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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Bayugan City
Barangay Fili, Bayugan City



Date: March 09, 2023 Grade: Grade 12

Section: ABM-Bloomberg Time: 9:15-10:15 AM

I. Objectives:

Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding of………
1. Identifying the Problem and Asking the Question

Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to formulate clearly the statement of research problem.

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Presents written statement of the problem (CS_R11-IIIa-c-2)

Specific Learning Objectives/Domain:

At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
1. define statement of the problem; (knowledge)
2. formulate research questions based on the given research titles; (skill)
3. states research questions; (knowledge)
4. differentiate descriptive and inferential questions; (knowledge)
5. analyse research scenarios; (Skill)
6. express appreciation of the importance of a well written statement of the problem in
conducting a research study; (Values)

II. Subject Matter:

1. Topic: Statement of the Problem
2. Content: Part of the Research Chapter 1 (
3. References:
 A short story on the importance of planning ahead. Naturecrafts’s Blog.
(2010, May 14). Retrieved April 17, 2022 from
 Barceros, E.L. (2016). Practical Research 1 1 st Edition. Manila:Rex
Publishing House.
 Salmons, J. (2016). Introduction to Qualitative Research Methodologies.
London; SAGE Publication.
 Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide. (n.d.)(Digital
 Practical Research1 for SHS: Lori Mar Publication, 2 nd Edition, page 115-

4. Materials: TV, laptop, learning activity sheets, ballpen, and paper

5. Time frame: 1 hours 10:00 AM -11:00 NN.
6. Teaching Strategies: 5E’s (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate)
Group activity (following health protocol) and oral participation.

III. Learning Task:

 Preparatory Activity
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Daily routine:
a) Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Mr. Ranoco,
How are you this morning? We are fine Sir!
b) Prayer
Okay, let us start our class today with a prayer. The students stand,
May I ask everyone to please stand. Students praying.
Let us put ourselves in the presence of God,
in the name of the father...
c) Setting of the class
Before you take your seat, will you please Student picking up the trash
pick up the pieces of thrash on the floor and arrange your chairs. and arranging their chairs.

1. Always wear your Face Mask Properly
2. Only the moderator stands before the class
3. The rest strictly stays in their respective chair
4. Strictly observe a 1-meter distance
5. Raise hands to express ideas/opinions
6. Stand and speak once recognized by the moderator.
7. Always maintain respect
d) Checking of Attendance
Are there any absentees today?
No Sir!
Class secretary will announce
the number of students present
and number of students absent
e) Checking of Assignment for the day.
Class do we have an assignment?
Yes Sir!
Review and Preliminaries:

Before we will proceed to the proper discussion of our lesson for

this day, let’s have first a recap of the lessons we had discussed.
What was our lesson last meeting?
It was all about the
Background of the study sir.
Very Good! Students respond……
What challenges you have encountered during the formulation of
Chapters 1 and 2? Students respond……

How did you deal with those challenges?

Very Good!

Presentation of Session Objectives

For this session, we will be discussing the next part of writing a
research paper which is the SOP of your research paper or what
we call Statement of the Problem. In this lesson you are expected

1. define statement of the problem; (knowledge)

2. formulate research questions based on the given
research titles; (skill)
3. states research questions; (knowledge)
4. differentiate descriptive and inferential questions;
5. analyse research scenarios; (Skill)
6. express appreciation of the importance of a well
written statement of the problem in conducting a
research study; (Values)

Diagnostic Assessment
Before we will begin to discuss, let’s test first your knowledge on
SOP through an activity. This activity will serve as a diagnostic
test for me to know if you have ideas and how far you have
learned about this lesson. Through this I will be able to diagnose
you as basis for further discussion. Are we ready?

Activity: Thumb Up and Down: Knowing the Research design.

Direction: Raise “Thumb Up” if the given statement is true and
“Thumb down” if otherwise false.
Are we all set? Let’s get into it!

1. In writing a problem statement it can help the researcher put

the topic context and have a deeper understanding of its
2. Problem statement should not always address the relevance of
the research; why is it important to resolve the problem?
3. One of the purpose of the statement of the is to describe the
substantive focus of the research study.
4. To frame it as a practical problem and thereby, develop its
significance is one of the purposes of statement of the problem.
5. To be able to forecast the literature to be discussed in the
second section, limitations of the study should not included.

Establishing the purpose of the Lesson

 ENGAGE : Motivation (Priming Activity)
Okay class for this morning we will be going to watch a short
video clip entitled “The unschooled Mother teaching her daughter
to Question the world”. Please analyse the scenario in the video
and later I will ask series questions and you will share your
responses and insights to the questions that I will be asking based
on the video that you have watched.

Short video clip presentation

Guide questions:
- What was the video all about?
- What was the problem of the child? Question
- Knowing that the child problem was the pineapple ice cream
was not saleable, what was the mother ask her daughter to do?
- Is there a concept of research in the video you have been
watched? if yes, In what manner and how?
- What important lesson you have gained from the story?
Planning Sir!
Planning is very important in
all our endeavours in life.
Planning is crucial in attaining
success. It is the one that
dictates failures or success in
any stuff that we do. Such as
in the story, planning ahead
makes the fish stay safe and
- What do you think is the connection on the lesson you have alive.
gained for today’s topic?
Thorough planning is very
vital in conducting research,
because within planning we
will be able to achieve our
goals and objectives in
Very Good! conducting a research work.
Planning is vital in building and designing your own research,
such as in building a house it needs a plan or design (floor plan,
roof plan) or sometimes we call it a “Blue print”. This blue
print guides the carpenter on the steps he will follow in
constructing the house. Likewise in research we need a
thorough planning in order for us to be guided on the steps we
will follow through in conducting our research.

Before we will going to discuss the lesson for today’s session,

let’s have first to read some research abstracts and try to
analyse what do the researches have planned in doing their
respective researches.

Lesson Proper
Okay Class, at this time let’s have an activity called “Critique Me if
You Can”. In my hand are samples of 5 researches. What you will
do is to read and analyse these researches and answer the given
guide questions.

I will divide the class into 5 groups.

This will be the group 1, group 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Afterwards, I will give you time to meet you with your group mates
to share what you have read and analysed.

I will give you 10 minutes only to do the task and prepare for an
individual presentation after.
Do I make myself clear?

Questions for Processing:

- What was the research all about? Yes Sir!
- What do you think is the purpose of the research?
- What are your important observations about the research
sample you have read?
- Who are the respondent/participants of the study?
- In what way or how do the researchers gather the
data/information of their research? or what are the techniques/
strategies they’ve used in gathering and collecting the
- What is/are the results of the research you have read?

Very Good Class, I am amazed on how you analysed, criticize

and presented your thoughts on the different researches you
have read. Students Activity
Students Presentation
Discussion here on Qualitative Research Design and its Five types.
After having a research problem you want to pursue
studying with. You need to make an outline and design of your
research. This outline is what we call a research design or “the
blue print” of your research.

Let’s go back to the activity earlier on the different researches

you have read.

Group 1 research agenda was all about the Case study of the
first Covid-19 case in the Philippines, group 2 was all about the
lived experiences of learners in the new normal, group 3 was
an ethnographic study of the Manobo tribe, group 4 was the life
stories and hopes of the Out of school youth and group 5 was
on the grounded theory study of the pregnant students. These
researches class actually follows a specific type of Qualitative
Research designs. These designs provide the researchers
guidance and direction to follow through.

Research Design defines as a type of inquiry within

qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach that
provides specific direction for procedures. Others have called
them strategies of inquiry (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). It also
includes collection of data, research timeline and respondents
For today’s discussion we will focus on types and
characteristics of a qualitative research design. What is good in
this type of research is that it is open and flexible allowing
researchers modify their design so easy.

Five types of Qualitative Research Design

a. Case Study
b. Ethnography
c. Ground Theory
d. Phenomenological
e. Narrative Inquiry

 ELABORATE (Application)
Okay class at this time I would like to test your knowledge if you
have understood the 5 different types of Qualitative research design
which could be used as technique in collecting and analysing data.

What you will do is to analyse the research scenarios and determine

what qualitative research design is being used.

Questions for Processing:

-Explain your choice of answer in determining what research
design is being used.

Let’s start!

1. When a researcher aims to investigate the life and experiences

of an alcoholic, a drug dependent or a sexually abused women.
What qualitative research design will most likely choose?
2. When a researcher aims to focus on the inner world of the
research participants such as refuge seekers, or disaster victims,
as related to text which are examined carefully, what research
design will s/he use?
3. If a researcher aims to investigate the lived experiences of a
political detainee or an illegal immigrant, as well as the
significant remarks of the research participants, which will s/he
most likely choose?
4. A researcher wants inquire in order to explore and capture the
life stories and hope of a successful entrepreneur, who have Case Study
been struggling in starting the business and becomes a
successful entrepreneur.
5. If the researcher would like to study the way of life of the
Manobos, their folkways and mores, what research design will Phenomenology
most likely use?
6. If I could discover the reason behind a school’s experience
with organizational development, I would ask.
7. If I could discover the shared lived experiences of a teen- age
mothers, their struggles between a student life and a mothers Case Study
role. What qualitative research design will most likely choose?
8. If I could experience a different culture by living/observing it, I
would choose to experience.
9. If I could discover what actually occurred and was experienced
in a single lived event, that event would be a? Narrative Inquiry
10. If I could discover a theory for a single phenomenon of living
as shared by others, I would choose to discover the theory of?

Okay class to sum up everything that we discussed this morning Ethnography
let me ask to you these questions.
- What is a Research design?
Case Study



- What are the five types of Qualitative research design?
Grounded Theory

Valuing: Reflection
- Why planning and designing is important in conducting a
research? Research Design is a type of
- In what way does research planning can be applied in our inquiry within qualitative,
daily lives? quantitative, and mixed
- Why do we need to understand the nature of our research? methods approach that
- Why it is important to establish a good research design in provides specific direction
conducting a research?
for procedures. Others have
- What significant learning/s have you gained in this session?
- And how this learning succeeds in this course? called them strategies of
 EVALUATE (Evaluation) Pen and Paper Test Case Study, Ethnography,
Part I Direction: Determine the qualitative research design in the Ground Theory,
following research topics. Phenomenological and
1. Experiences of Reaction and Coping of Filipino Fathers and Narrative Inquiry
Mothers: During and After a Natural Disaster.
2. The Lived Experiences of Trauma and Post-traumatic Growth
of Women with History of Social Abuse.
3. Employee commitment to Environmental Stewardship as a Student’s response
Component of Corporate Social Responsibility.
4. The Meaning behind The Journey Towards Acceptance: An
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Accounts of
Parents of Transgender Women.
5. I am your Father: A Qualitative Study on the Perspective of a
Father with a Homosexual Son.
6. The Face of Cigarette Advertising: The Constitutionality of the
Tobacco Advertisement Ban.
7. You’re Life Design: A Qualitative Study on the Contributions
of Feng Shui to Life Satisfaction.
8. Impact of the Use of Social Networking on Non-governmental
Organization Effectiveness.
9. A PWD’s Battle: A Qualitative Study on the Reactions and
Experiences of Persons with Disabilities.
10. Understanding Teacher Leadership in Elementary Schools in
Caraga Region.

In a one whole paper please read in advance and do research the
following topics below:
1. What are the different Qualitative Data collection techniques?
2. What are the different types of Qualitative Data Analysis
Prepared by:
SST-III Checked by:
SST-III/Academic Track Head
Observed by:
Education Program Supervisor


Group No.:
Items to rate Points Rating
Cooperation and participation 10
Content 20
Organization of Ideas 10
Oral presentation 5
Creativity 5
Total 50

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division of Bayugan City
Barangay Fili, Bayugan City


(PART II continuation of the previous topic)
Date: May 30, 2022
Grade: Grade 11
Section: ABM-Huffington
I. Objectives:

Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding of………
1. the description of the sample
2. the application of creating design principle for execution

Performance Standards:
The learners shall be able to describe qualitative research designs, sampling methods
and data collection.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
 describes sampling methods and samples (CS_R11-Iva-c-2)

Specific Learning Objectives/Domain:

At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
1. define sampling method and samples; (Knowledge)
2. describe the sampling methods and samples in the sample researches; (Knowledge)
3. analyse research scenarios; (Skill)
4. express appreciation of the importance of sampling methods in the conducting a
research study; (Values)

II. Subject Matter:

1. Topic: Sampling Method
2. Content: Research Methodology (Sampling methods and samples)
3. References:
 A short story on the importance of planning ahead. Naturecrafts’s Blog.
(2010, May 14). Retrieved April 17, 2022 from
 Barceros, E.L. (2016). Practical Research 1 1 st Edition. Manila:Rex
Publishing House.
 Salmons, J. (2016). Introduction to Qualitative Research Methodologies.
London; SAGE Publication.
 Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collector’s Field Guide. (n.d.)(Digital
 Practical Research1 for SHS: Lori Mar Publication, 2 nd Edition, page 115-

4. Materials: DLP projector and laptop, visual aids, illustrations, manila paper and
marker, chalk and board.
5. Time frame: 1 hour 11:00 AM -12:00 NN.
6. Teaching Strategies: 5E’s (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate)
Group activity (following health protocol) and oral participation.

III. Learning Task:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Okay class, at this time we will be going to know the respondents
or the participants of a research study, how we will going to choose
our participants, as well as how many will participate in the study.
But before that, let’s go back to our research sample you have
analysed earlier.

Okay, let’s start with group 1

Questions for Processing:

- Who are the respondents of the study?
- In what way or how do the researchers gather the Students activity
data/information of their research? or what are the techniques/ Students presentation
strategies they’ve used in gathering and collecting the
Very Good class, it seems that you really analysed and understand
each sample researches that I have given to you.
But before we will discuss further for today’s last lesson, let’s have
first another activity.

At this time, let us analyse the scenario of a sample research paper on
who are the respondents/ participants involved study, in what way do
the researchers identify these participants and how the researchers
gathered the data or the information they needed to accomplish the
. Analyze the Scenario: A Sampling Method
Imagine that you have arrived in Metro Manila to conduct a case study on working street
children. A local social worker introduces you to two former street working children and you learn that
they still have lots of friends still working on the street. As a way to identify participants for your study,
you ask the two former street working children if they can recommend and invite some of their friends
on the street to participate in the study. You also ask them to spread word of the study in anticipation
that their friends will also help you to identify potential participants.
Questions for Processing:
- What is the scenario all about? Students presentation
- What are your important observations about the scenario you
have read?
- Who are the respondent/participants of the study?
- in what way do the researchers identify these participants
- Do you have an idea about the methods used in this scenario?
- How do the researchers gather the data/information of their
research? or What are techniques/ strategies they’ve used in
gathering and collecting the data/information?

Very Good Class, I am amazed on how you analysed, criticize

and presented your thoughts on the different researches you
have read.

Discussion here on Sampling Method in Data gathering and 2 types
of Sampling Methods

Sampling Methods is very important in the aspect of

research. Researcher should choose the proper sampling method
to answer what was asked in the research problem.
According to Alicia Tuovila(2020), sampling is a process
used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of
observations taken in larger population. The methodology used to
sample from a larger population depends on the type of analysis
being performed.
You enabled to understand the nature of qualitative
design. Deeper understanding of the different types of this design
helped you led in gathering information for your research. In this
particular lesson, we will learn the methods of sampling for you
to provide the possible answers of your research problem.

A population is a complete set of people with a specialized set of

characteristics, and a sample is a subset of the population.
The study sample is the sample chosen from the study

Sampling is the selection of suitable populations (or ‘elements’)

so that the focus of the study can be appropriately researched.

Two Types of Sampling Methods

- Probability Sampling
a. Simple Random sampling
b. Cluster sampling
c. Systematic sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling
Prepared by:
SST-III Checked by:
SST-III/Academic Track Head
Observed by:
Education Program Supervisor

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