Demo Guide Finance UCCX 11.6

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Cisco dCloud

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express 11.6 v3 –

Financial Vertical Demonstration
Last Updated: 03-OCT-2018

About This Demonstration

This preconfigured Contact Center Express demonstration includes:

• About This Demonstration

• Requirements

• Session Users

• Scenario 1: OmniChannel Customer Service

• Scenario 2: Single Sign-On Enablement

• Scenario 3: Supervisor Desktop and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reporting

NOTE: The Get Started steps and all other introductory information for the five industry vertical guides has moved to a document
titled Setup Guide. This move is intended to reduce the size of each demonstration guide and simplify the setup process. Please
go to the Resources tab of your session and open this guide if you need setup instructions. If you have already configured your
session, then you can continue w ith this guide.

The table below outlines the requirements for this preconfigured demonstration.

Required Optional

Laptop Cisco dCloud Router

Cisco AnyConnect
Mobile phone
Create y our own customer using the Context Service tool

Session Users
Table 1. User Information

User Name Role User ID Password Endpoint Devices Extension

Sandra Jef ferson Contact Center Agent sjef fers C1sco12345 Workstation 4 Cisco Jabber 1080 Jabber
Cisco IP Phone 1088 IP Phone
Rick Barrows Contact Center Supervisor rbarrows C1sco12345 Workstation 3 Cisco Jabber 1082 Jabber
Cisco IP Phone 1087 IP Phone

Josh Peterson Contact Center Agent jopeters C1sco12345 Workstation 5 Cisco Jabber 1086

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Scenario 1. OmniChannel Customer Service

This demonstration scenario illustrates how the Cisco Contact Center solution helps reduce both customer effort and agent effort
during interactions, helping to create an extremely positive customer experience and increases Net Promoter Scores.

Demonstration Steps


1 Custom er Service Representative: On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

Hi, I am Sandra Jefferson, an agent at Cumulus • Open Google Chrom e.

• Click Dem o Links > Finesse Desktop.
I’ll first log onto my Finesse agent desktop to get
• Log in as sjeffers with passw ord C1sco12345. Enter
started. I enter my username and passw ord and
extension 1080 and click Sign In.
then my extension on the next screen.
• When you see the message asking, “Would you like Chrome
Here on my Finesse agent desktop, I have a
to save this login for”, click Don’t Save.
number of gadgets that could come into play
during omni-channel interactions w ith customers. • Click Allow Notifications to enable interaction toaster pops.

Sometimes it is a call, sometimes it is a chat, an • Change your agent’s Chat and Email state to Ready for Chat
email, or an SMS message. I have the gadgets I and Em ail.
need to support all of these types of interactions.

Although these sound like completely separate

customer response methods, I w ill be able to see
the customer’s past activities w here they have NOTE: The Journey tab includes a Context Service gadget. If it is
reached out using any of the contact channels. show ing “Experiencing issues w ith accessing customer’s context

This is because Cisco’s Context Service feature information,” click Reload in the upper right corner of the gadget.
This should resolve if Context Service is operational.
tracks all of this for us. As w e go through the
demo today, you w ill see how this benefits both
the customer, and me as an agent. Also, be sure there are no open contacts in the Journey tab on
either agent’s desktop. And after each demo flow such as an email
or chat, be sure to Close out any contacts in the Journey tab.

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On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

2 Custom er <customer nam e>:
• Open Chrom e and it w ill load the demonstration Homepage.
Hi, I’m <customer name>, and I am a customer of
Cumulus Finance. Cumulus has a great w ebsite • Click Dem o Links > Cum ulus.
and mobile app, so reaching out using them is
• Enter your dCloud session ID and choose the data center
very easy. As you can see here, I am brow sing
hosting your session from the dropdow n. Click the vertical
through their w eb site and looking at their
menu and choose Cum ulus Finance.
mortgage options.

• Click Set and the proper vertical w eb page w ill be show ing.

• If you have entered the dCloud session ID correctly, it w ill

show as green text in the upper right corner of the w eb page,
otherw ise it w ill be red if it w as entered incorrectly. If it is red,
repeat the last step and check your session ID.

• Click on the four tabs, w hich are named Hom e, About,

Services, and Contact, to show the w eb page options.

NOTE: On the Contact page, the tw o phone numbers show n on

the low er right side are translated DID numbers specific to your
dCloud session. The top one is the number to initiate an inbound
call into Cumulus Finance. This helps you find the numbers w ithout
needing to w rite them dow n, or needing to access the dCloud
w ebsite again to find the correct numbers to dial.

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3 I’m not finding the detail I need on the mortgages

page quickly. This is my first home loan and I’m
• Click Contact.

not exactly sure w hich type might be right for me.

I need more information, so I send an email to see
if Cumulus Finance can provide further details on
the types of loans and their differences.

• Email should already be highlighted, but if not, click on that

contact option to get the email form on screen.

• Send an email w ith your customer name, email address, a

subject “mortgage options,” and enter the follow ing in the
message area: “I need to know your mortgage options

• Click Send. It can take a few minutes for the email to arrive on
the agent desktop.

NOTE: You w ill see a green “Success” message show n in the

upper right corner of your brow ser screen, but the info you entered
w ill remain in this form. This is normal. Later in the demonstration,
w hen you do a chat or callback, your customer’s information w ill
still be there as is applicable.

• The email w ill take about a minute to reach the Email queue. It
may be best to send this email before you start your live
demonstration if w aiting a minute for the email to arrive w ill be
an issue during your demo.

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On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

4 Custom er Service Representative:
• Notice the toaster popup of the incoming email.
As you can see, I have an inbound email arriving.
Notice the toaster popup show ing me that a new • Click the Chat and Em ail tab.
contact has come in, allow ing me to know that
• You w ill see your email opened w ithin the Chat and Email
there w as a new incoming email, even if I w as not
in the chat and email tab.

Opening the Chat and Email tab, this is w here I
can handle inbound chats and emails.

I see that I have a new email request. If I have

more than one, I w ill see them stacked up here
show ing multiple emails (up to the limit of
simultaneous emails defined w ithin the CCX
admin settings).

It is an email from <your customer> asking for • Click the Journey tab to see the customer’s journey w ith
some deeper details on the mortgage options Cumulus Finance. Note the customer’s engagement history
available. w ith Cumulus. Cumulus chose to track these in Context

Let me take a quick look at some of this Service.

customer’s past interactions w ith us so I can • Click Add Request and type “Mortgage inquiry.”
understand their situation a bit more.
• Add a description that says “Custom er is interested in
I open up the Journey tab to see the past m ortgage options.”
activities that have been created for <your
• Enter a Tag of “m ortgage_inquiry.” Enter a Comment saying
“Sent the custom er our m ortgage options information.”
This past journey information can be useful either
in the IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
interaction w ith the customer to personally greet
them, or to route them to the right queue or agent.
Or it might provide key insight that I need as an
agent to understand this customer’s past
interactions, questions, or any challenges they’ve
experienced in their journey w ith Cumulus

I see their past history, including the dates

associated w ith each activity, and any notes taken
by the call center agent as they w orked w ith the

It can be the extra edge I need as an agent to

bring this customer engagement to a higher level
than w e w ere previously able to.

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5 When I go back to the Email and Chat gadget to

respond to this inquiry, I have a number of options
• Go back to the Chat and Em ail gadget.

• You can click the Re-queue button to re-queue this email

to help me if I need them.
request if needed. Also, you have the option to just to a Reply
I can click icons w ithin the gadget to easily Re- to this email inquiry, or do a Reply All if multiple recipients
queue the email, or choose my response options w ere copied in the email, Forw ard the email if that’s
(Reply, Reply all or Forw ard), or to send this necessary, or send the email to Trash.
email to Trash if that’s appropriate.

In this case, I w ill just reply to this customer.

First, I click my mouse into the email response

pane to start a response to the customer.
• Click your mouse in the email response pane, then click on the
I can then click on the Predefined responses icon
Predefined Responses icon to open the response options.
to see w hat options I have available to me to
speed up my response.

I can select one of the previously defined email

responses, such as the Cumulus email greeting
response, or perhaps the Finance - M ortgage
options email response, to quickly paste the
appropriate information into the email response.

I w ill include the Finance - Mortgage options email

predefined response.

You can see that if the text needs to be re- • Select the Finance – m ortgage options predefined response,
formatted, I have a set of rich-text formatting tools and that w ill be pasted into the response pane.
at my disposal. I w ill add bullets and tabs into the
• Then use the rich text editor to add bullets and indents, and
response to clean it up. I w ill also type in an email
also type in an email response header.
response header.

There are a few more things to mention here.

I have the option to hit the Cc and Bcc selectors if

I need to add additional email addresses in the
reply, such as w hen I w ant to include a services
manager, etc. in the response in case they w ant
to provide additional comments to the customer.

This CCX system has been configured to

automatically add an email signature to all email
responses, complete w ith a closing, the agent’s
name, the company name (Cumulus), and our • You can show how to add others to the response by hitting the
Cumulus logo. Before I send out my email, I w ill Cc or Bcc options to add others recipients.
choose up to 5 Wrap-up reason codes, so my • When you do send the email, the system has been configured
selections w ill be added to the Wrap-up Reason to automatically add an email signature, complete w ith the
reports accordingly. correct agent’s name, Cumulus, and the Cumulus logo, per the
configuration below setup w ithin the CCX App Admin.

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• You can then click on the Wrap-Up Reasons to select up to

five w rap up codes for this email response activity.

I also go back to my Context Service gadget and

add any final notes, tags and/or comments about
this activity, so the next agent contacted in the
future w ill have this information, or so it can be
used in the IVR to greet the customer next time,
or for reporting reasons.

I close out the current contact show ing in the

Customer Context gadget, to ready that gadget • Click Send to complete this email response.
for the next customer interaction.
• Go back to the Journey tab to show the Context Service
gadget one more time here, and add any other comments you
w ant.

• Be sure to click Close in the Context Service gadget to

prepare that gadget for the next part of the demo.

On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

6 Custom er <customer nam e>:
• Optional: Open another tab in your Chrome brow ser and log
I see that I have an email response from
in to <your customer’s> email account, and show that there
w as an email response from Cumulus Finance.

NOTE: It can take a minute or tw o to email your customer

depending on w here it is at in the email polling process.

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On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

7 Custom er <customer nam e>:
• Go back to the Cumulus Finance w eb page tab in your
I have read the option details, and it’s clear that l Chrome brow ser and click Contact on the top menu area.
need an FHA loan since this is my first home and
I don’t have a lot of money to put dow n on it.

I’m going to reach out to Cumulus Finance again

• Click the Chat option, then enter <your customer’s> name,
to get some more information on their current
email, and phone number.
rates. I w ill just use their w eb Chat option since
• Click Send.
I’m at home w atching television right now .
• A chat interaction w ill start on your customer’s brow ser.

8 Custom er Service Representative: On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

I see that I have an inbound chat arriving as the • Note the popup show ing a new inbound chat. Click the Chat
toaster popup alerted me of this. I go to the Chat and Em ail tab to show the new chat from <your customer>.
and Email tab to accept the chat. • Click Accept to bring this chat into your response panels.
I w ill first send a greeting from our predefined • Choose a pre-defined Welcom e-chat response (bottom of
responses list. w indow ) and press <Enter> to send it.

As I read their chat, I can go to the Journey tab to

see further information about this customer’s
requests. I see that they have been looking at
getting a loan w ith us, so I have some context
about w hy they might be reaching out to us now • Click the Journey tab to see this customer’s past activities.
and I can chat about that previous request w ith You see that they are possibly interested in an FHA loan.
the customer.
• On the agent side, type, “I see that we sent you our
This customer is asking for some specific rate mortgage options. Any questions there <customer
information, so I w ill consult our Predefined name>?” and press <Enter>.
Responses for that information to see if there is • On the customer side, type “I need to know your current
information there to respond w ith, and there is. FHA mortgage rates please.”

• On the agent side, type “Let me get that info for you.”
• Click on the pre-defined responses and select Finance –
mortgage rates and hit enter to send them to the customer.

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On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

9 Custom er <customer nam e>:
• Show the incoming chats w ith the rate details from Sandra
Interesting! This customer service rep knew
something about my situation already. This makes
it so I do not have to repeat things w hen I reach • Type the response, “The rates looks good. But I have some
out to them. I like that! specific questions on eligibility for a FHA loan. Can you
help with that?” and hit <Enter>.
Looks like the agent has quickly sent me the
information that I asked for, and I’m closer to On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):
making a decision on a loan.
• Click on the agent’s Group Chat button w ithin the Manage
I w ould really like to discuss some deeper detail Chat and Email gadget.
about this FHA loan type further, to be sure this is
the right type of loan for my situation. I w ill ask
Cumulus to see if this agent can provide that

• You w ill see there is nobody to help w ith this Group

Chat...yet…so no Queues w ill be show ing and selectable.

• Hit Cancel on that Group Chat request.

On Workstation 3 (as the Supervisor, Rick Barrow s):

• Open the Chrom e brow ser, and navigate to Dem o Links >
Finesse Desktop.

• Login as: rbarrow s, password C1sco12345 and extension


• Make your supervisor Ready for Chat and Email.

On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

• Click on the agent’s Group Chat w ithin the Manage Chat and
Email gadget.

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• This time you w ill see w hen you click the pulldow n selector
next to Queues, a
number of chat queues
w ill show up, since
Rick Barrow s has skills
associated w ith all of
those in queue.

• Click on the Chat

queue to select it. Type
into the message area,
“Custom er has
specific questions on
FHA loan eligibility.
Can you help?”

• Click Invite to chat invite

agents w ith the skills associated w ith the Chat queue.

On Workstation 3 (as the Supervisor, Rick Barrow s):

• You w ill see the Group Chat request arrive on Rick’s Chat and
Email gadget.

• Point out the Agent Notes, and show that this agent has the
option to Accept or Decline this request. Click Accept.

• Rick Barrow s has now joined the Group Chat, and he can see
the past chat discussion and he can join in the discussion.

• Type in something from Rick Barrow s, saying that he can help

w ith those questions, and that Sandra can drop the chat.

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On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

• Agree to leaving the chat, then choose a Wrap Up Reason,

then hit Leave this chat.

On Workstation 3 (as Rick Barrow s):

• Type in anything else you w ant to type in the chat betw een the
customer and Rick Barrow s, then put in a Wrap Up Reason
and then end the chat by clicking on Leave.

I w ill close out the Chat. I w as very happy w ith the

• On Workstation 3 (as the customer):End the Chat by clicking
quick response and personable customer service!
the X at the top right side of the chat w indow .

10 Custom er Service Representative: On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

I really love having the customer’s activities • Click on the Journey tab, and enter this in the Notes area of
information available to me at a single click. It the Current Activity, “Sent the current FHA loan rates.“
alw ays comes in handy and really helps me to
• Enter FHA_rates in the Tags area.
bring my customer engagements to a higher level.
• Click Save and then Close to enter the current activity and
I w ill put in the notes for this current activity that
close out the contact.
our current mortgage rates w ere sent to the
customer, and tag the activity entry as • Be sure Sandra is in the Ready state for voice calls. If not,
“FHA_rates” as w ell. change her to be in the Ready state.

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11 Custom er <customer nam e>: As <custom er nam e>:

I w as driving in my car and I remembered another • Using the phone associated w ith <your customer>, use the
question that I needed to ask in regards to the top phone num ber shown on Contact page w ithin the
mortgage options. Cumulus Finance w ebsite. The top number is your session’s
inbound DID (direct inw ard dial) number. An example is shown
I’ve got the phone number for Cumulus Finance
handy and I’m anxious to get this answ er. I’ll just
ring them so I can talk through my car’s audio
system and hopefully get the answ er quickly.

• Press 1. Alw ays only press 1, or say “Mortgage” at the first

IVR option.

NOTE: Since speech recognition is enabled, you can say

“Mortgage” instead of pressing 1 here.

• At the next prompt, you can press either 1, 2, or 3, or you can

say “Deals” for 1, “Rates” for 2, or “Com parison” for 3 if
your prefer to show speech recognition.

NOTE: If you are in a noisy environment such as a trade show , be

sure to MUTE the m icrophone of the calling phone as you dial
the DID number for your session, or the speech recognition w ill
pick up the noise, and the demonstration w ill not flow properly w ith
the call variables popping properly on the Finesse gadget.

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12 Custom er Service Representative: On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson)

I see an inbound call coming in, and I can see the • See the call coming in and click Answ er.
customer information in the Call Variables area of
• Talk about the Call Variables show n w ithin the Finesse
my Finesse desktop.
desktop properly show ing the selections made during the IVR
I’ll also click on the Journey tab and update the process. The Call Reason w as the first option in the IVR
customer’s activity information about this call. (option 1 chosen), and the bottom information is specific to the
second option (1, 2, or 3).

• Click the Journey tab. The Context Service gadget w ill be

populated w ith your custom er information and interaction
history if you called from a number associated w ith a Context
Service customer entry).

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13 Our call center administrator has configured a

very nice capability w ithin our system, called
• Same Agent Routing uses information received from Context
Service to show w ho the last agent w as that answ ered a call
Same Agent Routing. from this particular customer.

When a customer calls into out contact center, the

system w ill use information stored on the last call
from this contact to try and route the call to the
last agent that answ ered a call from each

I have experienced this has been very much

appreciated by our customers, as there is even
more continuity for the customer as their issues
are being handled.

As this phone call came to me and I go to the • You w ill see the tag show n in the image below on the left side
Journey tab, there is an entry in the Tags area if this agent is the sam e agent that received the last call
that show s if I w as the last agent that took a call from this customer, or the tag show n in the images below on
from this customer, or if it w as a different agent. the right side if I w as not the sam e agent that answ ered the
customer’s last call to Cumulus.
NOTE: Based on w hat is being show n in the
Context Service activity tag during your demo,
that w ill tell you if this agent answ ered the last call
or not.

You can demo this by sending multiple calls in

• Type in some notes in the Current Activity w indow Notes area,
w ith both Sandra Jefferson and Rick Barrow s
and type in a Tag. Click Save and Close.
logged into their Finesse desktops and in the
Ready state. • End the call from the agent side, so that the customer hears
the Post Call Survey.
Whichever of them answ ered the last call w ill be
• On the customer’s calling phone, enter in your survey choices,
the one that the next call is routed to.
w ith 5 being the highest rating.
If you w ant to show the New Agent tag being
show n, then w hen a call comes into the same NOTE: You can immediately see the results of your survey,
agent, do not answ er the call at that same agent, show ing the agent that answ ered the call associated w ith the
and it w ill go to the other agent and they w ill see survey, by going to Workstation 3 as Rick Barrow s, logging into
the New Agent tag w ithin the Context Service his Finesse desktop, and then clicking on the Post Call Survey
activity tag. tab w ithin Finesse. Show the Post Call Survey gadget and the
Agent IDs associated w ith the recent survey results.

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• Choose your next steps based on the note in the Talking

14 NOTE: At this point, the demonstration w ill take
tw o different paths, depending on if you can Points column at the left.

perform a Callback or not.

Callback does not w ork outside of USA,
Singapore, and the UK, as the dCloud system
cannot place international calls outside of the
country w here the dCloud data center is located.
If you can demonstrate the Callback due to your
location, please follow 15a and 15b and then go
to step 17 to resume the demonstration flow .
If you cannot perform a Callback due to your
location, you w ill show an RE Mobile inbound call
initiated from the Cumulus w ebsite. You w ould
follow step 16 and then 17 to resume the
demonstration flow .
On Workstation 3 (as the customer):
15a NOTE: Steps 15a and 15b demonstrate the
• Return to the Cum ulus Finance w eb page on your Chrom e
Callback feature.
brow ser.
Custom er <customer nam e>
• Click Contact.
I have a house picked out and I have decided to
• Click Callback and fill out the form.
go w ith the FHA loan from Cumulus Finance.
• Enter your custom er’s nam e, em ail address, and phone
I could use some help to get a loan application
num ber.
started and I’d like to talk w ith someone live
w ithout calling in and sitting in a call queue. I use
NOTE: The phone number must be in the follow ing format based
their Callback feature to have them call me w hen on your local datacenter. DO NOT enter the dashes, just the
they are ready so I can w ork on other things I numbers.
need to do now .
United States: XXX-XXX-XXXX

United Kingdom: XXXXX-XXXXX

Singapore: XXXX-XXXX

• Click Send.

• Proceed to 15b.

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15b Custom er Service Representative & Custom er • Answ er the call on your smartphone.

Custom er <customer nam e> On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

“Hi, thanks for calling! I would definitely like to • Go to the Contact page on the Cumulus site and click on the
submit the loan application for a FHA loan. This is Assist button in the upper right corner of the page.
my first time filling out a mortgage application, so I
could use some help please.”

<Custom er service rep>

“No problem at all <customer name>. I am glad to

help! If you are at your computer, I can set up a • Click Already on a call and it presents a 6-digit code.
co-browse session with you and show you where
to fill out the mortgage application for the FHA
loan. Would that work for you?”

<Custom er>

“Yes, definitely, I’m at that page already. What do

I need to do?”

<Custom er service rep>

“Just go to the Cumulus Finance page and click

on Contact, and then click on that Assist icon in
the upper right that looks like a blue person with a • Read that code back to the agent.

headset on. Then click on ‘Already on a call’ since

we are already on a phone call, then just tell me
the 6 digit code that it gives you.”

<Custom er>

“OK. I have the code. It is xxxxxx (6 digit code

shown on the customer screen).” On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

<Custom er service rep> • Click on the Expert Assist tab, and then click Co-brow se
w ith Code to get that ready for a co-brow se session w ith the
“Great, thank you! You should see a request to
join a co-browse session. Just accept that and I
can show you where the FHA mortgage • Enter the code <your customer> reads to you over the
application is and help you fill it out real quickly. phone, and then click the right arrow to join the co-brow se
Does that sound good?” session.

<Custom er>

“Yes, perfect! OK, I’m clicking the Accept button

right now on that co-browse session.”
• Proceed to Step 17. Here the tw o optional flow s merge back
together and you continue w ith the guide in order.

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On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

16 NOTE: Step 16 demonstrates an RE Mobile call.
• On the Cum ulus Finance w eb page in Chrom e, click
Skip this step if you performed steps 15a and 15b.
Custom er <customer nam e>:
NOTE: This step w ill not w ork if you use w ebRDP as your remote
I have a house picked out, and I have decided to
desktop method, as w ebRDP does not allow you to control the
go w ith the FHA loan from Cumulus Finance.
microphone and speaker at the remote desktop.
I could use some help to know the next steps and
I w ould like to have an interactive session w ith
• Click the Assist button in the upper right.
Cumulus Finance so that I can get a loan
application done quickly. • Click the Call support and then share option.

I w ill use the Assist button here to initiate a more

interactive session w ith Cumulus.

NOTE: If the call does not complete successfully,

please close the customer w eb brow ser
completely, then start the brow ser and try again. • One of these sharing requests for Chrome w ill pop depending
on your w eb brow ser version. Click Allow to use the customer
laptop microphone and camera.

• The customer should see this image as the call is initiated.

NOTE: You might have to minimize the black

NOTE: If you do not see this, please close the brow ser and open it
“Expert Assist Connected” w indow (see the right
again, and then try the Assist again and the call w ill initiate.
side image) to see the video on the customer’s
desktop, as it is on top of the video image. On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

• Answ er the incoming call on Sandra’s Finesse desktop.

• Click the Expert Assist tab, and click Start Co-brow se to

start a co-brow se session w ith the customer.

• Proceed to Step 17 w here the tw o optional flow s merge back

together and you continue w ith the guide in order.

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On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

17 Custom er Service Representative
• Accept the Co-brow se request from the agent.
I see that someone has requested a (Callback or
Remote Expert Mobile call).

The customer is looking for help w ith a Mortgage


Let me see if I can help the customer out, as they

are a first-time home buyer and I w ant to be sure
this process is painless for them. NOTE: If you do not see this option to enable sharing on the

“Hello <your customer>, this is Sandra from customer side, close the Cumulus w ebsite and re-open it. Make
Cumulus Finance. I see that you’ve been another Expert Assist request once this is re-opened.

gathering information on the FHA loan and are

looking for help with the loan application.”

NOTE: The journey tab w ill not pop the customer’s journey
information w ithin the Context Service gadget w hether it is a
callback or an inbound Remote Expert Mobile call. Do not sw itch
to the Journey tab now , or you w ill be show ing this issue.

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18 Custom er Service Representative On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

“OK. I can see your web browser now. Let me • Click on the Expert Assist tab w ithin Finesse.
show you where that form is, and we can get it
• Within your Cisco Rem ote Expert Mobile gadget, annotate
filled out together so you can get it submitted.”
<your customer’s> w eb page using the Co-brow se gadget’s
(There is a discussion about the mortgage pen to circle the Form button.
application questions and form entries.)

• Click the Form link on your customer’s w eb brow ser, w hich

w ill bring up the form to fill out.

• Click Form Assist w ithin the RE Mobile gadget to help <your

customer> fill out the form. Be sure to show that the SSN
(social security number) is visible to the customer, but is
blocked from the agent’s view .

• From the agent side, enter some information in the form field
such as the name, address, city, and state, then scroll dow n in
the RE Mobile gadget and click Populate to push these
entries out to the customer’s screen and form.

On Workstation 3 (as the customer):

19 Custom er <customer nam e>:
• Click Subm it to simulate completing the loan application
“Wow, you are making this really easy for me! I
submission process.
appreciate your help! I will click the “Submit”
button now.
NOTE: The page w ill not do anything w hen you click the form’s
Great customer service Sandra!! What’s the next Subm it button. Just move on to the next step in the scenario.

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20 Custom er Service Representative On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

“Thanks <your customer>, glad to help! Once we • Click Leave Co-brow se session and then end the call.
receive your loan application, we will send you out
• Click on the SMS tab in your Finesse desktop.
an SMS to confirm that we’ve received your loan
application. Then we will send another SMS within
24 hours with the next step, ok?”

Custom er <customer nam e>:

“Yes, and thanks again! Bye.”

• Within the SMS gadget, next to Sending SMS to Num ber,
enter your customer’s cellphone num ber.

• Click on the pulldow n for Choose a Tem plate, and choose

the Confirm ation template, w hich says “Thank you for
contacting Cumulus Corporation. Your confirmation code is:”

Enter a number, such as CF-455630 at the end of the

message, and click Send to send the SMS.

• Show the SMS received on <your customer’s> cellphone.

NOTE: End of Scenario 1 demonstration, unless you w ant to show

RE Mobile initiated from a mobile device.

If you do, then follow the next steps to initiate a call from your
mobile device.

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On Mobile device (as the customer):

21 NOTE: Step 21 demonstrates an RE Mobile call
• On your mobile device, click on the Cisco RE Mobile
initiated from a m obile device.

After step 21, go back to Step 17 to complete the

interaction steps.

You must have previously set up the RE Mobile

application on the mobile device per the Setup
Guide. Skip this step if you performed steps 15a
and 15b.

Custom er <customer nam e>:

I have a house picked out, and I have decided to

go w ith the FHA loan from Cumulus Finance.

I could use some help to know the next steps and

• Enter your dCloud session information, inputting the correct
I w ould like to have an interactive session w ith
session ID, Datacenter, and Vertical for your demo.
Cumulus Finance so that I can get a loan
application done quickly.

I w ill use the Assist button here to initiate a more

interactive session w ith Cumulus.

• To initiate an RE Mobile session, you need to click on this icon

, NOT this one

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NOTE: You can drag and drop the blue background icon to
another spot on the mobile w ebpage, including over the existing
w hite background icon as demonstrated below .

• You are then presented w ith the option to either just do a co-
brow se session, or to initiate an RE Mobile call from the

• Press Call support and then share.

On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

• Answ er the incoming call on Sandra’s Finesse desktop.

• Click the Expert Assist tab, and click Start Co-brow se to

start a co-brow se session w ith the customer.

NOTE: Proceed back to Step 17 w here the tw o optional RE

Mobile call flow s merge back together and you continue w ith the
guide in order.

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Scenario 2. Single Sign-On Enablement

This scenario gives instructions on how to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) in the UCCX Administration portal and then demonstrating
the SSO enabled agent sign-on into their Finesse desktop and then in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC).

Demonstration Steps


1 As Supervisor – Rick Barrow s: On Workstation 3 (as Rick Barrow s):

Hi. My name is Rick Barrow s, and I am a • Open Chrome and from the dCloud homepage, go to
supervisor here at Cumulus. Custom er Collab-Express Links > UCCX Adm in.

Our Cisco UCCX system has not been setup for • Click the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
Single Sign-On (SSO) just yet, but I w ould like Adm inistration link.
to enable that feature for my team.
• Log in as adm inistrator with passw ord: C1sco12345.
This w ill save us all time since w e w ill only need
• Brow se to System > Single Sign-On (SSO).
to log in once rather than log in each time w e
need to access a different tool. • Scroll to the bottom of the page. Notice the Enable button is not
I log in to UCCX Administration and start the
configuration process. Then I check the current
SSO status for the applicable SSO-enabled
CCX components.

To enable SSO, I need to run a test to ensure

that all of the back-end systems are configured
properly to support this technology, so I check
the boxes show n to get the test run ready.

• Scroll up a little, then check all three boxes under the Before
proceeding w ith SSO Test operation message:

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2 Then I click the Test button, entering my

credentials, and then seeing the results.
• In the SSO Test section, click Test, w hich is now activated.

• In the new brow ser tab that opens, enter the credentials User
Name: adm inistrator and Passw ord: C1sco12345.

• Click OK.

• The page reloads and show s the SSO Test as successful.

The test w as successful, so now I can Enable


• Scroll dow n. Notice Enable is now activated..

All I need to do is scroll dow n and click the

Enable button, and it automatically turns on
SSO for all of the components of CCX, Finesse,
and CUIC.

• Click Enable and then OK at the pop up message to enable


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3 Custom er Service Representative: On Workstation 4 (as Sandra Jefferson):

Now w e w ill log in agent Sandra Jefferson, so • Log out of your Finesse desktop.
w e can see the changed interface for her SSO
• Then click Log In.
enabled Finesse login, and then w e w ill bring up
Cisco Unified Intelligence Center to show you • At the pop up w indow , log in as User Name: sjeffers and
her login experience there as w ell, as Sandra is Passw ord: C1sco12345. Click Sign in.
a valid CUIC user.

• Enter extension 1080 and click Subm it>.You w ill see Sandra’s
Finesse load w ith all of her gadgets.

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4 Next, I try logging in to Cisco Unified

Intelligence Center (CUIC).
• Open a new Chrome tab and brow se to Custom er Collab-
Express Links > CUIC Standard.

I go to the CUIC w eb page, and I am • You should be signed directly into CUIC w ithout needing a
automatically passed directly into the tool username or passw ord, as Sandra is a valid CUIC user as w ell.
w ithout even needing to click anything.
• Look at the top right of the screen to confirm you are logged in
I see that SSO has correctly logged me in as as sjeffers.
Sandra Jefferson, w ith all of the normal
dashboards and reports available.

VALUE PROPOSITION: Single Sign-On is a

simple but effective tool to save agents and
supervisors time in their daily work. • You can use Unified Intelligence Center as you normally w ould
now .
In this example, our agent logs in one time, and
from then on does not need to enter credentials
NOTE: You w ill need to clear your agent’s Chrome brow ser cache
again as they move from one tool to another
after the step below to be able to log into your agent again w ithout
within UCCX.

5 Once you have completed using the tools w ith On Workstation 3 (as Rick Barrow s):
SSO enabled, you w ill need to return to the
• Return back to your CCX admin page. If you have closed it,
CCX Administration page and Disable SSO to
follow the next few steps to open it to the SSO enablement
set the demonstration back to its original state.
screens again
This is required because there are certain
• Open Chrome and from the dCloud homepage, go to
modules that do not w ork properly w ith SSO yet
Custom er Collab-Express Links > UCCX Adm in.
at this time.
• Click the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
Adm inistration link.

• Log in as adm inistrator with passw ord: C1sco12345.

• Brow se to System > Single Sign-On (SSO).

• Scroll to the bottom of the page.

• Click the Disable button.

• Then click OK.

Your UCCX system is back to the original non-SSO-enabled state.

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Scenario 3. Supervisor Desktop and Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reporting

This scenario show s the experience from the supervisor view using their Finesse desktop reports, w here you can view the real-
time status of the agents w ithin a supervisor’s team. It show s some of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center reports and a
dashboard that have been pre-configured on CUIC.


On Workstation 3 (as Supervisor Rick Barrow s):

1 As Supervisor, Rick Barrow s:
• In Chrom e, click Dem o Links > Finesse Desktop. Enter
Hi, my name is Rick Barrow s, and I’m a
rbarrow s, C1sco12345, extension 1082, and Sign In.
supervisor here at Cumulus Finance.
• Click on the Manage Team tab.
I need to keep in touch w ith w hat is going on
in regards to the agents on my teams---new
Team Performance and Recent Call History.
The Recent State History gadgets on my
Finesse desktop are a great help.

As you can see, I can use this pulldow n to

select the specific team I w ant to observe

I can see the state of my agents, their time in

• Use the pulldow n w ithin the Team Performance gadget and select
their current state, and their extension. I can
the Cum ulus Default team to show the team members (or select
also click on the box that allow s me to show
any other team you w ant to show as w ell).
any agents that are not logged in if I’d like to
see that. • Click on any of the team member’s names, w hich w ill automatically
populate the Recent Call History and Recent State History gadgets
When I click on any of the agent’s names,
on the right side.
the Recent Call History and the Recent State
History gadgets are automatically populated
w ith that agent’s information. I can quickly
and easily see w hat any of my agents have
been doing today as far as their inbound and
outbound calls are concerned, and their
times in each state that they have
transitioned to today.

If any of the agents w ere on a call, I could

see that represented in their State. I can also
start monitoring their calls if I felt the need to, NOTE: If there w as a call in progress w ith an agent, you could show the
or put any of my teams’ agents into the Start Monitoring functionality as w ell. Click Start Monitoring by the
Ready, Not Ready, and/or Sign them out if I agent’s name.
need to.

These are very helpful features to enable me

to monitor and manage the members of my

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On Workstation 3 (as Supervisor Rick Barrow s):

2 As Supervisor, Rick Barrow s:
• Open a new Chrom e tab and click Custom er Collab Express
Let’s take a look at some of the reports and
Links > CUIC Standard.
dashboards that I use to provide me and
others valuable performance information • Enter the username adm inistrator and click Next.
about our customer service environment.
• Enter the passw ord C1sco12345 and click Sign In.
I can open the list of Stock reports available,
• Click on the Reports icon on the left side.
w hich is a very complete list of reports
covering all of the omnichannel and agent
reporting needs that I have.

I can save any of these stock reports and put

them into folders, and I can then add
thresholds to them to make the reports
clearly highlight certain situations.

• You w ill see the separate categories for the reports in this CUIC
system. Click Stock and then Unified CCX Historical to show the
categories of historical reports available w ithin CUIC.

• Click any of the report folders to expose the list of reports under
that folder.

• You can click on any of the Stock reports and show how to run a
report, selecting the appropriate parameters and timeframes to run
the report.

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3 I can run any of the reports from this

• For example, choose Reports > Stock > Unified CCX Historical >
Multichannel > Multichannel Agent Sum m ary Report and then
select the time period of This Month, select all of the skill groups
I can also export these reports, or view and
listed by clicking on the >> symbol.
copy the Sequel code they are built upon, or
create permalinks to then post into portals for
others to have quick access to the reports,
and so much more.

• Click Run to see this report below .

Let me show you a historical multichannel
agent summary report.

We have saved a number of reports w ithin • You can also just execute the customized and saved reports in this
our CUIC so w e can run them quickly w ith demo under the CUIC folder named Cum ulus.
their saved filter settings. Let me show you
• To get to this folder, click the root Reports entry in the navigation
an example of a saved report.
list at the top left, under the Search icon. You should see the
Cumulus folder (click the refresh icon next to New if you do not see
the Cumulus folder show ing).

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• Click Reports > Cum ulus to show some of the saved reports w ith
thresholds, such as the Cum ulus CSQ Agent Sum m ary w /
Thresholds report.

4 Reports can have multiple report formats,

such as grid or charts, and you can add new
• With the previous report open, click on the pulldow n to show the
report output format options.
report formats to any report as you w ould like
to see. Let me show you an example of a
report w ith multiple report formats to show
data in alternate output formats.

• Click on the Calls Handled by CSQ and Agent Chart to see

another report output format for this data set.

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5 As Supervisor, Rick Barrow s: Show the License Consumption report:

One of the reports that has been critical for • Click Reports > Stock > Unified CCX Historical > System .
us is the License Utilization Hourly Report.
• Click on License Utilization Hourly Report.
Using this report, I am able to see both the
agent license usage statistics and the voice
response unit (or VRU port usage). This
helps us know if w e have the correct number
of licenses for both to keep our customer
care environment running properly.

• Choose your selected Date Range such as This Month, and then
click Run.

• This w ill display an agent license and VRU port usage graph,
w hich you can move your mouse over to get the details of any
point on the chart.

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On Workstation 3 (as Supervisor Rick Barrow s):

6 As Supervisor, Rick Barrow s:
• In Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, click the Dashboards icon to
Another great feature of the CUIC reporting
bring up the list of dashboards that have been configured and
is the ability to group reports, w eb page
saved on this demo system.
images, w idgets, and other things into w hat
is called a Dashboard view . Here w e can see
a number of things on screen at the same
time, such as reports, w eb pages, notes
and/or w idgets. Let me show you an example

• Click on the Cum ulus General Dashboard.

• This show s a sample dashboard w ith various real time reports and
other items such as URLs and w idgets.

As you can see here, this is a great w ay to

summarize many things into one image.

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7 Let me show you how easy it is to create a

new Dashboard.
• You can create your ow n dashboards. Click the Dashboard tab
w ithin CUIC, and then choose New > Dashboard.

• Give your new dashboard a name and description.

• Then it w ill present the dashboard creation tool for you to choose
w hich dashboard items you w ant to display and w here you w ant to
position them.

• Pick w hich type of item you w ant to add to the dashboard.

• And then define it further, such as selecting a certain report and

report view , or putting a Note on the dashboard, or adding a w eb
page on the dashboard, or adding a custom w idget. You can
reposition the items as you need, and w hen you are done, click the
Save button to save your new dashboard. You can then edit it if
you need to make any modifications, or capture the perm alink URL
to post this dashboard to a w eb portal.

• It is easy to create dashboards in minutes such as this:

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8 I can also make reports available for others

to view , such as making them part of a
• You can show Permalinks in tw o different w ays w ithin the demo
system. You can use the pre-configured permalinks accessible via
w allboard, or posting links to “Permalinks” on the demonstration home page, or you can create your ow n
a w eb portal. permalinks.

This can save me from having to run reports • To open the pre-configured permalinks, open a new tab in your
for business line managers and others, as brow ser. Click Custom er Collab Express Links and click on any
they can then open these reports for of the CUIC Perm alinks show n below .
themselves any time they w ant.

The permalinks w ill be updated at the same

time intervals that the actual reports or
dashboard items are updated.

Here is a sample of a dashboard permalink

that I w ill access from the demo homepage

• The Custom er Satisfaction Dashboard and the Cum ulus

General Dashboard w ill look like these:

• You can quickly get the perm alink for any reports or dashboards
by show ing a report or dashboard from the folder it is in, then click
on the report you need the permalink for, click the ellipses (three
dots) on the right side, and then click the Perm alink option.

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9 Or I can get the permalink URL for any of the

reports or dashboards w ithin CUIC.
• Show how to retrieve the Permalink for a report by clicking on a
report’s name, click the ellipses (three dots) to expose the
options, then click Perm alinks.

Here’s an example of how I can get a

permalink URL and the paste it into another
brow ser tab as an example of creating a
portal for others such as business line
managers to be able to view reports or
dashboards w ithout them needing access to
the CUIC system itself.

• Select the report you w ant the permalink for and select HTML. The
URL w ill appear at the bottom.

• Copy and paste the permalink URL into a new brow ser tab to show
the report being recreated in another brow ser tab, or this could be
another w eb portal for business line managers to view reports in,
w ithout giving them access to CUIC itself.

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• You can get the permalink for a Dashboard too by clicking on the
dashboard’s name, click the ellipses (three dots) to bring up the
menu options, then select Perm alink. Copy the HTML URL show n
and paste it into another brow ser tab to show an example of a
dashboard permalink.

End of dem o

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