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Ngay KhachHang ThanhPho Bang Vung SanPham Nhom

1/3/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain

1/3/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/17/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/17/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/17/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
2/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/28/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/14/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/14/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
4/21/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/1/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/1/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/5/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/7/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/7/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/9/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/13/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/4/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/6/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/10/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/28/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/30/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/2/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/4/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/4/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/4/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/4/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/4/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/4/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/4/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/4/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/4/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/6/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/8/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/8/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/10/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
7/14/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/18/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/18/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/18/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/20/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/24/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/1/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/1/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/5/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/7/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/15/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/15/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/15/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/15/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/21/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/21/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/25/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/25/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/29/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/29/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/29/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/29/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/29/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/31/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/6/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/12/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/12/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/16/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/24/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/26/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/30/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/10/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/24/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
10/24/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/24/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
10/24/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/24/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/24/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/24/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/1/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/5/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/7/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/7/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/7/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/17/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/21/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/21/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/27/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/5/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/5/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/5/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/5/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/11/2011 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/23/2011 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/4/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/6/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/8/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/8/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/10/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/10/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/10/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/12/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/12/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/14/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/14/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/14/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/18/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/18/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/18/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/18/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/20/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
1/20/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/20/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/22/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/22/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/22/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/24/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/26/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/26/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
1/26/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/26/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/28/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/30/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
1/30/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/30/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/1/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/1/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/1/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/3/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/3/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/3/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/3/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/3/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/3/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/3/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/5/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/5/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/5/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/7/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/9/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/9/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/9/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/11/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/13/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/15/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/15/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/15/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/15/2012 Harvest Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/19/2012 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
2/19/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/19/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/21/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/23/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/23/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/25/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/27/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/27/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/29/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/2/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/2/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/2/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/2/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/4/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/10/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/10/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
3/10/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/12/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
3/12/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/12/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/16/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/16/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/20/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/22/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/22/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/22/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/24/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/24/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
3/24/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/24/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/28/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/1/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/1/2012 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
4/1/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/1/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/1/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/3/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/3/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/5/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/5/2012 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/5/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/7/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/7/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/7/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/9/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
4/11/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/11/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/13/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/15/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/15/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/15/2012 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
4/15/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/17/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/17/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/17/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
4/17/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/19/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/21/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/21/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/21/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/21/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/23/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/25/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/27/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
4/27/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/27/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/27/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/1/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/3/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/3/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/3/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/5/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/7/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/7/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/7/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/7/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/11/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/11/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/11/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/11/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/13/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/15/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/17/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/17/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
5/17/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/17/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/17/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/17/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/17/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/19/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/19/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/21/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/21/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/25/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/25/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/25/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/25/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/27/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/29/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/31/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/2/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/2/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/4/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/4/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/4/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/4/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/6/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/8/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
6/8/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/8/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/8/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/8/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/8/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/10/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/10/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/10/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/10/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/10/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/12/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/14/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/14/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/16/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/16/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/16/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/18/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/18/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/18/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/18/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/18/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/20/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/22/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/22/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/22/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/22/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/22/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/22/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/24/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/24/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/26/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/26/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/26/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/26/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/26/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/26/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/26/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/28/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
6/28/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/28/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/28/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/30/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/30/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
7/2/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/2/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/6/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/6/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/6/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/6/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/6/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/6/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/6/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/10/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/10/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/12/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/14/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/14/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/16/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/16/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/18/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/18/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/24/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/24/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/24/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/28/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/28/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/28/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/30/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/30/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/30/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/3/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/7/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/7/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
8/13/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/13/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/17/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
8/17/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/19/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/21/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/21/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/21/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/23/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/23/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/25/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/27/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/29/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/29/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/31/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/31/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
9/4/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/6/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/6/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/6/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/8/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/10/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/14/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/14/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/16/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/16/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/18/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/18/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/20/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/22/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
9/22/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/24/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/24/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/24/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/24/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
9/24/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/28/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/28/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/30/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/30/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/2/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/2/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/2/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/8/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/8/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/8/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/12/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/12/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/12/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/14/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/16/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/16/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/18/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/18/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/18/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/20/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/26/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/30/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/30/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/30/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/1/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/3/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/3/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/5/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/9/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/13/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/13/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/15/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/15/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/15/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/15/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/23/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/23/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/23/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
11/25/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/25/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/27/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/27/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/27/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
11/27/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/27/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/29/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/29/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/1/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/3/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/3/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/3/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/9/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/11/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/11/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/11/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/11/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/13/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/15/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/15/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/17/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/19/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/21/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/21/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/21/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/21/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/21/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/23/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/23/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/25/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/25/2012 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/27/2012 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/27/2012 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/29/2012 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/29/2012 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/29/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
12/29/2012 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/29/2012 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/31/2012 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/31/2012 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
1/2/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/4/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/6/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/6/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/6/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/6/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
1/8/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/10/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/10/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/10/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/12/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/14/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/14/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/18/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/18/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/18/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/20/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/20/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/22/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
1/24/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/24/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/26/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/26/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/28/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
1/28/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/1/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/3/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/3/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/9/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/9/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/9/2013 Harvest Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
2/11/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/11/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/11/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2013 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
2/13/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/15/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/15/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/17/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/21/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/27/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/1/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/1/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/3/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/5/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/5/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/5/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/7/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/9/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/9/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/11/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
3/13/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/13/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/13/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/13/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/15/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/15/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/15/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
3/15/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/25/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/25/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/25/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/25/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/25/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/27/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/27/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/27/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/31/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/2/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/2/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/2/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/2/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/4/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/4/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/6/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/6/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/6/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/6/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/8/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/8/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/10/2013 Harvest Boston MA East White Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/12/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/12/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/12/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/14/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/14/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/14/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/14/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/16/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/16/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/16/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/18/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/18/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
4/18/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/18/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/20/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/20/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/22/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/22/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
4/22/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/22/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/22/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/22/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/24/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/24/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/26/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/26/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/28/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/28/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
5/2/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/4/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
5/4/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/6/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/12/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/12/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/12/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/14/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/14/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/16/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/16/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/16/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/18/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/20/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/20/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/22/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
5/22/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/26/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/26/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/26/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/28/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/28/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/30/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
5/30/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/30/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/1/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/1/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/1/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/1/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/1/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/1/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/3/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/3/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/5/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/5/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/7/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/7/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/9/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/9/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/11/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/11/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
6/13/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/13/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/15/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/15/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/15/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/17/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/17/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/17/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/17/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/17/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/17/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/17/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/19/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/19/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/19/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/21/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/21/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/21/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/23/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/23/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/23/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/23/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
6/25/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/25/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/27/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/27/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/27/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
6/29/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/29/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/29/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/29/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/29/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/1/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/1/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/3/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/3/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/3/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/3/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/3/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/3/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/5/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/5/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/5/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/5/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/7/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/7/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/9/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/9/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/9/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/11/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/11/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/13/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/13/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/13/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/15/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/15/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/17/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/17/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/17/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
7/17/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/17/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/19/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/25/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/29/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/29/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/29/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/2/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/2/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/4/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Bacon Chocolate Exotic
8/4/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/4/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
8/4/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West White Chocolate Plain
8/6/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/6/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/6/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/8/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/12/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/12/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/12/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/12/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/12/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/12/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/22/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/22/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/24/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/24/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/28/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/30/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/30/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/1/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/3/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/5/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/5/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/7/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
9/7/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/9/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
9/11/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/11/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
9/11/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/13/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/15/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/17/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/17/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/19/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/19/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/21/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/23/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/23/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/23/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/23/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/23/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/25/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/25/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/25/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/27/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/1/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/3/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
10/7/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/7/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/9/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/9/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/9/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/13/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/13/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/13/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/15/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/15/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/21/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/23/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/25/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/25/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
10/25/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/25/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/27/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/27/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
10/27/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/27/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/27/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/27/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/27/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/29/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/29/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/31/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/31/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/4/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/4/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/4/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/6/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/8/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/10/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/10/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/10/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/12/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/12/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/14/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/14/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/16/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/16/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/16/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/16/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/16/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/20/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/26/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/26/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/26/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/26/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/26/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/28/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/30/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/2/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/2/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/4/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest White Chocolate Plain
12/6/2013 Jeffries Chicago IL Midwest Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/6/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/6/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/8/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/8/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/10/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/10/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/12/2013 Jim's Natural Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/12/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/12/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/12/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/12/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/12/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/14/2013 Harvest Chicago IL Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/14/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/14/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/18/2013 New Frontiers Dallas TX South White Chocolate Plain
12/20/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/24/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/26/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/26/2013 Harvest Atlanta GA East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/26/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East White Chocolate Plain
12/26/2013 Harvest Boston MA East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/26/2013 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/26/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/28/2013 Harvest Denver CO West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/30/2013 Jeffries Denver CO West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/3/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/7/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/7/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/9/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/9/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/15/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/15/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/15/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/15/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/17/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/17/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/17/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/31/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/4/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/4/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/4/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/4/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/4/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/4/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/12/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/12/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/12/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/12/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
2/14/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/18/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/18/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/20/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/20/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/22/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/22/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/24/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/24/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/26/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
2/26/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/2/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/2/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
3/18/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/18/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/24/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/24/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/28/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/28/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/28/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/3/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/3/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/9/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/9/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/11/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/11/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/11/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/11/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/11/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
4/11/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/11/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/15/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/15/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/15/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/15/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/21/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/21/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/25/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/1/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
5/1/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/1/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/1/2011 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/1/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/1/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/5/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/5/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/7/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/7/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/7/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/7/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/13/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/13/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/4/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/4/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/6/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/6/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/10/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/10/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/20/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/20/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2011 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/28/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
6/30/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/2/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/2/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/2/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/2/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/2/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/2/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/4/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/6/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/8/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/8/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/10/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
7/14/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
7/14/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/16/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/18/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/18/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/18/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/18/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/18/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/20/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/22/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/24/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/30/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/1/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/1/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/1/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/5/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/7/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/15/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/15/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/15/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
8/15/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/15/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/21/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/21/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/25/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/25/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/29/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/29/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/31/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/6/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/12/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/12/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/12/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/12/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/12/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/16/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/24/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/26/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/26/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/26/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/26/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/30/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/10/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/24/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/24/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/1/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/5/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
11/7/2011 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/7/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/7/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/17/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/21/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/21/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/21/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/21/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/27/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/5/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/11/2011 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/19/2011 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/19/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/23/2011 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/29/2011 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/29/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/31/2011 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/31/2011 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/2/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/2/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/2/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/2/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/4/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/4/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/6/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/6/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
1/6/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/10/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/10/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/10/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/12/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/14/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/14/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/14/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/16/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/16/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/16/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/16/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/16/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/18/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/18/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/18/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/20/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/20/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/20/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/22/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/24/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/24/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/26/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/26/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/26/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/30/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/30/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/30/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/30/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/1/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/3/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
2/5/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/5/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/9/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/11/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/11/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/13/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/15/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/15/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/17/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/17/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/17/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/19/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
2/21/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/21/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/21/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
2/23/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/23/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/25/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
2/27/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/27/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
2/27/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/27/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/27/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/29/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/2/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/2/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/2/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/2/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/2/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/4/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/4/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/4/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/6/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/6/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/8/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/8/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/8/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/8/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
3/8/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/8/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/10/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/10/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/10/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/10/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/10/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/10/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
3/12/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/12/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/12/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/12/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/14/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/16/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/16/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/16/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/16/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/18/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/18/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/18/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/18/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/18/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/18/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/20/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/20/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/20/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/20/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/20/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/20/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/20/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/20/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/22/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/22/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/22/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/22/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/22/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/22/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/22/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/24/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/24/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/26/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/26/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/26/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/26/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/26/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/30/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/30/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/30/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/1/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/1/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/1/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/3/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/3/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/3/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/3/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/3/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/3/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/5/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/5/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/5/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/5/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/7/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/7/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/7/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/9/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/11/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/13/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/13/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/15/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/15/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/15/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/17/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/17/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/17/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/17/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/19/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/19/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/19/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/21/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/21/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
4/21/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/21/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
4/21/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/23/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/23/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/25/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
4/27/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/27/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/27/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/27/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/29/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/29/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/29/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/29/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/29/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/29/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/29/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/29/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/29/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/3/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/3/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/3/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/3/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/3/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/3/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/5/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/5/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/7/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/7/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/7/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
5/9/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/9/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/9/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/11/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/11/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/11/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/11/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/11/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/11/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/11/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/13/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
5/13/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/15/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/19/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/19/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/19/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/21/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/21/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/21/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/23/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/23/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/23/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/23/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/23/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/23/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/25/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
5/25/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/25/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/27/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/29/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/29/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/29/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/29/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/29/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/31/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/31/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/2/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/2/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/2/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/2/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/2/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/2/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/4/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/4/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/4/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/4/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/8/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/8/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/10/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/10/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/12/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/12/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/12/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/12/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/12/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
6/14/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/14/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/14/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
6/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/16/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/16/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/16/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/16/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/16/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/16/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
6/16/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/16/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/18/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/18/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/18/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/20/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/20/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/20/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/20/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/20/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/22/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/22/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/24/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/24/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/24/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/26/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
6/26/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/26/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/26/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/28/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/28/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/28/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/28/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/28/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/28/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/28/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/30/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/30/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/30/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/2/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/2/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/2/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/2/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/4/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/4/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/4/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/6/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/6/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/6/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
7/6/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/8/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/8/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/10/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/10/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/12/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/12/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
7/12/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
7/14/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
7/14/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/16/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/16/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/20/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/20/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/20/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/20/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/20/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
7/22/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/22/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/24/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/24/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/24/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/26/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/26/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/26/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/30/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/30/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/30/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/30/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/30/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/1/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/1/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
8/3/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/7/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/7/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/7/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/7/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/9/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/9/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/11/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/13/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/19/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/19/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/19/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/19/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/21/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/21/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
8/21/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/21/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/23/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/25/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
8/25/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/27/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/27/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/29/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/31/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/31/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
9/2/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/2/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/4/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/6/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/6/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/10/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/10/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/10/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/10/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/14/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/14/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/14/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/16/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/16/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/18/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/18/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/18/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/20/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/20/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/22/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/24/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/26/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/28/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/28/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/30/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/2/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
10/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/6/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/6/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/6/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/8/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/10/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/12/2012 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
10/12/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/16/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
10/16/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/20/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/24/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/26/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
10/26/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/28/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/30/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/1/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/5/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/9/2012 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/9/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/11/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/11/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/13/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/13/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/17/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/17/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/19/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
11/19/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/19/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/21/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/23/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/23/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/25/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/25/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/27/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/27/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/29/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/29/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/1/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/1/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/3/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/3/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/5/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/7/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/7/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/9/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/9/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/11/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/13/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/13/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/13/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
12/13/2012 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
12/13/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/15/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/15/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/15/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/19/2012 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/21/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/21/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
12/21/2012 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
12/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/23/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/23/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/25/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/25/2012 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/25/2012 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/27/2012 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/29/2012 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/31/2012 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/31/2012 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/31/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/31/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/31/2012 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
12/31/2012 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/4/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/4/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/4/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/6/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/6/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/6/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/6/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/8/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/10/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/10/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/12/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/12/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/12/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/14/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/14/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/14/2013 Harvest San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
1/16/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/16/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/18/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/18/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/18/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/18/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/20/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/20/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
1/22/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
1/22/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/24/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/24/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/24/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/26/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
1/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/26/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
1/28/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
1/28/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/28/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
1/28/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/28/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
1/30/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
2/1/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/1/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
2/1/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/1/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/1/2013 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/3/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/5/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/5/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/5/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/5/2013 Harvest San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/5/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/7/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/7/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
2/7/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/7/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/9/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/11/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
2/13/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/13/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
2/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
2/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/13/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/15/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/17/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/17/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/17/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
2/17/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/17/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/19/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/19/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/19/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/19/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/21/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/21/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/21/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/21/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/23/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
2/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/25/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/25/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/27/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
2/27/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
2/27/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
2/27/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
2/27/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
3/1/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/1/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/1/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/3/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/3/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/3/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/3/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/3/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/5/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/5/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/5/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/7/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/9/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/9/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/9/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/9/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/9/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/9/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/9/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
3/11/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/11/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/11/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/13/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/13/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/15/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/15/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/15/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/15/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/17/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/17/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/17/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/17/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/19/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/19/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/21/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/21/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/23/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/23/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/23/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
3/25/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/27/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/27/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
3/27/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/27/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/27/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/29/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
3/29/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/29/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/29/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
3/31/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/31/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
3/31/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
3/31/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
3/31/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/2/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/2/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/2/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/2/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/2/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/4/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/4/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/4/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/6/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/6/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/6/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/6/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/6/2013 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/8/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/8/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/8/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/10/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/10/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/12/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/12/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/12/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
4/12/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
4/14/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/14/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/14/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
4/16/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/16/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/16/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/16/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
4/18/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/18/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
4/20/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
4/22/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/22/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/24/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
4/24/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/24/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
4/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/26/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/28/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
4/28/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/28/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/28/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/30/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/30/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/30/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
4/30/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
4/30/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
4/30/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
4/30/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/2/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/2/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/2/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/4/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/4/2013 Harvest San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/4/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/6/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/6/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/6/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/6/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/6/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/8/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/8/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
5/8/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/10/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/10/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/10/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/12/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/12/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/12/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/14/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/14/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/14/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/16/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/16/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/18/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
5/20/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/20/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
5/20/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/20/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/20/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/20/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
5/22/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
5/22/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/22/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/22/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/24/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/24/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/24/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/24/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
5/26/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/26/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/28/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
5/28/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
5/28/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/28/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/28/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/30/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
5/30/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
5/30/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
5/30/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
5/30/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/1/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/3/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/3/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/3/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/3/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/5/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/5/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/5/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/7/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/7/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/7/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
6/9/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/9/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
6/9/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/9/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/9/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/9/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
6/11/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/11/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/11/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/13/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/13/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/15/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/15/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/15/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/15/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/17/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/17/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/17/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/17/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
6/19/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/19/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/19/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/19/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/19/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/21/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/23/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/23/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/23/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/23/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/25/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/25/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/25/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/25/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
6/27/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
6/27/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
6/29/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Almond Nuts
6/29/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
6/29/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
6/29/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
6/29/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Banana Chocolate Exotic
7/1/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/1/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/1/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
7/1/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/3/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/3/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/3/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/5/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/5/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/5/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/7/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/7/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/7/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/7/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/7/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/7/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/7/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/11/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/13/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/13/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/15/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/17/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/17/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Bacon Chocolate Exotic
7/17/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/19/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/19/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/19/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/19/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
7/19/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/21/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/23/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/23/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
7/23/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
7/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/23/2013 Agnes Whole Foods San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
7/23/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
7/25/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
7/25/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
7/27/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
7/27/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Orange Chocolate Fruit
7/29/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/2/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/2/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
8/2/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/4/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/4/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/6/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/6/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/6/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/8/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
8/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/12/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/12/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/18/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
8/18/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/18/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
8/22/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
8/22/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/22/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
8/24/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/24/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
8/30/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/1/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/1/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/1/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Orange Chocolate Fruit
9/1/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/3/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/3/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/3/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/5/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
9/5/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
9/9/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/9/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/9/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/11/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/11/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/11/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/13/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/15/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/17/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/19/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/19/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/21/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/23/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/23/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/23/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
9/25/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest White Chocolate Plain
9/25/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/25/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
9/27/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/27/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/27/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
9/29/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
9/29/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/1/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/1/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/3/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/3/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
10/3/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/5/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/5/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/7/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
10/9/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/9/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/11/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/11/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/13/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
10/13/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/13/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/15/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
10/15/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/17/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/19/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/25/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
10/25/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/29/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
10/31/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
10/31/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/4/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
11/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/6/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/6/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/6/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/8/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/12/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
11/14/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/18/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/18/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West White Chocolate Plain
11/20/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/20/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/24/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/24/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/24/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Extra Dark Chocolate Plain
11/24/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
11/28/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
11/28/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
11/28/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
11/28/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/28/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
11/28/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
11/30/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South White Chocolate Plain
11/30/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/4/2013 Harvest Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/4/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/4/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/4/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/4/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/4/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/4/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/6/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/6/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/6/2013 Harvest Minneapolis MN Midwest Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/6/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/8/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/8/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/8/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/8/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/8/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/8/2013 Jeffries New York NY East White Chocolate Plain
12/8/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
12/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/10/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/12/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/12/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/14/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/14/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/16/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/16/2013 Crazy Oats San Francisco CA West White Chocolate Plain
12/16/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
12/18/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/20/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Milk Chocolate Plain
12/20/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/20/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Milk Chocolate Plain
12/20/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/20/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/24/2013 Jim's Natural Minneapolis MN Midwest Peanut Butter Chocolate Nuts
12/24/2013 New Frontiers New York NY East Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/26/2013 Crazy Oats Miami FL South Milk Chocolate Plain
12/26/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/26/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/28/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic
12/28/2013 New Frontiers Los Angeles CA West Chocolate Hazelnut Nuts
12/28/2013 Jeffries New York NY East Chocolate Almond Nuts
12/28/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Chocolate Pistachio Nuts
12/30/2013 Crazy Oats Seattle WA West Milk Chocolate Plain
SoLuong DoanhSo
58 $ 87.00
46 $ 46.00
53 $ 53.00
120 $ 120.00
96 $ 96.00
60 $ 90.00
63 $ 63.00
132 $ 132.00
87 $ 108.75
149 $ 149.00 DOANH SO
62 $ 93.00 SUMIFS 15013.75
42 $ 42.00 SUMPRODUCT 1758.75
62 $ 93.00
42 $ 42.00
45 $ 45.00
114 $ 171.00
59 $ 88.50
54 $ 108.00
45 $ 56.25
90 $ 90.00
88 $ 88.00
172 $ 172.00
46 $ 69.00
75 $ 112.50
84 $ 168.00
91 $ 113.75
161 $ 161.00
65 $ 65.00
133 $ 166.25
91 $ 113.75
114 $ 171.00
47 $ 70.50
47 $ 94.00
47 $ 58.75
119 $ 148.75
55 $ 55.00
60 $ 60.00
288 $ 288.00
108 $ 108.00
144 $ 144.00
43 $ 53.75
789 $ 789.00
83 $ 83.00
51 $ 63.75
54 $ 54.00
54 $ 81.00
54 $ 54.00
66 $ 82.50
198 $ 247.50
51 $ 51.00
105 $ 105.00
434 $ 651.00
75 $ 75.00
106 $ 132.50
50 $ 50.00
62 $ 62.00
35 $ 61.25
54 $ 54.00
44 $ 66.00
41 $ 41.00
47 $ 58.75
41 $ 61.50
18 $ 22.50
71 $ 124.25
47 $ 47.00
50 $ 75.00
36 $ 36.00
42 $ 52.50
47 $ 47.00
63 $ 63.00
42 $ 42.00
42 $ 42.00
30 $ 52.50
50 $ 50.00
57 $ 85.50
44 $ 44.00
38 $ 47.50
39 $ 78.00
69 $ 138.00
105 $ 157.50
177 $ 177.00
21 $ 26.25
29 $ 36.25
54 $ 54.00
51 $ 63.75
59 $ 118.00
32 $ 64.00
420 $ 630.00
95 $ 95.00
48 $ 48.00
32 $ 40.00
47 $ 47.00
32 $ 48.00
35 $ 52.50
39 $ 48.75
44 $ 88.00
45 $ 56.25
33 $ 41.25
45 $ 56.25
41 $ 82.00
75 $ 150.00
107 $ 160.50
177 $ 177.00
108 $ 108.00
175 $ 218.75
130 $ 195.00
319 $ 319.00
12 $ 12.00
18 $ 18.00
8 $ 16.00
31 $ 31.00
59 $ 73.75
60 $ 90.00
25 $ 25.00
31 $ 31.00
33 $ 33.00
65 $ 97.50
48 $ 96.00
19 $ 19.00
44 $ 55.00
41 $ 61.50
79 $ 79.00
250 $ 312.50
163 $ 163.00
15 $ 15.00
15 $ 22.50
41 $ 41.00
38 $ 47.50
130 $ 130.00
45 $ 45.00
243 $ 364.50
36 $ 63.00
23 $ 34.50
40 $ 80.00
51 $ 51.00
25 $ 25.00
22 $ 27.50
64 $ 80.00
46 $ 46.00
175 $ 175.00
110 $ 110.00
113 $ 113.00
15 $ 22.50
29 $ 29.00
51 $ 51.00
45 $ 45.00
90 $ 90.00
20 $ 20.00
99 $ 99.00
20 $ 20.00
30 $ 45.00
25 $ 25.00
36 $ 54.00
52 $ 52.00
26 $ 26.00
26 $ 26.00
32 $ 48.00
91 $ 136.50
154 $ 154.00
233 $ 233.00
22 $ 33.00
22 $ 22.00
48 $ 72.00
22 $ 22.00
28 $ 28.00
23 $ 23.00
51 $ 63.75
64 $ 80.00
20 $ 30.00
42 $ 42.00
50 $ 50.00
76 $ 95.00
26 $ 32.50
24 $ 24.00
23 $ 46.00
22 $ 33.00
19 $ 28.50
230 $ 287.50
11 $ 16.50
64 $ 80.00
73 $ 91.25
53 $ 66.25
25 $ 31.25
190 $ 285.00
137 $ 171.25
46 $ 69.00
27 $ 33.75
51 $ 51.00
39 $ 58.50
30 $ 45.00
20 $ 25.00
50 $ 75.00
25 $ 31.25
6 $ 12.00
19 $ 23.75
34 $ 68.00
46 $ 69.00
34 $ 34.00
1 $ 1.00
2 $ 3.00
2 $ 2.00
8 $ 16.00
10 $ 15.00
8 $ 8.00
8 $ 8.00
9 $ 9.00
12 $ 18.00
10 $ 10.00
10 $ 10.00
10 $ 15.00
9 $ 13.50
9 $ 18.00
12 $ 18.00
10 $ 10.00
19 $ 38.00
5 $ 6.25
9 $ 13.50
63 $ 63.00
97 $ 121.25
129 $ 161.25
24 $ 24.00
719 ###
24 $ 36.00
78 $ 117.00
1 $ 1.25
2 $ 2.00
7 $ 10.50
2 $ 2.50
7 $ 7.00
18 $ 22.50
8 $ 10.00
8 $ 8.00
6 $ 9.00
7 $ 10.50
8 $ 12.00
15 $ 15.00
14 $ 28.00
7 $ 14.00
10 $ 10.00
16 $ 24.00
11 $ 16.50
8 $ 10.00
6 $ 9.00
7 $ 8.75
16 $ 16.00
24 $ 30.00
32 $ 40.00
6 $ 6.00
178 $ 267.00
7 $ 10.50
18 $ 27.00
24 $ 36.00
5 $ 5.00
14 $ 14.00
7 $ 10.50
26 $ 39.00
77 $ 115.50
166 $ 207.50
110 $ 220.00
6 $ 12.00
37 $ 46.25
104 $ 208.00
22 $ 33.00
41 $ 51.25
30 $ 60.00
30 $ 37.50
42 $ 42.00
89 $ 111.25
35 $ 35.00
23 $ 28.75
60 $ 60.00
4 $ 6.00
35 $ 35.00
20 $ 20.00
50 $ 50.00
50 $ 75.00
39 $ 48.75
20 $ 20.00
403 $ 403.00
134 $ 134.00
6 $ 6.00
10 $ 12.50
56 $ 56.00
33 $ 33.00
31 $ 31.00
31 $ 31.00
70 $ 70.00
41 $ 51.25
103 $ 103.00
29 $ 29.00
21 $ 21.00
36 $ 72.00
245 $ 306.25
144 $ 288.00
5 $ 8.75
5 $ 5.00
5 $ 6.25
27 $ 33.75
33 $ 66.00
81 $ 121.50
25 $ 31.25
75 $ 75.00
66 $ 82.50
34 $ 68.00
29 $ 36.25
20 $ 20.00
20 $ 30.00
18 $ 18.00
94 $ 94.00
151 $ 188.75
3 $ 3.00
21 $ 21.00
43 $ 53.75
49 $ 49.00
46 $ 92.00
238 $ 297.50
22 $ 22.00
35 $ 43.75
27 $ 54.00
156 $ 195.00
42 $ 42.00
228 $ 342.00
552 $ 552.00
240 $ 240.00
86 $ 86.00
94 $ 94.00
68 $ 102.00
91 $ 91.00
71 $ 71.00
96 $ 120.00
71 $ 106.50
143 $ 143.00
77 $ 77.00
120 $ 120.00
57 $ 85.50
228 $ 228.00
120 $ 120.00
69 $ 69.00
192 $ 240.00
46 $ 46.00
166 $ 166.00
63 $ 63.00
95 $ 118.75
432 $ 432.00
182 $ 182.00
1426 ###
54 $ 67.50
78 $ 78.00
66 $ 66.00
45 $ 90.00
148 $ 148.00
97 $ 97.00
42 $ 52.50
127 $ 127.00
52 $ 52.00
360 $ 450.00
78 $ 78.00
91 $ 113.75
57 $ 99.75
60 $ 75.00
71 $ 142.00
70 $ 87.50
88 $ 110.00
83 $ 103.75
155 $ 155.00
59 $ 118.00
126 $ 157.50
80 $ 100.00
50 $ 100.00
288 $ 432.00
720 $ 720.00
331 $ 331.00
144 $ 144.00
90 $ 157.50
86 $ 129.00
71 $ 71.00
92 $ 92.00
266 $ 266.00
351 $ 438.75
59 $ 59.00
2117 ###
77 $ 96.25
230 $ 287.50
79 $ 118.50
184 $ 184.00
86 $ 86.00
101 $ 126.25
250 $ 312.50
211 $ 263.75
103 $ 180.25
113 $ 141.25
103 $ 128.75
120 $ 150.00
202 $ 252.50
91 $ 113.75
113 $ 141.25
96 $ 120.00
178 $ 178.00
427 $ 427.00
154 $ 192.50
422 $ 527.50
365 $ 365.00
132 $ 165.00
82 $ 102.50
84 $ 105.00
82 $ 82.00
194 $ 194.00
82 $ 102.50
91 $ 91.00
48 $ 48.00
46 $ 46.00
58 $ 58.00
49 $ 49.00
323 $ 323.00
132 $ 198.00
139 $ 173.75
72 $ 72.00
137 $ 205.50
104 $ 130.00
68 $ 102.00
49 $ 49.00
134 $ 201.00
96 $ 96.00
94 $ 117.50
69 $ 103.50
126 $ 157.50
140 $ 175.00
90 $ 90.00
94 $ 94.00
62 $ 62.00
225 $ 225.00
58 $ 116.00
91 $ 159.25
68 $ 68.00
87 $ 87.00
81 $ 81.00
56 $ 84.00
132 $ 165.00
106 $ 106.00
92 $ 138.00
870 $ 870.00
132 $ 132.00
52 $ 65.00
101 $ 101.00
94 $ 94.00
69 $ 86.25
50 $ 62.50
201 $ 201.00
19 $ 19.00
61 $ 61.00
148 $ 185.00
483 $ 724.50
144 $ 216.00
134 $ 201.00
29 $ 43.50
62 $ 62.00
65 $ 81.25
81 $ 81.00
82 $ 143.50
81 $ 141.75
50 $ 62.50
125 $ 125.00
55 $ 55.00
39 $ 48.75
330 $ 330.00
49 $ 49.00
21 $ 21.00
38 $ 47.50
35 $ 61.25
52 $ 52.00
39 $ 39.00
71 $ 71.00
47 $ 47.00
51 $ 76.50
44 $ 66.00
35 $ 43.75
27 $ 33.75
41 $ 51.25
38 $ 76.00
48 $ 48.00
37 $ 55.50
48 $ 60.00
47 $ 58.75
114 $ 171.00
120 $ 180.00
48 $ 72.00
53 $ 53.00
66 $ 132.00
48 $ 48.00
55 $ 82.50
60 $ 60.00
37 $ 37.00
35 $ 52.50
27 $ 47.25
40 $ 40.00
46 $ 69.00
55 $ 55.00
37 $ 46.25
436 $ 545.00
55 $ 55.00
37 $ 46.25
121 $ 121.00
62 $ 93.00
35 $ 35.00
143 $ 143.00
34 $ 42.50
42 $ 52.50
195 $ 195.00
35 $ 35.00
266 $ 266.00
32 $ 32.00
229 $ 229.00
33 $ 33.00
53 $ 106.00
273 $ 409.50
9 $ 18.00
77 $ 77.00
50 $ 50.00
40 $ 70.00
13 $ 13.00
297 $ 297.00
30 $ 30.00
21 $ 21.00
35 $ 35.00
119 $ 178.50
15 $ 15.00
35 $ 35.00
42 $ 52.50
91 $ 136.50
38 $ 57.00
67 $ 83.75
16 $ 20.00
17 $ 17.00
190 $ 285.00
31 $ 62.00
56 $ 56.00
289 $ 361.25
26 $ 32.50
31 $ 31.00
16 $ 24.00
17 $ 25.50
36 $ 45.00
27 $ 27.00
41 $ 41.00
46 $ 69.00
176 $ 176.00
125 $ 250.00
39 $ 58.50
25 $ 37.50
55 $ 110.00
128 $ 192.00
112 $ 140.00
14 $ 14.00
44 $ 88.00
342 $ 427.50
34 $ 34.00
31 $ 31.00
27 $ 40.50
122 $ 122.00
25 $ 25.00
58 $ 58.00
104 $ 156.00
12 $ 15.00
32 $ 48.00
44 $ 44.00
22 $ 33.00
28 $ 35.00
11 $ 11.00
32 $ 32.00
22 $ 33.00
121 $ 121.00
10 $ 17.50
18 $ 22.50
41 $ 82.00
19 $ 19.00
16 $ 20.00
33 $ 66.00
376 $ 470.00
116 $ 174.00
55 $ 82.50
84 $ 105.00
25 $ 37.50
14 $ 14.00
103 $ 128.75
28 $ 42.00
27 $ 54.00
48 $ 48.00
380 $ 760.00
88 $ 176.00
120 $ 120.00
92 $ 115.00
26 $ 26.00
17 $ 17.00
160 $ 200.00
15 $ 15.00
28 $ 35.00
55 $ 82.50
28 $ 35.00
218 $ 327.00
72 $ 90.00
13 $ 19.50
78 $ 97.50
143 $ 214.50
31 $ 62.00
45 $ 56.25
36 $ 45.00
37 $ 74.00
18 $ 27.00
465 $ 697.50
23 $ 28.75
54 $ 81.00
11 $ 22.00
116 $ 174.00
9 $ 18.00
12 $ 18.00
12 $ 12.00
13 $ 19.50
49 $ 73.50
32 $ 48.00
8 $ 8.00
25 $ 25.00
37 $ 55.50
33 $ 49.50
12 $ 15.00
54 $ 54.00
40 $ 60.00
27 $ 54.00
18 $ 27.00
8 $ 8.00
21 $ 26.25
2 $ 3.00
61 $ 61.00
12 $ 18.00
24 $ 30.00
35 $ 43.75
9 $ 11.25
8 $ 12.00
86 $ 129.00
2 $ 3.00
6 $ 6.00
27 $ 40.50
1 $ 1.00
7 $ 10.50
12 $ 24.00
18 $ 18.00
7 $ 14.00
146 $ 182.50
2 $ 3.00
14 $ 21.00
14 $ 21.00
5 $ 6.25
35 $ 70.00
48 $ 48.00
29 $ 36.25
7 $ 7.00
9 $ 9.00
7 $ 10.50
10 $ 15.00
5 $ 5.00
28 $ 28.00
2 $ 2.00
10 $ 10.00
9 $ 13.50
12 $ 15.00
27 $ 33.75
210 $ 315.00
11 $ 13.75
45 $ 56.25
7 $ 10.50
2 $ 2.50
8 $ 12.00
6 $ 12.00
20 $ 20.00
18 $ 27.00
29 $ 36.25
19 $ 28.50
15 $ 15.00
1 $ 1.75
9 $ 18.00
56 $ 70.00
10 $ 12.50
6 $ 12.00
12 $ 12.00
53 $ 53.00
44 $ 55.00
21 $ 21.00
112 $ 140.00
2 $ 2.50
8 $ 8.00
7 $ 7.00
15 $ 30.00
8 $ 12.00
64 $ 128.00
6 $ 7.50
116 $ 232.00
25 $ 31.25
31 $ 62.00
21 $ 21.00
88 $ 132.00
102 $ 127.50
749 ###
31 $ 31.00
45 $ 45.00
57 $ 85.50
50 $ 100.00
36 $ 54.00
46 $ 92.00
30 $ 60.00
36 $ 45.00
40 $ 80.00
39 $ 78.00
123 $ 123.00
22 $ 22.00
128 $ 128.00
42 $ 52.50
470 $ 470.00
61 $ 76.25
6 $ 7.50
32 $ 40.00
6 $ 6.00
29 $ 36.25
299 $ 299.00
38 $ 76.00
20 $ 20.00
5 $ 8.75
3 $ 6.00
4 $ 4.00
40 $ 40.00
24 $ 24.00
172 $ 215.00
22 $ 22.00
54 $ 54.00
38 $ 47.50
264 $ 330.00
23 $ 23.00
109 $ 109.00
69 $ 69.00
93 $ 93.00
99 $ 99.00
249 $ 373.50
100 $ 100.00
157 $ 157.00
43 $ 43.00
346 $ 432.50
66 $ 99.00
569 $ 569.00
93 $ 93.00
84 $ 105.00
52 $ 52.00
260 $ 260.00
37 $ 46.25
177 $ 221.25
161 $ 161.00
55 $ 55.00
256 $ 256.00
48 $ 60.00
132 $ 132.00
42 $ 42.00
57 $ 71.25
144 $ 144.00
210 $ 262.50
173 $ 173.00
44 $ 55.00
72 $ 72.00
59 $ 73.75
30 $ 30.00
59 $ 59.00
100 $ 125.00
168 $ 168.00
66 $ 82.50
98 $ 98.00
103 $ 128.75
65 $ 65.00
65 $ 81.25
73 $ 91.25
69 $ 69.00
310 $ 387.50
171 $ 171.00
50 $ 100.00
64 $ 128.00
80 $ 160.00
57 $ 71.25
64 $ 80.00
355 $ 355.00
121 $ 151.25
112 $ 140.00
90 $ 135.00
186 $ 325.50
87 $ 174.00
78 $ 78.00
56 $ 112.00
114 $ 142.50
824 $ 824.00
119 $ 148.75
261 $ 326.25
87 $ 130.50
66 $ 66.00
206 $ 257.50
126 $ 157.50
235 $ 293.75
317 $ 475.50
2469 ###
214 $ 267.50
88 $ 88.00
106 $ 106.00
50 $ 75.00
170 $ 170.00
140 $ 280.00
540 $ 540.00
67 $ 83.75
117 $ 204.75
29 $ 43.50
91 $ 113.75
107 $ 133.75
276 $ 345.00
171 $ 213.75
216 $ 216.00
255 $ 510.00
165 $ 330.00
469 $ 586.25
154 $ 154.00
146 $ 182.50
153 $ 191.25
76 $ 95.00
86 $ 150.50
804 ###
841 $ 841.00
99 $ 99.00
147 $ 257.25
109 $ 109.00
719 $ 898.75
96 $ 120.00
211 $ 211.00
122 $ 122.00
144 $ 216.00
103 $ 103.00
107 $ 133.75
246 $ 246.00
66 $ 99.00
118 $ 147.50
52 $ 52.00
145 $ 217.50
132 $ 165.00
119 $ 119.00
63 $ 63.00
330 $ 330.00
141 $ 176.25
71 $ 142.00
73 $ 109.50
95 $ 95.00
146 $ 182.50
58 $ 87.00
136 $ 136.00
100 $ 100.00
141 $ 211.50
186 $ 186.00
171 $ 171.00
238 $ 238.00
83 $ 83.00
61 $ 122.00
19 $ 19.00
110 $ 110.00
58 $ 72.50
65 $ 65.00
521 $ 781.50
85 $ 85.00
57 $ 85.50
82 $ 82.00
72 $ 126.00
50 $ 75.00
56 $ 56.00
55 $ 68.75
115 $ 143.75
871 $ 871.00
58 $ 72.50
54 $ 54.00
52 $ 65.00
135 $ 135.00
74 $ 74.00
51 $ 51.00
63 $ 63.00
46 $ 46.00
209 $ 209.00
29 $ 36.25
127 $ 127.00
51 $ 51.00
84 $ 84.00
211 $ 211.00
66 $ 99.00
41 $ 51.25
51 $ 51.00
70 $ 105.00
57 $ 71.25
66 $ 66.00
60 $ 60.00
51 $ 76.50
471 $ 588.75
52 $ 78.00
42 $ 52.50
53 $ 79.50
50 $ 100.00
69 $ 86.25
39 $ 58.50
56 $ 56.00
81 $ 162.00
48 $ 84.00
29 $ 50.75
26 $ 32.50
156 $ 156.00
150 $ 225.00
25 $ 31.25
65 $ 97.50
67 $ 100.50
74 $ 111.00
15 $ 15.00
44 $ 55.00
41 $ 51.25
37 $ 37.00
194 $ 291.00
38 $ 38.00
193 $ 241.25
37 $ 46.25
17 $ 21.25
48 $ 48.00
35 $ 35.00
47 $ 58.75
64 $ 64.00
303 $ 378.75
95 $ 142.50
49 $ 73.50
118 $ 118.00
22 $ 22.00
69 $ 103.50
27 $ 33.75
48 $ 72.00
40 $ 60.00
34 $ 68.00
39 $ 39.00
87 $ 108.75
44 $ 88.00
71 $ 88.75
148 $ 222.00
39 $ 48.75
56 $ 56.00
40 $ 40.00
18 $ 18.00
33 $ 41.25
18 $ 18.00
63 $ 63.00
28 $ 28.00
25 $ 37.50
31 $ 31.00
18 $ 27.00
73 $ 73.00
28 $ 56.00
105 $ 157.50
12 $ 12.00
35 $ 52.50
23 $ 34.50
29 $ 36.25
43 $ 64.50
37 $ 55.50
120 $ 150.00
43 $ 43.00
27 $ 33.75
34 $ 34.00
133 $ 133.00
120 $ 180.00
34 $ 34.00
62 $ 62.00
345 $ 431.25
127 $ 127.00
36 $ 54.00
34 $ 34.00
41 $ 41.00
38 $ 76.00
136 $ 272.00
110 $ 137.50
109 $ 163.50
23 $ 34.50
62 $ 77.50
29 $ 43.50
28 $ 42.00
46 $ 46.00
259 $ 323.75
28 $ 28.00
133 $ 166.25
226 $ 339.00
28 $ 28.00
15 $ 15.00
19 $ 38.00
58 $ 87.00
38 $ 57.00
62 $ 62.00
57 $ 85.50
97 $ 194.00
25 $ 37.50
53 $ 53.00
25 $ 37.50
403 $ 806.00
17 $ 17.00
52 $ 78.00
75 $ 93.75
43 $ 64.50
29 $ 36.25
12 $ 12.00
18 $ 18.00
36 $ 54.00
31 $ 62.00
29 $ 36.25
474 $ 711.00
36 $ 45.00
38 $ 76.00
12 $ 18.00
20 $ 30.00
27 $ 27.00
58 $ 58.00
64 $ 80.00
9 $ 11.25
47 $ 58.75
14 $ 21.00
12 $ 24.00
11 $ 11.00
9 $ 9.00
27 $ 27.00
41 $ 61.50
1 $ 1.00
1 $ 1.25
11 $ 22.00
12 $ 18.00
23 $ 28.75
38 $ 38.00
55 $ 82.50
14 $ 21.00
34 $ 51.00
12 $ 15.00
118 $ 147.50
12 $ 12.00
8 $ 10.00
15 $ 22.50
39 $ 78.00
9 $ 13.50
13 $ 26.00
25 $ 31.25
27 $ 54.00
9 $ 13.50
8 $ 10.00
7 $ 14.00
2 $ 2.00
27 $ 33.75
12 $ 12.00
6 $ 6.00
7 $ 10.50
7 $ 10.50
54 $ 54.00
7 $ 7.00
18 $ 18.00
6 $ 7.50
46 $ 57.50
7 $ 14.00
6 $ 6.00
12 $ 18.00
67 $ 134.00
9 $ 13.50
11 $ 11.00
8 $ 12.00
137 $ 137.00
10 $ 12.50
161 $ 201.25
125 $ 250.00
7 $ 14.00
11 $ 13.75
21 $ 31.50
19 $ 28.50
22 $ 22.00
70 $ 105.00
2 $ 2.50
9 $ 18.00
794 ###
12 $ 15.00
23 $ 23.00
21 $ 21.00
12 $ 18.00
17 $ 17.00
31 $ 31.00
91 $ 136.50
7 $ 8.75
35 $ 35.00
127 $ 254.00
38 $ 57.00
68 $ 68.00
107 $ 133.75
39 $ 39.00
62 $ 93.00
8 $ 8.00
26 $ 32.50
42 $ 84.00
35 $ 43.75
32 $ 48.00
76 $ 76.00
135 $ 168.75
65 $ 65.00
55 $ 110.00
7 $ 7.00
131 $ 131.00
23 $ 23.00
44 $ 55.00
47 $ 58.75
30 $ 37.50
12 $ 15.00
120 $ 180.00
158 $ 158.00
176 $ 352.00
6 $ 10.50
135 $ 135.00
45 $ 56.25
21 $ 21.00
77 $ 115.50
51 $ 63.75
70 $ 70.00
250 $ 250.00
4 $ 4.00
31 $ 31.00
82 $ 102.50
32 $ 64.00
102 $ 102.00
39 $ 78.00
21 $ 21.00
288 $ 360.00
6 $ 10.50
189 $ 236.25
43 $ 43.00
55 $ 55.00
94 $ 94.00
70 $ 70.00
56 $ 56.00
112 $ 140.00
87 $ 130.50
68 $ 102.00
132 $ 132.00
82 $ 82.00
24 $ 24.00
24 $ 24.00
274 $ 274.00
113 $ 141.25
118 $ 118.00
142 $ 142.00
72 $ 144.00
186 $ 232.50
366 $ 457.50
145 $ 145.00
176 $ 176.00
177 $ 177.00
187 $ 187.00
84 $ 126.00
305 $ 381.25
82 $ 82.00
207 $ 258.75
74 $ 74.00
148 $ 148.00
469 $ 586.25
61 $ 76.25
220 $ 275.00
208 $ 208.00
70 $ 70.00
214 $ 267.50
1649 ###
45 $ 56.25
62 $ 108.50
71 $ 71.00
82 $ 102.50
188 $ 188.00
97 $ 97.00
66 $ 132.00
104 $ 130.00
120 $ 120.00
225 $ 281.25
88 $ 176.00
99 $ 99.00
72 $ 90.00
119 $ 148.75
108 $ 135.00
332 $ 415.00
133 $ 166.25
116 $ 145.00
103 $ 128.75
192 $ 240.00
715 $ 715.00
332 $ 664.00
94 $ 141.00
275 $ 550.00
264 $ 264.00
125 $ 156.25
791 $ 988.75
1809 ###
124 $ 155.00
151 $ 188.75
160 $ 200.00
69 $ 69.00
103 $ 128.75
907 $ 907.00
323 $ 323.00
2667 ###
229 $ 286.25
151 $ 302.00
860 ###
149 $ 186.25
56 $ 112.00
218 $ 272.50
306 $ 306.00
287 $ 358.75
147 $ 183.75
178 $ 178.00
391 $ 488.75
225 $ 225.00
563 $ 563.00
193 $ 386.00
73 $ 91.25
324 $ 486.00
185 $ 231.25
100 $ 125.00
83 $ 103.75
300 $ 300.00
111 $ 111.00
78 $ 97.50
140 $ 140.00
104 $ 104.00
866 $ 866.00
287 $ 358.75
111 $ 111.00
123 $ 153.75
408 $ 408.00
153 $ 267.75
152 $ 190.00
108 $ 135.00
90 $ 112.50
417 $ 417.00
58 $ 58.00
52 $ 52.00
55 $ 55.00
59 $ 73.75
206 $ 206.00
108 $ 108.00
79 $ 98.75
70 $ 87.50
43 $ 43.00
46 $ 69.00
108 $ 108.00
86 $ 86.00
78 $ 78.00
65 $ 65.00
48 $ 48.00
54 $ 81.00
89 $ 89.00
38 $ 57.00
66 $ 66.00
110 $ 110.00
64 $ 80.00
59 $ 59.00
194 $ 194.00
50 $ 50.00
120 $ 120.00
50 $ 62.50
60 $ 60.00
197 $ 197.00
239 $ 239.00
240 $ 240.00
71 $ 88.75
86 $ 107.50
29 $ 43.50
40 $ 60.00
38 $ 57.00
45 $ 67.50
69 $ 69.00
91 $ 91.00
69 $ 69.00
64 $ 64.00
70 $ 70.00
59 $ 59.00
38 $ 47.50
50 $ 50.00
88 $ 88.00
115 $ 172.50
66 $ 99.00
60 $ 60.00
70 $ 70.00
48 $ 72.00
82 $ 102.50
65 $ 65.00
79 $ 79.00
114 $ 114.00
126 $ 189.00
45 $ 45.00
134 $ 134.00
43 $ 43.00
60 $ 60.00
48 $ 60.00
86 $ 86.00
58 $ 58.00
64 $ 64.00
120 $ 120.00
47 $ 47.00
50 $ 50.00
93 $ 139.50
245 $ 245.00
107 $ 107.00
218 $ 218.00
71 $ 124.25
74 $ 74.00
50 $ 50.00
223 $ 223.00
76 $ 133.00
58 $ 58.00
47 $ 47.00
20 $ 20.00
24 $ 24.00
32 $ 32.00
17 $ 17.00
23 $ 23.00
38 $ 38.00
29 $ 36.25
71 $ 71.00
38 $ 47.50
71 $ 71.00
95 $ 166.25
146 $ 146.00
83 $ 83.00
45 $ 45.00
81 $ 81.00
41 $ 61.50
39 $ 39.00
66 $ 66.00
71 $ 71.00
101 $ 101.00
41 $ 41.00
39 $ 48.75
48 $ 48.00
48 $ 60.00
35 $ 35.00
80 $ 100.00
47 $ 58.75
57 $ 57.00
53 $ 53.00
81 $ 81.00
47 $ 47.00
75 $ 75.00
33 $ 66.00
32 $ 64.00
30 $ 45.00
29 $ 43.50
62 $ 62.00
66 $ 66.00
38 $ 38.00
38 $ 38.00
36 $ 36.00
32 $ 32.00
36 $ 54.00
117 $ 146.25
60 $ 75.00
83 $ 83.00
72 $ 90.00
77 $ 115.50
101 $ 101.00
42 $ 42.00
78 $ 78.00
114 $ 171.00
164 $ 164.00
174 $ 174.00
80 $ 80.00
56 $ 56.00
92 $ 138.00
56 $ 84.00
54 $ 67.50
62 $ 93.00
128 $ 160.00
38 $ 38.00
47 $ 70.50
167 $ 167.00
48 $ 48.00
38 $ 57.00
312 $ 390.00
45 $ 45.00
119 $ 119.00
53 $ 66.25
59 $ 88.50
98 $ 147.00
89 $ 89.00
134 $ 134.00
35 $ 35.00
123 $ 123.00
47 $ 58.75
53 $ 79.50
101 $ 151.50
87 $ 87.00
126 $ 126.00
74 $ 111.00
77 $ 115.50
60 $ 60.00
42 $ 42.00
28 $ 35.00
22 $ 22.00
19 $ 19.00
28 $ 28.00
50 $ 50.00
39 $ 39.00
68 $ 68.00
37 $ 46.25
22 $ 33.00
55 $ 68.75
42 $ 52.50
26 $ 26.00
31 $ 31.00
75 $ 75.00
38 $ 47.50
26 $ 26.00
26 $ 39.00
32 $ 32.00
44 $ 44.00
23 $ 28.75
65 $ 65.00
24 $ 30.00
20 $ 20.00
67 $ 67.00
24 $ 30.00
22 $ 22.00
22 $ 33.00
25 $ 37.50
34 $ 34.00
35 $ 35.00
101 $ 101.00
34 $ 34.00
23 $ 28.75
22 $ 33.00
33 $ 57.75
29 $ 36.25
34 $ 42.50
33 $ 33.00
29 $ 43.50
23 $ 28.75
28 $ 56.00
74 $ 74.00
40 $ 40.00
32 $ 40.00
43 $ 53.75
34 $ 34.00
20 $ 30.00
42 $ 52.50
31 $ 62.00
29 $ 43.50
20 $ 20.00
23 $ 34.50
28 $ 35.00
74 $ 74.00
28 $ 42.00
31 $ 38.75
89 $ 111.25
85 $ 106.25
58 $ 58.00
51 $ 51.00
36 $ 36.00
54 $ 108.00
24 $ 30.00
38 $ 38.00
34 $ 34.00
22 $ 27.50
25 $ 25.00
165 $ 165.00
20 $ 25.00
21 $ 31.50
23 $ 34.50
61 $ 61.00
40 $ 50.00
29 $ 58.00
24 $ 24.00
64 $ 64.00
56 $ 56.00
52 $ 78.00
18 $ 22.50
55 $ 96.25
35 $ 35.00
55 $ 96.25
32 $ 32.00
30 $ 45.00
54 $ 67.50
30 $ 45.00
50 $ 62.50
27 $ 40.50
27 $ 40.50
4 $ 4.00
39 $ 39.00
52 $ 52.00
38 $ 47.50
45 $ 67.50
40 $ 40.00
25 $ 50.00
25 $ 25.00
25 $ 37.50
37 $ 46.25
35 $ 35.00
33 $ 33.00
27 $ 33.75
34 $ 34.00
23 $ 34.50
70 $ 87.50
24 $ 36.00
68 $ 85.00
39 $ 39.00
70 $ 87.50
26 $ 32.50
44 $ 44.00
69 $ 86.25
22 $ 27.50
20 $ 20.00
23 $ 23.00
19 $ 38.00
29 $ 43.50
22 $ 44.00
27 $ 40.50
5 $ 10.00
41 $ 51.25
63 $ 63.00
30 $ 37.50
35 $ 43.75
32 $ 32.00
20 $ 30.00
37 $ 46.25
28 $ 28.00
25 $ 25.00
34 $ 34.00
19 $ 28.50
32 $ 32.00
34 $ 34.00
19 $ 23.75
27 $ 33.75
6 $ 6.00
5 $ 7.50
66 $ 99.00
36 $ 36.00
32 $ 40.00
56 $ 56.00
20 $ 30.00
41 $ 61.50
187 $ 280.50
40 $ 50.00
44 $ 66.00
34 $ 42.50
22 $ 22.00
32 $ 32.00
28 $ 35.00
22 $ 22.00
31 $ 31.00
6 $ 12.00
5 $ 10.00
3 $ 4.50
3 $ 3.75
7 $ 10.50
18 $ 22.50
8 $ 10.00
8 $ 10.00
6 $ 12.00
7 $ 10.50
21 $ 26.25
7 $ 7.00
9 $ 13.50
7 $ 10.50
12 $ 12.00
7 $ 8.75
10 $ 10.00
8 $ 10.00
22 $ 33.00
12 $ 18.00
20 $ 30.00
6 $ 9.00
12 $ 12.00
6 $ 9.00
7 $ 8.75
8 $ 12.00
8 $ 12.00
18 $ 22.50
19 $ 23.75
8 $ 12.00
8 $ 12.00
16 $ 20.00
17 $ 34.00
17 $ 34.00
1 $ 1.25
2 $ 2.50
2 $ 2.50
9 $ 9.00
26 $ 32.50
7 $ 7.00
30 $ 45.00
17 $ 21.25
9 $ 18.00
14 $ 17.50
7 $ 8.75
10 $ 15.00
19 $ 23.75
8 $ 12.00
5 $ 5.00
52 $ 78.00
16 $ 20.00
16 $ 20.00
22 $ 33.00
7 $ 10.50
7 $ 10.50
7 $ 7.00
15 $ 15.00
20 $ 30.00
8 $ 8.00
17 $ 25.50
12 $ 12.00
99 $ 148.50
7 $ 8.75
20 $ 20.00
6 $ 6.00
19 $ 28.50
9 $ 11.25
12 $ 18.00
12 $ 15.00
60 $ 90.00
6 $ 7.50
6 $ 7.50
20 $ 20.00
7 $ 7.00
18 $ 27.00
9 $ 11.25
13 $ 19.50
11 $ 13.75
61 $ 91.50
25 $ 37.50
25 $ 37.50
6 $ 6.00
13 $ 13.00
8 $ 12.00
16 $ 78.00
16 $ 78.00
19 $ 28.50
19 $ 60.00
24 $ 59.00
22 $ 56.00
73 $ 109.50
31 $ 38.75
37 $ 37.00
93 $ 116.25
34 $ 34.00
16 $ 20.00
53 $ 53.00
81 $ 81.00
28 $ 86.25
18 $ 44.00
21 $ 52.00
42 $ 210.00
19 $ 48.00
24 $ 88.50
32 $ 120.00
27 $ 102.00
8 $ 8.00
7 $ 8.75
64 $ 64.00
42 $ 52.50
28 $ 28.00
19 $ 19.00
42 $ 42.00
50 $ 75.00
38 $ 47.50
20 $ 20.00
130 $ 486.00
18 $ 92.00
23 $ 71.25
16 $ 40.00
24 $ 60.00
16 $ 60.00
20 $ 61.25
4 $ 4.00
29 $ 36.25
38 $ 47.50
23 $ 23.00
31 $ 62.00
4 $ 5.00
6 $ 7.50
32 $ 40.00
31 $ 38.75
21 $ 21.00
23 $ 23.00
26 $ 26.00
29 $ 29.00
29 $ 29.00
22 $ 33.00
30 $ 37.50
38 $ 66.50
46 $ 57.50
40 $ 70.00
51 $ 63.75
23 $ 28.75
24 $ 24.00
23 $ 34.50
17 $ 17.00
4 $ 4.00
43 $ 43.00
44 $ 55.00
31 $ 38.75
31 $ 31.00
30 $ 30.00
28 $ 28.00
22 $ 22.00
22 $ 22.00
31 $ 62.00
152 $ 190.00
93 $ 186.00
53 $ 53.00
50 $ 62.50
65 $ 65.00
129 $ 129.00
84 $ 105.00
93 $ 116.25
119 $ 119.00
47 $ 70.50
90 $ 90.00
48 $ 48.00
74 $ 74.00
77 $ 77.00
57 $ 71.25
71 $ 71.00
168 $ 210.00
120 $ 120.00
72 $ 144.00
101 $ 101.00
126 $ 126.00
119 $ 119.00
75 $ 93.75
53 $ 53.00
49 $ 49.00
64 $ 80.00
70 $ 70.00
84 $ 84.00
108 $ 108.00
78 $ 78.00
318 $ 397.50
307 $ 383.75
54 $ 54.00
84 $ 84.00
54 $ 54.00
53 $ 53.00
79 $ 79.00
50 $ 100.00
49 $ 49.00
77 $ 96.25
167 $ 167.00
74 $ 74.00
140 $ 175.00
115 $ 115.00
74 $ 148.00
103 $ 103.00
68 $ 68.00
90 $ 90.00
70 $ 122.50
131 $ 163.75
88 $ 110.00
95 $ 95.00
95 $ 95.00
79 $ 138.25
83 $ 83.00
70 $ 70.00
171 $ 213.75
88 $ 88.00
164 $ 205.00
97 $ 121.25
74 $ 74.00
98 $ 98.00
139 $ 139.00
367 $ 367.00
96 $ 96.00
89 $ 133.50
103 $ 103.00
101 $ 126.25
120 $ 120.00
230 $ 230.00
110 $ 110.00
77 $ 77.00
77 $ 77.00
156 $ 156.00
170 $ 340.00
175 $ 175.00
194 $ 194.00
144 $ 144.00
139 $ 139.00
106 $ 132.50
122 $ 122.00
120 $ 210.00
137 $ 137.00
84 $ 168.00
98 $ 98.00
91 $ 91.00
115 $ 115.00
125 $ 125.00
79 $ 79.00
110 $ 110.00
137 $ 137.00
115 $ 115.00
96 $ 96.00
55 $ 82.50
219 $ 219.00
66 $ 66.00
139 $ 139.00
40 $ 50.00
90 $ 90.00
55 $ 68.75
67 $ 67.00
63 $ 63.00
125 $ 125.00
74 $ 74.00
108 $ 108.00
53 $ 66.25
56 $ 98.00
95 $ 95.00
75 $ 150.00
73 $ 91.25
47 $ 47.00
86 $ 86.00
92 $ 92.00
102 $ 102.00
231 $ 231.00
76 $ 76.00
73 $ 91.25
54 $ 94.50
258 $ 258.00
89 $ 111.25
62 $ 77.50
58 $ 58.00
43 $ 53.75
129 $ 129.00
87 $ 87.00
68 $ 68.00
80 $ 100.00
203 $ 203.00
269 $ 269.00
48 $ 48.00
152 $ 152.00
77 $ 77.00
73 $ 73.00
63 $ 63.00
59 $ 59.00
52 $ 52.00
95 $ 95.00
63 $ 63.00
121 $ 121.00
51 $ 76.50
102 $ 153.00
80 $ 80.00
55 $ 82.50
56 $ 56.00
70 $ 70.00
82 $ 82.00
47 $ 58.75
52 $ 52.00
20 $ 20.00
70 $ 70.00
75 $ 75.00
37 $ 55.50
132 $ 132.00
66 $ 66.00
275 $ 275.00
56 $ 56.00
63 $ 63.00
50 $ 50.00
245 $ 245.00
71 $ 71.00
35 $ 70.00
41 $ 51.25
21 $ 21.00
26 $ 26.00
106 $ 159.00
36 $ 54.00
73 $ 91.25
64 $ 96.00
120 $ 120.00
51 $ 76.50
78 $ 78.00
45 $ 67.50
82 $ 82.00
31 $ 38.75
57 $ 85.50
68 $ 68.00
55 $ 68.75
43 $ 43.00
36 $ 45.00
89 $ 89.00
91 $ 113.75
58 $ 58.00
112 $ 112.00
116 $ 174.00
40 $ 80.00
91 $ 91.00
40 $ 40.00
63 $ 63.00
60 $ 75.00
139 $ 139.00
76 $ 76.00
131 $ 163.75
37 $ 37.00
40 $ 60.00
62 $ 108.50
101 $ 101.00
80 $ 100.00
191 $ 191.00
39 $ 58.50
142 $ 142.00
39 $ 58.50
94 $ 94.00
45 $ 45.00
114 $ 171.00
214 $ 214.00
40 $ 40.00
94 $ 94.00
101 $ 151.50
67 $ 100.50
55 $ 68.75
41 $ 41.00
57 $ 85.50
205 $ 205.00
146 $ 182.50
43 $ 64.50
71 $ 71.00
68 $ 119.00
70 $ 70.00
27 $ 27.00
79 $ 79.00
29 $ 36.25
84 $ 84.00
64 $ 96.00
134 $ 134.00
27 $ 40.50
26 $ 26.00
20 $ 20.00
51 $ 51.00
36 $ 45.00
39 $ 39.00
124 $ 186.00
51 $ 63.75
20 $ 20.00
61 $ 61.00
28 $ 28.00
36 $ 36.00
48 $ 48.00
27 $ 33.75
34 $ 34.00
64 $ 64.00
47 $ 47.00
147 $ 147.00
23 $ 23.00
25 $ 31.25
79 $ 118.50
46 $ 57.50
38 $ 38.00
24 $ 30.00
22 $ 27.50
75 $ 112.50
59 $ 73.75
25 $ 31.25
98 $ 98.00
20 $ 35.00
75 $ 112.50
28 $ 35.00
37 $ 55.50
21 $ 42.00
26 $ 45.50
16 $ 32.00
37 $ 46.25
29 $ 36.25
97 $ 97.00
46 $ 46.00
25 $ 37.50
38 $ 47.50
31 $ 62.00
22 $ 22.00
77 $ 77.00
26 $ 39.00
112 $ 112.00
39 $ 39.00
29 $ 43.50
32 $ 48.00
36 $ 45.00
23 $ 46.00
18 $ 18.00
48 $ 60.00
36 $ 72.00
45 $ 45.00
28 $ 42.00
39 $ 48.75
23 $ 34.50
31 $ 31.00
34 $ 42.50
25 $ 25.00
26 $ 32.50
45 $ 45.00
25 $ 37.50
19 $ 19.00
24 $ 36.00
42 $ 84.00
58 $ 101.50
41 $ 41.00
58 $ 58.00
31 $ 31.00
26 $ 26.00
38 $ 38.00
84 $ 84.00
80 $ 80.00
63 $ 63.00
44 $ 55.00
21 $ 31.50
45 $ 67.50
35 $ 43.75
22 $ 44.00
46 $ 69.00
27 $ 40.50
38 $ 47.50
71 $ 106.50
62 $ 124.00
35 $ 35.00
21 $ 26.25
44 $ 44.00
34 $ 34.00
19 $ 28.50
49 $ 73.50
25 $ 37.50
74 $ 92.50
26 $ 26.00
56 $ 70.00
22 $ 27.50
62 $ 62.00
27 $ 40.50
55 $ 68.75
34 $ 51.00
29 $ 29.00
57 $ 85.50
35 $ 35.00
51 $ 51.00
64 $ 112.00
27 $ 40.50
12 $ 12.00
27 $ 40.50
81 $ 101.25
30 $ 37.50
21 $ 26.25
41 $ 41.00
37 $ 37.00
36 $ 36.00
39 $ 39.00
45 $ 45.00
54 $ 81.00
39 $ 39.00
29 $ 43.50
24 $ 36.00
25 $ 50.00
4 $ 4.00
43 $ 43.00
41 $ 51.25
38 $ 38.00
32 $ 40.00
41 $ 41.00
45 $ 45.00
37 $ 46.25
37 $ 37.00
37 $ 37.00
24 $ 30.00
24 $ 48.00
49 $ 61.25
29 $ 58.00
33 $ 33.00
44 $ 55.00
27 $ 27.00
51 $ 76.50
22 $ 22.00
33 $ 49.50
32 $ 48.00
29 $ 29.00
59 $ 73.75
49 $ 73.50
53 $ 79.50
22 $ 33.00
27 $ 27.00
33 $ 33.00
22 $ 27.50
43 $ 64.50
30 $ 45.00
35 $ 35.00
36 $ 36.00
35 $ 35.00
54 $ 54.00
27 $ 27.00
34 $ 34.00
39 $ 39.00
32 $ 32.00
282 $ 352.50
49 $ 73.50
31 $ 38.75
46 $ 69.00
13 $ 13.00
38 $ 57.00
7 $ 14.00
37 $ 46.25
55 $ 82.50
7 $ 10.50
40 $ 40.00
27 $ 27.00
23 $ 34.50
6 $ 9.00
9 $ 13.50
18 $ 36.00
59 $ 59.00
32 $ 40.00
8 $ 12.00
16 $ 24.00
8 $ 10.00
20 $ 30.00
7 $ 10.50
26 $ 39.00
7 $ 14.00
8 $ 12.00
10 $ 10.00
33 $ 41.25
14 $ 24.50
10 $ 15.00
23 $ 34.50
23 $ 23.00
10 $ 15.00
21 $ 31.50
14 $ 21.00
8 $ 16.00
8 $ 10.00
24 $ 36.00
7 $ 8.75
8 $ 12.00
11 $ 19.25
71 $ 106.50
8 $ 10.00
2 $ 2.50
9 $ 11.25
9 $ 13.50
6 $ 6.00
16 $ 20.00
9 $ 11.25
7 $ 7.00
9 $ 13.50
21 $ 26.25
9 $ 9.00
6 $ 12.00
11 $ 16.50
11 $ 16.50
18 $ 22.50
26 $ 39.00
15 $ 15.00
1 $ 1.50
1 $ 1.25
6 $ 9.00
9 $ 13.50
6 $ 6.00
8 $ 8.00
2 $ 2.00
11 $ 11.00
107 $ 160.50
12 $ 18.00
10 $ 12.50
29 $ 36.25
9 $ 13.50
18 $ 22.50
7 $ 10.50
23 $ 34.50
7 $ 8.75
10 $ 20.00
8 $ 8.00
14 $ 21.00
26 $ 56.00
104 $ 130.00
18 $ 22.50
10 $ 12.50
62 $ 76.50
10 $ 10.00
8 $ 8.00
14 $ 17.50
19 $ 23.75
22 $ 22.00
35 $ 35.00
20 $ 30.00
25 $ 31.25
8 $ 10.00
22 $ 62.50
16 $ 16.00
1 $ 1.25
17 $ 25.50
32 $ 85.00
56 $ 53.00
22 $ 48.00
23 $ 52.00
31 $ 31.00
35 $ 43.75
30 $ 102.00
60 $ 120.00
49 $ 61.25
30 $ 30.00
35 $ 43.75
47 $ 41.00
22 $ 53.00
46 $ 165.00
70 $ 70.00
128 $ 160.00
42 $ 52.50
19 $ 60.00
7 $ 8.75
26 $ 60.00
23 $ 61.25
8 $ 10.00
4 $ 4.00
33 $ 86.25
18 $ 22.50
26 $ 71.25
59 $ 98.00
38 $ 120.00
32 $ 40.00
5 $ 5.00
6 $ 9.00
22 $ 22.00
29 $ 43.50
37 $ 46.25
20 $ 92.00
44 $ 55.00
32 $ 40.00
7 $ 8.75
34 $ 42.50
26 $ 26.00
25 $ 25.00
24 $ 24.00
33 $ 57.75
22 $ 44.00
50 $ 62.50
33 $ 33.00
68 $ 68.00
30 $ 30.00
26 $ 26.00
28 $ 35.00
46 $ 46.00
27 $ 27.00
26 $ 39.00
72 $ 72.00
44 $ 77.00
113 $ 113.00
34 $ 68.00
109 $ 136.25
157 $ 157.00
25 $ 25.00
5 $ 5.00
49 $ 61.25
33 $ 33.00
102 $ 127.50
155 $ 193.75
117 $ 117.00
128 $ 160.00
229 $ 229.00
15 $ 15.00
106 $ 212.00
73 $ 146.00
71 $ 71.00
77 $ 77.00
160 $ 200.00
229 $ 229.00
58 $ 58.00
71 $ 88.75
144 $ 144.00
149 $ 149.00
104 $ 130.00
80 $ 160.00
168 $ 252.00
66 $ 82.50
132 $ 132.00
69 $ 69.00
130 $ 130.00
82 $ 82.00
92 $ 92.00
71 $ 88.75
122 $ 122.00
116 $ 145.00
42 $ 42.00
63 $ 63.00
56 $ 56.00
53 $ 53.00
54 $ 108.00
57 $ 57.00
65 $ 65.00
216 $ 270.00
55 $ 55.00
58 $ 58.00
60 $ 60.00
83 $ 83.00
81 $ 101.25
87 $ 87.00
91 $ 91.00
134 $ 167.50
89 $ 178.00
80 $ 80.00
115 $ 115.00
117 $ 117.00
144 $ 180.00
79 $ 138.25
78 $ 78.00
147 $ 183.75
113 $ 141.25
112 $ 112.00
104 $ 104.00
96 $ 96.00
159 $ 159.00
91 $ 113.75
97 $ 97.00
266 $ 266.00
114 $ 114.00
85 $ 85.00
110 $ 110.00
79 $ 79.00
162 $ 162.00
82 $ 123.00
97 $ 145.50
85 $ 85.00
188 $ 235.00
93 $ 139.50
114 $ 114.00
116 $ 116.00
81 $ 81.00
202 $ 202.00
123 $ 123.00
189 $ 189.00
329 $ 329.00
82 $ 82.00
143 $ 143.00
89 $ 89.00
185 $ 185.00
101 $ 101.00
259 $ 259.00
87 $ 87.00
88 $ 110.00
96 $ 96.00
55 $ 55.00
221 $ 221.00
43 $ 53.75
100 $ 175.00
178 $ 222.50
143 $ 143.00
184 $ 368.00
220 $ 220.00
147 $ 147.00
116 $ 145.00
68 $ 102.00
58 $ 72.50
119 $ 119.00
112 $ 224.00
52 $ 52.00
105 $ 105.00
160 $ 200.00
86 $ 86.00
93 $ 116.25
62 $ 62.00
62 $ 77.50
82 $ 164.00
99 $ 99.00
85 $ 106.25
81 $ 81.00
51 $ 51.00
103 $ 103.00
59 $ 88.50
46 $ 69.00
47 $ 58.75
91 $ 91.00
47 $ 70.50
82 $ 82.00
64 $ 64.00
158 $ 158.00
114 $ 142.50
84 $ 105.00
130 $ 162.50
76 $ 76.00
62 $ 62.00
88 $ 88.00
76 $ 76.00
92 $ 92.00
76 $ 76.00
100 $ 100.00
60 $ 75.00
53 $ 66.25
73 $ 73.00
47 $ 47.00
52 $ 104.00
286 $ 286.00
87 $ 152.25
50 $ 50.00
60 $ 60.00
89 $ 111.25
144 $ 144.00
61 $ 61.00
73 $ 73.00
22 $ 22.00
76 $ 76.00
51 $ 63.75
64 $ 80.00
75 $ 75.00
72 $ 72.00
59 $ 88.50
113 $ 141.25
36 $ 54.00
43 $ 43.00
47 $ 70.50
81 $ 81.00
82 $ 82.00
66 $ 66.00
42 $ 52.50
89 $ 89.00
86 $ 86.00
21 $ 21.00
58 $ 58.00
73 $ 73.00
58 $ 58.00
49 $ 73.50
75 $ 75.00
135 $ 135.00
46 $ 57.50
63 $ 63.00
111 $ 166.50
78 $ 78.00
56 $ 70.00
124 $ 124.00
94 $ 94.00
51 $ 51.00
93 $ 93.00
63 $ 78.75
56 $ 70.00
124 $ 124.00
65 $ 81.25
1259 ###
47 $ 47.00
80 $ 80.00
77 $ 77.00
61 $ 76.25
100 $ 100.00
54 $ 81.00
57 $ 85.50
60 $ 90.00
44 $ 44.00
46 $ 46.00
49 $ 61.25
116 $ 174.00
42 $ 63.00
59 $ 73.75
32 $ 40.00
67 $ 83.75
105 $ 105.00
95 $ 95.00
97 $ 97.00
48 $ 60.00
37 $ 46.25
42 $ 63.00
70 $ 70.00
36 $ 36.00
150 $ 150.00
46 $ 57.50
71 $ 88.75
66 $ 99.00
42 $ 42.00
42 $ 42.00
45 $ 56.25
144 $ 144.00
28 $ 28.00
133 $ 166.25
46 $ 46.00
180 $ 180.00
73 $ 73.00
203 $ 203.00
26 $ 32.50
41 $ 51.25
25 $ 31.25
41 $ 41.00
52 $ 52.00
21 $ 21.00
22 $ 22.00
37 $ 55.50
34 $ 68.00
66 $ 99.00
122 $ 183.00
35 $ 35.00
151 $ 188.75
74 $ 129.50
46 $ 46.00
112 $ 168.00
60 $ 60.00
41 $ 61.50
99 $ 99.00
28 $ 28.00
44 $ 66.00
66 $ 82.50
54 $ 67.50
22 $ 22.00
69 $ 69.00
37 $ 37.00
103 $ 103.00
32 $ 32.00
29 $ 43.50
24 $ 36.00
69 $ 103.50
64 $ 64.00
31 $ 46.50
35 $ 35.00
46 $ 46.00
36 $ 45.00
42 $ 52.50
25 $ 37.50
35 $ 43.75
133 $ 199.50
61 $ 61.00
23 $ 46.00
86 $ 129.00
31 $ 31.00
33 $ 49.50
53 $ 53.00
49 $ 61.25
25 $ 37.50
36 $ 36.00
46 $ 46.00
26 $ 26.00
62 $ 62.00
36 $ 36.00
28 $ 49.00
58 $ 87.00
28 $ 42.00
47 $ 47.00
38 $ 38.00
39 $ 48.75
25 $ 31.25
135 $ 135.00
29 $ 43.50
24 $ 30.00
47 $ 94.00
35 $ 52.50
22 $ 22.00
33 $ 66.00
74 $ 74.00
31 $ 31.00
28 $ 35.00
51 $ 63.75
21 $ 21.00
31 $ 31.00
35 $ 52.50
81 $ 81.00
22 $ 27.50
33 $ 49.50
18 $ 18.00
112 $ 112.00
42 $ 52.50
42 $ 42.00
71 $ 71.00
56 $ 56.00
34 $ 51.00
37 $ 46.25
39 $ 39.00
39 $ 78.00
52 $ 78.00
35 $ 43.75
31 $ 31.00
42 $ 84.00
40 $ 40.00
23 $ 34.50
27 $ 54.00
39 $ 39.00
72 $ 108.00
29 $ 43.50
27 $ 27.00
212 $ 212.00
40 $ 50.00
32 $ 40.00
68 $ 119.00
31 $ 38.75
21 $ 31.50
47 $ 47.00
28 $ 42.00
66 $ 66.00
23 $ 28.75
105 $ 131.25
35 $ 52.50
45 $ 45.00
42 $ 42.00
77 $ 96.25
47 $ 58.75
60 $ 75.00
38 $ 38.00
66 $ 66.00
21 $ 26.25
42 $ 52.50
41 $ 61.50
43 $ 43.00
40 $ 40.00
29 $ 43.50
57 $ 71.25
35 $ 35.00
36 $ 54.00
47 $ 47.00
32 $ 40.00
35 $ 35.00
26 $ 39.00
53 $ 79.50
13 $ 13.00
31 $ 62.00
46 $ 46.00
56 $ 56.00
49 $ 49.00
59 $ 59.00
5 $ 7.50
22 $ 44.00
34 $ 51.00
48 $ 60.00
25 $ 37.50
61 $ 76.25
38 $ 38.00
45 $ 56.25
5 $ 5.00
24 $ 30.00
68 $ 102.00
32 $ 48.00
44 $ 55.00
37 $ 46.25
35 $ 35.00
82 $ 102.50
30 $ 30.00
27 $ 54.00
59 $ 88.50
40 $ 40.00
32 $ 32.00
8 $ 12.00
56 $ 56.00
30 $ 45.00
56 $ 84.00
40 $ 50.00
33 $ 33.00
27 $ 54.00
37 $ 37.00
236 $ 354.00
33 $ 41.25
34 $ 42.50
36 $ 54.00
26 $ 26.00
26 $ 39.00
70 $ 70.00
35 $ 52.50
94 $ 141.00
51 $ 76.50
27 $ 27.00
28 $ 28.00
21 $ 31.50
39 $ 39.00
38 $ 47.50
14 $ 17.50
6 $ 9.00
24 $ 30.00
44 $ 44.00
38 $ 38.00
15 $ 22.50
40 $ 50.00
32 $ 64.00
40 $ 40.00
9 $ 13.50
32 $ 40.00
44 $ 44.00
19 $ 38.00
36 $ 45.00
4 $ 5.00
8 $ 10.00
74 $ 111.00
41 $ 41.00
2 $ 2.50
7 $ 14.00
9 $ 11.25
77 $ 115.50
21 $ 26.25
15 $ 26.25
69 $ 103.50
18 $ 22.50
8 $ 12.00
8 $ 12.00
70 $ 105.00
23 $ 34.50
6 $ 9.00
24 $ 36.00
20 $ 40.00
9 $ 11.25
14 $ 14.00
24 $ 36.00
20 $ 25.00
22 $ 33.00
51 $ 63.75
9 $ 11.25
28 $ 42.00
10 $ 20.00
1 $ 1.25
2 $ 2.50
9 $ 13.50
17 $ 25.50
8 $ 12.00
8 $ 12.00
23 $ 28.75
42 $ 63.00
6 $ 6.00
109 $ 163.50
15 $ 22.50
11 $ 13.75
11 $ 13.75
4 $ 6.00
9 $ 13.50
1 $ 1.25
36 $ 45.00
25 $ 37.50
13 $ 19.50
17 $ 25.50
13 $ 16.25
7 $ 7.00
25 $ 31.25
23 $ 23.00
12 $ 18.00
24 $ 36.00
11 $ 11.00
7 $ 8.75
37 $ 55.50
8 $ 16.00
25 $ 52.00
38 $ 38.00
23 $ 34.50
8 $ 10.00
27 $ 33.75
11 $ 11.00
115 $ 172.50
26 $ 57.00
24 $ 62.50
18 $ 18.00
34 $ 34.00
37 $ 55.50
61 $ 91.50
36 $ 72.00
9 $ 13.50
21 $ 31.50
29 $ 43.50
67 $ 76.50
10 $ 20.00
8 $ 12.00
21 $ 60.00
33 $ 85.00
17 $ 17.00
9 $ 11.25
19 $ 23.75
37 $ 46.25
7 $ 8.75
49 $ 210.00
13 $ 19.50
10 $ 10.00
5 $ 5.00
31 $ 46.50
71 $ 71.00
52 $ 41.00
26 $ 88.50
1 $ 1.25
25 $ 50.00
9 $ 13.50
26 $ 26.00
37 $ 46.25
19 $ 19.00
24 $ 48.00
26 $ 60.00
24 $ 61.25
124 $ 156.00
42 $ 120.00
7 $ 7.00
6 $ 6.00
30 $ 45.00
22 $ 57.50
8 $ 10.00
35 $ 43.75
24 $ 24.00
7 $ 8.75
25 $ 25.00
27 $ 71.25
26 $ 52.00
45 $ 56.25
40 $ 50.00
26 $ 26.00
23 $ 28.75
41 $ 82.00
36 $ 72.00
48 $ 48.00
33 $ 33.00
74 $ 74.00
28 $ 28.00
29 $ 29.00
83 $ 83.00
53 $ 66.25
27 $ 33.75
167 $ 208.75
26 $ 39.00
101 $ 126.25
30 $ 37.50
23 $ 46.00
29 $ 29.00
166 $ 166.00
28 $ 28.00
36 $ 72.00
36 $ 36.00
104 $ 130.00
139 $ 173.75
71 $ 88.75
20 $ 20.00
167 $ 208.75
5 $ 5.00
135 $ 135.00
56 $ 70.00
73 $ 73.00
35 $ 35.00
71 $ 142.00
27 $ 27.00
245 $ 245.00
16 $ 16.00
58 $ 72.50
149 $ 186.25
58 $ 116.00
64 $ 64.00
216 $ 270.00
88 $ 88.00
64 $ 80.00
92 $ 115.00
231 $ 231.00
206 $ 257.50
121 $ 151.25
94 $ 94.00
85 $ 85.00
78 $ 78.00
96 $ 96.00
71 $ 71.00
53 $ 53.00
84 $ 84.00
135 $ 135.00
132 $ 132.00
123 $ 123.00
97 $ 97.00
68 $ 68.00
134 $ 134.00
71 $ 71.00
44 $ 44.00
100 $ 125.00
57 $ 57.00
72 $ 90.00
89 $ 89.00
44 $ 44.00
102 $ 102.00
101 $ 101.00
61 $ 61.00
101 $ 101.00
67 $ 67.00
234 $ 292.50
96 $ 192.00
56 $ 98.00
247 $ 308.75
81 $ 81.00
323 $ 403.75
59 $ 59.00
82 $ 143.50
56 $ 56.00
156 $ 195.00
226 $ 226.00
93 $ 116.25
157 $ 196.25
175 $ 175.00
99 $ 123.75
88 $ 132.00
118 $ 147.50
162 $ 162.00
105 $ 105.00
224 $ 224.00
201 $ 201.00
125 $ 125.00
131 $ 163.75
196 $ 245.00
84 $ 84.00
133 $ 133.00
87 $ 87.00
85 $ 85.00
115 $ 143.75
103 $ 103.00
143 $ 143.00
170 $ 170.00
98 $ 98.00
374 $ 374.00
114 $ 114.00
123 $ 123.00
91 $ 113.75
359 $ 359.00
229 $ 229.00
90 $ 90.00
114 $ 142.50
116 $ 116.00
115 $ 115.00
202 $ 202.00
262 $ 262.00
100 $ 100.00
268 $ 268.00
162 $ 202.50
93 $ 93.00
110 $ 110.00
153 $ 153.00
91 $ 113.75
110 $ 110.00
89 $ 89.00
202 $ 353.50
262 $ 262.00
421 $ 421.00
136 $ 136.00
133 $ 166.25
192 $ 240.00
107 $ 133.75
133 $ 166.25
193 $ 193.00
123 $ 123.00
165 $ 206.25
195 $ 390.00
126 $ 157.50
157 $ 157.00
126 $ 220.50
126 $ 126.00
Sum of DoanhSo SanPham
ThanhPho Bacon Chocolate Banana Chocolate Chilli Chocolate Fire Chocolate Almond
Atlanta $ 2,076.00 $ 323.75 $ 5,260.00 $ 3,873.00
Boston $ 38.00 $ 2.50 $ 978.00 $ 1,763.00
Chicago $ 98.00 $ 31.25 $ 2,366.00 $ 638.00
Dallas $ 296.00 $ 36.25 $ 1,520.00 $ 8,314.00
Denver $ 370.00 $ 40.00 $ 1,640.00 $ 1,404.00
Los Angeles $ 5.00 $ 1,340.00 $ 1,349.00
Miami $ 514.00 $ 1,234.00 $ 2,323.00
Minneapolis $ 194.00 $ 126.25 $ 1,424.00 $ 908.00
New York $ 66.25 $ 1,982.00 $ 7,228.00
San Francisco $ 128.00 $ 51.25 $ 910.00 $ 3,361.00
Seattle $ 40.00 $ 46.25 $ 1,985.00
Total Result $ 3,754.00 $ 728.75 $ 18,654.00 $ 33,146.00
Chocolate Hazelnut Chocolate Pistachio Extra Dark Chocolate Milk Chocolate Orange Chocolate
$ 17,681.25 $ 204.75 $ 7,185.00 $ 13,788.00 $ 6,675.00
$ 7,082.50 $ 1,450.75 $ 486.00 $ 4,407.00 $ 114.00
$ 5,605.00 $ 575.75 $ 4,173.00 $ 3,174.00 $ 325.50
$ 11,900.00 $ 523.25 $ 5,467.50 $ 6,902.00 $ 706.50
$ 5,506.25 $ 239.75 $ 3,031.50 $ 3,792.00 $ 883.50
$ 1,562.50 $ 166.25 $ 2,445.00 $ 2,146.00 $ 306.00
$ 3,237.50 $ 462.00 $ 1,261.50 $ 8,269.00 $ 1,312.50
$ 4,223.75 $ 192.50 $ 2,442.00 $ 3,229.00 $ 211.50
$ 10,971.25 $ 857.50 $ 5,127.00 $ 11,496.00 $ 2,962.50
$ 4,818.75 $ 1,125.25 $ 2,793.00 $ 5,939.00 $ 1,012.50
$ 5,005.00 $ 1,072.75 $ 1,225.50 $ 5,102.00 $ 1,623.00
$ 77,593.75 $ 6,870.50 $ 35,637.00 $ 68,244.00 $ 16,132.50
Peanut Butter Chocolate White Chocolate Total Result
$ 1,150.00 $ 2,637.00 $60,853.75
$ 397.50 $ 192.00 $16,911.25
$ 813.75 $ 2,847.00 $20,647.25
$ 177.50 $ 1,503.00 $37,346.00
$ 412.50 $ 1,019.00 $18,338.50
$ 471.00 $ 9,790.75
$ 456.00 $19,069.50
$ 133.75 $ 682.00 $13,766.75
$ 211.25 $ 2,166.00 $43,067.75
$ 122.50 $ 1,469.00 $21,730.25
$ 91.25 $ 757.00 $16,947.75
$ 3,510.00 $ 14,199.00 ###
Sum of DoanhSo Bang
Bacon Chocolate $ 128.00 $370.00 $514.00 ### $ 98.00 $ 38.00 $ 194.00
Banana Chocolate $ 56.25 $ 40.00 $ 323.75 $ 31.25 $ 2.50 $ 126.25
Chilli Chocolate Fire $ 2,250.00 ### ### ### ### $ 978.00 ###
Chocolate Almond $ 4,710.00 ### ### ### $ 638.00 ### $ 908.00
Chocolate Hazelnut $ 6,381.25 ### ### ### ### ### ###
Chocolate Pistachio $ 1,291.50 $239.75 $462.00 $ 204.75 $ 575.75 ### $ 192.50
Extra Dark Chocolate $ 5,238.00 ### ### ### ### $ 486.00 ###
Milk Chocolate $ 8,085.00 ### ### ### ### ### ###
Orange Chocolate $ 1,318.50 $883.50 ### ### $ 325.50 $ 114.00 $ 211.50
Peanut Butter Chocolate $ 122.50 $412.50 ### $ 813.75 $ 397.50 $ 133.75
White Chocolate $ 1,940.00 ### $456.00 ### ### $ 192.00 $ 682.00
Total Result $ 31,521.00 ### ### ### ### ### ###
NY TX WA Total Result
### $ 40.00 $ 3,754.00
$ 66.25 $36.25 $ 46.25 $ 728.75
### ### $18,654.00
### ### ### $33,146.00
### ### ### $77,593.75
$ 857.50 ### ### $ 6,870.50
### ### ### $35,637.00
### ### ### $68,244.00
### ### ### $16,132.50
$ 211.25 ### $ 91.25 $ 3,510.00
### ### $ 757.00 $14,199.00
### ### ### ###
Ngay KhachHanThanhPhoBang Vung SanPham Nhom SoLuong DoanhSo
Atlanta Chilli Chocolate Fire <100
Dallas Chilli Chocolate Fire <100

Ngay KhachHanThanhPhoBang Vung SanPham Nhom SoLuong DoanhSo

2/28/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 39 $ 78.00
2/28/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 44 $ 88.00
3/14/2011 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 48 $ 96.00
3/28/2011 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 40 $ 80.00
5/7/2011 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 23 $ 46.00
6/4/2011 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 6 $ 12.00
6/6/2011 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 34 $ 68.00
6/20/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 7 $ 14.00
8/7/2011 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 36 $ 72.00
8/29/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 46 $ 92.00
8/31/2011 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 27 $ 54.00
10/10/2011 Jeffries Dallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 45 $ 90.00
5/3/2012 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 33 $ 66.00
5/11/2012 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 27 $ 54.00
6/8/2012 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 27 $ 54.00
6/20/2012 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 7 $ 14.00
6/22/2012 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 35 $ 70.00
6/26/2012 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 6 $ 12.00
7/30/2012 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 30 $ 60.00
8/3/2012 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 39 $ 78.00
4/4/2013 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 44 $ 88.00
6/13/2013 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 11 $ 22.00
6/19/2013 Jeffries Atlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 39 $ 78.00
6/21/2013 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 27 $ 54.00
6/23/2013 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 7 $ 14.00
7/3/2013 New FrontiDallas TX South Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 7 $ 14.00
7/25/2013 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 42 $ 84.00
9/3/2013 Jim's NaturAtlanta GA East Chilli Chocolate Fire Exotic 32 $ 64.00
Gia can ho 3,500,000,000 ₫
so thang trong 1 nam 12
nam 10
tong so thang 120
lai suat theo nam 10%
lai suat theo thang 0.83%
Tien gop moi thang 46,000,000.00 ₫

1 3,500,000,000 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
2 3,483,166,666.67 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
3 3,466,193,055.56 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
4 3,449,077,997.69 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
5 3,431,820,314.33 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
6 3,414,418,816.95 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
7 3,396,872,307.09 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
8 3,379,179,576.32 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
9 3,361,339,406.12 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
10 3,343,350,567.84 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
11 3,325,211,822.57 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
12 3,306,921,921.09 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
13 3,288,479,603.77 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
14 3,269,883,600.47 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
15 3,251,132,630.47 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
16 3,232,225,402.39 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
17 3,213,160,614.08 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
18 3,193,936,952.53 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
19 3,174,553,093.80 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
20 3,155,007,702.91 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
21 3,135,299,433.77 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
22 3,115,426,929.05 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
23 3,095,388,820.13 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
24 3,075,183,726.96 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
25 3,054,810,258.02 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
26 3,034,267,010.17 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
27 3,013,552,568.59 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
28 2,992,665,506.66 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
29 2,971,604,385.88 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
30 2,950,367,755.77 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
31 2,928,954,153.73 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
32 2,907,362,105.01 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
33 2,885,590,122.55 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
34 2,863,636,706.91 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
35 2,841,500,346.13 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
36 2,819,179,515.68 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
37 2,796,672,678.31 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
38 2,773,978,283.97 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
39 2,751,094,769.67 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
40 2,728,020,559.41 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
41 2,704,754,064.08 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
42 2,681,293,681.28 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
43 2,657,637,795.29 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
44 2,633,784,776.91 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
45 2,609,732,983.39 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
46 2,585,480,758.25 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
47 2,561,026,431.24 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
48 2,536,368,318.16 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
49 2,511,504,720.81 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
50 2,486,433,926.82 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
51 2,461,154,209.54 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
52 2,435,663,827.96 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
53 2,409,961,026.52 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
54 2,384,044,035.08 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
55 2,357,911,068.70 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
56 2,331,560,327.61 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
57 2,304,989,997.01 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
58 2,278,198,246.98 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
59 2,251,183,232.37 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
60 2,223,943,092.64 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
61 2,196,475,951.75 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
62 2,168,779,918.01 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
63 2,140,853,084.00 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
64 2,112,693,526.36 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
65 2,084,299,305.75 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
66 2,055,668,466.63 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
67 2,026,799,037.18 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
68 1,997,689,029.16 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
69 1,968,336,437.74 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
70 1,938,739,241.39 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
71 1,908,895,401.73 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
72 1,878,802,863.41 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
73 1,848,459,553.94 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
74 1,817,863,383.56 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
75 1,787,012,245.09 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
76 1,755,904,013.79 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
77 1,724,536,547.24 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
78 1,692,907,685.14 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
79 1,661,015,249.18 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
80 1,628,857,042.92 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
81 1,596,430,851.61 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
82 1,563,734,442.04 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
83 1,530,765,562.39 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
84 1,497,521,942.08 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
85 1,464,001,291.60 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
86 1,430,201,302.36 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
87 1,396,119,646.55 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
88 1,361,753,976.94 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
89 1,327,101,926.74 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
90 1,292,161,109.47 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
91 1,256,929,118.71 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
92 1,221,403,528.03 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
93 1,185,581,890.77 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
94 1,149,461,739.86 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
95 1,113,040,587.69 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
96 1,076,315,925.92 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
97 1,039,285,225.30 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
98 1,001,945,935.51 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
99 964,295,484.98 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
100 926,331,280.68 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
101 888,050,708.02 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
102 849,451,130.59 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
103 810,529,890.01 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
104 771,284,305.76 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
105 731,711,674.98 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
106 691,809,272.27 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
107 651,574,349.54 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
108 611,004,135.78 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
109 570,095,836.92 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
110 528,846,635.56 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
111 487,253,690.85 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
112 445,314,138.28 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
113 403,025,089.43 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
114 360,383,631.84 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
115 317,386,828.77 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
116 274,031,719.01 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
117 230,315,316.67 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
118 186,234,610.98 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
119 141,786,566.07 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
120 96,968,120.79 ₫ 46,000,000.00 ₫
Lãi vay gốc vay Số dư cuối kì
29,166,666.67 ₫ 16,833,333.33 ₫ 3,483,166,666.67 ₫
29,026,388.89 ₫ 16,973,611.11 ₫ 3,466,193,055.56 ₫
28,884,942.13 ₫ 17,115,057.87 ₫ 3,449,077,997.69 ₫
28,742,316.65 ₫ 17,257,683.35 ₫ 3,431,820,314.33 ₫
28,598,502.62 ₫ 17,401,497.38 ₫ 3,414,418,816.95 ₫
28,453,490.14 ₫ 17,546,509.86 ₫ 3,396,872,307.09 ₫
28,307,269.23 ₫ 17,692,730.77 ₫ 3,379,179,576.32 ₫
28,159,829.80 ₫ 17,840,170.20 ₫ 3,361,339,406.12 ₫
28,011,161.72 ₫ 17,988,838.28 ₫ 3,343,350,567.84 ₫
27,861,254.73 ₫ 18,138,745.27 ₫ 3,325,211,822.57 ₫
27,710,098.52 ₫ 18,289,901.48 ₫ 3,306,921,921.09 ₫
27,557,682.68 ₫ 18,442,317.32 ₫ 3,288,479,603.77 ₫
27,403,996.70 ₫ 18,596,003.30 ₫ 3,269,883,600.47 ₫
27,249,030.00 ₫ 18,750,970.00 ₫ 3,251,132,630.47 ₫
27,092,771.92 ₫ 18,907,228.08 ₫ 3,232,225,402.39 ₫
26,935,211.69 ₫ 19,064,788.31 ₫ 3,213,160,614.08 ₫
26,776,338.45 ₫ 19,223,661.55 ₫ 3,193,936,952.53 ₫
26,616,141.27 ₫ 19,383,858.73 ₫ 3,174,553,093.80 ₫
26,454,609.11 ₫ 19,545,390.89 ₫ 3,155,007,702.91 ₫
26,291,730.86 ₫ 19,708,269.14 ₫ 3,135,299,433.77 ₫
26,127,495.28 ₫ 19,872,504.72 ₫ 3,115,426,929.05 ₫
25,961,891.08 ₫ 20,038,108.92 ₫ 3,095,388,820.13 ₫
25,794,906.83 ₫ 20,205,093.17 ₫ 3,075,183,726.96 ₫
25,626,531.06 ₫ 20,373,468.94 ₫ 3,054,810,258.02 ₫
25,456,752.15 ₫ 20,543,247.85 ₫ 3,034,267,010.17 ₫
25,285,558.42 ₫ 20,714,441.58 ₫ 3,013,552,568.59 ₫
25,112,938.07 ₫ 20,887,061.93 ₫ 2,992,665,506.66 ₫
24,938,879.22 ₫ 21,061,120.78 ₫ 2,971,604,385.88 ₫
24,763,369.88 ₫ 21,236,630.12 ₫ 2,950,367,755.77 ₫
24,586,397.96 ₫ 21,413,602.04 ₫ 2,928,954,153.73 ₫
24,407,951.28 ₫ 21,592,048.72 ₫ 2,907,362,105.01 ₫
24,228,017.54 ₫ 21,771,982.46 ₫ 2,885,590,122.55 ₫
24,046,584.35 ₫ 21,953,415.65 ₫ 2,863,636,706.91 ₫
23,863,639.22 ₫ 22,136,360.78 ₫ 2,841,500,346.13 ₫
23,679,169.55 ₫ 22,320,830.45 ₫ 2,819,179,515.68 ₫
23,493,162.63 ₫ 22,506,837.37 ₫ 2,796,672,678.31 ₫
23,305,605.65 ₫ 22,694,394.35 ₫ 2,773,978,283.97 ₫
23,116,485.70 ₫ 22,883,514.30 ₫ 2,751,094,769.67 ₫
22,925,789.75 ₫ 23,074,210.25 ₫ 2,728,020,559.41 ₫
22,733,504.66 ₫ 23,266,495.34 ₫ 2,704,754,064.08 ₫
22,539,617.20 ₫ 23,460,382.80 ₫ 2,681,293,681.28 ₫
22,344,114.01 ₫ 23,655,885.99 ₫ 2,657,637,795.29 ₫
22,146,981.63 ₫ 23,853,018.37 ₫ 2,633,784,776.91 ₫
21,948,206.47 ₫ 24,051,793.53 ₫ 2,609,732,983.39 ₫
21,747,774.86 ₫ 24,252,225.14 ₫ 2,585,480,758.25 ₫
21,545,672.99 ₫ 24,454,327.01 ₫ 2,561,026,431.24 ₫
21,341,886.93 ₫ 24,658,113.07 ₫ 2,536,368,318.16 ₫
21,136,402.65 ₫ 24,863,597.35 ₫ 2,511,504,720.81 ₫
20,929,206.01 ₫ 25,070,793.99 ₫ 2,486,433,926.82 ₫
20,720,282.72 ₫ 25,279,717.28 ₫ 2,461,154,209.54 ₫
20,509,618.41 ₫ 25,490,381.59 ₫ 2,435,663,827.96 ₫
20,297,198.57 ₫ 25,702,801.43 ₫ 2,409,961,026.52 ₫
20,083,008.55 ₫ 25,916,991.45 ₫ 2,384,044,035.08 ₫
19,867,033.63 ₫ 26,132,966.37 ₫ 2,357,911,068.70 ₫
19,649,258.91 ₫ 26,350,741.09 ₫ 2,331,560,327.61 ₫
19,429,669.40 ₫ 26,570,330.60 ₫ 2,304,989,997.01 ₫
19,208,249.98 ₫ 26,791,750.02 ₫ 2,278,198,246.98 ₫
18,984,985.39 ₫ 27,015,014.61 ₫ 2,251,183,232.37 ₫
18,759,860.27 ₫ 27,240,139.73 ₫ 2,223,943,092.64 ₫
18,532,859.11 ₫ 27,467,140.89 ₫ 2,196,475,951.75 ₫
18,303,966.26 ₫ 27,696,033.74 ₫ 2,168,779,918.01 ₫
18,073,165.98 ₫ 27,926,834.02 ₫ 2,140,853,084.00 ₫
17,840,442.37 ₫ 28,159,557.63 ₫ 2,112,693,526.36 ₫
17,605,779.39 ₫ 28,394,220.61 ₫ 2,084,299,305.75 ₫
17,369,160.88 ₫ 28,630,839.12 ₫ 2,055,668,466.63 ₫
17,130,570.56 ₫ 28,869,429.44 ₫ 2,026,799,037.18 ₫
16,889,991.98 ₫ 29,110,008.02 ₫ 1,997,689,029.16 ₫
16,647,408.58 ₫ 29,352,591.42 ₫ 1,968,336,437.74 ₫
16,402,803.65 ₫ 29,597,196.35 ₫ 1,938,739,241.39 ₫
16,156,160.34 ₫ 29,843,839.66 ₫ 1,908,895,401.73 ₫
15,907,461.68 ₫ 30,092,538.32 ₫ 1,878,802,863.41 ₫
15,656,690.53 ₫ 30,343,309.47 ₫ 1,848,459,553.94 ₫
15,403,829.62 ₫ 30,596,170.38 ₫ 1,817,863,383.56 ₫
15,148,861.53 ₫ 30,851,138.47 ₫ 1,787,012,245.09 ₫
14,891,768.71 ₫ 31,108,231.29 ₫ 1,755,904,013.79 ₫
14,632,533.45 ₫ 31,367,466.55 ₫ 1,724,536,547.24 ₫
14,371,137.89 ₫ 31,628,862.11 ₫ 1,692,907,685.14 ₫
14,107,564.04 ₫ 31,892,435.96 ₫ 1,661,015,249.18 ₫
13,841,793.74 ₫ 32,158,206.26 ₫ 1,628,857,042.92 ₫
13,573,808.69 ₫ 32,426,191.31 ₫ 1,596,430,851.61 ₫
13,303,590.43 ₫ 32,696,409.57 ₫ 1,563,734,442.04 ₫
13,031,120.35 ₫ 32,968,879.65 ₫ 1,530,765,562.39 ₫
12,756,379.69 ₫ 33,243,620.31 ₫ 1,497,521,942.08 ₫
12,479,349.52 ₫ 33,520,650.48 ₫ 1,464,001,291.60 ₫
12,200,010.76 ₫ 33,799,989.24 ₫ 1,430,201,302.36 ₫
11,918,344.19 ₫ 34,081,655.81 ₫ 1,396,119,646.55 ₫
11,634,330.39 ₫ 34,365,669.61 ₫ 1,361,753,976.94 ₫
11,347,949.81 ₫ 34,652,050.19 ₫ 1,327,101,926.74 ₫
11,059,182.72 ₫ 34,940,817.28 ₫ 1,292,161,109.47 ₫
10,768,009.25 ₫ 35,231,990.75 ₫ 1,256,929,118.71 ₫
10,474,409.32 ₫ 35,525,590.68 ₫ 1,221,403,528.03 ₫
10,178,362.73 ₫ 35,821,637.27 ₫ 1,185,581,890.77 ₫
9,879,849.09 ₫ 36,120,150.91 ₫ 1,149,461,739.86 ₫
9,578,847.83 ₫ 36,421,152.17 ₫ 1,113,040,587.69 ₫
9,275,338.23 ₫ 36,724,661.77 ₫ 1,076,315,925.92 ₫
8,969,299.38 ₫ 37,030,700.62 ₫ 1,039,285,225.30 ₫
8,660,710.21 ₫ 37,339,289.79 ₫ 1,001,945,935.51 ₫
8,349,549.46 ₫ 37,650,450.54 ₫ 964,295,484.98 ₫
8,035,795.71 ₫ 37,964,204.29 ₫ 926,331,280.68 ₫
7,719,427.34 ₫ 38,280,572.66 ₫ 888,050,708.02 ₫
7,400,422.57 ₫ 38,599,577.43 ₫ 849,451,130.59 ₫
7,078,759.42 ₫ 38,921,240.58 ₫ 810,529,890.01 ₫
6,754,415.75 ₫ 39,245,584.25 ₫ 771,284,305.76 ₫
6,427,369.21 ₫ 39,572,630.79 ₫ 731,711,674.98 ₫
6,097,597.29 ₫ 39,902,402.71 ₫ 691,809,272.27 ₫
5,765,077.27 ₫ 40,234,922.73 ₫ 651,574,349.54 ₫
5,429,786.25 ₫ 40,570,213.75 ₫ 611,004,135.78 ₫
5,091,701.13 ₫ 40,908,298.87 ₫ 570,095,836.92 ₫
4,750,798.64 ₫ 41,249,201.36 ₫ 528,846,635.56 ₫
4,407,055.30 ₫ 41,592,944.70 ₫ 487,253,690.85 ₫
4,060,447.42 ₫ 41,939,552.58 ₫ 445,314,138.28 ₫
3,710,951.15 ₫ 42,289,048.85 ₫ 403,025,089.43 ₫
3,358,542.41 ₫ 42,641,457.59 ₫ 360,383,631.84 ₫
3,003,196.93 ₫ 42,996,803.07 ₫ 317,386,828.77 ₫
2,644,890.24 ₫ 43,355,109.76 ₫ 274,031,719.01 ₫
2,283,597.66 ₫ 43,716,402.34 ₫ 230,315,316.67 ₫
1,919,294.31 ₫ 44,080,705.69 ₫ 186,234,610.98 ₫
1,551,955.09 ₫ 44,448,044.91 ₫ 141,786,566.07 ₫
1,181,554.72 ₫ 44,818,445.28 ₫ 96,968,120.79 ₫
808,067.67 ₫ 45,191,932.33 ₫ 51,776,188.46 ₫
INPUT 0 1 2
Von ban dau 80 -80
Thoi gian-t 6 Dong tien thu 40 41.2
CF1 40 Dong tien chi -80 -30 -25
Chi phi su dung von-R 14% Dong tien rong -80 10 16.2
Gowth-g 3%

NPV 1338%
IRR 19%
3 4 5 6

42.436 43.70908 45.02035 46.37096

-20 -10 -10 -5
22.436 33.70908 35.02035 41.37096
Nguyen gia 100,000,000,000
Gia thanh li 100,000,000
Thoi han 10
Khau hao theo duong thang
0 1 2 3 4
9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫
Khau hao nhanh
0 1 2 3 4
18,163,636,363.6 ₫ 16,347,272,727.27 ₫ 14,530,909,090.91 ₫ 12,714,545,454.55 ₫
Khau hao so du giam dan
0 1 2 3 4
49,900,000,000.00 ₫ 24,999,900,000.00 ₫ 12,524,949,900.00 ₫ 6,274,999,899.90 ₫
Khau hao so du giam gap doi
0 1 2 3 4
15,000,000,000.00 ₫ 12,750,000,000.00 ₫ 10,837,500,000.00 ₫ 9,211,875,000.00 ₫
5 6 7 8 9
9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫ 9,990,000,000.00 ₫

5 6 7 8 9
10,898,181,818.18 ₫ 9,081,818,181.82 ₫ 7,265,454,545.45 ₫ 5,449,090,909.09 ₫ 3,632,727,272.73 ₫

5 6 7 8 9
3,143,774,949.85 ₫ 1,575,031,249.87 ₫ 789,090,656.19 ₫ 395,334,418.75 ₫ 198,062,543.79 ₫

5 6 7 8 9
7,830,093,750.00 ₫ 6,655,579,687.50 ₫ 5,657,242,734.38 ₫ 4,808,656,324.22 ₫ 4,087,357,875.59 ₫
9,990,000,000.00 ₫

1,816,363,636.36 ₫

99,229,334.44 ₫

3,474,254,194.25 ₫
Đào Thúy An 01DH4 CN-PX1 300 180.00 54000 4320 1.2 54000
Nguyễn Văn Bình 02NH2 CN-PX2 150 110.00 16500 0 1.06 16500
Lương Văn Công 03NH6 QL-PX1 100 185.00 18500 0 1.36 25160
Lưu Hồng Danh 04DH4 QL-PX2 200 120.00 24000 1920 1.2 28800
Lý Hồng Đào 05NH2 CN-PX3 180 150.00 27000 0 1.06 27000
La Khánh Giang 06DH2 CN-PX3 400 150.00 60000 4800 1.06 60000
Lý Hùng 07DH1 CN-PX1 300 180.00 54000 4320 1.02 54000
Bùi Đăng Khoa 08DH7 QL-PX3 90 150.00 13500 1080 1.45 19575
Hoàng Thị Loan 09DH5 QL-PX4 100 215.00 21500 1720 1.28 27520
Lê Văn Minh 10NH3 CN-PX4 350 200.00 70000 0 1.13 70000

BẢNG ĐƠN GIÁ 1. Tính ĐƠN GIÁ sản phẩm

CN QL 2. Lập công thức tính LƯƠ
PX1 180 185 3. Bảo hiểm xã hội (BHXH
PX2 110 120 (DH: Dài hạn, NH: Ngắn h
PX3 150 150 4. Điền dữ liệu vào cột HỆ
PX4 200 215 5. THU NHẬP: Nếu thuộc
6. TẠM ỨNG: Công nhân
BẢNG HỆ SỐ 7. THUẾ: chỉ áp dụng cho
Bậc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. THỰC LÃNH = THU NH
Hệ số 1.02 1.06 1.13 1.2 1.28 1.36 1.45
27000 4125 18555
8250 0 8250
12580 0 12580
14400 0 12480
13500 0 13500
30000 13500 11700
27000 4893.75 17786.25
9787.5 0 8707.5
13760 0 12040
35000 0 35000

1. Tính ĐƠN GIÁ sản phẩm căn cứ vào bảng đơn giá.
2. Lập công thức tính LƯƠNG sản phẩm, biết: LƯƠNG SP = SỐ LƯỢNG SP * ĐƠN GIÁ
3. Bảo hiểm xã hội (BHXH) được quy định bằng 8% lương sản phẩm nhưng chỉ tính cho những người có hợp đồng dài hạn, biết rằng loạ
DH: Dài hạn, NH: Ngắn hạn)
4. Điền dữ liệu vào cột HỆ SỐ dựa vào cấp bậc (là ký tự cuối của MÃ NV) và BẢNG HỆ SỐ.
5. THU NHẬP: Nếu thuộc bộ phận quản lý (QL) thì THU NHẬP = LƯƠNG SP * HỆ SỐ, ngược lại: THU NHẬP chính là LƯƠNG SP.
6. TẠM ỨNG: Công nhân có cấp bậc từ 5 trở lên sẽ được tạm ứng bằng 1/2 của mức THU NHẬP, ngược lại TẠM ỨNG là 1/3 mức THU N
7. THUẾ: chỉ áp dụng cho những người có mức thu nhập từ 50.000 trở lên và được tính bằng 25% của số tiền vượt trên 50.000.
đồng dài hạn, biết rằng loại hợp đồng được ghi trong MÃ NV.

nh là LƯƠNG SP.
M ỨNG là 1/3 mức THU NHẬP.
vượt trên 50.000.

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