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Learning Goals

By the end of this assignment, you will be able to:

• talk about activities that people do regularly • communicate how often someone does
something using always, usually, sometimes,
rarely, and never
• write about your typical Saturday

Vocabulary Grammar



Positive Statements
I/you/we/they + verb (base form)
he/she/it + verb + s

We live in Hawaii.
Maria lives in the city.

Spelling Changes with He, She, It, or a Singular

• For verbs that end with ch, sh, s, x, or z, add -es.

He teaches French.
Jack washes cars.

• For verbs that end with a consonant + y, change the

y to i and add -es.

The baby cries at night.

Irregular Verbs with He, She, It, or a Singular

Noun 10/10/2016
Study Guide-Assignment-6003 Page 2 of 2

do does
go goes
have has

He always does his homework.

Karen goes to church on Sunday.
The house has a swimming pool.

Negative Statements
• Use do not or does not before the main verb.

I don't work on Saturday.

She doesn't work on Saturday.

Use the simple present tense to talk about things you do regularly, things that usually
happen, and things that are always true. Use the base form of the verb when the subject
is I, you, we, they, or a plural noun. Add -s to the base form of most verbs when the
subject is he, she, it, or a singular noun.

If the verb ends with the sounds ch, sh, s, x, or z, add -es when the subject is he, she, it,
or a singular noun. When a verb ends with a consonant + y, change the y to i and add -es
when the subject is he, she, it, or a singular noun.

The verbs do, go and have have irregular present tense forms when the subject is he, she,
it, or a singular noun. Add -es to do and go and change have to has. Note that the
pronunciation of does is also irregular.

The negative of the simple present tense is formed by putting do not or does not before
the base form of the main verb. Do not add -s to the main verb even when the subject is
he, she, it, or a singular noun.

© 2016 PearsonEnglish Corporation. All Rights Reserved Terms and policies 10/10/2016

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