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Answer the questions below, then write a summary of ideas using your own words.

1. What are the advantages of face-to-face communication over virtual

communication in the workplace?

For me, the advantage of face-to-face communication over virtual communication in

the workplace is that you get to experience the person speaking. It is more personal
and intimate to speak with someone you can see and hear real-time, even physically
touch with.

It gives your physical longing to belong a sustenance as you can definitely experience
people around you.

Face-to-face also offers less barriers in terms of communicating as the message can
be relayed as fast as it could with a lesser risk of misunderstanding.

2. What are the advantages of virtual communication over face to face


For me, the advantage of virtual communication over face-to-face communication as

a workplace set up is that it allows you to work remotely at the comforts of your own
home. It saves you time, effort, and money to prepare and travel. It also lessens the
risk of you contracting COVID virus during this pandemic era.

3. Which do you prefer, virtual communication or face to face communication?


I preferred to have a hybrid set-up on a workplace as it promotes flexibility and

maximized the advantages of both face-to-face and virtual set up. Employees should
have the liberty if they want to work in the office as we are aware that not every
home is comfortable and working requires focus that you may not obtain in your
house. They can also opt in working from home or virtually specially if the travel time
and preparation will be considered.

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