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Smart companies regularly
rationalize brand portfolios
to maximize profits. If you do
Kill a Brand, Keep a
the job well, you can serve
customers better at the same

TC by Nirmalya Kumar

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Smart companies regularly rationalize brand portfolios to maximize
profits. If you do the job well, you can serve customers better at the

same time.

Kill a Brand, Keep a
TC by Nirmalya Kumar
In the 1930s, Neil McElroy was a rookie man- articulating what companies should do with
ager who supervised the advertising for losing brands.
Camay soap at Procter & Gamble. The con- Seven-plus decades have gone by since

sumer products giant ignored Camay but lav- McElroy wrote his famous memo, but brand
ished money and attention on its flagship killing has remained an unwritten chapter in
product, Ivory. Naturally, Ivory stayed the the marketer’s handbook and an underused
leader while Camay struggled for survival. tool in the marketer’s arsenal. Companies
Dismayed, McElroy drafted a three-page inter- spend vast sums of money and time launching
nal memo in May 1931. He argued that P&G new brands, leveraging existing ones, and ac-
should switch to a brand-based management quiring rivals. They create line extensions and
system. Only then would each of its brands brand extensions, not to mention channel ex-
have a dedicated budget and managerial team tensions and subbrands, to cater to the grow-
and a fair shot at success in the marketplace. ing number of niche segments in every mar-

McElroy rose to head P&G in 1948, and his ket, and they fashion complex multibrand
memo became the basis on which most corpo- strategies to attract customers. Surprisingly,
rations, including P&G, have managed brands most businesses do not examine their brand
ever since. In it, McElroy posited that the com- portfolios from time to time to check if they
pany’s brands would fight with each other for might be selling too many brands, identify
both resources and market share. Each “brand weak ones, and kill unprofitable ones. They
man’s” objective would be to ensure that his tend to ignore loss-making brands rather than
brand became a winner even if that happened merge them with healthy brands, sell them off,
at the expense of the business’s other brands. or drop them. Consequently, most portfolios
However, McElroy did not carry the argument have become chockablock with loss-making
to its logical end. The memo stopped short of and marginally profitable brands.

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 1
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

Moreover, the surprising truth is that most marginally profitable brands. They’ve used the
brands don’t make money for companies. My resources they’ve freed to make their remain-

research shows that, year after year, businesses ing brands better and more attractive to cus-
earn almost all their profits from a small num- tomers. Thus, killing brands may sometimes be
ber of brands—smaller than even the 80/20 the best way for companies to serve both cus-
rule of thumb suggests. In reality, many corpo- tomers and shareholders.

rations generate 80% to 90% of their profits Why haven’t most companies put system-
from fewer than 20% of the brands they sell, atic brand-deletion processes in place? Mainly
while they lose money or barely break even on because executives believe it is easy to erase
many of the other brands in their portfolios. brands; they have only to stop investing in a
Take the cases of four transnational corpora- brand, they assume, and it will die a natural
tions whose brand portfolios I analyzed: death. They’re wrong. When companies drop
Diageo, the world’s largest spirits company, brands clumsily, they antagonize customers,
sold 35 brands of liquor in some 170 countries particularly loyal ones. In fact, most attempts
in 1999. Just eight of those brands—Baileys li- at brand deletion fail; several studies show that
queur, Captain Morgan rum, Cuervo tequila, after companies clubbed together several
Smirnoff vodka, Tanqueray gin, Guinness brands or switched from selling local brands to

TC stout, and J&B and Johnnie Walker whis-

keys—provided the company with more than
50% of its sales and 70% of its profits.
Nestlé marketed more than 8,000 brands in
190 countries in 1996. Around 55 of them were
global brands, 140-odd were regional brands,
and the remaining 7,800 or so were local
brands. The bulk of the company’s profits
global or regional brands, they were able to
maintain market share less than 50% of the
time. Similarly, when firms merged two
brands, the market share of the new brand
stayed below the combined market share of
the deleted brands in seven out of eight cases.
If a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation
suggests that you may have too many loss-
came from around 200 brands, or 2.5% of the making or marginally profitable brands, you
portfolio. will have to prune your portfolio (see the side-
Procter & Gamble had a portfolio of over bar “Quick Test: Do You Have Too Many
250 brands that it sold in more than 160 coun- Brands?”). Your first priority will be to get
tries. Yet the company’s ten biggest brands— managers at all levels of the organization to
which include Pampers diapers, Tide deter- back you because brand deletion is a traumatic
gent, and Bounty paper products—accounted process. Brand and country managers, whose
for 50% of the company’s sales, more than 50% careers are wrapped up in their brands, never
of its profits, and 66% of its sales growth be- take easily to the idea. Customers and channel
tween 1992 and 2002. partners defend even inconsequential and loss-
Unilever had 1,600 brands in its portfolio in making brands. There will always be pressure
1999, when it did business in some 150 coun- from senior executives to retain brands for sen-
tries. More than 90% of its profits came from timental or historical reasons. Indeed, brand
Nirmalya Kumar is a professor of mar- 400 brands. Most of the other 1,200 brands rationalization programs have often become
keting at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, made losses or, at best, marginal profits. so bogged down by politics and turf battles
and the London Business School, The implications are inescapable. Compa- that many companies are paralyzed by the
where he is also the director of the nies can boost profits by deleting loss-making mere prospect.
Centre for Marketing and codirector of brands. What’s more, even though revenues It doesn’t have to be that way. Over the last

the Aditya V Birla India Centre. He has may fall in the process, brand deletion will pro- ten years, I have studied the brand rationaliza-
written two HBR articles, “Profits in the vide a shot in the arm for an additional reason. tion programs at more than a dozen compa-
Pie of the Beholder” (with Daniel Cor- Many corporations don’t realize that when nies in the United States and Europe, includ-
sten, May 2003) and “The Power of they slot several brands into the same cate- ing Akzo Nobel, Electrolux, Sara Lee, Unilever,
Trust in Manufacturer-Retailer Relation- gory, they incur hidden costs because multi- and Vodafone. The best companies use a sim-
ships” (November–December, 1996). brand strategies suffer from diseconomies of ple four-step process to optimize their brand
He is also the author of Marketing as scale. Naturally, those hidden costs decline portfolios, which I will describe in the follow-
Strategy: Understanding the CEO’s when companies reduce the number of brands ing pages. I will also show how companies like
Agenda for Driving Growth and Inno- they sell. In fact, some businesses have im- Unilever and Electrolux were able to increase
vation, forthcoming from Harvard Busi- proved performance by deleting not just loss- both profits and sales by methodically killing
ness School Press. making brands but also declining, weak, and brands.

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 2
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

Making the Case

Smart CEOs begin the rationalization process
Quick Test

by orchestrating groups of senior executives in
Do You Have Too Many Brands? joint audits of the brand portfolio. Such audits
are useful because most executives do not
These ten questions will help you determine if know which brands make money or how

your company has too many brands and you need many brands are unprofitable. To calculate
to embark on a brand rationalization program. the profitability of each brand, firms must al-
locate fixed and shared costs to them. That is
often a complicated task resulting in long and
bitter debates between managers, and few
companies bother to do it right. Executives
Are more than 50% of our brands laggards view each brand from their own particular
or losers in their categories? perspectives and put forward arguments
about the problems they will face if it is
Are we unable to match our rivals in marketing dropped. That collectively results in a justifi-
and advertising for many of our brands? cation for almost every brand in the portfolio.

TC Are we losing money on our small brands?

Do we have different brands in different countries

for essentially the same product?

Do the target segments, product lines, price bands,

or distribution channels overlap to a great degree
for any brands in our portfolio?
However, when executives look at the big pic-
ture together, they uncover the problems.
They reluctantly extend a degree of support to
the program despite their job- and turf-related
Senior executives from marketing head-
quarters, heads of region and product groups,
and global brand managers usually meet to
conduct the first brand audit. Here’s how it
Do our customers think our brands compete
works: Each executive has a work sheet that
with each other?
lists all the brands in the company’s portfolio,
Are retailers stocking only a subset of our their global market shares, annual sales, and
brand portfolio? other such data in tabular form. (See the ex-
hibit “The Brand Audit Sheet.”) The columns
Copyright © 2003 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

Does an increase in advertising expenditure on the sheet indicate among other things the
for one of our brands decrease the sales of any geographic regions where each brand sells. For
of our other brands? each brand in each region, executives discuss
and enter two pieces of data. First, they charac-
Do we spend an inordinate amount of time
terize the brand’s market position as “domi-
discussing resource allocation decisions across
nant,” “strong,” “weak,” or “not present.” Typ-
ically, if the brand is a market leader, it is
Do our brand managers see one another as dominant; if it is number two or number three
their biggest rivals? in the category, it is strong; otherwise, it is
weak. Second, executives use one word—such
as “value,” “upscale,” or “fun”—to capture the
Total brand’s value proposition. Finally, the group

debates each brand’s profitability and indi-

cates whether it is a “cash generator,” it is
If you answered “yes” to: “cash neutral,” or it is a “cash user.” I usually
advise managers to fill in their best guesses if
0–2 questions:
the data on brand-level profitability are not
Minimal brand rationalization opportunity
available at this stage and then generate them
3–6 questions: as a follow-up to the audit.
Considerable brand rationalization opportunity The results always come as a revelation to
7–10 questions: participants. Executives usually find that only
Brand rationalization should be a priority a fistful of brands in the company’s portfolio
have clearly differentiated positions or have

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 3
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

global market shares greater than 1%. Con- Pruning the Portfolio
fronted by such data, they slowly shift from In the next stage, companies decide how many

justifying the performance of pet brands to brands they want to retain. They deploy two
worrying about why so many brands have cap- distinct but complementary models to do so: a
tured so small a share of their markets, suffer portfolio approach and a segment approach.
from poor profitability, and consume, rather When companies use the portfolio approach,

than contribute to, cash flows. Later, the com- they choose to keep only those brands that
pany’s product divisions and country opera- conform to certain broad parameters. The ap-
tions conduct similar audits to involve the next plication of such a top-down approach often
tier of executives in the rationalization drive. results in a sweeping reduction in the number
These audits make the need to prune brands of brands they sell. Alternately, in the seg-
apparent throughout the organization and ment approach, companies identify the
serve as a springboard to the next step. brands they need in order to cater to all the
consumer segments in each market. By identi-
fying distinct consumer segments and assum-

The Brand Audit Sheet

Line up all the brands in your company’s portfolio on a single sheet of paper, listing their global
market shares, annual sales and profits, and market positioning in tabular form, and you can see
just how many brands overlap and how few brands account for the bulk of corporate profits.

Regional Presence
Brand Global
Market North Latin Asia Western Eastern Percentage Percentage Cash
Share America America Pacific Europe Europe of Sales of Profits Status
strong cash
A 15% 17% 20%
fun generator
B 7% weak 8% 10% cash
value user
C 3%

D 1%

E >1%

F >1%

Corporation. All rights reserved.

Business School Publishing
Copyright © 2003 Harvard

Market position: Brand Positioning: Cash Status:

Dominant (#1 in the region) Quality, value, upscale, fun, Cash generator
Strong (#2 or #3 in the region) adventurous, premium, safe,
reliable, trustworthy, aggressive, Cash neutral
Weak (#4 or lower in the region) cheap, etc. Cash user
NP = Not present in the region

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 4
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

ing only one brand will be sold in each seg- sition. The top management team decided that
ment, executives infer the right size of the the company didn’t need all those brands and

portfolio for a particular category. Some com- would probably make higher profits if it
panies use both approaches. For instance, dropped many of them. Unilever decided to re-
they may start by rationalizing brand portfo- tain only those that met all three of the follow-
lios category by category and, when they still ing criteria:

find themselves with too many brands, apply Brand Power. The brand had to have the po-
the portfolio approach to complete the task. tential to become number one or number two
And the process can easily be reversed. in its market. It also had to be a brand that re-
The Portfolio Approach. Companies that tailers carried to drive traffic into stores. Dove
effectively manage multibrand portfolios in soap and Lipton tea, for example, met both
scores of markets in several industries and these requirements.
countries decide how many brands they Brand Growth Potential. The brand had to
should retain by first laying down stiff selec- display the potential for growth based on ei-
tion criteria. The CEO often appoints a com- ther its appeal to current customers or its abil-
mittee of senior executives and company di- ity to meet consumer needs in the future. Ber-
rectors to draw up these parameters. That’s a tolli olive oil, for instance, was in touch with

Unilever and Electrolux

TC good way to push ahead with the rationaliza-
tion program in a large organization, since the
appointment of the committee signals top
management’s commitment to the task. Such
a high-level committee is also necessary be-
cause the process inevitably becomes an op-
portunity to check if the company should exit
some markets or countries where all its brands
the healthier lifestyle and eating habits that
consumers were seeking, and the company
could reposition it as part of a larger line of
Mediterranean-inspired offerings marketed
under the same brand.
Brand Scale. The brand had to be big and
profitable enough to justify the investments
that the company would make in marketing
were able to increase perform poorly. Indeed, using the portfolio communications and in marketing and techno-
approach allows companies to reevaluate logical innovation, even if it was not a global
both profits and sales by their strategy quickly. brand. For instance, PG Tips tea and Marmite
methodically killing Some companies use very general pa- were not global brands like Dove and Lipton,
rameters. For instance, they may decide, in but they still had scale because of their
brands. the General Electric tradition, to retain strength in Britain and other regions.
only those brands that are number one or After laying down these parameters, Uni-
number two in their segments, as measured lever’s corporate headquarters in London
by market share, profits, or both. Other asked the product and regional teams through-
firms tailor the parameters according to out the company to apply them to all their
the specific nature of their industries. For brands and suggest which ones the company
example, companies in fast growth indus- ought to retain. Several rounds of intense and
tries often choose to keep brands that dis- messy negotiations ensued between the teams
play the potential to grow rapidly. Simi- and marketing headquarters to identify the
larly, manufacturers that depend on core brands. Eventually, Unilever decided to
retailers for sales prefer to focus on brands retain 400 brands, which through this process
that draw shoppers into stores. Individual it had discovered accounted for 92% of its prof-
parameters are not either-or criteria, of its. The other 1,200 brands in the portfolio

course, and companies often combine them were marked for deletion. By adopting the
to arrive at their filters. portfolio approach, Unilever was able to sift
Let me illustrate the use of the portfolio ap- through 1,600 brands in 150 countries in little
proach with the case of Unilever, which began more than a year.
a brand rationalization program in 1999. The Segment Approach. Companies de-
Around that time, the company decided to ac- cide which brands to keep in each market in a
quire Bestfoods, which added several big number of ways. Some businesses apply gen-
brands like Hellmann’s mayonnaise, Skippy eral parameters akin to those they applied to
peanut butter, and Knorr soups to its arsenal. the entire portfolio, such as market share or
In fact, the number of brands in Unilever’s growth potential, to select the brands to focus
portfolio swelled to over 1,600 after the acqui- on in each market. Others have found it more

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 5
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

useful to resegment the market and identify range of equipment that included ovens, chill-
the brands that are needed to cater to the new ers, freezers, refrigerators, and stoves for pro-

segments. For instance, some firms segment fessional kitchens in hospitals, airports, cafete-
markets based on consumer needs rather than rias, hotels, and restaurants. At one point, the
by price or product features. That allows them company had 15 to 25 rivals in every country,
to both prune portfolios and take on rivals and it bought several of them over the years.

more effectively. By 1996, the company had 15 brands in the
Take, for example, the manner in which professional food service equipment market,
Electrolux rationalized its portfolio of brands and only one, Zanussi, was sold in more than
in the professional food-service equipment one country on the Continent. Electrolux ran
market in Western Europe. In the late 1990s, the SKr 4.2 billion (about $630 million) opera-
the consumer durables manufacturer offered a tion in a decentralized manner, but the divi-

The Perils of Proliferation

Before launching a brand, companies usually compare the additional revenues they expect to generate with the costs of marketing the

brand. The costs are often greater than executives can imagine because a multibrand strategy has one serious limitation: It suffers from di-
seconomies of scale. When a firm introduces several brands into a market, it incurs hidden costs and, after a point, bumps into constraints.
It is not easy to tell, but the business has usually reached that point when its brands no longer cater to distinct customer segments. Al-
though the hidden costs accumulate slowly, they can exceed the benefits if the company slots too many brands in the category. Let us look
at four forms these costs can take:

Differentiation. Costs mount when com-

panies are unable to position each of their
manufacturing a great variety of products
requires large setup costs and longer ma-
last year. Manufacturers have not been able
to fight back because they depend on the
brands in a unique way. Often, although ex- chine downtime in factories, which results large chains for most of their sales. A decade
ecutives do not realize it, the features, at- in higher production costs. More important, ago, the top ten retailers in the United
tributes, or prices will overlap. The brands such businesses are unable to develop new States accounted for only about 30% of the
compete with one another as much as they products as often as they need to. Not only average manufacturer’s sales; today, they
do with rival brands and often end up canni- does it take them longer to recoup invest- account for 80%. To get the retailers to
balizing each other. As a result, the firm’s ments from niche brands, but they also have grudgingly carry all their brands, especially
costs rise faster than its revenues. A classic to spend similar sums on all their brands. weak and marginal brands, companies have
example is General Motors, which has strug- Many firms have compromised by launch- to pay special slotting allowances and
gled to create distinctive product lines and ing new products for each brand less fre- higher margins—a high and, increasingly,
brand images for its U.S. brands: Chevrolet, quently or by allowing brands to share inno- not-so-hidden cost of a multibrand strategy.
Saturn, Pontiac, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, vations. Consequently, the brands have lost Complexity. Multibrand strategies re-
Hummer, Saab, and Opel. (Sure, GM de- their freshness or uniqueness. Similarly, quire coordination—everything from prod-
cided to delete the Oldsmobile brand in some companies do not spend as much as uct innovations and packaging changes to
2003 but only after it had racked up losses they need to on advertising because the re- distributor relationships and retailer promo-
for ten straight years.) Last year, all those turns do not justify the expenditure, so the tions. A large brand portfolio also requires
brands combined for only 28% of the U.S. small brands never gain visibility. Thus, the frequent price changes and inventory ad-
automobile market. But Toyota captured costs of this multibrand strategy are high justments, which consume costly manage-
10% of the market with only two brands, because much of the money is spent subop- rial resources. Moreover, companies bear

Toyota and Lexus. timally. the biggest cost of brand proliferation not in
Inefficiency. Many companies have used Retailer Margins. When companies field the present but in the future. In companies
their brands to carve out several ostensibly many brands, it becomes prohibitively ex- with large portfolios in many markets, man-
lucrative, but small niches. The lack of vol- pensive for them to get retail shelf space for agers incessantly worry about interbrand
ume has not worried their marketers, who all of them. Big retail chains like Wal-Mart budget allocation issues rather than the
try to maximize the sales of the entire port- in the United States and Carrefour in Eu- company’s future or their rivals. I have at-
folio rather than the sales of each brand. But rope prefer to carry only the top two or tended the annual marketing strategy meet-
such firms have belatedly realized that three brands in each category. Retailers use ings of several multinational corporations
maintaining a large stable of brands, each the leading brands to lure people into stores and can vouch for that from personal experi-
operating on a relatively small scale, is cor- but then push store brands at shoppers. In ence. Such conflicts have often preoccupied
respondingly more expensive than selling a fact, store brands accounted for 40% of re- organizations, rendering them vulnerable
small number of big brands. For one thing, tail sales in Europe and 20% in the States to competition from more focused rivals.
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harvard business review • december 2003 page 6
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

sion still lost money. needs of its customers. The resulting econo-
Before it attempted a turnaround, Elec- mies of scale and scope helped turn around the

trolux conducted market research in 1996 and fortunes of the business. Although Electrolux
found that many customers were willing to deleted 12 brands, the division’s sales never
pay premiums for leading brands. At almost fell, and it reported a profit of SKr 390 million
the same time, CEO Michael Treschow an- (or about $37 million) in 2001, up from an op-

nounced a rationalization of the company’s erating loss of around SKr 55 million ($8 mil-
portfolio of 70-plus brands. That’s when Elec- lion) in 1996.
trolux executives realized that if they replaced
the 15 small brands in the professional market Liquidating Brands
with a few big brands, they might just be able After companies have identified all the brands
to make money. That still begged the question: they plan to delete, executives need to reeval-
How many brands did Electrolux need to cater uate each of them before placing it on one of
to customers in this market? four internal lists: merge, sell, milk, or kill (in
The company decided to conduct a cross- order from the most complex to the simplest
national segmentation study to help find the to execute). In most transnational corpora-
answer. Like its rivals, Electrolux had always tions, task forces of executives from the prod-

TC segmented the market by price and product

specifications. That created a high, a me-
dium, and a low segment, and the company
sold equipment that was correspondingly so-
phisticated and priced. However, the study
found several flaws with that approach and
identified four distinct consumer need–
based segments that cut across Europe.
uct or brand management team and the coun-
try management teams draw up these lists.
The corporate marketing headquarters con-
solidates the lists and distributes them
throughout the business to prevent confusion
about the future of any brand. That serves as
the cue for the business to plan each brand’s
demise and, at the same time, prepare for the
Those segments were a basic solution seg- organizational consequences of doing so.
ment (consisting of pubs and convenience Merging Brands. Companies often prefer
stores); a performance specialization seg- to merge brands rather than drop them, espe-
ment (airlines, hotels, and hospitals); a gas- cially when the brands targeted for elimina-
tronomy partnership segment (staff can- tion have more than a few customers or oc-
teens and family restaurants); and a prestige cupy niches that might grow in the future.
gourmet segment (gourmet restaurants). Executives transfer product features, at-
Electrolux decided to target the last three tributes, the value proposition, or the image
segments with one brand in each. It chose the of the marked brand to the one they plan to
Electrolux, Zanussi, and Molteni brands, re- retain. They do that around the same time
spectively, to do so because of their scale and they drop the brand, not before or after. By
proximity to the desired positioning in each advertising the change and using promotions
segment. Later, the company launched a new to induce consumers to try the replacement
brand, Dito, to cater to the basic solution seg- brand, marketers get people to migrate from
ment. Electrolux dropped ten of the other one to the other. In 1999, for example, Uni-
brands and converted two, Juno and Therma, lever sold both Surf, which boasted a 6%
into subbrands of Electrolux for a while in an- share of the laundry detergent market in
ticipation of deleting them, too. Britain, and Radion, which had but 2%. Mar-

Having four pan-European brands, instead ket research indicated that consumers liked
of 15 local brands, allowed Electrolux to man- Radion’s strong sun fresh scent and that Surf
age the brand portfolio more effectively. The might benefit from the attribute. That
company developed international marketing prompted Unilever to delete Radion and, si-
and communication tools, such as new adver- multaneously, to shift Radion’s perfume to
tising and showroom concepts, Web sites, Surf, launching “SunFresh” Surf. In six
newsletters, road shows, and exhibitions, to en- months’ time, the new Surf had a market
sure that customers perceived each brand as share of 8%—the combined market share of
the best in its segment. Electrolux was also the old Surf and Radion. However, merging
able to design more appropriate products for brands is tricky because, as Unilever cochair-
the brands because it better understood the man Antony Burgmans warned his market-

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 7
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

ers, “You are not migrating brands but mi- Selling Brands. Despite the instinctive or-
grating consumers.” In addition, migration is ganizational resistance, wise companies sell

expensive, and smart companies deploy it brands that are profitable when they don’t fit
sparingly. in with corporate strategy. For instance, in
Companies formed from the merger of two 2001, P&G sold the Spic and Span and the
firms that use their corporate names as brands Cinch cleaner brands, as well as the Biz bleach

can find they have no choice but to migrate to and Clearasil skin-care brands, and recently
a single corporate brand. The speed at which put the Punica and Sunny Delight juice
they need to integrate the brands often de- brands on the block. They were all profitable
pends on the circumstances. After a hostile but were in categories that the giant did not
merger or a controversial acquisition, most want to focus on. In such cases, the brand’s
companies prefer a quick changeover and, of- market value is often greater than the value
ten, an entirely new brand name. By adopting the company places on it, making it a good
a completely new identity, these companies candidate to put up for sale. A word of warn-
can signal to customers that they have ac- ing: Smart companies create legal safeguards
quired fresh capabilities because of their to ensure that the brands they sell do not re-
merger. For example, Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy turn as rivals.

White Cloud is an
TC emerged as Novartis in 1996. Companies can
also drop one of the two brands, as the two
Swiss banks UBS and SBS did by combining as
UBS in 1998. That is appropriate when the
merged business can shift customers from one
brand to the other and does not have time to
build a new brand. It has the added benefit of
extending the equity of the stronger brand to
Milking Brands. Some of the brands that
companies want to delete may still be popular
with consumers. If selling them is not possible
because of either strategic or sentimental rea-
sons, companies can milk the brands by sacri-
ficing sales growth for profits. They stop all
marketing and advertising support for such
brands, apart from a bare minimum to keep
“undead” brand, rising the weaker one. products moving off the shelves. They also try
When two brands are equally strong, how- to save on distribution costs and reduce re-
from the grave to haunt ever, smart companies adopt more gradual tailer margins by selling only on the Net. Fi-
P&G. migration strategies. They use both brands, nally, the organization moves most managers
either as a dual brand or by making one a off the teams that handle these brands. As
subbrand of the other for a while before sales slowly wind down, companies maximize
dropping the weaker of the two. For in- profits from these brands until they are ready
stance, in 2000, the British mobile telecom to be dropped entirely.
service provider Vodafone wanted its joint Eliminating Brands. Companies can drop
ventures in 16 countries to switch to the most brands right away without fearing re-
eponymous brand to generate marketing tailer or consumer backlash. These are the
synergies and encourage customers to use brands for which they have had trouble get-
the ventures’ cellular services when they ting shelf space and buyers in the first place.
were on the road. The partner companies To retain what customers they do have, com-
did so in two stages over two years. At first, panies offer samples of their other brands, dis-
all the country brands converted to dual count coupons or rebates on the replacement
brands such as D2 Vodafone in Germany, brands, and trade-ins. But it’s crucial that com-
Vodafone Omnitel in Italy, Europolitan panies retain the legal rights to the deleted

Vodafone in Sweden, Click Vodafone in brand names for a while. Otherwise, dead
Egypt, and so on. That allowed the joint ven- brands can return to haunt them. For exam-
tures to take advantage of the strength of ple, in 1993, Procter & Gamble shifted from
their brands to increase recognition of the selling two brands of toilet paper, White
mother brand. Vodafone tracked the brands Cloud and Charmin, to offering a full line of
to determine when recognition of the products under only the Charmin brand. The
Vodafone brand was high enough that its company did not notice when its claim to the
partners could drop the double names. Over White Cloud trademark lapsed. A smart entre-
the two years, all 16 companies became preneur snapped up the brand in 1999 and
Vodafone, the largest global brand in the sold it to Wal-Mart. The retailer has used
mobile telecom service business. White Cloud to battle Charmin ever since.

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 8
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

White Cloud is an “undead” brand, as one ob- keting competence, and management time for
server said recently in Fortune, rising from the its remaining 400 core brands.

grave to haunt P&G. For each one, executives searched for
growth opportunities by first reviewing the
Growing the Core Brands brand’s positioning, gathering competitive in-
The fourth and final step in the brand portfo- telligence, and seeking insights from consum-

lio rationalization process is not destructive, ers. Then they asked themselves how each
but creative. At the same time that corpora- brand could reach new customers, launch new
tions delete brands, they need to invest in the products and services, develop new delivery
growth of the remaining brands. Many CEOs systems, penetrate new geographic markets,
hesitate to do so because profits soar as they and generate new industry concepts.
drop brands. They forget that the business is The resources needed to grow these brands
also shrinking in terms of sales and people, came from two sources. First, Unilever reallo-
which can cause as much trouble as the prolif- cated the budgets from the 1,200 noncore
eration of brands did. Stagnation sets in, and brands to the 400 core brands. The company
demoralized managers leave the organization. saved €500 million a year by stopping adver-
Sensing that the firm has lost its appetite for tising and promotions for all the brands it

TC innovation and risk, rivals move in aggres-

sively. Companies can reap the benefits of
brand deletion only if they reinvest the funds
and management time they have freed either
into the surviving brands or into discerningly
launching new ones and taking over other
Deletion programs release resources in sev-
planned to delete. Second, the brand rational-
ization program became the basis for a restruc-
turing. Unilever decided to close 130 factories,
of which 113 had been shut down by January
2003. The company also consolidated purchas-
ing, developed shared services, and restruc-
tured supply chains for the 400 core brands. In
addition, it plans to reduce the 330,000-strong
eral ways. Focusing on fewer and bigger workforce by 10%. When all this is completed,
brands enables companies to generate greater Unilever expects to save approximately €3 bil-
economies of scale in their supply chains, in lion a year.
marketing, and in sales. Costs fall because of Unilever has used part of the money to bol-
streamlined product lines and the greater opti- ster the bottom line every year. However, the
mization of inventory. By merging brand company has also increased marketing and
teams and sales forces, companies slash sales promotion expenses from 13% to 15% of sales,
and administration expenses, and focused mar- which means an additional €1 billion a year of
keting and advertising generate greater bang marketing support. Along with the €500 mil-
for the buck. lion advertising saving from the noncore
At the same time, the rationalization pro- brands, the company has spent another €1.5
cess creates several opportunities for growth. billion a year on its core brands. Three years
Companies can enhance core brands by draw- into the five-year program, Path to Growth has
ing on the unique attributes or products of de- already produced results. By 2002, the com-
leted brands to fill gaps in the company’s over- pany’s portfolio had shrunk to 750 brands. The
all product line or make strong brands even top 400 brands, which brought in 75% of the
stronger. Similarly, deleting local or country- firm’s sales in 1999, accounted for 90% in
specific brands affords executives the chance 2002. While Unilever’s revenues increased by

to expand the geographical footprints of core only 4.2% last year, the core 400 brands grew
brands. by 5.4%—smack in the middle of the 5%-to-6%
Undoubtedly, growth is the raison d’être of target. The company hit the operating margin
smart brand rationalization programs. That’s target of 16%, suggesting that the brand ratio-
why Unilever calls its rationalization program nalization program had put Unilever on the
Path to Growth. Unilever’s goal is to increase path to profits, if not growth, by 2002.
annual sales growth to the 5%-to-6% range and •••
operating margins growth to 16% by the end of Establishing a brand portfolio rationalization
2004, when the brand deletion program is program shouldn’t be a priority solely for mar-
slated to end. The idea is to invest heavily in keters. It has to be a top management man-
advertising and promotion, innovation, mar- date, especially since companies contract

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harvard business review • december 2003 page 9
Kill a Brand, Keep a Customer

when they delete brands. While the profit pay- next quarter. Done right, however, a brand
offs come early in the program, it takes firms portfolio rationalization project will result in

anywhere from three to five years to recoup a company with profitable brands that is
revenues, depending on the number of brands poised for growth.
they delete. So, clearly, the top management
team needs to agree to the financial objectives Reprint R0312G
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as well as to the timetable for their achieve-
ment. The team also has to buy time from or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
shareholders, who usually prefer measures or go to
that deliver earnings per share increases in the


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Further Reading

The Harvard Business Review
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the concepts. Harvard Business articles on a particular business topic. The
Review OnPoint collections include series includes over thirty titles, including the
three OnPoint articles and an following best-sellers:
overview comparing the various
perspectives on a specific topic. Harvard Business Review on Brand

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