Partoyo 2022 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 1018 012037

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1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing for Land Suitability

Evaluation for Rice in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Partoyo1* and H Lukito2

1 Program Study of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Program Study of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas

Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Land evaluation is necessary for planning the sustainable use of land resources and
providing higher production for food crops. This study aims to apply geographic information
system techniques and remote sensing to determine land suitability classes for sustainable rice
production in Sleman, Yogyakarta. Sentinel-2 satellite imagery was processed to obtain a map
of the rice field and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The suitability class was
determined using rice yield predictions based on the NDVI value. Validation using field check
data and rice productivity statistics from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of Sleman
Regency. The resulting land suitability map is compared with the land suitability map based on
soil series data. The results showed that the land suitability map corresponded to the land
suitability map developed based on the soil series data. Integrating Sentinel2 images and GIS
methods could potentially update the land suitability map quickly.
Keywords: NDVI, Agriculture, Remote

1. Introduction
Analysis of land suitability is essential in planning a sustainable land resource [1]. A range of
parameters, e.g., soil conditions, topography, state of the climate, and vegetation indices, are considered
to evaluate land suitability [2], [3]. Such evaluation provides information about specific land use
potentials and constraints. Effective management and proper land use decisions result in higher
productivity of land and a sustained environment [4]. For sustainable land resource management, a land
evaluation framework has been established by the FAO. According to the guidelines, the land is
classified into highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3), and not suitable
(N) [5], [6]. The rapidly growing population, as well as global warming, exerts considerable pressure
on scarce land resources all over the world [7]. Therefore, determining suitable lands for rice as a
superior commodity to obtain sustainable yield and production is urgent.
Appropriate planning in land use is essential for enhancing land productivity, conserving ecology,
and protecting biodiversity [8]. Inappropriate land management practices lead to an induced soil erosion,
diminished agricultural production, a hindered productivity, and a deteriorated soil quality [9].
Therefore, land management focusing on suitability should be a key issue in research activities and
policymaking. The importance of knowledge of local land conditions has become gradually considered
in sustainable land management [10]. Farmers of local communities assess their farmland using
consistent observations and collective experiences [11]. However, this knowledge is usually insufficient
for rural communities to understand the adequacy of suitable conditions, management strategies, and
land-use decisions.

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

It is worth mentioning that quick and accurate land suitability assessments can aid in the
improvement of yield prediction models. Regarding the judgment of yield prediction using vegetation
index, it is the most straightforward approach to establishing empirical relationships between the indexes
and ground-based yield data [12], [13], [14]. Satellite remote sensing and GIS technologies can monitor
plant growth and development and produce timely assessments at a regional scale [15]. The yield
prediction is also helpful for making decisions on regional food security policies and inferencing the
production of field crops.

2. Materials and Method

The study utilized the GIS method to analyze Sentinel satellite data for developing a map of land
suitability (Figure 1). The suitability map for the rice crop was created based on NDVI data. It was
validated based on ground truth yield data and compared to the map developed based on soil series data.

Figure 1. Flowchart of analysis step

2.1. Study Area

The study was conducted in Sleman Regency. It is located in the northern part of the Province of
Yogyakarta Special Region (Figure 2). This district consists of 17 sub-districts, namely Cangkringan,
Pakem, Ngemplak, Ngaglik, Depok, Berbah, Kalasan, Prambanan, Turi, Tempel, Sleman, Mlati,
Godean, Gamping, Moyudan, Seyegan, and Minggir.The topography of this region is diverse, with
primarily flat areas in the East, South, and West. Some are relatively sloping because they are hills in
the Southeast region. The Northern part is directly adjacent to the Merapi Volcano, and the topography
is sloping and steep. Almost half of the area is fertile agricultural land supported by irrigation in the
western and southern parts. The site is dominated by coarse-textured soil, mainly classified as Entisol,
and only a tiny area as Inceptisols and Andisol.

1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

Figure 2. The study area in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia

2.2. Image Acquisition

All satellite data were acquired from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in this study.
The image was collected (less than 10% cloud cover) in the growing stage of the specific crop cycle
(irrigated rice). Satellite image data from Sentinel-2 was compiled from various capture times during
2019-2021. The selected satellite imagery is cloud-free which covers the research area in the Sleman
Regency, DIY.

2.3. Digital Image Preprocessing

All the satellite images were firstly geo-processed for image cropping with the administrative
map of Sleman Regency. All the images were processed by resampling the band resolution at 30 m and
then mosaicked and masked. Subsequently, an algebraic raster operation, radiometric calibration, and
geometric and atmospheric corrections were applied to the remote sensing images using ArcGIS 10.8®.
Image acquisition was performed for each band. After that, all selected bands were converted to a 30 m
resolution using a resampling technique to ensure a similar cell size and data uniformity. The average
reflectance values were calculated for the study area in each band using the raster calculator tool to
compensate for the spatial variability to minimize the bias.

2.4. NDVI Image Calculation and Rice Yield Prediction

This method estimates the area identified as suitable for rice cultivation. Areas suitable for rice
cultivation are areas with high rice yield according to the prediction of rice yield using the NDVI value
[16]. The NDVI value used is the optimum NDVI, i.e., the maximum vegetative rice plants show a
greenish peak of the leaves [17]. Temporal identification of rice growth stages during different seasons
based on NDVI was carried out by selecting Sentinel images of the growing season in each subdistrict.

2.5. Land Suitability Map

The land suitability map was developed based on the rice yield prediction map. The land
suitability map is validated through a ground check (Figure 5). The higher the rice yield, the more
suitable the area for the rice crop. The suitable area was verified by ground truth yield data.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Sentinel Images

A Series of Sentinel images downloaded from the USGS website showed a considerable variation
in cloud-covered areas (Figure 3). The most cloud-free images were then selected for the next NDVI

1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

Figure 3. Sentinel-2 images from several capture times.

3.2. Land Suitable Map

Figure 4 shows the map of land suitability for rice crops. The left side image is a land suitability
map developed based on NDVI data. The map shows features corresponding to similar maps created
based on soil series data in the area.

1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

Figure 4. Map of land suitability for rice based on satellite data compared to the land suitability map
based on soil data.

Figure 5. Collection of ground check data

4. Discussion
This research implemented a method for planning land use, particularly agriculture. The technique
considered suitable conditions derived from satellite remote sensing data. Most of the suitable lands
were located in the northern part, and marginally suitable lands were primarily located in the north-
western part; this result was likely due to the influence of the high elevation of the study area. In addition,
unsuitable zones were found mainly in the eastern region due to water bodies that are not arable for
cultivation and other adverse edaphic factors. The suitability map generated from the prediction of rice
yields shows that it corresponds to the map generated from the soil series data (Figure 4).
This study has limitations to obtaining a specific rice yield prediction formula applicable to
Sleman. The regression used still uses the research results in Egypt, which still requires further research
in the Sleman region. The results were validated by direct interviews with the farmers with the
corresponding area of the ground check locations. The suitable conditions were not verified by the other
crop yield data, which was also the limitation of this research.

1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1018 (2022) 012037 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1018/1/012037

5. Conclusion
Land suitability analysis based on NDVI data showed a suitability map which is a good
concomitant with the reference suitability map developed from soil data. Sentinel images data can
potentially create a land suitability map for rice crops.

This research was supported by funding from the Institute for Research and Community Service of the
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta. The author is grateful for the financial support.

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1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021 IOP Publishing
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