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Mata Kuliah : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kode Mata Kuliah : PDGK4304
Pokok Bahasan : Introduction, Jobs and Routines and Family
Materi : Modul 1,2 dan 3
Nama Tutor : Ida Masruroh, S.Pd.,MM.
Pertemuan TT Ke : I (Satu)
Skor Maksimal : 100

Nama Mahasiswa : Silvia Monica

NIM : 857011763

KK: Mahasiswa mampu mengerjakan soal – soal yang bertujuan mereviu kembali
materi yang telah disampaikan dalam modul 1,2 dan Modul 3

A. Complete the dialogue

1. A : How do you do.

B : How do you do, too.
2. A : What’s your name, please ?
B : My name is Nida Annisa
3. A : What’s your live ?
B : I live at Jl. Beringin Indah No.143
4. A : What’s your phone number ?
B : My phone number is (021 8532027)
5. A : Where do you come from ?
B. I come from North Sulawesi

B. Fill the blanks with suitable answer

1. Dino’s father works at hospital.He fixed the teeth of patients. He is a dentist.

2. Nida teaches at school every day. She is a teacher.
3. Mita works at hospital, She helps doctor to observe the patient. She is a nurse.
4. Mr Ahmad repairs the window and the door. He is a carpenter.
5. Mr. Hami works at the field, he plants vegetables. He is a farmer.

C. Choose the right word

1. She always gets up everyday at 05.00 o’clock

2. I watches television every evening.
3. They will have test tomorrow.
4. Will you come to my birthday party to night?
5. Does she go to school every day?
6. I met your mother yesterday
7. Did you get the information about test two days ago?
8. I made a birthday cake to my daughter yesterday.
9. We are doing test now.
10. They are discussing now.

D. Make sentence in to negative ( - ) or introgative ( ? )

1. She always cooks in the kitchen everyday

( ? ) Does she always cook in the kitchen everyday ?
2. Do they read book in the library every week ?
( - ) They do not read book in the library every week
3. She walked to market yesterday.
( - ) She did not walk to market yesterday.
4. I did not come late yesterday
( ? ) Did I come late yesterday ?
5. He will follow the sport competition next week.
( ? ) Will He follow the sport competition next week ?

E. Essay

1. Give the examples asking about job

1. What is your job ?
2. What is your work ?
3. What do you do ?
4. What kind of job do you have ?
5. What kind of work do you do ?
2. Explain about:
a. Simple Present
Simple present is an event that occurs at the present time in a simple form or a
form of a verb to state facts, habits, or events that occur at this time. Time signal
of simple present : every (everyday, every morning, etc).
b. Present continuous tense
Present continuous is a sentence that describes an ongoing activity or while
speaking. Time signal of present continuous : now, at present, this time,this
moment, today, right now.

3. Please describe the pictues below

This is an alarm clock.
It is made of metal and glass.
It is circle in shape.
It is light green.
This function to see the time.

This is a handbag.
It is made leather.
It is rectanguler in shape.
It is brown.

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