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Topic : overcoming phobias, fears

1) WUP : What is this song about ?

2) 1st watching : what are people afraid of ? Which phobias are shown ?
Have you experienced any of these fears?
Which one(s) do you find the most common? Which ones do you think are the strangest? Why?

3) 2nd watching : Watch the video / Listen to the song again. Complete the lyrics.
Speak and open up your (1)_________
It's something you should do all the time
Keep (2)_____________, seek and find
You know you might surprise yourself
(3)______________ without a taint or hold
The doubts that should embrace your heart
The calm and chaos of your (4)___________
You know you might surprise yourself

Take a pen and (5)______________ this down

Draw something that can't be found
And (6)______________ to walk again somehow
You know you might surprise yourself

Love her if you only knew

The times that train has (7)______________ me too
And tears me from a place I know
It helps me to surprise myself
You know you can surprise yourself
So (8)_____________ and surprise yourself
4) Discussion :
1. What is your biggest fear in life? …..................................................................................................
2. What was the most frightening experience you have ever had?
3. Have you overcome any of your fears?
4. How can people overcome their fears? What are the steps of overcoming a fear?
5. What do you think about the following quotes? Choose 2 and discuss them with your partner.
Jack GARRATT (2016)

1) What is this song about ? ?


2) What are these people afraid of ? Which phobias are shown ? Have you experienced any of these fears?
Whi2nd watching : ch one(s) do you find the most common? Which ones do you think are the

The fear of small spaces - claustrophobia

stage fright - topophobia

the fear of water - aquaphobia

the fear of balloons (popping) - globophobia

the fear of driving – vehophobia

the fear of heights – acrophobia

the fear of roller coasters – roller coaster phobia

the fear of being tattooed or tattoos – tatouazophobia

the fear of wind/draft – ancraophobia

3) Watch the video / Listen to the song again. Complete the lyrics.
Speak and open up your _________ Draw something that can't be found
It's something you should do all the time And ______________ to walk again somehow
Keep _____________, seek and find You know you might surprise yourself
You know you might surprise yourself
______________ without a taint to hold Love her if you only knew
The doubts that should embrace your heart The times that train has ______________ me too
The calm and chaos of your ___________ And tears me from a place I know
You know you might surprise yourself It helps me to surprise myself
You know you can surprise yourself
Take a pen and ______________ this down So _____________ and surprise yourself
4) Discussion :
1. What is your biggest fear in life? …..................................................................................................
2. What was the most frightening experience you have ever had?
3. How can people overcome* their fears? What are the various steps of overcoming a fear?
4. What do you think about the following quotes? Choose 2 and discuss them with your partner.
Use structures such as MUST/MUSTN’T, SHOULD/SHOULDN'T...
Ex : People shouldn’t give in to* their fears. People must overcome their phobias.

Vocabulary :
to overcome : …………………………………………. to give in to something: céder à quelque chose
a phobia = to have an extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation
to be afraid of heights (acrophobia) = to be scared of confined places (claustrophobia)

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