Weather and Climate 5 Primary

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Ste San. . \~ Then wine? \ \ NS yan sreed \ The Pomidity Lhe aso af weiter yagour in the ase “Precigitadson | Vis wotter in Uguud or selicl toc A boit compgoneeds, IND PIRECTION 7 @ _ Temperature 4 poste elenents Earth in cel | | com Khe air to th ound. W . | a. Jens © gr eat her / We measure temperature with o “THERMOMETER . th Hows meee TWe ryeogure wina adireckon wilh a WEATHER VANE ae x \ «We sneagure wind sea with an ANE HOMETER acditc ) the atimcsncrese \ We measure air pressure With o BAROMETER | *We measure Wwmidity with on HigeoneTeER | lowe measee yeerpreton with @ anid SALge weather » Desribes the concihorS et Ayo okay here ot a given time aud cee | Digerence etsy Weather of \ . . 4 Chimote SN Chicvate Lp Deses wes Lhe ofr of Abs weather over o Sovg. pod a\ hee M weather chonges gquickly , but chimetle) changes sloaly (©) (x produces CRouds aud ereiprtartion, Cc | | \ | \D the sun heats Lhe watec oud at changes to woilér vapours | | = EVAPORATION } | /@rre soier vapour gets cooler so it chon Water Rocoss, x Ss Cacte \ werioc dogs aid vee ceystals when i | recome heavier the procesS 2 FRECPTIATION ccc nis. : | _ ae ee Cua erie a a OF (waler args | yres a) precigitection < Show (rieve fremporotare rellow - 0" (ce erystel, SLEET (oguomevey AMRIL (Grows) @ wren pecipitaton ails aud wile ic collected in tke sea, WES aud oS cxord.vcter , Are prowess is called o _couvectionl | hack +o waiter drops ke crystals thus process 1S cated CONDENSATION ® clougs which one grened by. SuNMaey PRocess (Resumen Peocese) (A EVAPORATION 2 conpensanion 3 Peecivitati ow) 4 cousction © ice HER FORECAST (CPronsstivo ched A ep) Climate weather. this 1 called MMecther FoRecaST /¥ Weather Map do ihe glace where yur can see +Hre gorecask “y They also onatyse wieccther aetla. from the pas They use ingor uation lo sea. f Weather gotteins over “Une year (eo Ae Scene glee A posttern of tecnpcroiture hum dit wind aud precipitation is calied TCCUMATE Cpotran)) S . ‘ = COLD CUMATE > low Temperolures att year : i > seas wen suRnirerS TEMPERATE «CLIMATE A, seasons, Con are MoT CLIMATE > High feoopesetures ast year { Maid cuMmATE ZONES OD ENWTH ir hos gst 2 SPA climate \oDepencing, on the lotitide jathiide aud astance ffor here ore [sub= climokes ire ‘aa Feniraular Spas auc Balearic Islands. = TEMPERATE CLIMATE climate aoces-~ \conary Island 2 HoT CLimaTe | the sea, | | | i | | id" comnens 1 \ Lienert oaks st sug wicker. pe oe Trot Gunes tegperatstes ston. aq whe wuss and ey cols at yon, \ bluckes, Feapteion. — dnthe cougt RA ietenor Le hhon PISICTGARY - Corocohe oe. Hae of Vises £2 pares dota about two cements at weather preaplabon tbe seyuslo"| ® I» Wo changes slowly oves yeas Buk clue to human action j-temperectures are (creasing. vers. quuskly. f & wrt gq cLiortite choegr oud is conceroed with tho vsing tenn por stares cone o the glotal Rimsite Lobe L ‘ Boni FESR YeelS = Gases qolutte the atmesphere « Causes x, Degorestation > it increases the ormount 92 carbon dickicle in the e | WAR Ddindg | camonrere

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