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Completion: The Barnes Film Festival

Brief: The basic concept of my idea is to have a magician who originally didn't have
magical powers but suddenly gained the ability to use magic and it shows the process of
him discovering this magical power, what he does with it and what the power does. We
find out that the power is to make people disappear or things disappear. He does this by
touching the object and then saying a magical word while holding his hands there and
this makes things disappear. He shows this new power to his wife after having a
conversation before with her telling her telling him he needs to do something big like go
on Britain’s Got Talent to be his big break or something.  He then found someone who
wanted to be disappeared so he thought this is a perfect idea to make a great big act.
Someone disappearing in front of a massive audience was the perfect trick, so he invites
this person over to his house and then they practise the trick but as they practise a trick
they no longer want to become disappeared but he can't remove his hand from the
person that's one thing he cannot do while performing a magic trick he physically can't
remove his hands. This then makes the person disappear in front of him. He starts
getting all panicky and places on his head because he is stressed about what he's just
done and doesn't know how to make them come back. While doing this a countdown for
the disappearing trick begins, he can't move his hands from his head and at the end of
the countdown he's gone. At the end of the story, we have two people on a podcast
talking about the incident and we find out it was actually only one person lived in the
house he never had a wife he never had anyone come over and that one man is still
missing but for the final shot that we see of the scene is him hiding once the police have
checked his house.

Rules and Regulations

Official Selection: Films selected for screening will be notified via email, if you received
a Nomination email, but no Official Selection email, it means your film will not be
screened, but it is still a contender for an award in its category.
Award Winners: Will be chosen from both the Nominations and the Official Selection.
- We favour debut film of either: Director, Producer or Lead actor.
- All films must be submitted in English or with English subtitles.
- Filmmakers are responsible for sorting out the copyright of their own material.
- We place no restrictions on your work in terms of premiere status or whether your
work has been made available online
- Fiction, Documentary and Animation.
- Film must be no more than 40 minutes long (not including credits).
- In the UK categories at least one representative of the film must reside in the UK. The
film itself may have been made anywhere in the world.
- Films submitted produced with financial support or sponsorship over £500 MUST be
disclosed on the application form. Low budget production is strongly encouraged.
- This category is not a competition
- We accept entries in fiction, documentary and animation
- Qualifying age: 18 years and under
- This category is open to UK and International residents
- We will be shortlisting a curated list of youth films up to 5 minutes long (not including
- Films submitted must be produced on a low budget (under £200) or zero budget.
- Film must be up to 40 minutes long (not including credits).
- Awards will be given for Best Fiction, Best Documentary and Best Animation.
- Films submitted must be produced on a low budget (under £200) or zero budget.
In submitting a film to the Filmmaking Competition, you agree to the following:
No theme requirements.

Film entries must not exceed the length requirements in each category. These maximum
lengths exclude credits.

Entries must be suitable for general admission.

Submissions do not require premiere status. If your film is going to be screened by

another festival or organisation, you must notify BFF to discuss potential copyright
issues with the other organisation.

Submissions require payment fee per film submission. More than one entry is permitted
by an entrant, however, each additional entry also requires a fee. Due to the submission
platform being run by a third party ( no refunds, discounts or waivers
on film entry fees can be provided.

The final deadline for submission is 01/04/2022

Submissions must not contain any copyrighted material, including music, still images or
video images without the written permission of the owner. BFF encourages the use of
original or royalty free music as an alternative to copyrighted content.

Low budget/zero budget filmmaking is encouraged. Under 18’s film entrants must
submit films produced on low budget (under £200) or zero budget. Films submitted in
the main Short Film Category and International Film Category with financial support
or sponsorship over £500 MUST be disclosed on the application form. Failure to
disclose may lead to disqualification.
Target Audience: Age 16 - 21
My research is due on the 28th April
My planning  is due on the 5th May
Filming is from the 6th of may to the 16th 
Editing is from the 16th to the 26th 
My production is due the 26th of may 
Viewing of productions for audience feedback is on the 8th May
Week of the 5th June: Pitch
Final dead line is the 9th of June 

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