The Effects of Digital Videos On The Creative Writing Skills

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A Thesis
Present to the College of Arts and Sciences
Calapan Campus
Masipit,Calapan City ,Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Major In AB English Language


Maravilla, Ailee
Carandang, Angel
Sena, Gelly Joy
Valentin, Shaira Mae

January __, 2022



Introduction/Nature and Importance of the Study 1-2
Statement of the Problem 5
Scope, Delimitation and Limitation 5-6
Significance of the Study 6-7
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 7-9
Definition of Terms 9-10


Foreign Literature 11-13
Local Literature 13-16
Foreign Study 16-19
Local Study 19-22


Research Design 24
Research Locale 24
Respondents of the Study 24
Sampling Technique 24
Research Instrument 24
Scaling and Quantification 27
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure 25
Statistical Treatment of Data 25



The daily routines are changing more quickly than ever. More
technological progress was made in the first two decades of the 20th century
than in the entire 19th century. Even more quickly is predicted for the twenty-first
century. At the current rate, we will make the equivalent of 20,000 years' worth of
advancement in the first 100 years of this century.

The use of video in the classroom is becoming more prevalent today. Both
teachers and students use video in creative ways for learning. Video usage will
continue to increase for the foreseeable future. The increasing availability of
technology and faster internet connections are the key factors behind this growth.
Digital video is more accessible and easier to record, and it also has some
advantages that extend its value beyond information transmission. According to
the rise in journal articles and conference presentations on the subject (Pace &
Jones, 2016), some teachers and teacher educators have also become more
receptive to its application in the classroom. Instead of being a collection of still
images acquired on film, digital video (DV) is a video that is recorded in a digital
format as ones and zeroes.

Teachers are learning that they can actively involve students by asking
them to watch, respond to a question, or analyze a message as they improve
their technological pedagogical topic knowledge, particularly in digital video. It is
possible to analyze video, sometimes even in conjunction with other interactive
measurement tools. In addition to creating their movies, students can also use
digital video to communicate their learning. This type of pedagogy can be used in
various ways depending on the subject being taught. For instance, in certain
subjects, teachers can utilize video to engage students in a variety of ways.

One of the most extensively accepted forms of technology that we see
today is the use of video in education. Digital technologies are influencing
student writing in a variety of ways. According to many teachers, digital tools can
promote various forms of personal expression, which is very helpful for students
who may not be comfortable with writing in formal form. These tools can also
encourage students to be more creative. They believe that the increasing variety
of digital tools can help students express their opinions more easily. According to
Purcell, Judy Buchanan and Linda Friedrich (2013) Many professors also believe
that the traditional writing style has been removed from children's minds due to
the use of digital technologies. They also discuss the particular difficulties
associated with teaching writing in the digital age, such as the "creep" of informal
language into official writing tasks and the requirement to raise student
awareness of concerns like plagiarism and fair use. Additionally, many Advance
Placement (AP) and National Writing Project (NWP) teachers noted that digital
tools promote personal expression in a variety of ways, not just "writing," which
benefits students who might otherwise find it difficult to express themselves in
written form and encourages those who are already comfortable with self-
expression to be even more inventive. These educators contend that the wide
variety of self-expression options available now makes it easier and more
accessible for pupils to express their opinions. Many professors have observed
that the "scary" element of "formal writing" is removed for many children by the
use of digital technologies.

The focus of this study is to identify the level of creative writing skills of AB
English. Also, to know if there is a significant difference between the students’s
creative writing skills before and after introducing digital learning techniques.
Lastly, what videos that can be used to improve students' creative writing.
Research gap- a question or problem that has not been studied at all and has not
been answered by any existing studies.


Blackboards were replaced with digital boards for classroom use in the
21st century, and teacher-centered traditional methods were replaced by
student-centered digital communication methods. Social media, mobile devices,
and computers all play important roles in education. Digital learning provides the
door for students who rely only on limited resources to communicate and study
with a variety of materials, in contrast to the traditional classroom technique
which is supposed to have limited ways of communication between Teacher-
Student. Technology and basic digital skills adaptation make learning and
information exploration easier for students. Students that have a positive outlook
and are motivated to learn better academically and engage in active learning.
Family support and involvement in this digital learning are essential.

Kwood and Price (2013), look at how technology affects learning. After
reviewing the literature, they conclude that teachers tend to favor technology-
and teacher-led approaches over learning- and student-led ones. Inquiry and
evidence, as well as reflection on one's teaching style and learning experiences
in light of their context, would all be part of a scholarly approach to investigating
the effects of technology on learning. There is no doubt that technology has
drastically changed schooling over the past few years. Students now have more
resources at their disposal than ever for academic writing because of the internet
and digital learning. But it has also had some detrimental effects on their writing.
Digital tools are viewed as a learning shortcut because, according to one school
of thinking, today's pupils are far less patient than their forebears. That is evident
in what they write. According to educator Peter Finlay, "kids today aren't willing to
think about their themes in a more extended approach."

According to Rodriguez, Frey, Dawson, Lieu, and Rotzhaupt (2012),
creating a video requires not only greater comprehension but also higher levels
of cognitive processing to be able to explain a subject to peers. Through the
activity of using student-created video input, learners advance from novice to
expert by reading, understanding, analyzing, and creating.

Digital technologies, according to the majority of AP and NWP teachers in

the study, can broaden the audience for students' writing, foster creativity and
individual expression in a variety of formats, and provide additional chances for
collaboration, engagement, and feedback. Together, these three effects of digital
technologies, according to many teachers, make writing for many students more
relevant and less daunting while also inspiring greater devotion to and personal
engagement in what they write.

The platforms for watching videos are common, simple to use, and rich in
educational videos, which makes them useful for an educational system.
According to this study, using movies and other digital media for effective
learning, processing, and memory retrieval offers many benefits. The
effectiveness of such a learning technique is evident because pupils naturally
digest the knowledge that is taught to them through the videos. Because of
today's world's improved internet technology, which gives an inefficient means to
access any kind of digital media through numerous websites and platforms,
digital technology is both affordable and readily available to every student (Lim,


The study aims to determine the effects of digital videos on students'

creative writing skills. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following research

1. What is the level of creative writing skills of Second year AB English

Language students before the introduction of digital learning techniques in terms
1.1. Narrative writing
1.2. Persuasive writing
2. What is the level of creative writing skills of Second year AB English
Language students after the introduction of digital learning techniques in terms
2.1. Narrative writing
2.2. Persuasive writing
3. Is there a significant difference between the level of creative writing of
Second year AB major in English Language students before and after the
introduction of digital techniques?
4. What supplementary videos could be used to improve students' creative
writing skills?
H: There is no significant difference in creative writing skills before and
after introducing digital learning techniques.

In general, the focus of this study is directed toward the effects of digital
video on students' creative writing skills. The study is largely dependent on the
honesty, sincerity, and integrity of the respondents.

This study aims to determine the effects of digital learning techniques on

the student's level of creative writing skills. Also, to propose possible solutions
and improvements regarding this problem. This study will be conducted at
Mindoro State University Calapan City Campus. Each respondent is given the

same questionnaire through online platforms by conducting implementation. The
main source of data will be the questionnaire, which is prepared by the
researchers. And this study focuses on the current AB-English second-year
student of the present school year, 2022-2023.

Primarily, the sample size requires a large number of respondents which

has different outcomes and interpretations of the AB-English second-year
student's results from the survey. Second, another limitation of this study is that it
is time-consuming and requires huge resources of data analysis. Lastly, there is
a lack of previous research studies related to the topic and different methods,
instruments, and techniques used to collect the data. Recommendations for
future research would be to collaborate with content expert librarians to ensure
search parameters are inclusive of disciplines and databases.


The results and the study itself would benefit the following group of
individuals: students, instructors, institutions, and future researchers.

For students - This study would foster increased proficiency in digital literacy
and communication. Also, it can help to improve the students in terms of their
creative writing skills. The output of this research would benefit students as it
would serve as a guide for learning information about creative writing.

For instructors - As for the instructors, this study and the output result would
help them with a new strategy of teaching and they will know the advantages of
using videos or digital learning techniques for the course discussion. It could be a
supplemental tool in guiding each learner toward learning creative writing skills.

For institutions - This study would foster new means of nurturing students’
knowledge, skills, and character thus molding them to be globally competitive
graduates which would manifest the performance of the institutions themselves.
This would help the institutions to be more flexible and empower the digital
learning technique.

For Future Researchers - This would help future researchers who might
conduct the same study. The information might this study may give insight into
the new learning strategies. This may serve as a guide, reference, and basis
while conducting related from their research.



Digital media literacy is critical for the production of effective digital

artefacts. Arguably, the effectiveness is contingent upon how well messages are
communicated to the intended audience (Carroll, 2014; Malamed, 2015). This
paper pro- poses a digital media framework to articulate the skills required to
produce effective digital media. As an example, a digital media company will be
the typical setting of production where digital media is conceptualized, designed,
created and deployed online. The digital media literacies framework (DMLF) is
composed of three domains: (1) conceptual, (2) functional and (3) audio-visual
(Figure 1). Each domain has a set of related skills which must be understood and
applied to ensure the production of an effective digital artifact. Conceptual
Domain Conceptual skills are the collection of aptitudes that enable a person to
visualize concepts, see patterns, comprehend abstract concepts, solve issues,

formulate procedures, and comprehend the relationships between systems,
programs, and ideas (Carroll, 2014). The ability to adapt content to particular
types of digital media falls under the category of conceptual abilities in the
production of digital media (Kindem and Musburger, 2012). For instance, a
student would need to look for, analyze, and comprehend pertinent current
literature, exercise creativity, and translate the information effectively to match
the medium in order to create an animation. The DMLF will refer to the capacity
to find, classify, analyze, and comprehend information as well as to think critically
and creatively to inform the content of digital media artifacts.

Functional Domain According to Buckingham et al. (2008), the functional

domain is connected to computer use. These talents include audio recording and
editing, digital photography, using image and graphics modification software,
online authoring tools, animation software, video recording, editing, and
production, 3D creation, and others in a digital media production setting. Horizon
Project at NMC (Alexander et al., 2016) Audio-Visual Domain Visual literacy
refers to the abilities that allow a person to comprehend (read) and make use of
(write) visuals to convey a message to an audience. It is a field of study with a
vast body of literature. There was a description of an analogy that put out two
concepts between verbal and visual literacy. It is expected of a visually literate
person to be able to read (decode) and write (encode) visual language because
visuals are a language used to convey a message. From the perspective of
creating digital media, visual design and composition principles are connected to
visual literacy. Making good visual communications requires adherence to these
standards. The "audio-visual" domain has to do with using audio and digital
media concepts understanding to create efficient digital artifacts. The artifacts
may only be auditory, like podcasts, or visual, like poster elements, or they could
be both, like videos. Layout design, color theory, typography, and the use of
images to convey messages are all part of the audio-visual domain. Other
components include audio quality, sound effects, and editing (Hashimoto and

Clayton, 2009). This domain also includes transitions, timing, the rule of thirds,
video shoots, and visual design concepts (Kimball, 2013).

There are many different definitions of digital literacies from the

perspectives of numerous academic disciplines. The technical, visual, behavioral,
critical, and social abilities needed to use modern technologies to learn,
communicate, interact, and contribute in the digital realm are collectively referred
to as digital literacies in this research. The articulation of the DMLF is this paper's
primary contribution. In this essay, the DMLF is examined from the standpoint of
production for higher education teaching and learning. The three domains that
make up the DMLF are conceptual, functional, and audio-visual. The case
studies and practical example show how the interdependence of the disciplines is
fundamental to the production of professional digital media. Designers are
familiar with this information naturally because they have worked in the industry
for many years (Kimball, 2013). The approach provided in this study offers a way
for educators to scaffold their students' acquisition of digital media literacy.


The level of creative writing The level of creative writing

skills of Second year AB skills of Second year AB
major in English Language major in English Language
students before the students after the
introduction of digital introduction of digital
learning techniques learning techniques
students students
Narrative writing Narrative writing
Persuasive writing Persuasive writing
---------- ----------

Supplementary videos

Figure 1. Hypothesize difference between variables of the study


To comprehend the study better, the following terms are conceptually and
operationally defined.

Creative Writing Skills – It refers to writing that is all about using your
imagination and creativity to express ideas and thoughts in a way which is
personal. In this study, this refers to of creative writing of second year students
taking Bachelor of Arts in English Language after the introduction of digital
learning techniques in terms of narrative and persuasive writing.

Creative writing- It refers to the incorporation of the practices of creative
ideas, as it provides the researcher and learner with a unique insight and
reflection. In this study, this refers to the level of creative writing of second year
students taking Bachelor of Arts in English Language after the introduction of
digital learning techniques in terms of narrative and exploratory writing.

Digital Learning Techniques- It refers to learning method based on the

use of new digital tools to enable learners to learn in a different way, whether it
be face-to-face, distance learning (asynchronous or synchronous) or blended
learning. In this study, this refers to digital learning techniques that
instructors/professors in MinSU utilized to enable second year students taking
Bachelor of Arts in English Language to learn.

Digital Videos – It refers to an audio/visual content in a binary format,

with information is presented as a sequence of digital data rather than in a
continuous signal as analog information is. In this study, this refers to digital
videos that teachers used as a learning material.

Narrative writing- It refers to a technique used by researchers to better

understand how research participants create narratives from their own
experiences. In this study, this refers to the level of creative writing of second
year students taking Bachelor of Arts in English Language after the introduction
of digital learning techniques in terms of exploratory writing.

Persuasive Writing- It refers to an argumentative essay that uses logic

and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another. It attempts to
persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.
In this study, this refers to the level of creative writing of second year students
taking Bachelor of Arts in English Language after the introduction of digital
learning techniques in terms of persuasive writing.

Supplementary Videos - It refers to video clips may improve lecture

organization and presentation in order. To achieve effective teaching and

learning. In this study, this refers to the supplementary videos that the
researchers proposed to develop for second year students taking Bachelor of
Arts in English Language.



This chapter primarily presents the different research and other literature
from both foreign and local researchers, which have significant bearings on the
variables included in the research. It focuses on several aspects that will help in
the development of this study. The study is generally discussing the effects of
digital video on students’ creative writing. The literature of this study comes from
the internet, journals, articles, electronic materials such as PDF or E-Book, and
other existing theses and dissertations, foreign and local that are believed to be
useful in the concerned study.
Digital Videos

More videos will be used in classes as a result of the shifting landscape of

higher education. Considering the introduction of the "flipped classroom," one of
the challenges of teaching in (or out of) the university classroom is the most
significant advancement in higher education over the previous ten years (so
named because it reverses teaching strategies in higher education are reversed).
Rather than the customary lecture followed by class, Students watch videos to
familiarize themselves in advance with the lecture subject and attend a face-to-
face session following the video's viewing. This is a recent phenomenon that
relies largely on video as a medium, and one that is sparking a quick expansion
of this field's research. The fact that most of the study is done in the United
States shows that considering this educational strategy, the nation may be

setting the bar (Uzunboylu and Karagözlü, 2017). Another idea that has surfaced
in recent years and works well with video is that of mixed education (the
combination of multimedia resources and traditional classroom methods).

Implementing a video-based learning approach is an effective tool to help

implement distance learning modalities as the learner sees the teacher as if they
were teaching in a real environment. This also improves your visual and auditory
skills as you focus on the video-based instruction of your lessons. However,
there are still some challenges that hinder the implementation of this innovation,
such as internet connectivity and the socioeconomic status of learners. The
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced education ministries to adopt
and implement flexible models of blended learning. According to Anzaldo (2021),
the department employs the following modalities: modular (print), modular
(digitized), online, educational television, radio-based instruction, homeschooling,
and blended learning that allows the learning process to continue. . We will not
put their health at risk while we continue to fight the pandemic. Anzaldo (2021)
also states that it is urban students can benefit most from the establishment of
online learning. Implement modular distance learning where students in rural and
rural areas where internet connectivity is scarce can continue learning with
teacher-created modules. According to a study by Gold et al. Al. (2020), a study
found that reviewing videos of oneself and unknown teachers had the greatest
positive effect on professional vision, whereas analyzing one's lessons from
memory was associated with there was a big advantage in professional vision
and multifaceted perspectives over researching.

According to Xiaoci Yang (2022), digital teaching can be used to rebuild

creative writing abilities and assess how well they have improved since adopting
digital technology. According to this essay, the two components of creative
writing that are most essential are creativity and writing ability. The four main
components of creativity are fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.
Learning to write creatively fosters the growth of writing in all of its forms and

enhances a writer's creative process. Using the numerous instruments of digital
technology, creative writing can be efficiently learnt and taught. Digital learning
technology offers a variety of delivery options to develop students' skills and
enhance their capacity for creativity. It is advantageous for both teachers and
students. Digital technology, whether it is in communication, education, or
creative writing, is causing a dramatic transformation in nearly every part of
people's life. We are now more reliant on technology as a result of the various
changes it brought about. Knowing the latest developments in digital technology
is crucial since the 21st century is known as the "digital era," in which digital
teaching and learning remain commonplace. Using digital tools to enhance
teaching and learning is what is commonly referred to as "digital education."
Although the presentation style in this instance may be different from the
conventional approach, the fundamental concept of teaching and learning is still
present. It is possible to obtain and use the wealth of knowledge when teaching
or learning using digital technologies. Research has shown that after using
lecture videos students tend to feel they have an enhanced understanding of
content, and some studies have indicated better learning outcomes as evidenced
by improved grades.

According to Reimer, 2022), recent research shows that learning

continuity during the height of the pandemic was dependent not only on the
availability of online communication technologies and resources but also on the
augmented capacities of students to learn independently. According to studies
from a research perspective, online instructional videos are productive for
supporting learning for many diverse learning demographic groups. For example,
students learning science in school in a second language (e.g. ELL students) find
value in that they can access automatically generated subtitles for most major
languages. This, coupled with pause and rewind, supports learning with added
benefits of improving English listening, writing, and speaking skills.

Videos also offer opportunities for students to learn from content experts
from diverse racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. For these students,
educational videos can serve to supplement instruction. Videos also offer
opportunities for students to learn from content experts from diverse
backgrounds and teaching styles. The impact of video and written feedback on
student preferences of English speaking practice. Another form of feedback
practice is video feedback, which emerged during the rapid development of
learning technologies. Among studies on the influence of video feedback on
English as a Foreign language (EFL) students.

(Chi et al.,2017) point out, that observing tutorial dialogues makes

information about appropriate learning behaviors available, which is thought to
help student observers model, adapt and develop their learning skills, such
behaviors include elaborating, providing self-explanations, and the ability to
discuss sophisticated issues. According to the studies of Gia Lenn M. Mendoza
(2015) from the College of Nursing, Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Benguet, Philippines. The use of video presentations to aid in student learning
has a high level of efficacy. Educational videos are frequently used by teachers
and even students to help them learn, compare, and comprehend ideas. The
utilization of video to fulfill the demands of today's and tomorrow's learners is still
in its infancy. Videos have long been used in education. It was suggested that
videos are useful for fostering information literacy, with the effectiveness of video
lectures measured by a student poll. Students' creativity and teamwork are
enhanced by video-based learning resources. Having access to the video can
encourage students and provide a unique setting for their educational
experience. It has been determined how these educational videos could be used
to aid in exam revision by examining the effectiveness of using podcasts as
teaching resources.

According to Kazanidis & Iliopoulou, 2019), therefore, teachers in schools

and universities are increasingly being urged to adopt video instructional

approaches in their teaching and to also instill the skill of learning through video
in their students. Empirical studies on the case of using videos report that videos
are a powerful medium for presenting educational material, expert
demonstrations, giving and revisiting lectures, and unfolding complicated
scenarios. (Leonard, 2015) states that, as cognitive science has it, images and
audio data if given simultaneously complement each other and assist in making
sense of the learning material. According to Mohammed, Wakil &Nawroly, 2018),
digital micro L&T is what is called a just-in-time, on-demand, bite-sized form of
information delivery that appears to be a new nature of the way people learn.

According to Islamic Institute of Surakarta, 2017) the video and textbook

are media that can be used to support teaching learning process in the
classroom. Both of them can be used by teacher to convey the material to the
students. The students who were taught using video has higher score in
procedure text writing than the students who were taught by using textbooks. The
researcher concludes that using video is effective to teach procedure text writing.

The advantages of using video in writing narrative text the students can
apply the use of simple past tense in context, and they can organize their ideas
by using correct grammar, in this case simple past tense, good mechanics, and
rich vocabulary. Using video had a lot of fun, and can be adapted to a variety of
writing experiences. The researcher found out the means score of student in
experimental group in pre-test was 70, 72 and 76, 00 in posttest. This evidence
indicated that teaching writing to the students by using video was successful. It
gave positive effect to the students in writing. Students were better in writing
especially in aspect of writing. Then, the highest score in pretest was 86 and 85
in posttest. The lowest score was 63 in pretest and post-test. Standard deviations
were 5, 38 in pretest and 6, 54 in post-test.

Persuasive Writing 

Persuasive writing is one specific genre of expository writing, and in

comparison to other writing genres, persuasive writing is a complex task.

Difficulties of persuasive writing are represented more in students' little
experience of reading persuasive texts. But critical thinking, which is one of the
main reasons for teaching persuasive writing, requires careful consideration of
different perspectives. Persuasive writing involves taking a position and
defending it through writing. The quality of persuasive writing depends to a large
extent on the quality of the evidence offered to support a claim. One explanation
for the difficulty in composing persuasive text is the need for anticipating the
attitudes, beliefs, and arguments of the audience without dialogic feedback. In
order to give students an authentic opportunity to write and to increase self-
expression and encourage learners, the instructor must design a demanding
situation in which dispute is a natural component of classroom conversation. 

Additionally, persuasive writing is a difficult communicative activity that

necessitates the writer to possess adequate subject knowledge as well as
"perspective-taking skills," which include the capacity to balance opposing points
of view and oral language proficiency. Because effective persuasive writing
requires organizing discourse by building argumentation structure through a
series of ideas, it presents linguistic difficulties for many adolescents. The
academic persuasive text, in fact, merely goes beyond expressing feelings or
taking acts in response to actual events and requires writers to illustrate positions
towards particular issues.

According to the studies, the highest to lowest levels of persuasive

writing ability can be determined. The teacher-created Alternative Viewpoints
prompts in SPAWN encourage students to express and discuss their
perspectives with classmates. Reading integration into writing enhances
students' writing abilities and the overall caliber of written output. Students' ability
to select precise phrases to support persuasive writing is improved by studying
persuasive literature. They are able to identify a range of well-developed
sentence structures, as well as accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation, in
the reading materials by using this approach. Students were given a prompt as

part of the SPAWN method that asked them to change any feature of the text
and then explain the effects of their decision. Students demonstrated their
capacity to generate alternatives, ideas, and examples relevant to the
conversation while also weighing other points of view objectively and rationally.
The SPAWN method encourages students to respond imaginatively and
creatively to readings in order to demonstrate their understanding. Students can
also use it to write down a synthesis of their existing knowledge and another
material (Alkthery and Alqaiawi, 2020).

Narrative Writing Skills

According to (Sari, N., A., Fahrurrozi, F., Sumantri, M., S. (2019) Audio-
visual media is a type of media used in learning activities involving both hearing
and vision. Some audio-visual media are films, videos, television programs (TV),
and others. Audio-visual phrases are a combination of two English words, audio
and visual. Audio means relating to hearing or sound. While visuals are all things
related to the sense of sight. So, by using audio-visual media, it is hoped that in
addition to being able to facilitate the teacher when providing material skilled in
writing narratives, it will also be an inspiration/inspiration to facilitate students in
pouring their ideas into writing. Especially, with the help of laptops and LCDs
(Liquid Crystal Display) the teacher and students will more clearly see pictures or
video shows, to develop their potential or knowledge and narrative writing skills.
Of course, before writing a narration, one must consider the thoughts that will be
conveyed to the reader. Next, decide how to portray or express the thought in an
ordered set of sentences. The sequence of writing tasks, which begins with
gathering ideas and ends with producing text, is a process, specifically a
continuous writing process. The process will take longer and be more
complicated to describe as you add more concepts to the mix.

Utilization of Video Media With the advancement of science and
technology, there is already a pressing need for educational media, particularly
video (or audiovisual) media. This is because learning is a difficult process.
There are many learning objectives that are challenging to meet if you solely rely
on the teacher's explanation. As a result, it's essential to use media, including
video media, to ensure that learning achieves its full potential. Learning videos
are media that are methodically created based on the relevant curriculum and
apply learning concepts in their creation so that the program enables students to
make the learning content more approachable and engaging. The instructional
video is a learning program packed on a videocassette and presented using VTR
(Video Tape Recorder) or VCD (Video Compact Disc) players and TV monitors.

Creative Writing

According to Alviano, Oktawati (2021) they said that it creates rather

than receives a language. Creativity is, in general, defined by Salvi and Bowden
(2016) as the ability to come up with new ideas is amazing, understandable, and
somewhat valuable. Creativity is essential for innovation and delivery (Vally,
Salloum et al. 2019). According to Parks,Schueller ( 2013)writing is not just a
way to express happiness, it is a way to learn and teach others. Creative writing,
when used as an application assignment in a literary lesson, seems to attract
students’ investment to the academic process. It creates a venue through which
students can apply their growing knowledge of literary elements into their own
writing. In return, they can apply knowledge they discover in their writing to
broader works or movements of literature. This experience helps students to
more clearly identify literary devices and techniques when analyzing literature.
While creative writing practices are useful in understanding literary conventions
and devices, it may also be a beneficial way to create a personal investment in
learning. The creation of original work in a classroom setting is relevant to
students and their lives. It offers an intimate and open environment that
encourages original thinking and expression.

According to Gaunt and Stott (2018) students should read about how
others did it first, and teachers should provide students with a giving and
compelling study guide as a written resource. "To learn to write, you have to
repeat the action as often as a musician or dancer does," he added. According to
James and Brookfield (2014), everyone acquires the ability to be creative; the
challenge is to allow ourselves to be open to it. He explained there are many
keys to remember when writing creatively: curiosity, passion, determination,
awareness, energy, sensitivity, an attentive ear, and a keen eye. The following
are the most effective methods for encouraging students to write creatively: First,
teachers must provide clear instructions, procedures, and methods for writing
processes. Second, students must write regularly in all subjects. as well as to
help students to achieve their intended goals and improve their results. Third,
teachers should provide examples of inspiring essays in all target subjects.
Fourth, students are sometimes confused with needs that vary from subject to
subject. As a result, teachers must continue writing. The fifth technique is for the
teacher to instruct the students to review and correct their writing to improve the
accuracy of their work, which is essential for future writing progress. The last
technique is for the teacher to provide appropriate written information about the
student's mistakes to enhance the students' writing skills. Feedback is very
important in correcting students' mistakes.

Writing Skills

According to studies published by Jared P. Manalastas (2021), from

Philippine Science High School-Central Luzon Campus, using a variety of online
and electronic tools can enhance students' creative writing skills and prepare
them for autonomous study. As a result, there are numerous opportunities for
writing both in the classroom and at home. In the modern world, there is a huge
need and desire for people to communicate their ideas and views both orally and
in writing. Today, using social media and interacting in writing is something that
millions of people do regularly. Students create written writings in a certain

language that are linguistically specific as well as socially and culturally
connected. In many academic topics, students' major method of demonstrating
their knowledge, abilities, and competence is through writing.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines places a

high priority on encouraging students to develop creative abilities that will
enhance their capacity for lifelong learning. This necessitates the creation of
educational materials and other movies that may be used as tools to help
students master the ideas and techniques of many disciplines. To encourage
instructors to create cutting-edge resources that would improve the teaching-
learning process, CHED has financed some projects. This effort, however, falls
short of meeting its immediate needs. It's necessary to make provisions for a
more flexible solution. Due to the growing creation of online-available educational
videos, there is currently growing interest in authenticating them for authentic
learning. It is necessary to make provisions for a more flexible solution. Due to
the growing number of educational videos being produced and made available
online, there is a growing interest in certifying them for authentic learning.
However, no literature discusses the proper instrument to evaluate the reliability
of the created video. To address the changing demands of the students in this
profession, the creation of educational resources like comics or videos may be a
useful platform. Therefore, a window of opportunity exists to increase the skills of
secondary students in the 21st century by leveraging the creation and validation
of innovative educational resources. Additionally, this can give teachers a flexible
method to support students' learning in their preferences or requirements.

One of the readily apparent skills that are used is writing ability. to
determine the degree of knowledge and skill of the students. Mastering it
requires a lot of deliberate effort. Bulqiyah et al. claim that Al., (2021), the issues
Following are some categories for writing students in tertiary education: issues
with cognition, teaching languages, and affective issues as well as linguistic
issues in the writing process domain of lexicography, vocabulary, and essay

structure. These elements of academic writing need to be taken seriously.
English is seen by both students and teachers as to get around issues and learn
a foreign language. Conducting writing exercises helps improve the student's
writing abilities.

The act of self-editing and modification promotes student independence

and improves writing abilities (Sangeetha, 2020). After excellent instructor
modeling, students can learn independently. Because the current curriculum is
student-centered, curriculum developers, school administrators, and teachers
collaborate to develop innovative interventions and different types of scaffolding.
Focus Depending on their area of study, students may or may not have a
favorable attitude toward language. Students studying business, tourism, and
communication are expected to use the language precisely. The opposite is true
for students studying the humanities and economics, who are exposed to English
reading and writing (Akay & Toraman, 2015). The topic is determined by the
variety of knowledge that pupils already have. According to Zhang (2019), the
students overcame their dread of writing a discourse by following a zigzag
trajectory. They can use information from internet sites, actively evaluate
discourse, and effectively formulate their work.

Furthermore, based on the research studies, the usage of numerous gear

to be had online and digital sources can help and enrich students' innovative
writing abilities toward impartial mastering. The findings show that instructors can
develop technologically packaged materials in creative writing on the bases of
college students' current interests, wishes, scores, and curriculum content
material as prescribed by using the department of education. Listening to audio
files, manipulating digital resources, and playing digital video games can
preserve college students’ knowledge and hobby of writing creatively. Digitalized
substances can be a useful resource for study room practice particular in creative
writing magnificence which includes songs, movies, photos, weblogs, websites,
video manufacturing tools, simulation, media sharing sites, social media systems,

and different digital sources. Surprisingly, digitalized substances can make
contribute one similarly the innovative writing competencies of HUMSS students.
The packaged materials are pedagogically and developmentally congruent based
totally on their content, instructional and technical elements. Consequently, the
digitalized materials are powerful to complement getting to know and enhance
the innovative writing competencies of the HUMSS students. The use of
digitalized materials facilitates the enhancement of the innovative writing talents
of HUMSS college students. This examination gives information and evidence to
the public concerning the integration of digitalized instructional techniques and
substances in teaching innovative writing. There is a huge distinction between
the pre-test and post-take a look at the consequences of the participant as
shown via advanced suggested rankings of the topics. Instructors can address
the troubles of integrating technology into the curriculum with the aid of utilizing
the TPACK version to ensure the development and progress of writing abilities
among 21st-century rookies (Manalastas, 2020).


The aforementioned compilation of both foreign and local studies shows

that the suggested studies are extremely pertinent to be discussed. It has been
noted that using digital video in the classroom has proven beneficial for both
teachers and students inside the classroom. The introduction of the "flipped
classroom" is the most significant advancement in higher education over the last
ten years. Students watch videos to familiarize themselves in advance with the
lecture subject and attend a face-to-face session following the video's viewing.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced education ministries to
adopt flexible models of blended learning. The use of video presentations to aid
in student learning has a high level of efficacy. Videos also offer opportunities for
students to learn from content experts from diverse racial, ethnic, and linguistic
backgrounds. Students' creativity and teamwork are enhanced by video-based
learning resources. Teachers are increasingly being urged to adopt video

instructional approaches in their teaching. The students who were taught using
video has higher score in procedure text writing than those who used textbooks.
Using video had a lot of fun, and can be adapted to a variety of writing

According to Parks,Schueller ( 2013)writing is not just a way to express

happiness, it is a way to learn and teach others. It is used as an application
assignment in a literary lesson and seems to attract students` investment to the
academic process. It creates a venue through which students can apply their
growing knowledge of literary elements into their own writing. In return, they can
apply knowledge they discover in their writing to broader works or movements of
literature. This experience helps students to more clearly identify literary devices
and techniques when analyzing literature. According to Gaunt and Stott (2018)
students should read about how others did it first, and teachers should provide
students with a giving and compelling study guide as a written resource.
According to James and Brookfield (2014), everyone acquires the ability to be
creative; the challenge is to allow ourselves to be open to it. The following are the
most effective methods for encouraging students to write creatively: First,
teachers must provide clear instructions, procedures, and methods for writing
processes. as well as to help students to achieve their intended goals and
improve their results. Third, teachers should provide examples of inspiring
essays in all target subjects. The fifth technique is for the teacher to instruct the
students to review and correct their writing to improve the accuracy of their work,
which is essential for future writing progress. The last technique is for the teacher
to provide appropriate written information about the student`s mistakes to
enhance the student's mistakes.

According to Alkthery and Alqaiawi (2020), persuasive writing involves

taking a position and defending it through writing. Difficulties of persuasive writing
are represented more in students' little experience of reading persuasive texts.
Critical thinking, which is one of the main reasons for teaching persuasive writing,

requires careful consideration of different perspectives. The SPAWN method
encourages students to respond imaginatively and creatively to readings in order
to demonstrate their understanding. Reading integration into writing enhances
students' writing abilities and the overall caliber of written output. Students are
able to identify a range of well-developed sentence structures, as well as
accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation, from reading materials.




This study will use a non-experimental, quantitative research design

known as a descriptive, comparative design. The basic purpose of these designs
is to determine the difference between the level of creative writing skills before
and after introducing digital learning techniques.

Descriptive comparative provide explanation about the extent differences

between two or more variables (Ariola 2006). The most important distinctions
between these comparative designs are: (a) no manipulation of the predictor
variable, (b) no random assignment to groups, and (c) a comparison group. The
researcher will examine the differences between the level of creative writing skills
before and after introducing digital learning techniques, including the differences
of the two variables.


This study will be conducted at Mindoro State University. The researchers

selected the 2nd year of Ab English. This place was selected to know the effect
of Digital videos on the student's creative writing skills. The researchers will use
Google forms in conducting an essay question.


The respondents of the study are 79 second-year AB-English students at

Mindoro State University Calapan City Campus in Oriental Mindoro for the school
year of 2022-2023.

The researchers selected 79 second-year AB English as a respondent

since they will take the subject “Language of Literary Text” in preparation for their
subject course. Based from Baranao (2020), This course introduces various
approaches to the study of different literary genres, specifically to the AB English
students: Articulate a comprehensive and contextualized view of the English
language system and development; Students will communicate in English (both
in oral and written) fluently, accurately and creatively in diverse social, cultural,
academic and professional settings; Lastly, to produce well-written text for
various academic and professional purposes. In addition, students will practice a
deliberate writing process with emphasis on inquiry, audience, research, and
revisions. This sampling method will be used, where each member of the
population has a chance of being selected.


Section 2-H1 44 35
Section 2-H2 56 44
Total 100 79


The study will use purposive sampling in determining the effects of digital
videos on students' creative writing skills. Students of AB English at the second-
year level will be selected respondents of the study.


To get the appropriate data needed, the researcher will use essay
questions to conduct an implementation in which the respondents will write an
essay with the guiding question. The researchers will make rubrics for the criteria
of essay writing. The questionnaire will consist of two tests: Pre-Test and Post-
Test. In part 1, the researcher will provide a Pre-Test for both narrative and
persuasive writing. Furthermore, the researcher will present an educational video
with regard to narrative and persuasive writing. After the presentation, the
researcher will administer a Post-Test to measure the respondents’ creative
writing skills and whether their answers had improved. The respondents will
answer through face-to-face methods. The researchers will make enough items
in collecting the data to cover all aspects of the problem and to answer all
specific questions under the statement of the problem.



For the data gathering of this study, the researchers will make a letter for
the approval of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in conducting a
study at Mindoro State University. The researchers will construct an essay
questionnaire and rubrics to be validated by the professor of the subject. The
researchers will discuss with the respondents the importance of their responses
to the study and clarify some terms so that the respondents can answer the
questionnaire with enough knowledge. The researchers will collect the data using
questionnaires through face-to-face methods. The researchers will use a
purposive sampling technique. According to Nikolopoulou (2022), Purposive

sampling refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units
are selected because they have characteristics that you need in your sample. In
other words, units are selected “on purpose” in purposive sampling. This survey
sampling method requires researchers to have prior knowledge about the
purpose of their studies so that they can properly choose and approach eligible
participants. Researchers use purposive sampling when they want to access a
particular subset of people, as all participants of a survey are selected because
they fit a particular profile. After the respondents answered the essay
questionnaire, the researcher will collect and tally the data for interpretation. The
researcher asks a statistician to help in determining the appropriate statistical
tools to be used and interpreting the data. Based on the data, the researcher
comes up with a conclusion and recommendations for this study.


The study will use a Comparative Scale to evaluate the comparison between the
result before and after the implementation of digital learning techniques to
second-year learners through the use of essay questions about the “effects of
digital learning techniques on the learners’ creative writing.” In comparative
scaling, the respondents will be asked to compare one object with another. The
researcher will compare the result between the two groups regarding this
research problem.


1 1-4.9 Beginner
2 1.50 – 2.49 Capable
3 2.50 – 3. 49 Accomplished
4 3.50 – 4. 49 Expert


This chapter states and explains the data that the researchers gathered
during the research, the respondents that participated are the Second Year Ab
English in Mindoro State University. This chapter deals with the number and
percentage and analysis and interpretation of the gathered data about; The
Effects of Digital Video on Creative Writing Skills of Second Year Ab English in
Mindoro State University.

The respondents, who are part of this research that participated are the Second
Year Ab English in Mindoro State University.

Table 1.1 Narrative Essay Writing Pre-Test Result

Scale Range Frequency Percentage Interpretation

1 1-1.49 31 39% Beginner
2 1.50-2.49 37 47% Capable

3 2.50-3.49 11 14% Accomplished
4 3.50-4 0 0% Expert
TOTAL 79 100%

Table 1.1 shows the result of the pre-test in the narrative essay, which
shows result of percentage and frequency of 79 respondents of second-year Ab
English students. Based on the table, 31 out of 79 of the respondents are
beginners for the pre-test in writing narrative essays, which is only 39%. 37 out of
79 of the respondents were capable of writing narrative essays for the pre-test,
which is only 47%. 11 out of 79 of the respondents are accomplished in the pre-
test in writing narrative essays, and 0% of the respondents are not experts in the
pre-test in writing narrative essays.

This tables implies that the majority of respondents is 47% of Second year
of Ab English are Capable for writing a narrative essay.

Table 2.1 Persuasive Essay Pre-Test Result

Scale Range Frequency Percentage Interpretation

1 1-1.49 13 16% Beginner
2 1.50-2.49 63 80% Capable
3 2.50-3.49 3 4% Accomplished
4 3.50-4 0 0% Expert
TOTAL 79 100%

Table 1.2 Narrative Essay Writing Post-Test Result

Scale Range Frequency Percentage Interpretation

1 1-1.49 11 14% Beginner
2 1.50-2.49 22 28% Capable
3 2.50-3.49 33 42% Accomplished
4 3.50-4 13 16% Expert

TOTAL 79 100%

Table 1.2 shows the results of post-test and the level of creative writing
skills of second year students after the introduction of digital learning techniques.

It was shown in the table, 11 out of 79 students are beginner in writing a

narrative essay which is equivalent of 28 %. 33 out of 79 students are
accomplished in writing narrative essay which is equivalent of 42 %. 13 out of 72
students are expert in writing narrative essay which is equivalent of 16 %.

This tables implies that majority of respondents which is the second year
AB English students have 42%, the data is interpreted accomplished in writing
narrative essay. The table shows the level of creative writing skills of second year
student were improved after the introduction of digital learning techniques. The
outcome is aligned to the study of (Islamic Institute of Surakarta, 2017), the video
and the textbook are examples of media that may be utilized in the classroom to
help teaching and learning. The students who were taught using video has higher
score in procedure text writing than the students who were taught by using
textbooks. The study's findings support the effectiveness of video in learning
creative writing. The advantages of using video in writing narrative text the
students can apply the use of simple past tense in context, and they can
organize their ideas by using correct grammar, in this case simple past tense,
good mechanics, and rich vocabulary. The researcher found out the means score
of student in experimental group in pre-test was 70, 72 and 76, 00 in posttest.
This evidence indicated that teaching writing to the students by using video was
successful. It gave positive effect to the students in writing. Students were better
in writing especially in aspect of writing. Then, the highest score in pretest was
86 and 85 in posttest. The lowest score was 63 in pretest and post-test.

Table 2.2 Persuasive Essay Post-Test Result

Scale Range Frequency Percentage Interpretation
1 1-1.49 2 2% Beginner
2 1.50-2.49 31 39% Capable
3 2.50-3.49 41 53% Accomplished
4 3.50-4 5 6% Expert
TOTAL 79 100%

Narrative essay rubric

Directions: Answer the following questions patiently and with all honesty . Your
essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a
guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.
1. Narrate about your greatest achievement in life.

4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

The introduction is
well-developed and The introduction
captures the adequately explains
reader’s interest. It The introduction the background but The introduction’s
contains detailed captures interest but lack details. The background details are
Introduction only has few detailed random collections of
background conclusion is
and information. The information, unclear, or
information. The recognizable and
Conclusion conclusion not related to the topic.
conclusion ties up most of the
effectively wraps up effectively loose ends. The conclusion does
and goes beyond summarizes the not summarize the main
restating the main topics. points.

More than three

main points are well- Three or more main
developed and are points are present.
directly related to the The narrative shows Three or more main
topic. Supporting events but lack points are related to Less than three main
Main Points examples are details. the topic, but lack points, are presented
concrete and concrete details. The and having poor
(Body detailed. The The narrative is narrative shows the development of ideas.
Paragraphs) narrative is well- developed with an disarranged point-of- The narrative is
developed with a effective point-of- view with lacking underdeveloped.
consistent and view, showing only details.
effective point-of- few details of the
view, showing the story.
story in detail.
There is a Iogical There is a Iogical
Organization progression of ideas progression of ideas. The sentences are There is no discernable
with a clear structure Transitions are poorly constructed. organization.
(Structure that enhances the present equally Transitions are Transitions are not
Transitions) story. Transitions are throughout the story. present. present.
The paragraph is
The paragraph is
Style smooth, skillful, and The paragraph is The paragraph is
confusing and hard to
(sentence coherent. Sentences clear and sentences clear, but the
follow. It contains
flow, variety are strong and have varied sentences lack
fragments and/or run-
diction) expressive with structures. variety.
on sentences.
varied structures.
Mechanics A few errors in Distracting errors in
Punctuation, Punctuations,
(spelling, punctuation, punctuation, grammar,
grammar, spellings grammar, spellings,
grammar, grammar, spelling, spelling, and
and capitalization and capitalizations
punctuation, and capitalization capitalization are
are correct. are almost correct.
capitalization) are visible. visible.

Persuasive essay rubric

Directions: Answer the following questions patiently and with all honesty . Your
essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a
guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.
1. Discuss how digital learning help students in academic writing.


4 3 2 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

There is a clear and There is a clear stand

persuasive stand on There is a definite There is an unclear
on the issue. The
stand on the issue.
Taking a clear the issue. The stand stand demonstrates an stand on the issue and
demonstrates an The stand
stand or understanding of both does not acknowledge
understanding of acknowledges
position sides of the issue and another side of the
both sides of the there is one side of
attempts to refute one. the issue. issue.
issue and attempts
to refute one of
The body of the essay
contains 3 relevant
The body of the
facts from the source The body of the
essay contains 4 or
materials and 2 strong essay contains 2 The body of the essay
more relevant facts
arguments that relate relevant facts from contains 1 relevant fact
Supporting from the source
to the speaker's the source from the source
position with materials. The essay
accurate and includes 3, or more, position. The essay materials. The materials and there are
relevant includes facts from two essay contains 1 or no arguments that
strong arguments
information of the sources more, arguments relates to the writer’s
that relates to the
provided, as well as that relates to the position.
writer's position and
strong arguments for writer’s position.
do not overlap.
or against each of the
positions put forward.

Organizing The essay includes The essay includes The essay includes The essay includes an
ideas logically an attention few interesting an introduction that introduction that
and effectively grabbing introduction that mentions each mentions some of the
introduction that mentions each argument that will arguments that will be
mentions each argument that will be be developed. developed.
argument that will be developed. Paragraphs of the Paragraphs of the body
developed. Paragraphs of the body are clearly are not clearly
Paragraphs of the body are organized organized around a organized around a
body are clearly around topic topic sentence. topic sentence. The
organized around an sentences. There is an There is conclusion conclusion does not
argument including interesting conclusion that restates the restate the stance.
topic sentences. A that restates the stance and the Abrupt shifts between
conclusion that stance and few Iacks arguments. ideas are evident.

restates the stance
and aII arguments
Digressions are
causes the reader to arguments.
present but not
be reflective. There Digressions are rare.
is no digressions
The essay is The essay is The essay is not
The essay is
formally written. It is understandable and understandable and
understandable and easy to read. easy to read.
The essay displays
easy to read. The essay displays a The essay displays
Fluency multiple incorrect
It uses accurate few misuse of erroneous grammar,
of grammar,
grammar, grammar, punctuation, punctuation, and
punctuation, and
punctuation, and and spelling. spelling.


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