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Esthetic rehabilitation of a worn

dentition with a minimally invasive
prosthetic procedure (MIPP)
Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS
Prosthodontist, Private Practice, Pesaro, Italy
Director Private Education Center, ACE Institute, Pesaro, Italy

Giancarlo Barducci, MDT

Private Practice, Ancona, Italy

Leonardo Bacherini, DDS

Prosthodontist, Private Practice, Firenze, Italy
Master Tutor, Private Education Center, ACE Institute, Pesaro, Italy

Correspondence to: Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS

Corso XI Settembre 92, 61121 Pesaro (PU), Italy; E-mail:


Abstract are to: (1) increase the vertical dimen-

sion of occlusion (VDO); (2) reduce the
A minimally invasive prosthetic pro- thickness of the monolithic ceramic ma-
cedure (MIPP) for the esthetic rehabili- terial; (3) preserve the enamel during
tation of the complete arch advocates tooth preparation; and (4) adhesively
the preservation of enamel to optimize bond the etchable ceramic restorations.
the adhesive bond of the luting agent This article presents a comprehensive,
to both the tooth surface and the etch- minimally invasive prosthetic treatment
able ceramic restoration. When esthetic approach for the esthetic rehabilitation
rehabilitation of a worn dentition is re- of a severely worn dentition using a lith-
quired, a MIPP can be selected to re- ium disilicate all-ceramic material with
duce the biological cost of removing partial and complete coverage restor-
additional enamel tooth structure. The ations.
fundamental steps to achieve this goal (Int J Esthet Dent 2016;11:16–35)


Introduction the concept of a minimally invasive ap-

proach, it is possible to restore the den-
The esthetic and functional rehabilitation tal structure using partial restorations.
of patients with worn dentition may re- Historically, partial coverage restor-
quire jaw surgery, orthodontics, a surgi- ations (PCRs) were typically fabricated
cal crown lengthening procedure, and/ with gold.3 Today, clinicians have a va-
or restorative dentistry to reestablish a riety of ceramic materials from which to
proper occlusion and create pleasing choose when a PCR is indicated for ei-
facial and dental esthetics. For such ther anterior or posterior teeth. Restoring
patients, the use of a multidisciplinary advanced erosive lesions with a minimal
treatment approach and comprehen- reduction or a nonretentive partial tooth
sive systematic analysis is highly recom- preparation design, coupled with addi-
mended in order to formulate the best tive adhesive bonding techniques, may
treatment options for improving function be the best alternative. However, even
and esthetics. full-contour ceramic coverage (full ve-
The systematic, diagnostically driven neer) with reduced thickness can be
approach should include the evaluation used if bonded to the enamel structure.
of facial and dental esthetics, occlusal It is still unknown which restorative ma-
function, tooth structure, and the bio- terial is best, though the preference of
logical status of the pulp and periodon- ceramics to replace tooth structure has
tium.1 been advocated.4-8
Using a checklist, as described by
Fradeani,2 will ensure the comprehen-
sive collection of data from the face, Key elements of MIPP
dentolabial relationship, teeth, and soft
tissues in order to create the blueprint for Vertical dimension of occlusion
the successful esthetic, functional, and (VDO)
biological integration of the restorations.2
The prosthetic challenge with restor- The esthetic rehabilitation of a worn den-
ing severely worn dentitions is to pre- tition is challenging because the clinical
serve as much of the already diminished crowns have become shorter, and the
tooth structure as possible, and to main- tooth length needs to be increased. In-
tain teeth vitality while also providing creasing the coronal length is often as-
enough interocclusal space for the re- sociated with the increase of the VDO,
storative material. even though this loss of tooth structure
Traditionally, cases with worn denti- may not automatically indicate a loss of
tion have been restored using complete VDO due to a possible compensatory
coverage for an increased retention, of- phenomena. To achieve the restora-
ten in combination with pulp extirpation, tive, functional, and esthetic objectives,
post and core positioning, and a crown- it is perhaps most important to ensure
lengthening surgical procedure. that the proposed increase in VDO will
Nowadays, thanks to the develop- be the minimum amount necessary, in
ment of adhesive dentistry and following either one or both arches.11,12 With the


possibility of increasing the VDO, the ex- experience no symptoms. A review of

tent of occlusal tooth preparation can be the literature shows that changes in ver-
minimized, while the remaining enamel tical dimension are well tolerated in the
tooth structure can be conserved for majority of patients, with no evidence to
adhesively bonding the ceramic restor- suggest that only one vertical dimension
ations. is correct for each patient.
The VDO alteration requires a thor-
ough clinical assessment of phonetics, Reduced thickness of monolithic
interocclusal distance at rest, and face ceramic material
height, along with facial soft tissue con-
tours. The careful evaluation of the mock- The improved lithium disilicate pressed
up, followed by the provisional restor- glass-ceramic material, IPS e.max Press
ation at the increased VDO throughout (Ivoclar Vivadent), was introduced in
each phase of treatment, will appropri-
ately test the new height for patient ad- as that of IPS Empress 2 (2SiO2-Li2O)
aptation.13,14 If the temporomandibular (Ivoclar Vivadent), but some of its prop-
joints (TMJs) are healthy, and the disks erties are changed due to a different
are correctly aligned, then any increase firing process.34,35 IPS e.max Press
in VDO should not produce symptoms has smaller and more homogeneous
of pain,15-18 even with an anterior in- crystals and better physical proper-
crease of up to 5 mm.19 Traditionally, ties (the flexural strength and fracture
several techniques have been used to
determine a new VDO: phonetic sounds than IPS Empress 2).36,37 It is a unique
(“m” and “s” sounds), interocclusal rest glass-ceramic material in which small,
space, an acrylic preoperative appli- needle-shaped crystals compress the
ance, transcutaneous electrical nerve surrounding glass matrix during cool-
stimulation (TENS), measurements of ing. This process counteracts tensile
the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), and stresses before crack propagation
the facial proportion method. None of starts, and results in relatively high flex-
these methods indicate exactly where 38 It can
the new VDO should be established. also be pressed or milled using com-
Speech, particularly the use of sibilants puter-aided design/computer-assisted
or “s” sounds, is considered the opti- manufacturing (CAD/CAM). The man-
mal method to assess when a change ufacturer reports that in the posterior
in VDO has been accepted by the pa-
tient.21-24 In any case, any discomfort re- -
lated to a new VDO that may result from ing material are required when using
a change in muscular length typically a bilayered modality, or a minimum of
lasts for only 1 or 2 weeks.19 Moreover, 1.5 mm for a monolithic lithium disilicate
in some patients with increased VDO, restoration. However, if the final fracture
some relapse to the original VDO may resistance in the bilayered modality is
occur, even though these patients are related to the core strength of the lithium
often unaware of this phenomenon and


hypothesized that the addition of a ve- responsible for the success of ceramic
restorations, but evidence-based prep-
may not significantly increase the frac- aration guidelines are limited for poster-
ture resistance of the overall restoration. ior ceramic partial coverage restorations
As such, the use of the monolithic ma- (PCRs). Most guidelines are based on
terial in occlusion, even with reduced experience with cast-metal PCRs that
have been modified to optimize the per-
independently of the preparation de- formance of ceramic PCRs.26-29 The
sign (full contour or PCRs), may provide recommendation for porcelain restor-
sufficient strength, even in the posterior ation thickness in the occlusal area is
areas,39 on condition that the ceramic However, these val-
etchable material is bonded mainly to ues could potentially be reduced by the
the etched enamel. In fact, a recent ar- use of an etchable monolithic ceramic
ticle clearly shows that when bonded to material with a decreased thickness
enamel (supported by dentin), the load- bonded on enamel.
bearing capacity of lithium disilicate Consequently, the design of the prep-
aration for PCRs becomes more intuitive
despite the flexural strength of lithium contingent upon the interocclusal clear-
ance needed for the ceramic material,6
and with the possibility of extension to
to dentin (with the enamel completely a full-contour coverage (full veneer) if
removed), the load-bearing capacity of there is a sufficient amount of enamel.
nia, still significantly higher than the an- Adhesive bonding
ticipated value based on its strength. of the restorations
In contrast to monolithic restorations,
bilayered ceramic restorations, even Clinical investigations have also shown
with the core made with the strongest that glass-ceramic restorations have
material on the market such as zirconia, improved fatigue resistance in the oral
veneered with a weaker overlay porce- environment, and their bond strength is
lain, have been reported to show chip- increased when resin-based luting ce-
ping, fracture, or delamination of the ve- ments are used.33,36,44-49 The reliable
neering porcelain.41 However, a recent bond to enamel achieved with the ad-
study demonstrated no fracture and no hesive technique has greatly impacted
chipping of lithium disilicate crowns af- preparation design, resulting in signifi-
ter a 2-year period,42 and no chipping of cant preservation of tooth structure.
The presence of enamel has become
43 an important issue for preparation de-
sign.51 Increased preservation of enam-
Enamel preservation el promotes a superior bond over den-
tin, lower postcementation sensitivity,
Tooth preparation design is traditionally improved support of the ceramic res-
considered one of the important factors toration, and reduced endodontic inter-


vention.52,53 Thus, the possibility of es- native plan was proposed to increase
tablishing adequate adhesion between the VDO together with the incisal length
tooth structure and ceramic restorations of the maxillary and mandibular anterior
with adhesive materials may eliminate teeth, and to also involve the posterior
the need for extending tooth prepar- teeth in the rehabilitation, which, due to
ations54 and, in most cases, for the use the MIPP, would be minimally prepared
of anesthesia. (Fig 8).39 These modifications were
evaluated with a direct mock-up in the
anterior segment using a flowable com-
Case presentation posite resin material. The initial study
casts were mounted at the new VDO
A 55-year-old woman presented to the on a semi-adjustable articulator (Denar
first author’s clinic stating that she was Mark II, Denar) using an arbitrary face-
unhappy with the appearance of her bow transfer and posterior wax record
teeth. In the clinical interview to ascer-
tain her expectations for an improved The diagnostic wax-up was completed
smile and increased tooth visibility, she in accordance with the clinical findings
emphasized her desire for highly esthet- registered in the esthetic check list, and
ic restorations without the use of metal. A communicated to the technician with
thorough clinical oral and radiographic the use of the laboratory chart.55 After
evaluation was performed. There were duplicating the wax-up, the transpar-
no adverse findings during the mus- ent matrix was fabricated and the final
culoskeletal examination. Significant composite resin indirect mock-up was
intraoral findings included generalized performed prior to the initial tooth prep-
moderate to severe erosion of the cervi- aration in order to evaluate function and
cal, mid-facial, anterior incisal, and pos- esthetics (Figs 9 to 13). Subsequently,
terior occlusal surfaces, generalized an impression of the two arches modi-
attrition, minimal plaque accumulation, fied with the composite resin mock-up
and caries lesions on the cervical area of was taken using irreversible hydrocol-
the bicuspids on the mandibular arches, loid (Jeltrate, Dentsply) to fabricate the
but no extension of any decay in the in- provisional acrylic resin restoration.
terproximal area (Figs 1 to 7).
An orthodontic treatment was pro- Tooth preparation
posed to intrude the maxillary and man-
dibular anterior teeth, with the aim of Tooth preparation was performed with
creating an interocclusal anterior space. the indirect mock-up in place to assess
The orthodontic movement would cre- the final volume of the restoration and
ate room on the anterior sector, while the properly calibrate tooth reduction of a
contact on the posterior area would be
maintained. This would allow for a mini-
mally invasive prosthetic treatment. preparation was designed to cover only
Since the orthodontic treatment was the buccal and occlusal tooth surfac-
not accepted by the patient, an alter- es, while maintaining the interproximal


Figs 1 to 5 Intraoral view of the patient’s teeth. Note the generalized wear of the maxillary and mandibu-
lar arch, and some cervical lesions of the mandibular teeth.


Figs 6 and 7 Occlusal view of the maxillary and mandibular arch. Note the two different types of wear:
by attrition and by erosion.

Fig 8 A new relationship between the maxillary and mandibular arch after the new position of the man-
dible in centric relation (CR). Note the space available for the restorative materials.


Figs 9 to 13 A full-mouth indirect mock-up was performed to evaluate the functional and esthetic par-
ameters. Note the new anterior guidance and the new exposure.


Figs 14 and 15 With the direct mock-up in place, a calibrated reduction of the posterior teeth was
performed. Thanks to the MIPP concept, it was possible to preserve most of the remaining enamel on the
posterior abutments. In the buccal area of some of the teeth, the finish cervical line was positioned in the
sulcus to include any possible existing tooth structure deficiency and caries in the restoration design.

contact point (Figs 14 to 17). As the

VDO was increased by approximately
3 mm anteriorly, and subsequently ap-
proximately 1.4 mm posteriorly on the

gained in each arch in the most pos-

terior area), tooth structure removal on
the occlusal surface was limited to only

practically no need for preparation to

be performed at the occlusal area of the
premolar teeth. Anteriorly, in the maxil-
lary arch, due to the amount of space
gained and very short length of the pa-
tient’s worn teeth, a very conservative
preparation was performed to eliminate
the undercut and to do full coverage
restorations (full veneers), and trad-
itional buccal veneers were performed
Figs 16 and 17 Preparation design in the oc-
in the mandibular anterior teeth (Figs 18
clusal surface was performed avoiding interproxi-
to 22). As a result, it was also possible to mal area involvement, with the aim of maintaining
preserve most of the remaining enamel as much enamel as possible.


Figs 18 to 22 A calibrated reduction of the anterior teeth was performed with the mock-up in situ. Due
to the amount of space gained with the new VDO, CR, and the very short length of the patient’s worn teeth,
a very conservative preparation was performed solely to eliminate the undercut. Note the large amount of
enamel still present at the end of the preparation.


Figs 23 and 24 Posterior restoration on the stone model before the bonding procedure.

on the anterior abutments. To optimize The patient’s comfort, speech, and

the esthetic result and to include any appearance were reassessed after
possible existing tooth structure defi- 1 month, and final impressions were tak-
ciency and caries in the restoration de- en. After placement of a double cord in
sign, in the buccal area the finish cer- the sulcus (Ultrapak, Ultradent), the final
vical line was positioned in the sulcus impressions were taken with a polyether
(intracrevicular preparation). Wherever material (Impregum Penta DuoSoft, 3M
esthetic and functional needs were not ESPE) using a light-activated custom tray
requested, the finishing line was pos- (Palatray LC, Heraeus Kulzer) and the
itioned supragingivally. The shell of the single-impression double-mixing tech-
provisional restorations was fabricated nique. Then, an intraoral facebow and
at the new VDO with the modified indi- centric relation (CR) records were taken
rect technique (MIT),55 then relined and at the new VDO, such that the stone cast
cemented temporarily with dual-curing replicas of the provisional restoration
resin-based temporary cement (Telio were able to be cross-mounted with the
CS Link, Ivoclar Vivadent). master cast of the tooth preparation.55


Adhesive cementation Discussion

Cementation followed a precise proto- Worn dentition is often due to abrasion,
col. Retraction cords were placed in the erosion, and attrition at the occlusal, fa-
sulcus of every abutment to minimize the cial, lingual, and (less often) interproximal
humidity from the crevicular fluid and to surfaces. Minimizing the removal of ad-
act as a barrier for the penetration of the ditional tooth structure while also fulfilling
resin cement to the base of the sulcus. the desire for highly esthetic restorations
In addition, rubber dam was used when- presents a challenge when the existing
ever possible (Figs 23 to 26). The inner tooth structure is already diminished.
surfaces of the restorations were etched When remarkable wear is present only
- on the anterior teeth, orthodontic treat-
ment should be the first choice in order
water, and put into an ultrasonic bath with to reestablish esthetics and function. The
distilled water for 3 min. After thorough aim of orthodontic treatment is to recre-
air drying, the intaglio surface was si- ate a new relationship between the an-
lanized (Monobond-S, Ivoclar Vivadent) terior teeth so as to gain some space to
lengthen them and, in this way, recreate
were cleaned with pumice and rubber an adequate overbite-overjet, and mini-
mize the removal of tooth structure.
In case of generalized wear of the max-
phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch, Ultradent), illary and mandibular arch, a full-mouth
rinsed, and dried. Fitting surfaces, res- rehabilitation is advised. In this instance,
torations, and teeth were coated with the the challenge was to attain mechani-
cal retention/resistance form with mini-
and, thanks to the reduced thickness of mal tooth preparation while preserving
the ceramic restoration, a light-polymer- enamel and reducing the occlusal thick-
ized composite resin cement (Variolink ness of the ceramic restoration without
Veneer, Ivoclar Vivadent) was selected compromising its strength or esthetics.
to lute the restorations (Figs 27 to 37). This goal can be more easily achieved

Figs 25 and 26 After etching, it is possible to appreciate how much enamel is still present on the buccal
and occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth.


Figs 27 and 28 Finished and polished lithium disilicate anterior restorations.

Figs 29 and 30 Occlusal view after cementation.


Figs 31 to 33 The final result shows a satisfactory biological, functional, and esthetic integration of the
full-mouth rehabilitation.

thanks to the alteration of the VDO, which in any demineralization process and so
can be safely increased anteriorly up to were not prepared, so that the original
5 mm without detrimental clinical conse- contact points were retained. There is
quences for the patient,19 who can rap- no scientific evidence to support or ref-
idly adapt to the new height maximum erence this type of unique geometrical
within 2 weeks.19 This approach allows restoration design that either keeps or
for the retention of the enamel structure, opens the contact point. It will be im-
which will be ideal for the bonding pro- portant to evaluate, with finite element
cedure. A second important step to keep analysis, the behavior of this conserva-
enamel in place is the reduction of the tive prosthetic solution after the bonding
ceramic thickness of the lithium disilicate procedure in order to properly evaluate
restoration. In the posterior area, the in- the advantages and disadvantages of
terproximal surfaces were not involved maintaining the contact point.

Fig 34 Anterior guidance shows a correct disclusion of the posterior teeth.


Figs 35 and 36 Initial and final full-mouth radiographs. The ultraconservative MIPP approach guaran-
teed the maintenance of the vitality of all the teeth.

Clinically, some advantages of main-

taining the contact point are that tooth
preparation is easier and less time con-
suming, preparation is less invasive,
the use of temporaries can possibly be
avoided, and contact area adjustment
during cementation is easier. Some dis-
advantages include poor mechanical
retention, temporary stability, and han-
dling of the final restorations during the
try-in procedure.
One of the most important clinical ad- Fig 37 A satisfactory integration of the rehabilita-
vantages of removing the contact point tion in relation to the lip and to the face of the patient.


is the possibility of checking and remov-

ing some initial enamel defects (decal- for CAD/CAM-fabricated PCRs. The
cification/caries) that can sometimes be evaluation criteria assessed secondary
difficult to diagnose. caries, marginal adaptation, marginal
An all-ceramic bilayered material over discoloration, surface roughness, color
a lithium disilicate coping (IPS e.max match, and anatomic form.59 The pre-
Press) was chosen to achieve high es- liminary results for also using all-ceramic
thetics in the anterior teeth. The mono- material for PCRs in the short- and medi-
lithic form of this ceramic material, with a um-term clinical observation period are
for the posterior buccal-occlusal veneer Though variations in the study design
restorations. Monolithic glass-ceramic of other similar clinical studies, such as
structures offer some distinct advantag- material selection, preparation design,
es in that they provide excellent esthetics and cementation protocol, limit the valid-
without requiring a veneering ceramic. ity when comparing these results, overall
Therefore, by eliminating the veneering tendencies exist in their clinical perfor-
mance.65 The survival probability results
of IPS e.max Press PCRs are compara-
flexural strength, greater structural tooth ble to, or better than, the reports on IPS
integrity can be achieved with minimal Empress PCRs in the literature.56 The
removal of tooth structure and the pres-
ervation of enamel. 59

Moreover, a recent article showed that

when supported by enamel, the load- evaluation.66,67 It therefore appears that
bearing property of minimally invasive defect-oriented tooth preparation in the
posterior region for the restoration of a
compromised tooth with a partial cover-
zirconia. This means that, when enam- age ceramic restoration such as lithium
el remains on a tooth surface without any disilicate is justifiable.
preparation, after a minimum space for
the restorative material gained from the
VDO increase, a reduced thickness of Conclusion
etchable ceramic could probably be
used, as the final strength of the restor- In this case, the esthetic rehabilitation of
ation will depend on the bonding pro- the worn dentition was performed using
cedure. the MIPP technique, aimed at replacing
Presently, a 7-year in vivo prospective tooth structure with the least amount of
clinical split-mouth investigation is being trauma to the already structurally com-
conducted to evaluate the survival rate promised dentition. The increase in VDO
and long-term behavior of all-ceramic required less tooth structure removal, al-
pressed (IPS e.max Press) and CAD/ lowed for the maintenance of the enamel,
CAM fabricated (ProCAD) PCRs on mo- and created more interocclusal space
lars. The 7-year Kaplan-Meier survival for the ceramic restoration.


Partial coverage lithium disilicate potential of this technique, long-term

posterior restorations (buccal-occlus- studies using a minimal thickness of
al veneers) with a reduced thickness lithium disilicate materials for both full
- restorations and PCRs are needed to
sively bonded. To fully understand the assess wear and fracture.

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