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E-learning is the most cost effective way of learning.

Online Platforms have taken over the world by storm due to the
coronavirus. This virus has stopped us from seeing each other directly
due to fear of infection and therefore we resorted to online methods of
meeting each other. Where many people come together on an online
platform such as MS teams, zoom etc. Schools are no exception. We
students and teachers gather in various online platforms for school. At
first glance, the way of learning looks good and all but I am here to
question you whether this really is a cost-effective way of learning.
Good afternoon, respected Principal Sir, Co-ordinator m’am, teacher and
student. I, Evan Binson John have come here to tell you about whether
e-learning really is a cost effective way of learning.
When I say cost effective, I mean the effectiveness of the product in
relation to money. E-learning presents itself as a cheaper alternative of
teaching these days. Everything is online. No one needs wake up at 5:30
in the morning to hear your mother shouting “GET READY FOR
SCHOOL MAN!”. I can wake up 20 minutes before class. That is what I

E-learning has a lot of advantages. It is Efficient.

 Teachers can teach a topic to students through various means such

as pdfs, ppts, videos, pictures and so on with the click of a button.
 It is less intimidating as according to research, 78% students are
more comfortable speaking in online classes.
 A student loses focus about 5 times in a 45 minute lecture but the
parts we miss can be reviewed through the recording of the
 It increases attendance of students as it can be accessed anywhere,
There are many more advantages of online learning. But, along with
advantages, there are disadvantages and there are quite a few.

 Students can be distracted in class by other media sites.

 Technological difficulties can also be a problem. It is harder to
communicate when your mic does not work.
 Teachers who are new to e-learning can face difficulties.
 Looking at the screen for too much time can develop eye problems,
bad posture and so on.
 Students can cheat in tests by searching up Google.
 There are no physical activities.
 Teachers don’t whether the student is actually attending class in
spite of the camera being on.
 Practical assignments cannot be done online.
So now comes the real question. Is online learning really cost-effective?
When we look at the advantages we think that it is. But looking at the
disadvantages says another story. And um also this is the main speech
topic so if I don’t say it I will lose points.
I say e-learning is cost-effective as people can log in to online learning
management systems. For example, this school has the LMS a system
with all the learning material required for each academic year. It is a
cheap alternative to traditional on-campus learning. A lot of money is
spent on maintaining school equipment, classrooms, teachers, transport
and so on. A lot of that money is saved when it comes to online learning.
No transport required, no classrooms and so on. Although practical
assignments done in labs cannot be done at home, online learning still
covers a lot of ground. Online learning is a perfect alternative in times of
pandemics and emergencies.
When we compare traditional learning methods to online learning, a
number of students would choose online. Why? It is easier to access, it
can be accessed anytime and most importantly, no wakey wakey at 5:30
Though online learning is very good, it is not the perfect method of
teaching. There are many ways to improve online classes.
 Regular submission of notebooks can invoke the students to write.
 Making rules such as turning on cameras more strict.
 Making anti-cheat exams.
 Making weekly or fortnightly class tests.
So, is online learning really cost effective? I say yes. It is a cost effective
way of learning. “Never stop learning as life never stops teaching” with
this, I would like to end the speech. Thank you

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