The Anatomical Record - 2021 - Vater - The Topographic and Systematic Anatomy of The Alpaca Stomach

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Received: 15 July 2020 Revised: 28 December 2020 Accepted: 4 January 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ar.24588


The topographic and systematic anatomy of the alpaca


Anke Lisa Vater | Elisabeth Zandt | Johann Maierl

Department of Veterinary Sciences,

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chair of
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, The gastric anatomy of the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is adapted to the physiologi-
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,
cal process of ruminating and the degradation of plant cell wall contents to a
Munich, Germany
great extent. Most alpaca husbandries consist of only few animals and with the
Correspondence still increasing number of alpacas worldwide the number of persons who are
Anke Lisa Vater, Department of
responsible for these animals is increasing as well. Despite this, little research
Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Chair of Anatomy, Histology has been done with regard to the clinical anatomy of the stomach of alpacas.
and Embryology, Ludwig-Maximilians- Six animals were used for dissection. The vascular system of two alpacas was
University Munich, Veterinärstr.
13, 80539 Munich, Germany.
injected with latex milk to illustrate the course of the blood supply to the vis-
Email: a.vater@anat.vetmed.uni- cera. One stomach was used to prepare formalin-fixed preparations. The stom- ach consisted of three compartments (C1–C3) and showed two sacculated
areas in C1 and another comb-like system in C2. The compartments were lined
by a smooth mucosa. Only the deep cells of C2 were lined by a papillated
mucosa. The main blood supply was provided by the coeliac artery which was
divided into the hepatic artery and the left gastric artery, supplying abdominal
organs like liver, spleen, pancreas, and the initial part of the duodenum. Liter-
ature research on the llama stomach showed that the alpaca stomachs that
were used resembled each other to a very large degree. The specific design of
the stomach together with its related functions and physiological processes
confirm that the evolution of Tylopoda and Ruminantia took place in parallel
and not in homology.


The examination of the gastrointestinal (GIT) tract of the

Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and the comparison to the exis-
Abbreviations: C1, compartment 1 (of the stomach)C2, compartment 2; ting literature about the digestive physiology and anat-
C3, compartment 3; DFC, distal fermentation chamber; FS, forestomach
omy of other South American camelids (SACs) and
(C1/C2/proximal 4/5 of C3); GIT, gastrointestinal tract; GR, grass and
roughage eaters; HS, hindstomach (last 1/5 of C3); IM, intermediate,
ruminants forms a basis for a better understanding of the
opportunistic mixed feeders; SACs, South American camelids; VFA, anatomical particularities of the alpaca. The unique fea-
short-chain volatile fatty acids. tures of their GIT allow the adaptation of alpacas to their

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medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. The Anatomical Record published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of American Association of Anatomists.

Anat Rec. 2021;304:1999–2013. 1999

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special habitat in the high altitudes of the Andean moun- Compartment 1, located within the abdominal cavity, is
tains at elevations above 3,800 m (Fowler, 2010) creating the biggest of the three compartments, touching the dia-
different challenges that affect the animals' GIT. The phragm and the left rib-supported body wall. It reaches
semiarid climate in the Altiplano consists of a dry (May the flank area (Alzola et al., 2004). The cardia is located
to November) and a wet season (December to April). The on the right side of the cranial sac. On the same side the
predominant part of the forage consists of fibrous plants caudal sac communicates with the reniform C2.
with many structural carbohydrates in the plant cell The smooth-walled C2 has a dorsal lesser curvature and
walls which are virtually indigestible. During the dry sea- a ventral greater curvature. A thick-walled, narrow, tubu-
son the plants become more lignified and are even harder lar passage cranially connects C2 to C3 (Alzola
to digest. Additionally, the water resources decrease to a et al., 2004; Vallenas et al., 1971). C2 is located between
minimum (San Martin & Bryant, 1989; San Martín & C1 on the left and the liver on the right side (Alzola
Van Saun, 2014). et al., 2004).
C3 is a tubular organ with a length of 50–70 cm. Its distal
region merges into the HCL-secreting hind stomach
1.1 | Comparison of Tylopoda to without any anatomical segregation visible from the out-
Ruminantia side (Heller, Gregory, & von Engelhardt, 1984). Distally it
forms a preterminal sigmoid flexure (Vallenas
Bohlken (1960) already stated that there are fundamental et al., 1971).
anatomical differences between the stomachs of
Tylopoda and Ruminantia and concluded that the gross
similarity of the stomachs most certainly was the result 1.2 | Internal morphology
of a parallel development not of a close relationship of
the two groups. Describing the differences between the In the llama a transverse muscular pillar corresponding
gastric anatomy of Tylopoda and Ruminantia he classi- to the transverse furrow between the cranial and the cau-
fied the Tylopoda in the system of the Artiodactyla, com- dal sac is found. The ventricular groove consists of a sin-
paring the stomachs of vicuña, (Vicugna vicugna), gle lip, beginning sinistrodorsally of the cardia coursing
guanaco (Lama guanicoe), and llama (Lama glama) to caudally to the lesser curvature of C2.
that of sheep and domestic ox. He emphasized several The saccules of the caudal sac are located caudally to
characteristic features that distinguish SAC's from Rumi- the transverse pillar. Primary, secondary, and tertiary
nants, making it very difficult to find homologies crests correspond to the grooves visible from the outside.
between the two groups: first, the different external seg- Generally, the sacculated area of the cranial sac shows a
mentation of the gastric sections, in particular, four in similar design like the caudal area of sacculations.
Ruminantia and three in Tylopoda. Second, the typical In C2 the ventricular groove is located at the lesser
glandular sacs, existing only in Tylopoda. Third, the gas- curvature, delimited by a single lip and extending until
tric groove, which is marked off by two strong lips in the orifice of the tubular passage to C3. The greater cur-
Ruminantia and by one single lip in Tylopoda. Fourth, vature and sidewalls of the C2 are partitioned into a
the distinctly different structure of the inner surface of all retiform pattern by primary crests and secondary crests,
the divisions of the stomach. defining orifices to deep glandular cells or chambers. The
The fact that the physiology of digestion in the stom- cells are lined by a papillated mucosa and in contrast to
ach cannot be the same in the two groups was the second the saccules of C1 the individual cells are not visible from
conclusion drawn by the author out of these dissimilar- the outer serosal surface (Vallenas et al., 1971).
ities. Ruminating as a physiological process is closely The tubular connecting passage from C2 to C3
connected to the gastric anatomy. In consequence of the appears as a continuation of the ventricular groove.
anatomical differences the ability of ruminating must C3 is entirely lined by a glandular mucosa. The
have been acquired twice in phylogeny (Bohlken, 1960). mucosa of the preterminal flexure is thickened and
With this knowledge the denomination of the different smooth. The first fifth of the terminal greater curvature is
sections should be clear. In this point we followed lined by a thick mucosa, corresponding to the proper gas-
Vallenas, Cummings, and Munnell (1971), who did not tric glands. Along the lesser curvature in this area the
use the nomenclature common for the Ruminant's stom- mucosa in general is thinner, containing the pyloric
ach but defined the three sections of the SAC's stomach glands, which cover the entire pyloric circumference in
as compartments 1, 2, and 3 (C1, C2, and C3). the last 5 cm. The entrance to the duodenum is guarded
Several studies described the gross anatomy of the by a prominent torus pyloricus on the lesser curvature
stomach of the llama and guanaco in detail: (Alzola et al., 2004; Vallenas et al., 1971).
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1.3 | Greater omentum particles are collected in the central part of C1. This pro-
cess and the separation of small and large particles are
In comparison to ruminants the greater omentum of continuously repeated during the motility cycles. The
camelids is smaller. large particles are retained in C1. In the llama the reten-
It is attached to the lesser and greater curvature of C2 tion time of fluids (approximately 10 hr) is markedly
and C3 and along the visceral (right) surface of C1. The shorter than that of particles (about 25 hr). So the larger
epiploic foramen is located ventrally of the liver near the particles are retained in the center of C1, whereas small
entrance of the caudal vena cava on its passage through particles and fluids are mainly collected in C2 and are
the liver (Fowler, 2010). transported into C3 (Heller et al., 1984).
The goal of our study was to give a detailed macro-
scopic description of the alpaca's gastric anatomy and to
1.4 | Digestive physiology point out potential differences between alpacas and
llamas to their individual feeding behaviors. According to
Different aspects of the digestive physiology, as well as these characteristics we tried to classify the two species to
histochemical and biochemical mechanisms appearing in an appropriate morphophysiologic feeding type. We com-
the GIT tract, were investigated by different authors. pared the process of ruminating between SACs, especially
Here again, the existing literature deals primarily with of alpacas and ruminants in close connection to their
the llama and guanaco and therefore the physiological respective gastric design.
processes in llamas are often extrapolated to alpacas.


1.5 | Motility and movements of the
ingesta 2.1 | Material and anatomical dissection

Several authors described the forestomach (FS) motility Two male and four female Alpacas aged from 6 months
of SACs (Ehrlein & von Engelhardt, 1971; Heller to 18 years were used for the anatomical preparations
et al., 1984; Vallenas, 1965; Vallenas & Stevens, 1971; von (Table 1). All animals were euthanized for reasons not
Engelhardt & Holler, 1982). The llama's stomach shows a related to the digestive apparatus/system. The time
characteristic pattern of contractions (motility cycle) (von between euthanasia and dissection of the animals used
Engelhardt & Holler, 1982). Ingesta in the dorsal portions was between 8 and 24 hr.
of C1 are rather dry, whereas the contents in the ventral
region of the cranial sac, in the glandular sac region and
in C2 are semifluid to watery. The motility pattern of the 2.1.1 | Euthanasia
FS results in a very effective mixing of the ingesta with
fluid and microorganisms (Ehrlein & von The animals were euthanized by veterinarians at the ani-
Engelhardt, 1971; Lechner-Doll et al., 1995). During the mals' home stable or in the Clinic for Ruminants,
contraction of muscular ridges in the caudal portion of Oberschleissheim. All animals were injected with pento-
C1, fluid with contents of nutrients is squeezed out of the barbital (Euthadorm®, 400 mg/ml; CP-Pharma 31303
solid ingesta and pressed into the relaxing ventral sac- Burgdorf; 1–2 ml/10 kg/BW) via the jugular vein. The
cules and into C2. The rather solid ingesta with the large alpacas were transported to the dissection hall (of

TABLE 1 Breed, sex, age, weight, and reason of euthanasia of the individual animals

Breed Sex Age Weight (kg) Reason for euthanasia

Huacaya Female 3.5 years 55 Mandibular neoplasia
Huacaya Male Adult (exact age unknown) 72 Aggressiveness
Huacaya Female 20 years 44 Death of old age and emaciation
Huacaya Female 6.5 months 25 Suspicion of endoparasites (no apparent abnormalities
of the GIT and the ingesta during dissection)
Suri Male 18 years 40 Acute blindness
Huacaya Female 5 years 52 Weakness and recumbency
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the Chair of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology of the Zuiko Digital 35 mm f3.5 macro lens) was used. A polar-
LMU) in left lateral recumbency. izing filter (hama® PL CIR Ø 58 (IV) and Ø 52) reduced
highlights on the preparations.
The pictures were taken in front of a black foil and
2.1.2 | Anatomical dissection using a tripod.
For editing the pictures afterward, the computer pro-
Using the usual methods and instruments, the dissection was gram Adobe® Photoshop® was used.
carried out. First, the topographical anatomy of the abdomi-
nal and pelvic cavity was examined, photographed, and
documented. In different animals various approaches to the 3 | RESULTS
abdominal cavity were selected and therefore pictures were
taken from the ventral view as well as from the right and The stomach of the alpaca consisted of three compart-
the left lateral view. Then the stomach and the intestines ments (C1, C2, and C3), which mainly lay in the abdo-
were removed for individual examination. men but were also extending into the intrathoracic
portion of the peritoneal cavity.

2.1.3 | Fixation
3.1 | External morphology
Before dissection, the arterial vascular system of the spec-
imen was injected with a 50% alcohol–water solution via The cardia was located on the dorsal surface of C1 at the
the right common carotid artery. The animals as well as level of the ventral transverse furrow, slightly asymmetri-
the extracted organs were stored in a 10% NaCl solution cally on the right side.
with an added amount of 0.005% formaldehyde and Separated by a semicircular ventral transverse furrow,
refrigerated at 4 C during the dissection period. which was limited to the ventral and lateral walls of the
stomach into a smaller cranial and a larger caudal sac,
the balloon-like C1 (Figure 1) was about 50 cm long.
2.1.4 | Preparation of the arterial Each sac showed a defined region of saccular-like bulges.
vascular system with latex milk The saccule complex of the cranial sac (Figures 1
and 2) was located at its cranial aspect beneath the adhe-
In two animals, the arterial vascular system was injected sion surface of C1 to the diaphragm pillars, extending
with latex milk by injecting about 600 ml of red latex ribbon-like from the right to the left and touching the
milk into the right common carotid artery. In one of the diaphragm. Its longitudinal axis measured 30 cm and its
animals, the right femoral artery was ligated, in the other width ranged from 2 cm on the left to 10 cm on the right.
animals, both femoral arteries were ligated before injec- In contrast to the remaining smooth surface of the cra-
tion to ensure enough pressure being built up. In this nial sac of C1 in this region the individual saccules were
way even the smallest vessels of the organs were injected.
All animals were then cooled down to 4 C for 3 days for
the latex milk to harden.

2.1.5 | Frozen preparations of the

saccule complexes of the stomach

For producing these preparations the first compartment

of the stomach was fixed in 5% formaldehyde solution in
the desired position for 3 days. Afterward it was frozen at
−18 C and sawed into pieces.

2.1.6 | Photographic documentation F I G U R E 1 Left lateral view of C1. C1, C3—Compartments

1, 3. 1—Cranial sac of C1; 2—caudal sac of C1; 3—cranial
An SLR camera (Olympus® Digital ED with an Olympus sacculated area; 4—caudal sacculated area; 5—ventral transverse
Zuiko Digital ED 14-42 mm f3.5-5.6 lens and an Olympus furrow
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far as the mesentery root at the level of the third lumbar


3.2 | Internal morphology

The inner lining of C1 (Figures 4 and 5) was a smooth

mucosa without any papillae but some irregular mucosa
The bottom of C1 (Figure 4) was characterized by a
2–3 cm wide transverse pillar, corresponding to the ven-
tral transverse furrow. Forming the cranial and dorsal
border of the orifice from C1 to C2, the pillar was semi-
circular shaped with its right branch running dorsally.
Furthermore, the transverse pillar was the cranial
border of the caudal saccule complex (Figure 4). Smaller
F I G U R E 2 Right lateral view of C1. C1, C2, C3— gastric pillars were placed in right angles to it and ran in
Compartments 1, 2, 3; DA, duodenal ampulla. 1—Cranial caudal direction becoming thinner and lower in the end.
sacculated area of C1; 2—caudal sacculated area of C1; 3—cardia; These 13–14 pillars in turn were intersected by even
4—attachment line of the greater omentum (clarified by a smaller folds building openings to a comb-like system
black line) corresponding to the saccules visible from the outside
(Figures 6 and 7).
The saccule complex in the cranial sac of C1 was of
not definable from outside, however, the entire complex similar structure. Again 13–14 main pillars, running dor-
was prominent. soventrally, were intersected with smaller ones, forming
In the caudal sac (Figures 1 and 2) there was the the orifices to the saccules. The orifices were arranged in
larger region of these saccules, situated on the visceral rows of four in the middle and in rows of two or in a sin-
surface directly caudal to the ventral furrow and in close gle row at the right and left end of the saccule complex.
vicinity to C2. Stretching on a width of about 17 cm, dor- Lying dorsocranially of the larger saccule complex the
sally the saccules began 6–7 cm below the cardia. This aperture from C1 to C2 was 7 cm long and 4 cm wide
saccule region extended ventrally to the left stomach wall (Figure 5). The surface of the smaller curvature of C2 was
and decreased in its width, so that it had an almost trian- covered by a smooth mucosa. In the area of its greater
gular shape. The various saccules were separated by deep curvature there were about six to seven semicircular pil-
prominent grooves into single saccules, pairs of two or lars intersected by additional right-angled pillars, also
groups of three. The line of attachment of the greater leading into a comb-like system. The surface of this area
omentum separated this saccule complex into a cranial was occupied by numerous short papillae, except the pil-
and a caudal part, so that the caudal part lay within the lars, which were covered by a smooth mucosa again
omental bursa. (Figure 5).
Equipped with a smooth-walled surface, C2 Having its origin on the left side of the cardia the gas-
(Figure 2) was kidney-shaped with its greater curvature tric groove continued to the entrance of C2 and ran along
directing ventrally and its lesser curvature dorsally. the right side of the lesser curvature of C2, so that the
The last compartment (C3) (Figures 1, 2, and 3a) had access to the sulcus was located medially. It consisted of
an elongated and tubular form with a smooth wall as a single lip and was about 16 cm long and 0.2 cm deep.
well. C2 and C3 were connected by a narrow 2.5 cm wide This lip ended directly behind the passage to the con-
canal (Figure 3a, CT) before C3 enlarged to a sac-like oral necting tube to C3 displaying a smooth mucosa without
bend. After that, it turned caudally into its straight por- any folds.
tion, which was 10 cm in diameter. With its greater cur- The initial bend and the straight part of C3
vature directing ventrally and its lesser curvature facing (Figure 3b) were lined by a smooth mucosa folded in low
dorsally, C3 ended in the pyloric part, which formed a longitudinal ridges. Only a small area of the lesser curva-
dilated loop, pointing cranially again. ture of C3, directly distal to the connecting piece, showed
The whole stomach was covered by peritoneum apart a comb-like surface, limited by shallow rims. The longitu-
from an area at the dorsal aspect of C1. This area was dinal folds abruptly ended before the caudal loop of C3.
attached to the diaphragm and the sublumbar region as The greater curvature of this loop was lined by a thick
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F I G U R E 3 External (a) and internal (b) morphology of C3. CT, Connection tube; DA, duodenal ampulla. 1—Initial bend of C3; 2—
straight part of C3; 3—caudal loop of C3; 4—torus pyloricus

mucosa, folded like a cratered landscape with countless oriented toward the left, ventral, and dorsal body wall.
depressions. The mucosa of the lesser curvature and the The visceral surface faced to the right and was closely
pyloric circumference was considerably thinner again. A related to C2, C3, and the liver, which separated it from
prominent torus pyloricus and a significant constriction the right body wall (Figure 9). Caudally it mainly lay next
separated the C3 from the duodenum. to intestinal loops of the small and large intestines
(Figures 8 and 9).
C2 was located caudoventrally to the cardia between
3.3 | Topographic position C1 on the left and the liver on the right within the vesti-
bule of the omental bursa. It extended in an area between
Being the largest part of the stomach, C1 extended with the seventh to the ninth rib. Its greater curvature pointed
its longitudinal axis from the diaphragm at the level of ventrally, its lesser curvature dorsally, while its oral part
the sixth to seventh intercostal space to the fourth to fifth lay directly caudal to the larger glandular region of C1.
lumbar vertebra (Figure 8). It occupied almost the entire The elongated and tubular-shaped C3 was located
left side of the abdominal cavity but also crossed the on the right side of C1 as well (Figures 8 and 9). Its ini-
median plane to the right with its parietal surface being tial tight connecting piece first ran cranially up to the
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F I G U R E 4 Compartment 1: internal morphology. C2, Compartment 2. 1—Cranial sac of C1; 2—caudal sac of C1; 3—cranial sacculated
area; 4—cardia; 5—ventral transverse pillar; 6—primary crests; 7—secondary crests; 8—tertiary crests

F I G U R E 5 Gastric groove (C1 and C2 were turned inside out; contour of C2 clarified by a black line). C1, C2—Compartments 1, 2. 1—Cranial
sac of C1; 2—caudal sac of C1; 3—cranial sacculated area; 4—caudal sacculated area; 5—ventral transverse pillar; 6—cardia: 7—singular lip
limiting the gastric groove; 8—lesser curvature of C2; 9—greater curvature of C2; 10—connecting tube between C2 and C3
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F I G U R E 6 Preparations of frozen sections of the caudal saccular region of C1. (a) Oblique view with cutted saccules, (b) top view of the
saccules. 1—Primary crests; 2—secondary crests; 3—tertiary crests; 4—ventral transverse pillar

F I G U R E 7 Preparations of frozen sections C2. (a) Transverse section; (b) transverse and longitudinal section. 1—Lesser curvature of C2;
2—primary crests; 3—secondary crests

diaphragm before dilating and turning caudoventrally, 3.4 | Greater and lesser omentum of the
with its straight part resting on the ventral body wall stomach
turning dorsally again at the level of the fifth lumbar
vertebra and ending in a sigmoid loop. In part, the liver The stomach was fixed in the abdominal cavity by the
separated C3 from the right body wall and loops of the esophageal embedding in the diaphragm, the fixation
duodenum lay between the end loop of C3 and the of the cranial portion of the duodenum, and by the
right body wall in some animals. In the other animals mesentery of the stomach itself. The mesentery con-
the small intestine was located only caudal to the sisted of the greater omentum and the lesser
stomach. omentum.
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F I G U R E 8 Right lateral view of the abdomen. C1, C3, Compartments 1 and 3 of the stomach; DC, descending colon; DP, diaphragm; J,
Jejunum; L, liver; L1–L7, lumbar vertebra 1–7; rK, right kidney; T6–T12, thoracic vertebra 6–12

F I G U R E 9 Left lateral view of the viscera of the abdomen. AC, Ascending colon; C1, C3—compartments 1 and 3 of the stomach; DP,
diaphragm; L, lung; R5, R12—Ribs 5 and 12; S—spleen
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The line of attachment of the greater omentum at the 3.5 | The vessels of the stomach
dorsal abdominal wall started at the esophageal hiatus,
running along the adhesion area of the stomach to the dia- 3.5.1 | The arterial supply to the
phragmatic pillars (Figure 10). On the left-hand side, it stomach
inserted at the visceral surface of C1 in a V-shaped course.
Dividing the saccular complex of the caudal sac into a cra- The arteries of the stomach originated from the coeliac
nial and caudal portion it subsequently rose dorsally again. artery (Figure 11), which came from the abdominal aorta
There it passed to the mesentery of the spleen and inserted on the level of the third lumbar vertebra directly cranial
at the hilus of the spleen. The most caudal point of attach- to the cranial mesenteric artery. Close to its origin the
ment was the mesocolon descendens on the level of the coeliac artery is divided into the hepatic artery (c) and
caudal end of the left pancreatic lobe. Running to the the left gastric artery (b), supplying the liver, the spleen,
medial side of C2 on the right-hand side, it inserted at the the pancreas, and the initial part of the duodenum.
greater curvature of C2 and C3 and along the cranial and The splenic artery (h) came from the hepatic artery
descending portion of the duodenum. The omental bursa close to its origin, gave off the pancreatic branch (i) to
had a small dimension. It was fit against the compartments the pancreas, and continued to the spleen.
of the stomach very tightly and was not visible when open- The hepatic artery supplied the gastroduodenal artery
ing the abdominal cavity. (j), which divided into the cranial pancreaticoduodenal
The lesser omentum consisted of the hepatogastric artery (k) to the initial part of the duodenum and the
and hepatoduodenal ligament, both originating from the right gastroepiploic artery (l) to the greater curvature of
visceral surface of the liver. The hepatogastric ligament C2 and C3. Giving off a branch for the ventral aspect of
was attached to the esophageal hiatus at its cranial the caudal flexure of C3 the right gastroepiploic artery
aspect, to the lesser curvature of C2 and C3, and the ran along the greater curvature of C3 supplying it with
hepatoduodenal ligament to the initial part of the duode- many small vessels.
num. As a result, C2 was located within the vestibule of Shortly before reaching the liver, the hepatic artery
the omental bursa recess which was dorsally closed (c) gave off the right gastric artery (m) which divided cra-
through the adhesion zone of the caudal vena cava to the nial of the terminal flexure into two parallel vessels run-
dorsal body wall. Being 4 cm long and 2 cm wide the ning along the lesser curvature of C3.
ovally shaped epiploic foramen was located caudal to the After originating from the coeliac artery, the left gas-
liver between the caudal vena cava dorsally and the tric artery supplied a big vessel, which divided into two
V. portae ventrally on the level of the first lumbar branches for the first compartment (d, e). These branches

FIGURE 10 (a) Lesser omentum and (b) greater omentum

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divided into two branches. These continued on the dorsal

curvature of C3 (b), where they anastomosed with the
two branches of the right gastroepiploic artery (l).

3.5.2 | The venous drainage of the


The veins, draining the stomach, the spleen, and the ini-
tial part of the duodenum, ran parallel to their respective
arteries and are named according to these. They all
joined in the portal vein, which entered the porta of the


The purpose of our study was to give a detailed insight

into the macroscopic anatomy and topography of the
stomach of the alpaca and to allow the comparison to the
gastric anatomy of the llama and other ruminating spe-
cies. This detailed macroscopic description of the stom-
ach together with its associated structures (vessels, lymph
nodes) should help veterinarians and surgeons to make
correct diagnoses and to improve suitable treatments for
the GIT tract.

4.1 | Theoretical implications

To the authors' knowledge, most of the literature deals

with the anatomy of SACs and camelids in general and
not with the specific situation of the alpaca. This, how-
ever, is necessary as alpacas belong to an own genus dif-
F I G U R E 1 1 Arteries and lymphonodi of the three fering in their habitat and feeding behaviors.
compartments of the stomach. a—Coeliac artery; b—left gastric Furthermore, the existing literature mostly describes
artery, c—hepatic artery; d, e, f—branches for C1; g—branches for only single aspects of the gastric anatomy of SACs, how-
the caudal sacculated area; h—lienal artery; i—pancreatic branch; ever, not in a functional unit together. The present study
j—gastroduodenal branch; k—cranial pancreaticoduodenal artery; gives a comprehensive overview of the stomach together
l—right gastroepiploic artery; m—right gastric artery; n—branch
with its associated structures and its topography.
for the caudal sacculated area; o—oesophageal branch; p, q—
To the authors' knowledge, there exists no work
branches for the cranial C1; r, s—arteries for C2; t—left
describing the alpaca's stomach systematically.
gastroepiploic artery

supplied the various regions of C1 partly building 4.1.1 | Comparison to ruminants

One of these branches passed into the left gas- Furthermore, this study draws comparisons to the gastric
troepiploic artery (t). After continuing along the greater anatomy of ruminants and is taking into account the differ-
curvature, it anastomosed with the right gastroepiploic ent digestive physiology. San Martín and Van Saun (2014)
artery (l). already reported that due to the lack of sound knowledge
The truncus of the left gastric artery (b) ran cranially, about the GIT anatomy and digestive physiology of SACs,
supplying an esophageal branch (o), a branch for the cra- feeding practices or medical treatments are often extrapo-
nial saccules of C1 (p, q), one for C2 (r), and finally lated from other ruminant species.
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Clear differences in the gastric and intestinal anatomy reflects the functional resemblance in terms of secretory
(Vater & Maierl, 2018) together with the individual feed- activity. Accordingly, this distal part of C3 is often com-
ing behavior of SACs make a specific approach to the pared to the abomasum of ruminants (Heller et al., 1984).
GIT anatomy of the alpaca indispensable for correct feed- In the alpaca, however, there is no anatomical separation
ing and treatment. between the HS and the previous section as it is in rumi-
The main external differences to the ruminant's stom- nants (ostium omasoabomasicum).
ach (Nickel, Schummer, & Seiferle, 2004) were the exter- The external as well as the internal morphology of
nal segmentation of the stomach and the lack of a clear the stomach of the alpaca, which fundamentally differs
demarcation between the FS (C1, C2, and the cranial part from that of ruminants, substantiate the first assumption
of C3 in SACs; rumen, reticulum, and omasum in rumi- of Bohlken (1960), that the alpaca as well as the other
nants) and the HS (caudal part of C3 in SACs; abomasum three species of SACs developed their gastric anatomy
in ruminants) and the unique appearance of the areas of and their ruminating digestion process in a parallel evo-
saccules in SACs. lution and not in homology to ruminants.
Furthermore, the greater omentum is significantly Bohlken (1960)'s second assumption, that the physiol-
smaller in the alpaca showing a completely different line of ogy of digestion could not be the same in Tylopoda as in
attachment on C1 compared to the greater omentum of Ruminantia because the physiological process of rumi-
ruminants. In contrast to ruminants (Nickel et al., 2004) nating is closely connected to the gastric anatomy, proves
there is no omental sling, which separates the intestines to be true in several anatomical particularities of SACs.
from the body wall. These particularities are related to specific physiological
The internal morphology of the alpaca stomach processes, which are unique in SACs.
shows some fundamental differences to that of rumi- Connected to their specific physiological process of
nants. C1 is only separated into a cranial and caudal sac ruminating, the first anatomical difference in SACs is the
but is not divided into dorsal and ventral portions. It is existence of glandular mucosa in C1, C2, and the tubular
lined by a smooth mucosa without any papillae. The ven- part of C3, which is characterized by a high absorptive
tricular groove is limited by a small single lip in contrast capacity of the epithelial cells and millions of tubular
to two lips in ruminants. glands (Cummings, Munnell, & Vallenas, 1972; Luciano
In the alpaca, the internal surface of C2 is the only et al., 1980; Luciano, Voss-Wermbter, Behnke, von
portion that is partly lined by a papillated mucosa. It also Engelhardt, & Reale, 1979). These facts explain the two
shows a comb-like system of small ridges just as in the to three times higher absorption rate of VFA, water, and
sacculated areas of C1. A similarity to the ruminants' sodium than in ruminants (Rübsamen & von
stomach is the quite large opening from C1 to C2 like the Engelhardt, 1979; Vallenas et al., 1973; von Engelhardt &
opening between the rumen and the reticulum. The car- Sallmann, 1972).
dia of the alpaca, however, merges directly and only into The second difference is the design of the saccules,
C1 and does not enter the FS at a location corresponding which play a significant role in the effective mixing of the
to the ruminoreticular transition. ingesta during the motility cycles of SACs. In contrast to
As far as the internal surface is concerned, C3 seems ruminants the ingesta of SACs is relatively homogenous
to be separated into two functional units, characterized and there is no arrangement in layers of fluid, solid, and
by different types of mucosa. The initial oral bend and gasiform ingesta as it is in ruminants (Fowler &
the long tubular section are lined by a smooth mucosa Bravo, 2010a). The combination of the almost continuous
showing a flat longitudinal plication, whereas the caudal motility cycles (more frequent than in ruminants) and
loop of C3 is marked by a noticeable thickening of the the anatomy of the glandular saccules allow a permanent
mucosa characterized by countless crater-like depres- mixing and squeezing out of the solid ingesta (Ehrlein &
sions. In the alpaca this mucosa—clearly different in von Engelhardt, 1971; Heller et al., 1984; Vallenas, 1965;
height and color compared to the proximal part—exactly Vallenas & Stevens, 1971; von Engelhardt &
corresponds to the distal fifth of C3 often considered as a Holler, 1982). Thus there exists an efficient condition for
separate part of the stomach and seen as HS (Luciano, the high absorptive capacity of the epithelial cells of the
Reale, & von Engelhardt, 1980; Sumar, 2010; von glandular epithelium for a fast absorption of nutrients
Engelhardt & Heller, 1985). In the guanaco it is covered (von Engelhardt & Sallmann, 1972). In this way, SACs
by fundic epithelium with the typical secretion of seem to compensate the lack of a papillated mucosa and
hydrochloric acid and a transition to pyloric epithelium the, therefore, resulting surface enlargement, like it is in
toward the pylorus (Luciano et al., 1980; von the FS in ruminants. The effective mixing of the ingesta
Engelhardt & Heller, 1985). It may be assumed that the allows an even higher amount of absorption of VFA.
macroscopic similarity of the mucosa within SACs According to von Engelhardt, Ali, and Wipper (1979) the
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tubular part of C3 is lined by a similar mucosa like the higher content of nutrients. With the plants becoming
glandular saccules. This mucosa structure as well results more lignified in the dry season, alpacas are, however,
in high absorptive capacities. more opportunistic and able to use a wide variety of for-
age types, which is especially important in the dry season
(San Martin Howard, 1987; San Martín & Van
4.1.2 | Comparison to the Lama glama Saun, 2014).
and classification to a morphophysiologic Llamas seem to be even better adapted to an arid cli-
feeding type mate than alpacas, which is reflected in the proportions
of their digestive system. The more spacious fermentation
The external and internal morphology of the alpaca's chambers compared to that of alpacas allow a more effi-
stomach resembles that of the llama and guanaco and cient fermentation of hardly digestible carbohydrates.
that of the old world camelids (Fowler & Bravo, 2010b; Alpacas are able to modify their preferences
Vallenas et al., 1971). The external segmentation into according to forage availability during the different sea-
three compartments as well as the presence of an area of sons (San Martin Howard, 1987). They seem to belong
saccules in the cranial and caudal sac of C1, respectively, to the intermediate feeding group more than llamas do.
coincides with the existing literature about the llama and Different authors stated a higher ability to digest and
guanaco stomach. lower protein and energy requirements of SACs com-
Being in close connection to the alpacas' feeding pared to sheep especially when the forage is of poor qual-
behavior and morphophysiologic feeding type, there are, ity (Dulphy, Dardillat, Jailler, & Ballet, 1997; Lemosquet,
however, differences in the proportion of the gastric com- Dardillat, Jailler, & Dulphy, 1996; San Martin &
partments and the intestines between llamas and alpacas. Bryant, 1989). Different factors seem to influence the
Overall SACs seem to have a successfully fractionated digestibility of forage positively. The pH and ammonia
fermentation like intermediate, opportunistic mixed levels are higher in llamas, whereas the VFA concentra-
feeders (IM) such as goats (Hofmann, 1989). Vallenas tions are lower, probably linked to a more rapid absorp-
et al. (1973) already documented an extensive fermenta- tion (Rübsamen & von Engelhardt, 1978) and a higher
tive activity in C1, C2, the first two-third of C3, in the water turnover. The very stable pH levels of C1 and C2
caecum and proximal colon. In our previous paper we together with an excellent cellulolytic activity seem to
showed that the alpaca has a shorter small intestine com- play a leading role during digestion of plant cell walls
pared to ruminants, providing more space for both of the (Dulphy et al., 1997; Lemosquet et al., 1996). The high
fermentation chambers. The colon coil of alpacas consists volume of buffering substances is related to a rapid turn-
of more centrifugal gyri than that of ruminants, which is over of the liquid phase, which is connected to abundant
an evidence for species with a better developed DFC gastric and salivary secretions rich in bicarbonate
(Hofmann, 1989). Besides this, the jejunum and the (Rübsamen & von Engelhardt, 1979).
ascending colon have a separated mesentery allowing
greater mobility and development of the ascending
colon's proximal loop (Vater & Maierl, 2018), which may 4.2 | Practical implications
allow an easier seasonal enlargement of the distal fer-
mentation chamber and thus adaptation to feeding condi- The specific design of their gastric anatomy predisposes
tions, especially in the dry season. During the dry alpacas for gastric ulcers, which are responsible for 6% of
season—in the Altiplano between May to November— fatal casualties (Cebra, 2014; Cebra, Tornquist, Bildfell, &
the plants become more lignified and are even harder to Heidel, 2003; Hughes & Mueller, 2008; Smith, 1989;
digest (Fowler & Bravo, 2010a). Smith, Pearson, & Timm, 1994). Gastric ulcers occur
Differences between llama and alpaca exist in the in all three compartments, mostly, however, in C3
length of some parts of the bowel. The total length of the (Fowler & Bravo, 2010b).
small intestine of the alpaca accords with that of the The results of the present study show that—as it is in
llama (Fowler, 2010; Lesbre, 1903). In relation to their the llama—there is no anatomical separation between
body size, however, alpacas have a longer small intestine the FS and the hydrochloric acid-secreting hindstomach
(Vater & Maierl, 2018). (the distal fifth of C3). Besides this, the emptying of the
Although llamas prefer to eat tall, coarse bunch- stomach happens against gravitation as the distal caudal
grasses, highly concentrated of virtually indigestible car- loop of C3 is oriented ventrodorsally and the lumen of
bohydrates, all over the year and independent of the the pyloric orifice is quite narrow. These aspects could be
season, alpacas are more selective. They prefer as long as responsible for a reflux of hydrochloric acid contents or
possible leaves, forbs, and short grasses, which are of an incomplete emptying during an atonic stomach or an
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ileus. Due to the lack of a gallbladder, in SACs there is a drew the schematic drawing of the stomach. Open Access
continuous flow of bile into the duodenum. In situations funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
of an atonic intestine or an ileus, it could lead to a reflux
of bile and therefore foster gastric ulcers (Cebra CONFLICT OF INTEREST
et al., 2003). The authors declare no potential conflict of interest.
It is very important to avoid acidosis of the FSs
because acidosis is another reason for ulcers. When con- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
centrated feed is given—which is not essential for Anke Vater: Conceptualization; data curation; investiga-
alpacas—it should be distributed all over the day and tion; methodology; project administration. Elisabeth
enough roughage should be given in parallel (Cebra Zandt: Formal analysis; writing-review and editing; for-
et al., 2003). mal analysis-supporting; writing-review & editing-
Supporting. Johann Maierl: Conceptualization; investi-
gation; methodology; supervision.
4.2.1 | Limitations and future research
There are different limitations in this study. Anke Lisa Vater
First, the histological anatomy of the different mucosa
sections was not examined due to the fact that only ani- RE FER EN CES
mals were used which died or were euthanized (for medi- Alzola, R. H., Ghezzi, M. D., Gimeno, E. J., Lupidio, M. C.,
cal reasons other than diseases of the GIT tract) and Castro, A. N., & Rodriguez, J. A. (2004). Topography and mor-
subsequently donated. Thus the time between death and phology of the llama (Lama glama) stomach. International
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Bohlken, H. (1960). Remarks on the stomach and the systematic
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position of the Tylopoda. Journal of Zoology, 134, 207–215.
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studies to compare the alpacas' and llamas' digestion in Llama and Alpaca care (pp. 477–536). St. Louis: W.B. Saunders.
detail. Cebra, C. K., Tornquist, S. J., Bildfell, R. J., & Heidel, J. R. (2003).
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