I.S Hifz 1 April 2019

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EXAM: End of 2nd term DATE: 9-4-19 AM FORM: HIfz 1______

TIME: _2hrs___________ SUBJECT: Islamic Studies___

________________________________________________________ ____________

Answer all Questions

1. List three types of Fast. 3 marks
2. Define what is fasting. 4 marks
3. What will happen if a person did not make intention to fast? 2 marks
4. Mention three things Mustahab ( desirable) in fasting. 3 marks
5. Mention three things Makrooh ( undesirable) in fasting. 3 marks
6. Mention three things that will break ones fast. 3 marks
7. Explain the terms Qadha and kaffara. 8 marks
8. Mention three things that will not break ones fast. 3 marks
9. Explain the fidya for fast. 4 marks
10.List two types of I’tikaaf. 2 marks
11. What will Happen if a person leaves the masjid during I’tikaaf
without a valid Shar’ee reason? 2 marks
12. Where should a woman make I’tikaaf? 2 marks
13. Taraweeh Salaah is (fard, Sunnate Muakkadah, Wajib) for men only,
woman only or both? 4 marks
14. Can a person perform Taraweeh seated? 2 marks
15. Mention three virtues of Fasting. 3 marks
16. Mention three don’ts of Ramadan. 3 marks
17. Mention three dos of Ramadan. 3 marks
18. If one ate forgetting that he was fasting then his fast will be broken.
(true or false) 2 marks
19. If dust entered the stomach on its own accord, then this will not
cause the fast to be broken. (true or false) 2 marks
20. If water enters the ear (e.g. by swimming) then the fast will be
broken. (true or false) 2 marks
21. A person should not bath while Fasting. (true or false) 2 marks

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