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The whole school was flooded with people. News reporters, students, police and many more other strangers. My friends and I went to class normally without knowing any information on what is going on. My class was very noisy with ideas on what is going on. My friends and I sat at the corner with fright. Then our teacher entered the class silently. The class becomes silent in curiosity. We sat in fear. Then the teacher said Everyone must listen to the information Im going to tell.Vanisha was found dead in the girls bathroom. The police suspect it is a murder by a thief that broke into our school yesterday night but the school has not found any signs of break-ins.Students will be interviewed and questioned by the police. Any information about the murder please tell it to the teachers. Dinesh, Theva, Rischi and I sat silently. All of us knew who murdered Vanisha but we could not tell who it was. We were scared. The police started interviewing every student. It was our turn next. We walked to the front hall. We had to pass the girls toilet before going to the hall. We walked slowly pass the girls toilet. We saw them taking Vanisha`s body in a stretcher. They covered her body with a cloth. Beside her body we saw her aunt and uncle crying .While they were taking her on the stretcher her hand fell down. How I wished she was alive again. The police questioned us. We lied that we did not have anything to do to this murder but they did not know that we were the reason she was found dead. The police could not find out who did the murder but we know who did it and who was responsible for her death. The school was closed for almost a week. During that, we was realizing what had we done to her. I could not eat, sleep or even think about anyone else. All my thoughts was about Vanisha.I couldnt stop thinking what I have done to her. I prayed to god that

all of this must be a dream and Vanisha was still alive and happy but it isnt, it is reality.Everytime I open the paper I see her on the news, I see her anywhere. Vanisah`s house was a block away from my house. She doesnt have a big house. Vanisha is really very poor. Her parents died in a car crash. She was lucky to escape the crash with no harm. She was sent to her only cousins. (Her aunt and uncle).Her uncle and aunt were very poor. They already had five children. When they got Vanisha, they treated her as a burden. She got old school books, scraps of food, and also old and tore shirt. She led an unhappy life. The next day I got up in the morning and dressed into my school uniform. I was rushing because I was late. When I was putting on my shoes, my mother turned on the news. The police said that they had found out what happened to Vanisha, said my mother in curiosity. Then the news reporters started talking,Vanisha from Winston High School was found dead in the girls toilet. The police suspected it was a murder from a break-in. The police then found out that Vanisha was , and then I heard my van was honking very loudly before the news reporter finished his speech. I came down from my bus and walked slowly to my class. Everyone in my class was sitting silently and some of them were gossiping. When I walked to my seat, I saw some of my classmates were angry with me. Some of them shouted vulgarly at me while some threw papers at me. I knew I deserved it. Then my teacher entered the class. My teacher stood in front of the class. She was speechless for quite some time. Then she started talking. The police said that a thief murdered Vanisha. Nevertheless, they were wrong. A student murdered her. His name is Narada Harinath.Catch him everyone!Said the teacher angrily. Everyone started chasing me. I ran as fast as I could. Wake up Hari.Wake up. Teacher wants to tell something, shouted Dinesh in my ears. I woke up in fear. Then I realized I was not running.I accidently slept. That was just a nightmare.

Ok, students. Listen to me carefully. The police said that a thief murdered Vanisha. Nevertheless, they were wrong.Vanisha suicide herself by drinking a poisonous substance from our school science lab. The substance was found flushed into the girls toilet bowl. There is no reason to worry about a murderer. Now, I want every student to say their prayers so that Vanisha`s soul can rest in peace. said their teacher. Everyone looked at Dinesh, James, Siva and me. Oh Vanisha.I`m very sorry.It`s because of me that you suicide. How I wish I did not tease you when you was under much more depression than anyone else was in the world. I said silently in my heart. Before Vanisha died, Dinesh, Theva, Rischi and I loved to tease her. We always teased about her clothes, her food, and her hair and about her face. (Vanisha is not very pretty too).She always cries sometimes after we tease but not even once, she reported us to the teacher. One single day we teased her above the limit.Vanisha was talking to her friend about suicide and the meaning of it. We overheard her. Why don `t you suicide Vanisha. You` re a failure right. said Theva. Ya, why dont you.Here`s a bottle of poison I stole from our school science laboratory said Rischi holding a bottle of poison.Ya.You are a failure. Your father died, your mother died, why you didnt you die in the accident. You are a burden in this world. I said. Just take the poison and commit suicide, said Dinesh. Vanisha was crying. She took the bottle of poison and ran as fast as she could. We all thought that she took the poison just to scare us. Then one day Vanisha called me. (I didnt know how she got my number) Hey, loser how did you got my number I asked angrily. Without answering my question she said I know that you and your friend hate me and I know that you want me to die. I dont want to be a burden in this world so I am going to suicide drinking the poison. I wont disturb you and your friends anymore by being a burden. she said sadly. Shut up and go and die faster I said thinking that all of this was a joke. But then the next day I knew that it all wasnt a joke. I knew why she flushed the poison in the toilet. She flushed the bottle in the toilet so that no one will know she died as a failure. I could not stop regretting what I have done to her. Its because of me and my friends she is dead. The things I have always done to her has haunted me since her death. How I wish that Vanisha would forgive me but

only time will tell. I stopped bullying and teasing .Even though I did she comes in my dreams warning me. The day of her death is the day that changed my whole life completely and forever. (1154)

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