Advance Optima Uras 14 (001-050)

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Advance Optima

Module Uras 14

Service Manual 43/24-1005-1 EN

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Table of contents

Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-1

Chapter 2: Module versions 2-1

Chapter 3: Module components 3-1

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting 4-1

Chapter 5: Testing 5-1

Chapter 6: Component replacement 6-1

Chapter 7: Configuration 7-1

Chapter 8: Calibration 8-1

Attachment Parts catalog

SHB_U14 Contents

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Chapter 1: Description of functions Page

Physical principle 1-2

Determination of influence values 1-6
Ex Concept 1-7

Chapter 2: Module versions

Summary 2-2
Module versions (principles) 2-5
Module versions ( plastic tubing connections) 2-7
Module versions (stainless steel tubing) 2-12
Ex analyzer module 2-14

Chapter 3: Module components

Emitter 3-2
Modulator 3-3
Apertures 3-6
Sample Cell 3-7
Filter Cell 3-11
Optical Filter 3-12
Calibration Unit 3-13
Calibration Cell 3-15
Infrared detector 3-16
IR module circuit board 3-19
Sensor-CPU circuit board 3-23
Pressure sensor circuit board 3-28
Thermostat circuit board 3-29
Hood with supplement heater 3-30
Connecting cable 3-31

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

Contents SHB_U14

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Contents, Fortsetzung

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting

Status messages 4-2

No measurement signal 4-4
Unstable measurement value reading 4-5
Zero drift / Measured value drift 4-6
Negative measured signal 4-7
Measurement signal not enough sensitive 4-8
Excessive measurement signal preparation time 4-9
Temperature error 4-10

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Contents

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Contents, continued

Chapter 5: Testing Page

Electrical connections 5-2

IR Detector measurement signal 5-4
IR detector preamplifier 5-5
Emitter insert 5-6
Modulator with emitter circuit board 5-7
Sample cell 5-8
Thermostat temperature 5-9
Heater 5-10
Temperature sensor 5-11
Thermal link 5-12
Calibration cell 5-13
Calibration unit 5-14
Pressure sensor 5-15
IR module circuit board 5-16
Sensor –CPU circuit board 5-18

Chapter 6: Component replacement

Summary 6-2
Remove / install Uras14 analyzer module 6-3
Change emitter insert 6-5
Change modulator 6-6
Change sample cell 6-7
Change calibration cell and calibration unit 6-9
Change infrared detector 6-10
Change IR module and Sensor –CPU circuit boards 6-11
Change thermal link 6-12

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

Contents SHB_U14

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Contents, Fortsetzung

Chapter 7: Configuration

Hardware configuration 7-2

Software configuration with TCT 7-4
General data 7-6
IR detectors 7-8
Temperature detectors 7-31
Pressure detector 7-36
Flow detector 7-40
Calibration cell 7-45
Solenoids 7-46
Pump 7-48

Chapter 8: Calibration

Overview 8-2
Optical Alignment 8-3
Phese Alignment 8-6
Initial Calibration of Uras 14 IR detectors 8-9
Initial Zero Calibration 8-12
Postlinearisation 8-14
Cross-sensitivity alignment 8-17
Delta Phase 8-19
Calibration Cell measurement 8-22
Pressure Detector initial calibration 8-24
Flow detector initial calibration 8-26
Temperature detector initial calibration 8-31

Attachment Parts catalog

SHB_U14 Contents

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Chapter 1: Description of functions


This chapter ... describes the underlying physical principles and provides information on the
determination of influence values.

Chapter Contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page

Physical principle 1-2

Determination of influence values 1-6
Ex Concept 1-7

SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-1

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Physical principles

Measurement • NDIR technique

principle (Nondispersive infrared analysis)
• The measurement effect is based on resonance absorption of gas-specific
vibration-rotation bands of differing atom gas molecules in the median infrared
spectrum at wavelengths between 2.5 and 8 µm.

• The individual gases to be measured are identified by their specific absorption

bands. Each gas has such an absorption spectrum (fingerprint).
- Monoatomic gases, such as inert gases
- Symmetrical gases, such as N2, O2 and H2
- These types of gases cannot be measured with this method.
• The relationship between measured infrared radiation absorption and the
measurement component is based on the LAMBERT-BEER law:

A = (I0 - I1) / I0 = 1 - e -ε(λ)⋅ρ⋅l

A = Absorption
I0 = Radiation entering the cell
I1 = Radiation leaving the cell
ε(λ) = Sample component extinction factor
ρ = Sample component density
l = Sample cell length

The relationship between sample component density ρ and its volumetric

concentration c is
ρ = ρ0 ⋅ c ⋅ p/p0 ⋅ T0/T

ρ0 = Pure gas density
p0 = Pressure
T0 = Temperature
under standard conditions (1013 hPa, 0°C).

The second equation shows that the sample component's volumetric

concentration depends on the sample cell pressure and temperature.
The first equation finds a non-linear relationship between absorption and
volumetric concentration.

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1-2 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung
Basic design • The Uras 14 analyzer module is a twin-beam NDIR process photometer with no
dispersive elements.
The module consists of a completely self-contained optical unit with the
following elements:
• Infrared source (emitter)
• Aperture wheel (chopper)
• Emitter aperture
• Sample cell with measurement and reference chambers
• Infrared detector with diaphragm capacitor (receiver)

Figure 1-1
RS232 Int.Bus
principle IR-Elektronic Sensor-CPU




1 Emitter
2 Emitter aperture
3 Aperture wheel
4 Sample cell
5 Measurement chamber
6 Reference chamber
7 Infrared detector
8 Diaphragm capacitor

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SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-3

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung

IR radiation • Generated by broad-band emitter

• Emitted as a beam package alternately in the form of a sample and reference
beam through the sample and reference chambers of the sample cell and is
partially absorbed by the sample component molecules
• Counterphase modulation by means of a motorized aperture wheel
• Both modulated beam packages appear alternately at the infrared detector

Apertures • Created by applicable regulation of the sample and reference beam balance

Sample cell • Depending on the application, the sample chamber receives a sample, zero-point
or end-point gas flow so that a part of the infrared radiation is absorbed in a
concentration-dependent manner
• The radiation passes unhindered if the reference chamber is filled with a gas that
does not absorb infrared (N2).

Infrared detector • A two-part transmission detector with front and rear chambers filled with the gas
components to be measured, with selectivity being determined by the infrared
detector. The two chambers are separated by an infrared-transparent window.
Additionally, the two chambers are separated by a stressed metal membrane with
counterelectrodes. This unit is known as the diaphragm capacitor.
• It reacts in the following manner in the presence of the sample component:
• IR radiation is weakened in the sample cell's sample chamber and enters the
receiver's front chamber.
• The equilibrium between the sample and reference beams initially established
by calibration and the aperture is now disturbed.
• There is an energy difference (temperature change) in the form of reduced
pressure in the front chamber.
• This pressure reduction is transformed into a capacitance change in the
membrane capacitor by deflecting the metal diaphragm.
• Since the diaphragm capacitor is connected to a high-impedance DC voltage, a
corresponding periodic AC signal is generated.

Fortsetzung auf der folgenden Seite

1-4 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Physical principles, Fortsetzung
Figure 1-2
RS232 Int.Bus
Signal flow schematic
IR-Modul Sensor-CPU




N2 N2 Rt


Figure 1-3
Block diagram as
fully equipped





N2 N2

N2 N2





SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-5

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Determination of influence values

Associated gas The sample gas is a mixture of the sample component(s) and associated gas
effects components. If the infrared absorption bands of one or more associated gas
components overlap the sample component’s bands, the sample results will be
The influence of interfering gas components is termed cross sensitivity or carrier
gas dependence.
Cross sensitivity is determined by connecting an inert gas (e.g. N2) which is mixed
with the interfering gas components (corresponding to the sample gas).
The influence acts on the zero-point measurement value indication.
Carrier gas dependence, which is rarely observed. Occurs when the physical
properties of the sample gas differ markedly from those of the sample gas. This
interference changes the slope of the device’s characteristic curve. This curve is
corrected at the end-point.
The Uras 14 has the following methods available for interference correction:
• Interference filter
• Filter cells
• Internal electronic cross-sensitivity correction
• Internal electronic carrier gas correction

Pressure In accordance with the gas laws, the sample cell’s volumetric concentration
depends on the pressure in the sample cell and is thus dependent on the process
gas and air pressure. This effect acts on the end-point and amounts to approx. 1%
of the measurement value per 1% of pressure change (therefore, per 10 hPa).
An internal pressure sensor reduces this effect to 0.2%.

Flow rate The flow rate affects pressure in the sample cell and the module’s T90times.
The flow rate should be between 20 and 100 liters/hour.

Temperature Temperature has a markedly different effect on all optical components in the beam
path. This effect is reduced by:
• Temperature compensation
A temperature sensor in the first infrared detector’s preamplifier measures the
temperature in the module.
This signal is used for electronic correction.
Zero-point effect: ≤ 1% of span per 10°C
End-point effect: ≤ 3% of measurement value per 10°C
• Thermostat (optional)
The temperature influence is further reduced by controlled heating of the optical
components to 55°C.
Zero-point effect: ≤ 1% of span per 10°C
End-point effect: ≤ 1% of measurement value per 10°C

1-6 Chapter 1: Description of functions SDE_U14

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Ex concept

Application The Uras 14-Ex analyzer module is capable of measuring non-combustible and
combustible gases under atmospheric conditions which can form an explosive
environment (Zone 1).

Design For use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 (combustible measurement gas) the analyzer module
is installed in a pressure-tight cylinder.
The analyzer module consists of the following components:
• Flange on which the analyzer is mounted
• Cylinder with threaded cap, the cylinder screws into threads in the flange.
All electrical and gas connections are made through the flange.
• Power supply and system bus lines are routed through pressure-tight cable
• Gas inlet and outlet lines are routed through flame traps.

Figure 1-4
Ex module

Housing purge To protect the analyzer module sensor electronics against the entry of an
aggressive atmosphere or corrosive sample gas components, a purge gas can flow
through the pressure-tight cylinder.
The purge gas is routed in and out via two flame traps.

Identification EEx d IIC T4

Certification of BVS 97.D.2021 X


SDE_U14 Chapter 1: Description of functions 1-7

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Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions


Introduction This chapter describes the individual module versions.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find the following information:

Subject See Page
Summary 2-2
Module versions (principles) 2-5
Module versions (plastic tubing connections) 2-7
Module versions (stainless steel tubing) 2-12
Ex analyzer module 2-14

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-1

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General Depending on the measurement task to be carried out, the Uras 14 can be fitted
with the following primary components:
• 1 to 4 infrared detectors
• 1 to 2 beam paths
• Up to 2 infrared detectors per beam path
• Modulator with three possible versions
• 1 emitter in first beam path (second beam path not installed)
• 1 emitter in second beam path (first beam path not installed)
• 2 emitter units
• The following components are permanently installed
•Thermostat-controlled version with heater and controller (option, must be confi.)
•IR module circuit board
•Sensor-CPU circuit board
•Pressure sensor circuit board
• Any additional components depend on the measuring task or desired equipment
• All versions of the module can be installed in a 19" rack or wall-mount housing
without any need for conversion.
• The gas module and oxygen sensor can be combined in an analyzer module gas
path. These components are included in the sensor electronics package.

Special components According to the measurement task and options ordered, the following components
can be installed:
• 1 to 2 calibration units
• 1 to 2 filter cells
• 1 to 2 optical filters
• Gas paths
• FPM tubing
• PTFE tubing
• Stainless steel tubing

Continued on next page

2-2 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Summary, continued
Figure 2-1
Uras 14

1 Connection plate with electrical and gas connections

2 Sensor electronics
3 Optical analyzer components with heat shield
Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-3

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Summary, continued
Figure 2-2
Analyzer module
Uras 14

1 Calibration unit 2
2 Measurement cell 2
3 Main frame with aperture control
4 Beam path 2 aperture adjustment screw
5 Modulator with emitters (not visible)
6 Calibration unit 1
7 Infrared detector 1
8 Beam path 1 aperture adjustment screw
9 Measurement cell 1
10 Infrared detector 2
11 Stop disk (light or dark)
12 Infrared detector 3
13 Gas connections
14 24-VDC power supply, external connection
15 System bus, external connection

2-4 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (principles)

Note The module versions below are all shown with the optional calibration cell.
Calibration cells shown with diagonal lines contain a 2-component mixture.

Figure 2-3
Version with one
infrared detector

Figure 2-4
Version with two
infrared detectors

Legend for Figures 2- SG 1 Beam path 1
3 through 6 SG2 Beam path 2
ST1 Emitter 1
ST2 Emitter 2
MK1 Measurement cell 1
MK2 Measurement cell 2
CC1 Calibration cell for infrared detector in beam path 1
CC2 Calibration cell for infrared detector in beam path 2
ID1-4 Infrared detectors 1-4
Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-5

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Module versions (principles), continued˝
Figure 2-5
Version with three
infrared detectors

Figure 2-6
Version with four
infrared detectors

F Familiarity with the arrangement of the individual components is required for the
• Troubleshootin
• Configuration
• Optical alignment
• Phase alignment

2-6 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections)

General The module versions for plastic tubing connections can all be connected to the gas
module and/or oxygen sensor.

Note The individual components of the module versions shown are all connected with
FPM (Viton) tubing.
This tubing is suitable for most measurement applications.

Figure 2-7 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
1 beam path
no gas module

8 3

Figure 2-8 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
no gas module



8 3

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-7

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued˝
Figure 2-9 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths
no gas module



9 8 7 2 3

Figure 2-10 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid


8 9 3

Continued on next page

2-8 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued˝
Figure 2-11 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
1 beam path F
with gas module
3 3/2-way solenoids

8 9 10 3

Figure 2-12 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid
1 flow sensor
1 oxygen sensor

O2 D D

8 9 3

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-9

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued
Figure 2-13 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths F
with gas module
1 3/2-way solenoid
1 flow sensor
1 oxygen sensor


O2 D

2 4 9 8 3 7

K U14VAR13

Figure 2-14 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
Flowing reference
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
no gas module



8 3 10 4 1 2


Continued on next page

2-10 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (plastic tubing connections), continued
Figure 2-15 Pneumatikmodul Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions: F
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths
no gas module
with flow sensor
pressure sensor with
outwards connection



2 9 8 7 3

Figure 2-16
Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
Housing purge
1 sample gas path
1 beam path
no gas module


8 5 6 3

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-11

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Module versions (stainless steel tubing)

General The modules versions for stainless steel tubing cannot be connected to the gas
module and/or oxygen sensor
The measurement cell(s) is(are) connected directly to the gas connection plate by
means of stainless steel tubing.

Figure 2-17 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
2 sample gas paths



9 8 7 3 2

Figure 2-18 Analysatormodul Uras 14

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths



3 7 8

Continued on next page

2-12 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Module versions (stainless steel tubing), continued
Figure 2-19 Analysatormodul Uras 14
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Flowing reference



8 7 9 3 2

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-13

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Ex analyzer module

General Stainless steel tubing is used for the analyzer module gas paths.
All gas connections used on the housing flange are fitted with flame traps.

Figure 2-20
Ex module

Gas connectors Electr. connectors

1 Sample gas inlet 1 8 System bus
2 Sample gas outlet 1 9 24 V DC
3 Sample gas inlet 2 10 Potential bonding
4 Sample gas outlet 2
5 Purging gas inlet
6 Purging gas outlet
7 Pressure sensor
1) The actual pinout see device voucher.

Figure 2-21 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex

Module versions:
2 sample gas paths
2 beam paths



3 4 7 1 2

Continued on next page

2-14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions SHB_U14

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Ex analyzer module, continued
Figure 2-22 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex
Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Housing purge



5 6 4 7 1

Figure 2-23 Analysatormodul Uras 14-Ex

Module versions:
1 sample gas path
2 beam paths
Flowing reference
Housing purge



5 6 4 7 3 2 1

SHB_U14 Chapter 2: Analyzer module versions 2-15

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Chapter 3: Module components


Introduction This chapter describes the individual assemblies and components.

Chapter contents In this chapter you will find information on the following module components:

Subject See Page

Emitter 3-2
Modulator 3-3
Apertures 3-6
Sample Cell 3-7
Filter cell 3-11
Optical filter 3-12
Calibration Unit 3-13
Calibration Cell 3-15
Infrared detector 3-16
IR module circuit board 3-19
Sensor-CPU circuit board 3-23
Pressure sensor circuit board 3-28
Thermostat circuit board 3-29
Hood with supplemental heater 3-30
Connecting Cable 3-31

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-1

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Location in Module The emitter inserts are attached to the modulator receiver disk (aluminum block).
Depending on the measurement task, one or two emitter inserts can be installed.
If only one emitter insert is used, it can be placed in the first or second beam path
depending on the requirements of the measurement application.

Structure The emitter insert consists of a reflective body which houses a wire filament in a
ceramic shell. The unit is sealed behind a gas-tight, infrared-transparent window.
To increase its service life the emitter insert is filled with a special gas.

Function Depending on module equipment, sample components and measurement ranges,

the emitter units are supplied with approx. 5-10 VDC.
The filament then emits a broadband constant infrared light beam of corresponding

Figure 3-1
Emitter insert

1 Infrared-transparent window
2 Emitter filament (not visible here)
3 Electrical connections
4 Reflector housing

Figure 3-2
Modulator with
emitter insert

1 Modulator (receiver disk)

2 Emitter insert

3-2 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Location in module The modulator is attached to the main frame.

Structure The modulator consists of:

• Receiver disk
• 1 to 2 emitter inserts
• Aperture wheel
• Synchronous motor to drive the aperture wheel
• Coupling between synchronous motor and aperture wheel
• Circuit board with
• Emitter power supply connections
• Synchronous motor connection
• Split light barrier
• O rings to seal the emitter units and the entire modulator

Function The computer-controlled synchronous motor drives the aperture wheel.

Modulation frequencG: 7.3 Hz (standard setting).
The aperture wheel is designed to alternately cover the test and reference
chambers in the sample cell so that the infrared light from the emitters passes
alternately through each chamber twice per revolution.
The IR detector signal arrangement is assured by the split light barrier and a flag
fastened to the aperture wheel drive shaft.
This design solution creates modulated light which results in a highly stable
measurement signal.

Figure 3-3

1 Aperture wheel
2 Synchronous motor
3 Emitter circuit board
4 Emitter inserts
5 Receiver disk

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-3

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Modulator, continued
Figure 3-4
Aperture wheel

1 Emitter 2
2 Aperture, beam path for reference chamber
3 Emitter 1
4 Aperture, beam path for sample chamber

Continued on next page

3-4 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Modulator, continued
Figure 3-5
Emitter circuit board

U1 Split light barrier

Inputs/Outputs X1 Connection to IR module board

X2 Synchronous motor
X3 Emitter 1
X4 Beam 2

Figure 3-6
Plug configuration
X1 X3 St 1
1 S1+ 1
2 S1+ 2
3 F1+ 3
4 S1- 4
5 F1-

6 S2- 1
X4 St 2

7 S2+ 2
8 F2- 3
9 Motor 1 4
10 F2+

11 Motor 2
12 1
13 +5V 2 M

14 L_SCHR 3


St1 Emitter 1
ST2 Emitter 2
M motor for apperture wheel

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-5

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Location in module The apertures and their adjustment screws are located on the main frame between
the modulator and sample cells.

Structure The main frame always has two apertures installed and these are moved back and
forth horizontally by a screw-type drive mechanism.
They are shown in a inset to the cross section of the sample cells installed in the
sample and reference chambers.

Function The apertures act as a shutter for the infrared emitter signal according to the
setting provided for the sample or reference beam.
Goal Equal intensity for both infrared detector beams during the basic adjustment.
Asymmetry is caused by design factors or sample gas characteristics.
Alignment is accomplished with the "optical alignment" function.

Figure 3-7

1 Beam path 1 aperture adjustment screw

2 Aperture in beam path 1
3 Aperture in beam path 2
4 and 5 Beam path 2 aperture adjustment screw
6 Opening for sample cell in beam path 2
7 Opening for sample cell in beam path 1
8 O rings to seal sample cell(s)
9 Openings for lines to gas module
10 Main frame

3-6 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sample cell

Location in module The sample cell is installed between the main frame with modulator and the
infrared detector or calibration unit.

Structure The cell consists of an aluminum tube available in two versions:

• chemically polished
• and gold plated.
A land divides the cell into a sample chamber and a reference chamber. The
chambers are sealed with infrared-transparent windows on both sides. The
reference chamber is normally filled with N2. The sample chamber can receive a
flow of sample gases via two gas ports. The gas ports are designed for stainless
steel or plastic tubing connections. Positioning pins secure the sample cell in the
beam path. For design reasons, with small cell lengths there are additional
chambers in the sample cell sample and reference beam paths. These are filled
with N2.

Function Cell length differs according to the measurement range involved.

Since the infrared detectors are supplied for each component with a fixed signal
yield value, according to the LAMBERT-BEER law, an optimal absorption setting
must be established in the sample cell for the measurement range scale selected.
Infrared radiation absorption depends on the concentration to be measured
(measurement range) and the optical path length.
The optical path length is the distance between the two limiting windows in the
sample and reference chamber.
The two surface treatment options (chemically polished and gold-plated) have the
following functions:
• Optimal beam reflection
• Protection against corrosion of the cell
• Chemically polished cells provide high signal stability, especially when measuring
flue gases
Reflective characteristics are considered and equalized during the optical
alignment and calibration.
For specific applications there are special sample cells:
• Sample cells with flowing reference gas
Here the reference chamber receives a flow of gas (e.g. sample gas without the
sample component).
Result: Absorption in the sample and reference chamber of that portion of the
beam in the interference gas absorption lines. This eliminate the cross-sensitivity
∆-measurements represent another application.
• Sample cell with integrated filter cell (sample/filter cell)
Here, both filter chambers (sample and reference sides) are filled with the
interference gas component.
Here the portion of the beam in the interference gas line range is absorbed in
order to suppress the interference gas effect (cross-sensitivity).

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-7

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Sample cell, continued
Versions Sample cell length options are shown in the table below.
The nominal length is the optical path distance between the inner sides of the

Nominal Reference Sample/ Stainless Tubing Gold Chemically Ex Part

length gas flow filter cell steel/ connection plated polished Version number
NL plastic
mm tubing
0.3 X X X 0768 443
0.6 X X X 0768 444
2 X X X 0768 448
6 X X X 0768 449
6 X X X ? 0768 433
20 X X X 0768 450
20 X X X ? 0768 435
60 X X X 0768 453
60 X X X 0768 664
60 X X X - 0768 437
200 X X X 0768 454
200 X X X 0768 663
200 X X X ? 0768 439
200 X X X X 0768 570
200 160/40 X X X various
200 180/20 X X X various

Continued on next page

3-8 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Sample cell, continued
Figure 3-8
Sample cells
NL 0.3, 0.6, 2, 6 mm

Figure 3-9
Sample cell
NL 20 mm

Figure 3-10
Sample cell
NL 60, 200 mm

Legend for Figures 3- 1 Positioning pin to locate the cell in the beam path
8 through 11 2 Aperture-side shaft
3 Gas inlet, outlet
4 Infrared-transparent window
5 Infrared-transparent window (in front and back of sample and reference chamber)
6 Infrared-transparent window
7 Reference chamber
8 Sample chamber

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-9

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Sample cell, continued
Figure 3-11
Sample cell with
flowing reference gas

Figure 3-12
Sample cell with
integrated filter cell

1 Filter cell fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

2 Filter cell, NL 20-40 mm (chamber fill per order)
3 Reference chamber, NL 160 or 180 mm
4 Sample chamber, NL 160 or 180 mm

3-10 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Filter cell

Location in module The filter cell is installed between the sample cell and infrared detector or between
the sample cell and calibration cell.

Structure The filter cell consists of a gold-plated tube.

A land divides the cell into a sample chamber and a reference chamber; there is a
gas link between the two.
The filter cell sealed with infrared-transparent windows on both sides.
Two positioning pins secure the filter cell in the beam path.

Function The sample and reference sides are individually filled with the applicable
interference gas.
This causes absorption of the portion of the beam in the range of the interference
gas absorption lines.
Result: A sharp reduction in cross sensitivity.

Versions For various applications there are various versions of the filter cell, as shown

Nominal length Surface Fill Part number

Gold plated

Figure 3-13
Filter cell

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-11

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Optical filter

Location in module Depending on the module layout and measurement task, the optical filters are
located at the following points:
• Between the sample cell and infrared detector
• Between two infrared detectors
• Between the calibration unit and infrared detector

Structure The optical filter (interference filter) consists of two silicon disks which are
metallically loaded to achieve the desired property.
The filter is fastened in a metal housing.
The housings are different for the various installation locations mentioned above.

Function By installing interference filters, emission ranges in overlapping sector of the

sample and interference bands are tuned out. This means that, depending on the
its type, the filter only allows the passage of emissions in a specific wavelength
For reasons of symmetry the filter operates on the sample and reference sides of
the beam path.
Filter use depends on the following limiting conditions:
The combination of gas components in the sample gas
Component concentrations
Measurement ranges
Filters are primarily used for the SO2, NO, N2O, and CnHm sample components.

Figure 3-14
Optical filters

1 optical filter, style A Installed between sample cell/detector or

2 optical filter, style B Installed between calibration cell/detector

3-12 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Calibration unit

Location in module The calibration unit is an installable option.

It is inserted between the sample cell and infrared detector.

Structure The calibration unit is a motorized shifting device for the calibration cells.
A small drive motor with a drive pin moves the slide on which the calibration cell is
Small permanent magnets are used to improve calibration cell positioning and
An attachment using two U mounts makes it possible to have a difference in width
between the versions with and without optical filters.

Figure 3-15
Calibration unit

1 Calibration cell
2 Circuit board plug connection
3 Drive motor
4 and 5 Permanent magnets
6 Slide

Continued on next page

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-13

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Calibration unit, continued
Figure 3-16

LP IR circuit board IR-module

LP CE circuit board calibration unit

3-14 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Calibration cell

Location in module The calibration cell is a option to be mounted in the calibration unit.
A calibration cell can be installed in each beam path.

Structure The calibration cell housing consists of a gold-plated metal frame with four
chambers that are sealed gas-tight by means of infrared-transparent windows.
Three chambers are filled with nitrogen.
One chamber is filled with the required test gas mixture.

Function The calibration cell is used to calibrate span.

There can be one calibration cell per beam path.
If there are two infrared detectors in the beam path the calibration cell has a mixed
Calibration cell gas fill can be compared with a test gas flask.
The concentration stamped on the calibration cell is the fill concentration. This is
not the calibration concentration for the Uras 14. It must be determined with a test

Figure 3-17
Calibration cell

1 N2 fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

2 and 3 Chambers filled with N2, in beam path 4 for meas. and zero
alignment Chamber filled with N2, in reference beam path 5 for
span calibration Chamber filled with test gas, in meas. beam path
for span calibration
6 Test gas fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)
7 N2 fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

SHB_U14 Chapter 3: Module components 3-15

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Infrared detector

Location in module The infrared detector is placed at the end of the sample cell.
Depending on the application, there can be from 1 to 4 detectors installed.
A maximum of 2 detectors are possible per beam path.

Structure The infrared detector consists of the following components:

• An optopneumatic portion consisting of two chambers, one located behind the
other, separated by an infrared-transparent window.
The chambers are filled with a gas that corresponds to the sample component
In the part not affected by the beam there is a membrane capacitor consisting of
a metal membrane sealed in a gas-tight manner between the two chamber
portions and a fixed counter electrode. Both components are linked to the
preamplifier via gas-tight openings.
• The preamplifier is a fixed component of the detector.
The preamplifier has a temperature probe for optional temperature

Function The emission entering the detector is absorbed in the region of the fill gas
absorption lines and by molecular collision is momentarily converted to heat energy
corresponding to pressure. This pressure change is received by the membrane
The 150-V voltage applied now generates a corresponding mV signal via a high-
resistance circuit.
The primary emission absorption occurs in the forward chamber (positive
deflection). In the rear chamber there is a flank-driven emitted beam portion of the
rotation lines which in the case of overlap with interference gas components leads
to cross-sensitivity. The greater depth of the rear chamber causes the absorption of
most of this interference emission and there is also a pressure increase here to
counter the pressure in the front chamber. This suppresses a certain amount of the
cross-sensitivity effect.
The preamplifier has 3 jumpers to allow signal matching to x1, x3 or x10. These
jumpers are set during the initial calibration.
The temperature probe is used to determine the ambient temperature of the optical
components and is therefore part of the optional measurement signal temperature
compensation circuit. Only the first infrared detector’s probe is used for
temperature measurements.

Types All infrared detectors are mechanically identical. Detector fill is determined by the
application. The detectors are suitable for all measurement ranges shown on the
data sheet.
Sample components:
CO, NO, SO2, N2O, Frigen/R12, H2O, SF6, CS2, NH3
CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H6, C3H8, C4H10, C6H6, C6H14
CO2 with 10% fill for small measurement ranges
CO2 with 100% fill for large measurement ranges

Continued on next page

3-16 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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Infrared detector, continued
Figure 3-18
Infrared detector

1 Amplifier matching jumpers

2 Preamplifier
3 IR module circuit board plug connection
4 Membrane capacitor
5 Front and rear chambers6 Positioning pins and openings
7 Fill ports (sealed gas-tight and soldered)

Figure 3-19

BR 1 1x amplification
BR 2 3x amplification
BR 3 10x amplification
ST1 Connection to IR module board
A/B Solder connection points for membrane capacitor

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Infrared detector, continued
Figure 3-20
Preamplifier pin
Plug 1
Connection to IR electronics
SIGN. GND 1___
+ 150V 2___
AGND 4___
TEMP 5___
+ 15V 6___
GNDA 7___
SIGN. INP. 8___
TEST 9___
- 15V 10__

Note Pin 3 on plug ST1 is not available.

It has been removed as a means of keying the plug.

3-18 Chapter 3: Module components SHB_U14

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