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Hi sweetie It�s Mike

I�m almost off to work

What about you? Are you working today?
Communication strategy getting better! ??
So what your plans today? Are you going to work
Yes that�s right
Yep. I start at noon though. Then work until 8-9.
I work to match my team in California
Oh okay.
Did you eat?
Just coffee so far. I�m not a breakfast person. I never have been, even as a little
That�s right you�re alway given me that
I guess you�re used to it
Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do?
Yes I did, shopping then I was out for a meeting and then rested so much
Was yesterday good to you?
It was! My family hasn�t been together in so long. It was awesome. Long day though,
but really good.
Anyway, I know you have to go to work. Don�t let me distract you! ??
I have to finish walking the dog and pack anyway.
Yes sure you were officially a God mother yesterday that outfit was looking so good
on you
It�s okay I�ll get back to you when I can
I hope you have a blissful day today
Stay safe okay
You too! Have a great Monday!
Sweetie how�s your day going? I�m taking a break
Are you working already?
Yep. Knee deep in this very Monday, Monday. ??
8 meetings today
Could be worse
Did you eat something yet?
Not yet, but I'm actually getting hungry so I will soon
Just try. You�re going to pretty busy today 8 meetings or more
I swear I don't have food issues, but 1) I am on medication that reduces my
2) I sort of intermittent fast because of diabetes which has worked really well for
This is just a normal day for me. ??
Really you overwork yourself all day at work
You really work hard
I do!
But so does everyone else at Google
Just par for the course
PS - this is way better than how much I worked at Amazon. THAT was HARD.
You�ve had so many working experience
How many years have you been working?
23 years ??
I have worked my ass off the entire time
Mostly a workaholic my whole life
Really I�ve worked for 26years. I�m trying setup a new administration afterwards
this contract
Maybe you should be my pa
I think I need to work for 10 more years.
And then I am done
I think ten more years is cool. What�s your retirement plan?
You�re going to sit at home and lazy around all day???
If I can keep my cost of living low, I'd like to travel and just take it easy.
Maybe consult if I can find interest.
I would find hobbies. I went to art school, I can keep myself busy. I can mentor
other young women.
What about you?
That�s very good. It�s gonna be a good plan
I intend starting up and automobile business not after retiring immediately after
this contract
I gotta go to this next meeting and really pay attention ??
Well what I want from it is to be a family business after I retire rather than
staying home
Oh okay go focus on your work
See you later sweetie
Ok, ping later!
I have 12 minutes
Want to know about this car business
What exactly is the business concept?
Back in meetings will ping later ??
I�m finished with work for today sweetie I�m heading home in a bit. Sweetie you
should focus on work we got lot of time to catch up. ??????
I�m home sweetie. I�m really exhausted I need to shower and take a nap.
I hope you don�t overwork yourself you�d work until 8-9 you�d be so exhausted ?????
I'm ok, it's my normal workday
Take a nap, rest up!
I get that from you a lot you�re a workaholic. You�re strong baby???? and I�m glad
you�re really are. I get back to you when I�m up sweetie ??????
Hi sweetie
I slept for so long I was really exhausted. I just got up I�m feeling a bit groggy
I�ll have to go back to bed in few minutes
I hope you�re having a nice rest sweetie let�s continue tomorrow ????????????
goodnight ??
Good morning sweetie did you sleep well?
Good morning
Are you a champion sleeper or something?
I was 100% exhausted yesterday
I don�t always get to sleep like that
How was your night?
Good. Watched some Netflix and went to bed.
Oh really that�s good. What�s plan for today?
Busy with work and then I leave for Brooklyn tonight to stay at my friends and then
off to Vegas early tomorrow morning.
I haven�t been on a plane since last August
And�we got upgraded to Delta One ??????
Oh really
That�s good
I know! I haven�t experienced it yet
Question for you
Not related to what we�re talking about
You ask something about the car business yesterday
Okay what is it
Oh yeah! But I have other questions first ??
How long have you been in the US?
You know I also live in UK where I have a home in Manchester but I�ve been here for
20years But off and on
Oh wow
And why Pittsburgh then? ??
Well I moved to Pittsburgh from Atlanta Georgia last year August
I�ve always been in Atlanta Georgia
Got it
Ok, so mainly Atlanta now Pittsburgh and partially Manchester.
Yes that�s right
Another random question
Politics�liberal or conservative?
Which do you love more I�d say I�m liberal Conservative too a bit of politics lol I
posses all
I was going to guess this�.
I think you are probably fiscally conservative but socially liberal
Then you�d guess right I think you�re knowing me so well we�ve been on over a week
I don�t vote with my wallet
I am definitely liberal
I�m running late to work we�re definitely a match. I knew it the first day we spent
time together
I think we may have to meet first to determine that
Go to work! I am going to be busy all day until probably 5pm so you may not hear
from me
But I�ll definitely ping you this evening at some point
Do you�d still have to wait for your colleagues till noon
I do, but I have to run some errands and drop the dog off at the sitters this
morning, so I�ll be in the car
Oh wow how do I cope not hearing from you till evening
You will survive! I know it!
??. It�s fine i got some work to keep me really busy today I�ll have to wrap it up
today so I could have a whole day for myself before Thursday
See you later
Ok. Have a good day of work! I promise to ping when I can.
Have a wonderful day today and we can text when we get a chance
Yes sure
?? hi hi. Updating my computer (annoying) so have a tiny break. How�s your day
I�m fine baby my day�s going good how�s yours ?
Going great actually
Getting all of the things done
And�I don�t think I need to bring my computer with me so extra happy about that
Oh good. How long is it still gonna take to wrap up things for today?
I have meetings from 4-5 and then DONE.
I�m gonna get my nails done at 5:30 ??????
Oh okay I have a meeting too in about 20mins then I�m done too
Okay good
Did you eat something yet?
Ha! I had a piece of pound cake.
I�ll probably find something else to eat in a few minutes
What are you gonna do tomorrow on your day off?
Not to work ?? rest all I can and arrange my luggage�s
Sounds like a plan
That flight to Dubai can�t be super fun ??
It�s gonna be a long journey about 13hrs.
?? hope you downloaded a bunch of good stuff to watch
Sweetie the automobile business I talked about. I�d want you to think of a good
name for it I�ve been considering some but I�d love you to make a suggestion so I
could put into consideration too
Lol I�m used to it
What�s the business concept?
Well I�m still on it but I�ve always wanted to focus on flashy and exotic cars
because of my love for it. But what would your suggestions be for an automobile
business if I ask you? And again selling trucks, car parts, motorcycles etc, and
rendering other automotive and car related business services was into consideration
hhmm...ok. If it's buying/selling that's a good start. Let me think on it.
Go to your meeting. ?? Let me do some research and think on it for a bit. Will get
my brainstorming brain on.
Yes I�m on it right now we�d continue later tonight
Random thought: if we were actually in the same geographical location, I would want
to go see the new Fast and Furious movie as a date. Because I love stupid action
End of random thought.
Second random thought: I'm getting a bit nervous that you are super super wealthy.
I don't really need to date a super wealthy dude, it makes me nervous.??
You can probably file this last thought under "Things that no woman has ever said
to me."
(But I'm serious)
I'm going to these next two meetings. Will ping you again after 5pm.
Hi baby. I finished my meeting I�m driving home in a bit. Talk to you later when
I�m home. I hope everything�s good. See you later baby ??????
I�m home baby.
Hi ??
Packed. Uber arriving in about 20 minutes
Let me know when you�re home
I�m home now
Are you having another schedule for today?
Just waiting for the Uber to take me to Brooklyn.
But I am officially on vacation ??
Oh okay good good
What are you gonna do for the rest of the night?
Sleep like a sleep professional? ??
Right now I�m kinda exhausted just relaxing
Good! Do you watch anything to relax?
No just relaxing for now and texting you or I can be reading too but I�m not I want
to take a nap
Do you�d be going to Vegas tomorrow morning
Yep. Flights leaves early tomorrow AM.
Okay. How long will you be there?
Coming back on Sunday
Super early flight Sunday morning
So excited to go on a trip. It�s been a long time.
Okay good.
We�d have more of that soon. Personal trips just the two of us
We have to meet first!
Where will you stay in Dubai? A hotel? Or an apartment?
Soon baby I can�t wait to come to you too, All I want is to come to you.
What do you think about me?
I think you seem amazing. Too good to be true.
Makes me nervous
?????baby I cherish every second I spend with you. I find myself loving you more
everyday. You are the reason I�ve just been so happy lately, you make my world so
beautiful and perfect, I feel so lucky to have you.
How is that possible? We don�t even know how tall each other is! ??
Also, I�m just a normal person.
I feel like you would be the kind of guy that dares models or something. That�s
definitely not me.
You�re worth every ounce of effort to make you mine.
This doesn�t seem real
That�s what I feel sweetie.
We�ve spent time together and I know the kind of person you are
But we haven�t spent time together. Just texts! ??
It�s almost same. What we text is what we think and what we are. We see as soon as
we can baby. I can�t wait to spend my time with you either. I wanted us to meet
before going for this contract but it wasn�t easy for me.
Are you still on that tinder application?
I hid everything but I didn�t totally delete it yet.
It�ll get deleted soon. Wasn�t impressed with the experience.
Basically no one can find me.
Seriously, how am I even your type?
Doesn�t compute ??
You answer me first. Why do you feel you ain�t my type?
I asked you! ??
Do you know the feeling when you love someone?
Yes. But after I�ve met them in person.
There are couple features attractive to me
And you posses them too
What are the features?
I feel it�s your turn to tell me why for heavens sake you feel you ain�t my type
Tell me the features first and then I�ll tell you
1. I�ll always love to have someone who�s going to have a level of conversation I
can really appreciate. Someone relaxed and fun to be with, someone really calm,
clear and focused who knows what she wants in life no guesswork.
I feel like there�s a #2 coming
2. I�m attracted to emotional stability. Sweetie I always know someone matured as
much as you�re is much more rounded than younger women at their 20�s or 30�s. Like
someone matured will always know what she want and how she feels and why she want
something and feel the way she feels and knows how to communicate it to her
partner. Everything�s is just going to be way very easy for me to cope. I�ve seen
you�re peaceful. I just want live a peaceful life. That�s what�s attractive to me
sweetie regardless I�m good looking I�m old and need a peaceful and calm life not
getting any younger .
There it is
Ha! I knew it.
Knew what ?
That there was a #2 coming ??
Those are pretty good features. Thank you for sharing that.
You see you posses these things I seek in a woman then you�re just good looking
I feel you�re so perfect for me
I�m blushing. Behind my mask in this stupid Uber. ??
I do know what I want
I am very independent
I do want someone equally independent
I want a thought partner
I feel like personality wise, intellectually we could be a good match.
It�s same here baby. I know you�re my type. I�ve been happy I was able to find you
on that application.
We need to make sure there�s a physical attraction though, yes?
I�m really just a normal looking woman.
Not �traditionally� beautiful
Just normal. That�s not a knock on myself.
I�m just managing your expectations
All I need to do is give it my try and hopefully we�d be together. You�re good
looking enough for me. I love you just they way you are
So sweet
I�m 6ft what�s your height
It doesn�t matter to me
I�m a short ??
I just want to know
I�m 5 ft tall
I like to tell people 5�1�. Like that extra inch makes a damn difference.
Tbh I knew you�d say something like that and not wanting to tell me
Say what?
I knew you�d not want to tell me your height
It doesn�t really bother me. Except when I need to reach something.
And that�s why I said it doesn�t matter so you could tell me
And it really doesn�t matter at all
When is your birthday?
July 2
January 23
I almost at my friend�s house
I�m glad we chatted about this
I do want to meet you
Okay fine let�s continue later baby
I�m just being cautious
Go see your friend and stay safe
I will.
Have a good night. Thanks for opening up. ????
You too. ???????????? dream about us together. And I will do same
I�m sending good night kisses your way
Good morning baby. How was your night? Have a safe flight to Vegas
Good morning
Night was good. We�re on our way.

All masked up ??
Did you sleep well?
Yes My night was good baby except that you ain�t beside me. You�re sweet baby. Have
a safe flight. I tried sleeping in. ????????
Hugs and kisses ??????????
Real talk time
Here�s what I need to continue
I need a video date
I need to see your face and hear your voice
Okay but we did that on WhatsApp to confirm we�re both genuine.
Idk if I have a good reception yet
We did video chat for like two seconds and I only saw a very blurry version and you
with no audio.
But it�s not to verify, it�s to hang out for a second. Get to know you a bit.
You can go anywhere and get free WiFi or we can wait until you get to Dubai. Are
you staying in a hotel or apartment there?
I'm provided with an apartment i'd be staying. We can just try if its okay then
Do you want a video chat now?
I�m on the plane ??
I think you still want to verify its me but its fine
let me know when you're ready for it
It�s more about getting a sense of who you are
Ok. Maybe later this afternoon / evening?
I don't have an issue with that. we can anytime
you said it's what you needed to continue it sounded like a verification to me
have a safe flight
That�s fair, but it wasn�t my intention.
Ok. I�ll text you later after we�ve landed and checked in, etc.
Landed and checked in ??

Hi baby
You�re so gorgeous baby
Hi ??
In vacation mode!
On our way to lunch
I�m glad you arrived safely
Certainly the mode ??
What�s your plan for the rest of the day ?
Lunch then hanging out today. Just gonna relax and gamble a bit.
How about I ping you when we get back and can do a little video chat?
Sounds like a plan
Have you use the video feature in gchat yet? It�s easy.
Not really but we we�ll try it out
Ok. You having a good day?
I�ll have to take my cat out and hand her over to a cattery. I should be back when
you�re back home
Yes I�ve been sleeping tho
You really are a sleep champion
I�m jealous of this skill
?? I could have guessed you�d say that
The little time I get I rest a lot with it
That�s smart
Yes it helps me take care of my mind. I�m always fresh and settled after a good
I�m guessing you�re jet lagged a lot?
Lol. Sure I�d have to rest after any long travel
But I�m used to traveling just that I still need to rest
So I�m not jet lagged just that I need to rest so I�d be settled
Well it�s good that you know that
My brain is a mess if it�s tired
Getting some rest helps me fix this issue you just mentioned.
So maybe you try give yourself sometime a rest when you�re tired
I do try to. It�s one of the benefits of working from home. Sometimes I can sneak
in a tiny nap.
Yes working from home it�s cool but it�s just a distraction with it
Alright we�re almost at the restaurant
Let me know when you�re home
I�ll ping you when we�re back. We may wander a bit on our way back to the hotel. We
saw shopping outlets. ??
Stay safe and always use your mask
Okay sounds great
It�s on!
Have fun
See you later ??????
Hi ??
You up for a little virtual date?
Hi sweetie
How are you doing?
I'm good! Back in the room for a bit.
Did you drop off your cat?
Yes I did got back about almost an hour ago.
Wanna try a video chat?
Ok sure
I started '' using the new Google Chat
Just tap on it
Ok hang on
Tara missed a call from you
22 Jul, 07:17
what's happening was calling
There was an error message
You were on a call with Tara
22 Jul, 07:19
Ah! I saw you for like a second ??
my service is still very terrible
I know I�m sad!
Ok let me try audio
I think there�s an audio only option
You were on a call with Tara
22 Jul, 07:22
Boo. That didn�t seem to work either. ??
Sigh. May have to wait until you have better WiFi. Do you think it�ll be better in
I don�t know baby I�ve not been to Dubai. All I just want to be with you too but
all this isn�t necessary baby
I�m just staying out for couple weeks
And immediately I�m coming to you. I tried making provisions for us to see but it
wasn�t easy
I just wanted to hear your voice. Get a sense of you.
I understand that baby
I want that too
I wanted to match the voice to the texts
I love the heart I�m speaking to
You can love my voice but I love your heart
I�m not ready to give up
How about a regular old phone call?
Give up on what?
Trying to talk to you before you leave
Oh okay. But let me try calling from my end and see if it goes.
917-903-6373 is my number
Can you hear me?
OMG this should be easier
I can barely hear you
But at least I can hear you
I couldn�t really hear you either. It was like you were super far away.
My internet it�s so bad
I mean PA is far but not THAT far
I just want you understand that.
Are you trying to call over WiFi or just use cellular?
It is bad! ??
I�m just did all you ask for so you could relax yourself
I just wanted to talk and not text
I understand that. But what I want is to meet you not any of those. I�ll see to get
better router for a good internet
But to be honest you just suddenly wanted all this like you�re having your doubts
I�m sad. I wanted to see your face. Moving. ??
Like that�s what I feel
It is risky to be texting all of these things and not know someone�s tone of voice
And it�s making you not to understand I�m having a bad internet
I definitely get you have bad internet ??
That would kill me. I wouldn�t get anything done!
How do you get work done?
Every other way I could communicate without using video calls
Because I don�t have needs for it
But do your regular calls work? That was weird that we couldn�t hear each other.
I just did when we met because I needed to confirm you�re genuine and then tonight
because you wanted it
Sweetie for now I have a bad internet. And you should understand that okay
I mean don�t you wanna hear my voice too? Hear what I sound like so you can
interpret my texts better?
I do but that�s really isn�t too important to me. Knowing the kind of person you�re
that�s what�s important to me
I don�t see any need when I�m gonna see you soon besides what I think is important
is for you to confirm I�m genuine too
Which is why I had to manage the internet to do the video call
Yeah, makes sense
Alright. Well, we tried.
What time do you depart tomorrow?
To be honest baby I really don�t enjoy saying something several times. All my life
I�ve always hated to argue. this stuff looked like an argument
I wasn�t trying to be argumentative
There isn�t a direct flight to Dubai from my route so I�m going to be using
multiple flight tomorrow one that�d be flying to Washington then another from
Washington to Dubai
I tried to be very understanding and I�d love it if you are too
Which is exactly my point in understanding tone by hearing each other voices. I
wish you could hear my intent. ??
I do understand
Ok I�m meeting my friend now
Apologies if I came off as argumentative
My first flight leaves by 8 in the morning. I should be at the airport at least an
hour before
So I need to sleep on time today
Baby I�m off to bed talk to you later tomorrow. Here�s me saying
goodnight ????????. I should be off to airport 6am tomorrow first flight leaves 8am
Goodnight baby ????????????
Goodnight. Have a safe flight tomorrow.
Good morning baby I�m off to the airport I�ll text you when I can maybe I�ll just
have to drop my flight numbers so you can always track me
First flight is UA3712 and second flight is EK232
See you later baby ??????
Morning baby! Hope your first flight was good.
We went to bed at 11, I woke up at 3:30am and I�ve been tossing and turning, so now
I�m up. Lots of naps will happen today.

Stay safe. Hope you have a smooth travel day. ??

Hi baby my first flight was good thanks I�ll get back to you when I�m settled for
my next flight . Aww I�m jealous I hope you get a good rest your turn to a sleep
professional ??.

All masked up?? see you later baby ??????

You look handsome. Even with your mask on. ??
Good luck on flight #2
Yay! Baby so we�re about to take off soon. So I�ll text you later when I�ve landed
and settled.

I love you baby, You have a fab rest of the day

I�m gonna have to put my Mobile on flight mode
Have a safe flight! ??

That time I tried to have an afternoon at the pool and got stuck sheltering under
the bar during a major thunderstorm.

We finally made it to the bathroom at this point. ??

Here�s a better pic. Hope your flight is going well. ??

Heading out to dinner. ??

Hoping a few pics lift your energy up when you get off the plane. Get to the
apartment safely. ??????
Baby we�ve landed and I�ve just checked in my apartment. It was really so long a
journey but I�m good.
You�re so sweet baby. I might have to look at them all day and keep smiling. I�m
100% exhausted baby
Good! Now go to bed. ??
Take care of yourself. ??
Baby I�m several hours ahead of you, why ain�t you sleeping yet
Thank you sweetie
Ha! It�s only 10:45 but I�m getting tired. Won�t be up too much later.
Okay it�s almost 10am here
I love you so much baby
We�d ping later when I�m well rested
Ok. Sleep well! ??
Now I�m going to officially sleep like a professional ??
See you later baby ??
Love you baby. I feel so lucky having you as mine. You�re so sweet. Have a good
night rest and I�ll see you when you�re up
Hi baby I just got up, did you sleep well?
I went to bed around 11 and woke up around 3:30 again
I been tossing and turning since
How do you feel after sleeping, ok?
Hi baby
Omg you okay?
Hi ??
Yeah I�m good! Just can�t sleep.
You didn�t sleep well is the weather hot?
Yes so hot! But we tired to stay in the shade when we were outside.
I dunno. Maybe too many bright lights. ??
How�s the apartment?
Omg babe you need to try and rest well
It�s okay
What�s your schedule today?
Tell me more about the place. Are you in a city or somewhere more remote?
Okay for now I'm presently in a city but would be out of here when I start field
What time is it there?
Take pictures and send if you go exploring and do cool stuff. Bring me along! ??
It�s just about 6am
I�ll nap a few times today to make up for the sleep loss.
Oh really I think Vegas it�s having a different time zone with New Jersey
It does! It�s west coast time zone
Sure baby I�ll definitely carry you along
Oh okay
Did you eat yet?
Today is a day off here, it�s like a holy day
Yes I did
Any plan today?
Do you have to work right away starting tomorrow?
No having an appointment first to sign the contract tomorrow.
We�re gonna go to brunch a Bouchon, then I have to run to the mall and get a
sweater or scarf, the casinos are FREEZING. Naps. Then our other friend comes in
from LA and we�ll go to dinner.
Oh okay sounds like a plan
Have you been to Vegas before?
Baby I suggest you go and try to rest. 11 to 3:30 was barely 4hours
I know. Second night in a row too.
Ok gonna try and sleep some more.
Yes sweetie give it a try. I�ve been sleeping since morning. I need to take my
shower and do some other stuffs
Ok. Go do your thing. ??
It�s past 5pm here
Okay see you later
Hi baby?
Did you rest?
Nope. We got up and wandered around. Just finishing brunch.
Oh really. So you�re going to the mall
Yeah. We might gamble a bit first (we�re in a different casino) and then head over.
What�s your plan for the rest of the night? Are you gonna go to bed now? Or are you
jet lagged and awake?
It�s almost 10pm I�ll just have to get back to bed in few minutes. Not sure I�m
gonna get another time to rest so well like that while I�m here.
Sounds like a good idea.
Have a good night and rest well. Ping me in the morning and I�ll respond when I
can. ??
Okay I will baby. I just hate the crazy time difference. I love you baby you go on
and stay safe out there. ??????????????????????
What do I say goodnight from here
Ha!!! It�s good night for you, have a good day for me. ??
Have a wonderful rest of the day ????????

On our way out and to dinner. Hope you had a nice restful night. Good luck with
singing the contract today. ????
Bring water with you, read it dangerously hot there. Be safe. ??
Good morning babe and how did your day go? Darling I dreamt about us, it was
heavenly. Sweetheart I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It
is a love that is strong and enduring. I truly feel blessed that you have become a
part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together.
I want to lay next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to wake to
your beautiful face and smile and say to you Good morning my love and how is your
night, I want to make you breakfast while you�re still on bed. I want to share in
your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to
me. I love you so much my queen.
You�re probably sleeping already sweetie, have a good night rest sweetie, I love
you so much baby. I need to prepare for my appointment now see ya later
baby ??????????????????????????
It�s a smiling morning for me sweetie waking to see your beautiful face made that
arrangement ??. You�re so gorgeous baby. Have a good night rest baby I love you so
much sweetheart ??????????????????????????????????????????
Mike�I�ve read that message five times. It�s a message that every woman I�ve ever
met would want to receive. It�s so sweet and crazy romantic, but I need us to slow
it down a bit I until we meet.
And to be clear�I can�t wait to meet you.
Hi baby you�re still awake
Are you always going to bed so late ?
I am. It�s only 10:30pm here.
Well I am in Vegas.
I know
10:30 is past bed time. You Should be resting sweetie.
Anyway I�m glad we had to text a bit before going to bed. So you go and have a good
night rest okay while I go sign the contract
I�m usually a bit of a night owl so this isn�t really late for me.
Oh really
When are you coming back to New Jersey?
Sunday right?
Are you typically this romantic?
Okay I need to prepare myself now baby it�s by 11am and here�s 9:35
Baby ??
You�re sweet too
Sigh. You�re too much! Go get ready for your contact singing. We�ll catch up later.
Sweetheart I love you more than words can say. My heart will always belong to you.
I want to come home to you soon and have it all together with you. I want us to
start the happiness of our life together soon as i have a good plan for us, I love
you honey you are mine forever, my one and my only love, and I thank you for being
so sweet and peaceful soon I won't have to hate missing you.
Yes baby we�ll catch up later ????
Ok ??
Hi sweetie did you sleep well?
I just got back home
It�s been a busy day?
It�s been a busy day for me
?? just waking up ??
How did the contract signing go?
Hi Baby
Good evening
So you slept well?
My contract signing was perfect
I slept through the whole night
Everything�s perfect baby, I surveyed the site I�m working on and met my team I�ll
be working with
I signed it baby I�m staying here for a month
I should be home by end of August
Wait baby

That�s the soft copy of the contract offer

Holy shit Mike! Congratulations!
I�m having an orientation with my team tomorrow
How long did you work on closing this contract for?
It�s huge baby thank you
It�s incredible. How do you feel?
Is this the biggest contract you�ve signed?
I�m happy baby. Yes it is baby
Baby let�s continue later tonight there are paperworks I need to do and I need to
shower and take a quick nap I�m exhausted
Totally fair
Congrats Mike, so happy for you!!!!
That should be happy for us right?
Thank you baby
We need to talk about all of those messages
It�s overwhelming ??
I mean, I�m just excited to meet you. I�m not even remotely close to where you are
feelings wise.
Go take care of yourself for today we�ll talk later love I need to rest baby
And to be clear, I�m happier I have you as mine
Happy to talk later but gonna need you to meet me in the middle on the feelings
Ok, talk later ??
Hi honey
How are you doing sweetheart just finished my paperwork�s
Today has really been so long and busy a day for me
And tomorrow I�m still gonna be busy because I�m having an orientation with my team
I�d be working with, Kinda shattered and not seeing lots of time to rest anymore
from here.
The sleep when you can.
Rest up and don�t worry about texting.
Hi sweetie
I�m gonna hang with my friends today and then tomorrow travel back VERY early.
Oh okay that�s very good
Next week is going to be bonkers for me. Leading a large high visibility effort at
work so it�ll be tough for me to chat too.
Baby you know I can�t cope not hearing from you at all time when I�m shattered I
need you to spend sometime with then go get some rest
We�re relaxing by the pool.
All day today
Actually leaving in a few for a nice brunch
Okay baby I just need to know you�re okay at least I should be out of here by the
end of August
I need you to hear this next text in a friendly light tone of voice because that�s
how it�s intended.
I really enjoy getting to know you. I want to meet you. I�m not talking to any
other guys.
But I am smart, sensible and realistic.
And I just want us to keep getting to know one another until we can get to an
actual first date.
Which I am excited for and already outfit planning ??
Baby I want that as much as you do if not more than you do. Now we know the time
interval baby. I can�t wait to wrap this up and get off here
You don�t need say it baby I already know what kind of woman you are
And I�m very glad you�re the way you are
The romantic texts are so nice, but they make me nervous. ??
Baby the way I feel about you, I think you�re more than the features you o just
I am but I just want to be clear with you on where I�m at with all of this.
It�s only fair
Baby I�m going to say good night here. But I understand that.
Ok. Thank you for listening. I feel heard. ??
Goodnight and have a nice rest of the day with a safe flight tomorrow

Good morning. Hope you slept well and that you have a great day today getting to
know your new team. You�re gonna crush it. ??

Here�s my last going out pic from Vegas for you to wake up to. ??

Off to play for a few minutes, then dinner, then bed. We�re out the door at 4:30am.

Don�t worry about texting I know you have a big day. We�ll chat when we can.

Good morning baby. Honey you're always lighting up my heart with the things you
say. Tbh baby you bring joy to me. You will forever be mine baby and I�ll give you
the love you righteously deserve. Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat.
You're my dream my love. Every moment we share together is the nicest. I love you
so much honey.
You always stay safe out there baby
Have a good night rest baby and a safe flight baby ????????????????????????
I�ll go get ready for today baby. ????????????????. Chat later my love ??
???????????????????? and hugs baby. Baby you�re that my heart yearns for I can�t
wait to be with you and have it all with you.
Always stay safe for me sweetie ????????????????
You are a hopeless romantic. ??
Just got back from dinner and am exhausted. In bed at 12:23 with alarms set for
Dinner was amazing and we laughed so hard we cried.

Are you a foodie? This was the last course. It was amazing. I�m so full.
Going to sleep now. Hope your day is going great, they are lucky to have you! Will
text when I can later today. ????
Yummy , of course I�m foodie baby??. baby you�re You�re going to miss them so much.
It�s fine sweetie get a good rest and have a safe flight text me when you can and
I�d reply when I can. My day�s going good sweetie yes they are baby and I�m glad it
had to me take contract on. Get well rested and we�ll talk
later ??????????????????. I love you so much sweetie ??????????????????????. Bye
for now my love ??????????????
Good afternoon to you. ?? Hope your first day is still going well!

I was thinking�you gotta buy yourself something really good as a reward for all of
this hard work. Did you ever watch the show Parks and Recreation? If so,
Treat Yo Self - Parks and RecreationTreat Yo Self - Parks and Recreation
Would be fun to brainstorm together what you can get. Oh, I haven�t forgotten about
the car business either.
Ok now I�m on a mission to find you something good to buy yourself as a treat.
Not sure what this thing is, but it looks awesome Check out 2022 BMW X5 Black
Vermilion SUV on Uncrate
Not exactly sure what this thing is, but it looks awesome!

Check out Hookie Co. Ant Cake Osa Motorcycle on Uncrate
Going into airplane mode. ??????
Baby I�ve just ran a quick check on those things they look really awesome you�re so
amazing baby but I�m gonna have to revisit it, I just got back and I�m exhausted
baby. I need to rest a bit it was a great day baby but there things I need to sort
out and there is a paperwork I need to do tonight. Site preparation starts
tomorrow. Have a safe flight baby and text me when you�re home. ????????????????
I love you so much baby. ????????????????????????????. Have a safe flight baby and
always stay safe for me. I�ll go rest a little bit now.
Boarding now. Will text you when I land. Rest up. ??
Okay good. Have a safe flight baby ??????????????????????. Text me when you�re
home. ??????
Baby how�s your flight?
A little over halfway there I think
Just napping on and off
Did you finish your work?
Hi baby
Don�t worry sweetie you�ll get well rested when you get home
Yes sweetie just waiting to say goodnight
How were was the team today? Are they nice people?
Yes baby they are. I can work with them
Tomorrow We�re starting the site preparations
What does that mean?
This week and next it�s going to be for orientation and preparation while
equipments are shipped down
Are you helping them fix something? Or make something? Or both?
I�m not fixing this time I�m making
What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?
From tomorrow it�s going to be 10am
Ok. I think it�s late there right? 11pm?
Yes I was waiting to say goodnight afterwards my paperwork�s now I go to bed
Thank you for saying good night ??
Have sweet dreams
Goodnight baby.
You too honey
Text me when you arrive your city
I will
Have a safe flight home
Landed, waiting for Uber. ????

Got the dog, dinner, walked the dog, showered and am totally exhausted.

Am sad I won�t get our little live texting session before bed.

Not sure how it�s possible, but am missing you a tiny bit in this moment.

So tired. Going to bed.

Hope you had a restful night and have a great day tomorrow. Will text you when I
wake up.

Good morning sweetie I hope you get a restful night. Text me when you can you�re up
and I�d text back when I can. Baby the feeling mutual.
Baby I�ll be going out for work in a bit. It�s going to be a bit busy day for me,
and I hope it�s going to be a great day for you too baby. I�m glad you landed
safely sweetie. I hate to hear you say you�re sad sweetie I hate the crazy time
difference so much. I miss you every second we ain�t spending together. Get a good
rest baby I�ll text you when I can my love
Thank you for making me so very happy by just being a part of my life. I love you!
Baby ????????
Good afternoon ??
Slept on and off last night. A little groggy. Woke up with a sore throat, it feels
like post nasal drip, but I�m wondering if I should go get a covid test this
Last night was a tiny bit eventful.

I picked up the dog and when I got back to my apartment a guy followed me into the
garage, then into the building, and then the elevator and came up to my floor. He
then knocked on my door and tried to get me to let him into my place. He knocked
three times, trying to convince me to open the door. I called the cops and
eventually he left. I think he was a kid, college age. It was weird and the cops
never came back to tell me what happened. ?????
In summary
1) I feel a little under the weather but generally ok
2) strange dude followed me but I�m fine
3) wish I could feel your arms around me for just a moment of comfort, but I�ll
just have to imagine it

Hope site preparation is going as planned
Hi baby I just got back home sweetie it was so long busy day.
Omg baby are you okay did you get the covid test?
That�s not good baby
Did you see at least what he looked like you sure he�s a kid?
Holding you in my arms and spending a few moments hugging you is all I need after a
hectic day's work like today. Baby the things you say to me, you�re ou are like a
healing soul that drives away worries, pains and aches. Baby I�ll love to wake up
each morning, and hold you in my arms, With you by my side, I feel like I am the
luckiest man alive to have the most pretty, understanding and loving woman. Well I
just look forward to the wonderful years ahead in our lives. All I need now is to
wrap up everything here and come home to you as soon as I can, I can�t wait to be
with you, I love you baby! ????????????????????
I need take my shower and get some rest I�m exhausted ??????
Sorry! On a calls!
Go to bed we�ll catch up tomorrow. ??
Got the covid test waiting for results but I really think it�ll be fine.
Okay good
How�s your day going so far?
Good. Just a busy morning. ??
You had a long day. Let�s chat tomorrow. ????????????
Miss you
I miss you more baby. Okay we�ll catch up later. Have a nice rest of the day. Stay
safe baby and call the cops immediately if any situation seems strange to you
please okay. I love you baby and we�ll catch up later maybe later tonight or
tomorrow ????????????????????
Goodnight baby ????????????
Sweet dreams handsome. Talk to you tomorrow. ????
Two updates:
1) I don't have covid ??
2) The kid who followed me had mental problems and the police took him to the
hospital. Apparently, he didn't even know what town he was in. ??
Oh really
Good morning baby I just got up my love, my night wasn�t too bad a night and I hope
yours is restful one. Seems like I still need more rest
I don�t get to sleep a professional anymore ?????. I�ll go prepare for work now
sweetie and we�ll catch up later ????????????????????
It�s 4am here. Woke myself up a bit wondering what the sexy Czech guy I�m texting
with was up to. ??
Back to sleep for me. Hope you�re having a good day. Miss you.
Hi baby
I�m facing issues getting into my bank to see if the money that Adnoc sent to me
has reflected and I�m also facing issues dishing out mails but I can see mails come

Those are the error messages I get

Please I need you to login and see if it�ll let you in
I�m awake
That bank does not look legit
Let�s try the email issue first. Try emailing my gmail.
It would'nt go through
It's not letting me
Just try logging in from your end
Logging into where?
Also google monitors both my phones ??
My bank
I have to be very careful about what I do
Ya know�you should call your bank. You just had a large deposit, and you�re
traveling. They may be applying extra security to it.
Which would be why you are having a hard time accessing it. They may be thinking
you are getting hacked.
Call them.
No, I can't access it from this location
Try seeing if it'll let you
I just tried emailing you
Are you on the site where you are working?
Yes I'm at the site
If you mail me, I'll see it. I see incoming mails but can't send any
Are you trying to send emails with your gmail or another email address?
My gmail. I just have one email address
Why so much interrogation?
I don't seem to understand the reason for all of this
I�m just trying to troubleshoot
Sometimes different emails use different outgoing servers
Just do this for me instead. I really need to get started
I can�t log into your bank, I don�t have a username or password
Also, I�m even if I did they would definitely think I was hacking you if we are
both trying to log in from different geographic locations. That will look like a
I would try logging in when you get back to your apartment and you are on different
WiFi. Maybe there�s some extra security on the WiFi at the site blocking the bank
URL. Some companies do this.
I've been trying to login since yesterday at the apartment
I've tried everything I can but to no avail
That�s so odd. I mean you�re in the UAE, I don�t know how tech works there or
how/when/if certain site get blocked.
Call is my best advice
I�m making an educated guess that the bank thinks you are getting hacked, even
though it�s you.
So what are you insinuating?
That you won't help?
This is me helping
I�m helping you now babe ??
Then do what I asked you to
To clarify, you want me to log into your bank account without a username or
That is not possible
Ok hang on
Looks like it�s there
Send a screenshot let me see if the money reflected
Ok hang on I already logged out
One minute

I couldn't see anything

You can�t see the pic I just sent?
I gotta go
I need to go back to bed
I've seen it, one more thing babe
This was weird and my gut is alarmed
Help me send mail to the Chinese company where I buy equipments from
Definitely no
This is weird mike
You just gave me your bank account number and you don�t know me
I�m singing off. It�s not even 6am here.
Why won't you assist in sending mail?
I told you I can't send out mails
Please help out
I gave you my bank details 1. I trust you and I trust you can help out and 2. You
can�t send out money without my notice and assistance.
Mike -

This was a strange morning and ultimately I think I need a break from online
dating. I�ve tried it before and honestly, I just need to admit to myself that it�s
not for me. It�s just not the right mechanism for me to meet someone because it�s
too hard (for me personally) to learn who someone is online and through texting.

Additionally, I�m not about to get in the way of you finding what you want in life.
For you that�s a long term relationship, marriage and a wife. Probably someone who
will assist you in all of the things you want to accomplish and do what they are
told without question, without arguing. That�s not me.

I hate arguing too. I also shrink when people get mad, it makes me really

I also as a lot of questions when I�m trying to understand something, when someone
is asking me to do something. It�s my nature. My default setting. At work we call
this sensemaking. That we make sense of the world around us through asking
questions. I mean�.I work at Google. ??

You are a smart, handsome, rich guy. Your match is definitely out there and she�s
gonna make you a super happy dude. I�m 100% confident you will find her, ya just
gotta look a tiny bit longer.

Good luck with your relationship search and with the rest of your time in Dubai.

I don�t get it at all, all because I need you to help me send out a purchase order
to a Chinese company where I buy equipments because I�m having technical
difficulties doing it from here
I�m sorry. My head is fuzzy this morning. I feel like I can�t think clearly.
I need to get in the shower and prepare for work. Have a big day ahead with my
presentation and I need to clear my thoughts.
Look I just got home baby. Listen Apparently you�re in a best position to help me
out. I really don�t know what�s going through your mind but I�m sure you ain�t
thinking clearly.
Being smart I�m a fan of but feeling extremely smart is for me is not cool you
might end up making a mistake.
I wasn�t smart enough to see through and know something like this could come up. I
could�ve hired myself a PA. I�m just feeling dissolving my team was a wrong idea
maybe I was suppose to wait a little until after the contract but my decision I
can�t regret because it was the right thing for me to do.
So baby I really need you to think clearly and understand that I need you to make
things a lot easier for me here this time. I know I trust you and I trust you can
do what I�m asking you to. Baby right now you ain�t just a woman I wish to spend
the rest of my life with, I want you to also be my PA from this moment and I�ll pay
you for it. This is something I must sort out baby and where the benefits of my job
is in.

Have a good day at work baby and come back to me with a clear
mind. ????????????????.
Hi Mike -
Ok, I think I understand. I think there are two things happening here.

1) You and I are both _looking_ for a romantic long term partner. Someone to share
a life with, thought partner with on problems and challenges, someone who is
supportive. Someone to fall in love with.

2) Due to some extreme circumstances, you are actually _needing_ a Personal

Assistant that you need right now.

Here's my perspective on the differences between 1 and 2.

An assistant does what you want, when you want it, without question. Because they
are getting paid. For as long as they are employed, they need to do what is
expected of them. It's not really a choice, it's a job.

A romantic partner is someone to discuss things with, who's opinion, thoughts, and
advice is wanted. They are seen as an equal (hopefully). They don't get paid, it's
not a job, it's an active choice for both parties to continue to be with one
another because they love and have investment in each other's wellbeing.

I am 100% interested in the _potential_ of becoming your romantic partner. I am not

interested in being your personal assistant for multiple reasons, mostly because 1)
I already have a job that is challenging (mentally) and 2) I think being your
personal assistant/employee would make it very difficult for me to be seen as a
romantic partner later on.

I'm swamped until next Wednesday with this design sprint I'm running and you're
definitely busy setting up all of the equipment on site.

Maybe it makes sense for us to take the next few days and really think about what
we're looking for/wanting right now?

PS - I'm sorry if my texts this morning felt off. They were off. Between this head
cold I'm trying to get rid of, my period (yay!), and it being so early when we were
chatting (5am), I was out of sorts. ??
Hi baby,
I�m glad you�ve had a clear mind so far. I�ve always wanted you to be mine for the
rest of my life but our relationship so far wasn�t professional. I needed you to do
the work of a PA but not as a PA but for us, but I guess you didn�t understand that
so I decided to take it professional because you�re still in the best position to
do the PA job. You ain�t going to be my PA baby you�re a part of me
The equipments I�d be using for the job is what you�re about to send the PO to the
Chinese company where I buy equipments. The shipment take days baby. I need to make
the order ASAP so the shipment can commence.
Now baby I want you as my woman to help me with a little PA job
Is this PO email the last thing I have to do?
No baby
Will the company be weirded out if they get a random email from me? They don't know
Mike, you need to find a PA. Did you have one at your last job that you can hire
back real quick?
No I will direct the message they will know it�s me. They will reply with the
invoice and then you�d help me make the payment from my bank and that�s all. They
will ship tee equipments to me
Baby I know, I'll setup a new administration afterwards this contract
No I had a team but there wasn�t any issue
Hello guozhi global,
I'm Tara Scott from Mr. Mike Novodomcova,
I'll be needing the following equipments and would be grateful if you can supply
the following for me to Port of Jabel Ali, Dubai United Arab Emirates at the

Mining drills
Blasting tools
Earth movers
Crushing equipment
Slurry tunnel boring machines(TBM)
Partial-Face Excavation Machine
Road headers
Plow systems
One(1) set for each equipment
Ok, I think I understand. Sorry I'm a bit out of my element here so I'm just trying
to make sense of the situatio.
That�s is what to send
That�s the Chinese company email
Ok so you need someone to 1) send that email 2) make a payment from your bank
account to another bank account
I have to log into this meeting in 1 minute
and I am running the meeting
Yes baby just paying for the equipments
Okay baby
Mike, I can�t do these tasks for you. It�s too weird. I�ll understand if you don�t
want to continue talking.
I�m sorry.
Okay but can I know why at least, tbh this is really very sad
You can�t just tell me you decided not to help for no reason? And we�ve been
talking and I�ve dreamt to spend my whole life with you and you can�t help me out
in a time like this
1) I don't want access to your bank account or financial information
2) I don't want to give my personal email to a company I know nothing about
3) My gut/instinct is telling me not to do this

My gut/instincts have always been my guide and they always steer me in the right

Maybe if we'd met, or even spoke on the phone or video chatted I might feel

I have been super consistent in telling you that I won't move forward with feelings
until we meet. I need to see you and experience you in person to know if I can
trust you or not. Until then we're just strangers talking on the internet.

I'm sorry. I'm not trying to disappoint you, but this is how I feel.
Now you�re starting all over again. It�s fine. It�s late goodnight here. Have a
nice rest of the day.
I feel like I�m dating two men.

Mike #1 is romantic, sweet, kind. Too good to be true. I like this guy. I can�t
wait to meet him. I want to know everything about him. I think about him a lot. I
wonder what it would be like to hold his face in my hands and kiss him. Make love
to him. Hold him close after a long day. Introduce him to my family and friends.

Mike #2 is tough, demanding, scary. I know I�m not the right match for him and he�s
not the right match for me. Short or long term.

We are not on the same page in terms of how well we think we know one another. I
think you think you know me. I don�t see how that can be true. I don�t think I know
you because I don�t know if you�re mike #1 or #2 and all I have are some texts
which are not enough.

I�m out of my comfort zone here. I don�t know how or if we should proceed.

The only thing I can do is keep telling you how I feel as honestly as I can and
hope that Mike #1 hears me.

I couldn�t sleep all night keep turning and tossing. Why�d i evenI want to waste
your time if you�re not my type. I asked before and you didn�t say why you feel you
ain�t my type and you�re gonna make me start it all over to say everything to you
I really don�t know what to say to you exactly but sweetie I know what you�re
thinking it�s scary demanding and all that, goddamnit sweetie I can�t do anything
that�s gonna hurt you, suggested we do it professionally I hire you and you do the
job because either way I trust you can. But if you seem to understand this minute,
you won�t seem to understand the situation in another minute
You were able to login my accounts I mean that should be the hard part normally but
the Tara I�m in love with understood that I�m in certain situations and tried
seeing if she can. You apologized for being out before now here you are again doing
same thing you were sorry for it�s not even up too 24hrs.
And to be clear baby I think I know you, at least I know you can be all I want in a
woman and even more. You�re smart, loving, affectionate, peaceful, any average man
would of course want you and many more and now you feel I�m too rich off limits for
you, you ain�t even thinking what I need to be happy and to be at peace. I�ll try
sleeping again and see if I can catch up later
Maybe I�m not being clear enough but babe here�s the last I�m saying on this and I
hope you sleep over me and get a cleared mind once again. This is the tantalizing
part of my job, Only I know the cost of everything and give a bill on a contract
that�s to be accepted for me to work on it. This only I should know what it Cost me
to finish the job. I�m only given it time today for you to help me out or I�ll find
an alternative even if I�m gonna reveal what�s it�s like to another person I can�t
delay the job.
I have another orientation with my team today while the right of way is being
cleared, the shipment should be on process this period too or I�m gonna stay here
longer than I�m supposed to
Have a good night
This head cold I have isn�t going away, and I�m having a hard time understanding
and I feel foggy.
Go to bed baby
I need to sleep and try to not get sicker.
Ok ??
Yes it�s what you need right now okay
Good afternoon. ??

I hope you�re having a good day today.

I�m feeling a bit better, but still stuffed up. Gonna try and take it easy this
morning before diving into work today.

I�ve read and reread your texts.

Here�s what I�m thinking / feeling.

I need to focus on work until next Wednesday. I have a lot of people (60 or so and
several Directors) watching what I do until then.

I think we should take a break from the texting so we can both focus on our jobs
which seem intense at the moment.

In terms of the PA work that�s needed, I�m going to stand my ground there and stay
consistent with my decision to not do that work for the reasons I previously

I�d love to find time this weekend for the two of us to video chat and hang out,
not as a verification, but as a date.

Mr. Mike Novodomcova, I�m asking you out on a virtual date this weekend. ??

I�ll even dress up on the top where the camera will see me. ??

Let me know if you�re in for that.

Miss you.
I'm given up baby. I'll find another way you don't seem to understand anything
baby, from my network is bad till everything i say to you seem like a joke, you
want me to delay my work untill weekend because of a video chat we've done on
whatsapp and even on here. I've been in the hospital about an hour ago now I'm
with the doctor I've been dealing with a serious headache since I got up.
I've asked the doctor if i can have a quick video chat with my wife he said i can,
we can manage internet to video chat once more and just for the last time. I'm
sorry i don't think you understand anything.
If you're in right now I'm calling you
Hey. I�m here!
Sorry I fell asleep again.
Are you ok?
Just a headache I've been waiting
the doctor just got back in
Ok if you�re talking to the doctor I don�t want to bother you
Are you dehydrated?
Its fine he said we can
Let�s try
I started '' using the new Google Chat
Tara missed a call from you
28 Jul, 20:21
Hang on
You were on a call with Tara
28 Jul, 20:24
I couldn�t really hear you, could you hear me?
baby did you see me this time i'm fine he was just taking specimen
no i did not
but i saw you at least
I did, could you hear me?
Sorry I look awful, I just woke up ??
I�m not trying to video chat you to verify who you are, I�m just trying to hang out
with you.
No its fine baby i just have do it because it seems you still needed to verify. I
It�s wasn�t to verify
don't worry baby i know i just have to do it
I'm not okay i need to rest
Ok go rest
Wow. We�re a real pair this week.
i'm still here
Lay down. I�ll text you in a bit to see how your feeling.
I'll be fine
are you helping me or not baby?
I�m not going to do those tasks
always stay safe i loved you. but i'm sorry i can't be with someone that her
instincts don't guide correctly when its highly needed
i'll definitely find an alternative
I�m sorry to disappoint you.
Take care of yourself. Feel better. I hope the rest of the job goes well. ??

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