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Pre-Intermediate Orange / Speaking Assessment 2

Customer: Hi, I have attended my classes and the classroom is hotter than usual, can we get
changed to another classroom?

CSA: Hi, thanks for contacting us. Yes, there is a problem with the AC of the teaching centre,
I’m afraid that every classroom is under the same situation.

Customer: I understand, when will this get fixed?

CSA: We don’t know yet.

Customer: The AC problem wasn’t mentioned at the moment of enrolment, and I paid for the
full course. It’s been weeks and the problem persists, my experience here hasn’t been the best
because of this.

CSA: We apologise for the inconveniences ma’am, but there’s nothing we can do at the
moment but just wait until the technicians finish fixing the problem. The problem affects the
whole tower, not only the British Council.

Customer: I can’t learn under this heat, I would like a refund as the bc is not complying with
what they offer. The learning environment isn’t the most appropriate for learning a new

CSA: we understand your concern ma’am but we can’t make a refund. It’s already mid-term
and our policies don’t allow us to refund our clients. What we can offer is a discount on the
next course you enrol in, for the inconveniences faced in this term.

Customer: I’m not accepting the discount, as I’m not planning on enrolling again in this centre.
I demand a refund.

CSA: I understand, unfortunately we can’t comply with your demand. We can only offer the
discount. Please take a moment to reconsider.

Customer: No, thank you. I would like to speak to a manager.

CSA: I’m afraid the manager is not on the premises.

Customer: I will come back later to speak to the manager, I want to solve this problem and get
my money back.

CSA: I understand, we will be happy to address your case and come to an agreement next
time. Until then.

Customer: Thanks, good bye.

Written by Yessica Huerta / Edited by Jorge Chacon

British Council 2023
Pre-Intermediate Orange / Speaking Assessment 2

CSA: Hello, welcome to the British Council. How can we help you?

Customer: I can’t take it anymore! It’s been 3 weeks and the AC is still not working! Every class
I’m sweating bullets, I haven’t learned a thing! When will the AC get fixed?!

CSA: So sorry, to hear you’re not enjoying your experience here. We deeply apologise for the
Aircon situation but they have been working all these weeks to fix it, as you may know it’s a
problem with the tower’s chiller system. We have placed fans all around the premises to ease
the heat and allow air circulation.

Customer: I don’t want to learn like this, I want a refund! I paid a lot of money for this course!

CSA: I’m afraid we can’t provide you with a refund, it is against our policies.

Customer: What policy?? I don’t care about that, I want my money back. This is ridiculous!

CSA: we understand you aren’t satisfied with our service, we can only offer a discount on the
next course you enrol in. Would that be of your interest?

Customer: No! I don’t want to come back to learn in a sauna!

CSA: Sorry sir, there are other classes going on can you please lower your voice level? I
understand you aren’t happy but you are disrupting other classes.

Customer: I’m not going to tone down my voice. I want an immediate solution or my money

CSA: Sir, if you continue screaming I’m going to have to call security.


CSA: Sir, calm down please, we don’t need a big scandal. We can offer you a double discount to
compensate for all the inconveniences. That’s all we can do for you at this time.


CSA: Sir, we can’t dialogue like this, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the premises and
return once you’re calm.


Written by Yessica Huerta / Edited by Jorge Chacon

British Council 2023
Pre-Intermediate Orange / Speaking Assessment 2

CSA: Hi, welcome to the British Council customer service. How can we help you?

Customer: Hi, I was wondering what’s going on with the AC in the classroom. It’s been very hot
during the classes and it’s hard for me to concentrate.

CSA: Sorry to hear that, Yes, there has been a problem with the Tower’s chiller system
therefore the AC system is not working in the premises. They are still working on it.

Customer: I understand, is there any way this can be solved sooner?

CSA:Wwe have provided fans and opened windows all around the premises to help the case
and so there is air circulation and the heat isn't as high.

Customer: Yes, I have noticed that, but it's not enough. The heat is still intense especially in a
classroom with 15 other students.

CSA: We understand, but those are the only solutions we can provide at the moment.

Customer: Do you know when the technicians will end the reparations? Maybe I could come
back once the AC is fixed.

CSA: We don’t have an exact date, but we can offer you some extra booster classes which you
can take for free and online from the comfort of your home.

Customer: Ohh, that sounds great, but I don’t want to miss my classes with Mr. Perez. Will the
booster classes have the same material that we have in class and in the magazine?

CSA: I’m afraid not, as the booster classes are not connected to the regular Face-to-Face
classes. Though you will be seeing content from the same level you see in class, just
different topics.

Customer: Ok, thank you for the information, I will think about it and let you know if I’ll take
any booster class.

CSA: very well, anything else we can help you with?

Customer: No, that’s it, thank you.

CSA: Have a nice day!

Written by Yessica Huerta / Edited by Jorge Chacon

British Council 2023

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