Biosensors Venugopal Sir

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Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147– 157


Biosensors in fish production and quality control

V. Venugopal *
Food Technology Di6ision, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India

Received 25 April 2001; accepted 15 May 2001


Fishery products are important not only from a nutritional point of view, but also as an item of international trade and foreign
exchange earner for a number of countries in the world. Fish and shellfish are highly perishable, and prone to vast variations in
quality due to differences in species, environmental habitats, feeding habits, etc. In addition, they can also function as carriers of
several microbial and other health hazards. Therefore, maintenance of quality is of utmost importance in production and trade
of fishery products. Most of the current quality control techniques are time consuming and cumbersome. There is an excellent
scope for the application of biosensors in the seafood industry including the rapidly expanding aquaculture operations for fast
assessment of quality. This article discusses the scope of applications biosensors in the seafood industry. © 2002 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fish production; Quality control; Biosensors

1. Introduction ture practices together with chances of environmental

pollution lead to significant differences in the quality of
Fishery products constitute an important item of aquacultured fish. Fishery products have also been
international trade, currently worth more than US$50 recognized as carriers of health hazards such as disease-
billion, indicating increasing consumer interests in the causing microorganisms Salmonella sp. and Vibrio sp.,
commodity. During the past few years, global fish in addition to parasites, natural toxins, heavy metals
production has been around 120 million metric tonnes, and other pollutants. Presence of high levels (\50 mg
which is not sufficient to meet the consumer need. In per 100 g fish) of histamine has been a cause of food
order to meet the increasing demand, aquaculture of poisoning through consumption of fish such as mack-
selected fish and shellfish species is growing contribut- erel. Many of these hazards are particularly severe with
ing nearly 20% of total fish availability. Unlike other respect to aquacultured fish items due to greater
animal products, quality of fish is more difficult to chances of environmental pollution of the ponds. The
control due to variations in species, sex, age, habitats increasing demand in the commodity as well as the
and action of autolytic enzymes as well as hydrolytic need to protect the consumers against food-borne dis-
enzymes of microorganisms on the fish muscle. Aqua- eases have made regulatory authorities such as the
culture operations demand precise control of water United States Food and Drug Administration and the
quality such as pH, biochemical oxygen demand European Union stipulate stringent guidelines with re-
(BOD), salinity, presence of phytoplankton, etc., and spect to the quality of processed fish items traded by
use of appropriate feed formulations for optimal yield exporting countries. The need for maintenance of ac-
of the fish species. Possibilities of variations in aquacul- ceptable quality of these products necessitates develop-
ment of means for precise and rapid quality evaluation.
* Tel.: +91-22-5593964; fax: +91-22-55-05151. This article deals with the scope of applications of
E-mail address: (V. Venugopal). biosensors for evaluation of biochemical spoilage as

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148 V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157

well as assessment of environmental hazards in fish Since concentrations of ATP, ADP and AMP signifi-
and shellfish. cantly change within the first day of death, Karube et
al. (1984) modified the K-value (KI) as:
[HxR] + [Hx]
2. Biochemical quality changes in fishery products KI =
[IMP] +[HxR] + [Hx]
Immediately after catch, a number of post-mortem The K-value has been found suitable for several spe-
changes are initiated in the fish muscle, which include cies, although it has limitation for some fish such as
physico-chemical as well as autolytic reactions causing cod (Botta, 1994). Instead of the K-value, a modified
changes in proteins and lipids. This is followed by kp-value, namely the hypoxanthine/adenine ratio, has
biochemical activities of contaminant microorganisms also been found suitable for freshness evaluation of
on the fish muscle leading to loss of its freshness. The certain shellfish (FAO, 1995; Lou, 1998). Of the proce-
loss of freshness quality depends on several intrinsic dures available, high-performance liquid chromatogra-
and extrinsic factors such as the nature of the fish, phy (HPLC) affords accurate and reliable results, but
spawning, feeding habits, temperature of the water, is expensive and also time consuming for routine ex-
method of catch, handling, and storage conditions amination in a quality control laboratory.
(Ashie et al., 1996; Connell, 1995; Huis in’t Veld, In the post-mortem muscle, the action of spoilage
1996; Gill, 1990; Venugopal, 1990). Immediately after causing microorganisms eventually leads to the accu-
death, when respiration ceases, biosynthesis of mulation of a number of volatile basic nitrogen
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ceases and the nucle- (TVBN) compounds including ammonia by the action
otide already present in the muscle undergoes degrada- of bacterial decarboxylases on amino acids and other
tion by enzymes present in the muscle, according to nitrogenous compounds (Liston, 1980; Alur et al.,
the sequence: 1995; FAO, 1995). TVBN content provides informa-
tion on the terminal spoilage of fish and is suitable for
ATP “ADP “ AMP “IMP “HxR “ Hx “ X “ U confirmation of sensory data (Antonacopoulos and
Vyncke, 1989). Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is
where ADP is adenosine-5%-diphosphate, AMP is
found in a large number of marine fish and shellfish,
adenosine-5%-monophoshate, IMP is inosine-5%-
which is broken down to trimethylamine (TMA) by
monophosphate, HxR is inosine, Hx is hypoxanthine,
the action of the bacterial enzyme, trimethylamine ox-
X is xanthine, and U is uric acid. The initial steps, up
ide reductase. The presence of significant amount of
to the formation of HxR, proceed relatively fast as a
trimethylamine, as a component of TVBN compounds,
result of endogenous enzymes in fish and shellfish. The
has been related to loss of freshness of marine fishery
oxidation of Hx to X and ultimately to uric acid is
products, since no trimethylamine is found in the first
much slower and is due to the enzymes from spoilage-
3–5 days of their ice storage (Gram and Huss, 1996;
causing microorganisms. The enzymes involved in the
Alur et al., 1995). The development of TMA in many
oxidation of Hx and X and the reactions are as fol-
fish species is also paralleled by an increase in the
content of hypoxanthine. Volatile sulphur compounds
Nucleoside phosphorylase: such as H2S, CH3SH, (CH3)2S are also typical compo-
nents of spoiling fish, which are produced by bacterial
HxR + Pi “ Hx + ribose −Pi action on sulphur containing amino acids, cysteine
Xanthine oxidase: Hx+O2 “X + H2O2 and methionine.
Fishery products are highly perishable due to their
Xanthine oxidase: X+O2 “uric acid+ H2O2 particular characteristics, as already mentioned. Fish,
immediately after catch, needs to be properly chilled
Several authors have indicated a strong correlation to retard autolytic and microbial spoilage (Venugopal,
between nucleotide catabolism and loss of freshness 1990). The normal storage life of fishery products
(FAO, 1995; Ashie et al., 1996). Because of the rate- chilled immediately after catch ranges from 7 to 15
limiting step between X and U, HxR and Hx accumu- days depending on the species. It has been observed
late in the muscle. Based on the concentrations of that a rise in temperature of refrigerated fish from 0 to
different nucleotides, the ‘K-value’ was proposed as an 3 °C doubles the spoilage, while an increase to 10 °C
index of freshness by Saito et al. (1959), which was can enhance spoilage by a factor of 5–6, significantly
defined as: reducing the shelf life. The other processing techniques
to control spoilage include freezing, storage under
modified atmosphere, dehydration, exposure to low
[HxR] +[Hx] doses of gamma radiation, etc. (Venugopal and
[ATP] + [ADP] + [AMP] + [IMP] +[HxR] + [Hx] Shahidi, 1998).
V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157 149

3. Current methods for biochemical quality evaluation For example, an amount of 10–15 mg TMA nitrogen,
and their limitations 35–40 mg TVBN or 50 mg hypoxanthine per 100 g
meat is usually regarded as the acceptability limits for
Several subjective and objective methods have been chilled cod. The values vary depending on the type of
developed for evaluation of quality of fishery products. fish and the processing technique employed. Dried fish
Sensory evaluation of fish by experienced persons is the may contain somewhat higher amounts of TVBN (Con-
most widely practised method, where the judges evalu- nell, 1995).
ate and interpret reaction to characteristics of food Hypoxanthine can be used for more species and
such as appearance, odour, flavour and texture, as products including freshwater species and shellfish, but
perceived through senses. However, apart from being requires elaborate technique and skill. Measurement of
expensive, the results can vary depending upon the the K-value by HPLC is more complex and time con-
personal bias of the evaluating panel members, their suming. Microbiological quality evaluation such as esti-
fatigue, etc. On the other hand, mechanical, instrumen- mation of total plate count or colony forming units per
tal or laboratory methods are objective, easily repro- gram of fish takes 2–3 days to complete. Although
ducible and reliable. These include moisture and fat automated systems have been developed to complete
meters, texturometers and computer-aided vision mea- the analysis within a few hours, the equipment and
surement devices for detection of parasites or blood skills necessary to use it are relatively costly. The
clots in fish fillets (Pau and Olafsson, 1997; Connell, conventional methods of quality evaluation of fish
1995). Chemical and biochemical methods entail taking items are summarised in Table 1.
an extract or piece of fish (which may not represent the
whole batch of processed fish) and involve laborious
techniques extending to several hours. 4. Quality problems due to environmental
Measurement of TMA content cannot be useful for contamination
freshwater fish species, which have negligible amounts
of TMAO. Further, TMA does not increase much in Hazards due to environmental contamination of fish-
concentration during the early stages of spoilage and its ery products by pathogenic microorganisms, industrial
analysis requires a good deal of technical skill. TVBN pollutants, etc., are major problems in the seafood
estimation is of somewhat wider application and can be industry. Several pathogenic microorganisms have been
used for products not containing TMA. In order to recognized to jeopardise the safety of fishery products
deliver good quality fishery products to the consumers, (WHO, 1999; Venugopal et al., 1999; Levin, 1978). The
standards for freshness of the products are necessary. leading cause of food-borne illness during the past few

Table 1
Conventional methods for quality evaluation of fishery products

Method Reference Remark

Sensory evaluation FAO (1995), Connell (1995) Depends on sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing
as judged by experienced persons
Chemical methods: total volatile Convey microdiffusion method Farber and Ferro, Measurement of trimethylamine, ammonia and
basic nitrogen (1956), Antonacopoulos and Vyncke (1989) other volatile basic nitrogen by titration
Trimethylamine Wong and Gill (1987) Useful only for marine fish
Ammonia LeBlanc and Gill (1984) Indicates only advanced spoilage
Volatile acids Venugopal et al. (1981) Good correlation with bacterial spoilage
Nucleotide catabolites Saito et al. (1959). HPLC method is used. Degradation products of ATP. Reliable quality
indices of several fish/shellfish, based on K-value
Histamine Lehane and Olley (2000) Histamine is thermostable and hence cooked fish
can be analyzed by fluorimetric or HPLC methods
H2S, CH3SH, (CH3) 2S Determined by gas chromatography Indicates advanced degree of spoilage
Rancidity Tarladgis et al. (1960), Sinnhuber and Yu (1958) 2-Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value is a good index
of oxidative rancidity in fish lipids. Reasonable
correlation with sensory properties
Instrumental methods FAO (1995); Pau and Olafsson (1997). Measures spoilage based on electrical properties,
Commercial pH and texturometers, moisture and pH and vision properties of fish muscle. Presence
fat analyzers of parasites and blood clots in fish fillets are
determined by computer-aided vision techniques
Microbiological methods Total plate count Indicative of microbial spoilage of fresh fish.
Conventional techniques take 48–72 h. Rapid
techniques are now available
150 V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157

years was salmonellosis, followed by shigellosis, staphy- 5. Biosensors for biochemical quality evaluation
lococcal intoxication and gastroenteritis. Some of the
common pathogens found in fishery products are The use of biosensors in foods can be broadly di-
Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, different species vided into two groups: enzyme sensors for food compo-
of Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus cereus, Campylobac- nents, and immunosensors for pathogenic bacteria and
ter jejuni, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Vibrio para- pesticides. Their applications in the food industry in-
haemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Listeria clude proximate analysis, nutritional labelling, determi-
monocytogenes. The contamination of fish by these nation of pesticide residues, naturally occurring toxins
pathogens can occur prior to harvest, during capture, and anti-nutrients, processing changes, microbial con-
processing, distribution and/or storage. Understanding tamination, enzymatic inactivation, and BOD of wastes
the profound influence of factors such as environment, (O’Connell et al., 2000; Suleiman and Guilbault, 1994;
process, and distribution conditions on fishery prod- Wagner and Guilbault, 1994; Luong et al., 1991). These
ucts, a need has been felt for quality assurance and devices, as discussed elsewhere, are analytical devices
adoption of standards in the fish industry in order to composed of a biological recognition element (such as
safeguard the health of the consumer. For example, a an enzyme, antibody, receptor, or microbe) coupled to
European Union Directive (91/492) has laid down rules a chemical or physical transducer. The biological com-
that live bivalves must contain fewer than 300 faecal ponent is normally immobilized at or near the trans-
coliforms or fewer than 230 E. coli per 100 g shellfish ducer surface in order to maximise the response. The
flesh and contain no Salmonella sp. Marine products transducers [electrochemical (electrodes), mass
imported into Japan should not contain V. cholerae, (piezoelectric crystals or surface acoustic wave devices),
faecal coliform or Staphylococcus sp. These aspects optical (optrodes), or thermal (thermistors or heat-sen-
have been recently discussed by Venugopal et al. (1999). sitive sensors)] convert the particular biochemical event
Other environmental hazards that include heavy into an electrical signal, providing a biochemically spe-
metals, pesticides and antibiotics may also be present in
cific detector that can be easily interfaced to a computer
processed fish, particularly in the case of aquacultured
or automated system. Many enzymes and cells consume
fishery products, due to their increased chances of
and/or produce charged species that can be monitored
contamination from environments (WHO, 1999). In-
by potentiometric, amperometric, or conductometric
dustrial pollution is responsible for the high content of
techniques. The details of construction of biosensors
mercury in fish caught from coastal waters. Regulatory
have been described by several authors (Turner, 2000;
authorities have stipulated that the concentration of
Suleiman and Guilbault, 1994; Wagner and Guilbault,
mercury in edible portion should not exceed 0.5–1.0
1994; Brooks et al., 1991; Karube and Tamiya, 1987).
p.p.m. on wet weight basis. Similarly, in the USA, the
Significant developments in biosensors for fish qual-
Food and Drug Administration have set action levels
for maximum permitted concentrations, namely, 5.0 mg ity measurement started in the 1980s, as recently re-
of the insecticide DDT and its breakdown products, viewed by Venugopal et al. (2000). Pioneering work was
DDE and TDE, 0.30 mg dieldrin and aldrin, 2.0 mg carried out by Watanabe’s group to measure nucleotide
polychlorinated biphenyls. Controls of pond water concentrations to evaluate fish freshness (Watanabe et
quality with respect to BOD, salinity level, pH, content al., 1983, 1984a,b, 1987). An enzyme sensor specific for
of phytoplankton, etc., are also essential for optimal Hx in fish was developed using an immobilized xan-
aquaculture operations. thine oxidase membrane and an oxygen probe. The
Poisoning of humans due to the consumption of fish enzyme was covalently immobilized on a membrane
belonging to the Scombroid family, including mackerel, prepared from cellulose triacetate, 1,8-diamino-4-amino
tuna, herring and marlin, has been attributed to the methyl octane using glutaraldehyde. Hx is oxidised to
presence of high levels of histamine and also other uric acid and hydrogen peroxide by the immobilized
biogenic amines including putrescine, cadaverine, sper- enzyme, the output and current of the oxygen probe
midine, agmatine, and tyramine. These are generated decreasing due to oxygen consumption. A linear rela-
by the action of bacterial decarboxylases on histidine tionship was obtained between current decrease and Hx
and related amino acids (Lehane and Olley, 2000). The concentrations in the range 0.06–1.5 mM. The sensor
maximum concentration of histamine permitted by Eu- could be used for more than 100 assays and had a
ropean Union and USA regulations, and in Codex storage life of 30 days at 5 °C (Watanabe et al., 1983).
Alimentarius Standards is 20 mg per 100 g fish. Several In another system, both xanthine oxidase and nu-
fish and shellfish may be also sources of toxins such as cleoside phosphorylase were co-immobilized on a mem-
paralytic shellfish poison, diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, brane already mentioned, for measurement of both Hx
ciguatera, tetrodotoxin, etc., which they imbibe when and HxR. The enzyme sensor responded to Hx and
feeding of certain marine algae. It is essential that HxR in the presence of phosphate, while it responded
products intended for consumption should carry mini- only to Hx in the absence of phosphate. A linear
mum of these toxins (Rawles et al., 1996). correlation was observed between current decrease and
V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157 151

the concentration of Hx and HxR in the range 0.5–2.0 by xanthine oxidase. The apparatus, in addition to the
mM. A system consisting of nucleotidase, nucleoside multi-electrode sensor, consisted of relay controller and
phosphorylase and xanthine oxidase could also measure A/D converter. For operation, phosphate buffer solu-
IMP. Measurements with respect to fish such as sea- tion (0.05 M, pH 7.8) containing 0.1 mM cysteine
bass, mackerel, yellowfish, etc., showed a good correla- transferred continuously to the sensor system by a
tion when compared with the conventional enzymatic peristaltic pump at a flow rate of 1.0 ml per min. After
assay (Watanabe et al., 1984a,b). the output current became steady, a 20–50 ml aliquot of
Shen et al. (1996) developed a simpler method that a mixture of hypoxanthine, inosine and IMP or a
uses a xanthine oxidase electrode. The enzyme was perchloric acid extract of fish muscle, was injected
immobilized on a silk membrane, onto which a plat- directly into the flow line which was turned off after
inum disc and copper wire were attached. This device 600 s. The data obtained from the sensors were ana-
was highly sensitive to Hx levels in fish and could lyzed by the computer and the freshness pattern was
therefore be used to assess fish freshness. Karube et al. displayed on the monitor screen. Each assay took 8
(1984) developed an enzyme sensor system consisting of min. The system has been successfully used for quality
a 5%-nucleotidase membrane and a nucleoside phospho- evaluation of seabream, flounder, abalone, etc. (Watan-
rylase–xanthine oxidase membrane attached to an oxy- abe and Turner, 1993; Watanabe et al., 1984c).
gen electrode. A small anion-exchange resin column A simple and rapid method using an ammonia ion-
was connected to the enzyme sensor for separation of selective electrode to measure volatile bases in fish has
nucleotides in order to measure each nucleotide concen- been proposed by Pivarnik and Thiam (1998). The
tration. Good correlation was obtained between K-val- probe could also be used to measure TMA. Storage
ues determined by the sensor and conventional trials on eight fish species illustrated a correlation with
methods. the method that reflected nitrogen concentration based
Another biosensor system has been developed to on total volatile base analysis. Gamati et al. (1991) used
measure the Hx concentration ratio Hx/(Hx +IMP + immobilized cells of Pseudomonas amino6orans to mea-
sure trimethylamine. The amine could be measured
HxR). The system consisted of a detection chamber
within a range of (5–26)× 10 − 3 mmol with a response
equipped with an amperometric electrode using immo-
of 3.5 min.
bilized xanthine oxidase for measurement of Hx. The
Urea is present in fish belonging to the Elasmo-
sensor detected both hydrogen peroxide and uric acid
branchs, and this is degraded to ammonia during
released during the oxidation of Hx. Immobilized nu-
spoilage. Amperometric enzyme or microbial probes for
cleosidase was used for conversion of IMP to HxR.
ammonium and urea, which have better sensitivities as
After injection of soluble nucleoside phosphorylase and
compared with potentiometric devices, have been devel-
phosphate, the resulting HxR was introduced for deter-
oped using immobilized glutamate dehydrogenase and
mination of the Hx ratio. The system, which had the urease enzymes coupled with platinum electrodes.
flexibility for measuring the K-value, was successfully These devices could measure ammonium and urea up
used to measure the quality of several fish varieties to 0.2 mM (Betrocchi et al., 1996; Sheppard et al., 1996;
(Luong and Male, 1992). Pandey and Pandey, 1991; Riedel et al., 1990). They
A multi-enzyme electrode sensor system has been may also be employed for evaluation of squid quality,
developed for simultaneous determination of AMP, for which formation of ammonia is a good index of
hypoxanthine, inosine and IMP. These compounds quality loss (LeBlanc and Gill, 1984). Fibre-optic
were determined according to the reaction: biosensors for urea are also available (Schaffar, 1994).
Rhines and Arnold (1995) reported a sensor using
AMP “ IMP “ HxR “ Hx “ uric acid urease bound to carboxyfluorescein dye for fluorescence
detection, which can measure 0.05–2.5 mM urea with a
where AD is adenosine monophosphate (AMP) deami- response time of 1.3–7 min. However, it has a stability
nase, NT is 5%-nucleotidase, NP is nucleoside phospho- of only one day. In contrast, the device reported by
rylase, PI is inorganic phosphate, and XO is xanthine Wolfbeis and Li (1992) has stability of more than one
oxidase. month and can detect urea within a range 0.03–0.6 mM
Enzymes were covalently bound to a membrane pre- with a response time of 4 min.
pared from cellulose triacetate, 1,8-diamino-4-amino Sensors have been developed for histamine and other
methyloctane and glutaraldehyde. Sensors for Hx, polyamines. A polyamine biosensor has been developed
HxR, IMP were prepared by attaching membrane of using putrescine oxidase immobilized on microplanar
XO, XO –NP, XO – NP – NT and XO – NP – NT and thin film hydrogen peroxide electrodes. The enzyme
AD, respectively, to four oxygen electrodes. Each sen- oxidized putrescine along with cadaverine, spermidine,
sor was based on the principle that the output current agmatine, and tyramine to give the respective alde-
of the oxygen electrode decreased due to oxygen con- hydes. The consumption of oxygen during the oxida-
sumption, when hypoxanthine is oxidised to uric acid tion process was measured by an oxygen electrode,
152 V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157

Table 2
Enzyme-based biosensors for fish freshness evaluation

Enzyme Transducer Metabolite Fish Detection range Reference

Xanthine oxidase O2 electrode Hypoxanthine Tuna, seabream, 0.06–1.5 mM Watanabe et al. (1983)
Xanthine oxidase, O2 electrode Inosine, Tuna, seabream, 0.5–2 mM Watanabe et al. (1984b)
nucleoside phosphorylase hypoxanthine yellowtail
Nucleoside phosohorylase, Amperometric K-value (see text); Rainbow trout, K-value (0–1); Mulchandani et al. (1990)
xanthine oxidase electrode inosine (HxR) haddock, carp, sole HxR (3.6–143
Immobilised bacterial cells O2 electrode K-value (see text) Bluefin, tuna, yellowtail 5–26 mM Watanabe et al. (1987),
Hoshi et al. (1990)
Xanthine oxidase Amperometric Hypoxanthine Fish Shen et al. (1996)
5%-Nucleotidase, nucleoside O2 electrode KI-value Seabass, mackerel, 0–0.5 mM Karube et al. (1984)
phosphorylase, xanthine flounder
Ammonia Ammonia, TMA Cod, tuna, haddock, 10–60/5–30 mg Pivarnik and Thiam (1998)
electrode perch, flounder ammonia/(TMA)
Xanthine oxidase,
nucleoside phoshorylase
Nucleotidase Amperometric K-value (see text) Sockeye salmon, Pacific Luong and Male (1992)
electrode cod, Herring
Pyruvate oxidase, octopine O2 electrode Octopine and other Scallop 0–40 mM Shin et al. (1998)
dehydrogenase amines octopine
Diamine oxidase Amperometric Histidine, Sole, rainbow trout 25 mM–6 mM Male et al. (1996)
electrode Cadaverine,
Putrescine oxidase Amperometric Polyamines Pollack 0.03–3 mM Chemnitius et al. (1992)
Sulphite oxidase Oxygen Sulphite Different fish 5–550 mM Mulchandani et al. (1991)

which gave a linear response between putrescine oxida- octopine content in scallop adductor muscle as deter-
tion and oxygen consumption within a range of 0.03–3 mined by the sensor and a HPLC method.
mM amine. The sensor also responded linearly, when Apart from nitrogen metabolites, biosensors are
used in fish extracts (Chemnitius et al., 1992). Male et available for lipid derivatives. An amperometric glyce-
al. (1996) used purified diamine oxidase from porcine ride biosensor has been developed for determination of
kidney immobilized onto a nylon membrane that was glycerol and triglycerides using glycerol dehydrogenase
attached to an amperometric electrode. The biosensor (GDH) and lipase. Oxidation of glycerol by glycerol
was linear up to 6 mM with a limit of 25 mM for dehydrogenase produces NADH, the electrochemical
histamine, putrescine, and cadavarine. The enzyme oxidation of which is measured with a saturated Ag/
membrane was stable for 2 months at 5 °C and can be AgCl electrode. GDH is immobilized on the surface of
used for 60 assays. a carbon electrode. Sensitivity of the electrode varied
Formation of octopine from arginine and pyruvic from 2 to 9 mM (Laurindavicius et al., 1996). Table 2
acid is one of the major biochemical processes occur- summarises the various enzyme-based biosensors devel-
ring in scallop muscle post-mortem. About 1% (w/w) oped for measurement of fish quality.
octopine is accumulated during a 5-day storage of the
scallop in ice. An octopine sensor for quality assess-
ment of scallop freshness developed by Shin et al. 6. Biosensors for monitoring environmental hazards
(1998) is based on the immobilised enzymes octopine
dehydrogenase and pyruvate oxidase. During the reac- 6.1. Biosensors for pathogenic microorganisms
tion, octopine is oxidized to pyruvic acid by the dehy-
drogenase enzyme; the pyruvic acid generated is further The microbial contents of fishery products including
oxidized by pyruvate oxidase to acetyl phosphate. In pathogens and their toxins are important indicators of
addition to oxygen electrode used to measure oxygen environmental pollution, safety and consumer accept-
consumption, the sensor included a reactor and flow ability, as already pointed out. Rapid information on
cell. A good correlation was obtained between the any microbial health hazard is essential for fast move-
V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157 153

ment of the commodity in the consumer markets. Im- clams. Biosensors for detection of pesticides have been
munosensors are more applicable to the area of food reported (Dankwardt and Hock, 1997; Ivanov et al.,
safety. The possibility to use antigens in combination with 2000). Due to their small size, the antibodies are raised
a transducer such as a piezoelectric crystal detector offers against pesticides conjugated to immunogenic carriers.
the ability to develop a group-specific piezo-immunosen- This increases the difficulty in producing immunosensors.
sor for the detection of an entire family of bacteria and Bender and Sadik (1998) produced an electrochemical
also insecticides. The technique does not require the use immunosensor to detect pesticides. A highly sensitive
of a label as in the case of radio-immunoassay techniques. technique for the determination of mercury, silver and
Ivintski et al. (1999) have reviewed the different tech- copper in the p.p.b. range based on the inhibition of
niques used for bacteriological detection using im- urease has been developed (Danielsson and Mosbach,
munosensors. Whereas an enzyme-linked immunsorbent
assay in many cases may satisfy the needs of food
Detection of antibiotics in cultured fish is very impor-
analytical laboratories, biosensors based on the use of PZ
tant. Penicillins in the range 5–30 mmol can be detected
crystals may find applications in semicontinuous control
using immobilized E. coli with a response time of 8 min
as well (Guilbault and Luong, 1991).
A reasonably good signal was observed upon expo- (Galindo et al., 1990). Cephalosphorins can be estimated
sure of piezoelectric crystals coated with Salmonella with the range 50–100 mg per ml using Citrobacter
antibody through polyethylenimine. The sensor allows freundii, with a response time as low as 10 s (Matsumoto
detection of 106 –109 cells of the bacterium per millilitre et al., 1979).
(Prusak-Sochaczewski et al., 1990). Crowley et al.
(1999) developed a rapid immunosensor for L. monocy-
togenes in milk, based on amperometric detection, 7. Potentials of biosensors for aquaculture operations
which could be performed in 3.5 h. Rapid and reliable
screening procedures for enterobacterial (including Cultivation of fish species by aquaculture (freshwa-
Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella dysenteriae, E. coli, ter, estuarine or marine environments) requires control
Proteus, Serratia and Klebsiella) contamination of food of salinity, BOD, pH, phytoplankton levels and temper-
including fishery items and drinking water have been ature of pond water and feeding the juveniles with good
developed using antibodies raised against enterobacte- quality aquafeeds. BOD is widely used as an indicator
rial common antigen, a glycophospholipid of the outer of the amount of biodegradable organic compounds in
bacteria membrane. Plomer et al. (1992) described an waste water, which needs to be properly controlled for
immunosensor for the detection of all enterobacteria in optimal growth of fish. Unhygienic aquafeeds, particu-
food and drinking water, using monoclonal antibodies larly those prepared from fish meal, have been a major
against the enterobacterial common antigen. Rasooly
and Rasooly (1999) have reported a biosensor that can
measure staphylococcal enterotoxin A in food within 4 Table 3
min. Abdel-Hamid et al. (1999) developed a sensor for Major environmntal hazards in fishery products and some examples
E. coli 0157:H7 with a limit of detection of 100 cells per of biosensors for their estimations
ml. Table 3 indicates some of the major environmental
Environmental hazard Biosensor
hazards of fishery products and biosensors available for
their detection. Microbial pathogens
DNA hybridization is another rapid technique that Salmonella sp. Prusak-Sochaczewski et al. (1990)
offers the specificity and sensitivity required for the Shigella sp. Ivintski et al. (1999)
detection of microorganisms in foods, which could be Vibrio sp. Crowley et al. (1999)
Escherichia coli Plomar et al. (1992)
integrated into biosensors. The extent of hybridization Vibrio cholerae Abdel-Hamid et al. (1999)
between the specific DNA probe and the searched-for Vibrio parahaemolyticus
DNA could be coupled with the use of fluorescence, Aeromonas hydrophila Rasooly and Rasooly (1999)
bioluminescence, electrical detection (including Listeria monocytogenes Dmitri et al. (2000)
piezoelectric method) and antibody-enzyme-based Yersinia enterocolitica
Clostridium botulinum
methods, and is useful for the detection of pathogens Staphylococcus aureus Nedelkor et al. (2000)
(Sharif and Prasad, 2000; Whitaker, 1994; Jones, 1991).
Heavy metals
Mercury, copper, silver Danielsson and Mosbach (1988)
6.2. Biosensors for pesticides, hea6y metals and
antibiotics in fish
Polychlorinated biphenyls Ivanov et al. (2000)
Bender and Sadik (1998)
Polychlorinated biphenyls and other pesticides are Dankwardt and Hock (1997)
found throughout the food chain including fish and
154 V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157

source of pathogenic bacteria in farms and farm-raised Table 4

Some potential areas of applications of biosensors in aquaculture
fish (Kume et al., 1983). Fish and shellfish produced
from freshwater and coastal aquaculture are also more
prone to environmental contamination by chemical and Antibiotics and other antimicrobials
biological agents. Such hazards also vary depending on Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
the methods of farming fish, ranging from intensive Insecticides
Health care of cultured fish, e.g. lactic dehydrogenase activity in
commercial operations to small-scale systems, manage-
body fluids
ment practices and environments (WHO, 1999; Heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, etc.)
Venugopal et al., 2001). Food borne trematode infec- Herbicides
tions and food-borne diseases associated with patho- Microbial toxins
genic bacteria, residues of agrochemicals, veterinary Nitrate, nitrite
Pathogenic microorganisms (Enterobacteria)
drugs, and heavy metal contamination have all been
Polyamines (histamine)
identified as health hazards. Salinity
Conventionally, BOD tests take 5 days to complete Sulphides
and as a consequence are unsuitable for direct process
control. Several biosensors have been developed for
BOD measurements using microbial cells such as Pseu- had a profound effect on acceptability of their products
domonas sp., Bacillus sp., and some thermophilic bacte- by countries such as Japan and USA (Weston, 1996).
ria. These systems can measure BOD values as low as 1 Biotechnological diagnostic tools for disease control
mg per litre within a maximum of 30 min. Recently, an and prevention in aquaculture have been developed.
algal biosensor for monitoring water toxicity in estuar- These include monoclonal antibodies, polymerase chain
ine environments has been proposed. The sensor was reaction, enzyme-linked immunoassays, latex agglutina-
obtained by coupling the alga Spirulina subsalsa to an tion tests, DNA finger printing and probes. These were
amperometric gas diffusion electrode. The analytical discussed recently by Sharif and Prasad (2000).
device allows the monitoring of the evolution of phy- Cultivated fish, generally, become stressed due to
tosynthetic oxygen and the detection of alterations due restricted living space. Injury due to collisions and
to toxic effects caused by environmental pollutants illness result from the environment becoming polluted
(heavy metals, triazinic herbicides, carbamate insecti- with excrement. Therefore, health care of cultivated fish
cides). In all the cases, a dose-related inhibition of is very important. Determination of various enzyme
phytosynthetic activity with good reproducibility could activities in the body fluids is an important diagnostic
be detected (Campanella et al., 2000; Frense et al., tool for health care of the fish. A biosensor for contin-
1998). Biosensors for evaluation of the quality of refrig- uous flow analysis of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) has
erated and frozen aquacultured seabass reared in aer- been developed for the purpose. The sensor system
ated and hyperoxic conditions have been reported (Poli consisting of immobilized pyruvate oxidase membrane,
et al., 2000). Nanto et al. (1993) reported an alu- oxygen electrode and flow cell, measured oxygen con-
minium-dopex zinc oxide thin film gas sensor capable sumption during oxidation of lactic acid by LDH to
of detecting freshness of seafoods. pyruvic acid, which is further oxidised by pyruvic ox-
Aquacultured fish may pose bacterial hazards as a idase associated with oxygen consumption (Okuma et
result of contamination of water through sewage or al., 1989). Table 4 summarises potential applications of
through unhygienic feeds (Ranjit, 2000). The patho- biosensors in aquaculture.
genic bacteria include Salmonella sp., E. coli O157:H7,
Campylobacter sp. and Vibrio sp. Sensors have been
developed for detection of these pathogens (Ranjit, 8. Commercial biosensors
2000; Pathirana et al., 2000; Plomer et al., 1992). DNA
hybridization probe techniques with the required Despite the extensive research performed in the past
biosensor systems are available commercially two decades and the clear demand for on-line measure-
(Whitaker, 1994). Biosensors for quality evaluation of ment, biosensors have yet to be widely accepted for
refrigerated and frozen sea bass reared in aerated or industrial bioprocess monitoring (Scheller et al., 1985;
hyperoxic conditions have been reported recently by Brooks et al., 1991; Luong et al., 1991). The most
Poli et al. (2000). successful biosensors available commercially are dispos-
As mentioned earlier, potential hazards in aquacul- able glucose sensors for testing blood sugar of diabetic
tured fish are generally due to environmental pollution. patients. Boujtita et al. (1999) reported their efforts on
Presence of residues of antimicrobial drugs in farmed making biosensors applicable to industrial needs. They
shrimp has been increasingly reported in recent years. compared different modes of production of renewable
The problem of drug residues such as oxolinic acid and carbon paste electrodes and claimed that they could
oxytetracycline in cultured shrimp in the Far East has produce high analytical quality sensors. Cho et al.
V. Venugopal / Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17 (2002) 147–157 155

(1995) developed a new device for the rapid measure- inland distribution and to adhere to international stan-
ment of quality of wet fish using a microcomputer dards required for processed seafoods.
attached to a sensor. The portable device could rapidly
assess changes in quality of several fish stored under
varying temperatures in terms of indices such as the Acknowledgements
K-value, TVBN, etc., suggesting its potential as a qual-
ity indicator kit for fish markets. However, such devices The author thanks Dr B.D. Malhotra, National
are yet to be commercialised. Commercial biosensors Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India, for his support.
for measuring biochemical oxygen demand are avail-
able, and these have significant application in
aquaculture. References
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