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Have You Seen Claudia?

Created by Sera

1-1 Entering Chicago [1]

I shake my head before I speak...

● Thank him and ask for his name
● Implore him to get the drunk man out of here

1-2 Butcher’s Son [1]

Why don’t you tell me your home address? If there’s news, I’ll go find you. How’s that?
● Give him Claudia’s address
● Thank him but refuse

1-3 Dark Lady [1]

This strange woman has an uncommon personality. She’s bursting with excitement as she
shares stories from the Whitechapel Club. I think…
● ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting – Layla ↑
● ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite

1-4 Uninvited Gentleman [1]

Instead of giving him money so awkwardly, why don’t I buy him…

● A drink
● A cup of coffee

1-5 A Career Woman’s Day [1]

It’s still a long way to the post office from here. Why don’t I send the letter for you, so you
don’t have to worry about it on your first day of work?
● Accept his offer
● Politely decline

For the flowchart, to unlock:

❖ Meet Emeline for the first time (top option) → Select A drink in 1-4
❖ Meet Emeline for the first time (bottom option) → Select A cup of coffee in 1-4

Album 1 “A Modern Woman”

1-6 Strange Hotel Owner [1]

But I don’t have enough information to be sure we can knock it down. I need to go and
measure it.
● Go measure the wall alone
● Get Holmes and go measure the wall

1-7 Something’s Fishy [2]

Has Holmes ever tried to woo you?

● Say he behaved inappropriately
↳ *I hate to ask you this, Edith, but… will you please stay and talk with me? After
Emeline left, I’ve come to realise how lonely I felt.
○ Decline [1*]
○ Accept → Ending: Premature Death [1]
● Say he is always polite [1*]

*Select ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite in 1-3 and play 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6 to
unlock this dialogue.

Album 2 “Holding Hands in the Night”

1-8 Unreliable Detective [1]

Layla buries her face in my neck, and I can feel her sobbing quietly.
● Hug her
● Ask about her dad – Layla ↑

For the flowchart, to unlock:

❖ Meet Emeline at the hotel & Lodge a police report with Layla (top option) → Select
...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting in 1-3, and replay 1-7 & 1-8
❖ Find Emeline at the hotel & Lodge a police report with Layla (bottom option) → Select
...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite in 1-4 and replay 1-7 & 1-8
1-9 Dangerous Dinner Party [1]

I have two tickets, and I want you to come with me.

● Accept
● Decline

Album 3 “Dinner Party”

1-10 Claudia Never Went Home [2]

Claudia, I’m worried about you. What should I do?

● Escape in the middle of the night [1]
● Let Grandpa Snowball handle it → Ending: Playing it Safe [1]

1-11 Return to Chicago [1]

Why did you suddenly decide to go back home without saying goodbye to me? Is it because
we had a fight?
● Apologize – Layla ↑
● Evade her questions

1-12 Savage Holmes [1]

If I’d been there that day, I would’ve stopped you from going to that ball. It’s all my fault!
● Push him away
● Hug him

1-13 Chicago World’s Fair [2]

What’s so interesting about a couple of ships? There’s a lot of good food over at the food
exhibition. Edith, let's go that way!
● Go see the ships [1*]
● Go to the food exhibition [1*]

Anna Williams? You don’t know me, but there’s something very important you need to
● Holmes is likely a murderer → Ending: Walking into a Trap [1]
● It’s something you can’t tell Holmes [1*]
1-14 Deadlock [1]

If I see anything strange, I’ll come back and tell you right away.
● Accept
● Decline

1-15 Guilty Escape [1]

The man is waiting for an answer, I have to make a decision, and fast.
● Tell the truth
● Lie
2-1 Needle in a Haystack [3]

(Layla and Joshua both have a point… Should we go after Holmes first, or investigate his
● Track Holmes – Layla ↑
↳ His tone is wary and defensive. I put on a serious expression before continuing.
○ He’s committed a crime → Ending: Wrongfully Imprisoned [1]
○ He’s in danger [1]
● Investigate Holmes’ hotel [1]

2-2 Uncooperative Lady [1]

To unlock, select He’s in danger in 2-1

Pitezel, eh? What’s your relation to the family?

● Friends
● Looking for someone and need their help

2-3 Everyone’s Born Equal [1]

I can’t allow this… butcher… into the club.

● Bribe him
● Protest

2-4 Alex Cook [1]

You may wait here if you like, or go to the zoo to find them.
● Go to the zoo
● Wait at the hotel

2-5 Child in Danger [2]

If you selected Go to the zoo in 2-4:

It’s too risky for us to try to save those children right now. We should watch and wait before
deciding on what to do next.
● Save the children now → Ending: A Sacrifice for the Greater Good [1]
● Watch and wait [1*]
2-6 Danger at Hand [2]

No choices

If you selected Bribe him in 2-3→ Ending: Wrongfully Imprisoned [1]

If you selected Protest in 2-3, you can proceed to 2-7 [1]

Album 4 “A Close Call”

2-7 Derby Kid [1]

Text display when a choice needs to be made

● We're just strolling
● We're looking for Marion Hedgepeth

2-8 Rooftop at Night [1]

To unlock, select Investigate Holmes’ hotel in 2-1

Chamberlin sneers as if we were a big joke.

● Scowl at him
● Put him in his place

Album 5 “Chicago at Night”

2-9 Murder Castle [2]

Edith, what should we do?

● Run back the way we came [1]
● Pretend to be lost guests → Ending: Lesson Not Learned [1]

2-10 Murder Castle II [2]

No choices

If you selected ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite in 1-3 → Ending:
Lesson Not Learned [1]

If you selected ...the Whitechapel Club sounds interesting in 1-3 and visited the
Whitechapel club in 1-6, you can proceed to 2-11 [1]
2-11 Whitechapel Club [1]

We should go to…
● Connelly University School of Medicine
● The Jewelry store

2-12 Getting Evidence [1]

No choices

2-13 Brand New Life [1]

He’s frowning and drawing something on a piece of paper. He doesn’t look up at me.
● Take the initiative to greet him
● Wait until he’s finished

2-14 Nosedive [3]

Everything’s going to be okay, Claudia. There are so many people who want to take care of
you, and… oh, what else should I tell you?
● *Holmes has been sentenced to death [1]
● You'll get better soon → Ending: A New Chapter [1]

*This option only works if you selected Thank him but refuse in 1-2, Accept his offer in 1-5,
and Say he behaved inappropriately in 1-7, otherwise → Ending: Evil Revealed [1]

Album 6 “Acknowledged by the Best”

2-15 Joshua’s Secret [2]

To unlock this stage, select Thank him but refuse in 1-2, Accept his offer in 1-5, Say he
behaved inappropriately in 1-7, and Holmes has been sentenced to death in 2-14

(If I go to the police, they’ll have no reason to believe me.)

● Grab the gun → Ending: Sacrifice Yourself [1]
● Think of another way → Ending: Good Triumphs Over Evil [1]
All Endings

Premature Death 1-3: ...this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite
Play 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6
1-7: Say he behaved inappropriately → Accept

Playing it Safe 1-10: Let Grandpa Snowball handle it

Walking into a Trap 1-13: Holmes is likely a murderer

Wrongfully Note: Both endings must be obtained for the 100% badge
Imprisoned Option 1
2-1: Track Holmes → He’s committed a crime

Option 2
2-3: Bribe him
2-4: Wait at the hotel OR Go to the zoo
2-5: Watch and wait (if you go to the zoo in 2-4)
Play 2-6

A Sacrifice for the 2-4: Go to the zoo

Greater Good 2-5: Save the children now

Lesson Not Learned Note: Both endings must be obtained for the 100% badge
Option 1
2-1: Investigate Holmes’ hotel
2-9: Pretend to be lost guests

Option 2
1-3: ....this woman is truly odd, but I should be polite
Play 1-6
2-1: Investigate Holmes’ hotel
2-9: Run back the way we came
Play 2-10

A New Chapter 2-14: You'll get better soon

Evil Revealed Option 1
1-2: Give him Claudia’s address
2-14: Holmes has been sentenced to death

Option 2
1-5: Politely decline
2-14: Holmes has been sentenced to death

Option 3
1-7: Say he is always polite
2-14: Holmes has been sentenced to death

Sacrifice Yourself 1-2: Thank him but refuse

1-5: Accept his offer
1-7: Say he behaved inappropriately
2-14: Holmes has been sentenced to death
2-15: Grab the gun

Good Triumphs 1-2: Thank him but refuse

Over Evil 1-5: Accept his offer
1-7: Say he behaved inappropriately
2-14: Holmes has been sentenced to death
2-15: Think of another way

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