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‘The beam supports a uniform dead load of 0.4k/1 alive load of 1.6 k/ft, and a single live concentrated force of 8 k. Determine (a) the maximum positive moment at C, and (b) the maximum positive vertical reaction at B. Assume A is a roller and Bisa pin. A) maimuat Posie Momenr AT C* fm Glin le C10ft) ~ Ay @o#t)-O Aye OK 05K Fook AFy = By-Iktash~o | Af AxO by 05K De » Me 0.5k(I0H)=O Me= SKF fF otro she at x=15 shor TS Mecmax) = [ 2¢os)(20)](0.8) -[#¢rs)s)I(0-4) #[F@s.e)]G=) 4 8G) [Mcipan) = 12-5 6-7 | s-# eee ye ae Pyemax = [2 O]G4) -L4CorsNt5) (0-4) #£46)20)I(8) 4 80) Scanned with CamScanner For the beam shown in he figure, determine the folowing. a) Maximum negative bending moment at point B due to a 75-KN concentrated live load. b) Maximum upward reaction at support A due to a 35-kN/m uniformly distributed live load. ¢) Maximum negative shear at point B due to a 35-KN/m uniformly distributed live load. ‘k thaws | | ti (A) MAYIMUNI NEEATIVE BENDING MOMENT At B i .OSKN FR 6ser Ghia tala) -CyCei) “0 Gyr 00K! Aye Aytasknt Ik “0 Air AxmO Ay~ O-9KN ——),,, Délle= Me-0.5h0i¢1m) 0 Sma ap" tle oN 35, PE at yeo Nero Me eee ~ AT Nee 2 a INFUONCE UNE fom Mes de mew | S INFLENCE UNE FOR Ay 4 35 um e Aremon) Pac va = [ 225 el (©) ManinUM NEGATIVE HEAR AT B Voy el Ety> oil -Vee0 onal oat tiie F al ¥e0} Yer shin fae ee a wim Voronon) »-P# (09X19795 LSC FYA7IIS [ihinas) = = 8125 FA] Scanned with CamScanner For the beam shown, determine the maximum positive and negative shears and the maximum positive ‘and negative bending moments at point C due to a concentrated live load of 150 kN, a uniformly istributed live load of 50 kN/m, and a uniformly distributed dead load of 25 kN/m. 4 8 « pik 5 eee GHEAR AT C thot aT Gite ~ |raiCarn) ~ Dy Gom) =o Dy oak! Abe By t0.Gh-IO BF ebemo By~ 0-4 ka) Ben ey Joma We tye oro ke %, SEL apex \eorTE od O40 WUENCE LINE FOR Yo MAXIMUM POBITIVE Ve. BENOING MOMENT ATC Me SS EM Me - Coats) =o M Bee opens; ex 2 hin en ME atxeT; Wend. 4 ie 42. MAXIMUM POSITIVE Me. sornim —_ 1EM, ‘atin WEEE PETTUS Parr ree Mecemax) « ECE) (2Ks)#4N(24(10) - (os) C427) J25 HBKenaclI 40 + wo cas) Mecmax = 767.5 kam A c oe Yeonan) = [CERI6)~ XoXo Coes) CENA TIS UCPEASNTo)4 [ANOANATI CD) + 1505) Vetmax) = 122.5 KN’ MAXIMUM NEGATIVE Ve. MAXIMUM NEGATIVE Mc. Mecman) = FAXe6)4 G24Xio)-Oslanoras = [Ca N)]50 -[ Yoo 7 Yes) 60042) ) BE ema) (DENA) - Cte) YOO) 60) 5 a = EY(ocxeso -[C$)67)T1 ~ eo) a] Mean) =-1807.5 kim Scanned with CamScanner

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