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When performing static drift tests to analyze the maneuverability of a ship, two key derivatives are often

calculated: Y_β and N_β. These are the sway and yaw derivatives, respectively, where β represents the
drift angle of the ship.

1. Y_β: This is the sway force derivative with respect to the drift angle. It quantifies the change in the
sideways force (perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ship) on the hull with a change in drift
angle, while the ship is moving forward.

2. N_β: This is the yaw moment derivative with respect to the drift angle. It quantifies the change in
turning moment (about the vertical axis of the ship) with a change in drift angle.

These derivatives provide valuable information about how a ship responds to sideways drift. A high
value of Y_β suggests a strong resistance to sway, helping to restore the ship to its original path, and a
high value of N_β suggests a strong tendency to yaw or turn when the ship drifts.

For maneuvering analysis, it's helpful to non-dimensionalize these derivatives. Non-dimensional

coefficients allow for comparison between different ships and operating conditions. The non-
dimensional forms of Y_β and N_β can be obtained using the following equations:

Y_β^' = Y_β / (0.5 * ρ * L^2 * V_0^2)

N_β^' = N_β / (0.5 * ρ * L^3 * V_0^2)


- Y_β^' and N_β^' are the non-dimensional sway and yaw derivatives.

- ρ is the density of the water.

- L is the ship's length.

- V_0 is the ship's forward speed.

The resulting coefficients Y_β^' and N_β^' give a better insight into the hydrodynamic behavior of the
ship by accounting for the ship's size and the water conditions, and they allow comparison between
different ship designs and different operating conditions.

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