B.S English First Semester Important Paragraphs and Helpin Metirial

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The problem of ________________ is a world wide reality the developed countries like
France, Germany and Italy also suffer (‫ )اکشر‬from this problem, but it is common is Pakistan. With
the passage (‫ )زگران‬of time it has become worse (‫)دبرت‬. It has become a threat (‫ )رطخہ‬to our economy
(‫ )تشیعم‬and social development. Our mass (‫ )ڑبےامیپےنرپ‬is involving in this very badly. Society is
very surprised about this problem All the people of society a mentally and some are physically
affected by this problem. Our defective system (‫ )رخاب اظنم‬also creates. Evils (‫)رباایئں‬, like
lawlessness (‫)الاقونتین‬, corruption and illiteracy (‫)ےبروزاگری‬. It creates frustration (‫ )اموییس‬among the
people. It is depriving (‫ )رحمومرکان‬human being of moral values (‫)االخیقادقار‬. It prevails in the country.
It is one of the most important social and national problems. It is the greatest curse (‫ )تنعل‬for society.
It destroys the entire system (‫ )وپرااظنم‬of the society. People raise (‫ )اُاھٹان‬a voice against it, but their
protest (‫ )ااجتحج‬Proves fruitless (‫)ےبافدئہ‬. The main cause of _______________ is illiteracy, Poverty
and defective economic policies of government. Fast growing papulation and unequal distribution
of wealth is the major cause of _______________. Our government making efforts to solve it as early
as possible. But we all can eradicate (‫)متخرکان‬, if we sincerely follow the teaching of Islam.
Unemployment (‫)ےبروزاگری‬, Smuggling, Terrorism, Over population,. Begging (‫)دگارگی‬, Bribery (‫)روشت‬, Drug
addiction, Robbery (‫)ڈیتیک‬. Smoking, Corruption, Flattery (‫ )اچولپیس۔اےنپدصقمےکےیلاعزجیاایتخررکانیل‬Hypocrisy (‫)انمتقف‬,
social evils, Dearness, illiteracy, Poverty Dowry, Black marketing, political instability, democracy.
‫ہی ریپارگاف اُن ےک ےئل ےہ وج ہی ےتھجمس ںیہ ہک وہ اکی ےس زایدہ ریپارگاف اید یہ ںیہن رک اپ رےہ۔ اسیج ہک آپ دھکی رےہ ںیہ ہک اورپ‬
‫یےئگںیہ۔آپےکرپیپںیم‬ ‫ ونعاانتھکلد ے‬19‫اکیریپارگافےہسجںیمریپارگافےکونعانیکہگجاخیلالنئڈایلیئگےہ۔اورےچینرقت ً بای‬
‫ وت ارگ آپ اسیک ہگجیہی ریپارگاف ھکل دے اور اخیل‬،‫ےس انونعاانتای انےک العوہ وکیئ اور اعمرشیتامیبری رپریپارگاف ےنھکلاک وسال آاجےئ‬
‫النئ یک ہگج اس وپےھچ ےئگ ونعان اک انم ھکل دںی وت اہلل رب ازعلت ےس وقی ادیم ےہ ہک آپ اک ریپارگاف طلغ ںیہن وہاگ۔ اید رںیھک! ہک اس‬
‫ہکلب ضعبونعاانترپ یہدےھکیاج ےتکسںیہ۔انولمجںیکالتش‬،‫ وجہکدےی ےئگامتمونعاانترپ ںیہن ےھکلاجےتکس‬،‫ریپارگافںیم دنچےلمجاےسیںیہ‬
‫ریپارگاف ےنھکلاکوسالآاتےہاورونیتںںیمےسوکیئاکیرضوراعمرشیتامیبریےکونعانرپوہاتےہ۔اسےیلاس‬1‫ریپارگافںیمےسوکیئ‬3
.‫وکدیجنسیگےسایتررکےئجیلاگ۔داعؤںںیمایدرےیھکاگ۔جزاک ہللا‬

Paragraph on Co- education

Co-education is a system of education in which the students of both sexes get educating
together in the same school, same college or same University. Co-education started in Switzerland
then the European countries adopt this system. Due to its popularity even the Islamic countries have
also adopted the system of co-education. There are many advantages and disadvantages of co-
education. Its promotes gender equality. It improves self confidence. Creates and environment of
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respect for each other. However there are Converse about the safety, security and morality. There
is a risk of destruction and attraction between boys and girls. And it can affect their academic
performance. To sum up it can be said that co-education should be continued in the under developed
countries like Pakistan as a bitter pill.
Pakistan is a beautiful country. There are lush Green Fields, plants and trees in Pakistan. The
rivers, streams, waterfalls and lakes add beauty in our country Pakistan. Moreover, mountains and
valleys especially in Northern areas or emblem of beauty in Pakistan. In addition Pakistani villages
present beauty of landscape. Furthermore Pakistan cities are very neat and Clean particularly of
capital Islamabad is the most beautiful city around the glow. Therefore (in this way / that is how/
to sum up) Pakistan is a beautiful country.
Most important paragraphs(for 1st semester): Knowledge Is Power, Co-education, women
empowerment , Internet, Role of a teacher, Bagging is a curse, My aim in life, Slavery is a curse.
Price height or inflation, A Dream
Gat Words In Past Papers: Abduct, Agile, Billow, Catalyst, Doctrine , Empirical , Folly, Natives,
Obstruction , Serene, Adroit, Bibulous, Bolster, Redundant, Cloister, Doctrine , Envisage , Exotic,
Flints, Humdrum, Eulogy , Exotic
Gluttonous, Lax, Morass, Influx , Flints, Agile, Chorus , Buoy, Aerate, Adroit , Aver, Billow, Bawdy,
Divisive , Diligent , Ecstatics , Erudite, Cloister, Adroit , Bibulous , Bolster
Redundant , Culpable , Doctrine , Envisage , Exotic , Felon, Humdrum , Catalyst , Buoy , Empirical ,
Liturgy, Paleolithic.
Punjab University Affiliated Colleges BS Islamic Studies ENG-111 Past Papers Paragraph
2012: My Favourite Book , A Dream
2013: Importance of Books, Technical Education
2014: A City Bus , A Day When Everything Went Wrong, My Dream House
2015: My Favourite time of the year
2016: Dreams, My Favourite Book, Uses and abuses of Mobile phones
2017: My Aim in life, Dreams,/Uses and abuses of Internet
2018: Begging is a curse, Co-Education, Internet, Social Attacks, Islam... a religion of peace
2019: Role of Social Media, Internet Addiction, Pleasure of College Life, Role of teacher as a
Nation builder, Female Education, My Favourite Hero
2020: Knowledge is power, Co- Education, Internet
2021: Explain IT; a course or blassing, Terrorism, Place Women in Society
2022: Democracy, child Labour, place of women in society.

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