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We used a cemetery in Canons Why we use the place

This is where the first scenes will be filmed
and where it will end as well. We used this
place because there is a lot of space where
we can set up the lights and the tripod and
a lot of statues that highlight the horror
genre. When we will film the first scenes
there will still be some natural lights and this
place will not be that scary but as the
natural lights are gone the place will be
perfect for the ending as there are lights
pointing to the statues and to the church
and it really highlights the horror genre.

We used this place as it had a very low key

lighting. Also the tree is very weirdly growed
and it is very low and in the middle is a
small space and very hard to run from
there. This showed that the character had
no escape and it was trapped.
This is a place where we want to film the
scene when Tyler finds the cultists but
some day people are using the building and
there will be a lot of unwanted lighting
coming from the building and we don’t want
that. This is a backup place in case the
main place will not be as good as expected
and we have problems filming.

This place is where Tyler will be going to

search for the smell. There is a path in the
grass where the main character can walk
and it will look very good on the camera as
on the clip you see only the main character
walking through the graveyards.
At this place I decided to film the scene
where we split up as on this door there is a
spot light that the church has and we will
use our lights only to add a hint of red and
to highlight the horror genre.

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