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Choose the correct answer from the following:

Note: if you have True or False choices, then you have to correct the false statements.

1. The Italian energy giant ENI’s discovery of the Zohr gas field shifted the balance of power in the
region and brought a new set of geopolitical dynamics.
a. True
b. False
2. It is a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on
politics and especially the foreign policy of a state. It refers to political factors that are between
a. Geopolitics
b. Macroeconomics
c. Politics
3. It is the company with the largest stake in the region’s energy markets and is especially strong in
Egypt where has had the drilling rights over the most of Egypt’s maritime boundaries and made
the game-changing discovery at its Zohr prospect in the deep waters of Egypt.
a. ENI
b. BP
c. Total
4. On January 2014, the (EGPC) and (EGAS) granted ENI’s fully owned subsidiary in Egypt,
International Egyptian Oil Company (IEOC) with an exclusive exploration license for Shorouk zone
which is part of Egypt’s continental shelf, through ………
a. Direct order
b. International bidding
5. there are two liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in Egypt. one in Idku and another in Damietta.
a. True
b. False
6. The current Geopolitics of Natural Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean led the region to be divided
into two major blocks. Discuss what you know about these blocks.
7. There are two options which can competitively qualify the Mediterranean region’s gas
production in world energy markets. Discuss these two options.
8. What are the four factors are affecting the production from the Mediterranean gas reserves.
9. State the objectives of East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF)
10. State five of the leading energy companies operating in the Mediterranean region.
11. Discuss how does EMGF enhance energy security in Europe.

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