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There are confusion between the difference of science and technology. Science is
a systematic way of doing things. It needs to be organized, testable and provide
explanation on how thing works. While on the other hand technology is the result of
science that greatly helps people nowadays. Technology's best example is the
machinery that helps us to ease our daily lives and tasks. Then how about the society,
according to dictionary, it is defined as a group of people, a community, living together
in particular purpose or activity. Then how about if we connect these three: the science,
technology and society? Is there a link between these three? Is science and technology
having impact on society?
Task 1.1
The difference between science and technology maybe easily distinguish by their
aims, but they are linked to each other. As we all knew, science aims to obtain
knowledge through systematic way and understanding various knowledge through
observation. While technology in other way, it aims to external development, it is made
to make our tasks easier. In easiest way to explain, technology is the result of obtaining
knowledge through science. When scientist, inventors and other pioneers who work
scientific study related in making our life easier, the outcome will be called technology.
Technology based objects, machineries, and all electronic devices that we used
nowadays is a result of scientific study and we cannot denied that these examples of
technology help us in our daily basis.
Task 1.2
The impact of science and technology on society is huge. If we look back through
history, in where early civilization used sharp stone for carving their messages on the
walls of a cave in order to express their daily experiences in life, another example is by
using animals for transport, although sometimes we can observe that practices, but it's
rare. That is what we called innovation, through the help of science and technology on
society, communication and transportation is not hassle just like in the past. There are
so many great examples of impacts of these two on societies, for example on food
production; they can produce more food supplies by the help of science and technology.
They can multiply their production number in no time unlike if we compare in the past
that they only relying in man power and experience only.
Task 1.3
The theories that I chose are structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism.
According to Britannica, Structural Functionalism is a school of thought according to
which each of the institutions, relationships, roles, and norms that together constitute a
society serves a purpose, and each is indispensible for the continued existence of the
other and of society as a whole. It means that structural functionalism is a type of
society or group of people in which clustered by their function in the community. For
example, those people who work in call center, electricians, and other jobs that collects
people from different areas is once called a society. Next is symbolic interactionism.
According to Encyclopedia, symbolic interactionism is a social theoretical framework
starts from the presupposition that our social world is constructed through the mundane
acts of everyday social interaction. It means that the repetitive act of interaction serves
as a proof that they belong in a certain society. Individual will serves as an actor's in
relation constitute symbolic and shared meanings. For example, the people who work in
entertainment industry, they used to do a certain repetitive jobs.
Task 1.4
If we evaluate the impact of society in science and technology, we can say that
these two responds to the needs and wants of the society. Scientist and inventors are
responding to the needs of others in exchange of money. According to Brenner, society
and it's arm of action and government, understands that science has developed
powerful methods in solving problems. The pandemic is the great example for this. As
the world experienced this catastrophic tragedy, many scientists make a move in
making vaccines and other preventive paraphernalia’s to conquer the virus. That how
society affects the science and technology, society can push these two to its finest.
They used all their prior knowledge and discover new things in order to solve the
2.1. Internet connection has widely used nowadays. It became a daily aid for
everyday living. Connecting to anyone and everyone, searching for various informations
and to earn some money for the family was the main function of internet. After
pandemic, internet connection was the best way to learn, most of the school conducted
an online class in order to teach the student in their respective homes. But not all the
student had the access on the internet, in some remote areas, connection is not stable
like the ones who are living in urban areas, and thats the problem that needs to be
Barangay Mabini in Municipality of Naujan is one of the places that are suffering in
this problem. Mobile data connection there is not suitable for attending online classes.
There are many students are only relying in some vending internet machine in order to
attend classes. Some of the students who cannot afford to buy some vouchers for
internet were forcibly work to earn some money in order to attend classes. By working
at day, they only spend the night by making the activities or paper works sent by their
professor at daytime, but they did not make it to attend in discussion time. For me as a
student, there will be a great help for the student in this kind of community to have a
free access to internet connection.
2.2. I, as a concerned student living in Barangay Mabini in Municipality of Naujan. I
want to propose a project, a Free WiFi area in our basketball court that will be suitable
for all the student needs to use the internet connection. This will help all the student who
works at day just to have a money to attend their classes.

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