Exponential Marketing Sumary

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Exponential marketing

Exponential customer value:

Customer value is at the very heart of marketing, so it stands to reason that everyone in your
organization needs to be a marketer of sorts. Each employee has to know that providing customer value,
not only benefits customer and organization, it also benefits them by making it easier to achieve their
individual career and personal financial goals Understanding what drives customer value, and,
consequently, what everybody in the organization can do individually and as a team to better deliver on
that value, is key to making your business grow as it has never grown before.

Destination planning

Destination planning is a process of looking into the future and then integrating four basic forecasting
elements that will provide a clear and concise model of where you want to be, and what it takes to get
there. (a success dashboard)

 BUSINESS GOAL -X million profit

OBJECTIVES - Visitors, frequency, conversion, transaction size
CUSTOMERS - Customer value proposition
THEN ANYONE ELSE - Core competence

Value diagnostics

The focus, as it should be, is on value. What is your brand and/or company doing or not doing, to
provide value to your customers and correspondingly, better value to your shareholders? Exactly who
are your existing and potential customers, and what do they consider value to be? Etc.

The point is that value diagnostics is about taking a comprehensive 360-degree look around your
business and your customers to determine what value is and how your company can provide it in a more
meaningful way than any other.

The exponential marketing processes.


(The people most likely to buy/consume a lot of your product)

(Establish the customer’s motivational priority of product features, functional and emotional benefits)

(Leverage multiple touch points of costumer interactions during the entire buying process)
(Leverage the power of your costumer growth strategy throughout the business system)

Customer segmentation

Customer research can be an excellent tool to help you predict future costumer behavior, and to make
assumptions about probable reactions to product development, communication, or a new positioning.
You need, of course, to talk to the right people- the people most likely to buy. Segmenting customers
based solely on demographic factors (age, race, sex, or education) makes little sense when you think
about the obvious truth that you- and virtually everybody else on the planet- don’t buy things because
of what you are. You buy based on who you are and what you are interested in relative to your values,
lifestyle, and attitudes. And all this is called psychographics.

What do you want customer segmentation to do?

Customer segmentation can significantly help target the strategy with greater precision and thereby
achieve much stronger results, attract more visitors who convert to purchasing customers who buy a lot,
for more money, more often.

Some keys go to market strategies:

Brand positioning -Brand positioning is the process of defining and communicating the unique value and benefits
of a brand to its target audience. It involves creating a distinctive image and perception of a brand in the minds of
consumers relative to its competitors.

Localization strategies- Localization strategies refer to the process of adapting a product, service, or content to
meet the language, cultural, and other unique requirements of a particular local market. The goal of localization is
to make the product or content more relevant and appealing to the target audience in that market and to ensure
that it meets local laws and regulations.

Communication strategies-Communication strategies are plans that are developed to help individuals,
organizations, or businesses effectively convey information to their target audience. Communication strategies
involve the use of various communication channels, tools, and tactics to achieve specific goals and objectives, such
as building brand awareness, increasing sales, or improving customer engagement.

Product development-Product development refers to the process of creating and bringing a new product or
service to market. This process can involve multiple stages, including identifying customer needs, ideation and
concept development, research and development, testing, and commercialization.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)-Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business concept that describes
a company's commitment to operate ethically and contribute to sustainable economic, social, and environmental
development. It is the practice of integrating social and environmental concerns in a company's operations and
interactions with stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and the environment.

Effective customer research.

Customer understanding is gained primarily through the windows you can find that allow you to
determine a person’s thoughts or emotions. Insights are the glimpses of customer information that
trigger the ‘aha’ moments we seek in research. Usually insights are lying about lost among all the data
scattered about. As you get better at looking for insights and gain more experience you will begin to
recognize them more easily. They are the little behavior windows that offer a closer view of what drives
people to behave the way they do.

Different customer targets- different positioning.

A positioning must be target- specific to be relevant. Pick the most important target and nail a highly
meaningful point of difference for them. Then, if necessary, move on to a secondary target with a
different positioning for each targeted segment. Multiple targets require multiple positioning.

There are three different truths about positioning:

1. Positioning is the brand. Who says so? The customer!

2. Your brand positioning can never work for the other guy, or vice versa.
Otherwise, it isn’t a position at all. A positioning must be ownable by
3. Everything communicates. So everyone must communicate the positioning

Motivational architecture.

A motivational architecture is basically a brand blueprint that defines hierarchy of brand benefits so that
you can align those benefits to specific customer targets.

Start the prioritization process of compiling a motivational architecture by establishing whether different
features and benefits are according to one of the following criteria:

1. Cost of entry features and benefits

2. Differentiating benefits
3. Crucial emotional experience

A word about the internet

The internet has revolutionized the way businesses reach and interact with their target audience and
has created a variety of new marketing channels and tactics that were not possible before.

Internet marketing can take many forms, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC)
advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, and more.
Each of these channels has its own unique advantages and can be used to achieve specific marketing

Overall, internet usage in marketing offers a number of benefits, including the ability to reach a global
audience, target specific segments of the population, measure and analyze campaign performance in
real-time, and more. As the internet continues to evolve, businesses will need to stay up to date with
the latest technologies and trends in order to remain competitive and successful in their marketing

Purchase intent measurements (PIMs)

PIMs is a planning and evaluation tool we developed a few years ago. It objectively and subjectively
measures the impact of various communication tools in driving purchase intent outside of the four walls
of the selling environment in a very efficient manner. Key purchase intent influencers on the PIM
evaluation score are:
 Situation impact
 Context impact
 Content impacts
 Stamia impact

Performance alignment

Performance alignment is the final planning step in the exponential marketing process. It is appropriate
that we end up aligning structures and capabilities where we started, with the destination. The
destination, inclusive of the goal, the key objectives and the value platform, is your magnetic north with
your alignment compass.

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