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International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation

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Optimal blending of mine production using goal

programming and interactive graphics systems
a b
E.K.C. Chanda & Kadri Dagdelen
Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited, Nkana Division, Kitwe, Zambia
Mining Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 80401, USA
Version of record first published: 31 May 2007.

To cite this article: E.K.C. Chanda & Kadri Dagdelen (1995): Optimal blending of mine production using goal programming and
interactive graphics systems, International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 9:4, 203-208

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International Journal of Surface Milling. Reclamation and Environment 9 (J995):20j·208 203

Optimal blending of mine production using goal programming

and interactive graphics systems

Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited. Nkana Division, Kitwe, Zambia
Kadri Dagdelen
Colorado School of Mines. Mining Department, Golden; CO 80401, USA

ABSTRACT: Although production scheduling in the mining context, is primarily concerned with the
sequence of removal of the mining blocks, there is an inherent task of blending the run-of-mine
materials before concentration. The objective is to mine in such a way that the resulting mix
meets the quality and quantity specifications of the processing plant or the customer. The
blending problem becomes even more important with regard to short/medium term mine planning,
where the planner is concerned with reducing grade fluctuations in the run-of-mine material and
how much to mine in order to satisfy demands in tonnage and composition. For instance, in the
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case of coal, economic and environmental considerations may dictate stringent limits on ash,
sulphur, and BTU content. Blending of ores is also beneficial for a number of reasons: it can
improve the efficiency of the processing plant, it minimises the need for selective mining
hence, reducing mining costs and increasing mine production, it extends the ore reserve base
and it contributes to the grade control process.
Since blending requires that the resulting mix of different ores be of a certain quality and
quanti ty, realization of this requirement should be among the primary goals of any mine
production planning system. Classical linear programming has been widely used in modelling
production/blending problems in the mining industry. However, the classical LP formulation of
the blending problem suffers from the fact that only one objective function is permitted at a
time. In recent years CAD systems have been established as standard mine planning tools. In
these, too, blending is achieved via trial-and-error and so the optimum solution is not
This paper describes a linear goal programming model of the blending problem in short term mine
planning. An example application of the model to a coal mine is presented. The capabilities of
this model are discussed in comparison to those pertaining to an interactive graphics based
system, in terms of minimizing the deviation from set targets for tonnage and given quality
parameters. Improvements in the quali ty of the planning resul ts can be realised through a
combination of these two techniques.

1 INTRODUCTION accomplish some degree of blending (Goergen

1980, Smith 1985).
~he general aim of mine 'production planning Understandably, simulation and heuristic
1.S to generate a plan to guide mining of methods were the first computer based
selected parts of the ore body that will techniques to be applied to blending. in mine
ensure delivery of the budgeted tonnes and planning for coal shipments [Fraser 1973].
grade of the mineral raw material to the mill Recent simulation based blending algorithms
in the period under consideration. Specifics are reported by [Bruno, etc 1986, Gershon
vary depending on whether the plan .involves 1986, Ciesielski 1988]. Many blending models
long, medium or short term planning. wi th based on linear programming have .been
regard to short term production scheduling, reported in literature (Johnson 1969, Baafi
an obvious and most frequently used 1983, Fytas and· Calder 1986). Most CAD
production goal is to supply ore of uniform systems often use blending as a planning
grade and tonnage based on plant requirements goal. In this case blending is done by
.so as to ensure its operating efficiency. In selecting ore increments (on a graphics
order to supply ore of uniform quality to the screen) which contribute to the achievement
processing plant, it is necessary to blend of the desired grade. This is basically
are of different quality from various parts trial-and error.
of a mine or from different mines. This
ensures a uniform feed which is important Formulation of the blending problem as a
from the operating stand point, since any classical linear programming model is limited
changes (in terms of grade and tonnage) are by the fact that only one objective function
usually accompanied by an increase in total may be formulated at a time, when in fact the
operating cost. blending/production problem is multi-
Blending techniques vary from mine to mine objective. The special case of LP known as
but the goal is the same, namely to deliver Goal Programming offers an improved model
ore of required quality and tonnage to the. because it' embraces an economic objective
mill or customer. Some mines resort to use of function and a function to minimise the sum
blending beds or bins. Today few mines employ of deviations for individual quality
this technique because of high operating parameters as well as tonnage from set
costs and capacity limitations. Judicious use targets. Another technique that can be used
of loaders, shovels or wheel excavations can to model this problem description is

e 1995A.A. Balkema,P.O. Box 1675.3000 BR Rotterdam,Netherlands


Quadratic Programming (Ignizio 1976), but - Determination of anticipated fluctuations

this technique requires more computational in the daily ore quality around the estimated
effort. The isolation of the blending problem monthly grade.
is to allow for effective mathematical
formulation although mine production - Determination of exact locations of ore and
scheduling embraces many other aspects. waste zones to be mined in the period, and at
However, the blending' module can be what rates so as to satisfy demands in
integrated wi th any mine scheduking and in tonnage and composition.
this study a procedure for enhancing the
effectiveness of short term planning by - Minimisation of deviations from stipulated
combining interactive graphics wi th linear quality of run-of-mine ore to ensure
programming is discussed. efficient plant operation.
The first two objectives can be achieved
2 ORE BLENDING AND MINE PRODUCTION SCHEDULING by using Geostatistics (Kim 1987). The rest
can be ensured by proper blending of ore and
Blending can be defined as a methodical this can be effectively tackled during
systematic process of combining a variety of production scheduling. This minimises the
materials into uniform mass. The individual need for selective mining, hence reducing
materials to be blended can be widely mining costs and increasing mine production.
variable. After blending, however, the ideal Also the reserve base is expanded as the ore
product must be uniform and homogenous. below cut off is not regarded as waste, but
Blending is thus an integral part of mine can be mined and blended with high grade
scheduling whereby it is desired to deliver material. Careful planning of unit operations
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mineral raw material to the customer or (drilling and blasting, loading and
concentrator at the specified quality and transport) can accomplish some degree of
quantity. This is a must for mines with a blending, hence contributing to quality
high degree of grade variability control. Whatever technique of blending used
(inhomogeneous), especially for commodities at a, it is necessary to model the
where product quali ty is important such as situation mathematically in order to ensure
coal, bauxit~, iron ore, gold etc. In optimal blending. In the next section
general, it is assumed that there are many formulation of the mathematical model for the
sources of the mineral raw material f r'om blending problem will be give.
which to mine for blending . Next is a set of
quality specifications that the blend must
satisfy. For example, for a polymetallic 3 FORMULATION OF A MATHEMATICAL MODEL
mine, this could be copper, lead, zinc and
gold. In case of phosphate ore, this is The most successful area of application for
percent P20S' For coal the ash and sulphur linear programming (LP) in the mining
content are cricical blending parameters. industry has been production/blending
Blending in mine production planning may be problems. Cement production presents a
dictated by any or all the following factors: classic blending problem where a number of
ingredients must be mixed according to a
given recipe. There are several variations of
- Design of the mill: usually designed to the blending problem formulation using linear
handle a certain quali ty of through-put to progranuning as reported by (Gershon 1986,
operate economically. Less tonnage leads to Gunn and Rutherford 1990). A classical LP
under utilisation, and unnecessarily high formulation of the blending problem has only
grades result in product los~es. one objective function subject to grade and
other constraints. Also, the optimal solution
- Environmental factors: law may specify the is not based on grade and tonnage targets,
minimum/maximum quali ty of mineral raw but on the value of the objective function.
material to be processed in order to reduce In this case, it is sufficient to have the
emissions, energy losses, etc. grade and tonnage of the blended ore within
the specified upper and lower limi ts. In
- If the schedule is tailored to suit a plant practice, however, the goal is to achieve the
belonging to another business entity (e. g. target grade of blended run-of-mine are.
coal for power plant, limestone for cement Hence, the limits,for these parameters become
plant, or iron are for steel mill), there is tighter, zeroing in on specific values. To
often a direct and well defined penalty for correctly model this si tuation a goal
deviating from the specified uniformity of programming formulation will now be
the material in the contract. presented. This is not a new technique and
has been used in the mining industry (Chanda
- Market requirement: should the ore be sold 1990) .
directly to customers, it has to meet certain
specifications. In this formation, only quality and
quantity requirements of the
The above problem description contains all blending/scheduling problem will be
of the concerns one would have in making considered. The strategy employed is to
blends. The basis for any blending model is achieve the target grade and tonnage of the
accurate information about the material to be blended ore via the minimisation of the sum
blended (ore blocks, dumps, etc). InfQrmation of absolute deviations of the individual
about quality can be obtained by sampling and quali ty parameters and tonnage from their
applying suitable estimation techniques, e.g· call values. Minimisation of these deviations
geostatistics. With regard to ore quality, thus becomes an additional goal of production
the following objectives should be considered planning. Ideally, these absolute deviations
in short term production scheduling. should be minimised to zero, but this may not
possible due to other factors. Nevertheless,
- Prediction of next periodls ore quality and the optimal solution will reduce these
reliability of such predictions. deviations to their lowest possible levels.
Hence, in th~ goal programming formulation,

additional variables (so called deviational = Grade of parameter k in ore from block
variables) and deviational constraints have j
to be introduced (Charnes and Cooper 1961). = Required grade of parameter kin blended
Following is a goal programming model of the ore
blending problem. Maximum allowable production in the
Minimum allowable production in the
A. Objective function: period
= Upper bound for parameter k
= Lower bound for parameter k
n I = Available ore for mining from block j
j • Cj - E
Wk '" Pk -
In the above formulation of the blending
problem there are two criteria of
·optimization in the objective function,
namely, the maximization of an economic
Pk positive deviation for parameter k criterion and the minimization of the sum of
= Weighting
Negative deviation for parameter k
factor for parameter k
absolute deviations of grade and tonnage from
their target values.Theoretically, minimizing
Cj = Economic value per tonne of are
associated with block j
the sum of deviation, i.e., EWk*N k + Wk*Pk is
equivalent to maximising the function EX j -
Xj = Tonnage of ore to be mined from block j EWk*N k + Wk*Nk • The reader is referred to
Charnes and Cooper (1961), Lee (1972) for the
background theory. The planner assigns to the
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B. Deviation constraints: deviational variables weighting factors Wit

depending on the desired goal achievement for
the respective parameter. If all the
weighting factors are zero, the problem
+ (2) reduces to classical linear programming.
However, in order to minimise the said
deviations, the WklS have to be non-zero. In
the optimal solution either one or both the
deviational variables (N)c and Pk ) has to be
zero. The deviational variables are part of
the optimal solution and can be used to
E (G j k - Gmk ) -Xj + N k - Pic =a I k = 1, 2 .. , I determine the economic consequences for not
meeting the specifications of the blend since
(3) there is often a direct and well defined
penalty for deviating from these
C. Upper and lower limit constraints

j ==' Tu (4) The computer program to solve the linear
system of equations (1) through (8) is based
on"the simplex method of linear programming
n (Charnes and Cooper 1961). The programs was
j ~ T1 (5) written in Fortran 77 and implemented on
Personal Computer (Chanda 1993). Figure 1
shows the program logic and flow diagram for
interactive short/medium term mine
n (6) scheduling.
E (G jk - Guk ) .Xj:S a, for k=l, ••• I
The program incorporates assembler language
subroutines to facilitate better user
interface under the Fortran environment. The
information about the mineral resource is
E (G j k - G1k ) .Xj~O I for k=l, 2, ... I stored in a database. A series of menu
options ensures that the mine planner takes
control of the blending/scheduling process.
At the beginning of a planning session, the
engineer is presented with three options, i.e
D. Production control quit, modify an existing plan or generate a
new plan. When generating a new plan, one is
prompted for a new data file name which is
automatically saved as a unique input data
file for that project. Next the user is
prompted for number of operating shifts per
E. Non-negativity day and to indicate whether the a
minimization or maximization one. Quality and
quantity parameters are edited via a menu
that highlights the maximum, minimum, target
values and weighting factors for tonnage.and
Where quali ty parameters. Each time changes are
made in blending parameters, the simplex
Nt Negative deviation of tonnage from mine algorithm can be called to calculate
call optimal solution. There are also options to
Pf positive deviation of tonnage 'from mine edit data base, force some ore sources out of
call consideration, and correct the optimal
TII\ Required production (mine call) solution manually.
- - - ENGINEEDR----PERSONAL COMPUTE I'cr~No S'.I101l J I~crnl>cr 9)
l::nd 011 Ii Aflnl '14
Dural"'" III pcnncl. U~I

Are. 10 Op.tlld) M.qlldl 5(%1 BTlJ(%) A(%) COIl(M\JJI)


1700 l.SOU
17400 ')00 5'
1700 JI.JOO 1000 62
4' CJ 600 Uoo 21,)00 I.CJOCJ 211
S9 17011 1700 1.100 199(1(1 I90CJ 61
S7 17,} 1100 <lAOO U.SOO 60100 69

t 1000 9110
• Devillioa:

TO'.&I fCIICf'tCl IMfore: TONL&"-

.. 9&U~ \1)
1.26)4 (%)
26.2912 (%)
dirt: 9'76~~
1.26)9 1%)
26 ~4)6 (%)

Alii 1.916S t%) .9JSJ (%)

BJeDlha.Il p&r'mleQ ProcIueIIOll SWI~ BTU Alii

Uppa hmit 1400 t US % 2900% 10.00%

T.flci v.lue aooo I 1..2'% 2300% I.JC)%
Ln,'e,l;m;1 7600 t US% 1900% 6.00%
Weipt;a. (ICIOf 10 IllUA 1000.00 mllll .00 l'Gll.It .00 maJl

Unit coa ""ilhoul pcllollly(lcl) 63.(17 au....

lIml ud WIlli J'C1I&h~ltel) 6).61 mull
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 09:29 05 December 2012

Figure 2: Output format from the GOPLAN

algorithm; weighting factor for sulpher =1000

P~Nu I: Slalt " ... IIMccml>cr en

End OIl: 6 ArnJ 94 D1rniod' III da~'1

Figure 1: Interactive mine scheduling with /Uea ID Ope (lid) ·Mll.llld) S(%) BTUt%) A(%l C-<MUIl)
the goal programming based computer model. 410 .10 1.2j(J
20 23.000 1.500 50
24 )6' 1600 1.500 lJ.900 '.SOO '71
H 20W 1000 I.)ClO IHOO 7.jOO

The algorithm automatically sets up the .,

.S 1'00
1.000 "
'.000 211
simplex tableau using the input information S9
about quality parameter, number of equality,
less and greater or equal to constraints. By I 1000 91110

manipulating the weighting factors Wk , the •


planner can smooth out the conflicting goals

among the grades of different quality 913:100 ( I )

ToUl! I t...",u be(llrt: TOaAl'~ .(u:r: 9162S600 (I)
1.263. (%)
parameters, e . g., it may be necesSary to Sl1lflll
BTU 26.2911 (%)
1.26)9 (%)
26.).)6 <")
optimize the blend with respect to one or two Ash 1.91U C"" '.9HI (\to)
quality parameter out of say, the given four Bleadlllf rer.mU:fI ~~ Su1ler BTU AAb
under consideration. This means that some Upper limn 14001 US% 2900%
quality parameters may be allowed to deviate T.,.et \'lllI&' aooo t I.2S% H.oo%
1(/00 '"

considerably from their target values than to_IIIm,t

lIIeipl1nll (ICIOf
'600 I
100.00 muIt
19,00 %
00 II»'l
00 IIllIh
others. However, the sum of absolute
deviations of all parameters should be UUlI coli .. ,lII"ut rmahy(ics) 6)07 1'.. 11I
minimized. Un,1 coJi Willi JlClI&lty(leI} 6)50 ruuIl

Figure 2 shows the typical output format

of the algorithm. The solution shows the
values of Xj in tonnes from the given mining Figure 3: Output format from the GOPLAN
locations which will result in minimum sum of algorithm, weighting for sulpher BOO.OO =
deviations of the tonnage of coal and grades
of ash, sulphur, and BTU from their mine
call. As presented in Fig. 2, the optimal met. For example, the supply contract might
solution is 8000 tonnes of coal per day with demand that the sulphur content in the coal
average ash, sulphur and BTU content at delivered must be 1.25% otherwise a penalty
7.344%, 1.197% and 19.000% respectively. This will be levied for every unit deviation above
solution deviates from the set target by - this target. In the programs the penal ties
0.656%, -0.10%, -0.321% in terms of ash, are treated as mining costs and are added to
sulphur and BTU grades respectively. By the normal mining cost. Premiums are treated
changing the weighting factor for tonnage, as negative penalties in the context of the
new optimal solution as shown in Figure'3 is program. As shown in Figure 4 the mining cost
generated. per tonne of' coal varies with increasing
weighting factors for sulphur.
The system also keeps track of the reserves Weights for ash, sulphur and tonnage were
in the mine model and depletes the reverse held ~onstant for these. runs. The mining cost
base according to the optimal mining plan. without penalty is 63.07 mu/t. The unit
The optimal tonnage to be mined in a given mining cost increases with increasing
period is subtracted from the current reserve weighting factor but levels off at 63.76 mu/t
base to give the quantity and quality when the weight exceeds a value of 1500. The
reserves that would remain after that period.' goal programming algorithm indicates the
The system also calculates the penalties that range of penalties that will affect overall
would be incurred when the quality mining economics.
specifications of the supply contract are not

". goa l progr amming algorithm. f i rst . This will

indicat e the op timal solut i on i n terms of
where t o mine and a t wha t r at e i n orde r to
". meet demand i n t onnage and grad e of dif f erent
quali t y pa rameters in the r un- of·mi ne ore .
!. n •
..• Usi ng thi s solution as a basis . he can then
us e the int erac t i ve graphics to gen erate the
op t imal t onn age s by de fi ning pol ygonal shapes

ie 63 2 on t he sc r ee n and ob tain ing the t onnage
contained wi t h i n each pol ygon represent ing a
mi ni ng a rea . This procedu r e i s not only
i• "
f aster but l e ads t o genera t ion o f op t i ma l or
near optima l schedu les , us i ng interact ive
graphics .

62& ,'-"'===-"'''-'=====:;: :=='"' '''''' 5 I NTERACTI VE GRAPHICS BASED MI NE PLANNING

'" "'" "'" "'" Wh il e linear programmi ng optim1:res the
production plan. it ach ieves this by
Figure 4 : Speci fi c mlning cos t as a fu nction man ipula ting input va l ues f or the algorithm
o f weght ing f act or f or s ulphur with weighting an d does not anything about the posi tions of
f a c t ors f or ash , BTU and tonnage being t he mi n i ng areas (b l ocks ) . nor indeed abou t
constant mining its elf . Inte ractive Graphics p l anning
Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 09:29 05 December 2012

ove r comes thi s draw back bv di sDlay ing the

a rea of inte res t on t he screen. s howing its
In t eg r a t ed mine plan ni ng a nd des i gn systems l oca t i on wi t h i n the mi ne coordinat e s y s t em
g ive the planner a fe e l o f what he is d oing and other foatu res associa ted with it .
by displ aying t he port i on o f t he orebody l i n
p lan o r sec tion ) in a window on t he graphics
screen . Dur i ng s hor t tern mine scheduling, 6 CONCLUSION
t he pl anner use s a l ocator de vice t o de fi ne
inte rac t ively on t he s c r een mining vo Iumea , Blending i s an impor tant aspec t o f mine
usual ly i n the f o rm o f 2-di mens iona l polygons planni ng especially as limits on product
a nd ob tai ns r esul t s i n stan t l y on another qua lity become more st r i ngen t f or ec onomic ,
window on t he s ame screen. The polygon cou ld environmental . or ot her r easons . t he blending
corre s po nd to blasts on open p i t be nch o r problem in mine pr oduc t i on planning has been
underg r ound s topes . By ed iti ng t he base f ormul a t ed as a goa l programming model and
des ign . the plann er can quickly try di f fe rent so lved using the s implex algorithm . Goal
mining plans and get ore and wa s t e tonnages Pr ogramming off ers an i mproved model compar ed
to mee t speci fic period targets . to c lass ica l li near programmi ng because of
Meds ys tem f rom Mi nt ec. Inc . is a good the formula t i on of a secondary ob jective
example of commerc ia l mining sof tware used by f unct ion to minimize the sum of absolute
many companies for mi ne planning . For t he de viations of qua lity parameter s and t onnage
purpos e o f t his s t udy on ly t he module on f r om set t arge t s . Dev iat iona l var i abl es a re
sh or t t erm mine scheduling is o f i nt er es t . used t o ca lculate penalties (or premiums )
The int era ct ive Gr aphics planner in the i ncurred f or not meeting the contractual
Med s ys t em is driven by a program which us es quali ty spec if i ca t ions. Goa l progr4lllllling
the 3D or gridded seam model of the deposi t al l ows f or vi olat i on of c ertai n co ns t r a i nt s
as one of t he basic inputs . The prog ram acts i n orde r to meet p r ac t i cal requi rements o f
as a sophis t icated ca lcu l a tor . one can de s ign mi ne pr oduction sched Ul i ng .
va r i ous mining i ncrements (po l ygona l I ntegrat i ve graphics based sys tems for
out lines ) and i ns tan tly obtain grade an d mine p lanning display mi ni ng enti t ies on t he
t onnage i nformati on on the ma ter ial cont a i ned s cr een an d t hus he lp t he en gineer t o
wi thin t he polygon . These feat ures make the visualiz e the geomet r ica l i mpl i cat i ons of hi s
system ideal fo r shor t t e rm mine planni ng designs . Also t hese systems have t he
where t he p l anne r n.eds a h i gh deg ree of capabil ity t o comput e volumes of excava ti ons
f l exi bi l i t y i n the design of cuts and blast s i n r oc k . Howeve r . explici t optimization of
i n open pi t mini ng . schedules i s l ack i ng i n these s ystems . By
combining the goa l progr4lllllling model with
I f you have one face f rom which t o mine , i nter active gr aphi cs op t imal or near optima l
it may be eas ier to generate the requi red mine p l an s can be ge nera ted . Resea r ch is
tonnage and gr ade for a gi ven period . wi t h continuing into the possibilities o f
more production face s t hough , i t may take i nteg ra ting ma t hema t i c a l programmi ng models
seve ral tr i al designs before a plan that is i nt o t he graphics based mine planning
c l os e to t he se t t argets is generated . s ystems .
Li kely . the result ing mix of or e will not
meet t he quality spec i f ications of t he r un -
of-mine ore . The amount of dev i a tions from ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
t he peri od t a rgets may be reduced by r ep eated
t rials but sti ll optimal ity cann ot be The authors would l i ke to t ha nk the Amer ican
gua ranteed . As menti oned ea r li er, the l inear Counci l f or Int erna t i ona l Exchange of
prog rams are JUS t abstrac t models of reali t y . Scholars (CIES) f or financia l assistance
On the other hand , In t er ac tive Graphics based under t he Ful bright Senio r Researeh Scholar
p lann ing emu late s the rea lity by means ' of Program and the Col orado Schoo l of Mines f or
screen representation of t he or ebody or pa rts comput i ng faci lities . Mr . S . Schuster of TU
of i t . The engineer can see t he l ocat i on of Berlin is acknO\frlledge d for some assembler
the areas where min ing wi ll t a ke place and l an guage r out i ne s used in t he computer
change in t opogr aphy . To make use o f both program .
t ec hniques . i . e . . inter a c tive gr ap hics and
l inear op t i mi za tion . t he eng ineer ca n r un the

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