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Residents Survey Q&A Phase One Set

General Experience
Staff are professional, and able to provide excellent care Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Staff respect my personal belongings Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Care staff are available when I need them ( e.g. cna's , nurses , doctors , therapists ) Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Staff offer treatment when I tell them I have pain Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
I am well cared for 24 hours a day 7 days a week Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Overall, how would you rate your experience here Very good Good Not good or bad Poor Very poor

FOOD Experience
1. I receive enough food Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
2. I still feel hungry after my meal Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
8. There is enough variety for me to choose meals that I want to eat Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
9. I can have a snack whenever I choose Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
10. The meals taste nice Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
14. The food is as good as I expected Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
27. Overall, how would you rate the foodservice Very good Good Not good or bad Poor Very poor

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