Ghost Manor Walkthrough

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Created by Meek, Sera, Rebecca & Verity

Note: Ghost Manor is complex when it comes to routes (similar to Gotham Memoirs). We
recommend completing one route at a time after 2-4 when paths start to become

1-1 Large Inheritance [1]

(Will the sale be affected if I say yes?)

● Deny the rumors
● Acknowledge the rumors

1-2 Haunting Rumors [2]

What should I do?

● Continue inside [1]
↳ (If I tell her I intend to sell the manor, she might try to stop me. Should I tell her
the truth?)
○ Yes
○ No
● Look around outside [1]

1-3 Familiar Faces [2]

To unlock: Continue inside in 1-2

Which item should I remove from the manor first?

● The portrait [1]
● The trophy [1]

1-4 Ghost Trick [1]

It’s not too late, you know… What’ll it be?

● Stall the ghosts
● Refuse to back down

(I might not be able to fulfill their wishes, but it seems like the only way to get rid of
them. Should I agree?)
● Yes – Helen ↑
● No
1-5 Manor Residents [1]
To unlock: Look around outside in 1-2

No choices

1-6 Negotiation [1]

(Should I speak up first?)

● Yes
● No – Old Earl ↑

1-7 New Approach [2]

I have to choose which one to attend.

● Amusement park celebration [1]
● Appreciation dinner [1]

1-8 Ghost Story [1]

(In the past three centuries, numerous people lived in this manor. The five ghosts I've
seen can't be the only ones here, right?)
● Ask if they're the only ghosts
● Ask where the other ghosts have gone

1-9 History of the Manor [1]

Hmm… I'd like some…

● Floral tea – Helen ↑
● Coffee – Helen ↑

What else should I ask Helen to show me?

● Secret rooms
● Her room – Helen ↑

1-10 Tough Act [2]

(But Francine may flip out on the spot if I don't agree. What should I do?)
● Agree → Ending: Golden Broom Award [1]
● Disagree [1]
↳ (Any progress on the sale of the manor?)
○ It's smooth sailing
○ It's not going well – Finn ↑
1-11 Complications [1]

He's finally gotten to his point. How should I respond?

● Ask to split the inheritance tax
● Refuse to share the manor

1-12 Sci-Fi Movie [1]

Finn's gaze stalls on me. I remember the new pimples on my face.

● Shyly tilt my head away
● Look straight at him – Finn↑

1-13 Crisis [3]

Mr. Taylor's about to go on a business trip, though. What should I do?

● Return to the manor immediately – Old Earl ↑
↳ After that, Cynthia came to the tree and listened to me play my harmonica
every evening. Afterward, we’d talk about literature and our hearts’ desires.
○ What is your heart’s desire?
○ What is Cynthia’s heart’s desire?

↳ Where should I look for leads next?

○ Aunt Susan's apartment [1]
○ Finn's advisor [1]

● Go see Mr. Taylor → Ending: Irreparable [1]

1-14 Old Clue [1]

To unlock: Aunt Susan's apartment in 1-13

What do you think?

● Amazing
● Like something from long ago

1-15 Experiencing the Past [1]

Should I really search someone else's room?

● No
● Yes
1-16 Hardess Conspiracy [2]

No choices

How to unlock stage events:

❖ 1st stage event → Aunt Susan's apartment in 1-13 and play 1-16 [1]
❖ 2nd stage event → Finn's advisor in 1-13 and play 1-16 [1]

1-17 Business History [2]

To unlock: Finn's advisor in 1-13

Should I tease him a little?

● Yes – Finn ↑
● No

Do you think you have an answer?

● Yes – Finn ↑
● Ask him for his opinion

How to unlock stage events:

❖ 1st stage event → Aunt Susan's apartment in 1-13 and play 1-17 [1]
❖ 2nd stage event → Finn's advisor in 1-13 and play 1-17 [1]

1-18 Clearing the Air [1]

No choices
2-1 Beach Chat [1]

Hidden choices (click on the chat box to reveal choices and tap send to continue):
1. No!
2. Sorry! I’ll respond ASAP!

I feel like asking Finn…

● If he has anything he can't let go of – Finn ↑
● If he'd like to be a ghost after he dies

2-2 Descendants Return [1]

Then let’s go get one! Let's play soccer here together!

● Heartily agree – Helen ↑
● Politely decline

This is your first time welcoming guests to the manor as its owner. How do you feel?
● Nervous
● Accomplished

What will you do next?

● Tell her
● Let her be – Helen ↑

2-3 Reunion [2]

Go ahead.
● Where did the Crete family go?
● What happened to Cynthia Planack?

(I haven't told him about ghosts. Should I?)

● *Yes – Finn ↑ [1]
● No [1]

*Finn Goodwill lvl 5 required to select this option

2-4 Invite [2]

Should I leave him be? Or should I invite Cynthia's great-grandson to the manor in the
hopes of fulfilling his wish?
● Respect Jim's choice [1*]
● Invite Cynthia's great-grandson
↳ Should I cover his expenses so he can come?
○ Yes [1]
○ No [1*]

Hidden choices (click on the chat box to reveal choices and tap send to continue):
1. What happened?

a. Exhaustion?

i. What, right now? Do you know what time it is? What have you been
working on, anyway?

2-5 Business Advice [2]

To unlock: Yes in 2-3 and play 2-4

The lights in the hall glow softly in the night. Finn and I are alone together. What should I
● Invite him to go for a stroll – Finn ↑ [1]
● Ask him to go home and rest [1]

2-6 Special Consultant [2]

To unlock: No in 2-3 and play 2-4

Hidden choices (click on the chat box to reveal choices and tap send to continue):
1. Let’s move the mtg to the afternoon
2. Not going to the office before 12

a. Sorry! Have been working

b. Just have stuff to do

i. No!
ii. U totally r… whatever, c u later

I realize how hungry I am. Neither of us has eaten. What should I do about dinner?
● Cook something – Finn ↑ [1]
● Order delivery [1]
2-7 Mr. Taylor [1]

Do you really believe that, or was it just marketing to promote your app?
● It's the truth
● It was marketing

If you selected Finn's advisor in 1-13 and play 1-17:

Should I tell him what I’ve discovered?
● Come clean
● Lie

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Take out the token; Mr. Taylor reminisces about Lambert → Aunt Susan's
apartment in 1-13 and play 1-16 & 2-7
❖ Mr. Taylor asks if you are investigating Hardess Financial Group → Finn's advisor
in 1-13 and play 1-17 & 2-7

❖ Play a VR game with Finn and hold hands for the first time
➢ Option 1: Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 and play 2-7
➢ Option 2: Cook something in 2-6 and play 2-7
❖ Thank Finn for his help
➢ Option 1: Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5 and play 2-7
➢ Option 2: Order delivery in 2-6 and play 2-7

❖ Invite Cynthia’s descendant to the manor → Follow steps to unlock 2-8 [1]
❖ Don’t invite Cynthia’s descendant to the manor → Follow steps to unlock 3-1
(Option 1 & Option 2 only) [1]

2-8 Descendant Visit [1]

To unlock: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and Yes in 2-4

Got it.
● Ask him to drop the formalities
● Let him say "Miss Hofmann" all he wants – Ryan ↑

2-9 Lovers Reunion [1]

Where should I look for Jim?

● The storeroom where the stone was
● Under the big tree in the courtyard
2-10 Old City [1]

Are you afraid of ghosts, Miss Hofmann?

● Yes
● No

2-11 Good Old Days [1]

Are you okay with me using the kitchen?

● Tell him to leave the kitchen alone
● Let him do as he pleases – Ryan ↑

Well… Let's see…

● The era of the Crete family
● The era of the Planck family
3-1 Earl's Diary [2]
To unlock:
Option 1: Respect Jim's choice in 2-4 and play 2-7
Option 2: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and No in 2-4 and play 2-7
Option 3: Play 2-11

Don't just stand there. Read it!

● It's inappropriate – Old Earl ↑
● Open it

How to unlock in the flowchart:

● No guests in the manor → Follow steps to unlock 3-5 [1]
● Have guests in the manor → Follow steps to unlock 3-2 [1]

3-2 Cathedral Encounter [2]

To unlock: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and Yes in 2-4, and play 2-7, 2-8 & 2-11

(This is awkward… How should I handle the situation?

● Lie and say Ryan is a business partner – Finn ↑ [1]

If you selected Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 and play 2-7 OR Cook
something in 2-6 and play 2-7 → (Invite Finn to act as the groom)

If you selected Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5 and play 2-7 OR Order
delivery in 2-6 and play 2-7 → (Get professional hosts to act as the bride and
groom— top path)

● Tell Finn the truth – Ryan ↑ [1]

↳ (So, have you thought about who's going to be the event hosts?
○ *You and me (Invite Ryan to act as the groom)
○ Professionals (Get professional hosts to act as the bride and groom— lower

*Hidden choice (click on the chat box to reveal choices and tap send to continue):
1. You and me

*Ryan Goodwill lvl 5 required to select this option

3-3 True Love [3]

Which course of action should I recommend?

● Cynthia should dissipate
● Pretend the object Cynthia is attached to has been destroyed

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Have the same habit as Finn [1]
➢ Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 and play 2-7 OR Cook something in 2-6
and play 2-7
➢ Lie and say Ryan is a business partner in 3-2
❖ Can’t bear to part with Ryan → Follow steps to unlock 3-4 [1]
❖ Focus solely on work → Follow steps to unlock 3-6 [1]

3-4 Goodbye for Now [1]

To unlock: Tell Finn the truth and You and me in 3-2, and play 3-3

How should I answer him?

● With affirmation – Ryan ↑
● With hesitation

*Hidden choice (click on the chat box to reveal choices and tap send to continue):
1. Yes. Is it pretty around the maor today?
2. Haven’t looked yet, I just got back from…

a. Would love a chance to escape this oven

b. U working on anything new since I left?

i. K!
ii. Wish I could see it now
3-5 Heart to Heart [2]
To unlock:
Option 1: Respect Jim's choice in 2-4, and play 2-7 & 3-1
Option 2: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and No in 2-4, and play 2-7 & 3-1

If you selected Yes in 2-3 and play 2-5, 3-1 and 3-5:
But if something’s gone, it’s wiser to let it go. What do you think?
● Agree – Finn ↑
● Disagree

How to unlock stage events:

❖ 1st stage event [1]
➢ Option 1: Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5, and play 2-7 & 3-1
➢ Option 2: Cook something in 2-6, and play 2-7 & 3-1
❖ 2nd stage event [1]
➢ Option 1: Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5, and play 2-7 & 3-1
➢ Option 2: Order delivery in 2-6, and play 2-7 & 3-1

3-6 Kids [2]

To unlock:
Option 1: Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5, play 2-7 and Lie and say Ryan is a
business partner in 3-2 and play 3-3
Option 2: Order delivery in 2-6, play 2-7, Lie and say Ryan is a business partner in 3-2
and play 3-3
Option 3: Tell Finn the truth and Professionals in 3-2 and play 3-3
Option 4: Play 3-4 or 3-5

What should we do with them?

● Let the ghosts scare the kids – Old Earl ↑
● Talk to the kids – Helen ↑

How to unlock in the flowchart:

● Able to provide Finn with ghosts’ leads → Follow steps to unlock 3-7 [1]
● Unable to provide Finn with ghosts’ leads → Follow steps to unlock 3-8 [1]

3-7 Important Clue [1]

To unlock: Yes in 2-3 and play 2-4, 2-5 & 3-6

Whatever, I don't care! You take it!

● Accept
● Decline
3-8 Earl's Wedding [5]
To unlock:
Option 1: Play 3-7
Option 2: No in 2-3, play 2-4, 2-6 & 3-6

How should I answer?

● Looking for someone
● Just passing by

If you selected Respect Jim's choice in 2–4, and play 2-7 & 3-1:
I’m using everything I saw and heard tonight to plan the fashion event. The hosts will
play the newlyweds, and I’ve chosen:
● *Me and Finn (Play the bride and groom with Finn) [1]
● Professionals (Hire professionals as the hosts) [1]

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Already invited Finn to play the groom → Follow steps to unlock 3-9 (Option 1) [1]
❖ Already invited Ryan to play the groom → Follow steps to unlock 3-11 [1]
❖ Already invited the hosts to play the bride and groom → Follow steps to unlock
3-13 (Option 1) [1]

*Finn Goodwill lvl 6 required to select this option

3-9 Finn the Groom [2]
To unlock:
Option 1: Invite Cynthia’s great-grandson and Yes in 2-4
Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 OR Cook something in 2-6
Play 2-7, 2-8, 2-11 & 3-1
Lie and say Ryan is a business partner in 3-2
Cynthia should dissipate in 3-3 and play 3-8

Option 2: Me and Finn in 3-8

Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-5 first and then try these steps.

Are you nervous?

● No – Finn ↑
● A little

If you selected If he has anything he can't let go of in 2-1:

Should I accept his gift?
● Yes – Finn ↑
● No

How to unlock stage events:

❖ 1st stage event → If he has anything he can't let go of in 2-1 & play 3-9 [1]
❖ 2nd stage event → If he'd like to be a ghost after he dies in 2-1 & play 3-9 [1]

3-10 Science and Technology Museum [1]

If you selected Yes in 2-3:

This could be the missing clue Finn needs to solve the case!
● Tell Finn about the clue – Finn ↑
● Don’t tell Finn about the clue – Old Earl ↑

What do you think?

● Technology can make people happier – Finn ↑
● Happiness has nothing to do with technology
3-11 Ryan the Groom [1]
To unlock: Tell Finn the truth and You and me in 3-2, and play 3-8
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-2 first and then try these steps.

I have to get up early tomorrow. I’ll be busy for the whole day, so I’m feeling a little
hesitant. How should I answer Ryan?
● Agree – Ryan ↑
● Refuse

3-12 Good Company [2]

Wow, those are some serious questions. Are you really that big of a tech nerd?
● Lie
● Be honest

(Should I tell Ryan about the ghosts in the manor?)

● Yes [1]
● No [1]

3-13 Take Off [1]

To unlock:
Option 1: Tell Finn the truth and Professionals in 3-2
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-2 first and then try these steps.

Option 2: Professionals in 3-8

Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-5 first and then try these steps.

Miss Hofmann, what's the Magic Mirror's next objective?

● To develop into the ultimate fashion platform
● To create a unique fashion brand
3-14 Tech Show [5]

Have you thought about what you're going to do?

● Proceed with the sale
● Hesitate – Old Earl ↑
How to unlock in the flowchart:
❖ With regards to my future, Finn is the one I care about most
➢ Already became best friends with Finn → Follow steps to unlock 3-15 [1]
➢ Still have reservations about Finn → Follow steps to unlock 3-16 [1]
❖ With regards to my future, Ryan is the one I care about most
➢ Already came clean with Ryan → Follow steps to unlock 3-17 [1]
➢ Still have reservations against Ryan → Follow steps to unlock 3-18 [1]
❖ Charge towards the future with my best friends → Follow steps to unlock 3-19 [1]

3-15 Forever Together [4]

To unlock: Yes in 2-3, Tell Finn about the clue in 3-10 and play 3-14
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-5 first and then try these steps.

I’m caught off guard. I was expecting Finn to ask about something else… The truth is, I’ve
decided to…
● Cancel the sale

a. If you selected these options → Ending: New Owner of the Manor [1]
■ Aunt Susan’s apartment in 1-13 and play 1-16
■ Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and Yes in 2-4
■ Cynthia should dissipate in 3-3

b. If you selected these options → Ending: Happily Ever After [1]

■ Finn’s advisor in 1-13 & play 1-17
■ Come clean in 2-7
■ Cynthia should dissipate in 3-3

c. Another ending will trigger if the combinations from above are not made
→ Ending: Surrounded by Friends [1]
Tip: Pretend the object Cynthia is attached to has been destroyed in 3-3 is
the easiest way to trigger it

● Proceed with the sale → Ending: Lifelong Companion [1]

3-16 Down To Nothing [4]
To unlock: Me and Finn in 3-8, Don’t tell Finn about the clue in 3-10 and play 3-14
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-5 first and then try these steps.

I see that you’ve formed a strong bond with the ghosts. Are you sure you want to sell
the manor?
● Abandon the agreement
a. If you selected Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 & play 2-7 OR Cook
something in 2-6 & play 2-7 → Ending: Lifelong Friendship [1]
b. If you selected Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5 & play 2-7 OR Order
Delivery in 2-6 & play 2-7 → Ending: Just a Dream [1]

● Continue the sale

a. If you selected Invite him to go for a stroll in 2-5 & play 2-7 OR Cook
something in 2-6 & play 2-7 → Ending: No Omelet Without Breaking Eggs
b. If you selected Ask him to go home and rest in 2-5 & play 2-7 OR Order
Delivery in 2-6 & play 2-7 → Ending: Down to Nothing [1]

3-17 Ryan’s Feelings [4]

To unlock: Tell Finn the truth and You and me in 3-2, and Yes in 3-12 and play 3-14
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-2 first and then try these steps.

So, do you have feelings for him?

● Yes - Ryan ↑
↳ Are you really sure that you want to say goodbye to everyone forever?
○ No → Ending: Repurposed Manor [1]
○ Yes → Ending: Life of No Regrets [1]

● No
↳ Are you really sure that you want to say goodbye to everyone forever?
○ No → Ending: New Chapter in History [1]
○ Yes → Ending: Everlasting Friendship [1]

3-18 Getting Closer [2]

To unlock: Tell Finn the truth and You and me in 3-2, and No in 3-12 and play 3-14
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-2 first and then try these steps.

Is there anything I can do for you?

● Confess my feelings for him – Ryan ↑ → Ending: A Future Together [1]
● Conceal my feelings for him → Ending: Lingering Feelings [1]
3-19 Final Party [3]
To unlock:
Option 1: Tell Finn the truth and Professionals in 3-2, and play 3-3, 3-8, 3-13 & 3-14.
Note: If that doesn’t work, follow steps to unlock 3-2 first and then try these steps.

Option 2: Respect Jim's choice in 2-4, play 2-7 & 3-1, Professionals in 3-8, play 3-13 &

Is selling the manor the only solution?

● No – Old Earl ↑ → Ending: A Bright Future [1]

● Yes
a) If you selected Respect Jim's choice OR Invite Cynthia's great-grandson
and No in 2-4 → Ending: Back to the Beginning [1]
b) If you selected Invite Cynthia's great-grandson and Yes in 2-4 → Ending:
Always on my mind [1]

Album Art

1. Ghost Trick 1-4 or 1-6

2. Delegated Mission 1-18

3. Past Lover 2-11

4. Century Wedding 3-9, 3-11 or 3-13

5. New Owner of the Manor 3-15: Ending [New Owner of the Manor] or [Happily Ever

6. Hand in Hand 3-17: Ending [Repurposed Manor]

7. Granny's Cushion 2-3

All Endings

Golden Broom Award 1-10: Agree

Irreparable 1-13: Go see Mr. Taylor

New Owner of the 1-13: Aunt Susan’s apartment

Manor Play 1-16
2-4: Invite Cynthia’s great-grandson → Yes
3-3: Cynthia should dissipate
3-15: Cancel the sale

Happily Ever After 1-13: Finn’s advisor

Play 1-17
2-7: Come clean
3-3: Cynthia should dissipate
3-15: Cancel the sale

Surrounded by Friends Note: This ending will trigger if the combinations for either New
Owner of the Manor or Happily Ever After are not made. The easiest
way to trigger it is:
3-3: Pretend the object Cynthia is attached to has been
3-15: Cancel the sale

Lifelong Companion 3-15: Proceed with the sale

Lifelong Friendship 2-5: Invite him to go for a stroll OR 2-6: Cook something
Play 2-7
3-8: Me and Finn
3-10: Don’t tell Finn about the clue
Play 3-14
3-16: Abandon the agreement

Just a Dream 2-5: Ask him to go home and rest OR 2-6: Order Delivery
Play 2-7
3-8: Me and Finn
3-10: Don’t tell Finn about the clue
Play 3-14
3-16: Abandon the agreement
No Omelet Without 2-5: Invite him to go for a stroll OR 2-6: Cook something
Breaking Eggs Play 2-7
3-8: Me and Finn
3-10: Don’t tell Finn about the clue
Play 3-14
3-16: Continue the sale

Down to Nothing 2-5: Ask him to go home and rest OR 2-6: Order Delivery
Play 2-7
3-8: Me and Finn
3-10: Don’t tell Finn about the clue
Play 3-14
3-16: Continue the sale

Repurposed Manor 3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me

3-12: Yes
Play 3-14
3-17: Yes → No

Life of No Regrets 3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me

3-12: Yes
Play 3-14
3-17: Yes → Yes

New Chapter in History 3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me
3-12: Yes
Play 3-14
3-17: No → No

Everlasting Friendship 3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me

3-12: Yes
Play 3-14
3-17: No → Yes

A Future Together 2-4: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson → Yes

Play 2-8, 2-11 & 3-1
3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me in 3-2
3-12: No
Play 3-14
3-18: Confess my feelings for him
Lingering Feelings 2-4: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson → Yes
Play 2-8, 2-11 & 3-1
3-2: Tell Finn the truth → You and me in 3-2
3-12: No
Play 3-14
3-18: Conceal my feelings for him

A Bright Future 2-4: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson → Yes

Play 2-8, 2-11 & 3-1
3-2: Tell Finn the truth → Professionals
Play 3-3 & 3-14
3-19: No

Back to the Beginning 2-4: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson → Yes

Play 2-8, 2-11 & 3-1
2-4: Respect Jim's choice
3-2: Tell Finn the truth → Professionals
Play 3-3 & 3-14
3-19: Yes

Always on my Mind 2-4: Invite Cynthia's great-grandson → Yes

3-2: Tell Finn the truth → Professionals
Play 3-3 & 3-14
3-19: Yes

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