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Simple Machines

Instructions: Match each word with its description.

1. Simple Machine. ________ A. A rigid bar which is placed on a support called a fulcrum

2. Wedge ________ B. This machine has one or more slanting surfaces and can be used to
cut things or push things apart more easily.
3. Inclined Plane ________

4. Pulley ________ C. This machine has a rope and a wheel and axle. When we pull down
on the rope, we lift the object that is attached to it.
5. Wheel and axle ________
D. This machine is made up of a flat, slanting surface.
6. Screw ________

7. Lever ________ E. This machine is an inclined plane that goes around a cylinder or
cone; It is used to hold things together or lift objects.

F. This machine has a wheel or wheels which revolve around an axle.

It is used to move things across the ground more easily.

G. Objects with few or no moving parts that are used to reduce the
amount of force we need to apply to complete a task

Instructions: Identify the type of simple machine in each picture.

Classes of Levers
Levers can be classified by the position of the three key elements: the fulcrum (F), the load
(L) and the place where the effort or force takes place (E). There are three classes of
Instructions: Label the key elements of each class of lever: the fulcrum (F), the load (L)
and the force or effort (E).

Instructions: Identify the class of lever (write 1, 2 or 3).

______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______

1 2 3

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