114 Letter To SLBC Convenor - COVID 19 - 22nd March 2020

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Letter No: AIBOC/KERALA/GS/114/2020 Date: 23.03.



Shri Ajith Krishnan

Convenor (SLBC Kerala)
General Manager
Canara Bank


Sub: Seeking your generous attention to the serious issues prevailing in the state & particularly among the
bankers – requesting urgent implementation of IBA guidelines


1. Our letter No 106 & 107 dated 17 th & 18th March 2020 addressing your honourable chair
2. Our letter No 111 to Principal Secretary, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority
3. F No 1101/9 dated 22-03-2020 Government of India
4. Letter No CorpComm/circular/2020 dated 22 nd March 2020 from Indian Banks Association
5. Letter No 101/SLBC/2944/SLBC/1 dated 23-03-2020 – SLBC Karnataka
6. Letter No SLBC/SB/Gen/2020 dated 23-03-2020 – SLBC West Bengal
7. Letter from SLBC Punjab (Punjab National Bank) dated 23-03-2020
8. Letter from SLBC Andhra Pradesh dated 23-03-2020
9. Letter No 46:SLBC:Corona:190 dated 23-03-2020 – SLBC Uttarpradesh

Heretofore your office would have accepted the serious concerns raised by the confederation through our
letters. COVID 19 pandemic has posed a grave threat to the life and health of bankers across Kerala.

Whereas, the Indian Banks Association, the association of Indian banks & Financial Institutions being the
representative body of management of banking in India, had come out with a letter to all banking institutions
to regulate the banking services of the state through respective State Level Bankers Committee.

Whereas, the concern on lock down and suspension of public transport services announced to curtail the
spread of COVID 19 is indorsed in the said letter which suggest selective opening of the bank branches across
the geographies where the COVID 19 spread is severe & apprehensive.

Whereas, the SLBC of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh & Punjab already decided on
the regulated working hours from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM till 31-03-2020. They had already regulated the
banking transactions and realised press statements to sensitise the public to avoid visiting the branches
frequently. (The copy of letters are enclosed herewith)

Since our banker’s fraternity along with their family are extremely anxious about the present situation, All
India Bank Officers Confederation (Kerala) would like to propound certain suggestions for managing the cash
flow & for extending the basic banking services to the public without exposing the lives of bankers to the
vulnerable pandemic spread.
1. The SLBC shall restrict the functioning of branches in Kerala from morning 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM
with immediate effect. The bank branches shall be extended an alternate holiday in the coming
weeks to ensure that the bank staffs are also adhering to the social distancing norms.

2. The necessary instructions shall be passed on to the banks to restrict the functioning to the
essential banking services like Cash Deposit, Withdrawal. Clearing of Cheque, Remittances &
Govt transactions.

3. A few banks like Central Bank has not adhered to the instruction of DFS & IBA to work on skeletal
staff. We seek an intervention of SLBC for ensuring the same since it’s a part of Disaster
Management action plan for ensuring the Business Continuity.

4. Kasaragod considering as a special case shall be considered for a week holiday for banks under
Negotiable Instruments Act. We shall emulate the example of Gujarat in extending the 3 days
bank holidays under NI Act.

5. The police officials may be sensitised to offer necessary protection to the banks in the light of
the COVID 19 pandemic to control the public. Many serious violations are brought to the notice
of the confederation where the support of police officials is bleak. For instance, in Kasaragod
an incident was reported where a lady bank officer was threatened & detained pretending to
be a social distancing action which is a mockery of instructions from the State Govt.

Sir, this letter is to communicate our serious anxiety & agony about the wellbeing of our fellow
bankers & their family. We strongly believe that as a representative of the banking community of
Kerala, your respected chair will definitely come up with some action plans to address the concerns
of bankers.

Anticipating a favourable response

With due respects & regards

Sreenath Induchoodan
State Secretary

Copy to

1. Principal Secretary, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority

2. Principal Secretary, Govt of Kerala

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