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Intensity - refers to how hard the activity should be.

Frequency – number of days in a week

Time – Duration and time of doing the activity

Type – the focus fitness component or part of the body involved in the activity

-Aerobic - An exercise that requires the use of oxygen to produce energy

Pacing - refers to the rate or speed of doing physical activities

60 minutes – minimum requirement for MVPAs per week

-Trekking – long period hikes, where there is no established tracks. Before going for a hike
or trek, start a routine and exercises need to know to feel competent on a trail. By walking
up and down hills and mountains, the heart has to pump harder which in turn improves
cardiovascular endurance.

-Orienteering - skill required in navigating unfamiliar places.

-Stretching should be included during warm-up and cool downperiod

-Diving is a water activity consists of a descending underwater and swimming around that
can be done holding one’s breath or with scuba gear.

-Camping – in organizing your food, plan expedition menu before an expedition so that
there will be minimal rubbish. Composting would be the best thing to do with trashes.

30-50 - water aerobics training range for a 10-second period

Etiquette is set of customs and rules for polite behavior.

Dehydration is a health condition where a person is losing too much water and heating up
because of exercise.

Shivering and drowsiness are some symptoms of hypothermia

Heat stroke - occurs when the activity heat load exceeds the body's ability to regulate body

Hyperthermia – the most possible health condition when training in a cold environment.

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