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Issues in International Conservation

Causes and Effects of Temporospatial Declines of Gyps

Vultures in Asia

A Global Perspective of in Gyps species across the Indian bandry of domestic stock ( Cambo-
Gyps Vultures subcontinent, three other species, dian Wetland Team 2001 ), have re-
G. bengalensis, G. indicus, and G. sulted in a huge reduction in the
There are eight species in the genus tenuirostris, are now listed as criti- carrion available for vultures. It
Gyps: Gyps africanus, G. coprotheres, cal ( BirdLife International 2000), seems likely that food supplies are
and G. rueppellii in Africa; G. benga- placing them among the most threat- no longer predictable enough to al-
lensis, G. indicus, G. tenuirostris, ened birds in the world. low regular breeding. Persecution of
G. himalayensis in Asia; G. fulvus in vultures when they are gorged on
Europe, Africa, and Asia. The ranges of carcasses and at nests may also have
many of these species overlap, and played a role ( Thewlis et al. 1998 ).
wintering G. fulvus overlap with sev- Historical Declines and Likely Persecution may be at a level that
eral resident species in Asia and Africa Causes in Southeast Asia makes birds shy enough to be af-
(Fig. 1). Gyps species share a similar fected by incidental disturbance (au-
feeding ecology, scavenging the soft During the first half of the twentieth thors’ unpublished data), and, given
tissues of large mammals, usually un- century, two species of Gyps vulture the high human density across much
gulates. They tend to be colonial nest- ( G. bengalensis and G. tenuirostris ) of the region, this factor should not
ers and communal feeders, feeding were well distributed and often spe- be underestimated. Habitat loss, ex-
alongside conspecifics and other cifically noted as abundant in South- cept insofar as it has contributed to
vulture species. Densities of Gyps vul- east Asia ( including adjacent Yun- ungulate declines, can be discounted
tures can be high in areas with suit- nan Province, China). By the end of as anything other than a local threat
able breeding habitat and abundant that century, both species were ex- ( Thewlis et al . 1998 ). The role of
carrion. An extreme example is G. ben- tinct across almost the entire area. A agrochemicals remains unclear;
galensis, which often lives in close as- small area of northeastern and north- there is no persuasive indication that
sociation with humans. During the ern Cambodia holds relict popula- they can explain region-wide losses
1970s and early to mid-1980s, densi- tions of both species, with some ex- in Southeast Asia, although they
ties of 12 nests/km2 were recorded at tension into adjacent parts of Laos may have caused local declines (Cheke
Keoladeo National Park, Rajasthan, In- and Vietnam. Elsewhere in these 1972).
dia ( Prakash 1989 ), and there were countries, and in Malaysia, Thailand, Circumstantial evidence suggests
nearly 3 nests/km2 in the city of Delhi and Yunnan, the few recent records that infectious disease was not a
(Galushin 1971), where flocks of sev- probably indicate wandering birds. cause of this decline or today’s ex-
eral thousand birds were present at The situation in Myanmar remains tremely low population density. The
carcass dumps. As recently as 1985, unclear, but a major decline has also decline affected not only Gyps vul-
G. bengalensis was regarded as “pos- occurred there, at least locally. Table 1 tures but also all other scavenging
sibly the most abundant large bird of illustrates changes in populations of birds, such as the Red-headed Vulture
prey in the world” (Houston 1985). G. bengalensis over this period. ( SarcoGyps calvus ), Greater Adjutant
Despite Gyps population declines The breeding success of remain- ( Leptoptilos dubius ), Black Kite ( Mil-
across Southeast Asia, until recently ing birds in Southeast Asia appears vus migrans ), Brahminy Kite ( Hali-
only one species of Africa, G. copro- to be low ( Timmins & Ou Ratanak astur indus ), and Large-billed Crow
theres, was considered globally 2001). Uncontrolled hunting has led ( Corvus macrorhynchos ). The status
threatened ( vulnerable; BirdLife In- to wholesale population collapses of of these species varies across the re-
ternational 2000), largely because of wild ungulates in this region (Sriko- gion, with perhaps the steepest de-
the indiscriminate use of poisons in samatara & Suteethorn 1995; Duck- clines in Laos, where even the Large-
southern Africa (Mundy et al. 1992). worth et al. 1999; Hilton-Taylor 2000) billed Crow is absent from large areas
Following the recent population crash that, together with changes in hus- ( Lekagul & Round 1991; Thewlis et

Conservation Biology, Pages 661–671

Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
662 Issues in International Conservation Pain et al.

Figure 1. Breeding and wintering distribution of Gyps vultures in the old world (after Mundy et al. [1992] and
based on updated distribution information from Robson [2000]). The Southeast Asian range shown is historical.

al. 1998; Wells 1999; Duckworth et settled (because of the Khmer Rouge 1 ), G. bengalensis, and to a lesser
al. 1999, 2002; Round 2000). and other security concerns), wild un- degree G. indicus, remained ex-
Although vulture declines have gulate populations persist locally, and tremely abundant in India, especially
been marked throughout Southeast the villages in and abutting this area around towns and cities. This abun-
Asia, there is some patchiness to the still practice extensive free-ranging dance resulted from the large num-
severity of the losses, again with of domestic bovids during the dry ber of cow carcasses available for
Laos having suffered some of the season (Timmins & Ou Ratanak 2001). vultures in northern and central
steepest declines. This comparison The remnant Gyps populations in ad- states of India, where religious be-
is instructive because the country re- jacent Laos and Vietnam are unlikely liefs prohibit their slaughter (Grubh
tains large tracts of habitat suitable to be viable under current condi- et al. 1990). Cattle carcasses are left
for these species, has a relatively tions without this Cambodian vulture in the open in rural areas and, along
low human population density, and population. with slaughterhouse offal, are taken
is unlikely to have used environ- Although data are too scant to be to carcass dumps outside the towns
ment-contaminating chemicals at certain of the reasons for the Gyps de- and villages, where vultures con-
high levels across the ancestral vul- clines in Southeast Asia, food shortage sume them. Numbers of vultures
ture range. Laos did, however, lose appears to be the most credible gen- around settlements were so high in
most of its open-country wild ungu- eral explanation, although other fac- the 1980s that they were considered
lates during the second half of the tors including persecution and contam- a serious hazard to aircraft (Grubh et
twentieth century (through hunting), inants may have played a part locally. al. 1990 ). During the 1980s and
and it probably experienced signifi- 1990s, numbers of G. bengalensis
cant changes in livestock husbandry and G. indicus were monitored at
(Duckworth et al. 1999). Cambodia, Recent Declines across the Keoladeo National Park ( KNP ), a
the core area for the relict Gyps pop- Indian Subcontinent World Heritage Site in eastern Rajast-
ulations of Southeast Asia, differs han. Prakash (1999) recorded 95%
from the rest of Indochina. A rela- During the 1970s and 1980s, when declines in numbers of these two
tively large open-country landscape Gyps vultures were absent or scarce species in the park between the mid-
has until recently remained sparsely across most of Southeast Asia (Table 1980s and late 1990s. G. bengalen-

Conservation Biology
Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
Table 1. Population status and distribution of Gyps bengalensis in Asia in throughout the twentieth century.

Pain et al.
Pre-1950 population Post-1950 population Last record
Country and distribution and distribution and location Reference*
Southeast Asia
China no records, but survey of southwest only (Yunnan province); southern Yunnan, 1959 & 1960; Tso-hsin 1987;
Yunnan patchy scarce or rare now considered extinct Guangmei & Qishan 1998
Myanmar widespread and common, scarce in many areas by 1950s; still localized small numbers (Chin Smythies 1953;
including large numbers in subsequent history poorly known Hills & Kachin State); status poorly Robson et al. 1998
towns and suburbs known
Thailand widespread resident still fairly common in 1960s but rare by probably extinct as a breeding bird; Deignan 1945, 1963;
throughout country; fairly 1970s and almost extinct by 1980s occasional reports of individuals Round 1988; Wells 1999;
common to locally until winter 2000 P.D.R., unpublished data
Malaysia fairly widespread resident, by mid-twentieth century, almost few records, rare nonbreeding visitor Wells 1984, 1999
still common in 1930s extinct, except adjacent to Thailand (Kampung Penyirang, June 1979) and references therein
Laos widespread and common to 1950s–1980s poorly known; by 1990s very small numbers in southern Thewlis et al. 1998;
abundant restricted to far south provinces of Champasak & Attapu; Duckworth et al. 1999
could become extinct and references therein
Cambodia once relatively abundant in data patchy, but by late 1990s, when centered on the northeast provinces Timmins & Men Soriyun
suitable habitat survey work resumed, only a few of Preah Vihear, Stung Treng, 1998; Goes 1999; BirdLife
populations remained Mondulkiri, and Ratanakiri International 2001;
Timmins & Ou Ratanak
2001; J.W.D., C.M.P.,
R.J.T., unpublished data
Vietnam widespread, locally abundant widespread and commonest vulture in one adult in Dak Lak province, 1997– Delacour & Jabouille 1931;
resident in central and south Vietnam until at least late 1960s 1998; other nationwide surveys Wildash 1968; Le Xuan
southern regions found none Canh et al. 1997
Indian subcontinent
India widely distributed resident widespread and abundant to very still widespread but at comparatively Rahmani 1998;
throughout all but abundant until the mid-late 1990s, low densities; local extinctions have Prakash 1999;
southernmost tip; when population crashes were wiped out many colonies Prakash et al. 2003
common to abundant reported throughout the country
Nepal widespread and common widespread and common throughout still recorded throughout lowlands Scully 1879; Rand &
throughout lowlands lowlands; local population declines but high mortality and population Fleming 1957; Inskipp &

Issues in International Conservation

reported over last few decades (e.g., declines have occurred since late Inskipp 1991
Chitwan) 1990s
Bhutan no records records from Bhutan date from 1991– birds seen in several places in early to Inskipp & Inskipp 1993;
1999; uncommon to approximately 100 mid 1990s, but few birds reported BirdLife International 2001
birds near Teesta valley in mid-1990s since 1998 and references therein
Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
Conservation Biology

Bangladesh widely distributed and widespread; still relatively common but locally common throughout the Husein & Sarkar 1971;
common numbers lower than in 1980s and country and a common resident BirdLife International 2001
early 1990s breeder in village areas and references therein
Pakistan widespread and common widely distributed in many areas and still widely distributed; large-scale Roberts 1991–1992;
resident in suitable habitat may have expanded into new areas in mortality in many areas over last 5 BirdLife International 2001
(e.g., Indus plain) Sindh post 1960s; abundant in Indus years (see text) and references therein
plain (Punjab, Sindh, Northwest
Frontier) by 1991

*Reference is given to a recent national status overview where available; these are indicated by “and references therein.” For countries lacking a recent status overview, key historical and re-
cent references are listed, with BirdLife International (2001) as a general regional source.
664 Issues in International Conservation Pain et al.

sis used to nest at KNP, and num- areas, and although there was some of 0.987  SE of 0.006 and juvenile
bers of nests declined from 250–350 evidence for larger declines in the (  3 years old ) rates of 0.857 
in the mid-1980s to none by 2000 north than in the west, declines of G. 0.039 (Sarrazin et al. 1994).
( Prakash 1999; Prakash et al. 2003). bengalensis were 90% in all regions.
Nesting success ( total number of Also, apparently sick birds with droop-
active nests producing young ) de- ing necks were reported in all regions. Causes of Declines across the
clined from 82% in 1985–1986 ( n  Preliminary results from repeated sur- Indian Subcontinent
244 nests) to zero in 1997–1998 ( n  veys in 2002 indicate that, at least for
25 ) and subsequently. The declines G. bengalensis, declines have contin- In contrast to the relatively slow de-
were associated with high adult and ued, resulting in many local extinc- clines of Gyps vultures in Southeast
juvenile mortality, and small num- tions ( V.P., unpublished data). Asia, Indian populations have declined
bers of birds were observed in a High mortality and declines in by 95% within the past decade, a
weakened state perched in trees in Gyps vultures have recently oc- rate of decline unprecedented among
the park. In general, these birds re- curred in neighboring Nepal and Pa- common raptors in its rapidity and
tained a characteristic slumped pos- kistan. In Nepal, high adult mortality one that appears to be continuing.
ture with drooping necks for several was recorded in G. bengalensis dur- There are several possible explana-
weeks before dying. In 1985 and ing the 2000–2001 breeding season at tions for the high mortality and re-
1986, 1700 G. bengalensis were re- Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (east- duced breeding success of Gyps vul-
corded in KNP, and 14 birds (7 adult, ern Nepal ). Although the breeding tures in southern Asia, including
7 juvenile ) were found dead. In colony is relatively small ( 67 nests food shortage, persecution, contami-
1997–1998, when the population found, of which 27 were active), 45 nants, and infectious disease.
numbered just a few hundred birds, G. bengalensis were found dead, 34
73 adults and 10 juveniles were ( 75.5% ) of which were adults ( Vi- Food Shortage
found dead. The population decline rani et al. 2001). In Pakistan, during
and high mortality was unexplained. the 2000–2001 breeding season, Gil- Although there is convincing cir-
The food supply had not altered over bert et al. (2002) estimated minimum cumstantial evidence to implicate
the period of decline, and no other annual mortality rates in the adult food shortage in Gyps declines in
avian genera were similarly affected. breeding populations of G. benga- Southeast Asia, food availability has
The dramatic and unexplained de- lensis from two colonies to be 11.4% remained high throughout the In-
clines at KNP, along with unsubstanti- and 18.6%. The authors acknowledge dian subcontinent during the period
ated reports of vulture declines from that these are likely considerable un- of decline. During vulture surveys in
across the country, prompted the Bom- derestimates because they assume that India in 2000, Prakash et al. ( 2003 )
bay Natural History Society to conduct ( 1 ) all dead birds were found ( in recorded numbers of livestock car-
wide-scale vulture surveys in 2000. fact, only carcasses in the immediate casses seen and their attendant scav-
These were repeats of surveys con- vicinity of nests not removed by engers. Of 262 carcasses seen, only
ducted in 1991–1993, which covered scavengers were found) and (2) only 12 (  5% ) had vultures present;
states in north, west, and east India. dead adults were used to estimate most were attended by crows Cor-
Minimum declines in numbers of G. annual mortality in the breeding pop- vus spp. and feral dogs. Counts of
bengalensis and G. indicus of 96% ulation ( whereas an unknown pro- Gyps vultures at three carcass
and 92%, respectively, were recorded portion of the breeding population dumps that remained active be-
(Prakash et al. 2003). ( G. indicus is had subadult plumage). tween 1990 and 2000 showed de-
now considered to include two distinct High mortality, especially of clines of 87–100% in numbers of vis-
species, the Indian Vulture [G. indi- adults, and low breeding success iting vultures. In 1999, of 1920
cus] and the Slender-billed Vulture caused the population declines in In- completed questionnaire returns,
[G. tenuirostris] [Rasmussen & Parry dia, Pakistan, and Nepal. Gyps vul- approximately 80% of respondents
2000]. We treated G. indicus as one tures are generally long-lived; one indicated that dumping of carcasses
species because the two forms were captive Gyps fulvus lived for 37 in the open remained the predomi-
not differentiated during fieldwork. years ( Newton 1979 ). They repro- nant form of disposal in their region
However, most of the birds recorded duce slowly, reaching maturity in 4– ( Prakash et al. 2003 ). Although car-
in west Bengal within the “east region” 6 years, and produce one egg during casses remained common and avail-
were G. tenuirostris. Because declines breeding years ( Mendelssohn & able to vultures, there was some
were similarly elevated in all areas, G. Leshem 1983; Simmons 1986; del indication that they were less abun-
tenuirostris and G. indicus have prob- Hoyo et al. 1994 ). Adult survival is dant than 10 years ago ( 76% of re-
ably declined to a similar extent.) high. Wild-born G. fulvus from a re- spondents reported carcasses as
The extent of declines did not differ introduced, increasing population in fairly or very common in 1990; 63%
between protected and unprotected France had mean adult survival rates in 2000).

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Although few data exist, there is local impact and cannot explain Infectious Disease
some evidence that the Red-headed rapid nationwide declines of the
Vultures, underwent a significant type experienced by Gyps spp. This The rapidity and ubiquity of the vul-
( p  0.03 ) but less severe ( 48% ) is because, as in Africa, such poison- ture declines in India suggest either
population decline between 1991– ing would likely affect other avian a simultaneous subcontinent-wide
1993 and 2000 (Prakash et al. 2003). scavengers, such as the Steppe Eagle exposure to a toxic contaminant or
It is conceivable that, in the absence (Aquila nipalensis ), and would re- a rapid spread of disease through the
of the mortality factor that has sult in regional differences in rates Gyps vulture population. The occur-
caused the Gyps population crash, of decline. However, there is no evi- rence of declines across interna-
numbers of avian scavengers could dence that this is happening. tional borders, the patterns of mor-
be declining slowly in India due to a tality, and the declines in breeding
gradual reduction in available food. and roosting colonies are more
Although monitoring data are scarce, indicative of the latter than the
populations of other scavenging birds Chemical poisoning by contami- former. Once birds exhibit the neck-
show no obvious signs of decline, nants in widespread use, such as ag- drooping condition, the illness,
and some scavengers, such as feral ricultural chemicals, could result in which appears to be invariably fatal,
dogs, are reported to be increasing massive mortality and reduced gradually spreads throughout the
across India ( Cunningham et al. breeding success in raptors at a na- colony over a period of several years
2001). Finally, there has been no ev- tional scale, as DDT did in many (Cunningham et al. in press; Prakash
idence of starvation being a contrib- countries ( Ratcliffe 1967a, 1967b; et al. 2003 ). No affected colonies
uting factor to the death of vultures Newton et al. 1982, 1986 ). Large have recovered from this mortality
necropsied from across India and Pa- amounts of pesticides are used in In- factor, although further data are re-
kistan (Gilbert et al. 2002; Prakash et dia, and use increased considerably quired to verify this. It is unknown
al. 2003). Consequently, food short- in India in the 1980s. Official statistics whether colony extinction is due
age is an unlikely explanation for the indicate overall declines in pesticide entirely to vulture mortality or
recent vulture population crash use through the 1990s ( Directorate whether, once the population num-
across the Indian subcontinent. of Economics and Statistics website ber or density falls below a certain level, surviving (and possibly in-
consum1.htm), but this masks trends fected and infectious) vultures desert
in individual chemicals and chemical the site to join other colonies.
Persecution, particularly through de- groups. For a chemical to cause the Postmortem analyses of G. benga-
liberate or accidental poisoning, can widespread vulture declines re- lensis, G. indicus, and one G. hima-
have a significant impact on raptor corded, it would need to have been layensis from India (Cunningham et
populations, especially on commu- either introduced de novo and ap- al. 2001, in press; Pain et al. 2002 )
nal feeders such as vultures. Poisoning plied across a huge geographical area and G. bengalensis from Pakistan
campaigns eliminated scavenging birds or used previously and applied in a (Oaks et al. 2001; Gilbert et al. 2002)
and large eagles from the huge stock novel way that increased its availabil- identified renal and visceral gout (crys-
farming area of Namibia in the ity to vultures within the last 10–20 tallization of uric acid in the tissues)
1980s. In the neighboring national years. No pesticides have been iden- in the majority of birds found dead,
parks of Kalahari Gemsbok and Etosha, tified that obviously meet these crite- and enteritis in a high proportion of
however, these same species remained ria. Toxicological analyses have been the birds from India ( Cunningham
abundant (Mundy et al. 1992). While conducted on many dead vultures et al., 2001, in press). Few other gross
a significant threat in Africa, persecu- from Pakistan, and tissues have been findings are consistently observed.
tion is unlikely to have played a large tested for organochlorines, organo- The presence of visceral gout in tis-
part in vulture declines across the In- phosphates, carbamates, and heavy sues of dead birds from both coun-
dian subcontinent. Vultures are gen- metals. None of these substances tries supports the hypothesis that
erally valued within Indian society have been detected at levels consis- the same mortality factor is responsi-
for their role in environmental tent with toxicity (Oaks et al. 2001). ble for all these deaths. Although re-
health. They also have an important This and the lack of regional patterns nal gout is often attributed to kidney
cultural and religious significance. in the declines and obvious effects in disease, in these cases the gout was
The Parsee religion depends upon any other genera of scavenging bird or acute (i.e., occurring only a few hours
vultures to remove their dead, and mammal suggest that contaminant poi- before death), suggesting that this con-
the vulture saint, Jatayu, is an impor- soning alone is unlikely responsible for dition is a consequence of the pri-
tant figure in Hindu religion. Some the declines. Little wildlife monitoring mary disease and not the disease it-
poisoning almost certainly occurs, exists, however, and the role of con- self (Cunningham et al. 2001, in press).
but it is unlikely to have more than a taminants cannot be discounted. Visceral gout and enteritis are non-

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Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
666 Issues in International Conservation Pain et al.

specific lesions and could result by the species’ behavior: they breed, ued spread into European and Afri-
from, for example, a contaminant in- roost, and feed communally and travel can Gyps. The distributions of
sult or an infectious disease process. great distances (Houston 1974, 1983). Eurasian and Himalayan Griffon vul-
Histological analyses of tissues from To evaluate potential spread and its tures (Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2000)
Indian birds, however, found higher effects, let us assume in a worse-case and regional geography suggest four
than expected proportions of vul- yet realistic scenario that infectious routes of primary spread from the
tures with inflammation of blood disease is the sole cause of the de- subcontinent: ( A ) west through
vessel walls and proliferation in the clines and that it can affect all mem- southern Iran to the Zagros Moun-
brain of glial cells (inflammatory cells bers of the Gyps genus with fatal tains ( G. fulvus ); ( B ) northwest
specific to the central nervous system) consequences. through Afghanistan and northern
(Cunningham et al. in press). In the No Gyps species is completely Iran into the Caucasus ( G. fulvus );
absence of findings other than vascu- geographically isolated from its con- (C ) north through the Pamir knot
litis, gliosis is generally associated generics ( Fig. 1 ). All Gyps species and into the Tien-Shan of the
with viral infection. forage widely (Houston 1974, 1983), former Soviet Union ( G. fulvus and
The epidemiology of vulture mor- and juveniles may disperse more G. himalayensis); and (D) northeast
tality, which includes pandemic de- widely or be more nomadic than from the Himalayas onto the Tibetan
clines, apparent rapid spread to adults. G. fulvus breeding in Turkey Plateau ( G. himalayensis ) ( letters
other countries, and specificity to are migratory, and in many regions match those on Fig. 2 ). A possible
the genus Gyps, is consistent with a immature individuals undertake dis- fifth route ( E ) could be across the
hypothesis of infectious disease. Post- tinct north-south migrations (del Hoyo Straight of Hormuz from southern
mortem findings and the lack of pos- et al. 1994; Ferguson Lees & Christie Iran to the tip of the United Arab
itive toxicological results similarly 2000 ). Birds from Western Europe Emirates (G. fulvus).
support this hypothesis. Although cross the straights of Gibraltar to The second stage of disease
we cannot be certain that an infec- North Africa ( e.g., 2160 birds re- spread, via G. fulvus, would likely
tious disease is responsible until a corded in autumn 1993; Griesinger extend (F ) into the more fragmented
causal agent has been identified, this 1996). Eastern populations from Asia populations of the southern Alps and
is currently the most tenable hypoth- and the Middle East migrate to North Pyrenees in Europe and ( G ) along
esis, so it is important to consider and East Africa, although migration the mountains of the Middle East and
the implications of this explanation. routes are unknown. In recent years, into Ethiopia and sub-Saharan Africa.
unusually large numbers of juvenile Passage into Africa could be from Jor-
G. fulvus of unknown origin have dan and Israel down into Egypt and
been overwintering in western India then south into sub-Saharan Africa,
Potential Spread outside Asia
(e.g., approximately 850 were seen at and/or across Saudi Arabia to Yemen
There are eight species in the genus a single carcass dump in western and across to Djibouti. Even where
Gyps distributed across Asia, the Mid- Rajasthan in January 2002; Prakash et there are obvious discrete gaps in
dle East, Europe, and Africa (Fig. 1). al. 2003), presumably because of the distribution between Gyps species,
The risk of disease spread from the In- increased availability of food. It is not we know some mixing between spe-
dian subcontinent depends on many yet clear, however, whether they are cies occurs because of the large dis-
factors: whether the disease will cross susceptible to the mortality factor af- tances individual birds travel. This
species barriers, the rate and method fecting other Gyps vultures. It is possi- can be 1000 km or more (G. africa-
of transmission, the time course be- ble that birds infected in India will not nus, G. coprotheres), and even resi-
tween infection and death, the period show evidence of disease while in In- dent breeding birds will forage 100
of infectiousness, the degree of isola- dia because the incubation period is km from breeding sites ( Houston
tion of individual species, and others. unknown. Also, any population de- 1974, 1976; Ferguson Lees & Christie
Three Gyps species (G. bengalensis, clines of “front-line,” at-risk G. fulvus 2000). For example, a satellite-
G. indicus, G. tenuirostris ) have may currently be masked by the in- tagged Eurasian griffon moved
been affected by the same mortality creased influx of winter migrants. 1500 km from Israel to Yemen in
factor in India, Pakistan, and Nepal, If disease spreads outside the In- 2002 (O. Bahat, personal communi-
although a fourth (G. himalayensis) dian subcontinent, it will likely be cation,
may also be affected (Cunningham via G. fulvus and G. himalayensis
et al. in press). All eight Gyps species (Fig 1 ). As a conceptual tool, it is
may therefore be susceptible. The rate useful to divide potential spread into Current and Predicted Effects of
of the declines across India and ap- two phases: first, radiation from the Vulture Declines
parent spread into Pakistan and Nepal subcontinent through the centers of
suggest a highly infectious disease. distribution of Himalayan and Eur- Gyps vultures are extremely effec-
Transmission is probably facilitated asian Griffons and, second, contin- tive and efficient scavengers. In the

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Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
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Figure 2. Likely routes of spread from India of a Gyps-specific infectious disease. Shaded areas represent Gyps dis-
tributions. Likely routes of spread A–G are detailed in text.

Serengeti ecosystem in Tanzania, for many pathogenic bacteria, such as an- of infectious disease transmission
example, vultures are the major con- thrax, reducing the risk of disease within these populations and from
sumers of dead ungulates, account- spread (Houston & Cooper 1975). these species to others. Important
ing for greater meat consumption The ecological extinction of Gyps zoonotic diseases, such as rabies and
than all mammalian carnivores com- vultures in India is also leading to bubonic plague, which are endemic
bined (Houston 1979). A similar sit- further changes in the species com- within India and for which dogs and
uation likely occurred in India prior plement of scavengers. The surfeit rats, respectively, are the primary
to the declines, particularly in the of available food, for example, ap- reservoirs, are likely to increase as a
many regions where Gyps vultures pears to be driving a rapid and consequence of the vulture declines.
were the primary scavengers. marked increase in the number of More humans die from rabies in Asia
The effective loss of Gyps vultures small, predatory mammals, such as than other regions, and the majority
from the Indian subcontinent will un- feral dogs, and probably rats (Rattus of these deaths occur in India ( World
doubtedly have important repercus- spp. ). Such species have relatively Health Organization 1998).
sions, both for the environment and short lives and high reproductive Wildlife and domestic livestock
for human health and well-being. For potential. At one carcass dump in may also be at increased risk from
example, an abundance of uneaten western Rajasthan, the numbers of dog- and rat-borne pathogens, in-
carcasses (Prakash et al. 2003; V.P. et dogs increased from approximately 60 cluding canine distemper virus, ca-
al., unpublished observation) poses a in 1992 to 1200 in 2000 ( Prakash nine parvovirus, and Leptospira spp.
direct threat to public health because et al. 2003; V.J. et al., unpublished bacteria. The increase in mammalian
the rotting flesh provides a breeding observation). scavengers at carcasses may have un-
ground for potentially pathogenic bac- Because carcass dumps are often known ecological consequences.
teria, posing the possibility of direct or close to human habitation, they cre- Most scavengers are also predatory,
indirect infection. Uneaten carcasses ate a growing problem of dog at- and increases in their populations as
are also likely to provide sources of tacks on people, which can be fatal. a result of the abundance of carrion
disease, such as anthrax, for humans, In addition, increasing populations is likely to lead to higher predation
livestock, and wildlife. In removing of feral rats and dogs pose a signifi- pressure on wildlife such as mam-
carcasses of large ungulates rapidly cant risk of infectious disease to hu- mals, ground-nesting birds, reptiles,
and efficiently, vultures cleanse the en- man beings, livestock, and wildlife. and amphibians.
vironment. The acidic conditions in As the populations of feral rats and Vultures are important not only
the stomach of Gyps vultures kills dogs increase, so too will the rates for environmental health but also for

Conservation Biology
Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
668 Issues in International Conservation Pain et al.

their considerable cultural and reli- tions have increased massively, car- and through Africa. Vulture declines
gious significance in India and else- casses are not cleaned thoroughly are already having a measurable eco-
where. For thousands of years and in because dogs only scavenge choice logical impact in India and present
different parts of the world, humans tissues. This, and the attempted many risks to wildlife and human
have laid out their dead for con- burning of carcasses in some locali- health, social systems, and local
sumption by scavengers ( Schüz & ties, removes a source of income for economies. Should Gyps vultures be
König 1983). Of these, the best the bone collectors. similarly affected in Africa, savanna
known and documented are the Par- ecosystems and local people would
sees, 70% of whom live in Mumbai. suffer similar effects.
The Parsees believe that fire, earth, That disease may be responsible
and water are sacred and, as such, Conclusions for such a dramatic and widespread
must not be contaminated with hu- population crash is unusual because
man corpses. The Parsees therefore Four of the eight species in the ge- it does not appear to be a major
ritualize the practice of putting out nus Gyps are now listed as globally cause of mortality in populations of
the dead for scavengers by building threatened; three of these are criti- Gyps vultures elsewhere in the world
“towers of silence” to limit access to cal (BirdLife International 2000) be- (Benson 2000). Diagnosis of disease
corpses exclusively to airborne scav- cause of the population crash across in wild bird populations is seldom at-
engers. In Mumbai the towers were the Indian subcontinent over the last tempted, however, and the impor-
built 400 years ago and have become 10–15 years. Massive declines in tance of disease as a population regu-
an intrinsic part of the Parsees’ lives. avian scavengers and other large lator remains poorly understood and
Until the population crash, vultures birds have also occurred across probably greatly underestimated
visited the towers on a daily basis, Southeast Asia, primarily during the (Daszak et al. 2000; Friend et al.
gathering on them at funeral time, middle of the last century. Although 2001). If, as seems likely, infectious
consuming almost the entire body conclusive evidence is lacking, these disease is responsible for the declines,
within half an hour. On average, declines probably resulted from the it probably resulted from the intro-
three bodies a day are placed in the loss of wild ungulates and free-rang- duction of an alien disease, or per-
towers, but in the absence of vul- ing domestic cattle and water buf- haps the introduction of a vector for a
tures only kites and crows visit, and falo. Other factors such as persecu- disease from which the vultures were
they are too small to have a signifi- tion and pesticides may have played previously ecologically isolated. It is
cant impact. The hygienic way of a part in local demographic changes. also possible that some environmen-
disposing of their dead that the Par- Today, relict populations of Gyps tal contaminant may have increased
see practiced for generations has vultures in Southeast Asia remain their susceptibility to a disease to
gone, and they are faced with a di- only in and adjacent to Cambodia. which they were previously resistant.
lemma. Some Parsees advocate a Gyps vultures were common or Species that have evolved in the
more modern disposal method, such abundant across much of the Indian absence of exposure to a particular
as electrical cremation, whereas oth- subcontinent until the late 1980s to disease tend to be more susceptible
ers disagree and wish to adhere early 1990s, after which populations to its effects. A good example is the
strictly to their faith. of at least three species, G. benga- endemic Hawaiian avifauna that, in
The economic impacts of the vul- lensis, G. indicus, and G. tenuiros- the absence of the mosquito vector,
ture declines are manifold and include tris, started to decline at an alarming had never been exposed to malarial
the costs to villagers of disposing of and unprecedented rate. These de- parasites, Plasmodium spp. although
carcasses that would otherwise rot clines have resulted in local extinc- they were probably present sporadi-
and increase the risk of disease, the tions across much of India. The cally in Hawaii in the tissues of mi-
costs associated with increased dog causal factor(s) have not been identi- gratory birds. When the mosquito
bites and associated human disease, fied, but it is extremely unlikely that vector, Culex quinquefasciatus, was
and many others that are difficult to either food shortage or persecution accidentally introduced in 1826, ma-
quantify without detailed socio- have played an important part. Al- laria had a devastating effect on low-
economic analyses. Collecting cattle though the role of widespread con- elevation native forest birds, which
bones for the fertilizer industry is an taminants has not been discounted, are particularly susceptible to this dis-
old trade among India’s poor, and current information suggests infec- ease ( Warner 1968; Atkinson et al.
vultures effectively and rapidly tious disease, possibly a genus-spe- 1995 ). It is too early to speculate
“cleaned” skeletons of all soft mate- cific virus, as the most likely cause about the possible origins of an infec-
rial and facilitated the bone collec- of the declines. Should this prove to tious disease affecting Gyps vultures,
tor’s job. Today, carcasses are rot- be the case, there is real potential but for a disease to have such a rapid
ting in areas with few scavengers, for disease spread across the Middle and devastating effect on a popula-
and even where feral dog popula- East and Central Asia, into Europe tion, it is likely to be something to

Conservation Biology
Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003
Pain et al. Issues in International Conservation 669

which the population was previ- risk of exposure to the agent killing D. J. Pain
ously immunologically naive. birds in India. It is therefore impor-
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The
tant to reverse the population decline Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, United
there through effective conservation Kingdom, email
Research and Monitoring Needs management in northeastern Cambo-
dia. Efforts should also be made to A. A. Cunningham
Identifying the mortality factor(s) re- use the small numbers of G. benga-
sponsible for the vulture declines is an lensis in captivity in Western Europe Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of Lon-
don, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, United
obvious priority. Until this has been and elsewhere to initiate a captive Kingdom
done, it will be extremely difficult to breeding program to guard against
identify action needed to improve the the extinction of this species. We
situation where declines have oc- know of no G. indicus or G. tenuiros- P. F. Donald
curred or arrest the spread of the tris in captivity. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The
problem. Although current informa- Declines of the scale and rapidity Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, United
tion suggests that investigations seen in Gyps vultures are unprece-
should focus on an infectious disease dented for a large bird of prey. Con-
as the most likely cause, it is important servation of Gyps species requires a J. W. Duckworth
that other potential causes, particu- concerted international effort, in-
Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern
larly the role of contaminants, are not volving a wide range of disciplines, Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460–1099, U.S.A., and
ignored. Even if infectious disease has including biologists, wildlife pathol- East Redham Farm, Pilning, Bristol BS35 4JG,
played a part in the declines, there ogists, epidemiologists, and captive United Kingdom

may be other underlying factors. breeding specialists. These declines

On the basis of current evidence, it do not simply represent the poten- D. C. Houston
is realistic to assume that the mortal- tial extinction of a species or, even-
Graham Kerr Building, Glasgow University, Glas-
ity factor will continue to spread and tually, a genus, serious though ex- gow G12 8QQ, United Kingdom
could rapidly move beyond the In- tinction would be. Vultures are
dian subcontinent. G. fulvus is the keystone species, and their disap-
species most likely to facilitate the pearance is having and will have ma- T. Katzner
spread of disease from India and Paki- jor impacts on both the ecosystems Department of Biology, Arizona State University,
stan across the Middle East and Cen- they inhabit and the humans associ- P.O. Box 871501, Tempe, AZ 85287–1501, U.S.A.,
and Wildlife Conservation Society, Central Asia
tral Asia and into Europe and Africa. ated with them. Program, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY
Monitoring of the number and health It is rare that nothing can be done 10460, U.S.A.
status of Gyps species at colonies to stem or manage a decline when
across their range states should be the causal agent has been identified.
initiated rapidly to identify the routes Although unlikely, it is possible that J. Parry-Jones
and rate of spread of the problem. no action can be taken to stem the The National Birds of Prey Centre, Newent,
Satellite tracking of G. fulvus in India Gyps declines. Should this be the Gloucestershire, GL18 1JJ, United Kingdom
and across the Middle East is under- case, at a minimum, actions should
way to help elucidate the most likely be identified that will minimize the C. Poole
routes of spread. Although monitor- consequences for wildlife and human
Wildlife Conservation Society, Cambodia Pro-
ing of Gyps species is essential, other health of loss of Gyps vultures in Afri- gramme, P.O. Box 1620, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
avian scavengers should not be ig- can ecosystems and elsewhere.
nored. Other species do not appear
to have suffered the fate of Gyps vul- V. Prakash
tures, but monitoring is poor or non- Acknowledgments Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), Horn-
existent, and there is not yet conclu- bill House, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai,
sive evidence that Gyps species alone We thank M. Virani of the Peregrine 400023, India
are affected. Fund for useful discussions, D. Gib-
There is an urgent need to con- bons for comments on the manu- P. Round
serve the relict Gyps populations in script, and J. Ginsberg for suggesting
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahi-
Cambodia and adjacent parts of Laos this piece and for his helpful com- dol University, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400,
and Vietnam. Should the cause of de- ments. Much of the research on vul- Thailand
clines prove to be infectious disease, tures in India was funded by the Dar-
these populations will assume in- win Initiative for the Survival of
creasing importance because they are R. Timmins
Species (United Kingdom) and the
now relatively isolated, with a low U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2313 Willard Avenue, Madison, WI 53704, U.S.A.

Conservation Biology
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670 Issues in International Conservation Pain et al.

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Conservation Biology
Volume 17, No. 3, June 2003

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