Dictionary of The Middle Ages Volume 13

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Dictionary of the Middle Ages AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES ‘The American Council of Learned Socicties, organized in 1919 for the purpose of advancing the study of the humanities and of the hurianistic aspects of the social sciences, is a nonprofit federation comprising forey-six national scholarly groups. ‘The Council represents the humanities in the United Staves in the International Union of Academies, provides fellowships and grants-in-aid, supports research-and-planning conferences and symposia, and sponsors special projects and scholarly publications. MONAER ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN PI{ILOSOPHICML SOCIETY, (74 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, 40 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, 18 AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL ASKOCLATION, 1869 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA, [179 SOCLETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE, 1880 MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION GF AMERICA, 188: AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCLITION, 1884 AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 1386 AMERICAN FOLKLORE SOCIETY, 1888 AMERICAN DIALECT SOCIETY, y819 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN LAW SCHOOLS, 1800 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION, 19) AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 1902 AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION, (953 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 1964 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS, |* HISPANIC SOCIETY DF AMERICA, | MERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 1905 AMERICAN SOCIELY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN HISTORIANS, 198 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION, 1408 COLLEGE ART ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, 912 HISTORY OF SCIENCE. SOCIETY. 1724 LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA, MEDIEVAL, ACADEMY OF AMERICA, 1935 AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1 SOCIFTY OF ARCHITEE TURAL HISTORIANS, 1940 FCONOMIC HISTORY ASSOCIATION, 19 ASSOCIATION FOR ASIAN STUIIES, (94) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICS, 1052 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOK THE ADUANCESIEN'T OF SLAVIC STUDIES, 195 METAPHYSICAL SOCINTY OF AMERICA, 1950 AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION, 1950 RENAISSANCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, [934 SOCIETY FOR ETHNOMUSICOLOGY, 1955 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LEGAL HISTORY, 1946 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THEATRE RESEARCH, 1954 AMERICAN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ASSOCIAZION, 106) MUDDLE EAST STUIIES ASSOCIATION, 1258 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR EIGHTEENTI-CENTURY STUDIES, 19 ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH STUDLES, 1269 Dictionary of the Middle Ages JOSEPH R. STRAYER, sprror IN cuter Volume 13 INDEX Prepared by Wim. J. Richardson Associates, Inc. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS * NEW YORK Copyright © 1989 American Council of Learned Socteries| Li Main entey ander tile of Compress Cataloging in Publication Dara Dicrionary of the Middle Includes bibliographies and index 1. Middle ages—Dictiomanies. 1. Steayen Joseph Reese, 19041387 DIDS 1982 99907 «RD-SONS ISBN 0-684-16760-3 (v, 1) ISBN 0-684-18274-2 (8) ISBN 0-684-17022:1 {y, 2) ISBN Oo884-t8275-0 6. 9 ISBN 0-684-1702-X (y. 3) ISBN 0-684.18276-9 (9, 10) ISBN 0-684-170248 (y ISBN 0-684-18277-7 (v. LI ISBN 0-684-18161-4 (v5) ISBN 0-684-18278-5 (. 12 ISBN 0-644-18168-| (v6) [SBN 0684-18279-3 (© 13) ISBN (4684-18 168-X (v7) (SBN 0.684-19073-7 (set Pblished sim in Canada by Collier Macraillan Canada, Ine. Copyright under the Berne convention, all nay be reproduce permission of Chaties Scribner's Sons, ns reserved. No pate of this book in any form without the LASTPITABISITIN QE 2is 14 sDIORE AD PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Ihe Dietonary of the Maddie ges has hoon produced with sippor from the Navaial Endowment for the Haat, inthis bok mects guidelines for and daeahikey ofthe Commitee on Prodaction Guidelines for Boal Liongemey othe ‘Coun on Labrary Resourses, In Memory of Joseph R. Strayer (1904-1987) and R.M. Lumiansky (1913-1987) Lditorial Board THEODORE M. ANDERSSON, Stanford Unwersiey NINA G, GARSOIAN, Coltonbia University HERBERT L, KESSLER, The Jobns Hopkons University JOHN LEYERLE, University of Toronto AVRAM L, UDOVITCH, Princeton Unuersity Advisorn Committee GUSTAVE ALER, University of Oregon JEANETTE M. A. BEER, Purdue University THOMAS N. BISSON, University of California, Berkeley JEAN BONY, University of California, Berkeley JAMES F, BURKE, University of Toronto ANGUS F. CAMERON, University of Toronto MARK COHEN, Princeton University E, TALBOT DONALDSON, Indiana Unive ANN DOOLEY, University of Toronto D. J. GEANAKOPLOS, Yale University KEVIN J. HARTY, ANDREW HUGHES, University of Toronto W. T. H. JACKSON, Columbia University ROBERT E. LERNER, Northivestem University R, M. LUMIANSKY, American Council of Learned Societies ‘THOMAS F, MATHEWS, Now York University BRIAN S. MERRILEES, University of Toronto HELMUT NICKEL, Metropolitan Museum of Art KENNETH D. OSTRAND, University of New Orleans ROGER , REYNOLDS, University of Toronto TIMOTHY R. ROBERTS, Jefferson City (Mo.) High Schoo! FRANZ ROSENTHAL, Yale University KENNETH M. SETTON, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton ECKEHARD SIMON, Harvard University PRISCILLA P. SOUCEK, New York University E, A. SYNA BRIAN TIERNEY, Cornell Universi KARL DAVID UITTI, Princeton University CRAIG B. VITTETOE, Palo Alio (Calif.) City Schools LYNN WHITE, Jn, University of California, Los Angeles ‘emple University , University of Toronto Lditorial Staff Maneging Paiows MARSHALL DEBRUHL JOHN F, FITZPATRICK Arcetans Manoging Ector 1. ABIGAIL BOK, Asics CAROLYN G, PATTON PETER C. BENEDICT ELIZABETH'ELSTON STEPHEN A. SAYRE ARIGITTEM. GOLDSTEIN RUSSELL HANDELMAN SANDEAD, KELLY MARYLOUH. MANTLO Cony kilos, Researchers, Bibligrapbers JEFFREY L.BENEKE ILENE COHEN ROBERT, HAYCRAFT JOEL HONIG IRINA RYBACEK ELIZABETH 1 WILSON W. CUNNINGHAM BISSELL. GEOFFREY B.GNEUNS MIRIAM ROSEN WILLIAM K. WEST LESLEY ANN BENEKE WINIERED M, DAVIS CASEY D, FINCH ROBERT HALASZ PAMELA NICELY CHARLES PATTERSON JONATHAN ROSE TERENCE WALZ Prowfrealers EDWARD FERRARO Vint 1982-1980) EMILY GARLIN W.KIRK REYNOLDS. JACK RUMMEL SAM TANNENHAUS Picture Researchers LUCY BARBER BARBARA SCHULTZ, JOHN SCHULTZ DEBBIE TAYLOR MIMI THOMPSON DAVID J. BABIN Tsdian Cortographers SYLVIA LEHRMAN PATRICIA 4. RODRIGUEZ JOSEPH STONEHILL Indesere JAN BLAKESLEE SUSAND.COERR ALAN GREENBERG BARBARA LONG TY KOONTZ KATHLEEN MeCOOL. IRINA RYBACEK JANET HORNBERGER MATTHEW M. KARDOVICH ANJU MAKHIJANL Prodiction Assit DANIEL J. CALTO. BETH ANN McGABE FREDERICK A. AIESE NANCY NIEVES Scribner Reference Staff MICHAEL McGINLEY JONATHAN G. ARETAKIS. WILLIAM L. C. BROADDUS. JOHN CANTREL CHRISTIANE |, DESCHAMPS NORMA FRANKEL LAURA D. GROS JAMES F MAURER DAVID WILLIAM VOORHEES JOAN ZSELECZKY Contents Accessus: Using the Dictionary—Using the Index xii Index 1 List of Contributors 567 Errata 607 Accessys USING THE DICTIONARY—USI (G THE important volume of the Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Experience had taught him that medieval culoire was too broad and diverse to break easily into even as many as 5,000 discrete articles. As the Index demonstrates, there are more than 100,900 persons, places, and concepts that, while not themselves the subject of individual Dictionary articles, are never- theless legitimate objects of scholarly interest. In the Dictionary this material has been oeganized into long and short essays according to the paradigms of medieval scholarship in dozens of overlapping disciplines, each with its own customs and oomenclacure, Thus persons may be known under more than 3 single name, and broad cultural movements, such as Islam ar the Gothic, may subsume many languages and nationalities. The decade-long publication process of the Dictionary has itself demanded differene practical choices in individual volumes. And the Index offers a mode of structuring the material thar difiers from that of the Dictionsey in several respects. The table belovr intended ro set forth some of the most salient organizing feacures of the Dictionary and the Index, We hope thereby to offer an equivalent of the medioval accessus ad auctores—a delineation and categorization of the writings at hand. Obviously the difficulties of organizing any large body of material are greatly magnified when dealing with a chousand-year era during which the Latin (and Greek) culture of antiquity gave way (variously over time in different lands) to our modern yernaculacs. Eyen today, che results of this shift are by no means “final,” as may be seen in different styles that survive © Bropean and American castor for alphabetizing such particles as “de* Dictionaries need to present persons and things by their names. [p the Middle Ages names kept changing, and today any well-known medieval personis likely to be known by three of chem. There is the common vernacular if every day life for all; the Latin appellation of record for rulers, churchmen, and scholars; and the modern English form for those figures whase fame endures. Jhenne!Jhannette from Domrémy became Jeanne d’Arc and Joan of Arc, Gualterius Anglicus is Walter the Englishman. Furthermore, identifica~ sion is not always certain. Roger of Helmarshausen has been found! 10 be the probable author of the mechanical treatise commonly ascribed to (and still informally known as) *Theophilus.” For an extreme example of the difii- culties, one need only consult the Dictionary article in volume L1 that begins as follows: “SWINESHEAD (Suicet, Suincet, Suisseth, Swcyneshed, and various other forms). There may well have been three men with this name... .” (Actually there were more than three, and some of them are more commonly. known by first name, as “John of* or “Richardus de” Swineshead.) Rulers: pose special problems, for the complex ties of subinfeudation, intermarriage, O ur editor, the late Joseph R. Strayer, deseribed the Index as the most xiii ACCESSUS and conquest often led co titles of extraordinary complexity, “Charles Ll of Anjou” signifies a son of a count of Gravina who was actually raised in Hungary and who is also known as Chasles of Durazzo after the duchy he inherited int Albania. “King of Naples” is his most importancitle, but he was also [as Charles II) king of Hungary. Ie need scareely be added enat the orthogeaphy of the Islamic world—expressed in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and even Mongolian terms—poses special problems of its own, The 1,300 contributors to the Dierionary, themselves reflecting a variety of languages and disciplines, have inevitably chosen different forms of names for some of the same people. The editors, while enforcing a degree of stan dardization, have deemed ir wise not to insist absolutely on, for example, the vernacular or the English form of a name (though mose prominent Western monarchs are given in the familiar English version}. Variant forms of names acc common throughour the Dictionary. To the difficalsies posed by such diversity a thorough system of cross-tefezencing is che only answer. The Index supplements (but does not entirely replace) the existing systems of paren thetical and blind-entry headings and see also references at the end of articles Ir also. provides a new perspective on some of the topics. Boethins, for example, was a supremely influential figure in music and terature as well as philosophy. The main index entry under his name (with volume, page, and Eolummn citations appeating in boldface) direzrs the reader to the principal Dictionary article in volume 2. The scores of Index subentries graphically demonstrate his significance in a way that no single essay could accomplish. “Thearticle provides the context; the Index mutiphics the cxamples. Where the Dictionary articles supply knowledge in the expected places, the Index en tries offer @ continuing fund of surprises: “Muhammad, accused of being @ poet, 8:20”; “Depression, morbid. Sez “Melanchaly*s “Slapping games, 5:347a-b.” For the fullest access to the hidden riches of the Dictionary of the Middle Ages the reader should consult both sources, as deseritsed belo JOHN F. Ferzparrick ACCESSUS Alphabetization pictionaRy Articles are arranged according to che word-hy-woed method. *Hus, Joba” comes before “Husayn.” The chief exception involves prominent per- sons of the same name. These are arranged in a hierarchical system of (1) saints, (2) popes, (3) patriarchs, (4) emperors, and (5) kings in order to facilitate the comparative study of, say, the popes named Joho or the French kings called Charles. Thus (St.) John Chrysostom and {5t.) John of Ojun are grouped before the Byzantine emperors. The emperors hamed John appear in their numerical sequence, with family names or epithets (Tzimiskes, Kom- nenos, Palaiclogos) appearing after the numeral, Following the numbered kings are listed all other figures of the same name fa word-by-word order. “Of is treated a5.a word. Although many bishops, counts, and princes are also identified by number, these figures are nox tweated in hicrarchical fashion amd their numerals do not form part of the article headings, The Norse and English letters Pp (thom) and B19 (eth) are treated as if spelled th. Greek y/x (chi) is alphabetized as x INDEX Arrangement is Word by word, asin the Dictionary, but the hierarchical systems described above is not used. The only exceptions to word-by-word sequence are as follows: 1. Numbered rulers of the same state are grouped together by number. 2. Inaddition co the usual English words, the following foreign preposi- tions and particles are ignored in the alphabetical sorsing: ae del den ees da della der die la. von de dem des due Pip (thorn) and D/O (eth) are alphabetized after th Greek y/x (chi) is alphabetized as x. Arabic DICTIONARY/INDEX Arabic is generally transliterated according to the system ofthe Enrcyclo- pedia of Islam excepc that the dictionary uses q instead of &, and j instead of di ‘The initial “AL” (the) and “Ibn” (som of) are inverted to fnal position for sorting. The reader should search under the next element of the name. It should be noted that the words * Arabic” and (more often) “Islamic” are used in headings as a shorthazd for “in the Arabic/lslamic world.” xv ACCESSUS Art and Artists DICTIONARY Technical terms (apse, ineonaeco) and iconographic types (Resurxection, Eleousa) receive brief definitional entries, generally accompanied by a single illustration. The same is true for individual artists. Anonymous masters normally appear under the title of their most famous work (Playing Cards, Master of the}. ‘The major treatment af art history occurs in che survey articles. For the mainstream of Western European art and architecture these are generally studies of periods or movements: Early Christian, Celtic, Migration Period, Pre-Romanesque, Romanesque, Gothic, Trecento. Byzantine and Islamic art receive separate treatment, and the latter is alsa broken down by dynasties (Abbasid, Mamluk, Umayyad). The arts of other regions are surveyed accord- ing to national style (Armenian, Bulgarian, Sasanian) or, as in the case of the Iberian Peninsula, regional variation (Hispano-Mauresque, Mozarabic, Mudejar). INoEX The Index essentially reflects the contents of the Dictionary. For the anonymous masters che prime Index entries have been consolidated in a “Master” section, with cross-references at the titles of principal works. Cer- tain cational styles that are not the subjeet of Diccionary articles are indexed separately, allowing a different means of access to the material, There bas been no attempt, however, to index the French and Italian national styles, since these are so thoroughly intertwined with the discussions of Gothic and Romanesque. Illustrations are identified in the Index (i#5s.) in order to grant access to numerous pictures [including color frontispieces) not otherwise readily discoverable. ‘Thus while the article om Simone Martini in volume IL has only a single illustration, the Index identifies other pictures by this artist that accompany the articles on the Annunciation (volume 1) and Petrarch (volume 9} Cross-References DICTIONARY The two principal modes of cross referencing ace (1) blind entries, which aire major headings directing, the reader toward an essay under an alternative or variant ttle (Martini, Simone, See Simone Martini”), and (2) see also references, which follow various articles and direst the teader to related topics. As the Dictionary was published serially over the course of a decade and many changes were implemented during those years, see also references are generally more copious in the later volumes, INDEX See and see also are used in the conventional fashion. See reflects an indexing decision that the item in question be cited under a name or spelling other chan mght be expected [sometimes a form different from that used in the Dictionary}. The see also references are for basic search and are not intended to duplicate the more copious and suggestive cross-references in the Dictionary itself Languages DICTIONARY ‘The major medieval languages are treated separately, English is divided ‘nzo Old English Language and Middle English Language. There are separate essays on Latin and Vulgar Latin. Celtic langnages and Slavic languages are grouped together, but French, Picard, and Provencal are treated separately. There is also a general overview of Indo-European languages INDEX Derailed indexing and cross-referencing point to secondary discussions of less familiar languages and dialects, Law pIcTIONARY The major treatment of national bodies of law occurs in the ywenty-six “Law” essays in yolume 7, Cross-references point to definitional entries on numerous subtopics. INDEX National bodies of law are indexed not under L bur by nationality: English Law, French Lax, etc. Literature DIcTIONARY Discussions are grouped by language, with English literature divided into separate essays on Anglo-Saxon and Middle English, Byzantine Gree's liter- ature is under B. There are separate essays, of varions lengths, on all the major authors and many of the minor ones as well. xvii ACCESSUS NDEX Treatmens is generally the same as in the Dictionary, but Anglo-Saxon and Middle English have been indexed together at E. See also “Titles” below. Music DICHONARY Music, musical instruments, and musical notation are treated prisacil at M in twenty-eight separate essays. Special subjects like Gregorian Ch: Harmony, and Rhythm are sreated separately. INDEX National schools of music are indexed by name: Armenian Music, Beran tine Music, ete. Titles DICTIONARY ‘Most literary works receive their primary discussion under the heading of thetr author, The chief exceptions are anonymous works and those which, ke the Roman de la Rose, have ewo or more authors. Certain compilations, such as the Golden Legend, are also cited by title when the fame of the work is greater chan that of the compiler. INDEX Anonymious works are cited by title, With the exceptions nated above others are indexed primarily under the author, with cross-references under the title, “De” and other introductory prepositions are considered parrof the title for purposes of alphabetisation, bur definite and indefinite articles are gener ally inverted so as noc to atieet the sorting. Cross-referencing by ritle not only guarantees identification for readers uncertain of authorship but also serves co provide a partial catalog of medieval rexts on a given subject. Even a brief consultation with the long “De” section of the Index seveals, for example, something of the range of authors who wrote treatises De tnusica or De ratura, Although such series of listings are limited to those works which receive significant mention in the Dictionary, the sampling is large enough 0 offer a useful supplement to present-day medieval seudies. Medieval titles are often imprecise, casual, arbitrary, oF genetic. Inevira- bly modem scholars have referred to the same text under a variety of names xviii ACCESSUS As the Dictionary has not sought to impose absolute uniformity, the Index user should be aware of some of the most common ru ies by which medieval authors and their modern editors have chosen to designate their texts: Against Art of Book of Chronicle Deeds Letter Life Mirror On (about) Romance Song of Summa Treatise Contra Ars Liber de, Libellus de, Kitab, Sefer Chroniques, Crénica Gesta Epistola Vie, Vita Speculan De Roman Cantar, Carmen, Chanson Summa Tractatus xix Dictionary of the Fiddle Ages A 4 Bela Vom, See Vio, Fanos de a EO. Em "A [1 sagian che wende ingle = fort” See Complura Donulla of Tlorence 1A terzaruaty system, See A zensile yatem A cence stem, L215 fachen, Wlandb, 13136-3145 ‘ser collapse of Caroling empire ob ot rensosance at (pre Romanseqie), 105065 biking, proects, [da captured by Willen of Holland, 595 cathedea of, 1021081 ‘Serte of teligows efor, {1B Sonoration of Ono T at, ih, 44266 evemmert,ckezen rol 1:24 Imperial proterion, 110- palace chapel, {e2b—sb, 35935 S9 ang of 10-914, Me bling plan, |-2h— 3b (lls) Byranne chatacterstes, 18 comecration, 12 Sorenson te, Lay b Aesigs of, L253, 43474, 109A foreign aries anil 12-1526 tofluence on architecture, 13a-b servers of, S57eb—A772, 42744 pslace such, Alin of York andy T12h, 13a pilgrimages ro. ste Romany rbeary stabishnent, ta ogal tedence a, L:leb symbolic vole i German monarchy, in Aachen, Council of (818-817), 2170 abbou conference, 10286.) Drrine Glfie ands 422308 Insti comonsir, 41178 secrgonizaton of clergy avd, 3:37 women's orders aids 126830 Aachen, Diet (418), cm blasphemy, ha? Aachen, Synod of (809), 6:$06b Aargne index Habsburgs and, 115400 ‘Aevburgs and, 115539 ws Bem, Tso Aachus Cathedal,alearpcee; 9:18¢b ‘ils Aaroa ben Amram, 7107 ‘Aaron ber Bligh the Youn ‘Aseon ben fess, 453%, 7-310 ‘Aaron ben Joseph she Flder,7:2105 ‘Aacoa bon Joseph heLeris 78a ‘acon ber: Moses Bes Asher, 7108) Aron bet, Samuel of Baghdad, acgins se Asien Masti, 95573, Ssh) Ab bot sit (rabbinic court chsieman), Vo-240 Ab In dalehor deb serps novel” 5 ‘Willan IX of Agantaine ‘Aba family 633432 ‘Abacos, 3060 (les) Computation on, #:204b Aeseripnion aly 06h Pecheqer and, 42530, $384 Gethert of Aurillac, 83307, Revaan susierals and, 19-4703 Spleeter Mand, 118321 Texts 09, 8:207 see alo. Maremaics Akagiya, See Thades Abandonment of ind. Soe Deserted tillage: Plagses; Reclamation of lant Abaga. Hkhanid aes, 145%, 64203, ‘ob nanate of, 84740 Abarstahr. See Nishaput ‘Shas of Armnia, Khe (028-052953) Teta Absepa, See George Abdi Zan) ary 12.75% Eabhis, ok, 134018 Abbas, Safamid shah Isfahan under, 625624 Mowe of the Ruler and, 569) ile bats thn Abd aMual she Hashim, ab, 13b=tb concol of sigan and rfada, beta felasione with: Mupammad, (ka Abbas iby Ahmad ibn Tilda, 3.209%, Abs Sicilia. See Nicole de Tues Abbasah ‘sixcr of Hivin al-Rasiid, afar thn Vaby3 anh, 2110 Abbasid art and arcutctute, 154-6, seh 60 Aghlobid are and, (69 harastetins satly phase Sa samaking of, S546 S47 Jsterwarey 156 riialions, 1b rubra Vn ila.) fom carly phase, 1:54 from late pha, aac Somarra phase, 1-Sa-b aur aryl 1 gaancing, 15h steceo devoration, 1:53 (ile es ako Malwiyas Mirah Abide, itb—12b Abd AllaM “governor of Khortsan) ‘and, 15°59 Miminisrtion, 343b—a4a, 4b, SMa, SOW, UTR, IGOS senaalization of. 18a Seseneralietion af, 1:9 srabtank, 85273 provincial, 445, 453, 48h ‘as foul sate, 11h Fenosal of thal scrim Seaman infisences on, aliunee with: Abg Masia, 1724 Almorayids and, 11-148 anooitors ok 5988 echon ton ardkonton arly 14489 renin sa Ame Mant "Abd a-Madan and. $556 Bases and, 2:127k black slaves, 2263049 uyids anc, 2=435h—4389 im Cairo, 65918) faliphate of, 3:424—518 legal powers, Sel7b 48a Milk iti Abas and, 8-586 snccesion, $7 3¢b—8353 caliphate of ab Bid, 1022456-246h Capual at Samarra, 1113, Tcetio ea cavalry, Turkish Mave tooaps, 12:8525 ceramics, 72223 Tuterrare, 7689, 690 cov confit, 17), $2108 sleAmin_ and aleMa"ma,, 1: 108 jeomage of, Be4224—42 38 commander of the flea ile, sath 1893 congue Of, 65705 Soateol of Mecea, B42 sourt of, 34585 Cltral Ferment ia the early peri Mss Jn Damascus, 4816-822, 833 dine oh tell, 466A proliferation of centers of learning and, 183 diplomacy of 42005 Sisson of caliphate, Wss9h eh dynastic succession, [:93-b al Balawi, $:681b 5136 Aba Dawa, collection of hath, 47h ‘Abu “Lfadl abd al-Rabnan sha Ab ake [151 akin. See Suvi le Abu ‘hfagl Alama ihn’ Abr Tahir Tate, Kitab Aaghdad, 8-436 ‘Abu ‘eFadl Bayhaah, Za-vibis Mas", fasta Abu ‘lad tba Mubarnk, Dish, 6508 Abu ‘eFara. See Bar Hebraeas ‘Abu “cFara)slsfahani, Kitah abaghin, 1383, 88 60b ‘Fabio, $2338 eveemorship of Hama, 6824 fon 23k ate, 1485 4038 Fre Tame Faraniag, 3 Abit Hafy cUimar, chet of the Hinata, Tel9da, 183, 1953 Abi) Hal, See Ely I patria Ahi Hand sl Andalus, 3595 Abi Hans -Gharraw, 63323 Abi Hanis al-Namvman i Tab vars ibe Ghalib, See Stary Laws and, 4179 Ineprionrset fm inzeesetearinig Toansy 12-380 Ialamie seeds and 15116 legal doctrines, 1360-5 Somparson with contemporaries "2th personal judgment and analogs! reson, 126 ton precedent of the Prophet 126k 2s proponent of Marjism, 1:36h Abs ‘Hwan "Alb ibn Bayelt See mal ob Daves Abu ‘Hasan, Macini. caliph expan, 3-H ‘expan of Tans, $1883 Abu "-fssar Marini) sles, relations ‘with Haid, 6 84a Abu ‘LHasan Muir thy Kanne, 7286 Abi Hshioy, Sha apd, 1224-2279 Abi) HashiealJubban, 826555. Abi) Hatin ab-Razi, Hamid a-Die al-Kirminy and, #3616 ay), Hamdan eer adiniisraton of Mis, #:500b Aba Kingda, 86532 Abu Havyan al Tashi, Kiab atina® ism nasa (The Book of Enloeemen! an God Company), E3814 “piudhayl SI ALat, 6551 say Asal se Abi Shai ‘Ste Mu=e al Dawa ‘Abi “Ind, Marinid sultan, 21300 ssuripion of amir lee inane te, ey ralary conguesis, 81404 Aba Sha of Inaba, 7.20% ‘Aba shag Ibeaien on Yala aLNaggsh. See Zaeqab al Abi shag. in, pareonage of Hate, eesth Aba Ishi Mubarnma See M th Aba J8Star. See Many, a Abu 5 Abu ‘L-Qasim al-Junayd Abi JaStar Manjae, See Mastnsi, ah ‘Aba Jah, chict of Makheom clan, Wattle of Wade and, 2-426, 34 Alsi Kalin, Boyd rule, Istahe and 11.2824 Abst Kamil, 722120 ‘Bbu "Kisii al-Zabcbwi, Chirurg, ranslated by Gersnl of Cremons, $2494 Alon “:Khayr Lamond sl-Dabhas Falllb Abia Lahab, 6.576 Abu ‘eMa“ah, loss of Aleppa tvinte, esta Abii Marsha, 15385, 386, fin ostenoms, 161, 617, 6146 Ineeverorio meaner astrowoian, 187th, 12:1 Kits af mada udm abkam atmanon, i618 Abs Mikhoat (4. 774), 73078 Abie Min, 5:8355- S86 Abu TMisk Katir, govemnurship of, 44056 Abi) Musrmmod Abd aL-Wabic aisHials, appointment 36 veeroy ‘of Hrgiya, 32h Abs Miss al she, 6:S686, 11-284 ‘Ahi Msi alliance with’ Abbasids, 1474-4 sssastination of, Tb Ab Nlangae aod 88 the recmengonce ot Mardshisny and, Bsa revole-agsinst Maca 1 tba ‘Musrnmad,12:2749 Aba: Nage “Ab. Allah ihn A atSaraj KitdD alu, 9400 Abu Nage Matsa iba iraq, teacher of Brin, 2.248, Abu Nusayn aliytahani, Hidbae abautiya~. 940 Abi Nisess, 1273-28, 124005, 401s, “iss each of 122 fal tema, [2728 Nicene behavior, 1 27h parenvrics, 1275 Patronage of work, 1227 Poet ‘tion ah Imuntine peers, 1-288 lave pects, 1281+ reliiows Seis, 1.27 ‘Mone about in Thowsand and One Nighi teachers, 1274 aye an 8:563 Abu Qasim, 55823, 27054 ‘on equator, 1384 by Injvardy 73198 Abu EQSSin “ABS abKarim MeQushayr AU Resale aL Qushasvna, Sa Qasr Ataqae, 644178 jase Babur (nephew of Uluah-Bew, 12:57 Abu ‘Quint ion Abad, ruler of Seville, 12136 Abu “HQisia al-funayd, 9:40 Abu ah Abu ‘LQasim al-Qushairi Abi Sad SAN al Mubhartin, 711 ‘Abi SO Tei al-Tuscal, §:357b AAS Sa°Td bo ABP-Khayr, 7.238 Abit So°, Maid ruler, 64200, death of, 6508s, #4759 Abi Seid alan, 661650 Abu Said al: Siz, astoabe of Grcunsed by Brant, 2:280a Ab S2"Id, Timurd ruler, 1257-58 honorary tle of fren an, 12-585 (Uean Hlwsa and, 1255425 Ab S8Sid Uahnwin I, Marina caliph, ‘uleweal advances, 8:13 Aba Se-td “Uthman Ill, Marinid caliph ‘Moroccan principalities, 8:140a smurder of, $1402 ‘vba Salome ‘sassiation of, 1:7b ‘clitions with Abbasids, 1:76 Ab Sarg, church of, 33388 ‘Ab Sufsin, 12286205 ‘ates Badr (624), 1:280~2%, 25626 Hlunaye, 1299 al-Khandag (627), 12295 Ubud (625), 1:25 Yarmaly 1296) Siogeaphical information, 12285 conversion co islam, 1:29 felations with Muammad, 1:29 foycon of Propet’ clan, ‘celia of hears" be Thad Ser Rats ‘NBS Tal 1.29300, 6:8740, 5765 protection of Muamimad, 1:290—30a fule-of Hishim ean, 128 Spurions biographical materia ny 10 Ab Talib Muhansenad ton al ah Hacth al Make, Qa alu, 3.aia hv Tally (poner, decorative schemes ‘on bowl, 1:68 Aba Tarumarn ab-fabib ibn Aw 400m, 6172 ‘an cxpnure‘of Amarin, 8-500 Abu FFaygth. Abad on 'sl-bssyn. Sar Marana, a Abi SUbaye Allah, Muvaywiya iba EUhayd lsh (al-ahai's vizier, new system of taxation, 3472 Aba Ubnydl alcThagali, 45685 ‘Nb SUbseds ihe a Tata, 6568, Sesh Bowue and, 21640 Abie ak Wald Molsrmmad bo. Abmod. See Reshd, Thm Abii Yabya Aba ‘Bakr, occupation of Fis, 81380 Abu YaSqub You, Almolad caliph expedition to Spain in 11711172, db philosophical intrest, 10571 Sele and 112136 ‘Abo Yaa, 12.7448 ‘Abii Yas (Naki chief), 11139 Abo Yow, lic dieary ties and, 179m Abi Yasat Y2%qub, Alnohad caliph, 82h aginst tho Mali school, 1135 tory ever Case im 1195, Tc185a Ao Yesat YaSeub thn Ishaq See Kind al Abi Yat YEE alban ene af Casa 89S Aba Yasul Yoh Marini satan sscrpton of amir abate cile, 13h riley conquests Marakechy 6138) siege of Themen, 1389 Spain, F198 [Abi Zskarva® alan, fami al-Din lKinmant and, 6:616h Ava Zakaria? Yabyd, poveror of Sak ilisnce with shurmt> RelA Contgucse carpaign, $1400 Abin Zakaria? Vays, Hale ler overnment of, nepotiy, 6530 falary esplte captre af Tense 6538 Tests im Spam, 6538 rule of igi, 652-53 trade teat, Sin ‘Abubucer See Talay lo ‘bata Abra ben Samuc, va promotion of esac cela, 1:27 Aas, Mei, 11:583b “Tamale sommentiry, 10-25% bola, Sail beo Meir haces The Abulafia, Todros ben Joseph ha-Levt Tia, stb love poe, fet27 Abulabiny Tne ben Jada a Ler, Hebrew masasbsbab, 1188 Abulaiene™ fai, church of. gor nA in Ses, 292-8 te) About f 972), 1382 dssendanes of Lotta Abydon, ule 3 (SHS), 2118 Abyssinia, Tea 3a ‘erhnpia ereter Deo, ‘ance withancicMowophysie Chests 328 sci hstor, 10a indir, 12308, 31a wap) Chesisietion, 130 ‘Gres Rematy {310-328 cede apna Sarneng, 128 Gree caluralinlsenae, 1:32 ‘rantine trae, 1308 Mask ambien the Re Sex and, 3:74b Naira an 9554 reser John 1O:1181—1 19 selaons with Europe, 1823—389 stance beri lve, [tb rome af Christin ity, TSdb 33a pilings to Jeunes, 1324 Portugal, 45623 sie of bla 1306 Scael egion, 138 273, 6 rough jad, 1-Sach Solosnonid dynasty, 1-32 South Arabian expedition, 1:32 succeso t9 the Kingdon of Axia, Bela vuder Emperor Bzana, 1:300 Zagre dynasy and eeclesssical tevinal, T32ab Abyasinta church of ‘Alesanlnam nein, 191839=1568 liranics of, 7-590 Abyssinian alphabet, See Alphabets, Uthionse ‘Acacian Schism. See Sebisms, East-West heh Actes of Constantinone. See Aakios, patriarch of Constantinople Acacius of Metene, bishop, 5-5405-5 Armenia. chur and, 1:498b, S07 Academia Isorropeliona, 6343 Acallam na Sevorael, 1233-340, sith, Slab, 549 Bonsime Lager, 1848 Cat enor 340 evelopment of ballad form and, 1b ddomshevchas, 12136 leampetale, 1348 plot semenary, 1336) intakes, 15535 34a ‘on Finn and Kana, 1:335—34a motivation for, 1343 preservation, 34a omantic nvrludes, 144 cards of Atronsay Solomon's Temple, 65a Adare, $403 cea of Hexham, bishop, Bede and, "sla Acca Laremta. Soe Jacopo della Quereia ‘Accademia Poncaniana (Naples, 9595 Accent iphones). Seo 10s ‘Accents seutus. Soe Virga ‘Accents gravis. Seo Putra ‘Acceplatio of Maina (1433), 33672, 5260, 644 Access ad auciores, 134-384 applications of 1.353 Formations, 134 source of procedure, 1:34 topics, vatation in Tab. verbal ve specelatve and practical iseplines, 1353 see ayo Conrail of Hireaa Accho. Soe Acre ‘Assia ‘tinpay: Flee, 2 178 Feanceses, 7-381 Accioli, Neo ongusst of Achens and, 321572 Meath of (13594), 7381 15 eed of Corinth, 7:381a prchase of Vota, 73808 Neo Mf) 1451), 72381b Accianoi, Niccold, grand seneschal at the Naples Angevin cour Boccaeso and, 2-287, 22538, Acilence, Latin. See Latin language Acoidng, 12850 Accdeneal fmsih, 85981595, 6002 ‘Acclamation. See Lauder Acchmacons, 1:35h~ 36a cecemonal saline, Vibe rei 1860 ‘Shasung of lsndsory phrases Tash t6e in coronation ceremonies, 1:85 Eeivesom Feasi Goths, and Anglo-Saxons 38h Germanic, 13356, 36 Ronan, 1:36 Viking cintoms, 1:35b in eestor pres, 138, 38 Aolming, 16a ia Sragement of ses 1:46 Creer’ sar of, BARB semen Factors, 10 pacer, 140 pe ob dab doable ery method “count Book of masa of Genoa ria advantages of, Lb 422 in tly Tet 428 tgif Ita Ferenc fr, tts {se af capitan nd, TAR atlency of 12a Aero paper iB French chee 13839 lngiah pipe ral and, 3:6822- 6636 in cote eamagement 13a, “eS1db- Stay 601 esata 1d9b—40a omar account 1408 Tani account, 138 recve or bai, 139b Stondardasnon of, 1396 soak account, 139b, 4a srorky sone, 1390 samples ruget of Roman church for TaN 1481 1394 comers acon book [40a French sone of 1221, 1:38 rsnonal 139 ‘rage and page aceounts in Shrewsbucy (Eoamd, 1392 is Each, 137038, Sth i324 capecian, 138 Engl Kings, 137638 Hlich, 13380 Norman, 138 precast ob 137 peal commmisiners, 1384 sexta memeonononuny, 138 feiod in, 170 information required for, 138 tmaneral 125836 a Camera coun, 1374 Shes) eater, 13% ‘err 15578, 38 ‘Sexrlanion of, 1394 epost, 137% ibe gona, 13h use of eovoys, 137 petsonal responsibility, 12373 peotr cxleations, 1:40, 40% Pepose af, 106 iustiicason proces, 1:36 stowaedshio audit, 136 arg and discharge, 1536 preset for, 1286-374 Prurpose af, 156h fo mies 37a subdivision of accounts, tel Teatonie Kegs sccoune books of factors, 1406 inenworie of ans and Vail, 1383 records kepe by Tressler, 1:38 sown and ty administration 1383+ see alco Bxchequer; Pipe rolls Accroachment treason, Soe Kinship Treason Acsuriun “Closes ordiaris, 2293, S:se7b-— Seba, 63260 lofluence of on Peter Lombard, 38173 sloses on Corps iis citi, Ti681h Innocent IV and, 64654668 legal maxims, 5:252a Rogerus snd, 1044 Acsnsato, 6478, 47% Acoguterde, 6:337b, 5580 Beztbay 1" Soe Ceceo d'Ase0 ‘Adiaed (Latin prinepaley), 737%, 31a relations with atin Fimpiee_of Constantinople, "7346by 3474 Naples, 73816 Aoiaertensd Emize, 6:50 onguerad by Alexander the Great, Sth prote-Georpians in, 5:49 File over Caucasi 31956 seals of, 11224 Achserents divine legiimacy, 10:611b—6129 Parthians and, 924435 ruck, carvings at Nagshs\ Rustam, ‘ela Sassrians amd, 1-451, 106669 Adhsia Morea, See Latin sates i ‘Greece ‘chard, missing works bys 12224 chan! (hschardasy 13ab ulding of Cistercian church at Hinmerod 13a Achiles Tetut of Aleeandeia, Lawcippe ‘and Klecophon, 35 a Source for Boccaccio, 22784, 2425 Ackeroans aus Bbonen, Der, T=Fab=45b, 3536 evelopment of New High German, Tit mons and, 1th, 483 Johannes of Tepla, 1238 nin iiflienes, 1H, 8b pwn, protaryre for Renaissance Characteszaton, 14ab preservation im manuscripts 1883 7 Acts of Thomas aba 1 aie genes, 15a telavion ta Teadtezek, te44ab Soueess for, 14a syle and fem ‘Asitowelan dhetorie, 14a otal lnceary mania, 1446: ‘healog el influences Tsticism and redeval sermon, Tt Pecipaiesic doctrine of exer 15a Asolyte, SMa, 423 {0 lbo Clergy Acoinagss, Miketas See Nikeas Choniates| Acoussics Gerber of Avzilac os, 640 In musical rears, $6400 Pruiagorean, 8263¢b, 648) “Acquisition” (amie doctrine, 6:5844 Ase “capil of Las Kingdom, ‘easa2ebe conguered by ‘Mamluks, 2192, 4:32b, $4, 15823 Saladin, 4319 Thin Crusade, 2:23, 4318, 403 sims vile to, 956508 ‘Acre Bale of (191), 105626 ‘Aste Bibl, 22193 Aste (ait of mescuee, Folshy 1255553 regal variation, LA5b, 12588 Sco, 1255858 Standaalizason of, 1456 Acroentnth Besieged (1397), 738th seeed Geto de Veh, sb Acroicnwordpay, IMSb—46b, 12480 lagonals, 46 Latin Fevamerers, tis 483 in Carin leratare, 73626 ‘elation between meaning and being fan, 1a aia Acbatin, 8840 a sanetoruiny, areongement of, 25193 ‘hei sancromint Hibemae, Soe Calan, john Actes doe upétres, neoamance oF st Bourges, 428485 Acion Burnell, Sexe of (1283), nae Acton (garment, 15524 Azar ‘costumes for, 4:270b frames for, 1278 profesional fn England, 422705 in France, 4266 swaveing oupes, 42862, 287% Acts of the Aposties (Lain epic. See ‘ratoe Acts of the Apostles (tapestry), 112896) ets of the Beshops uf Auccrre. See Rodulphus aber Acts of Peter, 0» Simos Magus, 8336 ‘hers wt Ravennika (1210), Vilehardenin ‘nd. 12448b Acts of Thomas. See Apoceypha, leh Actualism caus, 146 ‘in Chrisnanived Aistotelianiaes, 1466 Neoplatnaized version, hah Aezus heat! Francie et soconame es te arch See Acch olendans See Lugs TU, pape Nd adoleecetes, quomesto passin! ex enti Uric race capere Seo Baul the Great of Caerarea, Tie carn, 81599 Ad Eustochinn.” See Ievome, St fd exurrnas. ee Innacent WY, pope Ad coins bee Triieanan doctrine 1d recs, Seo Trmitaian doce hed mrutnas. See Vienne. Council of it uaca respaceries, See Orem Nile Ads group. See Pre Romanesque art (Carolingian resassance Adah, 4:574hy 625908, 7248 du al kab, a S20 Arabic Hieron Aad A Kad See Quraybs, ty Sab asanad= Sed Khurdadhbi, ho Aadalacd of Corha, abot, states of Adaltero of Augtburs, bishop, Chroxea revision bys 1290, Adslness of Loom, L:46b—A7a, 1.3)79 \Cermey ed Robrtem fern 13466 Aalbers of Rhein, cosa, Sriven 1583 Abalbert Il of Cals, onary 0 Virsa and, 628 ah Aalbers 'f Benen, 7a, 73538 tea in Alam of Bremen's Gass Hanoutbuagenss eclesive archbinpsic oly 15% Bilkings ay 22554 ecling of paptey aot, U7 vangeliaton of Seandisavians snd ether Slavs, (47 cee" h Homburg Bremen 47a piconage of Henry 1, 1 Adalber af Blain, archtk seady of medicine, 6.2560 Adatbers, St. 12475, 9.7133, 7236 ‘conversion of Eastern Europe and ite of, 7118 mrarered hy Old Prussians in 997, “hea Stephen Vf Hengary and, WA7 sa Adalbere of Samaria famine sy TASS ictomatern, 4 V2 ‘of thettie, University of tls, 512 Adabert ot Tet, mission ra the Kievan Adatbold of Uteocht, 1:47h=48a, 9:701b ‘9 Goeth 10:2708 erary works, 47, Salvester Uh and, 115. Adair, sunt (Sth century), 921438 Adalgsa-Grimo dan, Papin tot Tanger om, 94989 Adam of Basham, Ser. Adan of the Lire fase Adam de ls Bases, 18a Tales sper Aileen, 725% Adam fe Hones See Asarn de la Halle Adam of Bremen 1D Sla, 257 7b the Ha, 2:62 este Hams ton Adalber of Bremen, 15a leveabions of, WU:S3Sa¢b Deserta tasers cunt, Tistieh tan Nordic istry, 1:50 fim Saxon history and clare, 1 1 source for Gasta Dano veniam, 122% instore eto 1.50 im ribaionacy aetities 651522 ‘om pagan idols at Uppsala, 12178 Sources used, 1508 fon Swedish Eidgabiy 11;530 Adan of Backfild befnes 120%), Robert Grosserece and, 14615 ‘damn of Deyborahy fmol Exercise 1 the Cell, 9:13 dain of Fudan H658ay S648 dam de In Hille, 1alia=a9y 1536 iy Bamberg muanuscrip, 26th Hogeapkical saterist on, Te$has Cones, LAN courtly sang, 5:283a Jer de 12 feuilee, 48, 494, 426, setting, 8636-5 teampostion of Ire cones, Se2e4a tee of language ih 5:2640 tse Gh peoverd i 1ST ti poleroe, 1 de Robin et se Marion, $494, #22610, 2895, 7624 esmatization of pastowrele Fidbsacy, 6360 prologus. Sse pions works, sb teryre to Robert Il of ia Sus in Pars, tef8b eee omnes and see abo Bost, Jean Adam of the Lie Bridge, 51 ‘Aneelnn of Lana thon sh nd, 12 Are iserendh 1-528, 4.1703 inon of Note D De sconsiibus, 52 use uf Avsorle, 4:1 Adam Lock. See Lock, Ada Adam de Marlo. See Marsh, Adam Adam Marsh See Marshy Adar 8 Ave donodbsie ns wien 6151 ‘dam (OT character), im Manichass Adam of Parma, See Salinbeng Adam de Parvo Ponte. See AGam of te LLude Bridge Adam of Perseigne, 10:76 Adam Procemor: Nee Adam of St. Vic Adam le Rot. See Adcact ke Rot Adam of St Dens, abbot, ger and, Hesi2h, 03a, SOs Adam of St. Vitor, 1Stab, 9:7L4a hemos of, 7365 peers, 1b eaqueness, 1 Sid, @381h, 116%, iat Adan Scotus, 10:87 Ady Woreham nominally andy, 9:137 Dekhany ane 9209), 2125 Aamvinin, 575) Adan, Sey 1:59b--53a, 113113 ‘on Calms, 7 De docs sancti, waxigraphic style of, 658428 tex tamacontiem, (382 role jn Exster conoverny Vits Coonbae, 182-334, 6258 works attrbueed 20, (238 Adam Pavipentanas. See Adar of the Lie Sridee Adana, Counal 0 (TS16/1317), $394 Aare’, 152438 Adamnsie | Bagranuni of Kar thera, Ting, 5056 Adarnsse It of Kacletberia, ig ‘iat Ilan, F483 ss, mbar © EAB damage IV al Kear Wea, kings Belsh, S40Sh Adaiage of Tao, 42113h ‘bo (Abo) of St Germaicks-Py, is3a-b Delta paris rb, 153%, Ada bai Absa, computing roku, Adelaide (daughter of Rud 1h of Burgundy, wie of Lot Adelrd of Bath, 3638-548, (36115 12735 cl dualism, 4:288, to diferent putts of the brain, rmewphysical though, 153h—S4a Hebrew scapnaon oe 12-1346 scienite wen 1353 Translations bv 12 els oly 12160 Adelard of kent, Vita Di aslb ileus. See Algauine Atel of Poland, matrage 10 Giza, B30 Adethein, couse, Robert the Strong and, ase Adelman of Likes, 1:54 Adelpergs isaughtcr of the Lombard Hing Disideras), Paul the Deacon 2, 84672, 457 Adelwip. See Hadewich of Antwerp ‘Adémar of Chabanes, 1:34 fon the apostoliity of Se. Marti 10.2983 sae of St. Mari, sf Historie, 10:24 |Addmar of Le Pay. bishop, 34496 “Tancred al 113588 Asmar acribe), Aesop, #5724 Aen, (277240 ‘mative cade and, 11.2474 Adenct le Ro, 1-54-55 Herte aus srons pis, lepicten of wamen, 1359 Bacon de Conmarchs, 55a, S616, 6340 leona 1353 ‘ounces fr, 9-634 Bupsnace Oxier, 6:27Sab, 86342 rowrse for, 15 you des meuestees of Guy of Dampers 12553 Agar, 1552+ Gracl 12536 Adin, $5800, 361b developric of, 852 Jewieh and Chslsticnsnelaences, ss2ib wiser ed, 8524 Adhema? oi Moarsl, 7:835a ‘Addy writing of encyclopedias ad, Sash—ass id, a, Poem ali 5:29 ERM aly Ayyubid slay in Damascus, 83h Adit Taman Béys aby Mamluk sultan, ef asaya 1:5 206 Ady, al (Ayyubid mausoleum i ‘Bamascish, 2:2 1b Awl Gospels, 52411 Gls) iy, See Imeu” ak. Oars Adjustable sling (mor). See Gulge Admetne de Atreiana, Robert se ‘Handlo and. 5546 Adminstration, [samie. See amie ‘idminisriion Administration, royal. See Househeld, ‘oval Administrative reorde oF demographic evidence, San 1398 fn royal household, England, 6:300, Sola wardeabe and, 63023 seo also Sceretsiat Aamical, 1380560 ‘Sorivation of che term, 155 sluies of. 1:52 Jn Northern Europe, 9:83 ‘origins of, 9:806-81a ‘Admitalry, cour: of, 1:560—57a ‘euablshmeat of, 1560 Saws of Oléron andy 1S6a-h opposition 10, 1573 sedement of pracy dats, oder Esward Ml 1 6b— Admioitio generals, 3-108, 1095 Ado of Vienne, martyology, 81623 Adolf tl of Holstein, court fexdation of Labesk by, Siaiab- 6a refounding of Libeck, 76803 Adolf of Nassau, king Of Germany deposition by electors, $4923 ‘German reprentative semble and, Hsia aeeo. Visco and 12464 ansaty with Edvard le 4.209% Beaulaite amd 11:S41b ‘sdolf of Schaserarg, eons, ‘ispostesson oy 34602 Adolph a Liege, bishop, regulation of wine sala, 1231208 Adonis sag, WS958 ion of 5 besotifal woman ny Vhs3962 Adonis, cule of 91) ‘Adopted children, See Children ‘Adopacnism, 1876-880 ‘pain Ti doce, 12:190b Paulicisand, 9:468b and, 3:32Ub andkrmanation uly 1:87, Ha Nigeriss teachings on Trinity 1:57 ‘Nestortinism and 1:57) Perer Abelard and Ska in Span, 3:0 Suppression of Vy Charlemagne, 9:62 by St, Paulinus oF Aquileia, $4702 see also Leo Ml, pope “Aor fe devote” 63824 Adrovald de Feary, 1103 Adan I, pope ‘aon law aad, 2.3198 CChrlemagse and, 853772, 833742 Independence of papacy maineined 10 Jews 20d, 7952 shariyr’ ural and, 3454 Reman aqueduct and, 10:519% Roman sobiicy andy 1035216 Reman Oifce ved, 42504 Adrian Tl, pope. 36323 Borst of Bulgaria an, 2:4033 Cyril and Method id, 222996, 45 Nicholas and, 9421 Adrian TV, pope, 1-585 alpbacy of St Rufus, 158 ‘Aenokd of Beescis an 1:58, 54s foromation of Frederick | Barbarossa, 8b, Seta each of, Se4806 Henry | of England. and, 6:5178+b Laban, 138 reorganation of Scandinavian church sta sie Hedetik | Bavbarosa, 158, 2s Willa of Sicily amd, 158, 514800 Advan V, pope, suspension af Ubi perenne, 3324 Adsanople, 1:59 Aeddi (Edius Stephanus) sacked by Simul, 221194 Adraople, Bale of (378), 2:906, Baila, 61528, desl in Robert de Claris Gongeete de Jerusalem, 10:431b—432a Adviaiople, Bate of (1205), 72347 STs Arias Sem, Venice and, 123865 Acco of Montieren-Der ‘on millennia, A886 treative on Antichrist, 1321 SAdiod al-Dala, Bayid emir, 2486, 62th, $136, 11-2528 invasion of Meceporamia, 6:85 Adide, 85638 Ai control of Red Sea trade, toih ales Ip county loves 36681-6896, 67230 in Kerlongic saga, 406130 Telamic ase aad 25986 shivaree and, 828 ‘dur Gusnasp, sacked (622), 12:7159 Adurbid 5 Mahraspandan, religious ordeal, 106013 ‘Advaita Velanta,eortespondances with Drursin, 9b, Advent, 1594 fasting, four das tradition, 1259h Adeent. Soe Entry inuo Jessaiens Translation of sine Adverse haoreres, See Irenaeas Advereue Jonna Sew Jerome, Sc. AdvercusJucdaeorarn yvoteratirn dite Sev Peer the Venerable Adverins mationes. See Arnobine. the ier Advocate, 1259-60 ‘compenation oS in dealings with Dand grams, 1896 Advowon, See Presemanon Aad, in shaping, 11-243 ls Ele See Fla Alaoth, Vito ef pass 15226 sir, 1s2b— 638, 4.3956, coats with Vani, 1633 doom of the gods (Ragwarot), 1:62 etymology, 13605634 Froyr, $2978 in Gytagronene, 1358 Niger and, 9:146b Shadi and, 115253 sve ali Scandinavia myeholonys Vanir Enarpiga, $3335 ‘Betrtobe 9 Sng saga WeA87a, 8a ‘Act Find, king of Dil Ria, 4786 ‘Sed Slinc, 1:60b—61a Tengshon of Tara, 6b fle fis deswendans in Braga, Vila succesors and, 1 se aa Ul Nell Redan wae Cabra, 1:60ab, 4.7820 silinee with Aed mae Aismuirh, 160 bare of Degssstan (605), 1:60 secession to Kinwship, 1602 AAeddh (Edam Step, 1:61 Life of Wilfrid, 63, 667 as source for Feithepod, 353024 2a Aedesius of Cappadocia deta of Cappadocia, 9.9% Aedicola, e6la ‘Acgean islands ‘elatons wth ‘Lana Empite of Constantinople, 7.3460, 346, Venice, 7.3760, 3774 Aegdiae Romanus. Ser Egidius Colonna Auliled. Ser Ethel Alin, 1261b~626, 1.281 Side translations, 2:215a, 2248 Caos Homies, stb, 43546, 549-5508 account of St Bene, W622 ating of, 12286 manuscripts of, 1-274, 28th, 2bab, 2853 Coligny, $6805, 723824 oy exegete, 43548, 5433 Latin grammar of 1:285b eo Suan, 45498 ‘of insrucion, 1.616 SF pastral care, 1:38Sa Uber ares and, 43578 Life of & Ecimond and, 723034 fon the manatacue of plows, 12.815 Morncal Paraphrage of we Pomateuch ‘rd Joahug, 12708, 101083 smusie and, #:5480 pataphase of the Hexaeuch, ‘depiction of vehicles in, Was72b-373a Queitions om Genesis, 22218 feligius lle, 161% Shim lives L615, 285 Katherine Group. se, 72225-2260 Oswald, 1620 sciemaic treats of, 1:285b Sermons of, L246 Zee aettes ound ot 2158 Studies wth Ethlweld, 1:61 ple and hotion, 1152 sranlaioas Tass Adwontio. 18624 Ibblial, olb—e2a Hesamsrom, 615, 288 Treatise ot the Od amd New Testaments, 22213 deli Bata 1st Aciic of Eynsham, abbot, 5:6503 ‘cis Galle, captive of Nain, 9554 ‘Aclvs Theom, Progrenmasreaca, 135056 ‘elred, Ser Ethel Delis, Tanothy. See Timothiv ears Aeneas Spits Picolomin, See Pus 1, pope Aeneid See Vergil ‘Aenigmta, See Tatwine of Canterbury ‘es diva, 65538 ‘Meson, 435724 Theat epic ard, 21409 in Byzantine folklore, 8-18 scenes from (ables i Modena Catheceal, W0:5Ut3 Aes See Bal ‘Aetae Ovsdaona. See Ovi, luerary ‘afluence Actas Vergara, 123940 Alexander Ml pee Actaalaert. Seo Ethelbert ‘Actheliaed. See Eahelfed Aethelvi of Evesham, 2179 ‘Acthelwold. Soe Ethelwold [ethelwal See Eshelwull Aeticos Inet ‘De cosmographia, 6.2378, faneil alphabet of, 12570 Actinopes (Greek generic term), 12:73% ‘Retios of Amida (Byzantine phsicizn) Tnflacice of in the Palaoontn t4, "52460 Sisteon Booke om Mealcine, 82459 ‘Ratios (Roman general), 124706 ‘Borgundians apd, 11536 Hunnsroerenares and, 2:92 -mutler of, 12388 Acti E63b AF Upplendings Kowmigone, 12:73 Manas Nikiun, 13475 ‘Aga, ibr Bade al-Jamall a Patiid aliMeta"I and, 66174 Taneed and. 11528 Alda, Kusaylst aly 66173 Mal Shahanshaa!, al, Fain wer, S28ah er. See Arsobids the Eller Affighem, Joh of See Joh of ‘sitiher Alghansatan, 1494664 drisnic renmesanes, 652 foundaies, 1254 (map) canons, 65h foreign deomiation, 1965 Ghsstavid pesiod, 16th 65a Hindi-Shabn dyany, 1643 elect Isory, 1-6Sac6 fn Talumic conquests, 6:370b, S724 Teeal dynasties, [enh ‘Muslim ‘conversion, 14h preklemie €, 1640 Fegions nf, 2636-644 ‘igions motenents Tmaiign, 1653 Kareamiya. Le8icb rule of shassabaoi family, 16x Sebattigin andy 11:1338 Timur ere, 1632, 65h under Safaris, 164 Aghans, 0 aan, 635623 ‘Aesing (3 rimu meter, 10-405% ‘Monso [ot Pemugsl, king sims of, 10:39, 41a founder of the Order of Avin, 2:16 independence of Poreags! and: Hest La chr ond, 1A fas fe 22398 Bs plone of sonia, 1042 wats waged by, 10st Alone? 11-38 Portal, king fercommunication of, 10440 ‘Muslims and, 10:843:b Ger of Avis andy 2:17 Porugucse law an, 10-436 oval pactimony an, [0s138—44— Aloo I of Pereags, king 10 accession of, 10:45h—46 omplshmest of 10:47 Sppotement 98 Keeper of the Temgdo, 21613 excommunication of, 10:47 asin church and, O76 Inarriages of 10466 Nilims andy 1O:46cb peiae wih Castle and, 10s46b—47s prerogaive under 10:472 Afonso TV of Portal, kins sta Resco apd. 455988 reig) of, 10:5D5-S1a, Afonto V of Portugal, king hdisatinn of 108583 ‘Azores and 559% tines ad) 4561 sarrage of $1115 righ oly W=54b ~55a Afons VE of Portogal, kings area culed by, 10:39 ‘Moose de Paiva, 4:862b—S633 Meee, 711241133 Aft barber See Moors Africa Fielsaios ancl, 2.2654 siecmmavigation of, 43983 slave tade, disease and, 9:682b Afi, See Peteaech Africa, exarchote of, 45303 se hay Mia Africa Provossiasin, Vandale and, L2RHG3883, 355b African Code, in Syaagoge fe Fy ‘ites, #153 Alricens in Europe, S685 soe alsa Wicks: Zan) “Aisin, lk (9th consi), ia of ‘hssib—esss shin ibm Abu "E53; rebuilding of Dwin by, 43240 Se Smbat fhe Marge, USS agi Khan (Niean cil) 18a Aguieat che Emperor Constantius, Soe Hilary of Poitier, St Againet Exmonins. Seo Gregory of Ness, St Against the Callas. See Jali, the Apostate, Roman emperor Agoinss eis 'Blrudnes. See Olivers ‘Berard (Bernt) Against Jeet Ditele. See Peter of Blot Against the Poulcians. Ser John wf jun, Se Axcis she'Phantastaet. See Join 9f ‘Ginn, Se Against tho SeetiDe Dew, See tans of Koi Against Those Who Siy. Toru Nutaes ‘See Tinothiie Aelaris Agape, 66a ‘nearly church, 3.3386 Agatangelos, 1663-676, 1:510b, S7Ib, 7.299 fon Ammeman sims, 1-S17b, Si, 515 center of Armenian Christy and, 94s on early Bagrarid, 248 Agriculture, Islamic world Gregory the llominatoe and, S:66tab —Agilofingy, a Ravatio, 294b, 1349 comm ands, laws governing, tiny of the Armenians, Ie66e-672, Afancout, Bate of (1415), 17nd, T7968 82a, 5089, Si6eba 2784, 63328 crop apa, 130 lnezay radon nse, 623% caval tates at, $208 rian, 178-6 preCinstian hacory, Leeb—67———Agograpba. Sev Hpac 0) ora Semin 1:83 Sythe rer of dat, heh Agns of Gavvey, 1725, 7362 fig ming 10, Ha, sn, 86 fn Se Nino, 91409 ‘ography of athamada, 1-726 tetlver and aasitves 818 Teaching of St Gro,” 146, see alin Pots Sa timer 11053 3 Agate log characte) S3678x organic, 1-78, a, 1Dta, 105 os Hpi, 633090 Agnes of Ps, 1372074 Nogetale mater, 11054 fon Mamikonean spares, 114606 Trancieans on Englard andy 1730 geen 1a fon St Traut (V) the Gre Agel of Ravens, St, 17a, Iretelure, 1845, eb Tata to.a63 iid gardens, e840, 4, 855 See olin tanse ParpecS, PEawnton De ratone fies 1.730 lei ecamaro Sand mache amb of, 43616 By colonists, 10278 Agathiay 167b=68 Agnes So Peer Rigs itbor eeguerenrs 10.277 fn Bera, 2163, 168 Agnes of Pi incst prose, 1S1b- 328 Chel har Tmamnage ro Heary lL of Gest, rixed farming, 1923 Danes, 167% ‘eae Naha, 91936 histoneslsvorks, S128 cegency of Heary (V of Germany, open feds, 180, $1 | Hatores, 17% ‘tea lagu and, 967%, 6760, 684, onto by Men ander Agnes Se ish Protector, 8.273 racrian of, S46, 102878 polars, 177, 62h, Sab conte Sosa king Kawi, 82365, In poem by Hoa, 6319 ‘oy lcming, 1858 Bs Agnes of Montepulciny, 94a ier elation, 1866-87, 875 ‘Theeplakios Simokartes' Hiri Agno Ventura, 173 incertae an 884 ae 12254 "Frat tomb ot rem, 1-76 Purpose of La7a-b sm Xin 27a ago chats 1736 terme 188 Agni Abyssinian capil moved ty ‘Apne Dev na) 1.748 protein soars al Banna m Byzanti, 1:74e ‘imal 1955-960 | age, Cri of (506), 63568, 9:62 Agus Dot Imi) 1744750 epee, 1858 ‘Age Becks, 1:4308 th Cammanion tite, 17Aby soll chawition of, 1975 osirction of, 104213 E10" ibs ilage, C7726 Toneneing of 10475, 489 asin eerece 8, 1748 Sovperate 199 Agenda (2 designation of ral in {oe varitons, 1 sxolin ef, 1978 Geren) 10-4082 retings 1788, S628 hand’ culstion, 1:77 Anearei, 115040 tn Soran fgg aad Sih and burt 13h, 97-6, 986 ‘Aegis 11-281b ones, 174, 13.2098 Seip eitvation, 1912 ‘Apis wary 1:88 Agobard of Lyons, bishop, 1:78—7%6q, sate and minal 136 Bowl by ABA Tall 1:68 tas Sst eli, 658 sete mile dy 85934-3980 prectonsn southers Caucasis Contes ebyctiones Pde, $3008, Jerson deat Coon Teh S585b rotations Dairy qooductsy Famine: ‘Aphid ibn Silos al-Taminy ab, 63916 om Jews, 1:75by 7:75b=76, 75, Fil ems, Cin cops, ‘Apa, 170722 Tis, Res $86, 39 Irngation: Pensanes: Kechmstion bid ody, 170, 705 leer oh 10:25, Sab of Tandy Tenare of land Tools admiration. Cheians in, 17.8% on ity, 7629 Sgrcutiral, Wine and try he8a=705, s:5108 Spoonent of Aralarins of Mew, sneralng abbindig tchnigie, {49h Ties Aariculuce Breanne, 1:766~79 nse, 15% religious opin, 475, 76 ‘promot, 34984 mongers, 169 fil) tn saver 112005 ‘ire conoh 26755 Tunis 9 and, 6009, 400 Slate aves, 11-336b- 3374 tectinology 11:6545—535 coits of 3230) soprert fr Frisksk couitatonslany, —ilage etmuntien, 2476-477, Sengeest by Abi CABS Alla, 13728 ters Soioadtoa constrain safle, 17a wiry of 1:76 franca imveneorice, 2480 foumeed, 3910 ‘gone, 10-517 set ato Farmer's Late in naga, Sea, 414 Agostne, Giovanni €' 1:76b Agcltre, ile wordy 1:1032—t0¢ Slaton under, 19% “arta comb a Arena 1-736, 7b uaptatons rafal, ¥:1036— 10a Joos wre, 797-980 Age Dagar Arse, Meme rial pastoral economies, had ebelion, 178 97 (ptranant fel), See Agrielate; lace i under 71a "aeclemation of land animal heshendey, 1-103 swipes D8 Agricola (Goong Mower, De re amtalica, dace im Th fata, 1: 1053-8 vero of Bana Koma Emily 3280, S40la type 104330 iia Agsicola, Reolphas, De dvenione Epprtan, Niometer and ssxason, sgn of chien Uh, 1.71 tie 4.1710 2d } Sioly and, 70h, 11-2614, 2646 Agnnitre farming mans, 1:105a, 1085-1062 tad an commerce, 1703 ‘shield oma, Istosb | fen of apel to Kabada, 1-718 ‘Ab Minor and Hallans, Tig, 63928 | ye Byraseney in Sic, 6572 176b- 774 Iraq, 65056, S11b—S124, 5134 318 4s: Fstmils, in Noy Aisin, 2608 increase under Arab domination fend os, Hoh iosa ‘gh ath, See'Arasty Mens 1st large estas ‘ahs Se A= island of Pacmos, 1-773 i Ortoman Epes $109 n Agriculture, Mediterranean region Aercature, Ilamie wordd (cont) Brinopal cop Le Slavery ane 1TS3316 Sei, ander Umayyads 115600 axacon of rovenies #16283 technology, (486396 food preservation, 113639 ‘eli and refining, 11639 fll preses, 116295 Agicneace, Mediterranean region, 17ab=8ih, 124455 Asturias Leon, 135296 fotton culevation, 36256-6274 French Midi, 852-868 aly, 1863-87 King of fersalem, 115561 Dorsigal, 1846-853 Siclys 112275 Sialy and Sardinia, 1.875989 Spain, Chostin, /85:—84b se of aed, 12755 6 alo Specular, Mame words ‘Mesiat Tools, agncultuel, Islamic worl Aagtcalate, Northern Europe, 192-965 tn Bale Fonds, 2:630-6 demesne farm, 11:6750~676a, ‘e77a-b demographic changes, 1984 Ger and crate, lect of Norse and. Magyar eaiders, 19s uh through 10k conus, 1ab= 932 enlonure rement, 9:485b—4552 snvkonmenea adaption, 189 Kore 1-4 Incr i prudstiy, 1:9335 Kievan Run 1995, 90 rons 67S Norway 9179-180 pacity, M67ab essne icky 194-5 Foland, 927165, 7228, 7282+ souraes of cxtohydeat, 124-954 Agneultire, laie word, 195h- 1030 Sra Eumbundey 188, 9, 100 Scalar, tb Baan, b—99e Apatden, e674, 6790 Eas sors, 1.951028 font indir, 19h Hangar 63813, Ha techraogiel advances of German vaca 900-97 sage, 15 tee of sobs, 12:75 Wie ahah Aageaice, Wester Faro ol ier 1748 spicitir, 6283 Renedieuse monasteries and, 231746 in Bohemia Morag; 2301 in Borgundy, 228375 in Calne myhnings, 6:6, S46 fonds i Sete fey rotation systems, $1160 Denar 84 caniy Gears, 289% “Mest of dinate on, 3:3522-453a, ‘sted, tea environmental efecis, $1396 xpanson of after 1th century, 14h Great Clearances, 4:1408 igh farming 1235525 teland, 65538 Ketclen garden, 2:5475—3484 Ronse, 10:4608 ie oho Colonase tenatom of, Face, 1:6198 technological tnnovatons, 11:65 ‘te of land, 116966 ‘Carlingion disslition of eats, 676 village orgeriaton, 124423 sagen bate at (1252), 6855 Aare, 4817) “Onkneyigs saga an, 922796 Arr af Norge hxc opin, 91768 Agron, sb Ager See Mapes, Emcopean,salaia Ake of Shab, She“tan, 10.7ihy stab Abith, See Hatt “And 398 ‘nice Abbasids, 3926 Ada, 63914 ahi lesa, or & saxion di doler saa See Gulsone Water Ahimsa be Pale. 7.919, 925 ‘Abimsse of Oca, lela? Abas Sth Ab atnna Soe Somes bl abides, MSi3a bl abfai?id, Soe ntetance, atic ‘abl alia. See People of te book. ‘Mil alfa. See Sulla ‘Ah Shrsey Th252h Asipes, 7524 ills) CIS Ans a shana iliac Koran RV bm sha, 125Sh Apne Tee. Se Tei AApmed dhe Abr Dyed Sah ‘Abmad ihn "AW iho Fic See Khao kag, ae Abad sh tanh See Ktanbl, Abmad ‘by Masammad bn Ahmad iho Map (Msi pil, ‘seta, 33048, 987 11 247% ‘Abmad ibn isd. See Band” Mi Aman dn Tale Dsievenents of gorerorsbip, 4408b Schmingraion and economic pole, etic Leyrtan Sex strengthened by, 3.758 expat of Cary S136, 6 59968 trary power oly 12.2250 revents aed trade under, TERdsb 3s Apna ibm aot, stan, 72815 Awad bcd le Atwad Stes, 1:1060—307 Abenad, Sandi emi ‘animacion of 106384 onguest of Sean, e638 Anal gf aan. Ser Mas bona eile See Teer 12 pmadiya coniateisy, 44078 Abatoon Gay, sly 668 Nbrman (Zoroastrian gol. See Angra Mainys = - Aba ak Tanai ff Mant agai Ser Ngee, Ahura Mazds rearing) IeiSlby fatrerh 12 tab, 727h, 748, Fab in am LS97a, 59% egw of Achmed od, Tiietib-eian sole of i pagan Armen, 1.2508 in ended, in Videokid, 130 tb—#128 Ahrrae 12740 ‘Mists, Zan) anc 12.73% Aaneeane See Noeonnoe ‘eharde Soe Add Aid ada, Se Feed Alain. Se Medlin Aidan of Lindstrse, St, 131074—108 in ede’ History of the Engl Church aed People 1172 risen to Linda, 11072 tssionary work, #4400 Skee of 11020 Aled wt Ail, 6548 ‘ats tation), (088125) 321b, 3236, Vis78a, 6b Aigon! See Wont ‘Nes Mores, consracton of, 5: 1694, 7, se Asaheene. Sor Arh Sie 133, S30 Ail, Coaches ba (oss chanics Si, Sash 5508 Aly, Prsme d 1:08e— 1005 ‘oe anelogy, 140 Shnciar econ of, HSTIb~SL20, ‘ie sl CConcordantia aroma cen Instone veut, 6086 Conseriantis setromoicse wie oe toeclogin, VES Dut te Fone Contr an, 125625 Gabi el and 22a Geen and, S120 His and $5500, 63696 frnage mend 108s Nicholee of Clitanges and, 921225 rominaliom and, 9137 14a (akan nd 9/2148 Philosophical and teal! works 1:H38 predksinton and, $374 fle in conchar movement, S646 sia eS vote ay eat Sehin, 1108 Tica de cloaca oteate, S19 train once slots 3 fr moderea and, 12-47 4082 Ale of Riva. See Ete of Hevea St Amerie of Angolime, AréJetrt, on frston 1422 Ameeas De paetics arte mnie iisess ‘ise of Cyprus king, 4705, 71 AXiom de etry, 1I0S= 1a Chrenoaraia, 56538 Hsrorts Francoramn, 1 108b, 526539 Liber storie, 56530 Mirae sot Memedit, 121103 View Abbots, 121031] see alo André de Fleury Aol, 43185 Aipsine Chnibad, 65260, 41h Airbertadh mac Cols, 1:1 1a~ 11a poems ‘on ings of Jernslem, 1-110 fn Palins, 121105 posible authorship of Sattar ma Rave, 1-110 school of Ros Allin, 1:110a work om geography of ancest world, Lida Aitdenas Brith, VAta— 1123 ‘Adena sans’ Cove Lat Dee rie mira, sourees for, UAT Apocalypse of Thomas, ULL13, 12a Collectswen, L118 “Fitoon Signs” trahon, 1st 112s Liber Flue Ferguiorame, $1110 Preado-Bedan type, 12111 Slr er ea UT, 1123 Andry, 65:4 Aires Manna Uraied ewie Coisse similarities to Milonge mete Camlme, It 4a Aiqialla peoples, burial of Se. Pavicky eases APishis 11128-1135 “atin of the lig” L139 after Muhammad's death 1:11ach fp Arabic literature 1:11.36 Bone of che Camel (656), 1=113b, ibs confit ith SUthinan, 1s113ab Fins satus, 1.1138 mattage to Muara 1112 ‘opponent “All ibe Ab Tai T1136, 1728 revolt by, 33356 Aislinge oieic Con-Cinne, 12113-1143, 527% silanes 10 Aired. Menmnan Uraird rie Cousse, [21140 wo Sarit verdomy Tel 43 Asta. Ser Bake Atal, Lombard king, 74657b, 9:501, Sums ein of, 83773 5 Rome, 103521 ites Ste Lita, the Grek Byrontine nie Aithllh of Edessa, bishop, 15088 Ain, fons, 6:400b, 4719, 471, ‘4724473, 47a, 4753 Ain, Univesity of 12.2853 aria Chapelle. See Aachen ajar, 111388 Age age, 103956 Aiime:, 1140-6 surviving Islimic examples, 1:14 in Viigthie Spain, 1-14 Ajnidaya, bate ae, 65685 Arony, det of the “black Magsats; Suljogated by St. Stephen To Hungary. 178 ind, Canciones diy 109508 ‘Awad iby Zari, ruler of a-Babrayny splendor ofthe cour of 2318 Abskion, aot of Sele Cresiphon, 9:06 [kaleios,punraech of Constance ple ‘enaiden and Akakian schon eS Peter Marius and, 1508 kathy lt betta, 25113, G:a78b, 729th, ia, 85548 awotated ‘ith htc oon, Tis in Ltensormees 11146 ari yn a, 6:58 15 veh must acting 11a poste form, 233216" Romanos Neko an, 10-516 ener urea pty ard 9.7144 ‘Abedat Vghaks See Tao bun Sloss Aree [Arson Akhes UIs Aly. Soe Nae Ailatshah. Soe ShabvAiman ‘Neb sy et Tsahy 1-008 Suapitiins of Arsh poetic eatventians, 11S svartion of Monophysite Chron Tis a the Umayyad com, 11153 Fda wines prs 1186 dlapoie wih far, 787 sauce pot, 1: 11S Alsen! Pane of 53088 ‘Aisa en one 22100, 7155, 1688 jn mirasbie legends, 8:226 Akko. See Acre Ekin Tan Soe Jose en Jah fw Theo ibn Alain Akome in Sede Monsios, irish Aol, Se Cai Atsiawtart Se Reicoerey jpoames ‘toler (commander of Varmgian (Gawd 12339 Abra se (138), 7880 Apt, tsb Li Secine of Lilea Snail sci, ¥-1164 fnain of 116s tion fo Byeseie am, Thshe ee Abcopolies, Googe, 16140, 36328, one bron af Nice Epis, 2516, 274 comanations of, 25160 teasher of Theodore Il Laskaris of ‘Nicaea, 2:10 Aksum, See Ax Asumite art, S60 Axcite are Acai, Jon medical works by, 26s ‘1 cor gel tompaia sempre amoee™ See Guinea, Cade “AL poss loro © al gran cechio ‘Fombrac See Pamce Apher Al. See net clement of same ‘MU Aleasayah See Qarakhads Ala? al Dave, 113058 3 Alan of Lille SAP aL Din Bog, 72214 ss, Bivaril L 2138b Ala? alDin Hlesayn, 535266 Ali? ain Kay-Kubid |. Soe Kaygubad 1 ©Ala® akDin Muhammad, 55273 =Alg2 al Div and the Wonderful Lamp, in Thousand and One Nights, 123502, 505 Al flees sags, 1116b=1172, 1033954 © Mirsuores say sel, 84326 Sala ibn Magith, aby echelon against Abd alRabnan |, 12.275 Al-ed-Din mosque (Kony), 722236 Alabolfigians, 5:5062, 11:525b, 5260 ‘lain de Lille: See Alan of Lille ‘Alaman family, 21286 Alamanns, 1:1174—118, 294, H's2s3—s2¢h sscau on Roman imperial reritory, hans Chrstantzation of 117, 11382606 Clovis and, 2940, S2486b—367e fire cted in tterature, Ist17a Tray plundered by in late 3rd cemtry 2 laws of, 1-17, Tears‘ ALL7, $508 Meroringlane nd, $506 in Noni, 221316 Spponents of, 11256—St6a pin T's cap aint 550650 preci hy Onegai SS Aine estomenty 10178 iernenal eqponet 06 TTS vm Pranks, Elva f1Ra, 5:50, Ts amg 9654 ‘amin, Eatse—i195, 11 consign of iB Teadatters of eu Ait, tia tema 1118 acd 1080), 6075 attend 2 Mongols 121186 ‘nin Arcinl, Cant Fearpel and, "sms ‘Man Ctooks-Beard, ern ruler Vikage andy sth ‘Aan of Ui, i a=1206, 733724 ‘Arclaudiont, Wet196, 1a 18, T83s-h Tish 73665, S28, S50 deserpton of House of Forme, sik an percion of at, 1119 Gabe foe Cinder Nemeie Conus Zin, 2208 anuitretial ete, 119 Bi planta Nore 11195" 1834, UR, 6b, a, 1247S Teswetio and. 33838 De slbve ef, 1: 120a ‘Healgie hepa, #394 decloptens of “thematic” sro, ey Biowptan tedion andy (21096 Disthtones 1308 doctor nur 1112 “Except acorn” 6h 27k Alan de la Roche ‘Alan of Lille, 1:119a—1206 (cont) Geof Pos and 11138, 1208, b fandbois ad manual 11200 Duals sper Artiladisnn an, 736% preaching of, 10:76, 77a Prophens Anglcora Merlat Ambrosi Britanm 15676 Quomiam hremines,” 12119 lythnaee de toctration’, ASB Stonma de arto prandeatria, 153505563, S37 Theologicze rate, 1:11 theologr Nenite and the divine, 121194, 1195 egaasity of laoguags, T119— 1204 Alan de la Reche, founding of Rosary Contraremity, 42513 Alas of Tewkesbury, hfe of St. Thomar Becker, 12:33 ‘Alan of Wattngham, See Walsingham, ‘Alan of Alan, 12120-1215, alliance with Vandals, 1-124 femor of, 1-522, 534 (fen) rslaton ino Western enor Tab Burgandians aod, 2-422 Chestianzation, 1 in Iheran Bonin, 10:36 trove ing Wein bape; pn Roman Expire and, {:1206—121 "200 2014, 10-4654 Sarmaton concern, 106534 Vanda ana 12858 see Hing 12a, 623525 Aanot Angus, stb aon lr complain by, 745d to the Drene af Fro Sword tab Alan de Ili, Se Ala of tlle Arcs ti of (198), 11988 Seb, shah ‘ar de Cambrai, Morales des Phosophes, 9388 AMaruly Master, tsing woeks by, ‘nats Aleve Uy Visigohic king, 112204, 290h, Lara sgrenment wl Flv Scho, Tizts slay campaigns ‘iain Comnesinope, 121228 deat Ror 1223 dream of Thrace, 1228, 2488 sn Non Ades, 112206 smite composition of his army is Acie Mi, Visite king, 1234705, 4728 cary German aw cokes a, sb 47Oa sapphic sal tng of 111253 Alene 65620" ‘Meer, 151226 EAs Ser Nagai Algzani, 78086 Alb See Vexiens ‘iba, 1s122b—125e, 54418 ‘i Provencal Uterauure, 104646 trovbadow, 122218 be also Rabade Alba ible, 22150 Alls Keg, See Seheaichéreir Albak, Arctunis is, 145 la Alan, Sty ives of, 1261 ‘Albania Balkan), 114732, 4754 ‘acquired by Stefan Urof IV Daan of Serbia, 114756 Skanderbeg sn, 113248 sce abo Serbia Albania (Caucasian), 11233-1250 alphabet, 1:123b,"125a Eoundaties, 1123s, 124 (map) Chestantaton, 121230 church, Aso | and, 14805 conversion wo lan, {21258 Sestruction nf, 31956) Teamian wasalage, 11236 Miksind ule, 13133-1242, 1252 Kahala, 7205 ‘jor ites, 1 Moog ad rin, 1128 bamCascasin Georgian empine, Thatib plundering by Khirary, 1:1240ch Yebalions against Musi domination, rns rlasons wih Armenia and thers, T23b dtl, fet lh Armenian air 13h sce of, 1482 Srobat 1 and, 180 seal serine eat cas, 1123 Aymosne piace, 1:123b peasants, 131235 ers. Arein and Alwonk replaced by ‘Azeraiian, |:125a trade, Is124b- 1253 tuner Fadl ly 112178, 217% se also Aneratjns Bae) Derbeat Albanian language, 64346, 4350, 427, “ash Ladin loanwoeds in, 6:438b Albanus, Godain of Maine on, SiS7Ls ‘Aboel, Sab ‘Albans ‘of Cérdeba, 63818 ‘Albaeguius. See Baten, al Albergnti, Nicolas, cardinal, in at 5e7b Alene of Bsangon, Alexandre, 1:150a, S:283h- 289, 10:179% Aerie of London, 7:3685 ‘bere of Mome Cassino, 1128 rertraum de dktamine, 4:17, 1Dsa88a Dikcaminnan radi, 4:1744, 10358 [ihe ditamtnam salutation, 25 revival of classical culture, 1:125b Aiberic of Rheims, Arscim of Laon's ‘theology school and, 12-2021 Aibevie of Rome, M522, 5254 4b 1284 ar ivasions, 11253 14 Alber of Spolero, 10:522b Alber of Trois Fenaines, 53398, 10:18 Alberich von Bivinzo, Lamprecht and 782th Albers da Brbiano, Minin Ateendalo and, 11-2169 Albers ds Porta Ravens, Huge and, 633243 Albero | of Litye, bishop, 10:25 Alber, se als Allecie Alberr Pot Germay, ssumption of impenal stares, 6423 death of, 1138428 ‘expansion of Habsburgs into Austra, 2b fils of, 11:540b rigs ol, S87 ts. Zari, 1LS4tb, $434 Albert Tl absburg| of Germany, erperor, 63475 reign of, S:489b Albert 1 of Hungary. king. See Albers tt (iabsbarg) oF Germany, emperor Albert of Ais, legend of Peter the Hermic, 95230 Alben (Geauan advocatus 9.2723, 7243 Alber the Great. Soe Alberts Magnus Albert yon Halbersih, Metomorphases, srandation of Y3l4a Albert of Moves See Geeyory VI, ope Allert Of Psa leadership of Franciscans, 5199 Abo af Prague, 623825 Alber of Riga, Bishop, 2:64 Alleet of Saxony, 1s12Sb=126a dialeetic ad, 4170 Jean Burdon and, 14648 Liber alcinie Hermes, VATS nominalism and, 12-448 PenatiisIopies, 42170 physics and mathenaucs, TaSb— 126 Aller wom Stade, Toit, 73693, [33a Alor of Vere S S965 Albcrin ds Brescia, 36715 Abert family, 73.25 Alters, Loon Barista, 1126-6, 11383 audvcer to Pope Nicholas Vy i:1260+b atchieeniral projets, 121260 6 the somstuction of bridges, 10-13 De pictura, 1126, 5808 De re aediicarariay 1:1280, 5:3653 Dalla fui, 1126 relations wth Hocentine anllectuss ssa, 126h Albertus of Bradzewo, on astronoary, Tita Alberts Gandia, 102623 Alloertas Mags, St. 1:126b—13089 Albina amar, 1579 6 arbitrator i Dominican liiations T127b, 128 astrology and, 16076 xt Colozne 1 Carmelies aod,

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