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Chapter 10

10.1 Structure of the Periodic Table


2. Groups – vertical columns in the Periodic Table.

3. Periods – the rows across the table.
4. Periodicity – the repeating patterns in the physical and chemical properties of the elements across
the periods of the Periodic Table.
10.2 Periodicity of physical properties
Periodic patterns of atomic radii
1. Atomic radius – the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electron of an atom.

2. Atomic radii of Period 3 elements table

 Across the
period, the atomic radii decrease.
 The same pattern is also found in other periods.
 The atoms in Group 18 do not have a covalent radius.
 they do not form bonds with each other.

Chapter 10

 Across a period,
 number of protons increase
 nuclear charge increase
 number of electrons increase
 shielding effect remains roughly constant
 greater attractive force pulls them in closer to the nucleus.
 Hence, the atomic radius decreases across the period.
Periodic patterns of ionic radii
1. Ionic radii of ions of Period 3 elements table

2. Metallic elements produce positively

charged ions (called cations), such as Na +.
 lost their outer shell of electrons (the third principal quantum shell) from their original atoms
 the cations are much smaller than their atoms.
 less shielding of the outer electrons in these cations compared with the original atoms.
 Going across the period, from Na+ to Si4+,
 the ions get smaller.
 nuclear charge increase.
 greater attractive force pulls them in closer to the nucleus.
 Hence, the ionic radii decrease from Na + to Si4+.
3. Non-metallic elements form negatively charged ions (called anions), such as Cl −.
 The anions are larger than their original atoms.
 gained one or more extra electrons into their third principal quantum shell.
 increasing the repulsion between its electrons
 nuclear charge remains constant.
 Going across the period, from P3− to Cl−,
 the anions decrease in size
 the nuclear charge increases
 greater attractive force pulls them in closer to the nucleus.
 Hence, the ionic radii decrease from P3− to Cl−.
Periodic patterns of melting points
1. Melting points of the elements across Period 3 table

Chapter 10

2. Bonding & structure of Period 3 elements table

3. Across the periods,

 Melting point increase from sodium to
 Each sodium atom donates just one electron, forming Na + ions.
 Each aluminium atom donates three electrons, forming Al 3+ ions.
 This makes the metallic bonding in aluminium stronger
 the electrostatic forces of attraction between its 3+ ions and the delocalised electrons
holding the giant structure together are stronger.
 Silicon has the highest melting point.
 It has the giant covalent structure.
 Melting point decrease from phosphorus to argon.
 They are non-metallic elements.
 The larger the molecule size, the stronger the VDW forces ∴ S8 > P4 > Cl2 > Ar.
Periodic patterns of electrical conductivity
1. Trends in electrical conductivity across Period 3 table

2. Across the periods,

Chapter 10
 The electrical conductivity increases from sodium (Group 1) to aluminium (Group 13).
 Sodium, magnesium and aluminium are metallic elements.
 They have delocalised electrons at the outermost shell.
 Delocalised electrons are free to move around within the structure of the metal.
 The electrical conductivity drops dramatically to silicon
 Silicon is a semiconductor.
 The electrical conductivity falls even further to phosphorus and sulfur
 Phosphorus and sulfur are non-metallic insulators.
Periodic patterns of first ionisation energies
1. IE1 values of the Period 3 elements table

2. Across the period

There is a general increase in IE1 
 The nuclear charge increases
 The atomic radius decreases
 There are stronger attractive forces between the nucleus and outer electrons
 It therefore gets harder to remove any electrons
 Small ‘dips’ are observed between Mg – Al and P – S
10.3 Periodicity of chemical properties
Reaction of Period 3 elements with oxygen

Catalyst : V2O5

 Chlorine and argon do not react with oxygen.

Reactions of Period 3 elements with chlorine

Chapter 10

 S + Cl2 → SCl2
 2S + Cl2 → This two is not cover in the exam. S2Cl2
 Argon does not form a chloride.

Reactions of sodium and magnesium with water

1. Sodium reacts vigorously with cold water:
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
 The sodium melts into a ball and moves across the water surface until it disappears.
 Hydrogen gas is given off.
 The solution formed is strongly alkaline (pH 14) due to the sodium hydroxide which is

2. Magnesium reacts extremely
slowly with cold water:
Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) →
Mg(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)
 The solution formed is weakly alkaline (pH 11) as the formed magnesium hydroxide is
only slightly soluble.
 When magnesium is heated, it reacts vigorously with steam (water) to make magnesium
oxide and hydrogen gas:
Mg(s) + H2O(g) → MgO(s) + H2(g)

Chapter 10
10.4 Oxides of Period 3 elements
Oxidation numbers of oxides
1. Oxygen is more electronegative than any of the Period 3 elements.


Reaction of Period 3 oxides with water

Acidic & basic nature of the Period 3 oxides

Reactions of the
Period 3 oxides with acid/base

Chapter 10

Structure, bonding & electronegativity of the Period 3 elements

1. The difference in electronegativity between oxygen and Na, Mg and Al is the largest.
 Electrons will therefore be transferred to oxygen when forming oxides giving the oxide
an ionic binding.
2. The oxides of Si, P and S will share the electrons with the oxygen to form covalently
bonded oxides.
3. The giant ionic and giant covalent structured oxides will have high melting point as it is
difficult to break the structures apart.

Chapter 10
Period 3 hydroxide
1. NaOH is a strong base and will react with acids to form a salt and water:
NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
2. Mg(OH)2 is also a basic compound which is often used in indigestion remedies by neutralising the
excess acid in the stomach to relieve pain:
Mg(OH)2(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + 2H2O(l)
3. Al(OH)3 is amphoteric and can acts both as an acid and base:
Al(OH)3(s) + 3HCl(aq) → AlCl3(s) + 3H2O(l)
Al(OH)3(s) + NaOH(aq) → NaAl(OH)4(aq)
10.5 Chlorides of Period 3 elements
Chemical bonding & structure of Period 3 chlorides

1. Sodium & Magnesium chloride

 NaCl and MgCl2 do not react with water.
 the polar water molecules are attracted to the ions dissolving the chlorides and breaking
down the giant ionic structures.
 the metal and chloride ions become hydrated ions.

2. Aluminium chloride
 Aluminium
chloride exists in two
 AlCl3 as a giant lattice and with ionic bonds

Chapter 10
 Al2Cl6 as a dimer with covalent bonds

 When water is added to aluminium

chloride the dimers are broken down
and Al3+ and Cl– ions enter the solution.
 The highly charged Al3+ ion becomes hydrated and causes a water molecule that is bonded to
the Al3+ to lose an H+ ion which turns the solution acidic.
 The H+ and the Cl– form hydrogen chloride gas which is given off as white fumes.

3. Silicon chloride
 SiCl4 is hydrol ysed in water,
releasing white fumes of hydrogen chloride gas in a rapid reaction.
SiCl4(l) + 2H2O(l) → SiO2(s) + 4HCl(g)
 The SiO2 is seen as a white precipitate and some of the hydrogen chloride gas produced
dissolves in water to form an acidic solution.
4. Phosphorus chloride
 PCl5 also gets hydrolysed in water.
PCl5(s) + 4H2O(l) → H3PO4(aq) + 5HCl(g)
 Both H3PO4 and dissolved HCl are highly acidic.

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