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e-ISSN 2721-7043 ISSN 1979-8857

Faculty of Politics Governance, Governance of Home Affairs (IPDN)

JPPDP, Vol * No. *



PRAJA, 12-16 word (Calibri (Body), 12pt Bold)
(one space)
Muhadam Labolo , Heru Rochmansyah 2 (12 pt bold)

(one space)
Universitas, Alamat, Kota, Kode Pos, Kota (font 11) (one space)
Email: (font 11, italics) (two space)

*coresponding author

Abstract (font 12, bold)

Abstract should be written in two language which are English and Bahasa Indonesia. The
abstract is to be written in Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing, left and right
margin in 3 cm. The abstract should summarize the content of the paper, including the aim
of the research, research method, the results, and the conclusions of the paper. The
abstract should not be more than 250 words.
Keywords: up to 3 words in English (font 12, italics)

Abstract (font 12, bold)

Abstrak harus ditulis dalam dwibahasa yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Abstrak
ditulis dengan bentuk tulisan Times New Roman ukuran 12, batas kiri dan kanan 3 cm.
Abstrak harus mencakupi keseluruhan isi naskah, termasuk tujuan penelitian, metode
penelitian, hasil, dan simpulan dari naskah tulisan. Panjang abstrak tidak boleh lebih dari
250 kata.
Kata Kunci: di atas 3 kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia (font 12)

INTRODUCTION (font 12, bold) (one space)

Journal manuscripts are typed using   AIMRaD (Abstract, Introduction,
Times New Roman font type, font 12 with a Materials and Methods, Results, and
space of 1.5. The paper size used is A4 Discussions or Abstracts, Introduction,
using a two-column format and margins: Materials and Methods, Results and
last custom setting (top 2.5 cm; bottom 2.5 Discussion). The format of writing this
cm; left 2.5 cm; right 2.5 cm). The length of article can vary based on knowledge but
the manuscript is 10 pages, including generally still refers to that format.
pictures, graphics or tables (if any). Journal In this guideline, after the
articles published in this journal are Introduction, followed by Theoretical
manuscripts that are the results of research. Review, Research Methods, Research
Writing journal articles generally have an Results, Discussion, Conclusions,
international standard format known as Suggestions, and Literature. The way of
writing for each discussion is the same. sentences less than 4 (four) lines,
the sentences written as a part of
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK/ single paragraph with italic
It is an effort of author in applying The author is welcomed to present
framework of analysis to verify research data with tables, charts, graphs and figures
findings. It possibly consists of paradigm, to support the arguments. More information
approach, model or theoretical basis. It must kindly visit
be supported by review on former studies grammar-guidelines/tables-figures. The
that followed the work of theoretical adequate data obtained from other research
analysis. It is allowed to use the suitable publication or reports written in the citation
words to replace the sub-tittle. format.

METHODS (12pt, Bold) Table 1. States and Smartphone Brand

It explains research steps/ (11pt, single space)
procedures consist of object of research,
data/ sampling, technique of data State Consumers Percentage
collections, and technique of analysis based
Indonesia Samsung 75
on certain field of studies that explicitly
show how to find research findings. Singapore Nokia 68
Malaysia Sony 55
Thailand Oppo 82
RESULT AND DISCUSSION (12pt, Brunai Apple 72
The author presents arguments
List and
containing research findings or results, Registration Bill Payment
reinforced with relevant data and
information. The sub-section discussions
contain variables based on theoretical
framework. The analysis sourced from the Consultation
interview need not be written with direct
Figure 1. Steps of Procedure (11pt, single
quotations but are described in paragraph.
i.e. Based on the statement from the
villager, most of the farmer in Dusun Jati
CONCLUSION (12pt, Bold)
left their job and went to the city. They sold
The concluding statement should
their land to the housing developers
contain general summary of the research
(Rukiyat, 2020).
study, argumentation strengthening the
“Theoretical definition or speech
discussion section, author preferences or
by referring to a particular
thinkers or prominent leaders
written by direct quotations
using Garamond letters, size 11,
(if any)
single space. Paragraph written
by 1 cm left indent and right
REFERENCES (12pt, Bold)
indent format. However, it is
American Sociological Association 2006.
recommended if possible
“Status Committees.” Washington,
described in paragraphs rather
DC: American
than direct quotations. If the
Anderson, B. (2006). Language and Power: Kuttner, R. (2003, September 8). The great
Exploring American
AOE378T05E) Lawrence, J. A., &  Dodds, A. E.
Aseltine, Robert H., Jr. and Ronald C. (2003). Goal-
Kessler. 1993. “Marital Disruption and Sociological Association. Retrieved
Depression in a December 12, 2006
Berkeley: University of California Press. (http://www.asanet.
Brown, S., & Caste, V. (2004, May). Stark, Rodney and Roger Finke. 2000. Acts
Integrated of Faith: Explaining the Human Side
Browning, T. (1993). A brief historical of Religion.
survey of Stark, Rodney, Lori Kent, and Daniel P.
Bursik, Robert J., Jr. and Harold G. Doyle. 1982. “Religion and
Grasmick. 1993. Neighborhoods and Delinquency: The Ecology the IEEE
Crime: The Dimensions of Effective Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, the
Community Control. New York: melting pot. Time, 135, 28-31.
Lexington Books. Van der Meer, Tom, Manfred Te
Coleman, James S. 1986. “Social Theory, Grotenhuis, and Ben Pelzer. 2010.
Social Research and a Theory of “Influential Cases in
Action.” American Warf, Barney and Peter Vincent. 2007.
Durkheim, Emile. [1897] 1951. Suicide, a “Religious Diversity across the Globe:
Study in Sociology. Glencoe, IL: The A Geographic
Free Press. Thomas, Jan E., ed. 2005. Washington DC: American Sociological
Incorporating the Woman Founders Association. Retrieved December 12,
into Classical Theory Courses. 2006 women writers of science fiction.
Exploration.” Social & Cultural Retrieved from
Geography 8:597–613.

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