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CHAPTER 20: NURSING CARE OF FAMILY occur even at rest.

Unable to do anything
EXERIENCING A PREGANANCY COMPLICATION without discomfort. (avoid pregnancy)
ILLNESS A woman with class I or II heart disease can
expect to experience a normal pregnancy
and birth. Women with class III can
complete a pregnancy by maintaining
IDENTIFYING A HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY special interventions such as bed rest.
Women with class IV heart disease are
A high-risk pregnancy is one in which a concurrent usually advised to avoid pregnancy because
disorder, pregnancy-related complication, or external they are in cardiac failure even at rest and
factor jeopardizes the health of the woman, the fetus, when they are not pregnant.
or both.
-overall women have less heart issues
-causes changes in fluid and electrolyte imbalance because of the correction of congenital heart
-causes altered respiratory or cardiac function disorders and tx of rheumatic fever
-causes severe blood loss -needs to begin prenatal care within 1 week
of missed period.
-most dangerous time is at week 28-32
when blood volume peaks.
1. reduce rate of fetal deaths
- both the blood volume and cardiac output
2. reduce rate of maternal deaths
increases approximately 30% (and up to as
3. reduce rate of maternal complications and illness
much as 50%) during pregnancy. Half of this
during pregnancy
increase occurs by 8 weeks; it is maximized
by midpregnancy
By educating women to enter pregnancy at optimal
health, helping diabetes understand pre-pregnancy
-the increased blood flow past valves,
care, support those with chronic diseases to follow
functional (innocent) or transient murmurs
can be heard in many women without heart
disease during pregnancy.
1) valve damage cause by rheumatic fever or
Kawasaki disease.
2) congenital anomalies ie atrial septal defect,
coartation of the aorta
- back pressure—the left side of the heart
becomes distended, systemic blood
4 classes of heart disease
pressure decreases in the face of lowered
cardiac output, and pulmonary hypertension
I. Uncompromised. (predict a normal
occurs., pulmonary edema when vein
pressure reaches 25mmHg. Produces
profound shortness of breath as it interferes
II. Slightly compromised. Ordinary activity
with oxygen–carbon dioxide exchange
causes excessive fatigue, palpitation,
-SOB, increased resp rate=orthopnea (s
angina. (normal pregnancy)
elevating her chest this way allows fluid to
settle to the bottom of her lungs and frees
III. Markedly compromised. Above
space for gas exchange.) and paroxysmal
symptoms experienced at less than
noctural dyspnea (suddenly waking at night
ordinary activity. (can complete pregnancy
with shortness of breath.)
with bed rest and other interventions)
-productive cough with bloody sputum if
capillaries rupture
IV. Severely compromised. Symptoms
-fatigue, weakness, dizziness.
-less blood going to placenta. maintain heart function
-high risk for spontaneous miscarrage, -heparin
preterm labor, death -immunosuppressive therapy
-peripheral edema
TREATMENT(Tx) -Don't get pregnant again
-anticoagulant (preferably heparin) to dispel -Don't use oral contraceptives!
thrombus formation -may need heart transplant.
-antihypertensives to control bp
-diuretics to reduce blood vlume Assessment of Woman with Cardiac disease
-B-blockers improve ventricular filling
1. thorough health history
DIAGNOSTIC: 2. level of exercise
3. edema (imp. for distinguishing if it's from
-Week 30, 32: serial US and nonstress tests heart failure)
to rule out poor placental perfusion. 4. baseline vitals, nailbed fillings.
5. ECG
What is the anticoagulant of choice for early
pregnancy and why? FETAL ASSESSMENT

-Heparin (It does not cross the placenta and 1. late decelerations indicate issue in labor
thus is not teratogenic.)
What is the most dangerous time for a
A WOMAN WITH RIGHT-SIDED HEART woman with cardiac disorders?
Week 28-32 (This is where the blood
Symptoms: volume peaks.)
-decreased CO to the lungs.
-jugular vein distention, increased portal
-dyspnea and pain from liver enlargement
-peripheral edema
Assessing a pregnant woman with cardiac
Tx: disease
-don't get pregnant until this is resolved
-Oxygen administration
-Frequent ABG's to measure fetal growth -cough, increased resp. rate
-pulmonary artery catheter inserted during -fatigue, tachycardia
labor to monitor pulmonary person. -decreased amniotic fluid and poor fetal
-monitor closely after anesthesia b/c they heart tone.
can become hypotensive. -edema from poor venous return

A woman with peripartum heart disease  maternal blood pressure is

maintained above 100/60 mmHg
Definition: heart condition that originates in and fetal heart rate at 110 to 160
pregnancy. Occurs in African American beats/min.
multiparas most often.  2 days rest / should be in the left
lateral recumbent position to prevent
Symptoms: supine hypotension syndrome and
-myocardial failure (SOB, chest pain, increased heart effort.
nondependent edema)  Be certain they know exactly how
-cardiomegaly much they should limit their
Tx:  Be certain she is remembering to
-sharp reduction of exercise take her prenatal vitamins / help
-diuretic, arrhythmia agent, digitalis to prevent anemia.
 Digoxin/ before pregnancy may -continuous hemodynamic monitoring via
need to increase their maintenance Swan-Ganz
dose because of their expanded -epidural anesthesia the anesthetic of
blood volume during pregnancy. it choice for women with heart disease
can be administered to the woman
to slow the fetal heart if fetal 2. side-lying position (left)
tachycardia is present -if she has pulmonary edema, elevate head and
 Not Digoxin Dependent / may need chest and place towel under right hip.
such therapy prescribed as
pregnancy advances and her 3) don't push with contractions, use of epidural
cardiac output has to be increased anesthetics instead!
or strengthened. -low forceps or vacuum extractor used.
 Antihypertensive and arrhythmia
agents such as adenosine, β
blockers, and calcium channel
blockers to reduce hypertension are
safe to use during pregnancy and
are also frequently prescribed. Postpartum nursing interventions for a woman
 Nitroglycerin, a compound often with cardiac issues
prescribed for angina
 penicillin prophylactically because 1)Circulation
she had rheumatic/ should continue -program of decreased activity
to take this drug during pregnancy -anticoagulants, stockings
because penicillin is not known to
be a teratogen 2)Meds
 ampicillin, amoxicillin (Amoxil), or -start prophylactic antibiotics.
clindamycin (Cleocin)/ prevent - Give oxytocin with CAUTION! Increases bp.
streptococci bacteria from invading -stool softeners are okay
the denuded placental site on the
uterus and creating a subacute Woman with artificial valve prosthesis
bacterial endocarditis.
 systemic infection / avoid visiting or -Coumadin is d/c and replaced with heparin
being visited by people with before pregnancy.
infections and to alert healthcare -observe for petechiae and premature
personnel at the first indication of an separation of placenta
upper respiratory tract infection or
urinary tract infection (UTI) so that, if Woman with chronic hypertensive vascular
warranted, antibiotic therapy can disease
begin early in the course
 women with heart disease Symptoms:
overexert/ they may need -bp 140/90 or above.
supplemental oxygen or cardiac
resuscitation. Tx:
-B-blockers and ACE inhibitors.
Normal Edema vs Heart Failure Edema -Methyldopa (Aldomet) typically prescribed.

normal: feet and ankles Woman with Venous Thromboembolic Disease

heart failure: systemic
Symptoms of DVT:
Nsg interventions during labor and birth for a -triad of stasis, vessel damage, hypercoagulation
woman with cardiac issues occurs
-pain and redness in calf
1. assess vitals, fetal HR, uterine
contractions Symptoms of PE:
-oxygen administration -chest pain, bloody cough
-sudden dyspnea, tachycardia,
-dizziness, fainting 2) hypochromic: less hemoglobin than
average cell.
-bed rest and IV heparin 24-48 hours, then sub Q Type of anemia associated with folic-acid
heparin every day afterwards deficiency
-limit injection side to arms and thighs 1) megaloblastic anemia: enlarged red
blood cell.
-STOP heparin once labor begins.
-No epsiotomy or epidural anesthesia.
*takes several weeks to develop or not
-No OC's postpartum. apparent until Trimester 2

A woman with folic-acid deficiency anemia

Dx: Dopper and history
Patho: Folic acid is necessary for formation of
Is anemia a normal finding during pregnancy? RBCs and preventing neuro tube/abdominal
This is because the blood volume expands ahead Symptoms:
of the red blood cell count. -can contributes to miscarriage or separation of
the placenta.
True anemia -similar to symptoms in iron-deficiency anemia

Hemoglobin less than 11g/dl (33%) in the 1st or
-begin supplement of 400ug folic acid daily
third trimester. -eat folate rich foods (orange, green leafy
veggies, dried beans)
Hemoglobin is less than 10.5 g/dl (32%) in the
second trimester In what type of woman does folic-acid deficiency
anemia occur most often in?
A woman with Iron-Deficiency Anemia
Patho: Iron is absorbed from duodenum into 1) women having multiple pregnancies
bloodstream. It then binds transferrin, heads to 2) women with secondary hemolytic illness
the liver/spleen/bone marrow and is 3) women taking hydantoin (anticonvulsant
incorporated into hemoglobin or stored as interferes with folate absorption)
ferritin. 4) women taking oral contraceptives
5) women with poor gastric absorption
Dx: low serum iron (under 30ug/dl)
-increased iron binding capacity.

-extreme fatigue, poor exercise intolerance A woman with sickle-cell anemia
-pica (craving for ice and starch)
-infants have low birth weight, premature. Patho: An abnormal amino acid replacing valine.
-restless leg syndrome. (If lysine replaces valine, non-sickling occurs).
RBC are sickle shaped, clump together.
-27mg of iron in prenatal vitamins Symp:
-green leafy veggies, legumes -hemoglobin of 6-8mg/100ml.
-120-200mg ferrous sulfate/gluconate -growth restriction, miscarriage, perinatal
mortality of the fetus
Nsg: -blockage of the placental circulation is possible.
-take iron with OJ because it is best absorbed in
acid. Tx and Nsg considerations:
-stools may turn black: this is normal. -screen all African American women
-SE of constipation and GI symptoms. -DO NOT take iron (because it can't be
incorporated into the sickle cell)
-stay hydrated, limit standing
-more susceptible to bacteruria (nurse needs to
Type of anemia associated with Iron-deficiency obtain urine sample)
1) microcytic: small/stunted RBC -Sickle Cell Crisis: control pain, administer
oxygen, lower viscosity. could cause miscarriage
-hospitalize if the woman develops a
fever/infection, respiratory issues. Tx:
-during labor, use epidural anesthesia. -restore factor 9 with concentrate or FFP
-Postpartum use compression stockings.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
How do you determine if your child gets sickle- Patho: decreased platelets that may occur after
cell anemia? viral invasion. Lasts 1-3 months.

-knowing that disorder is recessively inherited. Symp:

-electrophoresis of RBC's obstaiend from -frequent nosebleeds and petechiae and large
maternal serum or amniocentesis bruises

-newborn routine serum screening at birth. Tx:

-oral prednisone
The woman with thalassemia -platelet transfusion
Patho: autosomal recessive disorder tat results *all increase platelet count temporarily to
in poor hemoglobin formation and severe decrease chance of bleed at birth
anemia occurring most in Mediterranean,
African, Asians. A woman with UTI
Patho: Progesterone causes ureters to dilate,
Tx: leading to stasis of urine. Minute amounts of
-folic acid glucose in urine provide feeding ground for
-blood transfusion bacteria (esp. E.Coli or Strep B).
-NO IRON supplementation
The woman with malaria -pain and urinary frequency
Patho: RBC become sticky and obstruct vessels -Pyelonephritis: Right lumbar pain that radiates
resulting in anoxia of organs. Incubation: 12-24 downwards. N and V, fever, malise.
days. -100,000 bacteria/ml on urine culture.

Symp: Tx:
-elevated LFT -Amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporins are safe
-fever, malaise, headache for use during pregnancy.
-low platelets, anemia, renal failure -Sulfonamides: safe for EARLY pregnancy
Tx: -NO tetracyclines!
-Chloroquine is drug of choice. Safe.
-Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine for the last Nsg:
trimester. -if Strep B caused it: obtained vaginal cultures to
-Teratogenic: Quinine, Malarone, tetracyclines make sure it hasn't affected the fetus (assoc with
von Willebrand disease -Void frequently, wipe front to back, drink cran
Patho: autosomal dominant coagulation disorder juice
that causes prolonged bleeding times despite -15 min knee chest position to promote drainage
normal platelets. This is because clotting factors
(8) are reduced. Pyelonephritis
Patho: UTI spreads to the kidneys.
-menorrhagia or frequent epistaxis Symp:
-Right lumbar pain that radiates downwards.
Tx: -N and V, fever, malaise
-replace missing coagulation factors by infusion
of cyroprecipitate or FFP before birth. Tx:
-hospitalization for 24-48 hours, IV antibiotics
Hemophilia B -for duration of pregnancy: oral Nitrofurantoin
Patho: a sex-linked disorder where there is a (Macrodantin)
reduced level of factor 9. In carrier females this
-NO vitamin C because neonate may develop occurs in the lung alveoli.
scurvy from vit C withdrawal
A woman with hyperactive bladder -RBC, fibrin, leukocytes flood the alveoli
Patho: uterus puts pressure on the bladder. -dyspnea
-fetal growth restriction, preterm birth
Symp: frequency, urgency, incontinence.
Tx: -appropriate antibiotics
-Fesoterodine (Toviaz) which is an -oxygen therapy
A woman with chronic renal disease A woman with asthma
Patho: diseased kidneys don't produce Patho: Symptoms triggering by inhalled allergen.
erythropoeitin. Bronchial smooth muscles are constricted.

Symp: Symp:
-elevated bp, proteinuria -mucosal inflammation and swelling
-flank pain if she develops pyelonephritis -bronchial wheezing upon exhaling
-sCR: 0.5 Tx:
-edema -regular corticosteroids she normally takes
(check with PMD).
Tx: -IV administration of hydrocortisone during labor
-prednisone (neonates have increased chance b/c of stress
of cleft palate and may be hyperglycemic) -Terbutaline and albuterol need to be tapered
-dialysis (risk of preterm labor so progesterone close to term because they may reduce labor
IM given), preferably peritoneal. contractions.
-low potassium diet (kidneys don't process this
well) A woman with RB
Patho: Mycobacterium TB invades lung tissue.
A woman with the common cold Antibodies have a pos. response to PPD test.
Patho: estrogen stimulation causes nasal
congestion. Mostly caused by a virus. Symp:
-chronic cough, hemoptysis
Tx: -fatigue, weight loss, night sweats
-DO NOT take aspirin. Check before taking -Positive PPD (follow with chest x-ray and
OTC. sputum)
-Antibiotics ARE NOT effective.
-Get extra rest with lots of Vit C Tx:
-Tylenol q4h up to 3000mg -Wait 1-2 years after TB inactivate to conceive.
-room humidifier/vapor rub -Isoniazid (take supp B6 to counter peripheral
-cool/warm compresses neuritis)
A woman with Influenza -Rifampin
Patho: Caused by a virus (A, B, C) -Ethambutol Hcl (may cause optic atrophy)
-Maintain Calcium intake
-high fever A woman with COPD
-extreme prostration Patho: constriction of airway associated with
-aching pains in back and extremities long term smoking.
-sore, raw throat
Tx: -SOB
-antipyretic (Tylenol) -fetal growth restriction, preterm birth
-Tamiflu (oseltamivir)
-vaccination is okay for pregnancy Tx:
-additional rest, supp oxygen
A woman with pneumonia -CPAP for sleep apnea
Path: Bacterial invasion of lung by S. -smoking cessation
pneumoniae, H. influenzae, Mycoplasma
pneumoniae. Acute inflammatory response A woman with cystic fibrosis
Patho: Inherited disease where dysfunction of Nausea and vomiting from pain at the McBurney
exocrine glands causes thick mucus secretions, point (a point halfway between the umbilicus and
ruining lung/pancreatic health. the iliac crest on the lower right abdomen)
-urine samples reveals ketones
Symp: -elevated white blood cell (WBC)
-same as COPD
-thickened mucus Tx
-sterility -Advise a woman in an emergency room that
-difficulty digesting fat and protein while she is waiting to be evaluated for possible
-IUGR, preterm labor (screen by chorionic villi, appendicitis not to eat any food, drink any liquid,
amniocentesis, abnormal chromosome 7) or consume any laxatives because increasing
peristalsis could cause an inflamed appendix to
Tx: rupture.
-bronchodilator and antibiotic for symptoms Therapeutic management:
-daily chest physiotherapy -If a woman is near term (past 37 weeks) and
the fetus is believed to be mature, a cesarean
A woman with Rheumatoid arthritis birth may be performed along with removal of
Patho: Disease of connective tissue marked by the inflamed appendix at the same time.
joint inflammation and contractures. - If appendicitis occurs early in pregnancy, the
inflamed appendix is usually removed by
Symp: laparoscopy.
-joint symptoms (may actually improve)
-corticosteroids, NSAIDS, hydroxychloroquine to - refers to the reflux of acid stomach
improve mobility secretions into the esophagus
-decrease aspirin intake before term - Hiatal hernia is a condition in which a
-STOP taking methotrexate (causes head and portion of the stomach extends and
neck defects) protrudes up through the diaphragm into
the esophagus, trapping stomach acid
A woman with systemic lupus Erythematosus and causing it to reflux into the
Patho: Chronic disease of connective tissue. esophagus.
Symp: - for the first time during pregnancy as the
-butterfly rash of face uterus pushes the stomach up against
-vessel obstruction because of thickening of the esophageal valve and increases the
collagen reflux of acid or the extent of the hernia.
-thrombocytopenia - Heartburn, which is particularly extreme
-acute nephritis (proteinuria, low UO) when lying supine after a full meal •
Gastric regurgitation • Dysphagia
Tx: (difficulty swallowing) • Possible weight
-NSAIDS, heparin, salicylates, prednisone, loss because of the stomach pain •
azathioprine Hematemesis (i.e., vomiting of blood) if
-Reduce aspirin before term extreme esophageal irritation occurs
-dialysis Diagnose
-IV hydrocortisone during labor ultrasound, although direct endoscopy could be
A woman with appendicitis
Appendicitis usually begins with a few hours of TX and nursing management:
nausea and then an hour or two of generalized - an over-the-counter antacid or a
abdominal discomfort. Then, comes the typical prescription for a proton pump inhibitor
sharp, peristaltic, lower right quadrant pain of such as esomeprazole magnesium
acute appendicitis. (Nexium; pregnancy category B) will
effectively dilute or inhibit gastric acid
Symptoms: production and so relieve symptoms
-Pain from an overstretched round ligament or a - advise a woman to wear clothing that is
ruptured ectopic pregnancy may both cause loose around her waist and to sleep with
sharp lower quadrant pain/ grows more intense. her head elevated on two or more
-morning sickness for ectopic pregnancy
pillows to help confine stomach prophylactic γ-globulin to try to prevent
secretions. the disease after exposure.
- Esomeprazole magnesium - Hepatitis B and C are spread by
exposure to contaminated blood or
A woman with Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis blood products or by contact with
- gallstones form from cholesterol, the contaminated semen or vaginal
hypercholesterolemia that naturally secretions (and so are considered
occurs during pregnancy may be the sexually transmitted infections [STIs]).
reason an increased incidence of These can be transmitted to the fetus
gallstone formation occurs during across the placenta. Hepatitis B It
pregnancy in women prone to these. occurs in both an acute and chronic
form, leading to liver cell necrosis with
Symptoms: scarring and an inability to convert
constant aching and pressure in the right indirect to direct bilirubin or to excrete
epigastrium, perhaps accompanied by jaundice. direct bilirubin. ( receive immune
globulin for prophylaxis; a hepatitis B
Medical Therapy vaccine can be administered to those
-lower fat intake who are at high risk)
- temporarily halting oral intake to rest the - Hepatitis D and E are apparently
gastrointestinal tract and administering spread by the same methods as
intravenous fluids to provide fluid and nutrients hepatitis B and C but are rarely seen in
as well as analgesics for pain. pregnant women.
- Surgery for gallbladder removal by Symptoms :
laparoscopic technique may be done during -experiences nausea and vomiting.
pregnancy if a woman’s symptoms cannot be - liver area may feel tender to palpation.
controlled by conservative management - Urine will turn dark yellow from excretion of
bilirubin; stools will be light-colored from lack of
A woman with Pancreatitis bilirubin. Jaundice occurs as a late symptom.
- a rare disorder that tends to occur in late - , hepatomegaly (i.e., enlargement of the liver)
adolescents and so may occur during is noted.
pregnancy -serum bilirubin level is elevated.
- Levels of liver enzymes, such as transaminase,
Symptoms are increased.
- severe epigastric pain, nausea,
vomiting, anorexia, and fever Therapeutic management
- prescribed bed rest and encouraged to
Diagnosis eat a high-calorie diet because her liver
If serum amylase levels are greater than two has difficulty converting stored glycogen
times above normal, however, pancreatitis into glucose in its diseased state and so
should be suspected. hypoglycemia can result.
- A cesarean birth may be planned at
Treatment : term to reduce the possibility of blood
The disorder is treated the same during exchange between mother and fetus.
pregnancy as in nonpregnant women: - a woman may breastfeed as the
nasogastric suction, bowel rest, analgesia infection is apparently not transmitted by
(because pancreatic pain is sharp), and breast milk.
intravenous hydration through parenteral - Avoid blood
nutritional supplementation - infant should be washed well to remove
any maternal blood; hepatitis B immune
A woman with Hepatitis globulin (HBIG) and the first dose of
- a liver disease that occurs from invasion hepatitis B should be administered
of the hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E virus.
- Hepatitis A is spread mainly by fecal– A woman with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
oral contact (children in day-care -Crohn disease (i.e., inflammation of the terminal
settings have a high incidence) or by ileus) and ulcerative colitis (i.e., inflammation of
ingestion of fecally contaminated water the distal colon) occur most often in late
or shellfish. It has an incubation period adolescents between ages 12 and 30 years. The
of 2 to 6 weeks. Pregnant women cause of these diseases is unknown, but an
exposed to hepatitis A may be given autoimmune process is thought to be
-experiences chronic diarrhea, weight loss, during pregnancy, as the fetus will
occult blood in stool, and nausea and vomiting. experience no effects from them
If extreme, obstruction and fistula formation with - Plasmapheresis (i.e., removal of and
peritonitis can occur. With Crohn disease, replacement of plasma) to remove
malabsorption, particularly of vitamin B (the immune complexes from the
absorption of which occurs almost entirely in the bloodstream may be prescribed to
ileum), can occur. reduce symptoms.
-potential for fetal growth restriction if extreme - Magnesium sulfate (administered to halt
malabsorption occurs. preterm labor or treat hypertension of
-Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), an anti-inflammatory pregnancy) should be avoided at any
and a mainstay of therapy, may be continued point in pregnancy because it can
during pregnancy without fetal injury. Close to diminish the acetylcholine effect and
birth, the dosage of sulfasalazine, because of its therefore increase disease symptoms.
sulfa base, is reduced because it may interfere A woman with sclerosis
with bilirubin binding sites and cause neonatal -Multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs predominantly in
jaundice (Karch, 2015). Infliximab (IFX) and women of childbearing age, usually between 20
adalimumab (ADA) are other attractive treatment and 40 years of age
options, -With MS, nerve fibers become demyelinated
A woman with seizure disorder and therefore lose function. Women develop
-Recurrent seizures have several causes, such symptoms of fatigue, numbness, blurred vision,
as head trauma or meningitis. However, the and loss of coordination. ACTH
causes of most recurrent seizures, such as (adrenocorticotropic hormone) or a
epilepsy, are unknown corticosteroid is commonly given to strengthen
- establish the best seizure control with the nerve conduction and both can be administered
fewest possible number of antiseizure drugs safely during pregnancy
prior to pregnancy -, immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine
-continue to conscientiously take antiseizure (Sandimmune), azathioprine (Imuran), and
medications cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), which are also
-monitor the levels of antiseizure drugs frequently prescribed, should be used cautiously
-Common drugs prescribed to control seizures during pregnancy
are trimethadione (Tridione; pregnancy risk -plasmapheresis (i.e., withdrawal and
category D); valproic acid (sodium valproate and replacement of plasma)
divalproex sodium; pregnancy risk category D); -Monitor for UTIs at prenatal visits as these tend
carbamazepine (Tegretol; pregnancy risk to occur as a poorly defined consequence of the
category C); ethosuximide (Zarontin; pregnancy illness.
risk category C), a drug often used to control
absence seizures; and phenytoin sodium A woman with scoliosis
(Dilantin; pregnancy risk category D). -Scoliosis (i.e., lateral curvature of the spine)
-Phenytoin (Dilantin) is recognized as the cause begins to be noticed first in girls between 12 and
of a fetal syndrome, including cognitive 14 years of age. If it is uncorrected at this time,
impairment, vitamin K deficiency, and a peculiar the curvature progresses until it can interfere
facial proportion not unlike that of fetal alcohol with respiration and heart action because of
sequence chest compression.
A woman with Myasthenia gravis -y wear a body brace during their adolescent
- Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune years to maintain an erect posture.
disorder characterized by the presence -e stainless steel rods surgically implanted on
of an IgG antibody against acetylcholine both sides of their vertebrae to strengthen and
receptors in striated muscle. The straighten their spine.
presence of the antibody causes failure -If a woman’s pelvis is distorted, a cesarean
of the striated muscles to contract, birth may be scheduled to ensure a safe birth.
particularly those of the oropharyngeal,
facial, and extraocular groups. The A woman with thyroid dysfunction
disorder usually occurs in 20- to 30- ……
- treated with anticholinesterase drugs A woman with Diabetes Mellitus
such as pyridostigmine (Mestinon) or Diagnosis:
neostigmine (Prostigmin) and possibly a -fasting glucose above 126, nonfasting 200
corticosteroid such as prednisone. -75-g Glucose Oral challenge
These medications may be continued
-infants prone to hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, -hx of large babies
-hydraamnios -hx of unexplained fetal/perinatal loss,
-increased risk of HTN, poor fetal heart tone congential anomalies
-macrosomia (10lb baby)
-polyuria, polydipsia -hx of PCOS

Tx: -family hx of diabetes or Native American,

-increase insulin dosage at week 24 Hispanic, Asian ancestry.

Oral glucose challenge Should oral hypoglycemics be used during

Give 75g oral glucose, take blood at 1-2-3 pregnancy?
hours. NO!

Fasting: 95 Insulin in pregnancy

1 hour: 180 -needs less than normal early in pregnancy
2 hour: 155 -MORE needed in late pregnancy
3 hour: 140
-short-acting with intermediate (2/3 at breakfast,
If 2/4 samples are abnormal, diabetes is dx. 1/3 at night)
-give IM, stretch skin taut, inject at 90deg angle
Gestational Diabetes -most prefer the thigh and upper arm site.
Patho: development of insulin resistance
midway through pregnancy What should you do for hypoglycemia?
Milk with crackers.
Dx: Fasting glucose above 95mg/dl and 2 Prevents rebound hypoglycemia.
abnormal readings after glucose ingestion
Tests for placental function
1) 15-17 weeks: Serum alpha-fetoprotein
Symp: test (checks neural tube defects)
-hypoglycemia in 1st and 2nd trimesters,
followed by hyperglycemia peaking at the 6th 2) 18-20 weeks: Ultrasound) (to detect
month. gross abnormalities)
-polyuria, polydipsia,
-metabolic acidosis 3) 36 weeks Lecithin/Sphingomyelin
ratio via amniocentesis to determine
Nsg: lung maturity
-check for UTIs
-eye exams, possible laser therapy 4) Every trimester: Creatinine clearance

Tx: 5) Weekly nonstress test or biophysical

-diet (20% protein, 40% carbs, 30% fat, fiber) profile
- bedtime snack of protein and complex carb to
prevent hypoglycemia. 6) Fetal kicks
-3 meals and 3 snacks.
-fiber prevents postprandial (after meal) How do you know if the fetal lungs are mature?
hyperglycemia. L/S ratio is 2:1, and you will be able to detect
phosphatidylglycerol, an ingredient of lung
Symptoms of hyper and hypoglycemia surfactent.
Hyper: Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia (fruity
breath) What does hydramnios indicate?
1) GI malformation
Hypo: nervousness, headache, weakness, 2) poorly controlled gestational HTN
*at risk for hemorrhage after delivery
Risk factors for gestational diabetes becuase of poor uterine contraction.

-over 25 What does oligohydramnios indicate?

1) fetal growth restriction
2) fetal renal abnormality
Birth of fetus to a woman with diabetes
-Week 36-40 are the most dangerous, so induce
at 37 weeks.

-Vaginal delivery is preferred with rupture of

membranes or oxytocin to induce.

-Avoid use of IV glucose as plasma volume

expanded (use Ringer's lactate or saline

Postpartum care of a woman with diabetes

-1-2 hour postprandial glucose monitoring

-glucose return to normal at 24 hours if she has

gestational diabetes.

-if she has IDDM, hold insulin in immediate

postpartum but will need to return to pre-
pregnancy requirements

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