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...peaceful demonstrations would always be welcome,but that our methods can't

be the same as those used by the left,which always harmed the population,

N Korea fires 23 missiles, prompting air raid alert in South

Launches came hours after Pyongyang threatened to use nuclear weapons to make the U.S. and South Korea pay the ‘most horrible price in history’ for war games
ASSOCIATED PRESS and vowed to work with allies The 23 missiles launched tiple U.N. Security Council res- ing military capabilities and “a virtual violation of (our) ter-
SEOUL, 2 NOVEMBER to curb North Korea’s nuclear is a record number of daily mis- olutions.Later Wednesday, tests are worrisome, but offer- ritorial waters.”
ambitions. sile tests by North Korea, South Korean fighter jets ing concessions about alliance During the meeting, offi-

ir raid sirens sound- The North’s barrage of some experts say. launched three air-to-sur- cooperation or nuclear recog- cials also lamented that the
ed on a South Kore- missile tests also came as One of the ballistic missiles face, precision-guided missiles nition would make matters North Korean missile launch-
an island and resi- world attention was focused was flying toward South near the eastern sea border to worse.”The Joint Chiefs of es came as South Korea is in
dents evacuated to on South Korea following a Korea’s Ulleung island before show its determination to get Staff earlier identified three of a mourning period over the
underground shelters after weekend Halloween tragedy it eventually landed 167 kilo- tough on North Korean provo- the North Korean weapons crowd crush. They noted this
North Korea fired more than that saw more than 150 peo- meters (104 miles) northwest cations. South Korea’s military launched as “short-range bal- “clearly showed the nature of
20 missiles Wednesday, at ple killed in a crowd surge in of the island. South Korea’s mil- said the missiles landed in listic missiles” fired from the the North Korean govern-
least one of them in its direc- Seoul in what was the coun- itary issued an air raid alert on international waters at the North’s eastern coastal town ment,” according to South
tion and landing near the try’s largest disaster in years. the island, according to the same distance of 26 kilome- of Wonsan, including the one Korea’s presidential office.Ear-
rivals’ tense sea border. South South Korea’s military said South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. ters (16 miles) north of the sea that landed near the sea bor- lier Wednesday, Japanese
Korea quickly responded by North Korea launched at least South Korean media pub- In this photo provided by South Korean Presidential Office, border as the North Korean der. North Korean short-range Defense Minister Yasukazu
launching its own missiles in 23 missiles — 17 in the morn- lished photos of island resi- South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, center, speaks during missile fell earlier Wednesday. weapons are designed to strike Hamada said at least two bal-
the same border area. ing and six in the afternoon dents moving to underground the National Security Council (NSC) meeting at the presidential It said it maintains a readi- key facilities in South Korea, listic missiles fired by North
office in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022. ����
The launches came hours — off its its eastern and west- shelters.Hours later, South ness to win “an overwhelm- including U.S. military bases Korea showed a possibly
after North Korea threatened ern coasts on Wednesday. It Korea’s military said it lifted ing victory” against North there. “irregular” trajectory. This
to use nuclear weapons to get said the weapons were all the air raid alert on the island. landed in international waters erate it,” the Joint Chiefs of Staff Korea in potential clashes. In an emergency meeting suggests the missiles were
the U.S. and South Korea to short-range ballistic missiles South Korea’s transport min- off the east coast of South said in a statement. “North Korea firing missiles with top security officials, the North’s highly maneu-
“pay the most horrible price or suspected surface-to-air istry said it has closed some Korea. South Korea’s mili- In 2010, North Korea shelled in a way that sets off air raid South Korean President Yoon verable, nuclear-capable KN-
in history” in protest of ongo- missiles. Also Wednesday, air routes above the country’s tary said it was the first time a front-line South Korean sirens appears intended to Suk Yeol ordered officials to 23 missile, which was modeled
ing South Korean-U.S. mili- North Korea fired about 100 eastern waters until Thursday a North Korean missile has island off the peninsula’s threaten South Koreans to take swift unspecified steps to on Russia’s Iskander missile.
tary drills that it views as an artillery shells into an eastern morning in the wake of the landed so close to the sea western coast, killing four pressure their government make North Korea face con- Japanese Prime Minister
invasion rehearsal. The White maritime buffer zone the North Korean launches. border since the countries’ divi- people. But the weapons used to change policy,” said Leif- sequences for its provoca- Fumio Kishida called North
House maintained that the Koreas created in 2018 to That missile landed 26 sion in 1948. were artillery rockets, not bal- Eric Easley, a professor at tion. He said he would con- Korea’s continuing missile
United States has no hostile reduce tensions, according kilometers (16 miles) away “This is very unprece- listic missiles whose launch- Ewha University in Seoul. sider the North Korean mis- tests “absolutely impermis-
intent toward North Korea to South Korea’s military. from the rivals’ sea border. It dented and we will never tol- es or tests are banned by mul- “North Korea’s expand- sile’s landing near the border sible.”

Israel’s Netanyahu appears to Investigators raid Seoul police

edge toward victory after vote Officials: Saudis tell US that over deadly crowd surge
Iran may attack the kingdom ASSOCIATED PRESS

Former Israeli Prime Minis- ASSOCIATED PRESS ber that it would cut pro- South Korea’s National Police
ter Benjamin Netanyahu WASHINGTON, 2 NOVEMBER duction by 2 million barrels Agency on Wednesday raid-
appeared headed toward vic- per day starting in November. ed local police departments
tory Wednesday, with some Saudi Arabia has shared intel- The White House has said in the capital, Seoul, and the
85% of the ballots from nation- ligence with American officials it is reviewing its relationship city’s Yongsan district office
al elections counted and ed back to the premiership that suggests Iran could be with the Saudis over the move. as it investigates whether
showing that voters gave him with a majority in the coun- preparing for an imminent The administration said the official ineptitude contributed
and his far-right allies what try’s 120-seat parliament. attack on the kingdom, three production cut is effectively to a deadly crowd surge that
looks like a majority in the Final results are expected U.S. officials said Tuesday. helping another OPEC+ mem- killed 156 people in the neigh-
country’s parliament. on Friday. The hundreds of The heightened concerns ber, Russia, pad its coffers as borhood of Itaewon.
Votes were still being thousands of remaining bal- about a potential attack on it continues its war in Ukraine, The raids came a day after
counted and results were not lots-mostly from those who Saudi Arabia come as the now in its ninth month. the national agency acknowl- that night.
final. But if preliminary indi- voted away from their regu- Biden administration is crit- White House National edged that Seoul police failed His agency also released
cations were correct, Israel was lar place of residency, in nurs- icizing Tehran for its crack- with our Saudi partners, in hit repeatedly in recent years Security Council spokesman to act for hours despite receiv- the transcripts of 11 calls
potentially headed to its most ing homes and elsewhere- down on widespread protests terms of what information they by drones, missiles and mor- John Kirby on Tuesday reit- ing at least 11 emergency placed to the police’s 112
right-wing government, bol- have to be cross-checked for and condemning it for send- may have to provide on that tars launched by the Iran- erated that the administration calls from pedestrians emergency hotline by pedes-
stered by a strong showing accuracy, a more time-con- ing hundreds of drones — as front,” Ryder said. “But what backed Houthi rebels in remains concerned that Iran warning about a swelling trians in Itaewon on Satur-
from the ultranationalist Reli- suming effort. They could well as technical support — we’ve said before, and I’ll Yemen. Saudi Arabia formed may also provide Russia with crowd of Halloween revelers day, the first one made around
gious Zionism party, whose lend a boost to Netanyahu’s to Russia for use in its war in repeat it, is that we will reserve a coalition to battle the Houthis surface-to-surface missiles. getting out of control ahead 6:30 p.m., about four hours
members use inflammatory opponents, reducing the size Ukraine. “We are concerned the right to protect and defend in 2015 and has been inter- “We haven’t seen that con- of the crush on Saturday in before the crush near Hamil-
anti-Arab and anti-LGBTQ of his majority. about the threat picture, and ourselves no matter where our nationally criticized for its cern bear out, but it’s a con- a narrow alley near Hamilton ton Hotel.
rhetoric. With Netanyahu and his we remain in constant con- forces are serving, whether in airstrikes in the war, which cern we have,” Kirby said. Hotel. The unidentified caller,
The initial results pointed allies projected to win more tact through military and Iraq or elsewhere.” have killed scores of civil- Even as the U.S. and oth- The national agency said who was in front of a conve-
to a continued rightward shift than the 61-seat majority intelligence channels with State Department spoke- ians.In recent weeks, the Bi- ers raise concerns about pos- members of its special inves- nience store at the same alley
in the Israeli electorate, fur- needed to form a govern- the Saudis,” the National sperson Ned Price said Amer- den administration has impo- sible Iranian action, the admin- tigation unit were retriev- where the crush occurred,
ther dimming hopes for peace ment, the country’s pro- Security Council said in a ica was “concerned about sed sanctions on Iranian offi- istration has not ruled out the ing documents and other pleaded for police to enforce
with the Palestinians and tracted political crisis may be statement. “We will not hes- the threat picture,” without cials for the brutal crackdown possibility of reviving the materials from the Seoul controls on the area because
setting the stage for possible headed toward a conclusion, itate to act in the defense of elaborating. The Wall Street on demonstrators after the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which Metropolitan Police Agency “too many people are going
conflict with the Biden admin- though Israel remains as our interests and partners in Journal first reported on the death of 22-year-old Mahsa was brokered by the Obama and Yongsan’s police sta- up and down and it’s too
istration and Israel’s sup- divided as ever. the region.” Saudi Arabia did Saudis sharing the intelli- Amini in September after her administration and scrapped tion, district office and fire scary.”
porters in the United States. Tuesday’s election was not immediately respond to gence earlier on Tuesday. arrest by Iran’s morality police. in 2018 by the Trump admin- department and other offices. “People aren’t able to
The early results also Israel’s fifth in less than four requests for comment. Nor did Iran has alleged without pro- The administration has also istration. Local officials and police come down but (people) are
showed that Netanyahu had years, with all of them focused Iran’s mission to the United viding evidence that Saudi Ara- hit Iran with sanctions for sup- The U.S. special envoy to have faced sharp questions also pushing up and I think
overcome his detractors, who largely on Netanyahu’s fitness Nations. One of the officials bia and other rivals are foment- plying drones to Russia for use Iran, Robert Malley, said on about why they didn’t employ (they) could get crushed to
claimed he was not fit to rule to govern. On trial for a slew who confirmed the intelligence ing the dissent on its streets in its war in Ukraine. Monday that the adminis- crowd controls or sufficient death,” the caller said.
while on trial for corruption of corruption charges, sharing described it as a cred- by ordinary Iranians. At least 288 people have tration was not currently personnel in the small In transcripts of the 11 calls,
and have refused to sit with Netanyahu, who denied ible threat of an attack “soon Of particular ire is protest been killed and 14,160 arrest- focused on the deal, which has nightlife district despite antic- the callers used the Korean
him in government. Netan- wrongdoing, is seen by sup- or within 48 hours.” No U.S. coverage by Iran Interna- ed during the protests, accord- been stalled since August. ipating a crowd of 100,000 fol- word meaning “crushed to
yahu’s partners have promised porters as the victim of a embassy or consulate in the tional, a London-based, Farsi- ing to the group Human Still, Malley refused to lowing the easing of Covid19 death” 13 different times to
to help him evade a convic- witch hunt and vilified by region has issued alerts or guid- language satellite news chan- Rights Activists in Iran. declare the deal dead and restrictions in recent months. convey their concerns.
tion. “We are on the verge of opponents as a crook and ance to Americans in Saudi nel once majority-owned by Demonstrations have con- said the administration National police chief Yoon South Korea’s interior
a very big victory,” Netanyahu, threat to democracy. Arabia or elsewhere in the Mid- a Saudi national. tinued, even as the feared “makes no apology” for “try- Hee Keun also acknowledged minister and emergency
73, told supporters at a gath- Even if Netanyahu and dle East based on the intelli- The U.S. and Saudis paramilitary Revolutionary ing to do everything we can Tuesday that its initial inves- office chief, the Seoul mayor
ering in Jerusalem early his allies emerge victorious, gence. The officials were not blamed Iran in 2019 of being Guard has warned young Ira- to prevent Iran from acquir- tigations found that police offi- and the head of the Yongsan
Wednesday. “I will establish it could still take weeks of nego- authorized to comment pub- behind a major attack in east- nians to stop. ing a nuclear weapon.” cers failed to effectively han- ward office, which governs
a nationalist government that tiations for a coalition gov- licly and spoke on condition ern Saudi Arabia, which halved Iran already launched a The deal had provided dle calls notifying authorities Itaewon, have all offered
will see to all Israeli citizens ernment to be formed. of anonymity. the oil-rich kingdom’s pro- series of attacks targeting Tehran with billions of dol- about the potential danger of public apologies.
without any exceptions.” Netanyahu was Israel’s Asked about reports of duction and caused energy Kurdish separatist positions lars in sanctions relief in the crowd gathering in Itae- As of Wednesday, 156
Elections officials worked longest-serving prime min- the intelligence shared by prices to spike. The Iranians in northern Iraq amid the exchange for the country won. people were confirmed as
through the night tallying ister, governing for 12 con- the Saudis, Brig. Gen. Pat denied they were behind the protests, killing at least 16 peo- agreeing to roll back its nuclear Yoon said police have dead and 157 were being
votes and by Wednesday secutive years-and 15 years Ryder, the Pentagon press attack, but the same triangle- ple, including an American cit- program. It includes caps on launched an intense internal treated for injuries after they
morning, about 85% of the bal- altogether-before he was secretary, said U.S. military shaped, bomb-carrying drones izen. U.S. relations with Saudi enrichment and how much probe into the officers’ han- were trampled in a crowd
lots had been counted. The ousted last year by a diverse officials “are concerned about used in that attack are now Arabia have also been strained material Iran can stockpile and dling of the emergency calls surge centered in a narrow
vote, like past elections, was coalition led by the centrist the threat situation in the being deployed by Russian after the Riyadh-led alliance limits the operation of and other issues, including alley that runs between the
tight but initial indications Yair Lapid, the current care- region.” forces in their war on Ukraine. of oil producing nations, advanced centrifuges need- the on-the-spot response to hotel and a dense row of
showed Netanyahu was head- taker prime minister. “We’re in regular contact The Saudis have also been OPEC+, announced in Octo- ed to enrich. the crowd surge in Itaewon storefronts.

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