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1. Fora direct shear test on @ dry Sand, the following are given’ * Specimen size | 78mm * 73mm * 50mm height) ¢ Normal sfress : 200 kN/m? ¢ Shear Gress af failure > se kNim* @. Dekrmine the angle of friction -. b. Fir a normal stress of (80 kN/m?, what shear force iS required to cause failure in the Specimen? SOLUTIONS: GIVEN: &’ = 200 kN/m* Fe 1 kN fon® a Ie = O'tan B 178 = 200 tang’ O* ton az B .859 200 b. O° kim? Tp = o'tanB” = 190 tan 41.1953" Tp > 131. 25 kNfm? w= Shear fore * Cnss-sectional rea « Shear Stress °" (fia) (1125) 738281254N * 738.2825 N 2. Por @ dry sand specimen in a direct shear fest box, the following are given: + Angle of friction: 38° "gor 9 + Size of specimen: Zin x Zin * b2 in Cheignt) *Mormal stress: 20 Ib/in , Determine the shear force required #0 cauce failure. SOLUTION: GWEN: B= 38° a’ 20 Ibhin? = OtanG = 20 tan FG ~ 15.6257 jefin? S» Shear force ~ Cress-sectional * Shear Stress w= (4)' (8.6257) [a amb] ‘Scanned with CamScanner a fe fitong 2% ore he results of four drained, direct sheor 4e31s on a norrrally amsdidated clay. ven: Size Of specimen + Comm x GOmm Hog of spccimen’ 30 mm TEST No. NORMAL FORCE (N) SHEAR FORCE AT FAILURE (N) 1 200 as z 300 290 3 400 310 4 00 $85 Oraw a for the shear sfress at failure geen wingt the normal stress, and determine the drained angle of friction from the g OLUTION Necro! Sirese = 1 Force Onss -sechonol 'o Shear Shess = __Shear Force _—_ oss sectiona! Areo TEST No. NORMAL STRESS (Nim*) SHEAR STRESS (N/m*) 1 SE SES: SEG $055. 9056 f 83 353.3893 2 066. 9883 3 MM IE GN). ME 4 (138 868 8689 100 949. WH y=0.77x + 138.89 i bo &+ ton” (0.74) OF FIGS oe ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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