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Annual Examination -2020-2021


Time- Sub-EVS F.M-80

A.Answer the following questions-: [10x3=30]

1. What does a greengrocer sell?


2. Why do we need clothes?


3. Who cuts our hair?


4. What type of clothes are worn in winter?


5. Why do we wear cotton clothes in summer?


6. Who stitches our clothes?


7. What does a police man do?


8. Mention two things that protect our clothes from insects.


9. What does a farmer do?


10. How many legs are there in an insect body?


B. Name the following--: [6x2=12]

1. 2 wild animals _____________,_________________

2. 2 insects ________________,___________________
3. 2 Birds _________________,___________________

4. 2 water animals_____________,________________

5. 2 domestic animals ______________,____________

6. 2 examples of martial art __________,___________

C. Fill in the blanks-: [20x1=20]

1. Dog and rabbit are ________________ animal.

2. A nurse takes care of the _______________.

3. ________your hair at least once a week.

4. Wild animals live in ______________.

5. A ___________ repairs pipes and taps.

6. Very small animals with six legs are called ________________.

7. A ____________ sells things of daily use.

8. ___________ animals are reared by the people.

9. A _____________ looks after our house.

10. Frogs and crocodiles can live both on land and in _______________.

11. We must ___________ the people who help us.

12. Always drink boiled or __________ water.

13. __________ your mouth after eating.

14. Do physical exercises _________________.

15. ___________ your nails regularly.

16. __________ cover our body.

17. We wear a raincoat in the ___________ seasons.

18. We wear woollen clothes in___________.

19. Neem leaves keep our clothes safe from ____________.

20.___________ clothes keep us cool in summers.

D. Write T the body part that does not belong to you-: [9x1=9]

1. Always wear dirty clothes.

2. Clothes makes us look good.

3. You should go for a morning walk.

4. Clothes may not be regularly washed.

5. Brush your teeth only once in a day.

6. We wear cotton clothes in winter.

7. Clean your ears with a soft cotton bud.

8. We should wear uniform to school.

9. We all wear different clothes on different occasions

E. Fill in the missing letters –: [3x1=3]

1. WH___ ___ E

2. GI___ ____ FFE

3. ELE____ ____ ___ NT

F. Tick the correct option –: [6x1=6]

1. Which of these is a wild animal?

a. cow b. tiger

2. Keeping ourselves neat and clean makes us

a. healthy b. sick

3. How many legs are there in an insect’s body?

a. six b. seven

4.Clothes we wear should be clean and

a. dirty b. well-ironed

5. Feathered animals that can fly are called

a. insects b. birds

6. In the morning, we should wake up

a. very late b. early

UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-GENERAL SCIENCE F.M-20

I.Answer the following questions-: [4x3=12]

a.What are spices ? Give example.

b.What are solid ? Give two example.

c.Give two difference between cereals and pulses?

d.How is liquid different from gas?

II.Give example of the following-: [2x2=4]

a.Two flowers that we eat

b.Two leafy plants that we can eat

III.Fill in the blanks -: [2x1=2]

a.Trees have thick stem called__________.

b.Neem plant is a _______________.

IV.Write true or false-: [2x1=2]

a.Liquid can flow easily.

b.Shrubs live for many years.

UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-GENERAL SCIENCE F.M-20

A.Answer the following questions-: [3x3=9]

1.Write two properties of air.

2.What are pollutant ?

3.Give two causes of air pollution.

B.Name the followings-: [5x1=5]

1.The gas we breathe out-

2.Three main gases present in air-

3.The gas we breathe in-

C.Write true or false-: [4x1=4]

1.Air exerts pressure on different things.

2.Percentage of oxygen in more than other gases in the air.

3.The thick blanket of air that around us called atmosphere.

4.Exhaled air contained more nitrogen.

C.Tick the correct option-: [2x1=2]

1.The percentage of nitrogen gas in the air is –

a. 21% b.78%

2.Air has –

a .weight b.smell
UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-MORAL SCIENCE F.M-20

A.Answer the following questions-: [4x3=12]

1.What was the name of the chinses philosopher ?

2.What type of person is liked by one and all ?

3.After man is born what come before, teeth or tongue ?

4.What is the child praying about ?

B.Fill in the blanks -: [6x1=6]

1.Where there is__________,Let me sow faith.

2.Where there is ____________,Let me sow joy.

3.It is in pardoning that we are______________.

4.Where there is __________,Let me sow pardon.

5.Where there is ___________,Let me sow love.

6.A soft answer turn away __________.

C.Write the followings of the lesson “Being Gentle And Loving” -: [2x1=2]

1.Key values

UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-LITERSTURE F.M-20

I.Write down the poem “Every Time I climb A tree”.(10lines): [5]

II.Answer the following questions-: [4x2=8]

a.How does the boy feel every time he climb a tree?

b.Where did Heidi decide to sheep ?

c.What was in the bowl ?

d.What happens to the boys every time he climb a tree?

III.Complete the sentence with correct reflexive pronous-: [3x1=3]

a.She repaired the car by___________.

b.My brother aqnd I cooked the dinner by ___________.

c.I painted my oom by ___________.

IV.Rewrite the sentence by putting capital letters in the correct places -: [2x2=4]

a. i have a white dog named snowy.

b.grandfather was happy when heidi came to live with him.

UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-LITERSTURE F.M-20

I.Write down the composition “Discipline” or “Punctualily” [6]

II.Fill in the blanks with ‘was’ or ‘were’-: [5x1=5]


b.We__________last in the woods.

c.That _______________my toy.

d.These pictures ___________on the wall.

e.It ____________cost last night.

III.Complete the sentence using the simple present tense of the given verbs-: [5x1=5]

cry teach work rise eat

a.The sun ____________in the east.

b.My brother _____________in a school.

c.The baby ____________when it is hungry.

d.My mother _____________in office.

e.We ___________rice for dinner.

IV. Fill in the blanks with ‘had’ , ‘have’, ‘has’ -: [4x1=4]

a. We______burgers yesterday.

b.I ________a cold.

c.The tiger_________black stripes.

d.They ___________a party last night.

UNIT TEST-2 (2022-2023)


Time-30min Sub-Social Studies F.M-20

I.Answer the following questions-: [4x3=12]

a.What was Hyderabad famous for ?

b.Why do we use spices? Write the name of two spices ?

c.Where is Chennai located ?

d.Why do farmer in our country grow different type of crops ?

II.Fill in the blanks -: [5x1=5]

a.We add _________to our dished to make them tasty.

b.The Marina beach is in__________.

c.____________is the most expensive rice in the world .

d.____________ is the is the capital of kerla.

e.____________ is worn by the girls during the festival in Chennai.

III.Circle the odd one out -: [3x1=3]

a.Thiruvananthapuram- Onam , Telugu

b.Chennai-Bharatnatyam, Karnataka

c.Hyderabad- Kovalam Beach , Pearls

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