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Rephrase with get

1. We are going back home at 12 o’clock from school.

2. I’m going to the supermarket. Do you want me to buy anything for you?
3. Ana is going to receive a prize for her project.
4. We are getting close, don’t become too excited, Tom.
5. When we arrived home yesterday, it was really late.
6. The book was terrible! After 5 minutes I fed up with it and fell asleep.
7. I was so thirsty that I bought a drink in a caffe!
8. We were late for the train, and when we arrived there, the train had left!
9. He was upset because of my joke.
10. Tina was ill, but then she recovered.
11. They’re at the beginning of their career. (out)
12. She discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
13. He left the house at 8 o’ clock.
14. The new Barbie doll appeared in the shops.
15. We had no more petrol in the car, and it stopped.
16. We had a problem, but we could solve it.

Rephrasing with something, anything.... ESO 1

1. There is nothing in the fridge

2.  There isn´t anywhere I want to go without you
4.  I don´t have any friends 
5 . She doesn´t want anything to drink
6. We have no idea of the exam
7. I hate nobody
8.  I don´t have anywhere to go.
9. I have nothing to do

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first. Write between 2 and 5 words in each gap.
1.- I came here to live here three months ago.
I ________________________ here for three months.
2.- Sophie is out at the shops at the moment.
Sophie ____________________ to the shops.
3.- I’ve had German lessons since April.
I __________________________ German lessons since April.
4.- I’m still reading this too!.
I ___________________ reading this too! "et.
5.- Saul left the !itchen a minute ago.
Saul has ________________ the !itchen.
6.- It’s ages since I last went to the disco.
I __________________ to the disco for ages.
7- (his is the first time I’ve eaten Indian food.
I _____________________ Indian food before.
8- I don’t remember Marta’s email address.
I ___________________ Marta’s email address.
9 - (he last time it rained &as in August.
It ______________________ August.
10.- The doctor began work at six o’clock and is still working.
The doctor ___________________ o’clock.
11.- Franck has been writting the report. It’s finished now.
Franck _________________ the report.
12.- My wait in the 0ueue has lasted forty minutes so far.
I ________________________ in the 0ueue for forty minutes.
13.- The computer has been mine for nine "ears.
I ________________________ for nine "ears.
14.- We arrived in Edimburgh three days ago.
We ________________________ three days.
15.- I visited Paris once before.
 _____________________ I’ve visited Paris.
16.-This is m" fist experience of flying alone.
This is the _______________________ alone.
17.- I started writing this report hours ago and it’s not still right.
I ______________________________ hours and it’s still not right.
18.- Dave you played Monopoly before?
Is this the ______________________ played Monopoly.
19.- I started studying at six and now it’s ten o’clock.
It’s ten o’clock and I ________________________ four hours.
20.- I last went shopping two months ago.
I _________________________________ two months.
21.- I haven’t seen for ages.
It’s ___________________________ seen him.
22..- Peter when did you start doing this exercise?
How __________________________ this exercise?
23.- My daughter became interested in learning the clarinet last year.
She’s wanted to learn the clarinet ___________________.
24.- I met my best friend when I was six.
I ____________________.
25.- The children went to sleep an hour ago.
The children ___________________ an hour.


Rewrite the sentences using the new beginnings and the words in block letters

1. Susan paints well but her brother Andrew paints far better.

Susan doesn’t ..............................................................................................

Andrew is .........................................................................................
2. I always arrive at school a little later than my schoolmates.

My schoolmates arrive .................................................................................

I never arrive ................................................................................................
3. In that queue there are 50 people: In this one there are 23.
There are .........................................................................................................
In this queue there aren’t ...............................................................................

In that queue there are ................................................................................

4. Donald Duck is less rich than Uncle Scrooge.

Donald Duck has got .....................................................................................

Donald Duck hasn’t .......................................................................................

Uncle Scrooge has .........................................................................................

Uncle Scrooge is much ..................................................................................

5. I earn £100. John earns £1500.

I earn ..............................................................................................................

John earns ......................................................................................................

I don’t earn ....................................................................................................

6. Climbing is a more dangerous sport than swimming.

Swimming is not ............................................................................................

7. Living in Lissone is more peaceful than living in Milan.

Lissone is a .....................................................................................................

Living in Milan is not .......................................................................................

One lives Milan.

8. I play tennis twice a week. Mark plays tennis every day.

Jean plays tennis twice a month I play tennis ............................................................................... Mark

9. A Jaguar is much more expensive than a Fiat.

Fiat costs ..................................................................................................

Jaguar .......................................................................................................

10. In a football match there are more players than in a basketball match.

In a basketball match there are ......................................................................

In a basketball match there aren’t ..................................................................

11. Patrick drinks more than his brother.

Mark plays ......................................................................the three. Jean....................................................................................Mark or I do.

1. My physician advised me to give up smoking. (OUGHT)

I  .
2. I'm upset you didn't tell me you finished university. (SHOULD)
You  .
3. Thank you for paying the rent! (SHOULDN'T)
You  !
4. I think it is a good idea for you to buy a new sweater. ('D BETTER)
You .
5. It was a bad idea to park here. (SHOULDN'T)
We  .
6. I don't think it is a good idea to watch horror movies if you have nightmares. ('D BETTER)
You .
7. Your duty is to clean this office. (OUGHT)
You  .

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