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Pangasinan State University


Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Name: Joesamay F. Caingal

Year/Section: BEE-EGE III-2

How are you going to create a good impression?

Most of the time, people view us based on how we present ourselves; our
posture, facial expressions, and gestures are their basis in knowing our personalities -
whether we are nice or intimidating. Creating good impressions are really important not
just in making friends but also in professional fields. Practicing proper gestures and
facial expressions to create good impressions are fine. But to make first impressions
last, I believe that there are many ways to maintain our positive image.

Based on my experiences and observations, creating a good impression starts

with self-confidence. We must make sure that before facing and talking to others, we
are already confident and comfortable with our appearance and posture. We must also
feel and own positivity so that we can share the vibes to others. I believe that our mood
reflects our actions so feeling good with ourselves would be a great help to create a
good impression and make our presence sparkle.

Smiling and being humble is a great move to attract attention and make others
feel comfortable with you. People would not approach you if they feel that you are not
ready to talk with anyone. We should also consider their feelings toward us to be able to
connect with them. Considering their context such as their interest, hobbies, and style
would help us to easily build connections with them.

I think the most exciting part in creating good impressions with people is being
authentic, because I believe that showing parts of our personality will help us attract real
friends that will stay with us even the day ends. For me, building friendships is one of
the reasons why we want to impress new people. We want to be acceptable enough for
the society – whether in making friends or in applying for a job.

Maintaining the good impressions we created is also important because our

personality will reflect on the consistency of our actions. It would be okay to feel bad
sometimes, but it should not affect the environment that we are in. So we should
practice to control our emotions, learn to accept mistakes and open our doors to a lot of
lessons and self-improvements.

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