indicates the path of salvation.
Key Facts • Shiva is dancing on the figure of a small dwarf.
• Vadnagar is located in the Mehsana district in Gujarat The dwarf symbolises ignorance and the ego of an
is a city with deep historical roots. individual.
• It is home to many archaeological treasures, Vadnagar • Shiva is shown as the source of all movement within
is famous for its torans, a pair of 12th century Solanki- the cosmos and as the god whose doomsday dance,
era columns, 40 feet tall and built in red and yellow represented by the arch of flames, accompanies the
sandstone to celebrate a war victory. dissolution of the universe at the end of an eon.
• The Sun Temple at Modhera is located on the left bank
of the river Pushpavati, a tributary of river Rupan in Science and Technology
Becharaji taluka of Mehsana district.
• The temple description states that it is built in Maru- Space Tech Innovation Network
gurjara architectural style, consists of the main
temple shrine (garbhagriha), a hall (gadhamandapa), Why in news?
an outer hall or assembly hall (Sabhamandapa or The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
rangamandapa) and a sacred pool (Surya Kunda), has signed an MoU with Social Alpha, a multistage
which is now called Ramakunda.
• Rock-cut Sculptures of unakoti is Shaivite pilgrimage
innovation curation and venture development
and dates back to 7th or 9th century if not earlier. platform to launch SpaceTech Innovation Network
• As per Hindu mythology, when Lord Shiva was going (SpIN).
to Kashi along with one crore gods and goddesses, he
made a night halt at this location. Key Facts
• SpIN is India’s first dedicated platform for innovation,
Lord Nataraja curation, and venture development for the burgeoning
space entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Why in news? • The SPIN platform would create a level playing field for
The Tamil Nadu police successfully stopped the various stakeholders to collaborate and contribute to
scheduled auctioning of a bronze idol of Nataraja the space ecosystem in the country.
by France. • SpIN will primarily focus on facilitating space tech
entrepreneurs in three distinct innovation categories:
Key Facts  Geospatial Technologies and Downstream
• Nataraja (Lord of the Dance), the Hindu god Shiva in his Applications
form as the cosmic dancer, is represented in metal or  Enabling Technologies for Space & Mobility
 Aerospace Materials, Sensors, and Avionics.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 15

CERVAVAC vaccine Regenerative agriculture

Why in news? Why in news?
India is expected to roll out the indigenously The importance of regenerative agriculture was
developed CERVAVAC vaccine for the prevention emphasised in the Intergovernmental Panel on
of cervical cancer among girls aged 9-14 years Climate Change (IPCC) report on “Climate Change
through their schools by mid-2023. and Land.”
Key Facts
Key Facts
• Regenerative agriculture is a holistic farming system
• It is India’s first indigenously developed quadrivalent
that focuses on soil health, food quality, biodiversity
human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine that is said to be improvement, water quality and air quality through
effective against four strains of the virus - Type 6, Type methods such as reducing the use of chemical fertilisers
11, Type 16 and Type 18. and pesticides, reducing tillage, integrating livestock
• A quadrivalent vaccine is a vaccine that works by and using cover crops.
stimulating an immune response against four different • It adheres to the following principles:
 Minimise soil distribution through conservation
antigens, such as four different viruses or other
microorganisms.  Diversify crops to replenish nutrients and disrupt
• CERVAVAC is based on VLP (Virus-Like Particles), similar pest and disease lifecycles
to the Hepatitis B vaccination.  Retain soil cover using cover crops
• The vaccine has received the Drugs Controller GeneraI  Integrate livestock, which adds manure to the soil
of India’s approval and has been cleared by the and serves as a source of carbon sinks.
• It is a ‘sustainable land management practice’ that can
government advisory panel NTAGI for use in the public
be effective in building the resilience of agroecosystems.
health programme.

Environment and Ecology Defence and Security

Black Carbon Project-75

Why in news? Why in news?

In Lok Sabha, the Minister of State for Environment, The 5th Scorpene class submarine of Project-75
Forest and Climate Change outlined the various named INS ‘Vagir’ has been delivered to the Indian
measures taken to counter black carbon. Navy.

Key Facts Key Facts

• It is a programme by the Indian Navy that entails
• Black Carbon (BC) is a short-lived pollutant that is the building six Scorpene Class attack submarines. Scorpene
second-largest contributor to warming the planet is a conventional powered submarine weighing 1,500
behind carbon dioxide (CO2). tonnes and can go up to depths of 300m.
• Unlike other greenhouse gas emissions, BC is • The Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL)
is manufacturing six Scorpene submarines with
quickly washed out and can be eliminated from the technology assistance from Naval Group of France
atmosphere if emissions stop. under a USD 3.75 bn deal signed in October 2005.
• Unlike historical carbon emissions it is also a localised • Project 75 includes the indigenous construction of six
source with greater local impact. submarines.
• The first submarine INS Kalvari was commissioned into
• Black carbon is a kind of an aerosol. Indian Navy December 2017, second submarine INS
• Black carbon absorbs solar energy, it warms the Khanderi in September 2019, third one INS Karanj in
atmosphere. When it falls to earth with precipitation, March 2021 and the fourth one INS Vela joined service
it darkens the surface of snow and ice, reducing their in November 2021.
• The sixth and last submarine, Vagsheer, is expected to
albedo (the reflecting power of a surface), warming the be delivered to the Navy by end 2023.
snow, and hastening melting.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

16 Monthly Current Events Diary

Hypersonic Vehicle the speed of sound). It can be an airplane, missile or

Why in news? • Countries like China, India, Russia, and the United
States are racing to enhance their ability to develop
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), hypersonic missiles.
along with the Headquarters of the Integrated • These vehicles have high manoeuvrability and do not
Defense Staff (HQ IDS), conducted the joint test follow a predictable arc.
run of hypersonic vehicle. • The recently held joint trial run fulfilled the
predetermined targets successfully. This hypersonic
Key Facts vehicle is set to become operational in three to four
• A hypersonic vehicle is a vehicle capable of travelling years.
at a speed higher than Mach 5 (five times faster than

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 17



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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Coal Production goes up by 11.66 per cent India’s exports declined about 16.7% in October 2022 compared
with the same period 2021, raising concerns over slowing
Key Points:
• The global economic growth is decelerating
sharply in the wake of persistently high inflation
across developed countries and, as a result, as
sharp tightening of Monetary Policy.
• Oil export growth fell to -11.4% y-o-y from 43.0% in
September 2022, partly reflecting lower global crude
oil prices, while non-oil exports plunged -16.9%
y-o-y, with the decline broad-based across iron ore,
India’s total coal production went up by 11.66 per cent to 75.87 handicrafts, textiles, some agricultural goods, plastics,
million tonnes in November 2022 from 67.94 million tonnes gems & jewellery, engineering goods, chemicals,
recorded during the corresponding period of last year. pharmaceuticals and leather goods.
Key Highlights: World Bank increases India’s GDP Forecast
• According to the coal ministry data, in November
2022, Coal India Ltd (CIL) registered a growth of 12.82
per cent, whereas Singareni Collieries Company Limited
(SCCL) and other captive mines registered a growth of
7.84 per cent and 6.87 per cent respectively.
• Out of the top 37 mines in coal production as many
as 24 mines produced more than 100 per cent and
production of five mines stood between 80 and 100
per cent in terms of output.
• The power utilities dispatch also increased by 3.55
per cent to 62.34 million tonnes during November as
compared to 60.20 million tonnes in the corresponding
period of last year.
• Coal-based power generation also registered a growth The World Bank has increased India’s GDP forecast for the
of 16.28 per cent in November as compared to last current fiscal year from its October estimate of 6.5 per cent to
year, while overall power generation in November was 6.9 per cent.
14.63 per cent higher than the power generated in
Key Highlights:
November 2021.
• The World Bank has raised its forecast for India’s
India's slowing Exports economic growth to 6.9 per cent because of the
economy’s resilience while facing external challenges
as well as September quarter performance.
• Previously, it had lowered India’s growth forecast
for the current fiscal to 6.5 per cent from the earlier
forecast of 7 per cent.
• It is expected to witnessed lower economic growth
in 2022-23 when compared with 2021-22 because of
several reasons like:
1. Tightening global monetary policy cycle
2. Slowing global economic growth
3. High prices of commodities

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 19

• The upward revision of India’s 2022-23 GDP forecast is around 305 billion USD. The region’s debt increased by
attributed to a strong out turn in the second quarter over 2.4 times between 2010 and 2021.
of FY2023. • The SSA’s current debt is higher than its repayment
• It has remained highly resilient to deteriorating capacity.
external environment and its strong macroeconomic • Increasing interest rates and global recession can
fundamentals has placed it in a good stead when worsen the debt crisis of countries in the SSA. The
compared to other emerging economies. report warned that the occurrence of stagflation
(economic stagnation combined with high inflation)
Global Trade Surges to $32 Trillion Record in is imminent. This may push more countries into debt
2022 • The impact of the 2023 economic recession is likely to
persist into 2024 and 2025.

IMF decreases India’s GDP growth forecast to

6.8% Fy23

The value of global trade is set to reach a new record this year,
increasing by about 12 per cent to an estimated $32 trillion,
according to a UN report.
Key Highlights:
International Monetary Fund, IMF reduced India's growth
• Trade in merchandise goods soared to $25 trillion, an
prediction for FY23 from 7.4% forecast in July to 6.8%.
increase of about 10 per cent versus the prior year.
• Trade in services grew 15 per cent year-over-year to Key Highlights:
nearly $7 trillion, according to the report. • According to the IMF’s premier World Economic
• The substantial trade growth during the last year was Outlook (WEO), which was published in Washington,
largely due to increases in the value of the trade of DC, India’s growth is predicted to further decelerate in
energy products,” the united Nations Conference on FY24, reaching 6.1%.
Trade and Development said in the report. • Only Saudi Arabia is projected by IMF to develop at a
greater rate than India in 2022, at a rate of 7.6%.
Record High Debt of Sub-Saharan countries • According to the IMF, the three largest economies—
the US, the EU, and China—will continue to stagnate in
2023, which will seem like a recession to many people.

RBI Emerges as the Largest Gold Buyer

According to the International Debt Report 2022 by the World

Bank, debt of low and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA) surged to a record high of 789 billion USD in 2021.
RBI emerged as the largest buyer of the yellow metal among
Key Highlights: central banks between April 2020 and September 2022.
• The debt of countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Key Points:
increased from 702 billion USD in 2020 to 789 billion
USD in 2021. • With 132.34 metric tonnes (MT) of gold purchase,
• This is the highest debt burden to be recorded in the RBI emerged as the largest buyer of the yellow
region since 2010, when the region’s debt stood at metal among central banks between April 2020 and
September 2022.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

20 Monthly Current Events Diary

• As per the RBI data at the end of September 2022, According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research
the central bank had total forex reserves of $537.27 (CEBR), a global recession will start in 2023.
billion in which it held gold worth $42.21 billion
Key Points:
while the rest were mainly held as Foreign Currency
Assets (FCA). • A global recession is predicted by other agencies as
• Every major central bank keeps a portion of its re- well to begin in 2023. New borrowing costs put in place
serves in gold as it plays a fine hedging instrument to fight inflation cause several economies to shrink.
in the time of uncertainty and economic turmoil. • According to the British consultancy’s annual World
Economic League Table, the global economy topped
Global Recession 2023
$100 trillion for the first time in 2022 but will halt in
2023 as governments continue to struggle against
growing costs.
• The report predicts that India’s economy will reach $10
trillion by 2035 and rank third globally by 2032.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023


UNSC Presidency he declared the country’s candidature as non-permanent

member for the 2028-29 term.
Key Highlights:
• Jaishankar arrived at UN to preside over two
signature events on counter-terrorism and reformed
multilateralism held under India’s current
Presidency of the UN Security Council.
• The previous eight terms that India has been in the
Council are 1950-1951, 1967-1968, 1972-1973, 1977-
1978, 1984-1985, 1991-1992 and 2011-2012.
• India is presiding over the Council during its two year
tenure as elected UNSC member.
• India assumed the monthly rotating Presidency of the
Security Council, the second time after August 2021
India has assumed the Presidency of the UN Security Council for that India is presiding over the Council during its two
the month of December. year tenure as elected UNSC member.
Key Highlights: Leo Varadkar elected as Prime Minister of
• It is the second time in its two-year tenure as an Ireland
elected member of the UN Security Council that India
has assumed the Presidency of the Council.
• India had earlier assumed the Presidency of the UNSC
in August 2021.
• During India’s December Presidency of the UN
Security Council, two high-level signature events will
take place on 14th and 15th December on ‘Reformed
Multilateralism and Counter-Terrorism and it will be
chaired by External Affairs Minister.
• Also a bust of Mahatma Gandhi will be inaugurated
at the United Nations during India’s Presidency of the
UN Security Council and it will be unveiled by External
Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar and UN Secretary- Indian-origin Leo Varadkar has returned for a second term
General Antonio Gutteres. as Ireland’s Prime Minister as part of a job-sharing deal made
by the country’s centrist coalition government.
India announced Candidature for UNSC
Key Points:
Membership for 2028-29
• This is the second time that Varadkar has been elected
as Irish prime minister.
• Varadkar’s rise to the top of Irish politics was
remarkable in a country dominated by a strict,
conservative Catholic morality well into the latter half
of the last century.
• At 38, he became the country’s youngest Taoiseach as
well as its first openly gay head of government and first
of Indian heritage.
India looks forward to being back in the UN Security
Council, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said, as
WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023
22 Monthly Current Events Diary

70 years of India-Japan Relationship Rajya Sabha’s productivity during the winter


The friendship between India and Japan has a long Final day of the winter session, the Rajya Sabha was
history rooted in spiritual affinity and strong cultural adjourned sine die, with a productivity score of 102%, said
and civilization ties dating back to the visit of Indian Jagdeep Dhankhar.
monk Bodhisena in 752 AD. Key Points:
Key Points: • 1,920 unstarred questions were answered in the 13
• Formal relations between Japan and India began in sittings, while 82 starred questions were resolved.
1952. • After 28 hours of debate in which 160 members
• After 70 years of multi-layered exchanges, the participated, nine bills were ultimately passed or
relationship between our two countries grew into returned during the session.
a “Special Strategic and Global Partnership”. • Rajya Sabha is also expected to be establishing the
• India and Japan signed a Reciprocal Provision of traditions of Parliamentary democracy that best
Supplies and Services Agreement (RPSS). represent the highest standards of deliberation and
• Economic relations between India and Japan have vast imitation, according to Jagdeep Dhankhar.
potential for growth, given the complementarities
that exist between the two Asian economies.
• India and Japan defence forces organise a series of
bilateral exercises namely, JIMEX, SHINYUU Maitri, and
Dharma Guardian. Both countries also participate in
the Malabar exercise with the USA.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

International Affairs

Russia Replaces Iraq as Top Oil Supplier to India • The tradition of choosing the “Person of the Year”
began in the year 1927.
• Notable past winners include German Dictator Adolf
Hitler (1938), Russian President Vladimir Putin (2007)
and others.
• Mahatma Gandhi was featured in the 1930 edition.
In 2021, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk was named
the Person of the Year since he made headlines after
buying Twitter.
Global Minimum Tax
Russia has for the first time emerged as top oil supplier to
India replacing Iraq as refiners last month snapped up oil from
Moscow fearing a price cap from Dec. 5 could hit supplies and
choke payment avenues.
Key Highlights:
• Russian oil accounted for about 23% of India’s overall
import of about 4 million bpd oil in November, the data
• India’s overall imports in November declined 11% from
October on lower purchases by Russia-backed Indian
refiner Nayara Energy, which had shut its 400,000 bpd
refinery for maintenance during the month, the data
• India, which rarely used to buy Russian oil because of Recently, EU members have agreed to implement a minimum
costly logistics, has emerged as Russia’s second biggest tax rate of 15% on big businesses in accordance with Pillar 2
oil client after China as refiners snap up discounted of the global tax agreement framed by the Organisation for
crude shunned by Western nations since the February Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2021.
invasion of Ukraine. Key Highlights:
TIME Person of the year 2022 • A Global Minimum Tax (GMT) applies a standard
minimum tax rate to a defined corporate income base
• The OECD developed a proposal featuring a corporate
minimum tax of 15% on foreign profits of large
multinationals, which would give countries new annual
tax revenues of USD 150 billion.
• The framework of GMT aims to discourage nations
from tax competition through lower tax rates that
result in corporate profit shifting and tax base erosion.
• 25% of profits of the largest and most profitable
Multinational Enterprise (MNEs) above a set profit
margin would be reallocated to the market jurisdictions
where the MNE’s users and customers are located.
• Global Minimum Tax includes features to ensure
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was chosen as the 2022
dispute prevention and dispute resolution in order
Person of the Year by the Time Magazine.
to address any risk of double taxation, but with an
Key Highlights: elective mechanism for some low-capacity countries.
• Person of the Year is an annual issue of the Time magazine • Global Minimum Tax aims to ensure that big businesses
featuring a person, a group, an idea or an object that had with global operations do not benefit by domiciling
significantly influenced the events of the year. themselves in tax havens in order to save on taxes.
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24 Monthly Current Events Diary

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Veer Guardian 23 Key Points:

• The IAF is fielding four Su-30MKI fighters from No. 220
squadron under the Western Air Command and one IL-
78 mid-air refueller, along with a contingent of around
150 personnel who will be transported by two C-17
transport aircraft.
• The JASDF would be fielding four F-15s and four F-2
fighter jets for the exercise.
• Japan also participated for the first time in the
multilateral exercise MILAN hosted by the Navy early
this year.
Indian Air Force (IAF) and Japanese Air Self Defence Force
(JASDF) are set to hold their maiden bilateral air exercise, "Veer
Guardian 23".

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26 Monthly Current Events Diary

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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023


Science & Technology

Sindhuja-I • Britain’s Minister for Business and Energy, Grant

Shapps has said that it is a true British success story,
and it was a prime example of how they worked
together to make aviation cleaner while driving jobs
across the country.

Right to repair Portal for consumers

Researchers in IIT Madras have developed and deployed a

system called Sindhuja-I that is capable of generating electricity
using energy from sea waves.
Key Highlights:
• Sindhuja-I is an ocean wave energy converter that is Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Piyush Goyal launched a
currently capable of producing 100 watts of electricity host of new initiatives, including the right to repair portal and an
using energy from seawaves. NTH mobile app.
• It was recently deployed some 6 km from the coast
of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu, where the sea’s depth is Key Points:
around 20 meters. • The right to repair portal and an NTH mobile app were
• Its capacity is expected to be scaled up to 1 mW of launched on the occasion of the National Consumer
energy in the next 3 years. Day.
• This system has a floating buoy, a spar and an electrical • On the ‘right to repair’ portal, manufacturers will share
module. the manual of product details with customers so that
World’s 1st Hydrogen-Run aircraft Engine they can either repair by self, by third parties, rather
than depend on original manufacturers.
• Initially, mobile phones, electronic, consumer durables,
automobile and farming equipments will be covered.
• Under the Consumer Protection law, a complaint is
required to be disposed of within 90 days of its filing
and within 150 days wherever expert evidence is
required to be taken.

E-sports gets recognition

Airline EasyJet and Aircraft Engine maker Rolls-Royce announced
that they have successfully tested a hydrogen-powered aircraft
engine, which is described as the world’s first for aviation.
Key Highlights:
• They had set a new aviation milestone with the world’s
first run of a modern aero engine on hydrogen in a test
carried out on land earlier this month.
• Green hydrogen for the tests had been generated using
tidal and wind energy from Orkney Islands, Scotland.
E sports received a huge boost from the Indian government. It
• Rolls-Royce is eventually hoping to conduct a full-scale
is incorporated into the nation's mainstream sports disciplines.
ground test of a Pearl 15 jet engine.

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28 Monthly Current Events Diary

Key Points: that “e-Sports be included as part of multi-sports

• The Indian Esports Industry has fought to separate
events” from the Ministries of Electronics and
Esports from the broader category of “Gaming.”. Information Technology and Sports.
• Esports (Electronic Sports) is a competitive sport • In a significant development, the Indian gov-
where gamers use their physical and mental ernment has recognised “E-Sports” (Electronic
abilities to compete in various games in a virtual, Sports) as a component of multi-sport competi-
electronic environment. tions.
• Droupadi Murmu, the President of India, amend- • E-sports after being added to the 2018 Asian
ed the regulations governing eSports in accor- Games in Jakarta as a demonstration sport,
dance with the authority “conferred by clause (3) which meant that medals earned in the sport
of article 77 of the Constitution” and requested were not included in the official total of medals.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Indian Railways set to become world’s largest Indian Railways records jump of 71% in
‘Green Railways’ by 2030 earnings from passenger trains

According to a statement released by the Railway Ministry,

Indian Railways is working on an ambitious plan of electrification the total number of passengers who took the Railways during
of its entire Broad Gauge network. the period grew by 6.35 per cent to 59.61 crores, the Indian
Railways said in a statement.
Key Points:
Key Points:
• The Indian Railways has set a target to become world’s
largest ‘Green Railways’ with Zero Carbon Emission by • The Indian Railways’ approximate earnings from
2030. passenger trains during the nine-month financial
period that ended in December 2022 were at Rs
• More than 32,000 Route Kilometers (RKMs) have been
48,913 crores.
electrified in the last eight years (since 2014).
• This is 71 per cent higher than the previous year’s
• In 2020-21, the electrification of 6,015 RKMs was
total of Rs 28,569 crores during the same period.
• According to a statement released by the Railway
• In a bid to reduce the dependency on petroleum- based Ministry, the total number of passengers who
energy resources, and with an aim to become pollution took the Railways during the period grew by 6.35
free and energy efficient, the Railways has extended its per cent to 59.61 crores, the Indian Railways said
electrified network to 83 per cent. in a statement.
• More than 32,000 Route Kilometers (RKMs) have been • The number of reserved bookings also increased
electrified in the last eight years (since 2014). by 6.35 per cent to 56.05 crores.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023




GM Mustard for commercial use Key Highlights:

• DMH-11 is an indigenously developed transgenic
mustard. It is a genetically modified variant of Herbicide
Tolerant (HT) mustard.
• DMH-11 is a result of a cross between Indian
mustard variety ‘Varuna’ and East European ‘Early
Heera-2’ mustard.
• In India, the Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop
Plants (CGMCP) has made a successful attempt with
some alterations in the barnase/ barstar system which
culminated in the development of GM mustard hybrid
MH11 which has undergone the required regulatory
testing processes during 2008-2016.
• India’s import of edible oils is on continuous rise to
meet the domestic demand. It ultimately led reduction
forex. GM Mustard is essential to reduce the forex
drain on Agri-import.
• Crossing of genetically diverse plants results
Genetically Engineering Appraisal Committee has recommended in hybrids with increased yield and adaptation, a
GM Mustard for Commercial use and the government had phenomenon known as hybrid vigor heterosis which
cleared the "environmental release" of a genetically modified has been widely exploited in crops like rice, maize,
variety of Mustard, DMH-11. pearl millet, sunflower and many vegetables.
• GM mustard has never been tested as a herbicide
tolerant crop, while the development of this
glufosinate-tolerant crop was in violation of India's
pesticides regulations.

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Monthly Current Events Diary 31

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023




Banks need robust credit appraisal policies to • Timely resolution of stressed assets is essential to
prevent asset value depletion.
limit risk: RBI
Banks must have robust due diligence mechanisms in place, Launch of digital rupee a historic milestone: RBI
given that uncertainties in the macroeconomic conditions could The retail digital rupee is in the form of a digital token that
be challenging, RBI said. represents legal tender and would offer features of physical
Key Highlights: cash like trust, safety and settlement finality, according to RBI.
• Indian banks need to ensure they have robust due Key Highlights:
diligence and credit appraisal mechanisms in place to • On 1 December, the pilot for retail digital rupee, RBI’s
limit credit risk, given that uncertainties in the current central bank digital currency (CBDC) started in Mumbai,
macroeconomic conditions could be challenging, a New Delhi, Bengaluru and Bhubaneswar.
Reserve Bank of India report said. • The retail digital rupee (e ₹-R) project started in a
According to a RBI’s Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in closed user group with the participation of four lenders
India 2021-22 -- State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Yes Bank and IDFC
• If downside risks materialize, asset quality could be First Bank -- as well as customers and merchants.
affected. • Digital currency would bring in a lot of operational
• Hence, slippages in restructured assets need to be efficiency in the system and will foster financial
monitored closely. inclusion, according to Reserve Bank of India.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Convention on Biological Diversity Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan declared a seed farm,
located in Aluva, as the first carbon neutral farm in the country.
Key Highlights:
• A significant reduction in carbon emission has helped
the seed farm, achieve the carbon neutral status.
• The total amount of carbon emission from the farm,
located at Thuruthu in Aluva, in the last one year
was 43 tons but its overall procurement was 213 ton.
• Compared to the emission rate, as many as 170 tons of
more carbon have been procured at the farm, which
helped it to be declared as the first carbon neutral seed
The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, also farm in the country.
called as Conference of Parties (COP-15) commenced in • Carbon neutral farms will be set up in all 140 Assembly
Montreal, Canada on 5 December 2022. constituencies. Efforts have already been launched to
make 13 farms in Kerala carbon neutral.
Key Highlights:
• The two-weeklong conference (5-17 December 2022) World Bank report on air Pollution
was originally scheduled to be held in Kunming,
China in October but was shifted to Montreal, Canada
due to covid situation in China.
• This is the second part of the COP15. The first part was
hosted by China on 18 August 2021 virtually and the
second part was to be held in a face to face conference
but it has been shifted from China to Canada. However
the host of the COP15 in Montreal is still China.
• During COP15, negotiators are expected to finalize
and sign a document called the Post-2020 Global Recently, the World Bank released a report titled 'Striving for
Biodiversity Framework. Clean Air: Air Pollution and Public Health in South Asia'.
• One of the splashiest and most contested targets is a
commitment to conserve at least 30 percent of Earth’s Key Highlights:
land and water by 2030. • Six large airsheds exist in South Asia, where the air
quality in one can affect the air quality in another.
India’s first carbon neutral farm • When the wind direction was predominantly northwest
to the southeast, 30% of the air pollution in Indian
Punjab came from the Punjab Province in Pakistan and,
on average, 30% of the air pollution in the largest
cities of Bangladesh (Dhaka, Chittagong, and Khulna)
originated in India.
• Curbing air pollution requires not only tackling its
specific sources, but also close coordination across
local and national jurisdictional boundaries.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

34 Monthly Current Events Diary

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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



World’s First Commercial Moon Lander Falcon 9 rocket.

• More than a hundred people at a viewing party in
Tokyo roared in applause when the rocket fired and
lifted into the dark skies.
• Mission success would also be a milestone in space
cooperation between Japan and the United States at a
time when China is becoming increasingly competitive
and rides on Russian rockets are no longer available in
the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Japan is elated and proud of its space startup that successfully
launched a spacecraft to the moon recently, marking a
significant step towards what would be a historic first, both for
the nation and a private company.
Key Highlights:
• Ispace Inc’s HAKUTO-R Mission took off from Cape
Canaveral, Florida
• The ispace is a privately funded organization based in
Tokyo. It shares a contract with NASA to ferry payloads
to the lunar surface from the year 2025.
• Ispace aims to create a permanently staffed lunar The United Arab Emirates’ Rashid Rover – the Arab world’s first
colony by the year 2040. mission to the Moon – was launched.

HAKUTO-R Key Highlights:

• The launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the
UAE’s Rashid rover successfully took off from Cape
Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, USA.
• The Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center stated, in a
series of tweets via its Twitter account, that the launch
of the Falcon 9 missile was successful.
• The Rashid Rover is now on its way to the Moon aboard
the Hakuto-R Mission 1 lander, built by Japanese lunar
exploration company ispace, on a journey that is
expected to last five months.

Nasa launches International 'SWOT' Mission

A Japanese space startup launched a spacecraft to the moon on

Sunday after several delays, a step toward what would be a first
for the nation and for a private company.
Key Highlights:
• ispace Inc's HAKUTO-R mission took off without
incident from Cape Canaveral, Florida, after two
postponements caused by inspections of its SpaceX

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) capable of observing the finer details of the ocean

and the French space agency Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales surface topography and measuring the changes in the
(CNES) have jointly launched the SWOT spacecraft. terrestrial surface water bodies.
• The satellite can measure the height of water in

• Book
The Surface include
Key Points: freshwater bodies and the ocean on more than 90
Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) percent of the Earth’s surface.
mission is a satellite altimeter jointly developed and • The information obtained from this mission can be
operated Iby
: General
NASA and CNES Studeis,
(French space agency) used to understand the ocean’s influence in climate
Mental Ability Test
in partnership with the space agency's of the UK and change, impact of global warming on the waterbodies,
• Paper II : Essay,
The mission’s objective is to make the world’s first-
and the preparedness of communities for disasters like
floods and droughts.
Report, Précisof writing,
ever global survey the Earth’s surface water,
Comprehensions, Grammar

with Explanatory Notes

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WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Hansraj Gangaram Ahir Key Highlights:

• He formerly served as NABARD’s Deputy Managing
Director (DMD) till May 21, 2020.
• He is an agricultural graduate with a PGDM in Public
Policy from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
in Ahmedabad.
• He spent 26 years in various roles at Canara Bank. In
Canara Bank’s corporate office, he was in charge of
strategy, planning, and business development. He
also played a role in the merger of Syndicate Bank and
Canara Bank.
• He previously worked for the National Payments
Corporation of India (NPCI) and Kerala Gramin Bank, the
country’s largest regional rural bank. From 2013 until
WHy IN NEWS: Former Union Minister Hansraj Gangaram 2017, he served as the Chairman of Kerala Grameen
Ahir has assumed charge as Chairperson of the National Bank. Shaji KV is a Thiruvananthapuram native.
Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC).
Meghna Ahlawat
Key Highlights:
• He is an Agriculturist by profession, read a statement
from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
• He had been elected four times Member of Parliament
from Parliamentary Constituency Chandrapur,
Maharashtra and also he was Member of the
Maharashtra Legislative Council.
• He had been Union Minister of State for Home
Affairs and Union Minister of State for Chemicals and
Fertilizers, Government of India the 16th Lok Sabha.

K V Shaji

WHy IN NEWS: Meghna Ahlawat was elected president of

the Table Tennis Federation of India.
Key Highlights:
• Meghna Ahlawat has been elected its first female
• Eight-time national champion Kamlesh Mehta takes
over as the new secretary general of the TTFI and Patel
Nagender Reddy has been elected as the Treasurer.
WHy IN NEWS: K V Shaji has been named Chairman of • Ahlawat, who is the wife of Haryana deputy chief
the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development minister Dushyant Chautala, contested against Gujarat
(NABARD). home minister Harsh Sanghvi.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

38 Monthly Current Events Diary

Ashwini Vaisnaw Key Points:

• It is noteworthy to mention that Shri Ashwini
Vaishnaw will be the first Chancellor of Gati Shakti
• Dr Manoj Chaudhary has been appointed as the first
Vice Chancellor of Gati Shakti University, Vadodara.
• Gati Shakti University was granted the central status by
the Union Cabinet in July 2022.
• In August this year, the Central Government introduced
a bill in the Lok Sabha to convert the National
Rail and Transportation Institute, into Gati Shakti
Why in News: Union Minister of Railways, Ashwini Vaishnaw has
been appointed as the Chancellor of Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya, Vishwavidyalaya, an autonomous central university.

Mina Sue Choi WHY IN NEWS: Dina Boluarte became Peru’s first female
Key Highlights:
• This is amid a political maelstrom when her predecessor
and former boss Pedro Castillo was ousted in an
impeachment trial and detained by police after he
tried to illegally shut down Congress.
• The latest political crisis in Peru is a continuation of a
series of events that have led to four Presidents since
2020. Castillo, a left-wing former school teacher, was
elected in June 2021 and since then, he’s mired in
charges of corruption.
• On December 7, Castillo declared a state of emergency
in Peru, and that the Congress, which is controlled by
his rivals, will be dissolved. Many of his own ministers
WHy IN NEWS: South Korea’s Mina Sue Choi was crowned Miss resigned in protest.
Earth 2022 during the pageant’s coronation at Cove Manila, • The sequence of events that followed ended in
Okada Hotel, Parañaque City. Castillo’s ouster and Boluarte taking over as the
country’s President.
Key Highlights:
• There were 86 Eco-warriors, and only three queens Veena Nair
were awarded the pageant’s three elements titles.
• Miss Fire 2022 is Andrea Aguilera of Columbia, Miss
Water 2022 is Nadeen Ayoub of Palestine, and Miss Air
2022 is Sheridan Mortlock of Australia.
• The new queen inherited the title from Destiny
Wagner, who was the first woman from Belize to
capture a major international crown.
• Destiny Wagner won in a virtual competition conducted
in 2021.

Dina Boluarte
WHy IN NEWS: Indian-origin teacher in Australia, Vee-
na Nair has received the 2022 Prime Minister’s Prize for
Excellence in Science Teaching in secondary schools.
Key Highlights:
• Melbourne-based Veena Nair, who is ViewBank
College’s Head of Technology and STEAM project
leader, has been awarded for demonstrating practical

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 39

application of STEAM to students, and how they can the Indian Embassy in Riyadh between September
use their skills to make a real impact in the world. 2017 – June 2019 as Deputy Chief of Mission, with the
• The winning project is then sent to the International personal rank of Ambassador.
Space Station.
• She also supports the Young Persons’ Plan for the Pushpa Kamal Dahal to be Nepal’s Prime
Planet program, a STEM-based enterprise development Minister
program that gives students the opportunity to engage
with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as
changemakers at a global level.

Suhel Ajaz Khan

WHY IN NEWS: Pushpa Kamal Dahal has been elected as the
Prime Minister of Nepal again on December 25, 2022.
Key Highlights:
• President Bidya Devi Bhandari named Pushpa Kamal
WHy IN NEWS: Indian Foreign Service official of 1997 batch, Dr. Dahal 'Prachanda' of the CPN-Maoist Centre as Nepal's
Suhel Ajaz Khan who is presently the Ambassador of India next Prime Minister.
to the Republic of Lebanon has been appointed as the next • According to a statement published by the President's
Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Office here, Prachanda has been chosen as Prime
Minister of Nepal under Article 76 Clause 2 of the
Key Highlights: Constitution.
• He will replace Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, a 1989 batch IFS • Dahal was sworn in as Prime Minister for the second
officer. time in 2016, as per an agreement to form a rotational
• Dr. Khan’s first foreign assignment was to the Embassy government by Congress and CPN (Maoist Centre).
of India, Cairo where between 1999-2001, apart • Following the 2022 Nepalese general election, with
from the other duties at the Embassy, he obtained an alliance with political parties including CPN (UML),
an Advanced Diploma in Arabic Language from the Rastriya Swatantra Party and Rastriya Prajatantra
American University, Cairo. Party, Dahal was sworn in as Prime Minister once again
• Dr. Khan served as a member of the United Nations in 2022.
Pension Board in 2016 and 2017.Dr. Khan worked at

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023



Ranks and Reports

Social Progress Index Key Points:
• Social Progress Index is a comprehensive tool that
can serve as a holistic measure of a country’s social
progress at the national and sub-national levels.
• The index assesses states and districts based on
12 components across three critical dimensions of
social progress – Basic Human Needs, Foundations of
Wellbeing, and Opportunity.
• Puducherry has the highest SPI score of 65.99 in the
country, attributable to its remarkable performance
across components like Personal Freedom and Choice,
Shelter, and Water and Sanitation.
• Lakshadweep and Goa closely follow it with scores of
65.89 and 65.53, respectively.
Social Progress Index (SPI) for States and Districts made by the
• Jharkhand and Bihar scored the lowest, 43.95 and
Institute for Competitiveness and Social Progress Imperative
44.47, respectively.
was submitted to Economic Advisory Council- Prime Minister.

UN Ranks ‘Namami Gange’ Project in World’s 2014. It was launched to serve the twin objectives
of effective abatement of pollution and conservation
top 10 Initiatives and rejuvenation of the national river Ganga.
• Namami Gange is being operated under the Ministry of
Water Resources, Department of River Development
and Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Jal Shakti.
• The program is being implemented by the National
Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and its State Program
Management Groups (SPMGs).

Global Food Security Index 2022

The United Nations has recognised the Namami Gange initiative

to rejuvenate India’s sacred River Ganga as one of the top 10
World Restoration Flagships to revive the natural world.
Key Points:
• Namami Gange was selected from over 150 such
initiatives from 70 countries across the globe.
• They were selected under the banner of the United
Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a global The 2022 Global Food Security Index (GFSI) report was released
movement coordinated by the United Nations by the British weekly The Economist.
Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Key Points:
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). • The 11th Global Food Security Index shows a
• Namami Gange was approved as a ‘Flagship deterioration in the global food environment for the
Programme’ by the Central Government in June third year, threatening food security.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023

Monthly Current Events Diary 41

• In this report, South Africa overtook Tunisia to become Bollywood superstar, Shah Rukh Khan has become the only Indian
the most food-secure country in Africa. to be named in an international list of 50 greatest actors of all time
• India is ranked at 68th position along with Algeria with by a prominent British magazine.
the overall score of 58.9. China’s position is at 25th Key Points:
with the score of 74.2.
• The 57-year-old actor is included in Empire magazine’s
• India was ranked at 71st position in the Global Food
list which also recognises Hollywood giants like Denzel
Security (GFS) Index 2021 of 113 countries with
an overall score of 57.2 points on the GFS Index 2021. Washington, Tom Hanks, Anthony Marlon Brando,
Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson and many others.
Global Scientific Publication Index • From extensive filmography, the publication highlighted
Khan’s notable characters from four movies — Sanjay
Leela Bhansali-directed Devdas, Karan Johar’s My
Name Is Khan and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, and Swades,
directed by Ashutosh Gowarikar.

Forbes Top 25 Highest Paid Female Athletes

India had jumped from 7th to 3rd in global scientific publications.

Key Points:
• Union Minister for Science and Technology, Jitendra
Singh has revealed that India had jumped from 7th
to 3rd in global scientific publications and scholarly
output, according to a report by America’s National
Science Foundation. India’s badminton star, PV Sindhu is the only Indian sportsperson
• India also ranks third globally in the number of PhDs to feature in the top 25 of Forbes’ annual list of the world’s
produced annually. highest-paid female athletes.
• In a similar upward trend, the number of patents Key Points:
granted by the India Patents Office to Indian scientists
has more than doubled in just the last four years. • P V Sindhu, the 2016 Tokyo Olympics silver medallist,
• China leads the world in the publication of the occupies the 12th spot in the list.
maximum number of scientific papers followed by The • Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka tops the list. For the
United States of America. third straight year, Osaka tops Forbes’ annual list of the
World’s highest-paid female athletes.
Empire's List of 50 greatest actors of all time • The 27-year-old Sindhu, who won the singles gold
and doubles silver at the Commonwealth Games in
Birmingham earlier this year, earned $7 million out of
her total earnings of $7.1 million.
• For the third year in a row, Osaka topped Forbes’
annual list of the world’s highest-paid female athletes.
The list is once again dominated by tennis players.
• Naomi Osaka, the world number 42, topped the list
with a total annual earning of $51.1 million, while
Serena Williams is a distant second with $41.3 million
and Eileen Gu, the freestyle skier, third with a total
coffer of $20.1 million.

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42 Monthly Current Events Diary

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Monthly Current Events Diary 43



Sargam Kaushal wins Mrs World 2022 • The DataSmart Cities Initiative is a key step in creating
a robust data ecosystem that enables evidence-based
decision-making in cities.
• The DataSmart Cities Initiative is a key step in creating
a robust data ecosystem that enables evidence-based
decision-making in cities.
• It aims to harness the power of data for better
governance in India’s 100 Smart Cities.
• Digital India Awards presents an opportunity to
bring to the fore digital initiatives being adopted to
transform India into a digitally empowered society and
India's Sargam Koushal created history as she finally won the
knowledge economy.
Mrs World 2022 title after 21 years while competing for India in
the pageant. Chhello Show shortlisted for Oscar 2023
Key Points:
• Sargam Koushal created history as she finally won the
Mrs World 2022 title after 21 years while competing
for India in the pageant.
• The 32-year-old won the competition in Las Vegas after
defeating competitors from 63 other nations.
• Sargam Koushal beat Mrs. Polynesia to win the title.
• The Jammu and Kashmir-born beauty queen previously
worked as a teacher in Vizag.

Digital India Award

The Gujarati-language Chhello Show (The Last Show), which is
India’s official entry for the 2023 Academy Awards or Oscars
awards in the International Feature film category, has been
shortlisted for next year’s Academy Awards.
Key Points:
• The track Naatu Naatu from SS Rajamouli’s RRR has
been shortlisted in the Best Original Song Category.
Under Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs • The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
has won the Platinum Icon in the Digital India Awards 2022 for unveiled its shortlists for the 2023 Oscars in 10
their initiative “Data Smart Cities: Empowering Cities through categories, including documentary and international
Data”. features as well as a documentary short subject,
Key Points: makeup and hairstyling, original score, original song,
• The award was announced under the ‘Data Sharing animated short, live-action short, sound and visual
and Use for Socio-Economic Development’ category. effects.

WINR - JaNuaRy, 2023




National Minority Rights Day Key Points:
• Vijay Diwas is celebrated to commemorate the heroes
who sacrificed their lives for the nation.
• The end of the war resulted in the freedom
of Bangladesh.
• Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year on 16th
December to honour the victory of the Indian armed
forces over Pakistan in 1971.
• On 16th December 1971, the chief of the Pakistani
forces, General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, along with
93 thousand troops, surrendered unconditionally to
the allied forces led by Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh
Aurora, in Dhaka after their defeat.
DATE: 18th December, 2022 • The India-Pakistan war went on for 13 days and India
National Minorities Rights Day is commemorated on December defeated Pakistan on 16th December 1971.
18 every year in India. Its aim is to safeguard the individual
rights of the religious, ethnic, racial, or linguistic minorities in National Mathematics Day
the country.
Key Points:
• Minorities Rights Day is commemorated to uphold the
right to freedom and equal opportunities for the ethnic
minorities in India.
• The Union Government set up the National Commission
for Minorities under the National Commission for
Minorities Act 1992.
• Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Zoroastrians
communities have been notified as minority DATE: 22nd December, 2022
communities in the Gazette of India by the Union National Mathematics Day is celebrated on December 22 across
Government all around the country. the nation every year. The National Mathematics Day is marked
to recognise and celebrate the works of Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Vijay Diwas Key Points:
• Srinivasa Ramanujan, the Indian mathematical
genius, was born on this day in 1887. This year nation
celebrates his 135th birth anniversary of Ramanujan.
• The main objective behind the celebration of National
Mathematics Day is to make people aware of the
development of mathematics and its importance in the
growth of humanity.
• Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887,
in Tamil Nadu’s Erode to a Brahmin Iyengar family. He
had developed a liking for mathematics at a very young
Date: 19th December, 2022 age, mastering trigonometry at 12 and was eligible
Nation celebrates Vijay Diwas, to commemorate India’s victory for a scholarship at the Government Arts College in
over Pakistan in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war. Kumbakonam.

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Monthly Current Events Diary 45

International Migrants Day International Human Solidarity Day 2022

DATE: 18th December, 2022

International Migrants Day is observed annually on December DATE: 20th December 2022
18 to bring attention to the social and economic realities of International Human Solidarity Day (IHSD) is observed annually
migrants around the world. on December 20 across the globe to celebrate the ideal of unity
Key points: in diversity.
• This day is observed to guarantee that the rights of Key Points:
migrants are equally respected and not violated. • The celebration of the International Day of Human
• Currently, 281 million individuals are international Solidarity is a significant step in the aim of the United
migrants who reside in nations other than their own. Nations Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030, to
• International Migrants Day serves as a reminder that eradicate poverty in all its forms across the globe.
the challenges faced by migrants in every country • The day serves to remind governments, civil society
remain unresolved, and policymakers must continue members and other institutions that poverty can
to develop constructive and comprehensive policies to tackled and eradicated only through a united effort to
address the issue. help usher in an era where social equality, dignity and
justice prevails.
• On December 20, 2002, the UN General Assembly
introduced a World Solidarity Fund to help counter
global poverty. This got included in the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) trust fund in
February 2003. To commemorate the above day, the
UN declared December 20 as International Human
Solidarity Day.

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• He served as the President of China from 1993 to 2003.

Jiang Zemin
• He has also served as the chairman of the Central
Military Commission from 1989 to 2004.

Dominique Lapierre

DATE: 1st December 2022
Jiang Zemin, former President of China who presided over more
than a decade of economic growth after the 1989 Tiananmen
crackdown against pro-democracy protester, passed away.
Key Points: DATE: 2nd December 2022
• He died from leukemia and multiple organ failure. Freedom at Midnight author Dominique Lapierre has passed
• After the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, Jiang Zemin away at the age of 91.
governed the Communist Party’s divisions while Key Points:
leading China through history-making changes.
• Lapierre’s works, in collaboration with the American
• Market-oriented reforms were revived, Hong Kong
writer Larry Collins, became bestsellers such that they
gained independence from the British in 1997, and
sold about 50 million copies of the six books he wrote.
Beijing joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in
• The author was awarded the Padma Bhushan, India’s
third highest civilian award, in 2008.
• He helped pulling in foreign investment after China
• Books co -authored by Dominique Lapierre and Larry
joined the WTO.
Collins include Is Paris Burning?; O Jerusalem,
• Jiang Zemin served as the head of the Communist
• The Fifth Horseman, Is New York Burning? City of Joy;
Party from 1989 to 2002.
Freedom at Midnight.

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Monthly Current Events Diary 47

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9th Pro Kabaddi League Key Points:
• After Patna, Jaipur Pink Panthers, the league’s first-
ever winners, are currently only the second team to
win multiple titles.
• The tournament was played across Bengaluru, Pune,
and Hyderabad while the playoffs were played in
• Jaipur Pink Panthers team is currently led by Sunil
Kumar Malik and coached by Sanjeev Baliyan.

Jaipur Pink Panthers won the Pro Kabaddi League Season 9 Final
against a hard-fighting Puneri Paltan by a score of 33-29 to win
their second PKL championship.


Women's FIH Nations Cup 2022 Tata Partnered FIH Men's World Cup 2023

Tata Steel Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) with Hockey India on December 13, 2022 to become
an Official Partner of the FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup
2023 Bhubaneswar – Rourkela.
The Indian women Hockey team led by Captain Savita
Key Points:
Punia beat Spain 1-0 in the final to win the inaugural FIH Nations
• Tata Steel has contributed in strengthening
Cup played at Valencia, Spain.
the national sport of India through various top-notch
Key Points: high-performance residential hockey training facilities,
• The inaugural FIH Nations cup was held in Valencia, international coaches, nutritionists, and mental and
Spain from 11-17 December 2022. physical trainers.
• India and Spain had played in the FIH women’s Hockey • This journey started with the Naval Tata Hockey
Pro League 2021-22 season. Academy which was founded in the year 2017 as
• Hockey India has announced cash prize of Rs 2 lakh for a state-of-the-art facility to enable budding field hockey
every member of the squad and Rs 1 lakh each for all talent at the grassroot level in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
the support staff.

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Monthly Current Events Diary 49

• The FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup will be Key Points:
the fourth time that India will be hosting the prestigious • After every ODI match, the two teams involved receive
tournament after organising it in 1982 in Bombay, 2010 points based on a mathematical formula.
in New Delhi, and 2018 in Bhubaneswar. A total of 16 • Each team’s points total is divided by their total number
nations will take part in the upcoming tournament. of matches played to give a rating, and all the teams
are ranked in a table in order of rating.
Blind T20 World Cup 2022 • As per the latest ODI rankings released by ICC on 7
December 2022, New Zealand with 116 rating is placed
at the top of the points table.
Position Team Rating
1 New Zealand 116
2 England 113
3 Australia 112
4 India 108
5 Pakistan 107
First ever Table Tennis Series event in India

The Indian national blind cricket team won the T20 World Cup for
the Blind for the third time in a row They defeated Bangladesh
at Bengaluru’s M Chinnaswamy Stadium by a commanding
score of 120 runs.
Key Points:
• The Indian captain, Ajay Kumar Reddy elected to bat
after winning the toss, and his side eventually set a
challenging total of 277 runs for Bangladesh.
• Sunil Ramesh won Man of the Match award in the
championship. He was also given the B3 category’s
Man of the Series award. DATE: 23rd December, 2022
• Ajay won the title of Man of the Series in the B2
Goa will host India’s first ever World Table Tennis (WTT) series
event from February 27 to March 5.
• Mohammed Mahmud Rashid of Bangladesh won the
title of Man of the Series in the B1 division. Key Points:
• The top tier WTT Star Contender Goa 2023 will take
ICC Men’s ODI Rankings 2022 place at the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Indoor stadium,
located at the Goa University Campus.
• WTT Series is the official professional table tennis
series of events, with the world’s best players facing
each other off in various category tournaments
throughout the year with the four Grand Smashes
being the ultimate prize to win.
• World Table Tennis (WTT) was created by the
International Table Tennis Federation in 2019 to create
and manage professional men’s and women’s Table
Tennis events around the world.
• The six Star Contender events pit 48 men and women
in the respective singles main draws, with the top 30
world ranks eligible to play, four among whom will
DATE: 27th December, 2022
compulsorily have to be in the world top 20.
The ICC Men's ODI Team Rankings (formerly known as the ICC
ODI Championship) is an international One Day International
(ODI) cricket rankings system of the ICC.

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50 Monthly Current Events Diary

Most Expensive Cricketer of IPL Malaysia's Junior International Badminton


DATE: 24th December, 2022

Sam Curran breaks all the records and became the most DATE: 26th December, 2022
expensive cricketer ever to be bought by any franchise of the Geta Sora, a rising star in badminton, won the under-9
Indian Premier League (IPL). category of the Top Arena Junior International Badminton
Key Points: Championship in Malaysia, bringing honor to Arunachal and the
• Sam Curran has broken the record of Ishan Kishan who nation as a whole.
was bought for ₹15.25 crore by Mumbai Indians. Key Points:
• Punjab Kings Director Ness Wadia said that Same • Geta Sora, a rising star in badminton, won the under-9
Curran is one of the best all-rounder players in the category of the Top Arena Junior International
world and will bring good balance to our team. Badminton Championship in Malaysia, bringing honor
• Other than Sam Curran, Cameron Green was bought by to Arunachal and the nation as a whole.
Mumbai Indians for ₹17.50 crore and Ben Stokes was • Jaryl Teh, the second seed from Malaysia, was defeated
bought by Chennai Super Kings for ₹16.25 crore. by Sora in two sets of 21-5 and 21-16 to win the
• The IPL auctions were conducted on 23rd December championship.
2023. • The multinational event that saw the participation of
• Gujarat Titans bought Shivam Mavi for ₹6 crore and around 802 shuttlers from 10 different countries of the
Joshua Little for ₹4.4 crore. globe was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from November
• For the 2023 session of IPL auctions, a total of 405 02 to 07.
players were to be actioned. • Sora defeated third seed Phukit Chantarangsee of
• IPL 2023 will begin in March 2023 which is sponsored Thailand in straight sets of 20-11 and 20-11 to win the
by Tata. first international gold medal of his career.

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Invasive Group A Strep (GAS) United Kingdom.

Key Highlights:
• Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a bacterium commonly
found in throats and on the skin.
• It generally does not cause illnesses. However, it causes
a number of infections that range from mild to fatal.
• Some of the symptoms of GAS infections are sore
throat, fever, chills and muscle aches.
• These infections spread by close contact with infected
person, coughs, sneezes and from wounds.
• The bacteria can also spread from asymptomatic
As of December 5, at least 6 children lost their lives to a common patients who have the bacteria in their body but do
bacterial infection called invasive Group A Strep (GAS) in the not feel unwell or show symptoms.

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1. When is Sashastra Seema Bal’s raising day celebrated? (c) Guru Nanak Dev University
(a) December 12 (b) December 15 (d) Chandigarh University
(c) December 19 (d) December 20 10. Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has won which
2. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari launches one of India’s award in the Digital India Awards 2022?
first-ever Surety Bond Insurance products with which (a) Platinum Icon (b) Bronze Icon
organization? (c) Gold Icon (d) Silver Icon
(a) Bajaj Allianz (b) Reliance 11. Which country has partnered with PTC India for the
(c) Sahara (d) HDFC supply of power from the Indian power market?
3. Who took over as the General Officer Commanding (a) China (b) Japan
(GOC) of the Counter Insurgency Force Kilo? (c) Bangladesh (d) Bhutan
(a) Sanjiv Singh (b) Mohit Seth 12. Which country has launched a ‘Group of Friends’ to
promote accountability for crimes against peacekeepers?
(c) Gaurav Jaiswal (d) Sanjay Kumar
(a) Bangladesh (b) China
4. ‘Rythu Bandhu’ is a flagship scheme of which Indian
state/UT? (c) Sri Lanka (d) India
(a) Telangana (b) Goa 13. Which Indian movie song has been shortlisted in the best
song category at Oscar 2023?
(c). Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka
(a) Naatu Naatu (b) Kesariya
5. What is the name of the fifth Scorpene submarine of
(c) Varaha Roopam (d) Manike
Project 75?
14. Which institution released the ‘2022 in Nine Charts’
(a) INS Kalavari, (b) INS Khanderi
(c) INS Vagir (d) INS Kharanj (a) IEA (b) UNEP
6. Which country is the host of the ‘UN Biodiversity (c) World Bank (d) IMF
Conference- COP15’?
15. According to the Finance Ministry's latest report, what is
(a) India (b) Australia India’s gross domestic product growth in the first half of
(c) China (d) Canada 2022-23?
7. What is the name of the P15B stealth-guided missile (a) 9.4 (b) 9.9
destroyer commissioned into the Indian Navy? (c) 9.1 (d) 9.7
(a) INS Mormugao (b) INS Kolkata 16. Which Indian movie has been shortlisted for the
(c) INS Kochi (d) INS Chennai “International Feature Film” category in Oscar 2023?
8. What is the name of the country’s first Green steel brand (a) KGF (b) Chhello Show
recently launched? (c) RRR (d) Bahubali
(a) Kalyani Ferresta (b) Zeremis 17. Who has been appointed as the Chief of Southern
(c) HBIS group (d) Iberdrola Command of the Indian Army?
9. Which is the only university in India to get an A grade by (a) Amardeep Singh Bhinder
NAAC? (b) Surinder Singh Mahal
(a) Delhi University (c) Ajai Singh
(b) Maharshi Dayanand University (d) Upendra Dwivedi

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54 Monthly Current Events Diary

Hints and Solutions

1. (d) December 20 5. (c) INS Vagir

Sashastra Seema Bal celebrates its '59th Raising The fifth submarine, INS Vagir of Project 75,
Day' on December 20 with a dedication to a Kalvari Class submarines, Yard 11879, was
safe, secure, and prosperous India. Sashastra handed to the Indian Navy on December 20,
Seema Bal, or SSB, is an Indian border security 2022. Project 75 envisions the indigenous
organization that patrols the country's borders manufacture of six Scorpene-style submarines.
with Nepal and Bhutan. It is one of the five Vagir, which was launched on November 12,
Central Armed Police Forces and is overseen by 2020, began sea testing on February 1, 2022,
the Ministry of Home Affairs. In the aftermath and it is a source of great pleasure because she
of the 1962 India-China conflict, it was thought has completed all key trials, including weapon
that the frontiers of India should need an extra and sensor trials, in the lowest amount of time
force along with the Tri-Forces (Indian Army, in comparison to previous submarines.
Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force). 6. (d) Canada
2. (a) Bajaj Allianz The United Nations Biodiversity Conference,
Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Road Transport often known as COP15, was held in Montreal,
and Highways, has inaugurated one of India's Canada. Governments from across the world have
first Surety Bond Insurance products from Bajaj gathered to agree on a new set of environmental
Allianz. In response to the product introduction, targets for the next decade. Negotiators at a UN
Gadkari stated that India is well on its way to biodiversity conference struck an agreement to
becoming a $5 trillion economy. According invest USD 200 billion in biodiversity assistance
to him, insurance will play a significant part in by 2030.
this rise. The Minister expressed confidence 7. (a) INS Mormugao
that increasing our road network will lead to On December 18, 2022, INS Mormugao (Pennant
improved wealth, job opportunities, and social 67), a P15B stealth-guided missile destroyer,
connectedness. was commissioned into the Indian Navy. This
3. (b) Mohit Seth was the second of the four 'Visakhapatnam'
Major General Mohit Seth assumed command class destroyers to be inducted. The ship was
of Counter-Insurgency Force Kilo as the developed in-house by the Navy's Warship
General Officer Commanding (GOC). Major Design Bureau and built by Mazagon Dock
General Sanjiv Singh Slaria on surrendering the Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) in the country's
command transferred to Headquarters Northern financial center, Mumbai.
Command, Udhampur. During the reign of Major 8. (a) Kalyani Ferresta
General Sanjiv Singh Slaria, the Kilo Force took Steel Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia unveiled
notable advances toward peace and security in KALYANI FeRRESTA, India's first green steel
North Kashmir. brand, in New Delhi on December 21, 2022. This
4. (a) Telangana first-of-its-kind steel was created by the Kalyani
The 'Rythu Bandhu' initiative is being Group, a Pune-based steel manufacturer, utilizing
implemented by the state of Telangana. renewable energy resources, leaving no carbon
Through this scheme, the government provides footprints in the environment. Scindia delivered
agricultural investments to farmers at a rate of the keynote presentation and described the
$10,000 per acre for both the Kharif and Rabi event as a paradigm change in the steel sector.
seasons. The state government plans to deposit According to him, India is leading the countries
Rs. 7,600 crores in farmers' bank accounts by that have committed to achieving carbon
January, just in time for the Sankranti celebration. neutrality through green steel manufacturing.

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Monthly Current Events Diary 55

9. (c) Guru Nanak Dev University 13. (a) Naatu Naatu

The Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, has RRR's filmmakers are overjoyed as they move closer
received an A grade after obtaining 3.85 points to the Oscars. The infectiously popular song 'Naatu
in the National Assessment and Accreditation Naatu' from the hit Telugu film has been nominated
Council (NAAC) grading, making it the first for an Oscar in 2023. As a result, Naatu Naatu has
become the first Indian song to be nominated for an
university in India to do so. Chief Minister
Academy Award.
Bhagwant Mann congratulated the institution
on its achievement, saying it was the product of 14. (c) World Bank
everyone's hard work. He expressed hope that According to the World Bank's '2022 in Nine Charts'
all of the state's universities will emulate Guru study, the world is experiencing its most significant
Nanak Dev University in order to bring honour to decline since 1970, and 685 million people may be
living in severe poverty by the end of 2022. After
the state.
2020, this would make 2022 the second-worst year
10. (a) Platinum Icon for poverty reduction in the last two decades.
The Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing 15. (d) 9.7
& Urban Affairs has won the Platinum Icon at According to the most recent statistics from
the Digital India Awards 2022 for their effort the Finance Ministry, India's GDP growth in the
"DataSmart Cities: Empowering Cities via Data". first half of 2022-23 is expected to be 9.7%. The
The prize was announced in the 'Data Sharing Ministry disclosed this in its mid-year spending and
and Use for Socio-Economic Development' income statement. The ministry stated that the
category. global macroeconomic situation had interrupted
the government's estimates, preventing it from
11. (d) Bhutan
presenting the medium-term expenditure framework
Bhutan, through Druk Green Power Corporation, has (MTEF) as required by the Fiscal Responsibility and
entered into a deal with PTC India to purchase power Budget Management Act.
from the Indian power market during the dry winter 16. (b) Chhello Show
season. Bhutan will soon begin acquiring up to 600 Chhello Show, directed by Pan Nalin, is a Gujarati-
MW of power from the Indian power market through language coming-of-age story about a young boy's
PTC. love affair with a film in a Saurashtra hamlet. The
12. (d) India film, produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur and Dheer
Momaya, is on the international feature film shortlist.
During its current UN Security Council leadership,
The "Chhello Show" crew expressed their gratitude
India created a 'Group of Friends' to pursue
and excitement at the Academy's recognition of their
accountability for atrocities against peacekeepers. sincere dedication to the cinematic medium.
S Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister, declared
17. (c) ajai Singh
that New Delhi would soon have a database that
will record all atrocities against peacekeepers. The Lieutenant General Ajai Kumar Singh has taken over
as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the
group's co-chairs are India, Bangladesh, Egypt,
Southern Command of the Indian Army. He is an
France, Morocco, and Nepal. India, one of the most
alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Pune,
significant troop contributors to UN peacekeeping, and the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. He
has lost 177 peacekeepers in the line of duty. was commissioned into the 7/11 Gorkha Rifles in
December 1984.

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