Pushover Analysis

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Non linear static pushover analysis

1. 1. By R.Jeyanthi
2. 2.  Pushover is a static-nonlinear analysis method where a structure is subjected to
gravity loading and a monotonic displacement- controlled lateral load pattern  Lateral
load may represent the range of base shear induced by earthquake loading  Output
generates a static-pushover curve which plots a strength- based parameter against
deflection.  For example, performance may relate the strength level achieved in certain
members against displacement at the top of the structure  Results provide information
about ductile capacity of the structural system and indicate the mechanism, load level
and deflection at which failure occurs
3. 3.  Purpose How will a structure perform when subjected to given level of earthquake 
Types of performance check: ◦ Linear static analysis ◦ Linear dynamic analysis ◦ Non
Linear static analysis (Push over analysis) ◦ Non Linear dynamic analysis
4. 4.  The existing building can become seismically deficient since seismic design code
requirements are constantly upgraded and advancement in engineering knowledge. 
Further, Indian buildings built over past two decades are seismically deficient because of
lack of awareness regarding seismic behavior of structures.  The widespread damage
especially to RC buildings during earthquakes exposed the construction practices being
adopted around the world and generated a great demand for seismic evaluation and
retrofitting of existing building stocks.
5. 5.  Better understand building behavior - Identify weak elements - Realistic prediction of
element demands  Less conservative acceptance criteria can be used  Simple to
6. 6. Goal is to predict peak response of building and components for a given earthquake
7. 7.  Construct Pushover curve  Select earthquake level(s) to check  Select
performance level(s) to check  Select acceptance criteria for each performance level 
Verify acceptance ◦ Capacity Spectrum Method (ATC-40) ◦ Displacement Coefficient
Method (FEMA 273)
8. 8.  Define Structural Model ◦ Elements (components) ◦ Strength - deformation properties
 Define Loads ◦ Gravity ◦ Lateral load pattern  Select Control Displacements or Drifts 
Perform Pushover Analysis
9. 9.  Modeling the structure  Perform a series of linear analysis  Develop push over
curve  Determine effective dynamic properties  Determine demand lateral displacement
 Check adequacy of elements
10. 10.  Understand the structure before attempting a non linear analysis  Identify the
following things, ◦ Critical elements ◦ Probable yield failure modes ◦ Importance of
torsional behavior and need for 3D modeling
11. 11.  For best estimates design or specified strengths should be used in determining
material capacities  use of artificially low nominal strengths will result in under estimates
of strength demands on some elements  Expected Steel yield - 1.25Fy  Expected
concrete compressive strength 1.33f’c
12. 12.  Select a loading pattern for the structure ◦ Loading pattern should produce a
deflected shape in the structure similar to that it would undergo in earthquake response 
Loading Pattern Alternatives ◦ Inverse triangular ◦ Rectangular ◦ First mode ◦ Modal
dynamic ◦ Modal dynamic variant ◦ Multi-mode  FEMA 356 requires use of at least: ◦
Inverse triangular or first mode ◦ Rectangular  FEMA 440 found that there is not
substantial difference in the accuracy produced by the various load patterns
13. 13.  Develop Pushover Curve  Determine Effective Dynamic Properties ◦ Initially,
perform elastic modal analysis to determine fundamental period of structure, T ◦
Determine initial stiffness, ki from pushover curve as V1/Δ1 ◦ Determine effective
stiffness, ke at 60% of yield force from pushover curve
14. 14.  Determine Demand Lateral Displacement ◦ Capacity Spectrum Method - detailed in
ATC-40 ◦ Displacement Coefficient Method - detailed in FEMA-273 ATC 40 and FEMA
273 (FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY are the documents containing
◦ Modeling procedures ◦ Acceptance criterias ◦ Analysis procedure for pushover analysis
15. 15. Construct Capacity Spectrum Determine Demand Spectrum Determine Performance
Point Verify Acceptance
16. 16.  Estimate Target Displacement oEstimate effective elastic stiffness, Ke oEstimate
post yield stiffness, Ks oEstimate effective fundamental period, Te oCalculate target roof
displacement as C0 Relates spectral to roof displacement C1 Modifier for inelastic
displacement C2 Modifier for hysteresis loop shape C3 Modifier for second order
effects )4/( 22 3210  ea TSCCCC
17. 17.  Magnitude of the structural loading is incrementally increased, which leads to the
identification of ◦ weak links ◦ Failure modes of the structure  ATC 40 and FEMA 273 are
the documents containing ◦ Modeling procedures ◦ Acceptance criterias ◦ Analysis
procedure for pushover analysis
18. 18.  These documents define force deformation criteria for hinges used in pushover
analysis.  Five points labeled A, B, C, D, and E are used to define the force deflection
behavior of the hinge  Three points labeled IO, LS and CP are used to define the
acceptance criteria for the hinge. (IO, LS and CP stand for Immediate Occupancy, Life
Safety and Collapse Prevention respectively.)  The values assigned to each of these
points vary depending on the type of member as well as many other parameters defined
in the ATC- 40 and FEMA-273 documents.
19. 19.  Create the basic computer model (without the pushover data)  Define properties
and acceptance criteria for the pushover hinges  The program includes several built-in
default hinge properties that are based on average values from ATC-40 for concrete
members and average values from FEMA-273 for steel members. These built in
properties can be useful for preliminary analyses, but user-defined properties are
recommended for final analyses. This example uses default properties
20. 20.  Locate the pushover hinges on the model by selecting one or more frame members
 Define the pushover load cases o Gravity load case and lateral load case . o Pushover
load cases can be force controlled, ie. pushed to a certain defined force level, or they can
be displacement controlled, ie. pushed to a specified displacement.  Run the basic static
analysis and, if desired, dynamic analysis. Then run the static nonlinear pushover
21. 21.  Display the pushover curve, the number of hinges in each state as defined in Figure
1 can be viewed  Display the capacity spectrum curve. The performance point for a
given set of values is defined by the intersection of the capacity curve (green) and the
single demand spectrum curve (yellow).  Review the pushover displaced shape and
sequence of hinge formation on a step-by-step basis

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