Effect of Vitamin d3 Supplementation On Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Level

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JAMA | Original Investigation

Effect of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Severe Asthma Exacerbations

in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels
The VDKA Randomized Clinical Trial
Erick Forno, MD, MPH; Leonard B. Bacharier, MD; Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS; Theresa W. Guilbert, MD, MS;
Michael D. Cabana, MD, MPH; Kristie Ross, MD, MS; Ronina Covar, MD; James E. Gern, MD;
Franziska J. Rosser, MD, MPH; Joshua Blatter, MD, MPH; Sandy Durrani, MD; Yueh-Ying Han, PhD;
Stephen R. Wisniewski, PhD; Juan C. Celedón, MD, DrPH

Visual Abstract
IMPORTANCE Severe asthma exacerbations cause significant morbidity and costs. Whether Supplemental content
vitamin D3 supplementation reduces severe childhood asthma exacerbations is unclear.
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OBJECTIVE To determine whether vitamin D3 supplementation improves the time to a severe jamacmelookup.com
exacerbation in children with asthma and low vitamin D levels.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS The Vitamin D to Prevent Severe Asthma Exacerbations
(VDKA) Study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of vitamin D3
supplementation to improve the time to severe exacerbations in high-risk children with
asthma aged 6 to 16 years taking low-dose inhaled corticosteroids and with serum
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels less than 30 ng/mL. Participants were recruited from 7 US
centers. Enrollment started in February 2016, with a goal of 400 participants; the trial was
terminated early (March 2019) due to futility, and follow-up ended in September 2019.

INTERVENTIONS Participants were randomized to vitamin D3, 4000 IU/d (n = 96), or placebo
(n = 96) for 48 weeks and maintained with fluticasone propionate, 176 μg/d (6-11 years old),
or 220 μg/d (12-16 years old).

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was the time to a severe asthma
exacerbation. Secondary outcomes included the time to a viral-induced severe exacerbation,
the proportion of participants in whom the dose of inhaled corticosteroid was reduced
halfway through the trial, and the cumulative fluticasone dose during the trial.

RESULTS Among 192 randomized participants (mean age, 9.8 years; 77 girls [40%]), 180
(93.8%) completed the trial. A total of 36 participants (37.5%) in the vitamin D3 group and 33
(34.4%) in the placebo group had 1 or more severe exacerbations. Compared with placebo,
vitamin D3 supplementation did not significantly improve the time to a severe exacerbation:
the mean time to exacerbation was 240 days in the vitamin D3 group vs 253 days in the
placebo group (mean group difference, −13.1 days [95% CI, −42.6 to 16.4]; adjusted hazard
ratio, 1.13 [95% CI, 0.69 to 1.85]; P = .63). Vitamin D3 supplementation, compared with
placebo, likewise did not significantly improve the time to a viral-induced severe
exacerbation, the proportion of participants whose dose of inhaled corticosteroid was
reduced, or the cumulative fluticasone dose during the trial. Serious adverse events were
similar in both groups (vitamin D3 group, n = 11; placebo group, n = 9).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among children with persistent asthma and low vitamin D
levels, vitamin D3 supplementation, compared with placebo, did not significantly improve the
time to a severe asthma exacerbation. The findings do not support the use of vitamin D3
supplementation to prevent severe asthma exacerbations in this group of patients.
TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02687815

Author Affiliations: Author

affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Juan C.
Celedón, MD, DrPH, Division of
Pulmonary Medicine, UMPC
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
JAMA. 2020;324(8):752-760. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.12384 4401 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Corrected on June 2, 2021. (juan.celedon@chp.edu).

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Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels Original Investigation Research

s of 2018, an estimated 5.5 million children in the US
had asthma, a major cause of health care utilization and Key Points
costs.1 In 2018, asthma exacerbations led to more than
Question In high-risk children with persistent asthma and low
546 000 emergency department (ED) visits and 80 000 vitamin D levels, does vitamin D3 supplementation prolong the
hospitalizations.1 time to a severe asthma exacerbation?
Several observational studies have linked low serum
Findings In this randomized clinical trial that included 192
25-hydroxyvitamin D (henceforth, “vitamin D”) levels to
children, vitamin D3 supplementation, compared with placebo, did
severe asthma exacerbations, lower lung function, and not significantly improve the time to a severe asthma exacerbation
reduced response to corticosteroids.2-5 Such findings may be (adjusted hazard ratio, 1.13).
explained by immune-modulatory and anti-inflammatory
Meaning The findings from this trial do not support the use of
effects of vitamin D, including regulatory T-cell induc-
vitamin D3 supplementation to improve the time to a severe
tion, attenuation of Th2 and Th17 responses, enhance- asthma exacerbation in children with asthma and low serum
ment of IL-10 production, and inhibition of airway smooth vitamin D levels.
muscle hypertrophy and collagen deposition.6-9 Vitamin D
may attenuate viral-induced asthma attacks by reducing rhi-
novirus replication in bronchial epithelium, promoting
interferon-mediated antiviral pathways and inducing pro- Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; the University of
duction of antimicrobial peptides.10,11 California at San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital;
A meta-analysis of clinical trials using participant-level data National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado; and University of
showed that vitamin D3 supplementation was associated with Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
lower risk of asthma exacerbations, but the pooled estimate Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The data coordinating center was
was not significant among children younger than 16 years old.12 based at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Pub-
More recently, a comprehensive review of vitamin D3 for the lic Health. Based on prior observational studies on vitamin D
prevention of wheeze attacks found insufficient evidence to and asthma outcomes,2,5 eligible participants were high-risk
recommend vitamin D3 supplementation in children.13 Previ- children with asthma, aged 6 to 16 years, with serum vita-
ous pediatric randomized clinical trials, however, have not fo- min D levels less than 30 ng/mL but greater than or equal
cused on children with low vitamin D levels or who are at high to 10 ng/mL (until July 21, 2017) or greater than or equal to
risk for severe asthma exacerbations. Moreover, existing trials 14 ng/mL (after that date, following a protocol amendment).
did not monitor vitamin D levels or did not show consistently Entry criteria included (1) physician-diagnosed asthma for
improved levels after supplementation. at least 1 year; (2) at least 1 severe asthma exacerbation
Children with a recent severe asthma exacerbation are at (systemic corticosteroids for at least 3 days, or a hospital-
highest risk for subsequent exacerbations, independent of dis- ization or ED visit requiring systemic corticosteroids) in the
ease severity, treatment, or control.14 The primary hypoth- previous year; (3) use of asthma medications (daily controller
esis for this trial was that supplementation with vitamin D3 medications, or inhaled β 2 -agonists at least thrice per
would improve the time to a severe exacerbation in high-risk week) for at least 6 months in the previous year; (4) forced
children, aged 6 to 16 years, with vitamin D insufficiency and expiratory volume in the first second of expiration (FEV1)
taking low-dose inhaled corticosteroids for persistent asthma. greater than or equal to 70% of predicted; and (5) either
The secondary hypotheses were that this protective effect bronchodilator responsiveness (an increment in baseline
would result from reduced incidence of viral-induced exac- FEV1 of 8% or more 15 minutes after inhalation of 180-μg
erbations or enhanced response to corticosteroids. albuterol) or, in those without bronchodilator response,
increased airway responsiveness (a provocative concentra-
tion of methacholine at which FEV1 decreased by 20% [PC20]
<8 mg/mL if not receiving inhaled corticosteroids, or
Methods <16 mg/mL if receiving inhaled corticosteroids). Exclusion
The study protocol was approved by the institutional review criteria, listed in the full study protocol (Supplement 1),
board (IRB) at each participating institution, and an indepen- included chronic respiratory disorders other than asthma,
dent data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) appointed by chronic oral corticosteroid therapy, severe asthma, and
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute monitored the inability to perform adequate spirometry. Recruitment was
study. Written parental consent was obtained for participat- conducted at several locations at each study site, including
ing children, from whom written assent was also obtained. EDs, pulmonary and allergy/immunology clinics, and general
pediatric clinics. A study description was also posted in the
Participants study website and at IRB-approved websites (eg, Pitt+Me) to
Participants for the Vitamin D to Prevent Severe Asthma reach a broader population.
Exacerbations (Vit-D-Kids Asthma [VDKA]) Study were
recruited from 7 sites across the US: Boston Children’s Hospi- Study Design and Treatment
tal, Boston, Massachusetts; Washington University and The study was a randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo-
St Louis Children’s Hospital, St Louis, Missouri; Cincinnati controlled clinical trial, with each participant randomly as-
Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio; Rainbow Babies and signed to either daily placebo capsules or daily vitamin D3,

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Research Original Investigation Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels

Figure 1. Selection of Study Participants

595 Participants assessed for eligibility

376 Excludeda
321 Vitamin D level ≥30 ng/mL
72 No positive bronchodilator response
or airway hyper-responsiveness
43 Vitamin D level <14 ng/mL
28 Recruitment ended
16 FEV1 <70 % of predicted
13 Could not schedule return screening visit
11 Medication change not approved
11 Withdrew
10 Unable to do spirometry
9 Refused procedures
6 Elevated serum calcium
4 Not taking asthma medications
2 No exacerbation in the past year
2 Asthma-related events
1 Reported allergic to albuterol
1 Taking vitamin D supplements

219 Entered run-in

27 Failed run-in (multiple reasons)b

25 Nonadherent
21 Recruitment ended
12 Failed to schedule randomization visit
11 Exacerbation during run-in
10 Withdrew
5 Medication changed during run-in

192 Randomized in permuted

block sizes of 2 and 4

96 Randomized to receive vitamin D3 96 Randomized to receive placebo

96 Received vitamin D3 as randomized 96 Received placebo as randomized

4 Lost to follow-up 1 Lost to follow-up

4 Discontinued intervention 2 Discontinued intervention
(family decision/moved) (family decision/moved)

4 Had study medication stopped 6 Had study medication stopped

4 ≥3 Exacerbations 2 ≥3 Exacerbations
2 Vitamin D <14 ng/mL at 2 consecutive visits
2 Vitamin D <10 ng/mL FEV1 indicates forced expiratory
volume in the first second of
Included in analyses: Included in analyses:
96 With time to severe exacerbation 96 With time to severe exacerbation Sum is greater than 376 because
82 With time to viral exacerbation 83 With time to viral exacerbation potential participants could fail
14 First exacerbations not tested 13 First exacerbations not tested screening more than once and could
91 With reduction in inhaled corticosteroid 91 Reduction in inhaled corticosteroid fail for more than 1 reason.
4 Withdrew before 24 wk 4 Withdrew before 24 wk b
Sum is greater than 27 because
1 Missed 24-wk visit 1 Missed 24-wk visit
participants could enter run-in more
96 Cumulative inhaled corticosteroid dose 96 Cumulative inhaled corticosteroid dose
than once and could fail for more
than 1 reason.

4000 IU (Pharmavite LLC), plus inhaled fluticasone propio- Computer-generated randomization was stratified accord-
nate (88 μg twice per day in children aged 6-11 years and 110 μg ing to study site and race/ethnicity, with treatment assign-
twice per day in children ≥12 years). Eligible participants were ments made in random permuted block sizes of 2 and 4. The
screened between February of 2016 and March of 2019 and en- soft gelatin placebo capsules were matched in appearance to
rolled if they met inclusion criteria. After a 4-week run-in pe- those containing vitamin D3. At the randomization visit, par-
riod in which participants received placebo capsules plus in- ticipants and their parents received dietary counseling, in-
haled fluticasone and as-needed inhaled albuterol (prior cluding a list of foods rich in vitamin D. After randomization,
medications were discontinued), those who met inclusion cri- participants were followed up for 48 weeks, including a total
teria at entry and during run-in were randomized (Figure 1). of 6 in-person visits every 8 weeks and telephone calls

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Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels Original Investigation Research

in-between visits. Following randomization, participants con- the dose of inhaled steroids by 50% at the 24-week study visit,
tinued taking the same dose of fluticasone until the 24-week and (3) the cumulative dose of inhaled steroids during the study
visit, when their fluticasone dose was reduced by 50% if their period. We also evaluated 2 exploratory outcomes: (1) the mean
asthma was well controlled and if they had FEV1 and FEV1 to number of severe asthma exacerbations and (2) the mean num-
forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) greater than or equal to 80% ber of viral-induced severe exacerbations.
of predicted, were using a rescue inhaler 4 or fewer times per
week, and had asthma symptoms preventing full participa- Prespecified Power Calculations
tion in daily activities no more than once per month. Asthma Based on prior studies, 5 the trial was designed to have a
control was assessed using the Asthma Control Test (ACT [score sample size of 400 participants for 88% power to detect an
range, 5-25], for participants aged ≥12 years)15 or the Child- absolute reduction in the rate of severe asthma exacerba-
hood ACT (C-ACT [score range, 0-27], for participants aged <12 tions of 16% (from 40% in the placebo group19 to 24% in the
years)16; for both tests, higher scores mean better symptom intervention group), assuming an overall α of .05, a 2-sided
control, and more than 19 points is considered well- test, and a withdrawal rate of 15%. Such calculations were
controlled asthma. Per protocol, study medications were dis- conservative because they did not reflect the primary time-
continued in participants who had 3 or more severe asthma to-event analysis.
exacerbations (n = 6); those participants were followed up and
analyzed in the group to which they were randomized. Statistical Analysis
During the trial, vitamin D levels were measured during During the trial, all children were followed up in the group to
in-person study visits at 0 (randomization), 16, 32, and 48 which they were randomized. In the primary analysis, treat-
weeks. Study medications were discontinued in participants ment groups were compared in a Cox proportional hazards re-
with a vitamin D level less than 10 ng/mL (n = 2), who were gression model that estimated a hazard ratio (HR) for the time
referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for evaluation and fol- to a severe asthma exacerbation across the 48-week study pe-
lowed up in the group to which they were randomized. Par- riod. The model included dropouts as censored observations
ticipants whose vitamin D level was between 10 and 13 ng/mL and, per protocol, was stratified by site and race/ethnicity, as
(n = 10) received additional dietary counseling along with a ran- well as by potential confounders that were not balanced by ran-
domly selected participant (to prevent unblinding); if their vi- domization. A similar approach was used for the analysis of
tamin D level was less than 14 ng/mL at a subsequent visit time to a viral-induced severe asthma exacerbation. Both
(n = 2), study medications were discontinued and the partici- asthma severity and vitamin D level may vary by race/
pant was referred to a pediatric endocrinologist and followed ethnicity; information was ascertained by parental report using
up in the group to which they were randomized. Adherence fixed categories for race and a separate question for Hispanic/
to placebo or vitamin D capsules was assessed both through Latino ethnicity, and analyzed using a combined variable (non-
returned pill counts and electronically, using the MEMS moni- Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and other). The propor-
tor (Aardex). tionality assumption was tested visually and by fitting models
with covariates and their interactions with time; none of the
Viral Polymerase Chain Reaction interactions were significant.
Nasal blows for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assessment Linear regression was used for the analysis of the differ-
of a viral infection were collected within 7 days of a severe ence in mean cumulative dose of inhaled steroids between the
exacerbation. Nasal mucus specimens were tested for com- vitamin D3 and placebo groups at the end of the trial with treat-
mon respiratory viruses (influenza, respiratory syncytial ment group as the primary explanatory variable, adjusting for
virus A and B, parainfluenza 1-4, bocavirus, metapneumovi- study site, sex, time in study (ie, follow-up time), and race/
rus, rhinoviruses and enteroviruses, and coronavirus [HKU1, ethnicity. Logistic regression was used for the analysis of the
NL63, OC43, and 229E]) using the NxTAG Respiratory Patho- proportion of participants achieving a reduction in inhaled cor-
gen Panel (Luminex). Sensitivity and specificity vary by virus ticosteroid dose at or after the 24-week visit, adjusting for site,
but on average were approximately 95% and 99%, respec- sex, time in study, and race/ethnicity. Missing data for the pri-
tively. Rhinoviruses were typed by partial sequencing as pre- mary and secondary outcomes were minimal (Figure 1) and,
viously described.17 thus, listwise deletion was used in the analyses. Two-sided P
values less than .05 were considered significant. Because of
Outcome Measures the potential for type I error due to multiple comparisons, find-
The primary end point was time to a severe asthma exacerba- ings for analyses of secondary end points should be inter-
tion during the 48-week trial period. A severe asthma exacer- preted as exploratory. All analyses were performed using SAS
bation was defined as the occurrence of either (1) use of sys- version 9.4 (SAS Institute).
temic corticosteroids (tablets, suspension, or injection) for at
least 3 days or (2) a hospitalization or ED visit because of
asthma, requiring systemic corticosteroids.18
There were 3 prespecified secondary outcomes: (1) the time
to a viral-induced severe asthma exacerbation, defined by hav- Early Termination
ing both a severe exacerbation and a positive PCR result to a After review of the second interim analysis, on March 11,
panel of common respiratory viruses, (2) the ability to reduce 2019, the DSMB recommended that no new participants be

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Research Original Investigation Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels

26 events in 90 participants (28.9%) in the placebo group and

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Randomized Participants
25 events in 91 participants (27.5%) in the vitamin D3 group.
Participants, No. (%) Conditional power was evaluated under 3 conditions: under
Vitamin D3 Placebo the null (based on no treatment effect); under the alternative
Characteristic (n = 96) (n = 96)
hypothesis (based on the original assumption of effect); and
under the observed rates. Under all 3, conditional power was
Female 44 (46) 33 (34)
less than 30%. A close-out plan to complete follow-up of ran-
Male 52 (54) 63 (66)
domized participants was reviewed and approved by the Na-
tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the DSMB; and the IRBs
White 27 (28) 32 (33)
at all participating institutions in August of 2019. Follow-up
Black 51 (53) 49 (51)
of the last participant was completed in September of 2019.
Other race 18 (19) 15 (16)
Hispanic/Latino ethnicitya 7 (7) 6 (6)
Enrollment and Study Completion
Parental education, No./total No. (%)
After screening, a total of 219 participants entered run-in, and
High school or less 21/94 (22) 20/95 (21) 192 were randomized (96 each to the vitamin D3 and placebo
Some college 22/94 (23) 22/95 (23) groups), of whom 180 (93.8%) completed the trial (92 [51%]
Completed college 37/94 (39) 32/95 (34) in the vitamin D3 group and 88 [49%] in the placebo group)
Postgraduate education 14/94 (16) 21/95 (22) (Figure 1). The median duration of follow-up was 332 days. The
Household smoke exposure, most common reasons for study discontinuation were loss to
No./total No. (%)
follow-up (n = 6), family decision (n = 5), and administrative
Before age 2 y 31/94 (33) 32/94 (34)
decision (n = 1) (Figure 1).
During study 25/93 (27) 22/93 (24)
Season of enrollment
Baseline Characteristics
January-March 30 (31) 25 (26)
The trial enrolled children with a mean (SD) age of 9.8 (2.5)
April-June 26 (27) 26 (27)
years, a mean (SD) ACT or C-ACT score of 21.7 (3.4), and a me-
July-September 22 (23) 22 (23) dian of 1 (interquartile range [IQR], 1-2) severe asthma exac-
October-December 18 (19) 23 (24) erbation in the prior year (Table 1). A total of 77 girls (40%) and
Asthma Control Test score >19b 76 (79) 73 (76) 115 boys (60%) were enrolled, with 44 girls (46%) in the vita-
Age at randomization, mean (SD), y 9.9 (2.5) 9.7 (2.5) min D3 group and 33 girls (34%) in the placebo group. Both
BMI z score, mean (SD)c 0.9 (1.1) [n = 95] 0.9 (1.3) groups were similar in terms of age, race/ethnicity, parental
No. of severe exacerbations 1 (1-2) [n = 88] 1 (1-2) [n = 86] education, household smoke exposure, season of enroll-
in the previous year, median (IQR)
ment, body mass index z score, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC. The mean
Vitamin D, mean (SD), ng/mL 22.5 (4.6) 22.8 (4.6)
(SD) baseline serum vitamin D level was 22.5 (4.6) ng/mL in
FEV1, mean (SD), % predictedd 93.9 (15.8) 90.6 (17.3)
the vitamin D3 group and 22.8 (4.6) ng/mL in the placebo group.
FEV1/FVC, mean (SD), % predictedd 91.5 (9.3) 89.6 (10.1)
Asthma Control Test score, mean (SD)b 22.0 (3.2) 21.3 (3.6)
Serum Vitamin D Levels
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided Compared with participants in the placebo group, those in
by height in meters squared); FEV1, forced expiratory volume in the first second the vitamin D 3 group were significantly more likely to
of expiration; FVC, forced vital capacity; IQR, interquartile range.
achieve a vitamin D level of 30 ng/mL or higher (94.4% in the
Race and ethnicity were ascertained per parental report. “Other race” includes
American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, mixed, and those reported as “other.” vitamin D3 group vs 40.7% in the placebo group at 16 weeks;
Asthma Control Test (ACT)15 was for participants aged 12 years or older, and and 87.2% vs 30.1%, respectively, at 48 weeks; both P < .001)
Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT)16 was for participants aged 6 to and to have a higher vitamin D level at all visits during the
younger than 12 years. The ACT is calculated based on 5 self-administered trial. In the vitamin D3 group, the mean vitamin D levels were
questions and has a score range of 5 to 25. The C-ACT is calculated based on 7
57.2 ng/mL (95% CI, 52.9-61.5) at 16 weeks, 53.8 ng/mL (95%
questions (3 answered by the parent and 4 answered with the child’s input)
and has a score range of 0 to 27. For both, higher scores indicate better CI, 48.9-58.6) at 32 weeks, and 49.4 ng/mL (95% CI, 44.9-
symptom control, and a score greater than 19 indicates well-controlled asthma 53.9) at 48 weeks. In the placebo group, vitamin D serum lev-
symptoms. els were 27.5 ng/mL (95% CI, 25.2-29.9) at 16 weeks,
BMI z scores calculated using US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 25.4 ng/mL (95% CI, 23.6-27.3) at 32 weeks, and 24.6 ng/mL
equations,20 which create z scores and percentiles for the child’s sex and age.
A BMI z score of 0 is equivalent to the 50th percentile.
(95% CI, 22.9-26.3) at 48 weeks (Figure 2), with similar levels
All participants performed spirometry following American Thoracic
after excluding participants who received open-label vita-
Society/European Respiratory Society guidelines.21 Calculated using reference min D3 supplementation due to very low levels during the
values from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.22 trial (eTable in Supplement 2). A total of 23% and 12% of par-
Values 80% of predicted or greater are considered normal.
ticipants had vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/mL at the base-
line visit and study exit visit, respectively. In the vitamin D3
randomized due to futility (lack of efficacy of vitamin D3 group, no participants reported taking (nonstudy) vitamin D3
supplementation), based on the protocol threshold of less than supplements at randomization, and 2 reported such
30% conditional power to detect the prespecified effect (a 16% supplementation at study exit; those numbers were 1 and 6
reduction in severe exacerbations). At that time, there had been participants, respectively, in the placebo group. The median

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Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels Original Investigation Research

adherence with study medication was 85% (IQR, 72%-93%)

Figure 2. Vitamin D Levels During Trial Period by Treatment Group
in the vitamin D3 group and 87% (IQR, 76%-94%) in the pla-
cebo group. 125
Vitamin D3
Primary Outcome: Time to Severe Asthma Exacerbation 100 Placebo
A total of 36 participants (37.5%) in the vitamin D3 group and

Vitamin D, ng/mL
33 participants (34.4%) in the placebo group had at least 1 se- 75
vere asthma exacerbation during the trial. Vitamin D3 supple-
mentation did not significantly prolong the time to a severe 50
asthma exacerbation: the mean number of days until a severe
exacerbation was 240 in the vitamin D3 group and 253 in the 25
placebo group, with a mean group difference of −13.1 days (95%
CI, −42.6 to 16.4) and adjusted HR of 1.13 (95% CI, 0.69-1.85; 0
0 16 32 48
P = .63) (Table 2 and Figure 3).
Study week
No. of participants
Secondary Outcomes Vitamin D3 95 90 84 68
Placebo 96 92 84 74
Vitamin D3 supplementation did not significantly prolong the
time to a first viral-induced severe exacerbation compared with Boxes represent median and interquartile ranges with error bars indicating the
placebo: the mean number of days was 272 in the vitamin D3 highest and lowest values within 1.5 times the interquartile range; dots
group and 281 in the placebo group, with a mean group dif- represent outlying data.

ference of −9.1 days (95% CI, −35.5 to 17.2) and an adjusted HR

of 1.32 (95% CI, 0.63-2.75; P = .46; Table 2; eFigure in Supple-
ment 2). The proportion of participants whose inhaled corti- Discussion
costeroid dose could be reduced (halved) at the midpoint of
the trial was not significantly different between the vita- In this randomized clinical trial of vitamin D3 added to low-
min D3 (28 participants [31%]) and the placebo (29 partici- dose inhaled corticosteroids in school-aged children with vi-
pants [32%]) groups (group difference, −1.1% [95% CI, −14.6% tamin D insufficiency and persistent asthma at high risk for se-
to 12.4%]; adjusted relative risk ratio, 0.99 [95% CI, 0.66- vere exacerbations, vitamin D3 supplementation did not lead
1.52]; P = .99) (Table 2). Vitamin D3 supplementation, com- to a significant improvement in the time to a severe asthma
pared with placebo, did not lead to a significant reduction in exacerbation. Moreover, vitamin D3 supplementation had no
the cumulative dose of fluticasone during the trial (59.6 mg significant beneficial effects on any of the trial’s secondary end
vs 55.2 mg, respectively; mean group difference, 4.41 mg [95% points, including time to a viral-induced severe asthma exac-
CI, −0.99 to 9.80]; adjusted mean difference, 4.40 mg [95% erbation, the proportion of participants whose inhaled corti-
CI, 0.001 to 8.80]; P = .049) (Table 2). costeroid dose was reduced, or the mean or cumulative in-
haled corticosteroid dose during the trial. At an observed event
Exploratory Outcomes rate of approximately 38% in the control group, such effect
Compared with placebo, vitamin D3 supplementation did not maps to an HR of about 1.93, which is not included in the 95%
significantly reduce the number of severe asthma exacerba- CI of the estimate for the primary outcome.
tions (mean number of exacerbations, 0.58 in the vitamin D3 While observational studies have reported associations be-
group vs 0.51 in the placebo group; mean group difference, 0.07 tween low vitamin D levels and childhood asthma outcomes,2-5
[95% CI, −0.14 to 0.28]; P = .50) or viral-induced severe exac- randomized clinical trials have provided less encouraging evi-
erbations (mean number of viral-induced exacerbations, 0.26 dence of a protective effect of vitamin D3 supplementation
in the vitamin D3 group vs 0.22 in the placebo group; mean against morbidity from asthma.13 Moreover, both the VDAART
group difference, 0.03 [95% CI, −0.11 to 0.18]; P = .56) (Table 2). (Vitamin D Antenatal Asthma Reduction Trial) and the COPSAC
2010 (Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Child-
Adverse Events hood 2010 cohort) trials have recently reported no signifi-
Nine participants in the vitamin D3 group and 7 in the placebo cant effect of vitamin D3 supplementation during pregnancy
group had a serious adverse event (Table 2). The most com- on asthma in the offspring by age 6 years, strongly suggesting
mon serious adverse events were hospitalizations for asthma that there is no role for such supplementation in the primary
(8 in the vitamin D3 group and 6 in the placebo group). After prevention of asthma.23-25
randomization, no participant in the vitamin D3 group and 2 The results from this trial cannot be attributed to failure
participants in the placebo group had medication stopped due to achieve vitamin D sufficiency after vitamin D3 supplemen-
to vitamin D levels less than 10 ng/mL. Two participants had tation because most (>87%) of the participants in the treat-
a level less than 10 ng/mL and 2 participants had levels be- ment group had vitamin D levels of 30 ng/mL or greater dur-
tween 10 and 13 ng/mL at 2 visits during the trial; per proto- ing the trial. The placebo group had a relatively low proportion
col, all instances were referred to a pediatric endocrinologist of participants in the control group achieving and sustaining
for evaluation and management. There were no cases of hy- vitamin D sufficiency (<40%), and participants in the vita-
percalcemia or vitamin D toxicity in either treatment group. min D3 group had consistently higher vitamin D levels than

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Research Original Investigation Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels

Table 2. VDKA Trial Outcomes and Serious Adverse Events for Vitamin D3 Supplementation vs Placebo

Vitamin D3 Placebo Adjusted analysis

Group difference
Measure No. Mean No. Mean (95% CI) Parameter estimate (95% CI) P value
Primary outcome
Days to a severe exacerbationa 96 240 96 253 −13.1 (−42.6 to 16.4) 1.13 (0.69 to 1.85)b .63
Secondary outcomes
Days to viral-induced severe exacerbationc 82 272 83 281 −9.1 (−35.5 to 17.2) 1.32 (0.63 to 2.75)b .46
Proportion of participants in whom fluticasone dose 91 28 (30.8) 91 29 (31.9) −1.1 (−14.6 to 12.4) 0.99 (0.66 to 1.52)d .99
was halved, No. (%)
Cumulative fluticasone dose, mg 96 59.6 96 55.2 4.41 (−0.99 to 9.80) 4.40 (0.001 to 8.80)e .049
Exploratory outcomes
No. of severe exacerbations 96 0.58f 96 0.51f 0.07 (−0.14 to 0.28) 0.13 (−0.25 to 0.52)e .50
No. of viral-induced severe exacerbations 86 0.26f 85 0.22f 0.03 (−0.11 to 0.18) 0.18 (−0.44 to 0.81)g .56
Serious adverse eventsh
Participants with ≥1 serious adverse events, No. (%) 96 9 (9.4) 96 7 (7.3)
Total No. of serious adverse eventsi 96 11 96 9
Hospitalizations for asthma exacerbation, No. 96 8 96 6
Abbreviation: VDKA, Vitamin D to Prevent Severe Asthma Exacerbations. Poisson regression adjusted for study site, sex, race/ethnicity, and days of
Defined as a hospitalization or emergency department visit for asthma follow-up in the study.
requiring systemic corticosteroids, or an asthma exacerbation leading to use of Mean number of exacerbations per participant.
systemic corticosteroids (tablets, suspension, or injection) for at least 3 days. g
Parameter estimate (beta coefficient, or adjusted difference in means) from
Hazard ratio stratified by site, sex, and race/ethnicity. Poisson regression adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity, and days of follow-up in
Defined as a nasal blow, collected within 7 days of the exacerbation, in which the study (model failed to converge when site included as covariate).
at least 1 virus was detected by polymerase chain reaction in a panel of Serious adverse events reported as comparative frequencies alone; sample
common respiratory viruses (average, approximately 95% sensitivity and 99% size not sufficient to allow meaningful statistical comparisons.
specificity). i
Serious adverse events included hospitalizations (9 in each group),
Relative risk ratio adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity, and days of follow-up in the eosinophilia (1), and severe neutropenia (1). There were no instances of
study (model failed to converge when site included as covariate). hypercalcemia in either group.
Parameter estimate (beta coefficient, or adjusted difference in means) from

Daily vitamin D3 supplementation at a dose of 4000 IU/d

Figure 3. Results of the Analysis of Time to a First Severe Asthma
Exacerbation was well tolerated without significant adverse events, as no
study participant developed vitamin D toxicity or hypercalce-
0.5 mia. Moreover, no study participant developed rickets,
Log-rank = 0.54; P =.46
Hazard ratio = 1.13 (95% CI, 0.69-1.85) Vitamin D3
and only a small proportion of participants developed severe
of severe asthma exacerbation

0.4 vitamin D deficiency (a vitamin D level <10 ng/mL) or had a

Cumulative probability

vitamin D level between 10 and 13 ng/mL at 2 visits during

the trial, supporting the appropriateness of the monitoring
measures used in the trial. Although vitamin D3 supplemen-
0.2 tation at 4000 IU/d appears effective in achieving vitamin D
sufficiency in most children aged 6 to 16 years with vitamin D
0.1 levels between 14 and 29 ng/mL, study findings cannot be
generalized to settings with no or limited monitoring of vita-
0 min D levels.
0 16 32 48
Study week
No. at risk Limitations
Vitamin D3 96 78 56 16
Placebo 96 85 62 17
This study has several limitations. First, the rate of severe
asthma exacerbations in both the vitamin D3 (37.5%) and
Vertical bars represent single censored events. The adjusted hazard ratio for placebo (34.4%) groups were lower than expected, and the
time from randomization to a first severe exacerbation was 1.13 (95% CI, study was not adequately powered to assess whether such a
0.69-1.85) for the vitamin D3 vs placebo treatment groups (P = .63). Models
small difference was statistically significant. However, there
were stratified by study site, sex, and race/ethnicity. The median observation
time was 274.5 days (interquartile range [IQR], 163-333) in the vitamin D3 group was no evidence of a protective effect of vitamin D against
and 321 days (IQR, 196.5-334) in the control group. severe asthma exacerbations or viral-induced severe asthma
exacerbations, and vitamin D 3 supplementation did not
those in the placebo group throughout the trial. Thus, there lead to a reduction in the mean or cumulative dose of in-
was a low risk of a false-negative result due to failure of supple- haled corticosteroids.
mentation in producing a difference in vitamin D levels be- Second, there was limited statistical power to determine
tween treatment groups. whether vitamin D3 supplementation reduces severe asthma

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Effect of Vitamin D3 on Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Children With Asthma and Low Vitamin D Levels Original Investigation Research

exacerbations in children with vitamin D levels less than

20 ng/mL because only a modest proportion of participants had Conclusions
such levels. However, most children with vitamin D levels less
than 30 ng/mL in the US have levels greater than 20 ng/mL, Among children with persistent asthma and low vitamin D lev-
and thus the findings from this study are applicable to most els, vitamin D3 supplementation, compared with placebo, did
children with vitamin D insufficiency in this country.26 not significantly improve the time to a severe asthma exacer-
Third, the findings cannot be extrapolated to other age bation. The findings do not support the use of vitamin D3
groups, including preschool children, or to settings with lim- supplementation to prevent severe asthma exacerbations in
ited ability to monitor vitamin D levels. this group of patients.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Vectura, DBV Technologies, Circassia, Merck, Teva, Group Information: The VDKA group members
Accepted for Publication: June 25, 2020. Medscape, and Rockpointe outside the submitted include the following: University of Pittsburgh
work, as well as receiving royalties as associate Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Correction: This article was corrected online on editor from Elsevier (Journal of Allergy and Clinical and University of Pittsburgh: design of the study:
June 2, 2021, to fix the numbers of patients who did Immunology). Dr Phipatanakul reported serving as a John M. Brehm, MD, MPH. Collection of the data:
not complete the trial in Figure 1. consultant for GlaxoSmithKline, Genentech, Jonathan D. Finder, MD, Mark E. Dovey, MD,
Author Affiliations: Division of Pulmonary Novartis, Regeneron, Sanofi, and Teva; receiving Jonathan E. Spahr, MD, David M. Orenstein, MD,
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of clinical trial support or medications from Geoffrey Kurland, MD, Daniel J. Weiner, MD,
Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Genentech, Novartis, Regeneron, Sanofi, Circassia, Gregory Burg, MD, Sandeep Puranik, MD, Allyson
Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Monaghen, Thermo Fisher, Alk Abello, Lincoln Larkin, MD, Hiren Muzumdar, MD, Deborah
Pennsylvania (Forno, Rosser, Han, Celedón); Diagnostics, GlaxoSmithKline, Kaleo, and Merck; Albright, MD, Hey Chong, MD, PhD, David Nash,
Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonary and funding to the institution by Genentech, MD, Todd Green, MD, Natalie Baldauff, DO, Robert
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, St Louis Regeneron, Novartis, and the National Institutes of W. Hickey, MD, John Broyles, MS, CRNP, Lori Holt,
Children’s Hospital, Washington University at St Health (NIH)—all for projects unrelated to the MSN, CRNP, Rose Lanzo, Jamie Adams, Elizabeth
Louis, St Louis, Missouri (Bacharier, Blatter); current work. Dr Guilbert reported receiving Hartigan, RN, MPH, Cynthia Granny, and Pamela
Division of Allergy and Immunology, Boston personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, TEVA, Vincent. Data management and data analysis:
Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Novartis, and the American Board of Pediatrics Zachary Doyle, Heather Eng, and Jim Luther.
Boston, Massachusetts (Phipatanakul); Division of (pediatric pulmonary subboard); grants and Boston Children’s Hospital: Data collection:
Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, personal fees from Sanofi/Regeneron; grants from Jonathan Gaffin, MD, MMSc, Perdita Permaul, MD,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of AstraZeneca and Novartis; and royalties from Margee Louisias, MD, MPH, Marissa Hauptman, MD,
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (Guilbert, Durrani); UpToDate outside the submitted work. Dr Cabana MPH, Nicole Akar-Ghibril, MD, Elizabeth Burke
Division of General Pediatrics, Department of reported serving as a member of the United States Roberts, RN, PNP, Sachin Baxi, MD, Lisa Bartnikas,
Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF); this MD, William Sheehan, MD, Britanny Esty MD, David
Benioff Children’s Hospital, University of California, manuscript does not necessarily represent the Kantor MD, PhD, Peggy Lai, MD, MPH, Michelle
San Francisco (Cabana); Division of Pediatric views of the USPSTF. Dr Ross reported receiving Maciag, MD, Elena Crestani, MD, Mehtap
Pulmonology, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies grants from the NIH during the conduct of the Haktanir-Abul, MD, Amparito Cunningham MD,
and Children’s Hospital, Case Western Reserve study and grants and nonfinancial support from MPH, Anna Cristina Vasquez-Muniz, BA, Nicole
University, Cleveland, Ohio (Ross); Division of TEVA, nonfinancial support from Merck, and grants Adler, BS, Reid Mathews, BS, Brian Volonte, BS,
Allergy and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, from Flamel, the NHLBI, AstraZeneca, and Novartis John Pacheco, BA, Anna Ramsey, BS, Vanessa
National Jewish Health, University of Colorado, outside the submitted work. Dr Covar reported Konzelmann, BS, Aiza Zia, BS, Julianne Saia, BS,
Denver (Covar); Department of Pediatrics, receiving grants from GlaxoSmithKline during the Alma Castillo-Hernandez, BS, Benjamin Peterson,
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of conduct of the study. Dr Gern reported receiving BS, Jennifer Rooney, MS, and Robert Rega, BS.
Medicine and Public Health, Madison (Gern); personal fees from AstraZeneca outside the
Department of Epidemiology, University of submitted work. Dr Rosser reported receiving Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center: Data
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Wisniewski). grants from the NIH/National Center for Advancing collection: Cassie Shipp, MD, Carolyn Kercsmar, MD,
Translational Sciences during the conduct of the Karen McDowell, MD, Stephanie (Logsdon) Ward,
Author Contributions: Drs Celedón and MD, Nancy Lin, MD, Alisha George, MD, Will Corwin,
Wisniewski had full access to all of the data in the study. Dr Celedón reported receiving nonfinancial
support from Pharmavite and GlaxoSmithKline Grant Geigle, Alisha Hartmann, and John Broderick.
study and take responsibility for the integrity of the
data and the accuracy of the data analysis. during the conduct of the study and nonfinancial Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital: Data
Concept and design: Wisniewski, Celedón. support (Asmanex) for an NIH-funded study from collection: Laurie Logan, RN, Laura Veri, Daniel
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All Merck outside the submitted work. No other Craven MD, Ben Gaston MD, Amy DiMarino MD,
authors. disclosures were reported. Erica Roesch MD, and Ross Myers, MD.
Drafting of the manuscript: Forno, Bacharier, Funding/Support: This study was funded by grant Washington University at St Louis: Data collection:
Phipatanakul, Durrani, Wisniewski, Celedón. HL119952 from the US NIH. The project was also Wanda Caldwell, Tina Norris, and Roseanne Donato.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important supported by the Pediatric Clinical and Translational Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 3.
intellectual content: All authors. Research Center (PCTRC) at University of
Statistical analysis: Blatter, Wisniewski. Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Additional Contributions: We thank all study
Obtained funding: Cabana, Celedón. Pittsburgh through NIH grant UL1TR001857. participants and their families; the research
Administrative, technical, or material support: Pharmavite LLC provided the vitamin D and coordinators and research teams at each of the
Forno, Phipatanakul, Guilbert, Covar, Gern, Rosser, placebo capsules for the study, and study sites and the data coordinating center; the
Blatter, Durrani, Han, Celedón. GlaxoSmithKline provided the Flovent given to data and safety monitoring board; and the clinical
Supervision: Forno, Bacharier, Phipatanakul, Ross, study participants. trials specialist (Julie Bamdad, MSE) and program
Covar, Rosser, Wisniewski, Celedón. officer (Patricia Noel, PhD) for the project at the
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no federal agency that funded the study (the National
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Bacharier role in the design and conduct of the study; Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) for monitoring the
reported receiving grants from the National Heart, collection, management, analysis, and study progress.
Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) during the interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or
conduct of the study and personal fees from approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit REFERENCES
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Novartis, Genentech, Boeringher Ingelheim, 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Asthma: most recent asthma data. Updated March

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