Mercado, Aldrey D. (Activity 1) 3-Minute Story and Big Idea.

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Mercado, Aldrey D.

Descriptive Analytics

3-Minute Story: During my second year as a college student in PUP under the online mode of learning,
there was a point when I got really unmotivated to attend my classes or even do the tasks given to us because
I felt like there was no learning happening to me so what’s the point of this whole thing. I was more
enthusiastic during my first year, maybe because I was so eager to go back to studying after a long
educational break due to the pandemic. However, I did not expect online classes to be so difficult,
unmotivating, and exhausting for us students, staying at home, attending classes systematically, and
adhering to the tasks and deadlines given to us. So, I told myself that I should not be doing this. I have to
do something that will help me learn effectively, especially now that I’m in the third year of online classes,
or else I would suffer after I graduate when I try to find a job having no skills and knowledge within me.
Thus, I tried implementing study habits and organization by setting schedules for when to read my modules
and write my notes based on what I’ve understood from the lesson, as well as creating and tracking my to-
dos for school-related activities. I also make sure that my working station is always clean, organized, and
pleasing to look at to make me motivated on finishing my tasks. The study habits and organization I
established for myself have greatly helped me focus and study effectively. That being said, I should continue
this practice as long as I need.
Big Idea: Establishing study habits and keeping yourself organized will surely help students feel motivated
to study and finish tasks by following a schedule or timetable, promoting good time management and self-
Explain the importance of storyboarding in presenting your data.

• Storyboards will serve as visual representations of the data you are planning to create, this will
enable you to rely upon the messages of the data in a simpler way without much complexity,
especially for those who are visual learners.
Explain further the concept of a 3-Minute Story and Big Idea. How could it impact the audience?

• The concept of a 3-Minute Story and Big Idea was inspired by situations wherein you only have a
restricted or limited amount of time to tell your audience or boss everything they have to know,
what and how would you say it? Most people have a short attention span. Thus, through this
concept, the audience can grasp your ideas and messages within their attention span.

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